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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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documented to drive the one day with because of the civil defense which is a rescue mission because on a jersey, the end is really a strike hits. the iranian embassies comes to the section in damascus. a senior revolution regard, come on the is among those killed the alarm elizabeth on them, and this is algebra live from don't ha, also coming out scenes of death and destruction among the ruins of gauze as all ship a hospital report. so imagine of his way, the soldiers committing atrocities that could constitute crimes. witnesses tell the
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eldest, the palestinians were executed during his real siege of the facility. some shots, others, a set to have been buried and nights. i've hot and with us, a lot of districts involved we on the 24th of february 1918, 27 people were burned to death in their home. i'll tell you what means avenue are still waiting for just the we begin with a developing story out of sylvia and it's really s truck has had to consume the section of the iranian embassy in the capital, damascus. at least 5 people have been killed among the dead is a senior come on the v as long as the revolution regard. cool. several of the embassies diplomats have serve a perfectly being killed in the attack. yvonne's foreign minister says he is really attack is a breach of or international conventions that's bringing our correspondence saying
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a whole the she's joining us life and they rose and dana iran saying that a conseula amex was attacked by 5 to jets. what are you learning about this incident? of the well, no doubt, this is a major escalation and regional pensions. both syria and iran are accusing as well of targeting the around in consulate in the hearts of the syrian capital, damascus. the pictures the videos emerging from damascus show a building completely flattened. this is a diploma and diplomatic missions that should be safe. they should be immune according to international law. so this is really a can to targeting a country on another countries soil. now the running an investor to syria says that he was next to the adjacent building and promising that the rod is going to respond in his words,
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the response will be swift and harsh other iranian officials on twitter are saying that quote, design is redeem entered a new phase in this war, by attacking an embassy, and that no is really embassy, will be safe. so this no doubt is a significant attack. israel has been targeting iranian and the random link targets for years now. but this is the 1st time hitting a consulate. they've killed generals in the past, but in this particular price they also killed a top ranking commander in the put this force. so yes, another major blow to iran. a number of iranian generals have been killed and recess months. so iran is promising a retaliation. and this really has, we've seen a pattern in uptick in the is really strikes um you know, a targeting a rodney and positions and they run the input, put links positions in syria. and in the past few months, ever since october,
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ever since a war on gods have begun. and ever since the iranian lead, so called excess of resistance open front against is really forces to help palestinians in gaza saying no thank very much for that. so correspondent zayna father was what we know sofa joining us live from david's that's been in home to son who's she's live and occupied east jerusalem homes of the white house as they're looking into the reports of what's happened in damascus. but has there been any comments from the as re lease about this attack? there's been no comment from these really is on this attack in syria as, as per the typical is really policy of not commenting on their military activities in syria, but it comes after israel's defense minister just a couple of days ago. you'll have to go on speaking saying that his role is going to intensify its attacks on all enemies, whether it's and loving on whether it's in damascus and however far they are. additionally, we know that is roles, military chief of staff per see how levy,
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while speaking in israel's north, has said that they authorized plans for quote, the continuation of fighting that is with lebanon. but if could also mean a continuation of strikes on syria, these really is have said repeatedly that they are going to go after any target, anywhere in the world, wherever and whenever they see fit. additionally, they have said that whenever they carry out a strike in the daytime, it means that they have direct and precise intelligence on a target or on a person they are trying to target or assassinate so well, there has been no comment on these really spend this remember that there was also no comment from these really is back when la fontose, i really was assassinated in 11 on as well. so which i'm likely we are going to be hearing from these really is on this for i can syria, as for the regular is really military policy. i'm to thank you for that home to son who's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. we're going to bring in our
