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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the colleges here with the the hello until mccrae, this is then use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes is well announced as a troop withdrawal from kansas. the country's defense minister says that is to prepare for future operations, including an attack on rasa. it has now been 6 months since the side of the war and goes up with the latest round of seats. 5 talks at the beginning. kyra also hit. it was an international equipment in which faded off for one to max. does
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he did since the stats have its genocide by siding failures of the international community. now keith comes under attack again, is russia, launch is most strikes on you cry and 2nd largest city is full level full dropped points in the race to in the english premier league title match as united states hold your can corpse change. so i'd say to drop the result leads also help of the site. the we begin this use now with confirmation from his round that some of its troops being withdrawn from gallons of to prepare for future operations, including and offensive in the southern city. a for alpha, really a, the is ready military said it had withdrawal and most of its troops from the con eunice area and gaza, leaving behind just one brief guide. well, these
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a lot of pictures from west jerusalem with thousands of antique government protest as of demanding the return of his ready captive housing, cancer. and 6 months since the war started and i ceased find negotiations and not prioritizing the captives lives in a moment for me to speak with terracon who was in, who was standing by for us in rockford and southern gaza. the 1st that spring and were challenges who was in west jerusalem at these approaches. we'll get to those parts in just a moment. but 1st can we talk about this troop withdrawal from tom eunice. the defense minister is now saying is to prepare for a mission into rafa. what more do we know the stage? well, so we know that there is one brigade of phase ready ground troops, less dogs are released. the rest of them are in the process of putting out that one brigades numbering, when it is ready for the day, it is bound 220025000 troops. it is in the center of cause that basically
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splitting the strip into and the remaining troops and the 90 face. and they are heading out and they are basically going back to the bases to rest and retreat right now the, the ministry is saying that this is for a number of reasons. one, they think that the economy and this operation as basically mcdonough is joel. but it's been concluded to uh, they want to give those trees to be slicing for the last 4 months that it's a jobs to rent. 7 and 3, they think that the, the, the future operations that i got one to take are going to be more of the kind of targeted rate where they can use that. 9 gauge to hit north into this because the staple south into the sensor in southern like gaza strip. it also prevents the civilian into being displaced from cause and city in northern parts for the air in
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the south at the moment. so going back to the heart of something the, that the ministry wants to maintain at the moment. but as you say, so there is also this statement from north carolina, the defense minister that these uh, exiting troops are going to be going back and they're gonna be preparing for the operations, including that's uh the operation that the benjamin netanyahu has been promising for a long time of going into on the south, the district finds clearing, what he says of the 4 remaining battalions of how much spices. and were you at the same time as what was that is happening as well as find the confidence i will be sending a delegation to colorado for another round of negotiations to son. they actually take with them the power to actually negotiate dante, the yes they do and this is something that they haven't really had before in previous rounds. let me go to high level integration. that is
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in carter at the moment because the head of both sides, the foreign intelligence service center, it has the head of pushing pads, which is the domestic intelligence service. and it was as representative from the forces they have what's being called an expanded mandate. that means that they have the power to negotiate, previous delegations that have gone from his route to colorado. have only really been that we've kind of already fixed parameters that are being set. spidey is ready. governments. the delegation has more flexibility to which the signals signs of high no less the all who is still being bush is still saying that it is come out. that is standing in the way because the d l he's saying is around, it's open to one. but that needs to be more pressure on the how much organizations, some policies like caps and feed you to, to, to make concessions. essentially we can hear how we put that earlier on when the site can you all have to be sure to come us showing us how mass hopes that the
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pressure from outside and inside will make israel surrender to these extreme demands. it will not happen. israel is ready for a deal. israel is not ready to surrender. instead of international pressure being directed at israel, which only causes hamas to hot in its positions. the pressure of the international community should be directed against thomas to come up in the protest and pressure against and then yeah, who continue, doesn't where we, because they had been another night as we have seen and heard behind you. if anti government protest is, is there a sense that it is actually working, or is it no impervious to domestic, as well as international pressure that we have seen piling up on them in the last few days as well? anyone who knows anything about benjamin netanyahu know you said he is a political survivor. he's been through many scrapes and he's long story career and
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he's still in office. now the protest is here, primarily wanting him to concentrate on bringing the caps as high. and so they would share any deal that has reached and kyra that facilitates that there was another process move on that is going on. and it's right at the moment which is much more political. it's much more about unceasing benjamin netanyahu that he wants. they all calling for early elections early elections and they think benjamin netanyahu would lose because he is genuinely unpopular in this country. he, at the moment, is resisting those coals for the elections. there is perhaps another mean by which he might expect se office and that so if it's covered, it should come up please. but it seems to be holding dates ranks at the moment that he hasn't got any way. okay, thank you so much for all of that. that is where a challenge for us, investors, credits go live now to talk about with him who is standing by for us and rasa in southern guys are in turn, can you just give us an idea of what it is likely a,
