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tv   Israel Above the Law  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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day of fasting, the zip norman dollars for this rama town. the centuries old tradition brings out differently, and novelist knew she was shot at. we reminds people of what's happening in does have to remember they sleep without breakfast, without homes, without anything is on the field is everywhere. the notice is there a forces have arrested after so many. 6 these other must have lost ease or dramas. they used to march through the old city before to on, but with an increase is right, the military presence. it's too dangerous. so they remain on the outskirts trying to bring joy to a grieving community. in the past 2 years is ready, forces of kills more than 140 posting. and in nablus during ramadan, the old city is famous across the occupied westbank for thousands of twinkling. like some loved ones that comes in. every year. we put up decorations in clean the
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streets to observe rema done this year. we didn't because of what's happening in gaza and those who had been killed in annapolis. as daylight arrives at boston begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets are full of pluck, coats, images of young palestinians, killed by his ready forces. it is not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will for is the city often defies. the federal suite used to be lost on the street. now look, it's easy to move around. the mall could be different, tucked away in a maze of alleyways. office suite shops treats the names, state data, tables. and this may have been here for more than 50 years. but now this page looks that there are no decorations. we missed. the young man who were killed there all the time of the english to should i have man shops here. also note this cheesy does
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that connect the box with few customers. businesses are struggling. why? 16, somebody from the war and goes a change to situation. and now we have 70 percent more business before the economic situation is tough. and the city is that people here say the who the month is even more significant this year a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza, nor hung out. is there a novelist in the occupied westbank? that's it for this up more coming up. any more website august or dot com is the address we'll be using analysis, right? that's coming up next. it's as well a little the searching is own from the rwandan genocide, the flame of remembrance will bone in honor of the of the 800000 lives have
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perished with mass graves still being from a many ruined and still displaced to reconcile is the nation the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra. to me it's an extremely cynical moments for international law. it's an extremely devastating moment for the palestinian people. the, there are rules under international law and no matter which way you look at this is real as in violation of those rules. as of the 7th of october, there's no one nor of international humanitarian law that does no being violated by the i never imagined that in my lifetime, i would see
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a genocide taking place in real time before my eyes. the fact that it is being protected by most western government takes it to a level that i just never imagine would be possible the gum disease or with a single message. you're not, you're not alone. canada will be a friend of israel and defend its rights including its right to exist
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and he sort of has the right to defend itself. in fact, it has the duty to defend piece away from the desk to stick with the zip buyers. from tied to furnish tops going up to ships. 40 i'm so for, for that whole slip in the middle of the site as a default application as your friend or to stand with you in solidarity to stand with your people. and we also want you to if one looks at all political leaders today and all of our mainstream politicians, they all the most mendacious, the most mediocre, the least talented group of politicians that i can remember during my almost 60 years on this that it is astonishing just how deeply corrupt materially am tomorrow, lee, they are because many of them be through their nations to the political parties, the motions, to them passively donations to their organizations,
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like the labor of friends of israel, the conservative friends of israel, the democratic friends of israel, the republican friends of israel and the multiple in myriad other organizations like that. they provide an extremely good living for that to pass. and for those political parties to thank you for having me. and i'm looking forward to having a thorough discussion about where everybody goes from here every day. in the depth and breadth of cooperation, the west is intimately involved and israel's genocidal campaign in gaza. for months we have seen us officials a firm time and again that there are no red lines for israel using exactly that language. when of course we know that international law draws many red lines, and yet the us has come out and stark. a position granting is real full authority to proceed and to create as much death and destruction as it sees fit the
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and shocked by the last old auction of the international community. i'm shocked by the hands raised by the us unbox, so they're into security council voting against. s a saw your between that says fire. i'm shocked by the lack of action of principal stage. we need to take again, our principles concrete. stand against this, a been ration and start thinking of functions. the, which we've seen is that the laws of war are used against weaker parties. but if you are, ally is the united states. and if you are ally can veto any security council resolution. and if your allies are the european states,
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then the chances that the i c c will bring you to justice are very, very slim. the international court of justice is a court that renders guilty the losers in the conflict. it is a court of victories and a court that has double standards for the allies of the powerful and for those that it thinks of as it's and that means the views it. so that's it to submission to the international court of justice is some sort of anti semitic screed. i'm black liable. this is nonsense that you couldn't make up. and the nonsense that is being enunciated constantly, not just by the israelis, but that is imperative by the us government, the u. k. government,