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correspondence ali, how should now all of you have covered the region extensively? yvonne states media has confirmed that mohammed today is a show how the of the bronze revolution regard cool has been killed. what do we know about him? what, how much does that he is one of the most senior i r g c command is used to be before being dispatched to, to the region to, to the been and see to he was also the head of your ons area on the i'll just use every on forces the ground forces you took separate on the responsibilities of the past. he has, however, and he's been in and out in, in lebanon. and since the eighty's and ninety's and was a set to be the head of the i, r g, c, and 11. on now, meaning the at b as a, has a fired you see in devon on means that he's in very close coordination with lemonade school has beloved ad in 2021 after july, the father, who was your ons i,
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r g. c, colanda in cbs dismissed. he was appointed as the head in lebanon and, and syria. so he's a very senior commander and he has a lot of respect inside 0 on, especially within the hockey on the leadership. okay, so really a huge target here. it's of course not the 1st cutting of someone from biggest monic, revolutionary god, course since the one gone. so it began, we were hearing from one correspondence, unoccupied, east jerusalem home. the son who was she was talking about the assassination of the home. honestly the lot i don't know who to eat and he was said to have, you know, been going between come us between has a bola, if we look at the pattern of who's being co since october 7th, who is as well going off to when, in fact that there's been several assessing nations over the past 6 months. fucking with a couple of uranium r g c tech guys. uh they are a offices in dire gc bought the me, it's specialized in technology. and i think as,
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as they were, as these really is accused and they're responsible for doing that tax. these are the 1st why or do you see office as rec, yelled in city, and it's really a strike. then there was an assistant ation of the her boss operated in syria. and that was surprising because of all watch we know on the back kind of troubles relations between our mazda and senior. that was responsible for luncheon rockets from the golan heights, from golden towards the occupied gold. then the us as a nation of the most that we, who was the i or gc logistics guy. he was one of the most senior i or gc come on. those in, in syria, and actually who else cause any or damascus then to us as a nation of saw the, had already been to us as a nation of the i r d. c intelligence unit in syria. and now, beginning of as i had a general general society and itself all designed to who was code, his assistant is deputy actually was killed. and the guy who replaced roger the
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muso, he, the guy was killed in, in, in, uh, in december 2023. who succeeded and was also accessing data today. so is where it is going behind all the networks. and it seems that it's hitting delay are different layers of communication called the nation and leadership. and this is a main, the uprooting the uranium minutes. we influence at the same time, the, for example, with the can and go saw that had already the leadership of the resistance groups, whether in lebanon or in seattle. of course we have dimensional, so the kidding golf has the laws. a few commenters during the past months, we're hearing from around foreign minister and our correspondents, dana, and they touched on the saying that they hold as real responsible that they will be consequences. how do you expect iran to respond to? they have refrained from responding directly, sofa,
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but this attack is something else is it most. but over the past few months, they've been sent to us as a nation's, as we said. but it's just clear that the details of the reading and detailing says this for and it is if it isn't the topical of retaliation or they're taking it kind of a decision to keep its face or the distance and not retaliation. the fact is that today is that talk is, is different. now we can't give an answer because this is within the, the, the uh, the, the area alpha notices. however, it's more for most probably that with the he think of the cost for that, which is kind of funny ringing story. the ring is a hard in front of a big decision to take or else the did that. and so we'll get tweak and, and we can day after day and then with the king's office such a higher rank in columbus, maybe you will see much more bigger assistant nations of the coming weeks id. thank
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you very much for your analysis. that is not correspondents. on a how sion let's move on to some of the news for now and reports are emerging of atrocities committed by israeli soldiers during the siege of gauze as all ship a hospital. there have been unconcerned eye witness accounts of palestinian civilians being shot dead. others a set to have been buried alive, katia lopez, holiday on has more than one and get the pictures and descriptions and her report. distressing. there is not much left of console associates, a hospital with waistcoat destruction everywhere. and now accusations of painless for crimes are emerging among the hundreds of reported dead. decomposing bodies have been found in the compound after israel's too weak siege. witnesses say civilians were targeted indiscriminately. the cool, the most agonizing moment is when the is really soldiers showed that civilian men