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since the pullout of these is rarely trips from con, eunice, what spring? lifting the white. and i know it certainly, but has there been any reaction to these ready defense minister saying that all of that is to prepare for a mission into russell where you are of the well told me in fact that certainly has been completely present simple specifically . that is very mail it to withdrawal from the city will call you to has left nothing behind just a really destruction that has completely covers the entire city, the web. back of the confrontations between the most scientists and the is where the all soldiers have been widely furious, furious, and they have been closing a collateral destruction for a civil infrastructure for even most any indication of facilities to some people. and some families have returned back again. to their houses in order to check on it . in the city all cartoonist, they have nothing. they have only the russell and the praise of the destroyed
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buildings describing the situation that being the most of the people here in russell are completely following the is what he, what the trouble of, from the city of con, noticed they have what it drove to the eastern part of the city, the and the majority of the ministry troops on the ground have bold from the entire area. just only one brig left. that is right now, station coordinates, every junction in the middle area that is responsible for preventing the return of display spot of sinews to the houses in the north pole right now, move fees to talk to, to, to be talked among palestinians. and we'll find that sounds more critical and serious in light of the is ready, defense minister of color and so statement that the withdrawal of the military troops. that is a fleet preparation for further potential attacks will be carried out on the roof. but also from the other perspective, palestinians understand that it's a part of the ongoing psychological operations being practiced by these really ministry. specifically that are move proponents from these really media saying that
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the, the gaps between homeless and he's been regarding reaching to cease by. i started to be narrative i'm, it's me the positive, if you about the possibility of reaching to us, he's quiet agreements before each of sorts of but also the under transactions. any collapse of negotiations means that the operation of raphi will be not the temple in tech, as we've been talking about all tight in 6 months since school began. can you just give us an idea, a sense of what it has been like that if people use the day to take stock of what has happened and everything that they have lost in that time? yes, the majority of guns have lost their houses. there are even drops as they become 2 or 3 for and then to the broken they. they clearly understand that the, the living in garza again, will be completely a dream right now is specifically lights of these ready on getting denial of the
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return of the people of the displace concepts to the north of the territory. but also people in the north for us to try that have been, i will say, describing the situation to be really going up the they are talking about full collab support system to a complete absence of the sense of security. and that there is a full disappearance of any indication of opportunity to be obtained for palestinian students later because of the destruction of the maturity of educational census because of the is ready ongoing from bombing companies. so literally we can say you've got the landscape of lloyd in the gaza strip, have been completely disappeared right now. i'm a warning from his reading industry to expand the fights and people older. right now, close and tracing on one thing is that the possibility to return back again to our living here in the south, only living on a dream dutch one day, the withdrawal gift, given the you've given the opportunity to return back to the houses even if they have nothing to live on, but they praise right now. okay, thanks so much for all of that. to eric,
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we really do appreciate your wick terica bowes and for us here in rafa. so i'm doing now by mohammed elementary, a political analyst and professor of media studies add the the institute for graduate studies. thanks again for being with us here at al, just here accessible. if we can start with the israeli defense ministers, comments that have come in the last hour or so, basically saying that the withdrawal of the majority of the troops from con you, this is to allow them to prepare for mission into raffle. what do you make of that? i think there are a couple of possibilities. so one possibility is that he's being truthful. i mean, israel's been saying now for a couple of months that an attack on rough off is absolutely necessary for the, for their victory. right? in this, in this war. another possibility know, is that this is just sort of negotiating for negotiating play. it works to israel's advantage, if from us, thinks that an attack on that off off is inevitable. and so you have these negotiations that are going on or about to start in,
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in egypt. and so this could be a negotiating point. we'll just have to, you know, time will tell me, just on the negotiations that a set to begin in cairo. we've heard from every correspondence in israel, basically saying that this time then negotiate is from the israeli side of actually been given the power to negotiate rather than just report back. what do you make of that and, and do you see that as a positive step here? so i've been in this chair many times over the past few months, talking about the possibility of a negotiated agreement. and i've been pretty pessimistic. in this particular case, i'm still not convinced that something's gonna happen, but i'm slightly less pessimistic. i think there are some indications that there's um, sort of a storm brewing. a perfect storm brewing, if you will, of pressure being put on is real. you have the domestic pressure, obviously as you've been reporting to protests are increasing and intensity. you also have increasing international pressure as a result of what happened last week with
