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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the challenges here with the . ready one palestinian killed, 20 wounded central or attacks in the occupied west. find the sammy say them. this is i'll just hear a live from the hall. so coming up, 3 journalists are injured and then the side of the refugee come from was being described as a targeted is really attack southern russia is dealing with wants being described
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as the worst loving in a century and time and says it sent messages to me and laws made its way to reduce violence. hundreds across the board or off to rebels sees the town the . we stopped in the occupied westbank one, palestinian has been killed and 20 others wounded during confrontations in the past few hours. it happened off the dozens of his riley savage was attacked. palestinians, no feast of what i'm a law. they open fire on several palestinian homes that abraham has more for me. i will fall on the occupied westbank the situation is calling down a little bit as with heating from locals inside the village. that is, it behind this over there, that the subtler is of move from the center of the village to the outskirts they haven't left yet,
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but is really arm is still inside the village. and probably you can see them here at the entrance of the village preventing cards really from entering. i didn't what i usually what happens when suffering the effects take place that palestinians from subject to sit out and invented. just try to go to the rescue and, and to help their fellow palestinians. but these 2 is really deep. so preventing palestinians from going inside. now we know that at least one palestinian has been killed and his body has been transferred to a local hospital in drama. la, while there are 8 injuries, at least by fire, and we are heating that there are dozens of other injuries that the medical teams could not even go. the smoke has been really visible from here, but now it seems to have come down. but still, palestinians are still counting the damage that took place from the attacks by a the illegal is really subtler is that, according to the heads of the village,
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are more than 40 houses and cars. you know, what are we doing when we're talking about this village is so small one and then what i have it, palestinians are usually used to suck the tax. but this one has been really large and has to spend 4 hours and hours with palestinians will tell you it's not clear who was shooting if it was the is really settlers of or if it was the is really army elsewhere in the occupied westbank funerals have been helpful to palestinians killed in the life of the straits. others were injured and then felt all refugee camp as palestinian fights is confronted as ready, soldiers, red crescent, the ambulance was shot at and the paramedic was beaten. interested. all the rates early on friday morning were in the area in the summer of israel's bombardment of gauze that has continued with at least 189 palestinians killed across the strip. and the last at the end, the license, the tax thought a couple,
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i assume as and ralph are for us with more and the latest rates. there is no, in fact any lake topping fighting on the ground. t a in gauze as these very forces has been happening completely up skating the military attacks and also the village of operations in different areas. of course, the territory now starting with one of the latest attacks has been carried out on the southern part of the se tune. and there was neighborhood with the have been targeting the agriculture of land um, alongside with the number of residential houses. these areas it to offend, shooting that there is ready minutes. we have the rates it in before, and we have been wanting to think on top of the arts and the re a strikes, and the so ross, a refugee come where it has been right now. the csl for the is really military operations. that is where the military has announced the beginning of a military operation. the worst since the early hours of today's morning. at least 6 palestinians have been killed in that 6 seats alongside with more than 70 others
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being a wounded. as a result of the unrelenting compartments on that we have been hearing from eye witnesses that they've been bought meant by lambs and see, did not talk as this as domestic policy that these really minutes right now is using is the full destruction of residential houses just to give a clear vision for them, and it will bring the troops along side to guarantee that there was new, any threat to what the majority of areas that had been targeted contains civil facilities and residential buildings. that right now had been reduced to drop of the 3 journalists who are working on the outskirts of the site us refugee camp and gauze has been wounded. in one official say was a target to describe the attack. one of the victims lost his foot. the 3 were all clearly identified as members of the press. johnson vanka is the head of them, at least the desk at reporters, without boulders. he says more international pressure needs to be put on this route