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before our own eyes, some were shot dead, others were buried alive and ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by the is really so i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded, thrown in the ditch and breeds was sent. we witnessed it all. it happened before our own eyes in and around the medical facility. the stench of death is heavy. groaned bodies covered in sands, an apparent attempt witnesses say to bury any evidence along with the dead. on a creep mosley, a little bit just so different from the, from i have personally with this victims handcuffed, blind folded and buried in the hospital. we got an emergency units. we found thousands of dead bodies. all of them were hank covered with their hands behind their backs. these are also a war crime. they are unprecedented. we have never seen anything like this in any other. we'll make shift graves have become
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a common st. here is really forces reportedly open fire on patients and medical staff during the siege rollback and allow you as well. yeah. and who do i have? yeah. the situation was indescribable. we found people again stable, covered in blood. they bodies had been left 2 days and all the bodies had signs of the composition. just the thank god we were able to bury them. despite the state hold on. human rights groups are calling on the international criminal court to take action. it's quite disgraceful that to this very moment, the prosecutor of the international criminal court still drags his his feet and not issuing a risk lawrence. it's important to mention the reason that we have a such disregard of international law and human life. and because this trip is the impunity that israel has enjoyed dentist ministry has enjoyed for, for decades. israel said it's operations that'll chief a compound were carried out, well preventing harm to severely as witnesses have described. the opposite effect
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on the i'm in the and this knife isn't as ready tanks. we evacuated, we came back hoping to find my belongings. i have nothing left my house with them and everything is gone. not too long ago, the chief a hospital compound was of refuge for displays, palestinians, now it's part of a wider investigation into is really war crimes in gaza. katia a little bit so the again challenges here. that's bringing out correspondence, hunting the, what is life for us and then i'll fight in southern garza and honey, how people are feeling better about the complete destruction of gauze is largest most advanced medical facility of the yes. well, within the past couple hours, we were approached by family members who managed to leave dogs and the northern part then. but they have family members who are still in garza and some of those
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family members were in fact inside a ship complex. and within the past 2 weeks, they're all communications were caught off and they were not able to get hold of their relatives, their, their family members. the loved ones inside of the were approaching us can be given us names and phone numbers. and if we could make these phone calls to make sure that they are still alive, but we also hearing it from gaza city from our source in the coupon hospitals that their people is still in fact thing and start seeing under the, the rumbles in the devastation caused by the intense bombing campaign and the showing of the conflict. sports remains of family members who haven't heard from them. from the past 2 weeks, we're looking at otter devastation of the entire health facilities, all the major buildings and all the medical equipments they owe all those 800 medical bids destroyed. then we have a 100. they allison machines have been destroyed and severely damaged the entire facility i've been, i've been pushed out of service completely. and what doc,
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or what the variety to describe and nothing sort of down more crimes. the scene of this you've hospitalized vicinity with tens of residential homes, entire events are the blocks of the vicinity of the hospital have been completely destroyed and, and burn beyond recognition. there's really military for 2 weeks been telling and issuing a statement. it's saying that the. 7 at the hospital, because they are, after people are associated with how mazda and other operatives are from other pallets in and find a route. but looking at the close to $400.00 people were killed in the family members who went to inspect the destruction and found that their family members who are shouldering inside the hospitals just makes the whole state edmunds and the narrative made by the very military. quite a question of a right now as it has been proven to be bold and contradictory. for the most part, the vast majority of people who are killed inside the complex. i'm going to civilians, journalist medical staff and other people who work inside the hospital or from the
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surrounding homes who live. yeah, the unpredictable fall in bonds. they can filters inside the hospital. yeah. we know 1400 people and the numbers still increasing. yeah. thousands of people we know was sheltering them for this rarely see shiny news of all ship has of course being the focus today. but is there any attacks or continuing elsewhere in gaza, including in russell way. you and we're more than a 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering a yes. so nothing at this moment seems to deter those random military from continuing to pound across the gods. prevent, continue with the mass killing of civilians and displace families in the central area. and the city of tanya has been here in rough, i city just half an hour before people to it where we're sitting, to break their fast, the drawn fire 2 missiles at a group of people, a very close to