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a workers being killed. and also these reports coming out of is really media that explain how all is real or has been waging this war, the 100 to one ratio. so it is real, is willing to kill a 100 civilians in order to kill one low level from aust cooperative and also the report on kill zones. so these are things that are treating more of an outrage in the international community. and then you also have the pressure being applied by the united states. i think joe biden is in a world of trouble. i think he sees now realistically that he might lose this election and it might be because of a gaza, what's, what's happening in gaza. and if he starts to apply more serious pressure on israel, then i think something could get done. and maybe, as you indicated, the fact that this delegation has been given more of a mandate is assigned that something might get done. yeah. if you're talking about the perfect storm of pressure that's coming up towards cairo, i guess to, to try and get a deal done here. what is going to be the tipping point into ensuring that they
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actually do get a truce out of these talks because it is, you know, you've mentioned we've sent him many, many weeks and months where there's been a lot of hope and a lot of interest, a patient, but nothing has ever come of it, or i think it is going to come down to the pressure, and especially the pressure that the united states is willing to apply under israel . a mazda has already, has been on board for months. they've had a proposal that they've put forward that is consistent with what the international community is, is calling for, right? even, you know, daniel love, your former is really negotiator. is saying that from us is position is, is reasonable on the so it's really about if the united states can apply pressure on israel, can a basically get israel to, to agree. and that's, i think the big question is, is biting willing to put that on the table? is he willing to tell him that yahoo, that they're going to freeze weapons in the coming days or weeks. if israel does not, does not comply each obviously to us, and by doing this is a big part of this. putting pressure on this new here. but there is also,
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as we have seen, with those practices, we have to wait within as well. so applying their own appreciate what sort of told is that taking on yahoo or as we sort of talked about a little bit earlier with that correspondent, is he impervious to, to his own people and, and what not telling him? i don't think he's impervious. i think he puts on a, you know, sort of a facade or he, this is his public persona. he's a, he's good at that are getting in front of the tv or cameron projecting that kind of con confidence. but these protests have been growing in intensity. it's also becoming increasingly difficult and awkward for him to answer questions and interviews. i mean press briefings about why they haven't accomplished what he said they were going to accomplish so easily, right. he said that they were going to defeat from us completely and bring the hostages home by force. he hasn't been able to do that. it's becoming more and more uncomfortable for him. okay, thank you so much. we really do appreciate your insight into all of this. and i guess like, uh, the rest of the world we will look with anticipation towards kyra to say what if
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anything comes out of those tools. thank you very much moment. okay, well some of this place palestinians have returned to see what is left of their homes in conyers. now that most of these rarely troops have lived and called already visited some of the areas that were destroyed by israel's military. i'm currently in the heart of can you and this after that is there any forces withdrew from the area after 4 months of and less violence. is there any forces where stations here we can see in the houses, right things and you have through and left overs from that is ready. authorities the destruction is massive. these are is right in the writings, and they are all over this building. and we witnessed that a couple of houses have been also having the same words in the same drawings, the,
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mr. any less of their writings on every house they invaded and stormed income unit. we don't really understand what these are written. some people use google translate to understand the messages is where the forces left in their houses and on their walls. and we're also talking to some people they're saying that they told like they told us that they do not even recognize their house and their neighborhoods from the amount of destruction. all of the streets are completely demolished. there are no streets anymore. it is converted into a part of town, even the houses the r since tom days. they are unsuitable for living. where it's obvious that there has been a lot of bottling between the is there any forces and the palestinian resistance?
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the infrastructure. the infrastructure has been also damaged in this area. the residential con, units were forced to sleep from noon is under gunfire. air strikes, larger munitions and they evacuated to the that a bela and 2 to 4. but the question is, are these people going back? and if they're going back, going back where there is no where that's suitable for them to live. some people are also seen looking under their beloved ones that were trapped under the rubble. people in 10 units have been witnessing and list violations by that is really forces. they were arrested from announcer hospital. they were killed and
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bombed. and now after 4 months, they finally got the chance to go back and to check up on their houses. this is include the odyssey to newness as well continues its oregon's of which the i c, j has said, as opposed to bookcase of genocide for one. the is mocking. 15 years since the 1994 genocide van president polk gummies used the occasion to point out the failures of the international community 3 decades ago, the world watched as more than 800002 see and who to motor its will message. stephanie dick reports from the capital gala the national anthem on what the rwandan president cold, very heavy day. it's 30 years since we want as genocide, an estimated 800000 people slaughtered over the course of 100 days and they didn't have to for genocide, i guess it was a genocide to folks and that way husband killed the wife your wife didn't put
