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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Roberto Alvarez Gil  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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just a much representative of the palestinian people, the foulest in your leadership has showed you know, far with a preparedness to close the chapter of conflict and sit at the negotiations table to find a just comprehensive improvement and solution for the palestinian question. in disregard before we have made every possible genuine effort to them as we have made unimaginable historic concession events in order to achieve a piece that is based on the 2 state solution. to get into the establishment of an independent palestinian state that is suffering along the lines of june for 9067 with east jerusalem as its capital. in addition to resolving the issue of understanding and refugee is about based on resolution 194 and the palestinian state that lives with its neighbors and security and peace since 1993 for the city
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of the palestinian leadership. all about chose the path of negotiations had become hoping that these legal, she ations will result in the desired solution. the international community support the principal of the 2 states, solutions and disposition culminated and accepting the say, the palestine as an observer member and the general assembly of the united nations in 2016. and since then, see the state of palestine has all of them and has called on the world to accept them as a full member of the united nations. no rush because we believe that on an international resolution will of this regard, will protect the 2 state solution and will reflect the policy and peoples legitimate tries to an independent states. however, unfortunately, some tried to hinder the adoption of this resolution on the week
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pretences, the men happy to see the grand things all this fine full membership id united nations by just the list. some of the start and just the idea that the succeeding palestinian generations have been subjected to its will open wide prospect before a true peace based on justice and peace with the countries and the peoples of the region well enjoy and disregard. and it is our right to wonder, so you will did room and how could grand directed and recognize palestine. the state of palestine can be left at home. i mean, how could granting the state of palestine full membership? i do not have nation similar to other countries around the world. how could this damage the prospects of peace between palestinians and his res? i got cut off. how could this recognition and this membership, what's the harm? international peace and security?
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you want to say that to us this question, ladies and gentlemen. then when we ask kids specifically to the united states and other countries that oppose granting the state of palestine before membership. so that out of time when they recognize israel, which is the other party in the middle, is ready to palestinian conflict and has client that israel full membership, had the united nations. and so those who say that's recognizing the amount of sending stage must have happened through negotiations and not through a un resolution or you, but we wonder once again, how was the state of israel established? how was it to recognize that wasn't that through a you and resolution, which is the resolution 181. although israel did not honor the conditions to accept its membership. i do united nations and that is implementing resolutions 181 and 194 on dimensions. so to see
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a little decisive decision to grant you sort of state of palestine full membership . it will be an important color to achieve peace in our region. because the palestinian is ready to conflict visa and it's different dimensions to do that for the scene was now goes beyond the borders of palestine and israel and passed other regions in the middle east and around the world. therefore, we believe that it is high time for the security council to shoulder its historic responsibility to give justice to the palestinian people by adopting a resolution to accept palestine as a full member of the united nations. and those who are trying to disrupt and hinder the adoption of such a resolution. they are not the head of the thing, the prospect of peace between palestinians and is ready. it is the prospects for
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peace and the middle east and janet on the road. then you will never be left. this resolution naturally will not be the alternative for serious political negotiations that are time bound to implement the 2 state solution or relevant security, a highly security council and g 8 as solutions and to dissolve what is spending, depending issues between palestinians and israelis. however, this resolution were drown, you know, how to the palestinian people, hold for a decent price within an independent states who to so know after this. i hope you said it'd be has dissipated over the past years. because of the in time such as of the israeli government that has rejected this solution publicly and blatantly and especially following the destructive war against the gaza strip. and after the occupation of the guys a strip by israel and disregard the state of palestine. i would like to express
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it's thanks to all the countries that recognize the state of palestine and just says c d m seriously supported granting the state of palestine and the full membership in this international organization. ladies and gentlemen. and then maybe i sort of the over the past 12 years old when we look after palestine was granted that the, the for this, the observer status of the general assembly, the state of palestine plays a positive and constructive role in your augusta organization. so we do how, if you will give us the opportunity to become an integral part of the international community that is working to achieve international peace and security. say that i used was the president driving and i know the thing today. we are asking for full membership for the state of palestine at the united nations. and we will see you.
