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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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that are right, never seen before, and that's all been assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting at the widespread destruction and gaza at least 20 people are killed as really strikes destroy palestinian homes in the north of district. the other ones are in jordan, this is on 0, 9th, and so coming up another strike, it's an unrest school building and they all shot to the refugee camp, getting full of people, including children. they had to be humans agency for palestinian refugees appeals
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to the security council for protection warning against israel to efforts to dismantle the u. s. re imposes sanctions on venezuelans. land off of the main opposition candidate was banned from dfcs electric. the, these really ministry, it has been accounting up more strikes across gaza, 56 people have been killed in the past 24 hours in the in the southern city of rough, at least 7 other sims, including 3 children, were to hold on 1500000 people that force me to displace a living in the city, enjoying conditions described by 8 agencies as catastrophic. meanwhile, in garza city, 13 palestinians were killed when his randy, s. bracket or residential building. 7 others were killed in shape, rubbed one neighborhood on the wednesday of to on his ready, we'll plan attacked
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a group of palestinians gathering at one of the few locations where they can connect to the internet as well. also targeted an unrest school located in the l. shante camp in northern garza, at least 4 palestinians were killed there. among them children as well. honeymoon has more now from russell. the 2 major explosions took place one day or the rough idea of him, the order that was merely in an empty land, very near the border. no casual reported. but the other attacks the further the eastern part of robust city where an empty land also was targeted, administered reports confirmed that there were no casualties, but within half an hour people reach out to arrive to the area and they found out, in fact, there were displaced families inside that land, when it was targeted, 7 people were removed from the targeted sites that were transferred and the judge hospital additional numbers was a 3 and then at a later and later our 4 more people were found at the side of the,
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of the targeted place 7 people are right now and the jar hospital and dozen others of critical injuries arriving to the hospital and with a hospital like a new job that has insufficient medical stuff and very difficult times it intervene by providing an offering and proper medical intervention. it becomes very difficult . what are these people the injuries are going to make it or not, but that's the latest where we're getting the from the city as of this hour, it just happened to be a tragedy because people did not know until half an hour later there, there were people show drink, and this place there was inside the land that was targeted. meanwhile, accusations of torture blind folding and strips, such as are coming out of northern goza displaced palestinian sheltering at a school in bay town. sage rainy troops besieged the building, counting off a campaign of mass arrests before they withdrew. entail quarterly reports from data
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by the in central garza, a lot of us and somebody else. a lot of men's and women's clothing, little above those drawers in between noon and nothing cause of the items left in the dirt after what policy news describe as a campaign of mass over s. but is there any forces anybody missed? yeah, and the thought and from all these really soldiers rounded up, all the men in the area somewhat ordered to run for their lives. others stripped hancock to the blind folded and brought to the spot for interrogation somewhere. interrogated myself, included, and were tortured and abused. before these riley's withdrew, they destroyed the school building, sheltering people before withdrawing from the area as well as military, both those roads and destroyed food or keats and olive trees. as one journalist in the area uncovered to them token to from the tenuous exactly from the
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show us cause the there's why the forces see this is quote for more than 24 hours and this is cool. there's way the forces conducted a detailed search and it can be 1st thing and they also investigated with own people. and also for this wash, i'm throwing in the school where holmes ones did. all that remains is rebel displaced, policy means returning to the area, find few reminders of the lives they once knew. the other, the model of, of the destruction has affected us greatly. less the full story house and another area within the city. enough to that we were displaced to another full areas with their homes destroyed. many palestinians have been trying to find child to no clue . but renewed is where the bomb being in the past few days has created even more difficulties for those trying to burn their lives. hundreds of families have
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flooded beta genuine since the latest is reading creation in search of another place to find shelter. now the men were rounded up, taken in groups, while women and children were stripped off all their belongings. we were all civilians taking shelter in school building. where should we go? tell us, where should we go to? all of these palestinians are displeased. once again, many are wondering whether anything will be left is rose, military may have withdrawn, but for these pilots to use, the damage is already done. and of who did the odyssey to did it by the central cause of the head of the humans agency, for palestinian refugees has appealed to the security council for protection for the plaza. reading says there's been a concerted effort to dismantle under, at a time when it's work is more crucial than ever. earlier this year some countries withdrew funding off the is when a q, some of the agencies employees of an involvement in the october 7th. the tax