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a time on children, the world watched in shock, but did nothing. it was an international real quick minutes which faded or where the from contents of color to sip ports to among those here african heads of state. former french presidents meet with us acquisition. and the former us president bill clinton wizard was president in 1994. the americans too did nothing. we all state governments, books person why they think they were left alone because some lives don't matter. oh, this is where the president's was seen today, and the examples that he gave, the lessons that we have learned is that there's different standards for different kinds of people. and this is what we the round of a very pragmatic about our situation. these really present isaac heads up here to israel, currently facing genocide charges for it's. we're on garza at the international
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court of justice. the president store to the commemoration in the morning with the lighting of a flame of remembrance and so small in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of lives in honors. it has been a long and painful process to reconcile, to forgive and to trust. and we're told, is it constantly evolving process. there were 2 messages here, one of the resilience of their ones and people and also the responsibility they fair to keep reconciling. and to make sure that a genocide never happens again, the other one was of the failure of the international community that despite the pools of never again event since 1994 show that that seems to fold and stephanie decker, i'll g 0 together. maria bailey was only 12 years old when she lost her father in the real ones. in genocide she reflects on hood jenny reconciliation. a donald was
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only 42 years old, the same age the today. and so today came as a very important, so i told my kids all the time, the top i really got to have made it 43 years old, especially having a dog who was out there who was a professional. so completely who was young, who was full of life ending was taken on that day. i have forgiven a 100 percent and i wish that there were many people in wanda that could do really takes about forgiveness. instead of taking up the general sign of just the opposite to size is that of more on this way now joined by the end? it's megan, he is a lawyer who represented 7 for ones on officials who were accused of carrying out the attack, which killed the president of for one to install the genocide. he joins me now from cali. thank you very much for being with us here. when else is there a festival,
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i understand you attended that came in relations today just how significant was that in the steps the country has taken since the genocide 50 years ago. a. busy busy do you know uh, so signal is every one of these, uh, so in the nation and even for the search. uh, let's just look for the moment and the day of and. busy busy i was going 13 many, many deep uh uh before this uh, 6. okay. for jordan in the 1994 and. busy busy one church my life is the moment. busy i so many so many be better ways will my weather does that with shoes in the show waves
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and also, you know, the sigma and you'll see it all the way go your way, you know, my, to have the. busy know lines and i think it's just a link to be in go batteries and us. what else is the nation, you right. i mean, city is on for one of the same as well as far more stable internally than the many of its neighbors in the great lakes region. what do you put that down to the question, move on to is far more stable internally than many of the other countries in the region. why is that? oh, you know what happens? i know the business traces becomes
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a charge of defense to see all these the phone though. what happens is the very same is the. busy the. busy busy genesis the one to the c to and the, the idea of the size, the more and more in the re stage where it's speeches where i've said, well, the don't see approach remains the same and know what is happening is that. busy we have so many difficulties to do the rush, the stick up really need the sort of all phases see it. actually, the consequence of the oxygen of some muscle is done is not really date. was you talking to the end of that when very strong to, you know,
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those people have slow to go a little bit even, or shift away funds. they leave a wireless box for instance, by the friends, and they are back to the goal. and then biggest draws remaining, okay, must be judge the culture, they didn't get a shuttle to dorothy and the neighbors. and yeah, as we have heard, a lot has been made of the international communities failings over the years when it's come to were wanting to. do you think that with everything else that is going on in the world right now that any lessons have been lived? only 3 months for one of these and 0 to what is up in to the, to the communities in the eastern bottom call. and they say you,
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they don't say some uh beach of some deals from people who uh choose from financial uh from uh, a go to uh cleans, every day we sense. uh, we lost the things we sent messages and nobody, cnn us. uh, this is very strange. what the company uh the uh i have seen for instance, during the day of most for was name is been 2 guys. uh no, i've sent the 22 gift to to see the thing. it said the bleed sink. okay. and she's big, the boss, i go sure, we'll have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate your time and your insight into all of this that has been of banking for this for us. the thank you,
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a badge of law so much the to the new zone, ukrainian president to load him is zalinski says this country will lose the war against russia. if it doesn't get more military. i from washington, a multi $1000000000.00 a package has been tied up in the us congress for months now. so in this case is, ukraine is running out of time. if she'll call it asked the was ok if the congress does not help you. crane, you crane will lose the war if you green loses the war other states will be attacked. and this is a fact, right? you will seen the coming weeks that russia will be more and more persistent and will involve nuclear weapons in this question. and we only from a nuclear weapons, they can put pressure on the other in the 2 countries, including the united states on society. so the society is afraid and then they will react to their leaders from landscapes. comments came as russian forces launched
