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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 11, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the israel assassinated 3 sons and full grandchildren are from offers from the lead. it is one, have the, the hello, i'm elizabeth put ottoman this is al jazeera live from doha. also coming up you appear in parliament, was the ties and procedures for assign them. see who's trying to enter the block as the number of my contacts and the mediterranean continues to rise. south korea's province to office to resign on the routing body suffers
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a major defeat and the parliamentary elections. and i'm john henry and in washington were divided administration is 7 limits on so called forever chemicals and drinking on the we began to nolan garza as well, has assassination of 3 sons and full grandchildren of him also has political lead, a smile. amelia, as well says his sons to him, off operations, and that it targeted a vehicle that was traveling. and the incident happened at the l shelf. the refugee cab speaking to alger 0, honey, i said the killings would only hot on her mazda as resolve. he also said it wouldn't affect the groups demands and says fine negotiations that we were called to. they believe that if they kill or assassinated, lead is all there. next of kin said we will abandon all people that we will abandon all resistance. they all mistaken as noble blood that is filled,
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including my own children will hard now results make us more defiant, more adamant to continue to march on this road, throat of struggle and resistance until we will not freedom. and the lawful rights of the palestinian peoples are restored events by some name is a senior member of hamas as a political bureau. he says the assassination of money as family members, as an attempt by israel to devout, says fine negotiations. and the to know from the beginning, he was doing the maximum to block or to undermine any shots to reach if he failed agreement. and so he hesitated along the last few weeks to uh, to uh, to spidey negotiations. and he is under pressure from the americans. i'm from the international community and from the and tell them that it's really society. he's not using all the other did the tools,
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but he couldn't go out to children in our lives, by uh, sitting the leaders or some people in the must coast and live on on. he is insisting on undermining any strong storage. if he's fail agreements. honey, my hold has moved from alaska and southern gaza in the past few hours have been very intense as more confirmed reports of but intense uh aerial attacks in the central area of the gaza strip me on the, on the side right refugee camp and why do you have the area, the very particular a, a few where people were told to be evacuated to at the beginning of, of the initial weeks of, of this war on a separate attacks at earlier hours of this evening. there's really mandatory struck a vehicle in the shot records. you can just the be tragic. you got com in the north room, western parts of garza city, the targeted where the children of the political leader of how much to buy in any
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along with their children. those are the grandchildren of the political leader of how does this really military or should a statement stating that the killed the 3 operative of how much a political leader in gaza city. this attack on the, on the, it's the, the sons of the grand sons of how much leader viewed largely by people as the weight addicted. the course of the negotiations and the ceasefire talks entire, but also viewed largely by many people here as a way for these really military under prime minister benjamin netanyahu to use military power. and to further the ongoing, the threats of expanding the ground invasion in drop off city and as well as being a mixed reaction to news of the assassinations. roy challenge has this updates from occupied east jerusalem a consummation. so the strike has come in full,
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the joint statements by israel's military and sion backs, which is the internal security agency. they say that they took this strikes because of intelligence gathered by the ministry in bison bats. and the strike was carried out by his ready ministry at crawl space confirmed that said the 3 men were killed . they were all sons of his mouth, honey. at the, how much political bureau chief and the names were, i mean in, in my home, in india and a has them. and they, they say that all 3, what, how much military operatives, they also say that they cannot confirm whether anybody else, including a minor, was hurt in the strike. now, was this dry, military unintelligence language doesn't reveal is whether this was a purely made it through decision or whether they said being or 5 pop the political food chain to the government data. benjamin netanyahu make the cold. that's the
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lowest strike. now someone who thinks that was politics at play because a man called jaeger line. now he used to be a high ranking military man and he was the full, the deputy chief of stuff in the military. now he's very critical of the government and he thinks or whether or not this strikes militarily was the right idea politically. it was the wrong idea. he says, carrying out such dramatic actions on the eve of a possible deal for the release of the abductor. these constitutes another serious laugh and their lord, that's now a very different view coming from the other side of the political device. a member of the connect circle, our homo co and who's part of the law, right? nationalist and national security minister gets them up and gives policy. he says he's celebrates the assassination of one of your sons and says he's male hon the people back you on next in line where we challenge. i'll just say era, you know,
