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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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and that the story is the ability of us having a normalized elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there, and it's all about it right here. and right now, the stream on out the palestinians and returning to that home using 10 units and gaza, find only bodies on rubble left by is ready for the final insight. this is all just there in life from the also coming up. nicaragua takes germany to course all gearing, it's supplied weapons to israel announced a meeting and the best thing, genocide. the council unanimously defeated
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the discussion on the application of the state of palestine for transmission to the standing committee. their committee, which this is a historic moment un security council sense how the signs bed a full membership to its admissions committee. so the moon shudder, wilford's touchstone, and the pacific ocean. it'll come racing from that direction. they'll come washing over us. and the 1st bill will be from here, counting down to dog minister clips watches in north america, a gathering out for one of nature's greatest shows. the as we begin in southern gaza, where is riley artillery far? it has killed at least 8 palestinians. in con units, people were targeted as they were ton to what is left of the homes to search for
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any belongings laced is ready. troops have withdrawn from the area as well as defense minister says that is aimed at preparing them for a ground defensive in rasa. some palestinians had hoped that they might have homes to return to thought there was almost nothing left standing. honey. my mood in rough as more on those. returning to the devastated homes for some of the 1st palestinians to go back to han unit. there isn't much recognizable left one's home to around half a 1000000 people. the city in the south of garza has been flattened by israel's military. the city looks heartbreaking. it's unbelievable. what do you expect this kate of destruction? there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it's made of the people who have been living in tents or in the open for months on end. we're hoping there might be
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some way to start rebuilding their life. you know, in fact, given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble. that's how we kinda leave here . animals kind of leave you. so how's that person supposed to? the destruction is unreal. israel's military announce on sunday it has withdrawn troops from han, eunice. it wraps up a key phase and it's battle with him. us troop levels now are some of the lowest levels in gaza since the war began 6 months ago. but there are still reminders that this is still a war zone. rebuilding con eunice will take many, many years to visit row allows the and for the 1000000 and a half people. so during here and rough off the threat of and is really ground invasion remain mode. that'll just be a rough off in southern dog. i'm sorry,
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god bless you and has more now from rafa in southern gaza. so i was sitting in some of these, this talk to, to gradually return to the houses in order to check to own what has been left for them off to the east. very with the trouble. the court found nothing but only destruction and deputation. dr. complete a strong the entire city the and the palestinians also were shocked from what they have been seeing. the officer that use very withdrawal was specifically that at least $64.00 palestinians have been found killed in the city, that they have been recovered from multiple areas in con eunice. and those people have been killed on the unknown circumstances. it's not yet clear with that it'd be happy to execute it by the is very so just or even it had been killed by its value a compartment or strikes. so they have been transferred to multiple hospitals to all of the hospital in the central areas of casa, and the remaining have been delivered to both the repeat hospital and to another hospital. in the past. also, brooklyn district bought
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a 2. now also they use what it with the trouble. there is an ongoing development by these by the onto the re, on the eastern areas of condo to support a police, a palestinians that have to report killed alongside with auto stop abutment in the middle areas were to college, students have been killed. one palestinian women alongside with parent child has been have been hit within his rarely onto a shilling in a dairy about a town. as people have been telling us that they have been facing great difficulty to identify the location of houses in the city of community due to the wall. i disagree with destruction being absolutely close to the end to inflict it to the entire city. they do today is very ongoing bombardment of the days of mounting international pressure and warnings of famine from the humanitarian organizations. israel says it's allowed the largest number of 8 trucks into gone. so since a will be gone 6 months ago. authorities say 322 trucks have entered the strip,
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most of them tiring food. before the war, 500 trucks used to arrive daily, a organizations a keys. israel of slowing the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies for you and has described the situation in gaza as 9 maid stone vacation has warmed a famine. also hearing that some a deliveries have reached hospitals in northern dallas that over the weekend bringing desperately needed medical supplies. and doctors at the come all at one hospital will say the shipments are just a drop in the ocean. and the shift and the items, the arrival of a shipment of medicines yesterday is not enough compared to the urgent needs of citizens due to the high rates of mount nutrition among the along with the shortage of some food and medicines. for these children, whom you can see in the background behind me in the children's mastery, the most of the children come into the hospital with no nutrition, especially punctual babies due to the mound nutrition on the mother. and that
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affects the mother and other patients. this is the best thing to done. i'm not only suffering because of her, but also because of all the children. every child is suffering from malnutrition and every day we lose 5 or 10 children, but it's not just the young children, men, the elderly. all of them have become ill due to the lack of nutrition because it has been destroyed, life and goes, it has been destroyed. no one can find enough food or water of a withdrawal of some. is there any forces on the increase in aids gone as a come as a new round of seas far towards wraps up, but how much is down playing area reports of progress it's told out just there as well as not responding to its demands. is riley. how must integrations have now left cairo, but they all expected to return to the egyptian capital in 2 days. was rarely negotiators were led by the head of the intelligence agency. most sad that's bringing will reach out and season ok, bodies to respond. so what are you hearing about these tools so fall