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government is under reports from human headquarters in new york. i ask you all to rise of diplomats and the un security council. pause for a moment of silence for aid workers killed in these reels war on. gotcha. over the past 6 months, after the reflection, the focus shifted to the work of unreal and israel's attempt to dismantle and discredited. the government, which is 162 and $1.00 was activities. agencies requests to deliver it to the noise repeatedly denied all stuff above from coordination meetings between east well and many tory and actors luxury. and he said is rio is also limiting. unrest staff movements in the west bank and it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep schools and how centers they're open. israel's ambassador to the un said unwrapped should be defended and shut down. honora is
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creating a sea of palestinian refugees, millions of them indoctrinated to believe that is rarely belongs to them. calls for on the west, closer and not about the difference to inventory principles. just called about ending the rest of the state use of median of palestinian acquisition. that's only what deliberate the pepper to it's risk. reduce state use a false dishonest. the agency exists because a political solution does not. this before the meeting, jordans foreign minister said israel's attempts to dismantle unrest. go back many years long before october 7 under what has been the target to the political assassination campaign by it is really government that wants to do so in order to
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kill the palestinian that teaches issue in january, israel accused 12 unreal staff members of taking part in the october 7th attack to this day is realized, provided no evidence to back up those claims to either the head of unrest or to the un secretary general. never the less the secretary general has ordered 2 investigations into the matter. one is concluded and the results are expected to be released publicly on monday. gabriel's under. how does it at the united nations in new york? european union leaders, 7 ounce new sanctions on iran office. drone on missile attack on israel taylor on says that attack was in response to these really bumming of its confidence in damascus. 2 weeks ago. we condemn this attacked load for by you one against east west. we have decided to put to essentially, to put in place the sentence against the new one. so if
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a clear signal that we want to to st. 8th, we also want to do everything to protect the savings interested in life. not us. we tool on release a we thought editor, this is a for hostages, which one of the ceasefire images a ceasefire as well as loans, drones, and missiles into northern israel, the lebanese groups as it targeted a miniature base in our around shape near the border. these really minutely says that these 14 soldiers were injured. as bloss, as the attack was in response to an his rainy, drawn strike that killed at least 3 of its fighters in southern lebanon. on tuesday, students at new york's columbia university have staged a pro. palestinian sits in the protest came, was the university's president appeared before congress to testify on allegations the campus has become rife with anti semitism. christian salumi has the details.
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students flooded the main lawn of the columbia university campus before dawn, setting up dozens of tents and what they've described as a cause of solidarity and cabinet. they're calling on the university to completely divest from israel. their active protests coinciding with university president mot. she'll fix testimony before a congressional subcommittee in washington d. c. today. house republicans, the university has faced accusations of anti semitism by some house republicans columbia, as leadership refuses to enforce their own policies and condemn jewish hatred on campus, creating a breeding ground for anti semitism. and a hot bed of support for terrorism from radicalized faculty and students. the university president said the vast majority of campus protests have been peaceful. anti semitism has no place on our campus, and i am personally committed to doing everything i can to confront it directly. i
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have the police presence here at columbia university barricades have been set up all around the campus and they won't let media or anyone without a school id beyond the gates. and you can see that some demonstrators now have actually set up outside of the gates as well as on campus, like other colleges in the united states. columbia has seen regular demonstrations, some in support of israel, but the loudest and most persistent had been protest calling for a ceasefire. some jewish students told us they feel threatened, recognizing, pulsating suffering, shouldn't mcgee, too, or something. but that's what we've seen. you've seen that the immunization on choosing as well as on campus, but those who kept on the lawn wednesday say they're the ones being harassed by the university. now because of the encampment leave, they will be suspended from school. this young woman said she was afraid to give
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her name or show her face. i'm afraid that the university will of tentatively attacked me for participating in the pro palestinian movements as they have indiscriminately attacked students of all estimates of these races and face who supports post ending with ration demonstrator say they won't stop protesting as long as civilians are dying and gaza and until the university ends with they describe as its complicity in genocide. kristin salumi al jazeera new york fresh. what break here? and i'll just say right, when we come back that will take you to make sure the kindergarten in gaza with children. i'm learning as is where the trends fly of a class coming down on the money center goals. the government seizes a wreck on hold of counts of, of the cache and cookies on the
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critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to experts all good because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for the addition to the highest level they've been using games for this policy. let me cut out of the student's name and date, and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera sears from. i'll just say around on the go and eat tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out is 0 new at using is it
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the challenge is the, or with the welcome back. you're watching it. i'll just keep in mind a bunch of stories here at this hour is really strikes. i'm going to have killed 56 people in the past 24 hours in the southern city of rough. uh the 7 understands, were killed. dozens more dining central and something i haven't had of the humans agency for palestinian refugees of appeal to the security council for protection.