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a neighborhood that we're familiar with. the very crowded with towns and lots of people and children at that particular time in the streets that, that 6 people were killed in the attack and several other injuries all transferred to the, to a hospital. and i recalled as being one of the bodies that brought in a plastic bag because it was directly it had at, in the central area of more attacks on the uh, the refugee accounts, including on the site off the bridge work. do you got more people reported injury to more people reported. goes all the transferred to an already over. well exhausting eligibility along the hospital. there was a sides of a deliberate attack as of yesterday. honey. thank you very much for that. that's not correspondent, honey. muscled with all the latest live in the far still ahead on which is 0 was the process and one of the world's biggest fatigues will tell you what the people of mexico's capital are doing to code the
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critical debate. punish farmers are angry people of star, and we actually have to exports the whole while good because we've money to buy informed athenians. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians with the often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy when they come out of the service because they assuming dave enclose the rivals inside story on al jazeera in the line to palestine. hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay, foundation. you donated with kindness. you showed you. okay. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it. so donates with confidence, donates without calf foundation. with every packed on 19, with every press will bring it to light,
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a little love in palestine. we share the gold and untold stories from asia and the pacific on gc around the the, the watching eligible reminder of our top story is the seller. and it's rarely as to like, has had the cons to the section of the iranian embassy and the syrian capital damascus. at least 5 people have been killed, a senior come on the, on the iranian revolution we've gone poor as among the dead reports. so imagine
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that it's rarely troops executed civilians and crushed the bodies with tax during this age of all ship a hospital them gaza. some of them were bound and buried and live, according to witnesses and a statement released by him off and officials and also stays where the troops killed around 300 people in and around the medical complex building so bad and critical medical equipment destroyed, leaving the hospital completely out of service and we're taking you live to the us state department now with a holding a press conference. let's listen then be protected sides. but it is concerning that after israel had conducted an operation earlier in this campaign to clear out, see for that again was apparently infiltrated by i'm off fighters. and so 2 things about that was look, obviously we, um, uh it would be great if some of us would stop hiding behind civilians and stop
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hiding inside civilian infrastructure including hospitals. but to get points that well we have been saying all along, which is the need for israel to have a sustainable long term strategy when it comes to gaza. that it's not enough to just clear certain neighborhoods or hospitals or any other geographic areas or buildings of, of, from us. they need to have a long term sustainable strategy. that is not just a security strategy, but also a political strategy if they really want to secure the future of israel against the terrace threat the has. so today emanated from casa right. so you don't have any, any comment on what you've seen from the aftermath of the 2 week? the operation? yes. all not beyond what i just are. and then when uses a, and this will be a for me that we use a, is real meaningful, sustainable long term strategy for guys that have you seen one yet?
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from them we have not yet seen one? no. and that's what we have been in conversation with them about it, but they're literally the meeting today is just about rafa, right? it's just about it. so i got off and the, and the point i mean, of sustainable long term strategy mean something beyond a military strategy. it'd be means, yeah, but it was a political path is right. so a political path to tuesdays set that is better than our for that is our preferred policy. anybody, you need a political path as they have you already or what have you. but have you seen one from the is right. ready is that is even the z even short of committed at this point. we have not. no, thank you all. now she for israel have given some numbers, 200 militants have been killed. 900 suspected militants detained. of home, some 5500. have been identified as some of the united states have any assessment that these numbers are correct. we don't have an independent assessment. no. do you have an assessment on how many civilians around the operation have been killed?