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to protect, and this is unfortunately, we are we the best this month's model of this war? and the story, these, these terrible rewards of journalists being at the turn as being in georgia zip codes become. so the so called phase the point where we have to report them almost the over the past 6 months. this is just the latest attack. it's 3rd of of the we are exchange office unacceptable. ringback the. ready strikes that's in the car, transport things, features and the injuries. the former on the phone is 3 journalists, including salvage. how did your people focus or what, what does that have to do? is we, we will send a form as b, g. i mean, if we can talk about that for recovery, but we was in with an express article. so there was a journalist and this talking says also been injuries of the dentist. i don't go home from georgia. you must have done that already. of all of this in the context
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of dozens and dozens of orange or genders and more than a 100 years can buy is really. ready does, over the past 6 months, this massacre has to stop the international communities, just of the pressure. so that is rams books. getting his journalist we are calling for and from this in june, the head of us ministry operations in the middle east. as matthew strauss defense minister, you are go onto the filter of discuss coordination for a potential attack from the wrong. well, this follows as well. strong contact runs called sort of building in damascus earlier this month that's attacked, killed several high ranking arabian come on this. the wrong leaders of threatened to retaliation. these, right? the army said it's a high a let's let's go live to him. the sold hopes he joins us from occupied east jerusalem. as i mentioned, the head of send comments visiting israel wants his message, a well ahead of centcom meeting with both these
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really defense minister and other security officials like these really army chief of staff who did release a statement saying that they are prepared for a wide variety of scenarios and situations. and remember weeks ago, these relatives had bolstered their air defenses and mobilized preservice to those air bases in anticipation of some sort of retaliatory attack by beat audience after these really is a struck and it on in and diplomatic commission in damascus. but never claiming responsibility for these rarely is almost never comment on their military activity in syria. but israel's defense minister no of the law says that these really isn't the americans stand cold shoulder to shoulder when it comes to the audience threats . and that israel will respond if there is some sort of retaliatory attack by the audience. these really army has raised their level of alertness to the maximum possible capacity and anticipation for the attack. alright,
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thanks so much. i'm the salt coat, the the flooding crisis and thoughts of southern russia a neighboring kaz expense shows little sign of abating. melting. snow is close to your own rivets. here's a new rack hold high to meet is above its critical level authorities. urging the mass evacuation of residence in the russian city of owen book and the state of emergencies being imposed in 8th of 17 provinces in cas expense poll brennan reports. there's no sign of any risk by it in or on bug a week into this crisis. whole neighborhood to remain on the war. so the river level on friday reached a record high of more than 11 meters. and in some areas under the roof of the houses are visible above the ground water. the community center opens up now
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operates as a temporary shelter. it's cramped and it's basic, but at least it's dry from now. it's just the, the basic give you provide everything and all of all guess. everyone who stays here is being given hot meals 3 times a day. alexander returns to his home beside the river every day to feed his dogs. now stranded on the roof is 68 years old and he says, this flood is like nothing that's come before. i've lived here all my life. this is the 1st time such a flood has happened here. the last flood was in 1993 and it was much smaller. the water in the yard was only up to the needs. there has never been anything like this school. set the south in the flood stricken areas of catholics done. the ice and melt was to continue to arrive from up river. petra, pebble, fluttering is beside the issue of the big, urgently reinforced with some facts. the
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transact president. okay, i've posted this video, a dramatic music sound track along side scenes of ministry helicopters rescuing children while concerned looking officials to the flood stricken regions to try to reassure residents and encourage national solidarity. but there is more to come. the issue and river is already a dangerous levels, and officials predict it won't reach its peak for another 10 days. pull, brendan, ultra 0. thailand's foreign minister has visited the board with me and model off the days of fighting between rebels and that countries mystery. jump to the tide. government says it's willing to offer temporary shelter to $100000.00 refugees escaping the conflict. tony chan results from the time being not bored to turn on foreign minister visiting the board to check point through which thousands of refugees passed. and the last 7 days is it to make a point,
