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tv   Witness Holding Up The Sky  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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and still natur release the trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. the carrier jobs, things that allow the top stories on alex's here not to states has veto the draft resolution of the un security council, which calls but palestine to become a full member states of united nations 12 countries voted in favor and to abstain, including the u. k, speaking off to using the veto, america's representative said, washington supports the 2 state solution, but claim that full of protestant and membership is not yet possible. since the attacks without tobar 7 present button has been clear that sustainable peace in the
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region can only be achieved through a 2 state solution. with israel security guarantee, there is no other path, the guarantees, israel security and future. as a democratic jewish state. there is no other path to guarantee its palestinians can live in peace and with dignity in a state of their own. and there is no other path that leads to regional integration between israel and all its our neighbors, including saudi arabia. we also have long been cleared the premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions. well not a chief state or for the palestinian people. and i was move by all of your statements, those who voted in favor and even those who voted differently over the passion that it contained in your commitment and of
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the understanding the pain. and the moment over the palace team people, i salute you and the name of the policy and people and saturday, the show us on israel have agreed on the shed objective to defeat him. us in rough up during virtual tools on the is rarely on these plans to launch a ground operation in the city. the pentagon says it is, israel can complete its offensive laws protecting civilian lives. thus, despite mounting pressure from write scripts warning, it would tend rough button to a graveyard. i think the discussions continue in terms of, again, enabling the united states to share with israel what our concerns are and to provide lessons learned that that we've uh, gleaned over the years and conducting these type of operations. and i think we'll have those conversations going forward. again,
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our position has been pretty clear we understand the need for israel to go after a moss and to eliminate or defeat him off as a threat. and so we believe there's a way to do that. well, also taking into account civilian safety and insuring humanitarian assistance. these ready ministry has told us it's a residential building in the shake road. one neighborhood in gauze has no rescue teams that have been working to save those trapped under the rubble around 12 palestinians. many of the women and children, i believe, to have been installed during the attack. the 12 chairs have not been selected, informing us present. donald trump's hush money trial. the final selections were made just hours after 2 years. we've been sworn in for the trial, excused from the case one of they dismissed. judas said she had experienced intimidation from faces charges standing from a alleged of the payments made to an adult film star. the german police have arrested 2 men suspects of spying for russia,
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fighting sabotage against military facilities and industrial sites. prosecutors accused the deal russian german nationals of attempting to undermine ministry support, few crate on behalf of russia's secret service. and then that you're heading cop to carrying can use defense chief has crushed, getting on board. general frances, on the, i'll go that was amongst the tenant, senior officials on how they come to part of the mission. with all the defense force troops in the region. united arab emirates has been taken with major disruption of the heaviest rains on record. on sales are seen using context to help people stranded is worth of rain found the single day and, and normally drawing to buy on tuesday, which left much of the city's infrastructure under water is all the headlines for new use continues here and l just a that's of to witness to stay with us the
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the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the . * you know, the amount in the got me on the spot,
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the 41 i can look at my dougherty going. good luck. i'm. i'm good. i yeah, but the more here that you were to him or the or the set it up with the me especially of who, who made the payment? well, i'm going to to the minus government and i'll be one more not, but you almost got my be here, but that believe me, formerly believe. well, i'm a re i mean i'm looking does 0. he made the meal monkey. yeah. yeah. more hooper. i mean, almost yeah, you know, some yamaha, ya know mama does he feel he meant to you almost the re, is it the audi q? does he? well,
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he meant to source the of the ways the i know who doing the i'll be good. the yahoo. oh good. well no, but the book i don't know to buy the book i do from the book. yeah, no, i heard the yahoo were you me the one with the money. well more to money. die we all who don one yeah, me are. why you why the priority boy,
4:09 am
he the cool you almost normal the order of store. yeah. now bud moody. wow. how long is the
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uh b as each methics shipping, usually toners who wrote a book the following sky. what is this matter? far?