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within the last few minutes, benjamin netanyahu z is ready. prime minister has released a video address with a short statement on the use tools. what he says is, today, i received a detail reports on the totes and car, right? we owe you all the time to achieve our goals. first and foremost, the release of the hostages auditing a complete victory over how mass. this victory requires entry into rafa. and the elimination of the terrorist brigades that it will happen, there is a date, so no commitments that this route is going to sign any agreement that a re statements of israel is full goals. and the specific mention of right for that, i'm saying that the raffle a sold has a dice attached to it. so there is, i think, got some skepticism pessimism, whatever you want to call it in israel,
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that this deal is a run, a search lea. uh it is a, it provides the file, right? so benjamin netanyahu is routing coalition to warn him not to sign. and the things that they don't agree with, the advice would be set to they will toll pete of his government as they have done many times before. if you guys are deal to that, they don't agree with. there is going to be a meeting of the political security cabinets tomorrow. now that is the war cabinet plus a few extra people, extra people, including that too far right. menaces smart rich and ben to give a, we can back to that, going to be the pressure in him, in that meeting, not to go anywhere near the deal to that. don't agree with what it costs. that's pressure coming from the amazon is about pressure coming from international internationally and nice, nice would be the united states that benjamin netanyahu should de escalate it as complex and should slack allow huge amounts of age into gaza,
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ultimate. and that this is players coming from the egyptians and the categories from home us and from is read itself. i think there's a lot more pessimism that's okay. thank you for that. laurie china and stuff for us and also find the source of palestine sped for full membership of the united nations has been referred to a security council committee. the 15 member committee on new members is meeting behind closed doors in the next few hours to discuss the application. after 12 years since we change our status to an observer state, that the security concept will elevate itself to implementing the global consensus on the 2 state solution by admitting the state of palestine for a month for membership. okay,
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let's head to the united nations and speak to gabriel. as on to gabriel to explain to us why this is such a significant moment as well. number one, this is only the 2nd time that palestine has been able to get this far in their bid for full un membership. the last time was 2011. when it essentially failed in the security council standing committee, due to a threat by the united states to be towed if it ever came to a vote. so the fact that it's now getting back to the security council and has now reached the standing committee that deals with new membership applications is in of itself significant, symbolic, but also has some practical ramifications. of course. should this actually advance further? now how does the state become part of the un is a full member. the charter says it 1st has to be approved by the security council.
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and then if approved by security council, it would then go to the general assembly where it would need 2 thirds of the $193.00 members voting for it for it to pass. and for that country to become a full member, it's believe that palestine has the support in the general assembly that is pretty much widely accepted. the issue is in the security council where it has certainly a lot of support within the 15 members. but any one of the 5 permanent members could veto it, which would then stop the process and its uh, the united states of course, is the country that by all accounts would not support palestine becoming a full member. we believe so that is to potential a roadblock moving forward. i should say that the security council did say that their hope to expedite their part of this process and hope to have some sort of decision on this in the next month. okay, thank you for that. gabriel ellis,
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on the efforts of the united nations jeremy has been accused of aging and the best thing, genocide in gauze. why? in a case before the u. n's topcoat, it was brought by nicaragua and cools for emergency measures to stop gen a from selling weapons to israel. it also wants berlin to restore funding to the us agency for palestinian refugees audra. the crowd was noisy. i had harsh words for the dual role gemini, is playing in what the i, c, j has already ruined to be approvable case of genocide. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best part is teaching children women and men and goes on to provide so many tammy and aids, including 2 ad drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee terry equipment that used to kill and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age, because as most recently evidenced by the missile,
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i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen. on the other hand, i say now from steph besson, she is vague, and it must have been an uncomfortable 2 hours here for germany at the world's highest court in the hague. nicaragua had some harsh words for germany, saying if this facilitating turn aside in gaza, it's an interesting and unprecedented case because the 2 countries here at the core of nicaragua and so many, i'm not directly involved in the atrocities that are happening. and guys have left me graduate. i use a germany as a signatory to the genocide from science and has the obligation to do everything i can to prevent genocide. let alone not facilitate. germany is the 2nd largest supplier of weapons to israel off to the united states. and in 2023. it's supplies have a growing time full compared to the year before,
