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tv   The Stream Dissent in DC - Direct Action over Gaza  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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as well, the temperature is all causing a spike, and then do you see the cases across the world in indonesia, the media, whether pass along about soon, right? is a causing deadly outbreaks. at least 455 people have died since january. that's almost 3 times as many as the whole of last year. jessica washington has the story from indonesia is capital jakarta introduced a central java patients q 2 into the emergency room and some of these behind the hospital? yeah, it's have to one of my children got sick on saturday. the other on sunday. high fever. i'm bloody noses. but the water is already as capacity is dozens of children and teenagers experiencing symptoms of doing the fever. so take a look at our inpatient rooms are full, we hope there will be no increase in patients after either fits if it's and why because the hospital is already full bottom of the hospitals around it. visa are
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also under stream data from the health ministry indicates mode and $60000.00 cases of daily fever this year and at least $450.00 deaths with most cases in west java that makes a sharp rise compared to last year. in 2023, they were 162 dense and gold and 20000 cases for the entire year. get them. uh me. last year el nino lost it from july to november. then they used the transition to the the new season, which makes the most keep the x hatch. and with that a lot, if you needed to, it is easier for the most key to a lot of that to develop into adult mosquitoes. the ministry says most a fee for patients are children and teens. he wants to ask somebody else him. i still feel emotions. i'm feverish. i don't have an appetite on my body does not feel good. with that. a public awareness campaign is underway, urging people to use repellent, and to drain stagnant water,
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new their homes. meanwhile, the government has launched a pilot project to control the long term sprint of doing a visa mosquitoes brand with the naturally occurring bacteria known as both buck you have been released in some areas. these mosquitoes have a reduced ability to transmit danny fever and other viral diseases to people. i mean, so the search has already succeeded in jump to kind of the end. we are expanding to 5 cities. the government has set a target 0 doing this by 2030 jessica washington, which is 0 to come to us. it's foldable. but for me is the whole rahman, more news in half an hour in the news? i was slowly, lots of value, some of this. so he's on the website to dollars the adult comes, the stream is next to opposite or do you think that the off to month to fight with thousands of people killed and
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millions from the house. what does the future hold for? sit down and it's people to sit down context one year on out to 0 and recent months, pressure has been growing on the bite and ministration from the outside, but also increasingly from within us. the resignations keep coming could the sense in dc bt to an end to the bloodshed in garza. i'm mary impossible, and this is the street the. the director us department of state has resigned. you all the senior state department official that oversaw our sales just resigned because of what's happening and policy. another us government official has officially resigned in protest to the by the end administration rushing to provide arms to israel, which was short sighted, disruptive, unjust,
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and contradictory to the very values that we publicly espouse. it was untenable to work for and represent an administration president that put conditions on my own humanity, publicly withdrawing consent as an employee of the government saying i don't want to participate in this anymore is actually quite power. many people inside state know that this is a, a horrific policy and can't believe that the united states government is engaged in such actions that contravene american values so directly. but the leadership is not listening. think we need more courage like this from government officials. a josh pull tight bosh and now should lean. these are just some of the names of hyper fall figures who have publicly steps down. risks within washington are increasingly apparent. so what is really happening in the holes of us power here for further discussion on this. now, so mean a full my us state department official who publicly resigned america's goals or response. she joins us live from durham, north carolina reg stoker,
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a full met us army ranger, an activist who joins us from austin, texas. i'm from cairo, just me, a young man who served as a middle east adviser. i'm special assistance to pentagon leadership. welcome to you. oh, thank you for being here. now. can i start with you? you one of a number of high profile resignations in recent months? do you have a sense that the messages may be getting through to president biden? and i think that the message that is getting through is probably mostly coming from political pressure building on the administration. this is an election year and i think in many ways that is of greater concern. obviously the rise, you know, my own resignation and those of others is, is a high profile event. but i do think from the administration's perspective, they're probably mostly concerned about things like that, uncommitted note,