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he much right to the center of the friendship bridge. the message, despite the chaos to me and my thailand is in some control. speaking to the media. he said the time that is prepared for a 100000 refugees in the crisis gets worse. the day we sent messages to the state administration accounts. so that means that we don't wish to see violence. we've recently told us in members about issuing a statement so that violence can be decreased and me and my a so the a and her children on so confident that they fled from the home outside the town. and me a, what in me a month, a week ago, the, like many of those pulling into thailand, they have a network of friends and assembly to rely on model. we don't need any humanitarian support. we came here to stay briefly because of the fighting. my children are working at a factory in mass. all right, so i have a place to live and i don't have any food problems because the factory provides
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food and they bring it home. the greater humanitarian need isn't myanmar itself. foreign ministry officials met with the u ins refugee agency in may. so during the ministers visit, now the control of the board of crossing has changed hands. they'll be hoping aid can play more freely. this is the exact point of which thailand crosses into myanmar in the middle of the moines river. and now there is a different military force in control of the border of the head. many people would like to see a flying in to me and to the people, desperately need people such as these that account. so those displaced by fighting in kind of state. north of milady view in estimates more than 10000000 people inside me on my own getting enough to eat fuel is also in desperately short supply . will let people have funding ingenious ways to get by. with the rainy season
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approaching, the shortages will learn to get worse, as even the heaviest based button struggle to get through the month to month. tony chung out 0 on the timing on my board. philip robinson is deputy asia director of human rights watch says there's little hope for an end to the war in the in mom any time soon. i well, it's not clear that the military wants to talk. there are actually engaged in mandatory construction, forcing people into the military, and the ethnic view of the military is being on their bad foot. so, you know, people may not want to talk. it may not be the time yet for peace talks, because you know, both sides still want to fight. i think both thailand and china are starting to recognize that they need to hedge their bets, that their assumption that the more military would always win, no matter what is being tested out. and they may need to recognize that they have to readjust their eliasis start talking with the opposition. start talking with the
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ethnic groups and start recognizing that the, the human rights abuses and the lack of accountability has continued for far too long. and we have, at this point, the thailand is being pulled along with the events inside of the m r. i mean, this is really between them. you have more people in the military there. the military is continuing to wage a war against them. yeah, more people now were concerned that in my why the there is going to be air strikes against civilian targets. so these are the sort of things that we're worried about . um, you know, thailand is waiting and watching. uh, just like your reporters are those the, the, the soldiers are waiting at the bridge to see what happens. well, i don't think that we're going to see anything near to 1000000 refugees. i mean, i think that we'll see is a, some stream of refugee is coming across, but most of these people are coming across. we'll go back once the frightening subsides. and what we're looking at is much of the eastern border, myanmar alarm, and the type of water will be in the whole hands of the ethnic groups. so,
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you know, is this is actually a progress from the perspective. a lot of people who have face predation and abuses from the military. i think that overall, the situation, you know is certainly one where them. yeah, more military's grip on power is we're getting. but they're going to continue to fight and it's not going to in quickly i think we're going to see it a new phase come. but the loss of my or why the will be a major major below. 2 of them. yeah. more military. and so i have an al jazeera find out why my room work is in new zealand to facing an uncertain future. the lines of ethnic i'm groups is posing the biggest challenge to me in most countries, since the 2021 with exclusive access to remote camps. and funk bind baffles
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shots. the progress of an idealistic young generation of rebels is a pivotal moment in the last 60 years of the countries. the trouble of history on the phones me in my, on the, on the ropes on al jazeera, often months of fight with thousands of people killed and millions from the house. what does the future hold? we'll sit down and it's people to sit down context one year on out to 0. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 developed luis heavens, have gone through the roof,
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the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the the welcome back. let's recap all headlines now. one palestinian has been killed and 21 didn't scuffles in the occupied westbank best off the dozens of his right. the senses attacked. palestinians, ne of the last 3 journalists who are working on the outskirts of the, in the silence refugee camp and gaza, have been injured. and what officials say was the time that it is very the attack, one of the victims lost his thoughts. the 3 will clearly identified as members of
