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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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4 hours tonight to celebrate perhaps, so make a change for the sending of these people from around the world. joe biden says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin the because the, it's relative living on in syria. it has black, amanda, and 6 sizes are among the dates, the until mccrae. this is they'll just, they're alive from the also coming up as roles as strikes on guys. continued 17 people have been killed them to assure you i a neighborhood of kansas city more loss. thomas in southern africa as recruit, breaking dry spells killed trumps,
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and put food supplies and danger. more than 150 school children kidnapped in nigeria were united with their families. the israel says it's killed us. india has black amanda, and across the board a strong can live and on that attack, came shortly after an earlier ride and syria killed thousands of people. a 6 of those victims were also his beloved sizes. so in a hold of his move from virus, of the they're becoming more frequent, apparent is really strikes on iranian, and iranian link targets in syria. the, the latest what are believed to be weapons deposed. and the northern province of a level, a few dozen people were killed among them, syrian military personnel and members of the liberties arms group has beloved.
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israel is basically trying to establish itself as the body that has the upper hand in this conflict. and i don't think it's very the politicians to understand that you're wrong. here's the law and the regime are not interested in military 5. israel has for years said it will allow you run and its allies whose influence in syria has grown to entrench themselves in the country militarily . in recent months, it's targeted commanders and members of the rounds. revolutionary guards no longer just focusing on weapons storage sites and convoys, caring arms of israel stated goals is preventing syria being used as a transit points for weapons to reach has beloved and the occupied palestinian territories. there is what has been described as a shadow war between israel and iran in syria for years now. and in recent months,
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since hezbollah opens a front line against israeli forces to help palestinians and gaza, israel appears to be employing the same strategy again, has the law runs a life and loving on. up here in loving non targeted killings by a parent is really drawn, strikes are increasing more often than knock members of hezbollah. and at times field commanders are killed. many here see a strategy of israel diminishing its enemies. operational capabilities has below, for its part, raised the costs of the conflict for israel by forcing it to empty much of its north of many of its people. it has yet to escalate to the level of full scale conflict. but the warrant is ready. if israel expands the war, the events of uh the last few days have been wider than what we've seen in quite some time. so i expect only further escalation. unfortunately, we're in
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a regional situation where the prospects of de escalation are, are, are, are quite limited. and while much of the world's focus is on the war on garza the violence between israel and has, the law is beginning to intensify center for their eligibility to be that because it's bringing home the salute who isn't occupied east jerusalem for us. and i'm that these ready defense minister has been talking about expanding the operations against his beloved. what exactly did he have to say? speaking on friday is rolls the defense minister, jo, i'm go on to said that israel is quote no longer on the defensive, but actually actively pursuing his beloved wherever the group operates. whether that's in 11 on, invaded with the capital, any where else meaning damascus. and he also said it would be as far reaching as is really needed. you're looking at
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a series of cross border fire in the last week that has resulted in the depths of at least one is really there's been a lot of this back and forth exchanges of fire since october the 8th. but in the last week or so, they've really been intensifying just on thursday. these really army actually conducted an extensive drill. they say, to raise their preparedness for a war on his roles. northern border, it's something these really defense minister has been talking about for months and most notably. he said that he's not afraid to turn 11 on into another. gone. so and him to what can you tell us about the team as well as sending to these like this. these 5 talks to these early prime minister's office, releasing a statement saying that they have approved for the head of israel's most side. and the head of mission, beth, those are the external and internal security agencies, israel's negotiating team. they are going to go next week to both cairo ando. how
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to meet with mediators in order to try and solidify a ceasefire deal, and a pause in the fighting. and exchange for the release of is really captive. now previously we know that these talks fell apart as this really official speaking anonymously had said that they weren't exactly heading in the right direction. there are still major sticking points, but both sides have, you have, have asked the wants to see a complete end to the war. and then you have, these really is who said, but even if there is a pause in a fighting that would be secured, they are going to continue with the war. so well, mediators like the united states, remain optimistic. both sides are blaming each other for why the talks are falling apart, but these negotiations will continue next week. okay, thanks so much. i'm the, i'm just the for us, an occupied east jerusalem. it was ready for us is continuing to target residential areas across garza, despite un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease. 522 people
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died in the southern city of con eunice when miss house for the full story building that was home to 5 families. victoria guys and b has but these house reading relatives more on the death of a palestinian child who was killed when and is ready. asked roy case an apartment broke in the southern city of hon. eunice, resident sage, ready for these. gave them no warning upon the size of the building houses more than 50 people, including mostly women and children. civilians who were confined to their apartments. suddenly, a rocket was dropped on the 4 story building without any prior notice. among the dead are infants, some as young as 6 or 7 months about the lobby of these ruins used to be a series of apartment blocks. many palestinians fled fighting in northern gauze, hoping they would be safe here. hon eunice was designated as one of his rail, so called safe zones in the south, but his ready forces are intensifying that on board minutes of the city door. we
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urge all countries around the world to come and witness the ethnic cleansing that we're being subjected to. this is a war of extermination. trees, animals, houses, schools, children, and women are all being exterminated. this entire square was exterminated without any reason. as more families, more on the death of loved ones, men, he will say question, how many more innocent children will die before israel cool, so hold. so the violence, victoria gates and b l g. is there 15 people have been killed in an organized as fairly, as try calling a residential square in jamalia, one of the few most still standing in guns that was also targeted by people that are trying to retreat bodies still trapped down to the rubble houses. there was on the cell sherry for pulled from northern casa a lot that is slightly of them to, to all of these really a global bond meant to northern guys have gone on non stop the last night they targeted this side been, i'd be walk us mosque in your body