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and other efforts to try to show president biden, that this is going to be an electoral issue for him. and if he doesn't change policy, he risks losing the election over the guard guides a policy. greg, you are a us veteran veteran's. uh, i think the discipline and veterans have paid a really important role in the vietnam rule in near rockville. do you see yourself as part of this mini age of discipline, veterans and why are they important? yeah it's, it's important, but uh, its harder for them to dismiss us uh, in terms of the deter, uh, typical narrative of being terrorist sympathizers. when you know you have a bunch of guys, you actually engaged what we would, what the united states would consider terrace forces. um, so it just, you brought up vietnam. there's a lot of different uh, activism movements that, uh, service confluence for the vietnam backlash. but again, that did last 10 years of constant activism in direct action. just mean use of this
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3 set countries, evidence of defense advising on at least a says, this is hardly america's fast unpopular foreign policy decision. how significant all the levels of defense we are seeing as well. i think certainly more than anything i had ever seen in my time in government, i was in government for 8 years under the obama administration, serving at the department of defense. if you'll remember the time we had the war against isis, we have the syria war. we had the arab spring, there was obviously a lot of criticism over us policy at the time when it came to these issues. and for many of us were serving inside government at the time. a lot of us felt that we had a role to play inside the administration to represent different points of view. so to advocate for policies that we felt were best for long term us interests.
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but the level of defense, the level of resignations, the level of protests, obviously nothing like we're seeing, we're seeing today. and i, you know, i think that i've talked about this a lot with former colleagues of mine who served back then when we talk about what we're seeing now, people like a now and, and, and sort of, you know, these really brave stances that a lot of our former colleagues are taking what i loved about something and now said on another the, i think it was the democracy now interview and now that you did, i loved the fact that even though you were describing why you felt like you had to leave, you also made it a point to say that there are other people who can't leave, for example, because of their families or they have to provide or their career prospects. things that they have to think about that really a dom up inside. and so they felt that they would, you know, because they have to stay inside that they would do their part to do when they can
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. and so i think that's really important to remember to marry them is that the defend comes in different forms and we need people inside government making those arguments as much as we need people resigning. and people outside government act to this analysts, journalist, it's all part of the spectrum, i think of society that puts different kinds of pressure on administrations to make one whole point. well, on that point i spoke exclusively to fed united for peace and then on the list. this is in group of thousands of us government federal employees who came together off to october, the 7th. listen to this brutality of the word selves is. so this way for so many of us, but you can't help but respond ways of responding to those as federal workers and employees and people who are patriots on the bus bar country. and as such,
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what we can see is that the, the israel is engaged, that we are supporting us. the united states is harmful, not only are forced through the college students, but also to the united states to our interest. we believe that senior officials are talking isn't that we are in violation of domestic laws as low as international laws. and yet this policy continues, because ultimately the buck stops with the president, disappeared the united states has been doing so it is real or has been at this incredibly high level for very long, and it's been on the political. it's been on traditional. that has to change, this is the kind of thing that we're now booking up as workers august federal government. and we say it is not possible to continue with the late status quote. so many people who are turned in to the news that is coming out of us all. and for these people on the ground, you know, videos, your voices,
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they are not being lost. there are people in the hedge of power, if you will be listening to you now was the sides points. how unconditional support for israel has long been a bi partisan issue in america. do you see this changing at all or i do see it changing. i think the question is just whether the change is going to happen quickly enough to save the lives of the palestinians trapped in signs of baba. we've already seen the ways that this is no longer as bi partisan. i do think that the, the is really government has really thrown in its lot with republicans in a way that may be detrimental to their long term efforts to maintain this unconditional flow of, of massive amounts of money that the us gives to israel every year as well, as the weapons, i do think that we're also seeing a shift now in the context as,