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the german government, the french government, etc. and this is being done to defend the indefensible, to defend the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent civilians to defend the tax on health facilities on residential homes and places of worship on places of what we're seeing a genocide taking place in gaza. well, choose matters to where it is you go after you choose to do is i want to see tremble. time is true. you don't have to be just be a scientist. a don't have to be to, to be a scientist. it stinks a nationalist community and its powerful member states life, particularly to the us. but in general western countries,
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which is still pilot. and it's heavy then individual power that some member states can exercise within the when the feet of those members state are from the west. it does or something. no african countries has a veto power in the united nation system. it's the and star system which is not only representative of where the world is today, but i would like to see this change and we need to think of better mechanisms not only inside the law, but how the light is applied to ensure that there is no double standards, so it's both a changing of the laws to so that they address the current circumstances. but also the institutions of the judicial institutions that apply the law. so they, they don't apply it with double standards and we will continue to actively
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engage in the hard work of direct diplomacy on the ground until we reach a final solution to. ready the destruction of over 70 percent of cause of the killing of over $30000.00 palestinians, including $13000.00 palestinian babies and children the injuring of around now $70000.00 palestinians. and the destruction of almost all of the civilian infrastructure in gaza. international law prohibits this completely. we have to remind the but there are at least in theory rules which is real, must abide by and which is violating the,
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the is doing anything they can in our to really lies the cause of it is when it targets the, the military targets. but again, we are in the war in the war civilians. gus harris, he will never see the i is the targets shoot down as severely and you will never see a group of children walking on the beach of guys on is way target them specifically, or an old lady crossing the street and isn't still the old lady is what it does not target civilians as the head joe, a foil and the same as the house of a member of an eskimo. do you mean to be sure the loan of love will not to another
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for lunch on the box is where the target military target is, where the target paris and when this terrorist surrounds himself with severe he is with this little children, with this old lady with his on paypal, of this city williams might get hurt, but it's not on the fault of israel is on the fault of the one who surrounded himself with a civilian as they wanted to use them as human shields. the the argument of the human shoes of palestinians in general, and being a eager to sacrifice their own children as human shields that's been used and this nice over and over. the 1st one to this nice. this argument was editor of
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gold stone that the head of the 1st commission of inquiry over the 1st war in gaza and it has been disproven over and over. what is the evidence, the israel's instruction to the palestinians 1st to move south and then to move west and then to move north. but basically that instruction which has displaced $1800000.00 people tells the is re lease that any civilians that remains in that area or us. israel assumes that any civilian that remains at the, in that area is either a participant in hostilities and therefore it can be killed or
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a human shield. namely someone that is being used to shield the legitimate military target. and that allows the israel to relax the repertoire is of least lethal violence that they use is against these people. and in a court of law that can be used to justify the wholesale killing of civilians. the . it's where it says more than even it's inquired 8, drops flyers over. does that to tell the people to vacate the area? it makes phone calls to residential um civilians to vacant. the area is red calls to back of the area once. if i took these precautions,
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it's allowed to take them to build the east civilians for sure. so say they take the, their own responsibility the . this is a complete distortion of international law if you consider also the fact that israel's and occupier, which i think is the relevance. legal framing here is real, has obligations under occupation law, not only to end the occupation which has now been ongoing for 56 years, but also to protect the occupied people. and we also know that israel has no right
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to claim self defense in accordance with the article, $51.00 of the un charter with respect to a tex emanating from a territory that it occupies. and this notion was upheld by the international court of justice. and it's 2004 ruling on the legality of the wall. and so regardless of which way you look at this, there's absolutely no legal defense to committing a genocide the luxury living soul not to lays as such months and muscle in mind and daily. so they come in the logging bit there
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the we have the president of the state saying there's no innocent civilian or there's no on involved civilian in the gaza strip. so these kind of remarks to point that the intent and the if, if it gets to a court of law, then these kinds of remarks become very important in terms of the genocide dual aspect of this war. and lot of people in israel, we not food bad for the palestinians, but yet the leadership in israel fails the for the palestinian people. and they allow whatever the minimal humanitarian ad to be provided to the population in gaza at the
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the, the law does create a vision of a certain kind of justice that we want to aspire for. we want to aspire towards a world where human rights for all are protected. the amends scale of suffering. any god there must be an immediate cease fire for at least the next which is what is currently on the table.