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and many of these weapons have still been exported after october 7, uh, antique tank weapons, amunition, drones all used according to nicaragua, or at least a lot of it in gaza against the civilian population. there, so this is an unprecedented case, a new cargo upset that germany has to be held accountable and order to for, to a. so germany immediately to stop supplying these weapons and the arguments germany, us use as for example, at that it's commitment unconditionally to s route comes from. it's all data basically connecting its own existence to the existence of israel is misleading because this applies to the jewish population. jewish people but not to as well. and it also says that the business has gone really up. i'm sales, the manufacturers are making lots more money, so it's not just business as usual, germany supplying weapons,
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but the business even has gone better. so we will hear on tuesday from germany, it has the chance to defend itself. and then in a few weeks we will hear if the courts will have professional measures against germany steps last and else's era. they is. so heads on al jazeera, it's about so again, these are the live pictures of the fast total solar eclipse in north america. for 20 years. we're looking at a partial eclipse that has already started in mexico. these are images from that plan. they will be seeing the full eclipse senates pick the phone to tennessee in just on the an hours time. the on the rush out to celebrate the end of ramadan in indonesia and causing traffic night mess. economic faced the
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critical debate. pony farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments, for addition to the highest level, have been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the service to include dave, and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera must be the emotion in their own words 3, i'll just leave a general as described, working at surviving through israel's or so of course, a lot of mind that was i was calling and especially as much the short term journalism on the genocide on a just so you know, you want to report, but at the same time you want to feature probably you also want to stay alive. real
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people, true stories, place to home for so with social and around the well groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era in the, in watching out there on monday thought told stories based our aid palestinians have been killed as they tried to return to their homes and some unit, some southern guns and emergency workers have retrieve the bodies to put these 64 people that comes off the most is rarely troops withdrawn from the area places
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around they've gone to sci fi tools, have wrapped up in egypt and capital. how much is down playing with some progress? t i a direct so william buttons attendance, the mediation washington says, how much is now reviewing and latest? nicaragua has cooled germany before the humans, top poor. so what it says is the aging. and the best thing of genocide in casa, the keys in germany, of serious breaches of international law and failing. and it's easy to prevent genocide at least $94.00 people, many of them children have died off a make shift. ferry sank on northern meson peak 130 people were on board a convention fishing boats when it went down off and i'm pulling the province on sunday. authority say the vessel was not suitable for carrying passages. 5 survivors have been rescued, but dozens are still missing. many of the victims were trying to escape
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a color outbreak in mos on big initiated the silver is editorial direct to the queerly newspaper. he says, a number of people leaving that homes is being partly fueled by mis information. the most the most certainly i seen was that the, there is a porch in quiet and they put me in. it's so big, it's making, bring it to my to find that in the community and the way people, most of them as are running away from the media. they are building that house. even they need base things and run away from anyway. they sometimes you say there was a car that sort of give you a big file uh, fixed uh, some boxing and it could be local coatings be very nice stopping advantage to them. they could mean this. i do that the, they import, import the device. it's the expanding call in the communities,
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so it is making for my final is a, the we advocating on it, but it's not that i use. and so i think people seem to be able to be these beside us. does that mean the is being distributed by the to several regions in russia have declared a state of emergency of to some of the west flooding. in decades. the disaster has forced at least 4000 people to evacuate the homes in while residents of all scott protesting against the way local authorities have handled the situation in the region and all asking the president for help. they say they went told in advance that the name on time could bust the indonesian government estimates a 194000000 people are traveling to the home towns during the eat or fits or holiday which marks the end of ramadan. and with more than 70 percent of the
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population on the move unless are expecting a $9000000000.00 economic boost. jessica washington reports from jakarta. it's an invitation in central to carson. tens of thousands of people are preparing to travel to their hometown ahead. if they don't fit that holiday for me, homecoming means gathering with families, especially seeing parents. we are so happy to go home to gather with relatives. we don't get to me dawson and would you, any of the end of ramadan is a tradition in indonesia, millions leave major cities to spend the holidays with their families. many and making the most a free buses provided by the government and just reducing congestion on the roads that 8000 with our own for the last few years, the number of people using motor bikes has decreased, and accidents have decline to. so this free homecoming is very effective. millions of indonesians, migrant workers come from all over the country to work in the capital and the other
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big cities. authorities say this could be the biggest free travel, susan, on record. more than 194000000 people expected to be on the news. that's an increase of moving 70000000 compared to last year. the innovation chamber of commerce and in history projects and economic boost as more than $9000000000.00, estimating the average family spends at least $200.00 know certainly on transport expenses. but it also includes food and beverages. and at the time, the other one which hosts the largest tech sales market in southeast asia, thousands of shopping for presents. oh, for data expenditure, personally, i only buy things that i knew, but i came here to bikes. i worked for the, for my mother, my sister, and my sense economists say the travel booth is a good sign for the economy. an indication of growing consumer confidence. they pointed to several factors,