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a new wave of drone and missile strikes on the ukrainian city of hockey's. the latest attack struck a kindergarten and residential buildings. and then a wide spread power cuts sound strip. it has moved from hockey's weird, an impact site. just outside central car cave. you can see emergency services here . sifting through the rubble. i'll show you the impact site here. was unsure as to exactly what the projectile was, but there are 2 very large explosions about half an hour ago as we were filming at another site where a drone has a need to set to destroy policies in that area. 1000 yourself of new. so it was truly terrifying. there were 2 explosions. the 1st blew all the windows out and it was thrown to the floor by the shockwave. i was slightly can cost. i think now it's time to leave the city. police attacks by russia are increasing in frequency and
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intensity in the time. and of course, as you can imagine, they have an, a massive impact on electricity surprises. well, many of these strikes would be targeting electricity infrastructures, believe around $400000.00 households in the car. keep region, all without electricity and a re arrow. so there is another alarm which more often than not, is quickly accompanied by a large velocity before i got another explosion. either another impact or another intersection. there a growing phase here in khaki, ukraine's 2nd largest city. this could well be a pretty to some sort of launch of full scale operation by russian forces that we know a situation just be on the border around 30 kilometers from here. just drop it off to 0 concave. but this point is still a hate here on to 0, including i'm enough. hernandez in carpet yet on the west coast of felucca way
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illegal. indian fishing is making life difficult for local fishing communities unless you're in school will have the highlights of the japanese formula. one from free with no name re drive and made it to the finish line, the, the hello. we have some raining, the full cost full. the raven financial, a little bit of clouds moving out of the way. moving out to a vermont like a cloud could just produce a shadow to, into a saudi arabia. thing here we go, how we will stay fine and dry actually 29 celsius. but notice some show is just cropping up a little further west. we go wanting to choose the item of just picking up. so the 5 south eastern time, happy early for that sort of number. still some showers able to was the western side of saudi arabia, nitrous the office. and what,
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what about coming in to the bank that is to sort of the mediterranean slide for us all away from that is to sort of took a up to those cookies right down to gaza and the rainbow watched by more heavy as we go. one is a tuesday, so some really nasty weather coming in here as we make our way into the pop middle part of this week. meanwhile, across the northern africa of it is 10 retry. mr. dustin sat a possibility around this, a harvest still a little below. we just have one or 2 shouts to cause the north west of africa, choose by good scattering a showers. meanwhile, across southern pos of west africa into the gulf of gaming, and whether actually stretched it down for a central africa. i still pretty went very into south africa pushing into central policy slowly, but surely making his way further east the the biggest, over the next in your, in history. the word biggest democracy, both its own epic show down in this final episode of speaking gather port. i'll
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be off the prime minister in the movie elevated in the global b this i look forward to moving to take a long room under the microscope with them. and how much is facts and how much is fiction? to be in the port fox for on, i just need a unique perspective. everything is political. you must be out of politics and everything is a feminist issue. to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all about it right here. and right now the stream announces era the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching l g 0 from under a bound top stories. the ssl is, rose, military has withdrawn. most of its troops from the con eunice area and casa, as well as defense ministers, is the pull out is to prepare for future emissions including an assault on rafa. thousands of protesters have gathered in west jerusalem dia demanding the return of captives held in garza. the demonstrated side of the angry that the is ready, government has a prioritize the release of to 6 months of war commemorations of being held in rolanda democracy in years since the start of the 1994 genocide because it forces killed more than 800000 troops, season motor scooters presume. ok,
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coming has been joined. finally, we'll see world leaders at a rememberance events and colleagues for one of the longest serving palestinian prisoners and israel has died in custody. but a stock i spend more than 30 years in prison. he was one of 19 palestinians convicted fit involvement, and the group that killed in his rally sondra in 1984 back out was given an additional 2 year sentence for smuggling funds. he had been finding bone marrow, kansas since 2022. he was due to be released next year for dozens of rockets had been loose from live and on until the occupied golden hives. hospitalized sizes, say they targeted and is riley vice and a defense post. now the attack follows is riley strikes and living owns becca valley, some 100 kilometers from the border. israel's military says it's now completed another stage of preparations for a possible full on will with living on and syria. how the,
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how she has moved from cover. and southern living on as the is ready as strikes today in different areas of south 11 on from key. i'm in the east to, to it off in the west and also in pennsylvania and quite a few left. this is just the invitation how the situation in government has been evolving since 6 months when this phone 6 sauces. yesterday only the 7 on the tax seemed to be $500.00 to meet as from the board on this keyboard, it gives us a kind of an understanding of how the dynamics have been changing over the past months that are more than 100000 people. now displaced from the border area, what are the beginning the conflict was contained, but now we can say that it's any more the ration itself anymore. i'm saying that with as you be safe, as i say, the default value and also has well on the other side, trying to expand the front. how does that play with us?