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as was mentioned from fed, united for peace, that these videos that are coming out as a, as a, i'm an employee at the state department. your inbox is full of the, the statistics of the dead, of the casualties of how many trucks are getting in, as well as often links to some of these, um, social media videos. so it is something that the state department is engaging with every day. and as you asked me mentioned, you know, for many people, it is extremely devastating to have to go in every day and be faced with that. whether or not they're working directly on this policy or not. it is inescapable. and i think that is contributing to the, the internal descent that we're seeing. but i, again, i, i do think that this, this is, and the generational issue are seeing young people in particular um,
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feeling very differently. and much of that does have to do with the ways that young people receive information through social media. whereas unfortunately, much of the american mainstream media is not covering the devastation of what is happening inside the, in the same way that, that those of us that are getting information were directly from those people. so we see what is really happening and what's happening on the ground. yeah, i think a, again, i just hope that this public pressure that is building from inside the administration and outside the administration is going to finally force to shift. yeah. but greg, i want to give you an opportunity to come back over see any thoughts on that video . but i also want to ask you about the fact that binding has described himself as a zionist. and you've made videos around some of the dangers of christian zine ism, i mean, how powerful is the influence of christian zine isn't within the holes of power, or is it something we should be concerned about? well yeah, i mean, i've recently been talking about this because there's been
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a lot of the burgeoning awareness about a pack in the israel lobby and other special interest groups that support this really state. but you have to understand that over a 100000000 americans, not all of them are christian scientists, but a lot of them are evangelicals who seriously believe for their own religious purposes in the existence of the state of israel. and they whether and in a lot of politicians, a lot of christian, evangelical politicians in the senate, and congress, what support israel unconditionally, no matter what, whether or not a packing system know whether or not they were getting lobby by the energy sector or the military industrial complex, they would support israel, no matter what, does a huge building block in america? well, no discussion of american democracy could be complete without a reference to the significant influence of one foreign governments lobby on us policy. i am of course, talking about a pack check. this out, a pack paid,
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and joe biden. $11000000.00 to aid is row with ethnic cleansing the x rays. all ready selling waterfront properties in gauze, a forcing the palestinians out has always been the plan. just mean, do you agree? how's the plan always being for the us government to get the palestinians out of gaza in the us government? no, i would say obviously there's really government has successive is rarely, governments have made their opinions clear when it came to peace with the palestinians. i mean, prime minister netanyahu has been prime minister for years and years on and off, but other prime ministers as well, have been very intransigent when it comes to peace with the palestinians. different presidents have gone about it differently. and i think, as you said, miriam, president biden is very uniquely when it comes to us. presidents pro is real,
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he has said himself that he's designed as he has talked about how a meeting with gold in the air then prime minister of israel at a very early stage of his career shaped him profoundly. and we're seeing the effects of that today. and that brings me to a point that's really important that both of my co panelists have touched upon. this is a generational issue. you know, these types of, of really policies that have been set in stone for decades. they take decades to unravel and to change, and just like joe biden was shaved by his meeting with gold in the air future leaders of the united states, whether it's in the senate, the congress or the executive branch, are going to be shaped by what's happening today. and that's why it's important to think about the long term everything that people are doing now to speak out and act against the war and gaza. an unconditional support to israel is influencing the future leadership of this country. and i think that's a positive thing,
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greg. i want to off to officially, the u. s. government says it wants a 2 state solution and piece in the region. but in practice, it isn't supporting a piece process of any kind and is in fact, all being and funding is roll. secular expands and i've always been taught to ignoble a ma'am, says and to look at his actions instead, is the well being gas slit by america right now. i mean, absolutely a lot of, uh, by the, by the ministrations talking points are completely performative. not only that, they knows that the israel's not specifically targeting come off. they don't have any exit strategy. they don't have any defining defined tactical for operational goals. and i know as someone with the background of military intelligence, i know that i don't even have access to the information. they haven't had any standard approved of homeless presence in any hospitals. and they haven't, you know,
