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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 9, 2024 11:00am-11:16am AST

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with every press who will bring it to light? a little love in palestine, we share the the stones he attain. you're watching out of there live from the home. the united nations top court is just about to head. germany defend itself against accusations that it's facilitating genocide in gaza. you're watching the live, see now at the international court of justice and the hague way of proceedings on day 2 are about to get on the way. now this case, which has been brought by nicaragua is calling for the court to order germinate to stop supplying weapons to israel. it also once fell into reverse its decision to cut funding to view and agencies of palestinian refugees on ro, moving, especially $3000.00 palestinians have been killed for fall and
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a half of them children. on monday we had from nicaragua and outlined its case, arguing the ballot and has been complicit in what the quoted already rules is. pro is about genocide and gaza. it's ed walsh on these military support of israel has historical reasons. it's also find actually immersive asians government companies involved in the military industry, directly profiting from the situation as they have seen. there's tre prizes price since 7 october. and they have to essentially increase the joint developing contracts or weapons with this very counterparts. this while you're watching the judges into the wild course as it's known in the international court of justice. now, as we were saying this is day 2 of hearing. so we heard from nicaragua, from multiple speakers yesterday and creating several experts, outlining its case against a germany. today we do expect to hear from a number of speakers from a number of different countries representing the german side who will be defending
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the german case against nicaragua, as accusations. there was plenty of and most of language in this course yesterday as well. at one point in nicaragua, describing germany is decisions as an aide to gaza and weapons at the same time, to as well as pathetic. we did hear briefly from the germans at the end of yesterday's proceedings. they addressed the media just outside the course with, with a heavy push back on oh, that we had from nicaragua, but nothing in terms of details of its legal arguments. we do expect to hear those right now, and course in the coming 2 hours for proceedings have literally just begun that system. and the goal is to meet this morning. so here's the thing that on the forwarded argument over the side of the public project. money on the request for the indication of pro vision and measures submitted by the property company cardwell indicates concerning alleged, but each is upsets and international vacations in the respect of the ok bye. so i
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assume that it see nick, i love us of germany. i know, give the flow to the agent often showed many missed on you have on this thought eviction you have the floor of of the limits of the quote does a know know to address you today and to open to all proceedings from the federal republic of germany, we sort of crazy don't. mister president met them, vice president, allow me to begin by warmly congratulating you on your election. he comes to these proceedings as a friend of the quote and a firm believer in the peaceful settlement of international disputes. proceedings before these court, i'm writing, noted for the deep and serious engagement with a mole and the facts. respectful. as well as the promotion of
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international cornerstones of john this constitution will fix foreign policy. germany has always been an advocate for the promotion and strengthening of international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles. this also guides our response to the conflict ex daycare germany is doing its most to live up to its responsibility is that we both use riley and the palestinian people. nicaragua, assist initiating proceedings against germany before this quote has taken a one sided view of the conflict. it fails to properly appreciate both the facts and the law. in this situation, germany funny rejects nicaragua, accusations. i need to emphasize one point at the beginning. germany has learned from its post posts, that includes the responsibility for one of the most of if it crime,
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since human history. the show this explains one of the principles upon which all form policies with regards to all middle east issues press. sco history is the reason what israel security has been at the pull of german foreign policy, the new speech to the kinetic of 18, march 2008. germany's been chancellor. uncle america spoke about german news, special, historical responsibility for his real of security as part of germany. so hes on the top, federal trans level of choice. reiterate at this point in his speech to the german brenda's talk on 12th october 2023. i quote, our own history, a responsibility deriving from the whole cost makes it all permanent duty to stand up for the existence and security of the state of israel. this responsibility guides us. indeed,
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this responsibility must continue to guide us because is one's right to exist, continues to be denied. in fact, it is denied into colorado post application of the section devoted to how most master curse of 7 october. according to nicaragua, these attacks were directed at and the quote settlements located in the altar part posting and territories of civil asa your most. at the end of the quote, germany suddenly rejects this notion how much terrace attacked left 1200000 wounded congress women using children became victims of the most terrific sexual violence. and 240 hostages were taken many of them held until today. these a tex targeted communities located within the borders of israel, locked in garza, but then the state office will. it doesn't take a rock or at least stand 5 characters ations that these are occupied,
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palestinian territories. fuss denying israel's right to exist. germany will not tolerate this international community found at the state of israel as a safe haven for jewish people. it's rights to exist as internationally, like a cost. based on international law, germany has since 7 october front as well. it's right to protect itself against these ongoing attacks. we're faced with a dilemma for thomas towers, use the civilian population as human shields and abusive, an infrastructure to high the terrorist activities. for minutes, the book fully recognized this dilemma and un security council on 24th october 2020 administrative capacity building with a total of 1500000000 euro. germany recognizes the rights of palestinians to self determination to be exercised in the territories that came under occupation in
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$9.00 to $67.00. because from the condemned attempts to undermine the 2 state solution, such as to the expansion of illegal settlements. there is no doubt which i'm in the stands. as 5 minutes the books dressed in her speech, the german boons talk on 21st march 2024. our position is defined by international law. on the week off, so how must mass occur? on 13 october 2023 for a minister babel declared that civilians need safe spaces where they can find protection and be provided with essential goods. on 29 february 2024. to quote the suffering of palestinians indescribable in life in garza health sewer. recognize these quotes also from nicaragua, his presentation to will recognize others. this is not surprising. they are not
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prove as planned, but nicaragua, the gym, and he is failing to live up to its responsibilities on the country. calling for the a terrans to international law does not constitute the administrative page manifestation of its breach. to us, these quotes proof that jeremy's, fulfilling its obligations to ensure respect for international humanitarian law. in a situation in which israel is faced with ongoing attacks of how much terrorists who blow off to 7 october, continue to fire real quick is ready towns and villages to still look more than 100 this really men, women, and children hostage in casa, does all duty to mind israel that even when exercising its right to self defense, international humanitarian law supplies. the concern was the dramatics, humanitarian situation and gaza reflected in the quotes order of 26 january 28th.