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it's saw you think committed to bases in the golan heights, which is also something unprecedented in, in previous was over the past 6 months. they've been more than 50 civilian skills along with a 100. so for his beloved or the militants, the price is also killed during this conflict hearing stuff and all of this house was destroyed. as far as such scenes can be seen in different and many, although live in these thousands across the board as i should, much as it off drop it off, saw the living in tennessee of the coast. god has recovered the bodies of at least 13 people. they were found off the coast of facts, wheel 30 sided by the sink as winter tends to spring, and the water is admitted, threatening and become comma. the number of migrants heading from tennessee it to the italian coast has increased significantly. this is india prepared to hold an
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election and uninhabited island between india and for lack of response, becoming a campaign issue. the rise to catch a thief who in the waters around it proceeded to show lanka in the 1970s that india's beach i pay is blaming the opposition policies for that decision. nelson and his reports from the west coast. i'm sure lanka today, and then the think obvious on johnson is industry lincoln g u and she says it's because he's a fisherman, some southern india where did they have captured to him because he went to fish since he was the board j. well, he has been doing a 6 months sentence. johnson is one is more than $178.00 people from time and now do the rest of this year for legally fishing, interlock and what is most skipped sentences from 6 months to 2 and a half years suspended for 5 years. this means imprisonment is guaranteed to repeat, defend is the hundreds of thousands of families are dependent on pushing here. it
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is only for our livelihood that because of the border, we're not doing it on purpose. even the government is, are better for the doing number of fishermen being jail does lead to protest and south india, the community says they have faced in these waters for generation. for the problems began with india seated, controlled to share lanka, of the island of katya to and surrounding waters between the 2 countries. in the 1970s, this annual seized on the island grows thousands of indian fishermen and their families. but this year they bully called to the event. as campaigns, he tapped the head of general elections starting in the end of this month. politicians, a waiting on the tensions prime minister not in their body, has accused the opposition of being callous to attach it to saying, quote, it has home the interest of a poor official beneficial women in particular, sri lanka has dismissed the rhetoric as politically motivated. the india has an election now under kind of statements comes during the election. indian fishermen
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of 18, united state atoria waters and landing stock with more than $40000000.00 every year . i'm not too long because main concern it says what is, is the fact that destroying the marine environment. so i think we have for a script these rest of simply in not being able to catch enough within their boxes and going beyond a to try and find what they can with that own walters, empty in the in fisherman find the rich pickings and for long can sees a major, droll, low, cuz here in carpet deal in the west and close the indian both. now regularly fishing in these waters local issues on concession, mental dodge a 0. they are badly affected day to day when the indian troy is coming to carry the fish away. they lose that data. you can come back in time and now do many people likes and got e. c, political, the statements on katya to as an election give, make, and one that one just that james, family members return home. we have fernandez
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a 0 west coast shoot and major flooding in the southwest and russian city of aust. cuz forced at least 4000 people to evacuate hills gets home to about 200000 people. the government has the clay, the federal emergency and responds to rachel ryan close to 10 to best on friday and authority. say more. ryan is in the full cost. the flooding is expected to peak by tuesday. was the voc you hesitated and you president pellegrini who is the country's current speaker, republicans. hello, courtney is seen as a close satellite as a vacuum as prime minister robot fico, who has implemented some pro russia policies at the office of president that has a largely symbolic function in slovakia, which is a member of but the european union and nato, or maybe the movie class wise would be the president. i promised to consistently apologize international commitments protects and defends the interest of the
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republic and its citizens. i am committed to doing everything in my power to achieve this goal and i will actively support if it's to improve the lives of people. in slovakia it is imperative that the government's intelligence program statement in showing a beach a safe and more prosperous loss to the people. and i'm dedicated to maintaining slovakia as commitment to pace, regardless of others, opinions, and will not engage in will sludge and teen as president. how the malay took office promising to end the welfare state, he says, as ruins the economy. but while a implements is plans, people are struggling to find communication and some of the dying because they're not getting what they need to buy. so, buying reports from bonus, situs, the past year hasn't been easy. football of the windows 10 to 15 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia in the middle of an economic crisis. in argentina. he social security benefits don't cover the medication he needs. the law says that
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federal government is responsible but follow has been struggling to get the came of therapy that will save him. he's surviving on donations because his family can't afford the treatment, which costs more than a $100000.00. i feel better now. i was in hospital for awhile and it was horrible, but my mother was able to find a donor for some chemotherapy. and i'm better now many of leaving heavier to relate to the office promising to reduce government spending his twinge and reforms, or having an impact on poor argentines. and those in need of medical help finish base 31 and has to be diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma. a type of cancer that attacks the immune system. it can be cured if treated early. the government says that they were irregularities and the handling of the medicines, but they never stopped giving them away. they have created a list of people with the cases that they were taken care of and left this case is right there. but until now,