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however, this does not mean that we forgot what is happening in the gaza strip. you know, is this comprehensive, destructive war waged by israel against our people over the past 6 months. and it has claimed the lives of over 35000 palestinians. i'm 80000 dom, we're wounded, mostly women, children and the elderly. the needle. they have destroyed most vital facilities in the gaza strip. well, they've destroyed homes, routes and hospitals, schools and universities, mosque school, my church's, what definitely at the media, walter and energy supplies. they have displaced the majority of the residents of this chest for the majority of the strip is now with that the cannot with they cannot live there anymore because it was destroyed and say god,
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so we'll come back. what will be destroyed? is the occupation for j. c. the attacks of the is ready, the army spoke to the continues. they continued to terrorize our people. oh, i'm for you. and this friend for your to will cities, villages and council on the west bank and introducing them to that it is high time for this war and for these attacks to stop. it is high time for this occupation to at and mrs. new supplement and what bus your oh gosh because so that's what we call on you know, today the more than ever with this, with the interviews you by and take the necessary measures to compel israel to put an end to its aggression, to allow the delivery of humanitarian assistance to a starving people to immediately withdraw from the gaza strip to comply with international law and the resolutions of international legitimacy. the international community cannot stand idly by while
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a country is above international law and enjoys impunity. israel shoulders, the full responsibility for the great destruction of that the gaza strip has suffered from because of its continued aggression. oh, i know how to think of doing. it is also the responsibility of countries that has supported israel with weapons and funds that has provided as well with political protection. we rely on how to be one, peace loving nations, to end this for, to end this aggression and to provide support and relief to the residents of the gaza strip. because everyone must see the recognizes this rail particularly that the security cannot be achieved with endless wars. as long as occupation stands at peace. that is based on justice. this will achieve the security and stability for all people come to look on. the 30 history has thought us
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back to our region will not enjoy the ability to see without this establishment of an independent palestinian state along the lines of june. 4th, 9 to 67 with east jerusalem as his capital to live in security and peace with its neighbors with god the ladies and gentlemen w. e, and sensitive and international resolution to grant palestine full membership. i do not good nations under these dark circumstances involved the out of the end. i mean, as may be of the more, a full destruction continues against the gaza strip. and as presidents and all the knowledge, this international resolution would be at a junction to aggression. it would insist on respecting international law human rights and provide all the palestinian people to live and freedom and dignity for you that too. i said, i've been having a law because this is the perfect time,
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ladies and gentlemen, for the international community and your council to shoulder their political, legal and moral responsibilities towards the adjusting the balance to me and cause us and the right of the palestinian people to freedom and independence for the lease so that the principles of justice and peace can prevail. i trust that you will stand too when the palest in palestinian justice. i thank you. i think his excellent theme is to one letter for his statements. and then i'll give the floor to the representative of his right. thank you mister president. distinguished ministers, colleagues, secretary general. how many times has this council met to discuss ways to advance the release of our hostages held in
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gaza? how many times? not even once. how many condemnations has this council issued against from us or for their heinous october 7th messic or 00 or? yeah, it's rather than condemning how much is atrocities or taking action reaction to bring our hostages home. this council would be voting upon the resolution to recommend granting that, but a senior and authority full membership status, a policy in the and state. how detached from reality can discounts that would be to dedicate its time and resources to support a resolution. so this connected to the reality on the ground. so resolution that we have 00 positive impact for any party that we have cause
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only destruction for years to come and harm any chance for future dialogue. colleagues, 6 months after october, 7th, the most brutal domestic of jews since the holocaust. this council seeks to reward the supporters and perpetrators of these atrocities will stay towards the chug murdering how much rapists are watching this meeting and they are smiling. there is no big surprise for tear then then 2 days meetings. let me remind everyone, the basic requirement for admission to the u. n. r. a permanent population be defined, territory, see government and the capacity to enter relations with other states. but above anything else, a very important principle states that the an article for of the un charter is and
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i quote, membership in the united nations is open to own peace loving states. peace loving. what a joke. does anyone doubt the police see me and fail to meet these criteria? did anyone hear any bullet stimulating liter to even condemn, domestic or of our children? the policy now in the store? it is absolutely no control over guys. you'll know it. everyone knows it, but they've been named you dance. ameria and tyra neighborhoods in the cities are ruled by other terrorist gangs lie on then. there is and the policy now, i'm sorry, the ironically has no authority. so who is the council voting to recognize today and do for membership status to come us and guys, but
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a senior and his stomach? do you have the not blues? who, who is going to be in charge? while this is this thing itself is grounds enough to reject the seek reward for palestinian terror? the policy now sort of the is the opposite. the opposite of a peace loving entity. the policy now, sorry, the not only have not condemned your tobar 7th massacre. they are also paying months, monthly salaries to all the terrorist the took part in a rewarding the rapists. this is a general side loving entity that doesn't deserve any status here. but sadly, to some of the members here, some the palestinians in the ability to meet the criteria simply doesn't matter. it doesn't matter because to some of you put a student in state. so there's nothing to do with the un charter or legal criteria or it has to do with is politics and interests. video and charter is important to
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them. only when it can be used against is read. the report from the causes commission on the admission of new members even states it black or black on white. let me quote from claus 3 of the reports. your reports and i called several members, expressed the view dimension of the state of palestine to membership in the united nations was a political matter rather than a technical or legal requirements. in other words, you on charter, be damned international law, be damned. i reiterate international law into you on chart. there are only important when they can be weaponized against is red. but if breaking the law means advancing, do you need electro establishment of a palestinian terrace state, a police the nazi states? then by all means, they're just empty words on paper, right?