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he, for the stress of the attack comes off. so us president joe biden cold benjamin netanyahu has guys a policy, a mistake company house that has moved from the white house of us president joe biden made no mention of the strikes that claimed the lives of smell. hon. yeah, they have mos political leaders, 3 sons and grandchildren. however, he was asked about whether or not he was considering withholding military aid is real. and whether or not there could be a shift in us policy, the us president instead saying that he had spoken to the is really prime minister . and he was still withholding that decision, given the fact that he believes there is still time to see whether or not is real will meet us benchmarks. i have been very blunt, straightforward with the prime minister, as well as his work cabinet, as well as the can. and the fact of the matter is that the i b b and i have
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a long discussions. he agreed to do several things that related to number one, getting more agencies, both food and medicine, and the glasses, and reducing significantly the attempts, the civilian casualties in any action taking in the regions. now on thursday. you as president biden in addition to japanese, prime minister casita will also be joined by philippines president ferdinand marcos junior for a tri, lateral summit. the focus will be on china is aggression in the south china sea. but the issue of israel's war on gaza is also expected to dominate. kimberly help it al jazeera, the white house. meanwhile in central gaza is rarely as trucks on tuesday night has a residential head to home. and as a way the cleaning old,
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at least 14 palestinians, including children lodge crisis, all that's left of a house where a family was preparing for each celebrations. several people including displays, families have been staying inside the building. the bodies were taken to unlock the hospital in the block before burial. a kind of did you hesitate? well, he was preparing for ead. he and his young children, off to sunset, he entered the house at 9 o'clock and without warning, they hit them with muscles. and he was killed along with his sons and daughters and 2 other displaced families. but you ends agency for children says that one of its vehicles has been hit with live ammunition and the statement on x. unicef said the vehicle was head while waiting to enter. northern garza, the agencies said it's raise the incident with his righty authorities. the statement went on to say that unless aid workers are protected in accordance with international humanitarian rule, aid cannot reach people in need. tell them to have them use now and the european
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parliament has approved and of a whole of immigration policies which make it hard of asylum seekers to enter a year of the decision for those years and divisions use of divisions rather and requires member states to share responsibility, charities, and, and g o, say the reforms will not help migrants and refugees while for rise policies across your website. they don't go far enough. dominant cain reports from the len a small boat has helped into adina again haul by the spanish coast scots on bold. people who have travelled from west africa, dazed and confused by the dangerous crossing to the canary islands. some of those rescued need immediate medical attention. all of them want to assign them in the u . spanish officials, same olden 6 times. as many people made this journey in the 1st quarter of the year compared to the same period last year. which helps explain why the european
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parliament is just devoted to change its assignment policy. it is crucial that starts to take back control from the smugglers. so big because we need to decide who will actually enter the repeal union. we need to strengthen our common border because only soul can be also ensure that we move towards a policy when we can gave protection to those the needs and not to regular migrants . countries not on the blocks external border will not have to choose between accepting a share of $30000.00 asylum applicants or paying more than $21000.00 per person into an e u fund. a new screening system will distinguish between those who need international protection and those who do not process that will last up to 12 weeks with rejected . applicants sent back to the home countries within another 12 weeks. but this
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still has faced strong criticism. reform of the coming during repeating asylum system will not save a single live, not in the mediterranean, and not at any of your p and x 2 and a borders. because what has been happening is that the, you now legalize this, the violations of international law that are committed by european states already. now the extra and the boldest european far right to parties say the changes don't go far enough, but anyhow, so there isn't even a mention of defending the borders against the invasion of immigrants. they are deliberately replacing european populations. our borders must be closed. our people don't want more migrations, they want less, it will be, steal, still needs formal approval from the european council of ministers. but that is seen as a full malice. see whether it can deliver all of what it supports is a promising is perhaps less so the european parliament selections in june may show us what the votes is. think of it's going okay. houses that are still ahead on algebra. i will tell you why time end is increasing security along its border with