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released any completely evidence that they've taken out or killed or captured any of from us leadership. so they're just dragging this thing out and they're going to continue to supply israel with weapons until it becomes politically untenable. the thing is like we are, we're talking about descent, we're still involved in this issue for our own reasons, but the average american citizen and the average american voter isn't even touched by this. i've been talking to a lot of people the just like, oh, it's the middle east. this is what happens in the middle east. they have a murky understanding of history, and i think this is been happening for thousands of years. and what are they going to do about it? so, i mean, the descent is significant is i'd say it's unprecedented in the modern era. um, you know, since vietnam, but it's where it is still takes time to grow. the people need to be motivated through self interest. like why is the unconditional support? it is real bad for you. right. what is that? what yeah, what it does seem like on the is boring among some us votes is over the economics
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priorities of the government. this guy has some choice words. he was absent. insane to me is i got to go out of town and work for hours away from my home and away from my daughter just didn't make a paycheck just to make ends meet. i got a walk outside in the pouring down rain and then the mother beat myself and got meanwhile, and his release got subsidized housing and free education and free health care. and they get monthly allowance is all bought and paid for by the united states tax parents. they're getting tens of billions of dollars a year sent to him just a bomb, murder, and main, innocent men, women, and children. and in florida you manage hearing aid workers. it's going to say i'm now a majority of us voters now disapprove of israel's actions, and yet on the same day as by then condemned beginning of the wealth. central kitchen aid workers by israel, he approve the transfer of thousands and thousands more bones. why is biden
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seemingly ignoring the views of the majority of americans? i don't have a great answer for that. it is really confusing. i do think yes means answer about how. because it took decades for us to get way to where we are. it is going to take, i hope, not decades, but it is going to take a while. and as you mentioned, you know, this is something that has been part of president biden's ideology for most of his very long career. i do hope that those around him including apparently his own wife . possibly. i have been telling him that this needs to stop. so i do think that, i mean, one particular concern to, to what greg was mentioning as far as how the average american voter may not be thinking about this. the concern is that ben benjamin netanyahu, his political future depends on this violence. continuing,
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this is how he's staying in power. and so his best incentive is to continue the massacre of, of everyone inside of us. and then to expand the violence, we saw israel hit the iranian consulate in the building and damascus. we've heard them state their plan to invade 11 on the the concern there is, but then us service members, the us military will be dragged and americans could lose their lives. because fighting is not telling that yahoo, that he has to exercise restraint. he cannot invade lebanon, and he cannot expand this war, us is not going to support that. instead, the message he keeps sending is, i would rather that'd be fewer civilian casualties. but i'll send you weapons either way. and so what, what reason would netanyahu have to do anything other than what best serves his political interest, which again, directly contravene those of joe biden? yeah, well every year the white house, how is an official if the,
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during the same month of ramadan, but this year it was a little different. the vitamin ministration tried to host an if start dinner tonight. and they had to cancel it because not a single muslims showed up. the only people in attendance were people who worked for the by the administration. there was not a single person invited who showed up. this is the most beautiful collective from the entire muslim community. that i could even imagine just mean we know that these events, so typically symbolic, but they are important. all they what do you read from this to yeah, that's funny. i was just actually watching that video that you showed the other day . i think this is, it's another case of individuals having to decide, okay, how do i want to approach this? so when people were invited to the star,
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a lot of muslim leaders went back to the communities to their communities and said, hey, listen, we're invited to this as tar, should we go or not? and a lot of them listen to their communities who said, absolutely not, not after everything that has happened, we've been trying to get the, by the end of ministrations attention for months on end. they've been either ignoring us or using us for political gain. absolutely not. however, there are some people who decided, you know what i am going to go. i'm going to look president biden in the face. i'm going to show him pictures of dead palestinians and gaza. and i'm going to, you know, rep, present and make a point. and like i said, both of those are necessary. the fact that barely anybody who was invited attended was a huge message to president biden and his administration. and the couple of people i'm talking about one doctor, one palestinian american doctor, doctor set upset. and i think if i'm not mistaken, you know,