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well, this counselor decided to focus on the expense of all other calamities around the globe is to grant a prize to terrorists granting the perpetrators and supporters of october 7th full membership status in the u. n. is the violets reward for the virus crimes? if this resolution passes, god forbid this council should no longer be known as the security council. but the terror cons. so the only thing that the forrest forrest unilaterally recognition of a palestinian state will do is to make any future negotiations almost impossible. as long as the police stimulates, feel that they can exploit this politicized body to their benefits. why would they bother the negotiating table or support the any, any compromise? do you honestly think that this resolution will make
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a solution more likely or change anything on the ground of the policy knows, have rejected every piece plan ever made ever made. and they continue to support their and boy cuts negotiations. and now they know that their rejection is, pays off. they can say no, no, no, to any american president, but still get to hear what they demand because the one is guided by politics, not to morality or truth. all this counsel is accomplishing. so this destructive approach is making the solution unattainable. the union is no longer a both multilateralism. sadly, it is now committed to multi terrorism and the security council. terror pays off its shameful. i have always called out the political rocks within that un, that sadly nothing here is based on truth and justice,
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but toxic politicized station. and today the mass cuz finally folding the council has exposed to expose itself. please do not give into politics, do not support this dangerous resolution. how can you support a resolution that is so destructive and even more of the worst possible moment? colleagues, the counselor was not the only entity to expose its true face this week on saturday night with the launch of over 300, you avi's ballistic me sizes in cruise. me saw that is read. the dollar resumes mask also fell. you run exposed itself at the terrace states 30 days, but to day marks, another milestone in the solar regions, blood soaked history. when they per 18 of 1983, a chevrolet pickup truck, packed with 2000 pounds of explosives,
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sped through the gates of the us embassy in bay route, crashed into the building and, and detonated. that donated. this blast, killed 63 people. you're talking a lot about the embassies, the importance of embassies and keys, but a claimed responsibility. and to day, a prelate, team 2024. exactly 41 years later discounts. so the security council would be addressed by an arch terrorist who was the regime funds, arms trains, and direct feasible. yeah, you don't always use for administer who's saying, i mean, although leon is a member of the wrong young revolutionary guard court this stair organization, the i r g c is responsible for carnage, bloodshed and destruction worldwide from terre, texting south america and assistant nation plots of on european and american sword
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to arms trafficking africa and tara sponsorship across the media, at least the i r g c is in the business of murder. the i r d. c is a designate the terrorist organization. not only, and these are not only in the united states in bahrain and saudi arabia, both i and my era and american colleagues agree, the man who will address this council later today is the terrorist us. and he's president's here on today of all days is further proof of how do you on has become a haven for dictatorships and terry james to white to watch the crimes callings easy run iran, that the insured from us was able to orchestrate the october 7th messic or it is the total resuming to run that has provided weapon every 2 pieces by law to rein down missiles on these rarely towns and cities. it is the total resuming to air on
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that is equipped the who is. we've cruise me so as to fire at the merchant vessels . i need to say, i thought i resumed the launch to an unprecedented attack. israel, a fellow un member states less than a week ago. yeah. instead of designating the i r g c, as a tear organization and sanctioning, it runs evil regime. the security council opens its doors for a runs for administer for a terrorists. can you not see what is going on here? tara minister of duty on is not here to express sorrow for his regimes. brazen attack and tell this call. so the do stomach republic has changed its ways. he is here to make a mockery of you. he is here to show you all in your thoughts, and we've, your diplomatic niceties that this country can launch an attack on another member
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state on saturday. and then you can come here on thursday to lecture you own, on human rights and into any of the national to minister young's presence here today is making this institution a joke. sadly, it is clear to every dictator, ontario, state the u. r, and has lost every owns of justice, and it is now a blob of politicized plus the scene that can be molded. however, the tyrants choose. and the concept plays along with this destructive charades. calling it colleagues, if you say to believe that this body holds any relevance, then i ask you even back you what the action is being taken by the council against iran for its attack against is read this week. the foreign minister of genocide, the regime will speak here today as these country hurdles towards nuclear weapons. and this call. so taking any action to prevent this, nope,