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she has not received the medicines that she desperately needs. the last time she received a full treatment within december companion, they would, i will go into cancer charity. she says the government department in charge of handling the medication is being audited, needs and responding to patients needs see here. and you can see the most. we have been assisting families for 13 years, but since december we have been getting doses of cases with people calling us crying and every hour. we don't know what else to do to helping many of those fighting to get the medicines have ended up in court. swing the government, probably the only way to us hasn't rear crony can only take any mia condition, which means his red blood cells are being destroyed faster than his body can replace them a contract. i don't know, we contacted a lawyer and we made it public. so our case wasn't rejected, and that's why he has the medicine until maybe 6. after that we will have to start again. these are just some people whose lives direct risk because they rely on the
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state to save them. but they are in getting the help they need, at least to cancer patients have died in recent weeks. the survivors hoping venue government won't forget them. i sell it to the ladies. i will just see that when a site is on this by do you still a hit here? ronelle does there including i'm hashem, own center, also known as what restoration is underway, degrees like a one. why being trade and cultural tendons for mention so you know, as soon as i opened up the rice to in the english premier league title and he's here. so with that story, the must be the emotion in their own
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words. 3, i'll just leave a general as described, working at survive through israel's or so of course a lot of my that was i was calling and especially as much as i know. so with journalism on the genocide on the jersey, you want reports, but at the same time you want to feature probably. you also want to stay alive. families and gossip facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella, your mercy, showing his brightest, gave mercy,
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now donate today. the . the head start this quote. now his andy, thank you so much tom. well, much just you know, instead of build old arrivals or the pool a big blow in the premier league sites with rice good and club site health at suits who drew at old trafford. and then little pool missed out on the chance to return to the top of the table. so home, i like reports a political the task was clear, the old rivals, manchester united and return to the top of the premier lee. and when lucy has put the ribs, the head in the 1st tom, things seem to be going to plan they could have scored moving for the break moments. the line particular missing a great john. in the 2nd off,
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the home side responded. some callous play from liverpool, defense open the door. you know for them this to equalize the and then little coupons, at least the unthinkable happen. united teenagers don't be meaning dave the host, an unlikely to one leave. there was no way they needed the width of boost that kind of pushed hard to get level again, failing to hit as usual, standards you can would have as moment. those are found in the books on how the alias alone fill out the opportunity. the school from the penalty for and that's exactly what he did. so long to earn a living full of tools and one valuable point as they looked when the time to learn what fields and clubs finally, seasoned at the club. the result means the red 2nd level on points with table top
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is also to lead on go different. so hm. i like, oh, just it. a one point separates the top 3 with 7 games left in the season. all 3 clubs have it. european games coming up also phase bon munich in the champions, the quarter funds on choose a month since you have a day with round madrid, little pool that playing us alonza in new york lake. so that's how it looks that somebody that's a false in the family title. suppose a 3 were not going to a game against nothing and forest. and the days of the match, sheffield, united sophists going and added, saw him to grab a points against chelsea, oli mcburney with that gold c to the finest school. you know, it's, it's still the bottom of the table by 3 points. the drift of. thirdly, i accept a reco defeats and the ducks hurried to visit the full time your pain champions, beats, and 6 knew by fine or fine or the 2nd in the table behind the latest base be on housing, i accidentally $615.00 points addressed to the top 3 and
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a place next season's champions in the united states unless he made his come back foot into miami and me and my last steps maybe a month that with injury you schooled inevitably coming on in the 2nd half the durban, loving against the colorado rapids miami. then once i had colorado managed to level i came finishing to suit next the stuff and has extended his lead at the top of the f one drive his championship. you want me to japanese girl and pray out of his red bull teammate. so joe perez, they would start triples back to winning ways after his rabbit time in less time out in australia. actually step and lead from start to finish. it says zuka claiming the japanese growing pre for the 3rd year in a row 3 winds from for the season. i put in 13 points clear in the championship. yeah, very nice. everything just run really well. pick something well started year thing worked out well. so could have been any better. the race had been delayed after a heavy crash on the new app between alex albums,
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williams and the up and down you ricardo. so i did that by so much done hurt, but the clean up job took 30 minutes because it didn't put the stepping off though, cruising to the check and flag nearly 13 seconds ahead of his rental teammate. so do you have perez? a color assigned to one in australia, edged out this for our be team. i chose the click to complete the podium in the place. i think we know the i've already been raised with some what over, thanks for the in. uh yeah, i one point in the race, i thought it was not going to to happen to pull your mind, but then he made us think when i put the new hard the that i gave me a really good feeling and i could push i need on science is being replaced at the end of the season by lewis hamilton. the 7 time champion continues to struggle in his final campaign with, besides finishing down and notes in this rice. i don't know if you can take many processing. we can, i mean the, the cost finished, which is good. but we're like, you know,