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but he pronounced it really. it says that's been a concern for the effort to dispensable and the refugee status of millions of dollars to me. now that you and says roughly 80 percent of guns of schools have been destroyed since the war on guns that began putting pallets them in children's education in jeopardy. but one, kindergarten and southern gaza has kept the cost is going by pitching a tent up. there's really strikes destroyed. it's building for the car reports. and it makes you classrooms the tiny eunice, palestinian children, practice their reading. the home of is ready. drones overhead doesn't jump in there on tuesday. as those drones alongside the rest of israel's arsenal. have destroyed schools across, gather, forcing these children to learn and attend the i learn in this tent as an alternative to the ro, kindergarten. it was bombarded,
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i don't like learning and attend, i want to be in a proper kindergarten. the old one i used to go to is bailey's have destroyed that kindergarten, and i wish it would come back, but they don't have a permanent school to go to kindergarten running these classes says it's doing what i can to help them continue to study. i think collecting the. a anymore was off and the idea is this initiative is to highlight education. everyone else is focusing primarily on entertainment, with focusing on kids education, which has been neglected for almost 7 months to enable them to read and write in the circumstances we are experiencing here. to you and says close to 400 schools across because there are known to have been damaged and the actual number is likely higher. those that remain are being used as shelters for displace palestinians. the children here at the royal kindergarten aren't just missing. as i
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learned, many are missing families and carrying trauma. net. my name is mohammed. i was displaced from garza to russell. my father remained in gozo and he was killed. i came to this kindergarten to learn an inside this tent palestinian children get a rare chance to live as they did before israel to invasion of causes. but the war still awaits them at sight. for the a car i would is there a crisis? booting conservative policy has one of the country's parliamentary elections with 60 seats. it means that encumbered in 5 minutes, the andre bank of which will have to enter into coalition talks to form a majority. the elections became mine and controversy. often the country's president decided to run for the prime minister. his job before resigning his post is sent the left. several democrats party came in 2nd with 42 seats and also to as
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of tomorrow morning. we will begin the process of forming a new pilot, main true majority in order to form out the government meet them all. of course we're going to continue with that policy which over the past 8 years, is protected probation. citizens from crises preserve the christ and economy and enabled us to achieve a series of strategic objectives both at home and abroad. police have rated the largest school to compton from just a 100 days ahead of the power of sending picks, 450 migrant swear. evicted from the abandoned warehouse and a southern some of the capitol. it's believe most well documented and will be moved to come south side iris us as reinstated or the sanctions against venezuela's government arguing it is not meant conditions to alpha inactions or the us. so companies chevron will be allowed to continue a joint venture with the state oil company. i'll just say it was not in america edits and it's in human ripples decision to reimpose oil sanctions against
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venezuela was the likely us response to president nick last summer. google's decision to ben his most competitive opponents from renting and july's presidential elections. my brutal and his representatives prevented the democratic opposition from registering the candidate of their choice. harris and intimidated political opponents and, and justly detained. numerous political actors and members of civil society says the us state department, head of the us announcement president, my rudo. notice this game for american sanctions aimed at forcing him to allow competitive elections settled on you by wanting to harm us. you home yourselves with going ahead with the without a license, we don't a yankee colony. we don't your colony bend this way that we'll move on with its economic pace. no one will stop us mister yankee. know that the renewal of sanctions against the country with the world's largest oil reserves
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is known as devastating as it may sound. according to venezuela's, royal minister who says he expects the us treasury to allow companies to request individual licenses for the oil sector. right now. this does not impact our economy, a tool on the country. there's maximum stability and maximum greg smoke. anything in the bible administration concedes that more than a decade of harsh economic, political, and financial sanctions against my brutal have failed to dislodge him. in fact, pushing him closer to us adversaries like russia, china, and iran. and in the wake of the russia, ukraine conflict, the white house and mich that it was hurting its own economy by banning but as wayland oil production and sales. the elections which are expected to reinstate president. my brutal for a 3rd consecutive term are being widely criticized by the international community. but even with the re and position of some us oil sanctions,
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they're likely to go on ahead as planned, see, and human algebra. the governments in columbia, as grappling with a severe energy and water crisis, prolong droughts, has produced the countries reservoir as to less than 30 percent of the usual level of columbia is energy comes from hydro electric sources and the government is not to suspend its electricity exports. the neighboring capital to avoid blackouts at home, or what i could or is also suffering from the droughts and the government that has begun rushing power and full gets major cities, threes about levels, white squared power that's impacting everything from street lights, to homes and businesses on tuesday, why that would be clear to natural emergency and began rationing electricity for us to them then you know, whole of lane because when the lack of planning and corruption by the previous administrations and then ongoing drought or so when i see them for that we took