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the price the the white house says a reportedly imminent so tight quiet ronald as well poses a real and viable strides around concerns that wrong is likely to retaliate down some as well. it's it's consulates in damascus. earlier this month, ahead of us, some of the trail formations in the middle east is in israel to coordinate preparations and the events over that time, the spring. you some breaking news. now, some reports say 50 rockets have been launched from southern lebanon into northern israel. of course, this comes off the reports earlier in the day of and is really right into 11. and now we're hearing just to recap, quotes all 50 rockets being launched from 11 into its round,
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looking at the nicest pictures of that incident. well, china, north korea are holding the highest level talks and 5 is aimed at increasing cooperation. chairman of china is national people's congress is in pyongyang until saturday. north korea has been trying to strength and ties with badging and moscow is tensions grow with the united states. the expos from china have full and sharp plates, highlighting the problems facing the world's 2nd largest economy. 7.5 percent slumped last month was the largest since last oldest chinese export as a struggling as high interest rates. so this, these reduce demand for their products us president joe biden says washington's commitments to defend japan and the philippines. remain. i inclined follow the meeting with president funding on macos junior japanese prime minister for me. okay
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. she there in washington. they discussed ways to counter what they see is china is growing threat paging condemned to stomach consisting it's claims in the south china sea all nor full joint co. scott, the trolls are expected to be announced off the receipts of confrontations with the chinese vessels in the region. the mind colleague follow back to both spoke to arrow on judge robina. he's a senior electra at the university of the philippines asian center. he says strengthening ties between the us, japan and the philippines could help ease the growing tension in the south china sea with things like these, you know, give the philippines a sense of confidence because it is not just talking to one country. it's talking to, it's sold to the data, i think it should have the same time for it, starting also to one of its closest security partners, which is japan. so the strategy of developing choose basically to maximize the
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external balancing efforts so that you can send a message to the region and the world that is not alone. we have to try to adjust the faces, especially with respect to the south china sea. but the thing bolstering this us, japan philippines allies, will provide a solution in the short term and the long term to these going tensions in the south trying to see this will indeed be very helpful for the philippines when it comes to positive busy efforts exercises. that's what it has inter operability, but what many of the public also in the philippines would want to seek is that how this would completely it's specifically translate into operational gains from the philippines. because the challenge to the philippines, the spacing of the south jersey is not a work by me to buy a problem. but it's the soap or, you know, a result operation. it's all with that is where they sprayed out the mechanism or
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destroy that's what arrangements will be put to the test going forward. and some chinese officials have accused the philippines of ignoring what they say was a gentlemen's agreement made with the previous philippines president rodrigo, to try to and saving us is actually directing this new philippines government. is that the case? i mean, macos is seen as closer to washington, and then rodrigo to charge a was. but the philippines still defends economically on china. how delicate of a balancing act is, is for when you administration. yeah. so i think what you can choose at a foreign policy in the philippines is actually directly related to domestic politics. and so every policy cycle, every 6 years in the philippines, you have a change precedent. it's all about the change of policy and the policy, right? no, the current administration did not like the approach of the previous administration,
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and it was not the form of that agreement. and so the credit administration thinks that it is the binding such an agreement is not binding. and the perceived that such an agreement would only undermine the philippines of your be starting monday. woods, which actually is to stay short on union shore if it's not prepared using and the government is reducing the number of migrant workers. it accepts new visa restrictions or a way to get more locals into employment, then ease inflation. but the change in policy will leave some work as an employee is worried about the future. wayne hire reports from oakland of the so many years. businesses of all sizes have relied on good cuz from outside the zealand to survive. now the government sees there are too many foreign workers here and it wants new zealand is to feel low skilled jobs. i'm not sure with the local does um to be honest. a lot of curious um doesn't prefer to work on