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79 process. so next step is the chinese go on pre in 2 weeks time. web should happen. well, once again, be the heavy favorites. it's hard to see anyone stuff in human these quest when will title number for david stokes algebra? now joe key frankie tutorial be glad. he put his retirement plans on hold to continue his career in the us. 53 year old. that story. winning 6 races in a row on the same day at the center, i need to track in california for the action stall to be able to been doing that would have been 77000 so long for the 1st time you tell him this done something like this back in 1996 he wrote 7 straight. when is it ass cold in the u. k. the double ones that you see over here at the paris morrison disclose the difference of the one that will be used to dealing picks in august when it gets to e mail. when the men's racing a ton of 2 hours of 5 minutes and 33 seconds. and i was messed with a kid who took the, went in the women's events,
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which was impressed if it was the 1st of american british adventure. russ cook has completed his quest to run the length of africa. sleepy is the 1st person to achieve the fates. running his final steps here and to miss it. taking him almost a year to complete the journey of 16000 kilometers and in the process is price goals and cost a $1000000.00 projects. right. but it's nice for is looking for that. so pretty and thanks so much and a to give a saudi arabia is spending billions of dollars on developing tourism while also investing and preserving its cultural heritage. one area that has been the 1st thing is the old town in the city of chit a. it is a unit score listed site known as l beloved sion mobile that explains how it's which history is coming back to life. as soon as you get into the old center of jet the you find yourself lost in amazing alleyways and buildings hundreds of years . so spread over an area of just one mind and better these home to move than
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$650.00 historical buildings made a total stones and would have caused problems to be honest because it's a very ord, it's a nice area to take to. so the people, it's amazing, i revisit many of a a rabbit countries before. uh, but uh, also do like this. we never meet before. so before the seat house is a landmark building, it was once the temporary residence of sandy radius found the king of the disease, or was a 100 years ago for more than a 1000 years, muslims from africa, the live on and south east asia passed through here all the way to america turning the old city until labyrinth cosmopolitan and culturally diverse hub for sound is preserving bath heritage is crucial, not only to attracting to risk, also set the stands out of the city with a vibrancy of its own demand. and how we has
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a degree in traditional artworks she enjoys showing visitors the data kit, geometric patterns and motives used in local architect to get the admin and those have to continue to minister. yeah, visitors tell us they feel a sense of peace and tranquility when they come to the old town. and i tell them that it's because of the masons who put their love in crafting those beautiful buildings, which will flush out somehow when i was one of the oldest most this most is one of the oldest in jet. the more that it's recently renovated open courtyard. was kept intact on teams and the buildings and the city district program is, is not about restoring buildings only. it's more than that. it's to revive the old town to bring back life again to the old town like it was in the past. has ended with stacy is a would call the professor that was in decline. but now things have changed and his
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business is building and see i'm a new i'm and could be there is hope for 2 years. i have trained hundreds of craftsmen they will become would cover themselves. manual craft gives you a great sense of satisfaction and it's a cultural value that needs to stay. 8 who's to dishes of why the the most of how do i to books around beating his drum to remind people to wake up for that to kneel before the start with the rama done fast. the old town, also known as a pallet, is alive once again. patch about about a 100 eva jet of the finally. so this is allison, kept dividing. pictures from iceland for you showcasing to have nights has most spectacular events happening simultaneously and erupt in volcano and the northern lights. it is the 2nd time in this many weeks. the people in iceland have seen the
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spectacle. well, that is all for me. tell mccrae for this do sound, but my lean side will be here in just a moment. with much more of the day's news. stay with us the every year, thousands of one piece they used to scientific percent activate conservation in say the testings into main one. 0, one east investigate, assuming the legal trade and the scientists to keep them on to some lives beyond the tree. caught to you as men for business on out to 0. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. is the human suffering that the reports are? we brave bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides to some little boat is a mechanic or even that self driving train. the vehicle for them towards today can be human. only robots like me, will be everywhere, which is 0 documentary,
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which to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of learned thing for you and even trust. i feel like i'm alive. but i know i am a machine origin of this which is or the group of poland to search for clues. this dusk falls in eastern time and that targets a. how does a suppose then you might think these are the lesson hunters wild elephants here. have a dept hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites . joel, in the mass of the forest and on to phones, while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet the result can be disastrous. my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time. the elephant ended up scuffling him to death in a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community to samuel imaging. during takes off 2 distinct shapes. the elephants will adjust
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a 150 meters down the track. we can have them still a thing in the darkness, as the volunteers showing the lights that attend them, they move away, but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food. and the medicine never forgets the israel with what was most of its troops from hon units in gauze. the south, the defense minister says it's to pass a future operations including one in rockville, the online site. this is on to 09 from demo, also coming up thousands purchased outside calling them into west jerusalem,
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condemning the governments and not doing more to bring captives home. is wiley and alons and presidents need to moxie sachi


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