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me. i'm on the glad to have you. let's go with your weather. report across the americas for a pump in invoice, starting humidity off the soft by and take care. so line of showers and storms from a song, so you on support a lake right. but this line of storms also expands west squared, pushing up from bolivia is capital the pass rate down to that southeast corner of brazil. it's been hot and dry for a huge swats in mexico, particularly just to the east of actor poco number of wildfires there. but with the disturbance out of the us, we've got copious amounts of rain in the forecasts from mexico. so you could tell me peninsula, again, all of this coming from the us. so from arkansas, missouri, kentucky, tennessee right down to georgia and florida. the very real risk of seeing some
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funding here is that activity chugs is worth. i mean, look, a little rock, maybe a month's worth of rain wednesday to thursday. this is pushy northward and expanding, injecting a lot of moisture into the atmosphere, the midwest, the great lake submitted by and take in the us. ne, you to have the risk of seeing some flooding to the west. much quieter. cool for awhile for beasley, south coast, vancouver at 9 degrees and enjoy it while you can in california. sunny and hot l. a . a 29. but watch what happens on saturday. white's windy conditions move in and cooler air as well. so l a. just 19 for you on saturday. see you soon. a of the one the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of the industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem
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. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is which is here as new series died. last futures, the 2 watching all just bear with me, elizabeth put on them. and uh huh. a reminder of on top stories, the song is really ami has assassinated. 3 songs and full grandchildren has come off as political leaders. several members of his line he has family were traveling in the north. this trip when the vehicle was head that you are paying parliament has approved an overflowing of immigration policies which make it hard of asylum
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seekers to enter europe. they also have a client own member states to share responsibility. the decision follows he has of divisions, rebels flashing neon laws, one to say government forces appear to have fled a strategic border region. the volumes has been taking place near the border town of male while the next to thailand, ty, solid josephine patrolling the area of civilians from young might have been trying to flee the fighting. and the lines of anti hunter rebels has made advances against the military and recent moms that spring in a correspondent, tiny chang. he's following the story for us, and he's joining his life from the time for the city of may source. tony, it's been a few days since korean rebels said they've been driving government forces out of the strategic town. what's the latest of the we've heard from the spokesman for those korean victorian us, they call me that they actually goes into the tally in 275, which was the last host holding on to me a while the
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a 10 pm last night we started hearing about it on social media at about 6 am this morning. we understand from residence to a still clearing across the bridge. that was some strikes overnight. and then we heard about an hour ago the, the remaining approach into forces were trying to flee into thailand. and they, uh, as we understand it, just down the road here, a friendship. bridge number 2. now this is the big trade bridge that connects all account go that goes across a $1000000000.00 with every year. we understand is a full of about $200.00 soldiers negotiating with the ties. when we arrived about 45 minutes ago, we saw a contingent, a tie. so just to a now just behind me, inside the molding crossing weights, i don't know exactly what's going on, but i think certainly means that at this stage we can say that milwaukee has full and to the korean lead rebel groups. and the government forces are in full retreat
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. okay. so tie, soldiers having to deal not just with civilians trying to figure the slicing, but also the soldiers of the me on my military. it's another humiliating defeat for the military junta. is it not tony? what does it mean for the armies group on power or? absolutely, and we've seen this over the last 6 months since an offensive stones in the insurance space on october, the 27th. we seen last off the loss of the loss and they've now lost control of the board of positions in india or bangladesh, china and now thailand. and i think it puts the, the middle to ginger in method or in a very difficult position. this you could argue is probably the most significant defeat. it was a very significant border crossing. interestingly, despite what's going on across the board and we're still seeing trucks going across will contain, is on the back a couple, caring, liquid,