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we do not. okay. moving on to this strike, the suspected is really strike in damascus. do you have anything to say on this? i don't obviously just happened in the hour or 2 before i came out here. we're in conversations with partners in the region, gathering more information. but at this point, don't have the confirmation either of the target or the responsible party. you know, as the united states was given a heads up by israel about this. again, we are gathering information. i don't have anything about the strike right now. i don't have any but beyond that to offer. okay, we do have any concerns that this might sort of escalate pensions, which are already higher. so i mean the way endanger the hostage saw. so anyway, i don't want to before we have gathered information about what exactly this was, i don't want to speak to it's uh specifically, but of course we are always concerned about um, uh about anything that would be escal tore or um cause an increase in conflict and the region has been one of the goals of this ministration since october 7th,
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to keep the conflict from spreading. recognizing that israel has of the right to defend itself from adversaries that are sworn to its destruction. but with respect to the hostage stocks, there's no reason why this incident should have any impact on, on the us. shots we have long believed is in the interest of everyone to see these hostage talks succeed. because you would not just see a real relief to the civilian population in gaza that desperately needs it. it would enable the increase in humanitarian assistance into gaza and of course it would get the hostages out. so no, i don't know. i don't believe it should have any impact on it. can you say how this talks are going for? i don't have any new assessment to to offer today. okay. 2 final things. this is about last those from last week about these authorizations is that these bombs to, to israel. they have been approved a long time ago by congress. but looks like the department is decided to do the
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transfers last week the week before. but why was that decisions taken like recently? let me, i think it would be helpful to step back and put this in a little context in the context is that we, the united states has a decades long commitment to israel's for security. and israel is surrounded by entities are sworn to its destruction, not just them off, but a ron and proxy groups that are on sponsors, hezbollah among them, who have repeatedly talked about their desire for the destruction of israel. we believe israel has every right to defend itself against those opponents of and we to that and have a long standing security relationship with them, where we provide them more than $3000000000.00 annually and security assistance. now the way that that works, and i know you preferences in, in, in your question, but just for, for the benefit of forever. well, the way that that works is we provide them with $3300000000.00 a year in security assistance. they don't always draw all of that down to the given
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year, but they come to the united states, request certain defense articles, we make assessments about whether those are appropriate or not. we notify them to congress in the regular course of business. and oftentimes what happens, let's say uh, just as an example, this is a fictional example. let's say they requested a 100 planes. we make a decision, we notify congress. that doesn't mean that they take a 100 planes tomorrow once that notification has been given. and what's the approval has been given, they draw those down over time, and sometimes it takes years to fulfill those requests. and so those are, those are the types of things that i see you want to do to go. i bear, bear with me. i know, i know this is law, you'll have the opportunity for follow up. so those are the types of things that often take years to fulfill. and they were happening before october 7th and they have continued after october 7th. so what these about are, these are about in many cases are about self defense, but also deterrence and replenishment. and so we make these in the regular course
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of business and what i can tell you about them is that we fall. busy of the same procedures with respect to everyone that we do for every other country in the world, which is that we notify congress. and in fact, since october 7th, we have gone above and beyond to notify congress about these transfer. so there is a statutory threshold where we are required to, to notify them of transfers. we have been regularly briefing the committees to let to, to make them aware of every transfer that that we are making. so i'm going to have to combine the questions now that you've taken up so much. and sir, i understand what apologize to you pulling up some disturbing 1st take your time. i understand the fulfilling can take years. but are you basically saying that the authorization of the transfer coming in these recent weeks for the co instead of so i'm not saying it's a coincidence the is there a has been engaged in a military conflict, of course, when you are engaged in a military conflict you complete your military stock, so there was a report and you didn't read those was the additional full felt for the full. so
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i'm not even going to be to her. i'm not going to get back in a, as is always the case. i'm not getting into the timing of exact requests from here . i find that as i'll be quick, that's a but this is a process that we keep congress fully approx of our, our relevant committee. but, but when you see these types of requests, when they get publicly the reporting, you have to remember the israel is in our conflict and is, is expending a great deal of defense material. and some of that needs to be replenished for israel's long term security. right? and my final thing on this is a secretary and a lot of senior officials from this isn't the station basically spends far too many palestinians have been killed. but when you go and thank you and we know that the administration's policy hasn't changed. it is not conditioning, what is real, but when you go and make it such an authorization of the transfer in recent weeks, even if the actual weapons transfer has been approve years ago, don't you think that is going to damage the weights of your word that your
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credibility and basically you and your sincerity and saying that are too many so, so i do not agree with that at all. we have been very clear that we want to see is real, do everything, it can to minimize civilian casualties. make clear that they need to do everything that they need to operate at all times in full compliance with the international humanitarian law. at the same time, we are committed israel's right to self defense and this is a long term commitment to united states has made that it made before october 7th. and that continues to continue since october 7th. so obviously the fight in gaza is connected to israel's long term security and very substantial ways. i've gotten some of that with you in the response to match question. but israel still faces were on in addition to the security challenge. opposed with or in gaza. it's still faces. iran that is hostile to israel. it's still faces, has blood on its northern border that is hostile to israel and says it is committed
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to the destruction of israel. and so we're going to continue to support israel's ability to defend itself against those sworn enemies that want to see it is in as a modern state.


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