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does human rights law give us the tools to achieve human rights? i'm not sure because of the interest of powerful states because of the double standards that are applied in the international arena. and therefore, if it gets to court, often the human rights do not win the day. and so we need to think of other mechanisms to achieve these human rights. the problem is the problem is with the force, mental potential and in, in the middle east. and in the global south, i would say the problem is that law is closer to political
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convenience then to adjust this it as a p. and i'm very sorry to say 500 years of core. oh, nice ation. has left a huge imprint in our dna. in general, western people are not able to assess objectively, what is what is being done through the not publication of international law or through the discretionary application of international law. it is terrible to see the dismantlement of international order premier support international law piece by piece the image will have to show the ministry by the name of the for them to tie penn national to the we've been what's to be the whole m dash 2 method but i'm, i'm not gonna be computer level. i'm updates more than
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a c by then. sure enough when we left him on monday, it's a whole lot. golf come as much as you've got the, it's unclear what absol victory will look like when you've destroyed already 70 percent of gaza when the overwhelming majority cost of $2000000.00 palestinians are displaced. it seems to me that absolute victory means the total destination of gaza to the point that is completely uninhabitable and that the population of gaza, which israel has told us time. and again in this current moment that that is their goal. but their goal is to the population of gaza and the settlements of goes up by is rarely settlers course in total violation of international law. the israel does not briefly, international law is way allocate safety. there is safety or the rules of law
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according to the international law. why a country should be above scrutiny. i mean, no one should be the international law is there to be applied universally, and not just for cherry picking because this, this trust phones. as i often say, human rights protection into protectionism, and this is unacceptable the for me, the, the idea that the law will lead to liberation or emancipation, or palestinian self determination is a fiction of human rights is not necessarily the tool. i think the tool needs to be more political in the sense of divestment and the sense of sanctions in the sense of boycotts to use this kind of arsenal of non
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violent weapons, to pressure israel to bring about change the israel about pro, let's say years ago realize having been so close to a pottage south africa, the very real threat that b as opposed to the existence of these re, the state as a racist, occupying state. and they created a ministerial department called the department for strategic affairs. specifically, to count to the b b s movement. and what was the strategy that they hit upon? it was to ensure that any criticism of israel, any criticism of its occupation, any criticism of its behavior in the occupied territories was made equivalent to
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anti semitism to. and they have been remarkably successful at doing that. there is no other argument that they're not using as of them to send me these massages to deflect the attention from what matters the most from what our analysis insist upon for decades now. i'm not surprised that each road recurs to any strategies to can to a whole it's goals to reach its objectives. but i'm surprised that international community joins this action. because today you are not just the doctor by israel for being and it's on to submitted. if you just ask for the application of international law, do we, is there any, is there any options? it's many, many western countries to do so and they betray also what i'm to summit isn't as really being the search advantage. semitism is united states of america and around the world. sick, you know,
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we see it across our communities and schools and colleges and social media, a surface painful scars for millennia. so hate of hate to genocides of jewish people. every time i get, i choose to falsely accused of uncle sam. it is, i respond. i don't stake white, i don't get intimidated. i become louder and louder. and by doing so, i think i also inspire other people to do the same on jewish my mother was one of 20 odd survivors of the holocaust. so to described me is empty semitic given my history of anti racism and my work on genocide prevention. my info, king of the holocaust of which my mother's family was victims and it's simply an absurdity. c western world
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is prepared to sacrifice the entire architecture of international law that has been put in place post world war to specifically to prevent their being and not the genocide like the holocaust. we have prepared to rent all of that asunder so that israel can continue to med uh, $247.00 palestinians on an average day. $48.00 of whom will be women, and a $117.00 of whom will be children. we're prepared to throw it all out. that's the point of crisis that our politics act now. and it is up to all of us who recognize that to actually create, to count a narrative, to the nonsense that dispute by our politicians, to maintain that own place. the in this of pulling lead corrupt a malfunctioning political system. we have the,
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we continue every single day to wake up and insist on freedom and life in the face of genocide. and there's simply nothing more dignified that anybody can do in such a hopeless and desperate moments. i don't believe it's going to be sustainable to continue to prevent palestinians from their right to freedom. the
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a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know, double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era in a world full of darkness hope was so scarce. you donated we deliver it in remedies and breaks. we've touched lives in you, in this holy month. the power of kindness, gray,
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in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint we remember the blessings we all meant to share for that do a sacred play is now your gt to fulfill all that can possibly be the after to week little changes really forces have completely withdrawn from the i'll shoot for medical complex in northern cancer, leaving dozens of bodies in the way the around the clock. this is out 0 and live it from the also coming and is really strikes hits the a lot. so hospital compound in central dogs acutely at least 4 people and entering several others including john the 10s of
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thousands of his readings protest outside parliament, demanding the pride minutes his resignation, and the return.


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