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march also guides germany. our conduct is directed alleviating the dramatic situation and gaza. but the court describes in its order we have been making too many new to our new systems available directed to the palestinian people for months and are working with international agencies towards disco. germany's the largest individual. don't know if you may turn assistance with 23550000 euro in 2023. 50.9. 5000000 euro in 20. 24. so far implemented not only via on russia, but also organizations like culture. the world for program the i c r c. as a german red cross, germany has increased its support 3 fold since october 23. so precisely to leave at the catastrophic conditions the palestinians are exposed to in gaza. but it just
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didn't policy any leadership in ramallah as acknowledge germany's contributions on more than one occasion. during his recent visit to israel on 17th, march 2024 transfer of choice expressed his grave concern about the humanitarian situation in casa and 6 official visits to israel and the occupied palestinian territories. since october 2023 witnessed the barrel book and constructive in close engagement with there's any and posting and lead us as tirelessly sold to build a cream and towards concrete measures that will contribute to reduce the pain in june for individuals on both sides of the conflict. she visited the border crossings and rough and cutting shallow herself in order to examine how access for humanitarian assistance can be improved. most other countries have not shown this intense level of engagement. since october 2023,
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germany has expanded its humanitarian assistance. under the most difficult conditions, germany's policy is aligned with a demand only be sustainable if i must, ceases its terrace operations and release as the hostages unlikely. colorado, a german who's not blind to the fact that thomas also has obligations under international humanitarian law, including towards the civilian population in gaza. so don't need that's how must not comply with its complications, but it also renounces penny responsibility and the most significant. many of the presidents, members of the court, the bulk of nicaragua application and with this request, the says this, israel's conduct and alleged violations of international law. but israel, but this is not the case brought against israel. speaker rog law has initiated proceedings against germany. germany funding projects, nicaragua speculations,
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they have no basis. in fact total. they are dependent on an assessment of conduct, but this will not to party to these proceedings. therefore, the significant part of jeremy's presentation today will be dedicated to setting the record straight. does our hope that these proceedings will contribute to a better understanding of the fact, jeremy's action and this conflict has been fairly rooted in international law. but germany has provided support to israel, including informal, fix ports of arms and other military equipment. the quantities rushed to bring this case to the quote on the basis of the flimsiest of evidence has console for germany will develop the caracas request for provisional measures. plainly fails to meet the requirements of alt before to wonder if the statute as interpreted in the jurisprudence of this quote. as mister sam,
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what scores case he will demonstrate because all costs case does not fall within the years dixon of this course, not even pre my thoughts here. germany has been brought before this quote, the absence of a dispute while the basis of his establish case law. the court cannot exercise to his diction and the absence of israel. the truly indispensable party progressed on the people who follow and demonstrate that. think of august request is not linked to any plausible rights that are at issue in this case file from enabling a let speeches of the most fundamental rules of international law. germany has called consistently for the strict compliance with international law. germany is always acted on this basis as professor power packet. instead, council, yesterday acknowledge that germany and i quote again, is engaged in facilitating or improving humanitarian aid and gaza to approve the
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funds to unreal operations and gaza. this decision was taken in response to grave allegations that unrest of were implicated in the terror attacks of 7th october allegations that left the un secretary general. horrified and that continue to be investigated. germany has since resumed its funding for unreal operations and the west bank, jordan, and elsewhere, committing a further 45000000 euros. and already on the 1st of march, the very day, nicaragua instituted proceedings, germany agreed in consultation with all the equal member states to release a 50000000 euro emergency assistance package from european union funds. 12 and a half 1000000 euros of these funds provided by germany. but nick rocket and not only and this is my 2nd point, ignores this context. it ignores the fact that germany's temporary decision of the
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27th of january has had no direct effect on unreal operations on twin sit in nicaragua, its claims. and when you look, you will see that immediately off the 27th of january 2024. the german government made available support to offer you many terry and donors such as eunice, f, d, i c o, c, and the world food program and additional support. now amounting to nearly 40000000 euros, in addition to funds provided to unwrap and to contributions via the you and the regular you and budget annex 10 also. but the picture presented by nick iraq, you is that best inaccurate and worst it is a deliberate mix representation of the actual situation.


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