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nothing. instead we have gathered today to discuss the situation in gaza. is it occurred to any of you that the terror minister of de leon is here to make sure that you focus on gaza as opposed to his own resumes? crimes. sadly, i your being spoon fed the script. it was written by coming to a, an edited by seen war. a script crafted by terrorists are due to coming a and soon wide script, terrorist commit acts of she or even against israel. they explode civilians as human shields. and when these are a defend itself, the u. n. will pressure, israel is read to cease fires, and ensure their survival the terry snow, the nothing captivates the one's attention more than is read, as long as it's rarely defending itself. all other human rights violate violators can continue committing crimes. your eyes will remain on guys the rest of the
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world burns. and this is precisely what has happened happening today. you see, tear focused again on these are and focused on gaza. we will hear talk of international law, human rights, and many other terms. viscouso loves to toss around, but the reality discounts. so as a counsel care is nothing about human rights or international. you're going to refuse to visit our communities in southern is read and i invite the view that we're devastated. by some us. everything is political and distorted. you know much better than most then the, the i a total res, jimmy's mere weeks away from nuclear capabilities. these global supp sponsor has prophecies across the region, sewing death and destruction. but the run has immunity here because this rogue regimes regime has allies here on this call so that protect the dates and it's
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derrick prophecies. this is the reason why you will never designate, come us and seize butler is terror organizations despite the whole world, knowing that they are a worse still rages in ukraine as the country that start to do suits here on this council, preaching about peace and the defense of civilians. this is a backwards world. this week we march the 1 year anniversary of the warning, sudan millions, millions of fled their homes, millions more starved. countless civilians have been murdered. since the start of the war in sudan has this council had the single minister level meetings on the atrocities? no, not one, but 2 day march, the 4th, meaning stereo security council. the bait on guys are the 4th for on guys though,
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and not the one on sudan in the past year. the double standards here. no, no, bounce. the amount of time effort the resources poured into guys makes it seem as if the rest of the world is a few in is, is a pure utopia that outside of guys that we live in a care free world. according to my doctor, the only people this meeting serves and i read the rates, are i a total of some you know, you and if guessing why? some of you may think that you are serving that part of seniors, but you're not. by holding this meeting, you are a didn't coming night and seeing who are they control the agenda here, and hardly any of you seem to notice us calling 6. do you want to not present wars or defend human rights? because last, any reason to continue operating the day will come. when this organization will be shuttered, the u. n. as we know it will cease to exist any, any needs place,
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will stand the body, the truly cares about human rights. the true only fights to promote peace that is capable of putting politics aside for the sake of justice, morality and humanity. and when that day comes, comes any twill, this meeting and the vote to force the establishment of a palace. the nazi state will be remembered as capitalist of the wise collapse, a meeting where the world burns. but all the that concerned the security council was helping terrorist and gaza survive a meeting where a terrible entity could be given full membership status. this is how far the u. n is folding, and this is why the un, it needs current formats as no future. i truly pray, pray for brighter days for a time where the un can successfully come back to the forces of darkness, not welcome them, and be influenced by them. thank you mister president. i think the representative
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of israel for the statement. i shall now make a statement in my financial capacity. i think the secretary general for his presence here today, unfortunately starts, and sobering re the least is experiencing one of the blue custom most vaulted periods and weather in history. as underlined by the secretary general last sunday, them with the least is the brink of a full scale conflict. one which we needs to collectively avoid, or by calling or fired these to show restraint. these latest events continued the downward spiral, witnessed in the 6 months since hen use their effects of homos. on the 7th of october and the beginning of military action by israel in garza. it
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provides further proof of the importance of an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza and the need to rebuild a political court rising in the middle east. it is deeply worrying and completely unacceptable. the discounts whose demand for a cease fire in accordance with the ocean 2728, has been disregarded by the parties. we wish to read that on the article 25 of the truck there, the members of the united nations agreed to accept and to cut out the decisions of disagree with the council. yes, security the council decisions are binding. we have consistently con them from us for it. so the principal there is the tax on the 7th of october, including the murder of over $1200.00 is reilly's, the taking of hostages, and any acts of sexual violence committed the trauma from the guard. the day
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would forever haunt these right of the people, the parts of.


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