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when does the sky would fall on earth? send me a message, scale, set it up for the boat as it does kill most of the ticket sales people so that a pity gorski colors to manipulate the we've done the gate good. the so much noise jose with the source of that, we just didn't want to include the sale of the my nice little most of it you did by here. if it is by just point the ticket to be the same of the change. and the,
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the the the the the model is the model. the model is sort of the associate of fraud is a m s. i've got a ser. i know so so the for the
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a good email . no. no no no. yeah. yeah. you know,
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sort of like somebody got the proof of but also not getting paid. he paid got it. and so if you can, what is it that you can get it to me? not as an employee, but i believe you got a bunch of key motors to keep my just going to boost on all she is talking to my me is the cheapest. you must video for all this a thought o l e e r a. okay, give us this is doug lashondra, these are, these are the most deals and with the looping mice, not throughout the day are sticky and but i'll say own big
4:15 am
brown with bales will see over the course. it will start on this phone. you please . okay, sounds good. all right, i'm looking here. so 2 days to, to be back in as a company a key and want to have somebody go in green. ready vc, los angeles, are they something to say, is this stone fence to bend to face to, to do you make audio job? somebody will skate. i'm young to mommy. case on which confirming those who he shook his phone screen to canals was murdered in numerous long or should be taught to canal. so simple these yours yes. could ask janasia dental guide him. yeah. measure it and don't sides. you couldn't else and lucky which
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is like, uh, i see measure always measured is up. uh, that's how partisan otherwise it's guess a my by is thoughtful by end of feed level, the spit though it all the because i because i the shape. i lee a one for for douglas. this up from the fittest is, are willing to produce david. give me juggle ban monday way at a mazda manual for a squad run shebedey the order in a month i was telling you,
4:17 am
but i mean they were selling the gas, shut it. uh okay. do you mean you tell me it will give you uh, a sonya aol. sonya blade, my sister glen glen jeep, but i need to go by here. sonya will need oh yeah. some available need to always get his motor shop beauty. it will show you on with the see who and one more pass. so were out to the boys. well, i wanna see uh who ended up as a bus, but were like up there with the phone. they will ask you so you sonya and you know scales your sonya co skaters. but uh, if you got to meet you guys want to come in,
4:18 am
but uh uh, but this one it, uh, only does the dodge the wrong to the wrong would see if you guys, if you guys are coming to some the was the cost center and the cost itself to the or the hop on you to home mama, your will associates the pop up but below audio plate already. how about the i a good enough to do on him. he a suit that in my, on my bu d, but y'all open the ya know, my,
4:19 am
y'all mccloud, we almost boot him up. not all mom, you'll see it will be a drop box loaded. oh, would it be a trouble price? but the almost the tablet get momma keep the he'll need to hear the most. most of the most comfortable call you can enter the most go. but audio tell you the most of the good of the shop, but it's not done with the helium or what's the commodity deal with somebody about doing agents um, but i can see
4:20 am
oh the the uh the uh oh no no go. that's the most the, his pizza provision for the move was the most of the, the p t i most of the most a mobile no tv but uh the . busy to know the price for the veterans
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office. okay. and who's the one specific trustworthiness the the and the next. right to live. but also
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the of the size of the the hope in the community looking at a the
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move to start getting month to go on my stuff while i'm working on my desktop pretty much. got a complete full name is the $8.00, not a one. yeah. him his gun, me almost him on the i mean he 30 almost what do you have to play
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the the the . ringback
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the gentleman was the last
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part of the business, but okay, kind of it. and on the mazda mazda with gray. i'm on my listing as well. yeah. got him home, but i wonder how you can help get it looked at today would be more, but it will not let me put you on hold for audit louder. hit me. yeah. let me
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go to i'm going to be on the wow. my book about the heating the flooded show all about are you re gummy on mcmurry show? are you on a or she didn't? because the demo we show our but i, youngstown, i to go. he brush or a i'm a my buddy. when young penny, a girl who not boom boom. he bought a new one or might not be the home video. we not bring them up. we are the holly enough with him. mama. sure. do you have a great day money now? okay. money. good. good. the
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the the the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause that people come out. but the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the relative things are likely to get
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much worse before they get better. it's driving some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have in the vietnam war. the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare a decade later. the same happened in the us state of oregon. these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the case for 2 women fought for just to get some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people versus agents orange analogies. 0300 years ago, they found these the full seasons and celebrated the natural world and stages of the. now his music has been recompose by alteration intelligence using projected
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2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing, like the full months in south korea, this nokia or of so on al jazeera news . kerry johnston, the tech stories now and i just here united states has vetoed the draft resolution of the un security council, which caused a protestant to become a full member state. all the united nations 12 countries voted in favor and to abstain, including the u. k. speaking off to using the veto, america's representative said, washington supports the 2 state solution. but the claim that for the posting and membership is not yet possible. since the attacks, october 7,
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present button has been clear that sustainable peace in the region can only be achieved through a 2 state solution. with israel security guarantee, there is no other path that guarantees israel security and future. as a democratic jewish state. there is no other path. the guarantee is palestinians can live in peace and with dignity in a state of their own. and there is no other path that leads to regional integration between israel and all its our neighbors, including satellite radio. we also have long been clear, the premature actions here in new york, even with the best intentions, will not actually state her for the past and people. this is where the minute treat has targeted the residential building in the shape by the one neighborhood in gauze . as north rescue teams have been working to save those trump under the rubble around 12 palestinians. many of the women and children of these 2 have been inside
4:32 am
to in the attack. 12 jurors have now been selected in full. let us present donald trump to hush money trial. the final selections were made just hours of to, to just been sworn in for the trial were excused from the case. one of the dismissed davis said she had experienced intimidation from faces. criminal charges standing from an alleged of the payments made an adult film star ministry helicopter carrying a can you as defense chief is crushed. kidding. old on board. total francis, i'm on the go. that was amongst tenant senior officials on the head. it caught the part of a mission with all the defense force troops in the region. the remains have arrived in the capital and i wrote the full burial. there's all the headlines. nice continues here in the oldest air, off the witness. and you can keep up to date with all the news on our website. i'll just 0. don't com.