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natural gas scaling into what it is effectively, uh, what was that. and then i think that shows just how important trade is here. that will be very much the full front of the tie. governments want to yes, is concerned with the condition on the board below. so be worried about maintaining the stability across the board. and we've seen, as the military have retreated, they may not have strings on the ground, but they do have a absolute strength in the sky. and in villages and towns where they've been forced out, we've seen as strikes coming in off to it. that's the concern of the civilians who are coming across the board as the day. they said that with limited strikes in the last couple of days to try and protect those last battalions that were resisting the rebel forces that can so now they'll be a much more major error offensive coming into the town. think the ties they'll be very worried about that. they'll be doing everything they can to try and get the
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ministry john said to hold back, but at this stage in the military to enter and that is in a relatively desperate position. i'm will be doing everything it can to hold back is rebel forces. tony. thank you very much for that. so correspondent, tiny chang. joining us live from that tie. border city of my thoughts to los as in south korea have handled the majority of seats in parliament to the opposition democratic policy and wednesdays election as a result of the remainder of president to you and so appeals to an office could be a difficult one. you and says he humbly accepts the election results that's bringing on correspondence. eunice kim, she's joining us live from the south korean capital sol. so the prime minister and all the senior aides have offered to resign. you and this one has the routing cost you've done so exactly in the selection. yeah. elizabeth, we'd have to circle back to that green. i'm in. debacle that pointed to president use kind of out of touch this. given his lack of communication,
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misinformed advice perhaps. and a closeness to an open debate to other ideas, alltran ideas. so even the opposition and democratic party was shocked by the level of success that'd be had with this last parliamentary election. one of the leaders can book, you know, i'm, he's a former prime minister, told reporters an oppressor this morning that he was fearful of the citizens. the people's decision saying that this was not a win that the opposition party won, but it was essentially punishment handed to the ruling people of power party. now the space of elections really came one after the other this morning from the leader of the p. hon. don't who and as well as the prime minister conduct sue and senior aides of the presidential office. we're not handling security. and this broad
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gesture is not to be taken lightly here in south korea. it is being seen as an indicator that the top office is taking this very seriously and that they are viewing this as perhaps the biggest risk because that present use on yard has taken it in his leadership thus far. the prime minister and honda and both have been very close advisors to president unit either at the start of his presidency or even before. and so where does this leave the government, eunice? what happens next? right, so if indeed president you accepts the resignation of the prime minister and we must note that that is still and if he will have to replace his number 2. now the prime minister is a very hands on deck position in south korea handling state affairs. i economic affairs and with 3rd, there is a emergency,
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nationally emergency such as the club and 19 pandemic, the prime minister steps in and coordinates the national response. so unlike other minister level appointments that technically do not need problem entry approval, although they are vetted at parliament, the prime minister it with the prime minister, the president will need to find a figure that parliament can get behind because he needs a majority's approval at the national assembly in order to get his a prime minister approved. so in a sense of present use on yours 1st test of whether he can change his leadership style that he has come under. so much criticism and the past few days has already come knocking on his door. that is eunice can joining us with a life is life and soul. thank you eunice. the us in japan have an ounce plans for new joint, a defense network and partnership with australia, us president joe biden. and jeff and his prime minister for me. ok,
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she mentioned the white house by and said wednesdays announcement represented the closest collaboration between washington in tokyo and decades. the 2 leaders also discussed both korea and tensions with china. in our alliance, we have what japan is a purely defensive in nature. it's a defensive alliance, and the things we discussed today improve our cooperation and our, and our surely about defense and readiness is not aimed at any one nation or threat of the region. and it doesn't have any to do conflict. and so this is about restoring stability in the regions and i think we have a chance to join us on thursday by and then catch it. i will be joining in washington by for the pain president, food and then macros. junior of the americans and japanese support the philippines and that's territorial disputes of badging in the south china sea. bottom below is a force from manila, philippines and chinese coast guard vessels had been regularly out maneuvering each