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such as an increase in the average wage and bits of transport, infrastructure as reasons more people are taking trips this year. on average, there was an increase on the people to move from informal sector of the economy to the formal sector economy. the effect of that of that actually creates the, the right for them to, to get the religious holiday as a low and out for run about one month uh salary. so they have the purchasing power . it's a week is big spending for millions of themes, nations, price, they say they happy to pay for insurance to spend a week at home with their loved ones. just 2nd, washington to 0 to come to is now millions of people in north america all gathering, full and extraordinary ret event. a title solar eclipse. show you these live pictures. this is a view from mazatlan in mexico. as you can see,
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a possible eclipse has already begun in just about half an hour as time just drive off, and now it's time. we should see the eclipse at its peak from that's full totality . that's also known as the the, the circled pasta tow top. i see where the sun will appear fully blocked, and then uh, it will head on uh, from the mexican town them is outlined and then they will head into the united states and finish in canada. let's hear now from calling back a explains how scientists have been preparing for the moment. is just after 11 am local time on monday morning on mexico's pacific coast, the sun will disappear and across north america, hundreds of science experiments will be prepared for launch. total solar eclipse is over populated areas are rare enough to be excited about. the sun is $400.00 times bigger than the moon, but it's also $400.00 times further away. so when all 3 line up just write one
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covers the other perfectly, like a lid sliding onto a popped. the 200 kilometer wide shadow they make will drift from mexico across the us to newfoundland in canada, in just an hour. plunging locations below into total darkness for 4 and a half minutes. and that's when researchers, the national space agency and thousands of citizens scientists will embark on a data gathering bonanza. $600.00 high altitude balloons will be released a 4 kilometers long, tight will point to measuring instrument at the sun. rockets will launch from an island in virginia, and jets will take off to flight inside the passive totality. nose is open cameras on these experiments will aim to unravel the mysteries of 2 boundary areas where some of the rules of our solar system remain unknown. on the sun, that's the corona, the stars vast atmosphere. the corona is millions of degrees hotter than the sun
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surface below. but that's a bit backwards and scientists still don't know exactly why. back on earth. the look at the area above our breathable atmosphere called the ion a sphere here. satellites, and radio operators communicate and global positioning systems function. but the honest fear fluctuates with the sun's energy. and it's especially sensitive to solar flares. the sun, you know, all the, you know it's, it's warm, it's bright, it's, it's, it's no 80 gives us life. at the same time, it's or itself sustain thermo nuclear explosion in space that we have to live next to. and so the more that we understand how those other layers work better, we can kind of predict the violin activity of us on and try to protect ourselves. cars with better tools, more smartphones and more research centers under its past, more data will likely be gathered during this total solar eclipse than ever before . it's an hour that scientists will study for years to come,
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calling baker elder 0. just one more story before we go, the lots number of ok, know the glass because audience has a rob said with a lot of a now flowing into the pacific ocean, the on and is on inhabited by humans, but it's time to a number of animal species. okay, up to date, the highlight of the weather is looking a little i'm set to look as possible at least over the next couple of days. but i can't dive into saudi arabia pushing across towards the golf avenue. north is looking very unsettled. some really inclement weather, pushing its way through central and western pa, for saudi arabia, could see a shower too. i think here in kata, it's just a lot to dry study. one degrees celsius on tuesday, picking up a touch as we go on into wedding stay. as i said, further no frequent plenty of shells west and pumps of air on good part of
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a rock. seeing some showers, a shower stretching all the way up towards the cool because in that same system as a matter of light pressure, swelling, way i could see eastern side of the mediterranean, some heavy showers coming into the cypress rod across the bank will say some showers there into gaza. i'm afraid i'm at wet weather becoming a little more widespread. nothing too heavy, but it's there, it's miserable. it's the kind of link for a couple of days. we're going to see that weather, grassy pushing his way was a little bit of weather turn to the north west of africa. northern parts of algeria could see a shower to over the next dial. so let me go into wedding start and you can see the heavy a showers stretching the way across. i'm not sure if west africa now, the seasonal range doing quite nicely low shelves. i stretched away into the southeast of south africa where the flood risk continues. in a world full of doggedness, hope was so scarce donated we delivered in ramadan, said bryce,
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we've touched lives in you in this holy month. the power of kindness, gray, in the joy of breaking fox and the footprint. we remember the blessings we all meant to share for that do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be this man most military losing control a series of daring attacks by rebel groups to see there's a turning point. the country is being into a model since a q 3 years ago. so it's me, i'm on a pause to allow civil war. and what would that mean for the region? this is inside store the hello get on change. phase man, mazda military government has suffered significant defeats of the hands of antique
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who opposition groups in recent weeks. in the past week, carlin fights has seized a vital town on the border with toilet.


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