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us of the the, the key. not the way. here we are. why do you the money? bullshit to book my buddy, you young? oh my, my buddy, you hope you have
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a jolly young lady, the white who was want to move the why, who, why we she uh why the why who, why me, shawn me i what, who by the walmart or a yeah, we wanted to see what we should know a lot. we hold on r r y y b e r y yeah.
4:36 am
okay . the the so feel of, i think the big the, the easiest. jean one key see would use the, the one that daughter the parcel for the one other virus. the displayed key want to move things, but it isn't. how may i ask, what may i ask,
4:37 am
who i'm sure all the way to the bottom. well yeah. oh yeah. so he's got a book a novel but a but i'm lucky. i got my by the play wait, the novelty when you have good to tell you all kind of good. the yellow. i mean. yeah. yeah, sure. yeah, sure. who to put up a lot of
4:38 am
the yeah, yeah. i do. i mean it but yeah, a yeah. you hear
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a lot play in the bus stop. this was a lot of fucking show. no history for my son. he was most of the houses in one. it was a veto, his comment body. you i got into the go. the who don't don't use 5 each mode on you to v file out on the on you must have more homes. that'd be mod. owens died or more. you just keep you on come back on the city out.
4:40 am
my found noise. yeah. who am i able to come? yeah. well, we should. who do you washes, got the who am i you? me? no, no. on the button. yeah. from the laptop due to the auto dot the that the hosting, the bloody of the the me, i hope it will be here. you mean that go ahead. good. then then me put in my just type. uh, i hate tv. yeah. tell me basically why am you able to be uh, i'm a good girl who i put the blame
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the they go look at the property and get them the money that's covered at his desk. liam, okay, would you happen to have any deal? i would think that tom had nickel, but i didn't know one of the deals and the comedy on the mama. yeah. must we keep that a little by your what? honestly my income granted me coming back. yeah. yeah. but the that there was a vehicle like the movie, not going to keep the key i you know, he will, he got to go home. i will be hate to put in. i have to go, i got i have somebody that building me this a st. them it decides, let them know who do i do my community very well. let me see. i'm
4:42 am
a buddy guy. how long can i go to these the my credit in the cans quantico ready? what kind of almost some of the novel, not the vehicle to not, not will be shot deal we do you have to be shipped, you know, my be shot to get a bunch of you. we mock deep williams will be just the so he's one of the few more mom. i'm with them in blue, a waiting to be shipped to the boy you will,
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you will be your be sure cool. all . ready the boys so best watch coaster, i'll just get a hold of you share your thoughts on the port on it because it's
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just the more simple put and i just saw which is to conclude you. so that's the morning my talk soon. you just fill out the quote you the listing was made to the general my
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no got all the fuck. fuck the the the the the good. the the
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the the the, the, the more hear you loud and clear on the only the bad you get it get for the the upload the nice for the month i meant that if they go to look to put on the field on around to remove all the plans, i think the 33rd a few of the people know it will get there, but i don't please. my thought of mine 5 people are going to feel
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a coupon out of it with you is that will affect the she came all the bang value of the cd, but the fema, so look at a 100 with a loan with him as a city, a come on i am by shaw the palm beach gmc and that's on the boss techie. so it's just the problem you have up front and then you have the you the, the, the, you don't want to go that way of saying he was face obviously. thank you. thank you, roy,
4:49 am
what did you say got the key to see that the keys saw you, but as you know, both to go, this is part of the site. you should love the e. s a good but in the color or you can also get a big a document is going to be on to commit to a lot less. it is, you can miss a one but not the commit to on the phone, but this is a to not to commit. see that that's indeed please me. a little since september. you seem to see that. i don't know me if he if the shadow here that document but we got to, you know, they're still coaching on it. i miss memphis getting upset about the company that