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other in the south china sea over the past year. or recently, the chinese had been firing water cannon causing damage to supply boats of the philippine navy. an injury to prove members. the analysts say the confrontation has pushed the philippine leaders to strengthen partnerships by laterally and now multilaterally with the united states and japan. japan and the philippines are at the center of all the emerging geopolitical conversations in the western pacific. you have the east china see the west philippine see and at the same time cross street relations. leaders of the 3 countries are set to meet in washington on april 11th for summit, the builds on the recent engagements. last june, the coast guards held drills into south china sea. and in the speech to the philippine congress, japan's prime minister announced that the philippines would be the 1st beneficiary of the japanese security assistance program is already requested. i told you all
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the identity part of our quarterly president, my gosh, this tech farmer legacy shows for other people can access agreements between philippines and defend forces. because since then, japan has moved further away from its longstanding pacifist policy. the japanese cabinet recently approved the export of next generation fighter jets. china has denounced what it calls us interference in the region. sometimes make war with us has traveled halfway around the world to china, still states to form exclusive circles, flicks muscles in my publications. these are awesome that had demonic activities. chinese for administer wong e and barked on his own charm offensive last month with a visit to new zealand and australia. s. u, a secretary of state anthony, blinking, attended the summit for democracy in south korea, mostly. and we have for us to best commitment in vanilla, china's warrant the philippines against manipulation by the us president for the
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end of august junior, insist philippines isn't making itself upon. dfcs is building a lions. this with like minded countries to advance a shared interest for a free and open in the pacific bond. even though alger 0, the us authorities and limiting the balance of the dangerous pay, fast chemical allowed and drinking water, it is used to the production of non stick pads and other products. but it's also linked to diseases including cancer on hand and reports. for the 1st time, the u. s. who said limits on the so called forever chemicals pouring from drinking water tasks. these chemicals, entering our environment in an uncontrolled manner, are harmful to our families, harmful to our communities and harmful to our economy. the us environmental protection agency says the new standards for p fast or poly florio elk. a little substances are expected to protect a 100000000 people from exposure and prevent tens of thousands in serious illnesses
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in depths. i raised my children on this water, a $130000.00 parts per trillion of total p fast is the current estimate that we likely drank every day during the peak of our contamination crisis. i know we can't change the past, but we can fight for a more just a future, and that is exactly what we are doing today. the new limits for to 10 parts per trillion are dramatically lower than the levels found in north carolina and elsewhere. p 1st found in such products as non stick pins, firefighting foam and water proof clothing had been linked to cancer and other serious illness. water utilities will now have to filter out handful of common forever chemicals. but there are $12000.00 individual types, and they're found in half of americans drinking water supply. and according to the us centers for disease control and prevention in the blood of 97 percent of americans divide and administration has focused on clean water following the
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discovery of water heavily polluted with lead over the past decade, especially in poor communities in flint, michigan, jackson mississippi and elsewhere, environmental watchdogs and prosecutors, a manufacturer is new that compounds were dangerous and here's a go for years. companies have dumped p. fos and other chemicals that last forever into our lakes and rivers, even when they knew that these chemicals damaged people's health and our natural resources wellbeing. the epa is providing $9000000000.00 for p, 1st contamination from an existing $20000000000.00 fund to rebuild drinking water infrastructure. john henry and l g 0. washington. that result in a supreme court has ruled a 160 year old. old bad and abortions is enforceable with the state courts dominated by republicans that federal for political storm. that could have implications for november's presidential election. but reynolds has more
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republicans in arizona and elsewhere were backpedaling, energetically. following the state supreme court abortion ruling. the republican candidate for senate in arizona carry lake, a favorite of donald trump, was old for the 160 year old abortion lot. 2 years ago, we have a great law on the books right now that happens. now that it has happened, lake says she opposes it. as soon as trump saying the situation in arizona would be, quote, straightened out, but boasting about his role in over turning a constitutional right to abortion. people actually 59 percent of americans believe abortion should be legal. according to the most recent poll democrats pounced on the ruling. republicans here in arizona are consistent.


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