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a hospitality and therapy for office where it's like 9 to 5 labor shortages pool was by the code. the 19 pandemic old but disappeared last year. when 173000 people migrated to new zealand to fill job vacancies. now with the economy and recession, the government has reduced low skilled wood visas from 5 to 3 years. meaning many, my friends facing uncertain future. we invited many americans to come over here during corporate i big assisted and help our society here to be able to kind of be and then suddenly because we are no longer needing them. we are just suited simply kicking them out of the country. they were also high, an english language requirements, which the government believes was help prevent the work is being exposed to abuse by employee is the immigration minister didn't respond to l. just areas request for an interview, but new zealand isn't alone and seeing and need to reduce migrant numbers in
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australia. if full costs remain on ta guess. almost a 1000000 people will have arrived in the past 2 years. after changes to australia is visa rules, student baez's, and now more difficult to get some worry what the long term implications might be. if the new rules stay in place too long, because the damage mates on to the regular approach or bring certain uncertain, uh, but i graduated in australia or not. and we got about 50 percent of l and your permanent skills migrants from students. so started here, let's try a skilled all those skills. migraines have been vital to the economy once the leading times a row the students and work is that likely to be in demand again, but next time they may be more wary. wayne hey al jazeera oakland but the thing to are breaking news story now more than 50 rockets have been launched
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from southern lebanon towards the off the galley that's in northern israel. and the occupied golden heights have been explosions reported from these rockets being intercepted over some of the buddha towns. well, i hush them joins us now from the florida in southern lebanon. what does the scene look like now, hushing? well uh, just a few moments ago has will i assure the statements claimed responsibility for launching trends upfront gets according to the statements, to watch ministry post and the golden heights according to the, the statement. this is in retaliation to as rather as rows of tax on southern living, these thousands of being and i, so this is, this is what a lot statement was. it's clear. so this is one of the maybe the biggest uh, group of, of truck it's being launched together the biggest by dodge,
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since the beginning of the war. the default for 2, uh, searches of rocket. so it's, it's, uh, it's a significant escalation. all right, well we'll show you will keep us posted of how that situation develops across the board of add, let's think on a hash. and then just to recap. so 50 rockets actually had a since we've got you just bring this into context, the order. lots of expectations that they might be in the range and attack is missing more so in the context though, of what happened today with early a, strikes from israel into 11 and targeting has the law rather than the concern about the re new retaliation. well, it's funny, i can say that since the assassination, i'll be around all the killing of the rain in general in damascus last week. situation on the board on the east water. i've been a bit a concerning it,
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but it's also the only key and there is no real escalation just like before. but the same time situation is very intense. and we've been seeing that in the way either has will. all these ratings are not with this be part of the of the retaliation. i don't think given the fact that the has, well i saying that this is a retaliation drive tax on liberty is liberty stone. however, with this means i'm at times to, i'm kind of this track the iron door. this could be a way to distract the eye and don't just in case that is enough to ask for me wrong . but the moment we don't have any indications that that is a fact from iran or that on mit size launched for maybe you're on the airport for the moment. i think we should, at least for now, contain it within the lebanese, this dre the context or the why the conflict. that's a rating since the 7th of october, later on. maybe this could be an element,
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but we don't know, natalie. do we have any confirmation about how many of these rockets were intercepted? what kind of damage has been done? is that picture becoming clear? at this point? it was for the woman, the pictures that you're seeing, i know i've, i've seen several pictures on telegram channels from is read showing into sections many into sections. but in general and given of experience of fast launches, that will be like 1450 rockets launched and then there will be 2 or 3 pre size, a rocket that are aimed at certain target. this happened in stuff on a weeks ago. this happened and it's still happening. i mean, during the past weeks and so we got 2 more, 9 and 7. i'll all that is really a settlement send thousands on the board of off costs the choice of golan heights.
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this is, this is a something, as i, i've been saying and.


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