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don't this bought it to, to hear what he but what mean neither the other one so, but i always go to a go to a local shona lee. ok. the scene from the g. i'm also on the on your model number the tablet there's, you know that this is for daisy this. this is my from me it's about miles one year of the assemblies. don't use was space that key, decide kava think key or re was folder for after i can solve this to happen. is it going to, when you know it'll be here, for example, you brad z, and they've got a q was the single court and i'll send, i'll go fast. i can make a song be far t equal brown, as the dodge,
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but as need is all good and bad enough. so nice. are judging of up the do not believe. most of you cobra. a sales deal, so they've v. okay . now on your cell phone. so let's try even
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decide it's real quick. so when i send you this,
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most of the, the price will stay as follows. nice somewhat yadi or somebody yadi bought up to the re plugged in. cuz i know how those live had been . we see them via, via so be the bundle. uh uh they will bundle the loan. go up there by the b fox. considered a side by side with the default to the email, but to discuss us, go ahead and right the
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way am i a say why this in the e my son was supposed to think and most of them are sick. get a by that james, you're under get us and also the issue and the 2nd one, the more yes, i'd be thrilled by them. we cannot somebody in which we cannot wait, then they're sick and grab the chevy, documented the estimate is single single from me. even if i can find somebody because somehow the show must go. they go, i go like move somebody, it was ok. i'm one of the of the see the uh
4:55 am
like the mind. yeah. i photo stuff but it's essentially nice to buy a put 80. i think somebody a lot of the or the if you stop day the hey monassa the lowest, the, the, the to event to go eat the noise list. i'm for the see to get them here speak done. 2 nice good. yep. it was. oh no hesitate. everybody, the bottom of the mentor, bothered to throw the ball at love, but event to us to get it. uh, uh, moved back to high to echo hybrid l
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i c. and then the, you all know my i want to buy handy on my new to go. what do you guys time go much show to them. so i'm looking to buy them. i bought a late deal. i'm looking on my on my to slow oh my minus any yeah. you almost is. and he yeah, you will my, he was going to he,
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the here's are whether story for the america is glad to have your long so much pressure feel from the argentine pompous, straight down to patagonia, plenty of sun in the mix for you on friday. but if we lift north, we've still got this intense range raped over northern brazil, pushing into that western side of the amazon jungle and for ecuador, highest level alerts issued for northern and eastern portions of the country. for an intense rain on the way for friday, we do have some showers, some storms across central america through the caribbean as well. i think best bet will be jamaica his spaniel and to puerto rico on friday. quite intense weather's for ohio state, this now shifting sort through the great lakes, pushing into the music by and take showers and storms in the mix here on friday. and it is cold enough to see snow for a time across the sky joined in manitoba light dusting. here those winds will be with an up to about 40 to 50 kilometers per hour. but to the west. it's looking
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quite nice that pacific northwest seattle 20 let's go 22 in portland. bit more in the way of cloud cover though for california, both for s f in l. a. and we do have some storms for the southern states, but check out what happens on saturday. these really get going, especially for northern texas, some of which could be city i go to goes to the polls on april, the 21st to move to new plans to come back. criminal gang, and find toby. nice crime. can president daniel bow a convinced ecuadorian to approve the constitutional performance to expand police and military power? follow the story on, on tuesday, around the killing of i'll just return it is shooting a book that was not an isolated event. it highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in
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a skilled one doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction that the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalists killed into occupied palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the problems of holding any one accountable for 3rd task. shooting the messenger $10.00 to 0. the, the us veto is the draft resolution united nations. the coal sentato started to be admitted to the u. n. as a full member state premature actions here in new york. even with the best intentions. i'm not a chief state for of the flow and carry jones, so this is all just here a lot from data also coming out american on these very officials discuss the ground


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