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a strong decision once again because it's necessary, which is to declare the country's energy sector to be in the state of emergency of us before the resignation of the minister will cover 50 percent of the electricity bill for households for the month of april. see, i don't even know who i highlighted the severity of the situation by implicating saboteurs and threatening severe consequences for anyone involved in disrupting the country's power supply. the drought is happening because of patterns linked to the weather phenomenon and new that are decreasing the countries the rest of wars to historic lows of this week. neighboring columbia actually deals with severe drought hold electricity. exports to make what order restaurant toner cutting. but it always says, without electricity, it's going to be a huge challenge to run her business. the effect, the effects quite a lot because you know that in restaurants we have products that can boil. if
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electricity shuts down all the time, it affects us. besides, the restaurant requires electricity because we need to blend for juices. it affects us quite a lot. it's not clear how long the power cuts we left on wednesday. the government order all public and private workers to stay home for the next few days. for maybe more, at least, who owns a store in the capital key to the decision hertz. her bottom line cannot for the center. i can serve people because it's dark. you can make the payments work. it affects me a lot because i need to keep the store closed 2 days in and i've seen fewer clients . people come in, but leave to see is doc pressing and noble. i had promised financial power cuts when he passed the energy little earlier this year. 3 months later, the power cuts are back. with no end in sight. status, i will. i'll just see that i don't list them permanent critic up to michigan president chi site has been sentenced to 6 months in prison. i'm
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a google app was charged with insulting a public official. the country's union for journalist says his arrest and conviction is aimed at silencing the free press. customs officials and sent a goal have seized a record of $8000000.00 with a faith bank notes alongside a separate lodge drugs, bussed to a part of a drive to fight crime and corruption of the country's newly elected government. nicholas on because of details on the capital costs one record seizure after the other. this is the latest by sending goals. police. these black notes are fake money worth $5000000000.00 say if i francs or the equivalent of about $8000000.00 found in the back of a car parked at the small guest house since then it goes southern region of cuz i'm off this video is circulating or social media appears to show how the notes are transformed into counterfeit us dollars using powder and chemicals for man have interested to have them foreigners. this comes days after one ton of cocaine worth
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nearly $150000000.00 was found hidden in the back of a truck. both of these record seizures come from tip offs from whistle blowers, sending goals new government has made fighting corruption. a priority must have a pledge made by its new young president, but sir, would you might find the young guys. it is not that a bit. i will promptly initiate a bold policy of economic and financial good governance by relentless, the combat and corruption penal repression of the tax fraud and the elicit financial flows. protecting whistleblower is fighting against embezzlement and public funds and money laundering my baptism. and before the elections fall, you know, probably minutes to spend some co were sent to prison after they denounce state corruption in the criminal activities of previous government officials. the court saw their claims as defamation. fine sancho want to introduce a new law to protect whistle doors. okay. and there is
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a culture for no one really wants to denounce legal activities because it's not easy given the reprisals. so to have a little the can protect whistle blowers of it can encourage others to break the silence and reveal crime scene and goals. new leadership is asking all of those who have stolen from the state to return the money or face justice. custom officials as well as government authorities who were once accused of being corrupt or ignoring crime, now appear eager to show they are doing their work for a senegalese public that wants to see an end to impunity. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car. so thousands of people had been evacuated in northern indonesia following a string of bowl kind of corruptions. mound run 1st, started spilling ashen smoke into the sky on tuesday uninterrupted for more times. on wednesday. officials where that part of the volcano could collapse into the sea
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. of course, a synonymous will not fit for me. down enjoying the weather is next. and then the inside story able to examine pocket stones expulsion about the gun. refugees, somebody who lived in the country for decades. that's it for me to stay with us here. thanks for watching. the the hello. good news. it's much calmer pitcher across the radiant peninsula. good to see. so here's the forecasts on thursday. know what weather really to speak of except in young men. so as a result, those temperatures are now starting to climb. i think for saudi arabia is make a profit and we will see sun spots reach 40 degrees on thursday. closer look, shows us. yep. plenty of sun in the forecast that includes for us here and they'll have $31.00 degrees. all the weather has slid across the gulf of all mine has
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pushed into iran, afghanistan, and buckets, dawn, it's produced, flooding in eastern afghanistan and northern focused on, in fact, focused on, has declared a state of emergency because of how bad it has been. what, whether size in to that western side of the circle? yeah, that includes is stumble with a height of $21.00 degrees and keeping with this theme of when we've lost the sea breeze. so that means temperatures and both new oxide and bond. joe will be about 40 degrees on thursday. at one point, all of kenya was under an alert for a heavy rainfall. is this back to see much at the same for tanzania as well with those wind? scooping up that moist dropped the indian ocean and dumping its rate along the coast. there had been, some foggy, starts of the day for south africa's western coast. but cape town, looking good. plenty of sun into forecast for you on thursday. the. the latest news as it breaks around, han has given
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a cause that people have just come out in large numbers, galvanized public to the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the relative things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have. why is paul castanan expelling? african refugees have kind of stones as the move is a legal part. castanan says it's for security reasons. is this politically motivated and how will telephone officials deal with the many thousands of people who may be arriving? this is inside store the hello that on.


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