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he went and he delivered a letter from an orphan girl and gaza a palestinian girl. i think she was 8 years old. he gave the letter to president biden. he said, i want you to read this letter and i want you to know that i am now going to walk away just like you have been walking away from us and our community for the last few months and that was pretty powerful as well. so the biden administration is getting these messages everywhere, it looks. and as we've been staying throughout this program, most of this is on president biden himself, even his advisors now are, are telling him, you know, we have to switch gears. we have to stop. i mean, when you have senator chuck schumer and nancy pelosi actually saying enough is enough, we have to stop as spend military. it has since to is re okay. the tide has shifted . it has shifted and it's important to keep this pressure up in order to effect that change moving forward. you can't stop now, that's the real thing. the real challenge is going to be keeping the stop even when
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this issue is out of the headlines. i'm greg. i want to off to um with your military background, what are your concerns with regards to what the u. s. could be being drugged into here? um, well, i mean, going back to, you know, old reporting uh, military reporting uh in 2006 of israel bated southern lebanon. they got rolled up . that's the official, sorry, excuse the colloquial term. they were strategically defeated in the field and there was some smoking mirrors, stuff on the global scale to make it seem like it wasn't defeat definitively. it was that's the position of the united states army war colleges. and they do not have the military capabilities to take on as well. that doesn't mean they won't try, they'd be insane to. but everything they've been doing has been completely without operational sense or strategic awareness. so it's anyone's game as what am
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a co palace mentioned before. this is danielle who is interest to keep this going. he's been wanting to get american boots on the ground since the start. i think you can make it easy argument that he's wanted to have further deepening us involvement in the actual military action of the these most, this multi front war. i'm not so sure that the united states or the united states military wants to do that. well, i know if i could give you the last word, hey, if you can speak right now to the people who are on the fence, the potential dissidence, what would you say to them right now? so many people are watching what's happening and, and are grieving and are devastated. so i would encourage people, you know, to, to put up a public display of support. whether like it's a ceasefire and guys assign, for example, because i think it seeing other people around you, it is becoming a greater point of consensus was i think earlier on in the war,
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there was no shock over the, the, how much attack. but i think for many, many people now, it's just, it's, this is so disproportionate were violating us laws are violating international laws . i, i, my hope is that increasingly people will just degree. there must be a ceasefire. this cannot continue. we as americans cannot support this any longer and, and the rest of the world has already said that. so i would encourage and those who are inside government, you know, many of them are doing important work. they're doing important work on this issue and hopes that if the president biden were to change his mind and adopt a new policy, there would be these measures ready to go. and i, i know this is happening there. are people ready with these accountability measures? it's just, they're not going to go into effect unless the president decides that that is what he wants. well, sadly, that's a rap, but thank you to our guests, greg, just me and, and now,
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and thank you for watching. did you enjoy the show talk to us on social media? if there is a conversation or topic you'd like to assign to us, we want to hear about it use the hash tag or the handle aka stream, and we will look into it. say wait, and i'll see you soon. the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is not important. which of these are going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on. out to their pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say. tyler sees, thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era reporting from the action? how do you have a great when i'm hearing this thoughts, how is 10 or airbnb content has been removed or restricted understanding? the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, threatening the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click send to the fonts at the store, there is no channel that cover in the world. like we do. the scale of this camp is like nothing ever asked us to help. but we want to know how these things affect
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people. we revisit, please stay even when there are no international houses there. really invest in that. and that's a privilege as a journalist, the in the services, the news, our own alger 0 for these by people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes is where our launch is strikes on 711 on hours after has been left side. dozens of rockets across the border raising fees of a wide conflict. the us president warranty yvonne again photography israel joe, by the says he expects we.


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