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a refugee come to the most has been completely destroyed about normally a 100 met, searchable ration of 2 ongoing buildings nearby and targeted mostly as we can see here, people are still looking for the missing traffic under the rubble of this building . yeah, it's a little spin out. loud explosions woke us up and the date of the night, 5 minutes late to another missile struck and completely destroyed the residential square. we didn't want to find the mosque because we didn't want these reilly forces to destroy and such aggression shouldn't be done in the holy month of ramadan and them. but this really forces don't kids don't distinguish, defeats the civilians from others. and besides the targeted or the most from reflectively kind of, these really is having destroyed all the most, even the whole look around was tongue unbuttoned with this is a war against islam. it's a war against the religion. it's a war against the whole of what are we tied up in most in the countries to take care of us and take care of the whole port on that part of the matter. all
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composite as the was on gaza rages. these really and he's been boarding everything . that's the even most x are not sped and it's a chevy deal. some of the 17 palestinians, including children, had been killed in 2 separate attacks on kansas city is ready for his bomb, the local sports club, him issues i a neighborhood, kansas media office says police officers involved with securing communitarian. i with the main target target a bu isn't, isn't profit, and has more on the strikes on the bottom. it did not stop it totally to die evans much of areas of course, the territory. and that's absolutely a part of these very ongoing military campaigns that had been set in october. and we have been seeing that actually to your neighborhood, this area where the is where the ministry had operated in before and denounced the destruction of the majority of its infrastructure and residential houses. again,
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we can see that it had been hit widely within the past 24 hours. at least 15 palestinians have to report the cube. and one of the attacks that are targeted space clump industries. yeah. yeah. neighborhood which has turned into an evacuation center for thousands of palestinians who have been escaping from the it's very bombardment every now and then. and that's absolutely something terrifying because it residents the are trying to feel a sense of security and safety again, civil cause have been attacked as one of the figures that had been killed. and one of the latest strikes that gave a simple call was responsible for securing the humanitarian, a deliveries to the northern part of casa, in a police to a different tax against everyone who was taking part in securing the deliveries of a at least $27.00 children. have died of mel nutrition and the hydration and gallagher since as well started it's for on this trip. in early october, the district parents are having to go to extreme lengths to try and find food for the children. i'm going to fish told us about the children she faces each day to
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provide for his family the and i remember how i ran it. actually i just brought him out on o as in 9. 0, by the last one was on the shanice, the luggage left for the rest of the body shop. i'm giving you a hug out of the hey for the exact amount of my stuff it was probably for flaws or
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something, you know sort of it's food. i was listening to your buddy. yeah. the, i've seen the, the, the low level and then sometimes it's a pretty much pushed me the number of photos that seem remember on the, from a few not so. yeah, no, it's not like that. i can, i had trouble because i some of them in the hospital without the
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to the bottom administration, steadfast support as well as the wages war on gals that has prompted defense within the us state departments. will this week of foreign affairs officer who promoted human rights on behalf of the us government became the licensed office to leave her job in protest. and now that she line told l g 0, she could no longer be an accomplice to crimes against humanity. i thought about resigning every time israel violated international law hitting hospitals, schools, and killing civilians with impunity. and the us government did nothing to try to hold them accountable. the, the, the timing of my resignation reflects the fact that i did, i owed an obligation to the us government. i received an arabic scholarship and so
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i owe the government a year. so on, on, on the 300 and 65th day i handed in my resignation. i also, i thought about resigning sooner, but also my, my team is involved in the human rights reports. and it's, it's a very labor intensive process. and so i wanted to also make sure that we, we'd completed that work before i left i i think so. sorry. i the main reason is that i have a daughter. um and she's too sorry. yeah. but if it's in the future, if she were to ask me about what i did as this has happened 8, i just, i want her to know that i didn't stay silent. um i, i, i, i just, i don't think i could i, i couldn't continue to watch what was happening and just keep going to work every day. i, i was still a head here own else, is there a send?
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a goal officially has a new president elected is the constitutional counsel consumes the victory or password to you. my sign in russian or pharmacies make and you a risk and connection with the cause of full attack and must go last week the the had a lot of that. let's have a look at the weather across your for the east, the weekend. and it isn't looking very spring like certainly across the west scenarios what and when the weather. but it's an improved picture out in the east will see temperatures rise up and lots of settled and sunny conditions. but that's when, when the weather, once again slipping down into the iberian peninsula, bringing some heavy falls to portugal and southern parts of spaniel. so a wintry mix in some very strong winds that have also effected pots of front and
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bruce and on the island of island, they'll be more in the way of sunny spells and some several conditions coming in on saturday. but that rain doesn't go away. you can see it moving across most central areas. it'll be some good news. the most snow falling on the out, some went to weather, affecting southern pots of fronds, however, and the wind certainly pick up across the mediterranean, and the age actually help was wanting stops some of the islands, like a sicily and sardinia, that we didn't improve picture across the east through lots of heats, coming through some high temperature warnings. false via the temperatures would also pick up for scans. anavia also singh, 10 degrees celsius. the but for madrid, what it is going to get a lot cooler. and we will see that rain carry a through into the new week that should weather update. the this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop
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a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its strong. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl is ready as strikes, has had no been syria killing more than 40 people, including 6 has the la fontose is right little so it says a killed a head for like
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a mom to install them. living on the 2 is rarely strikes, have kills at least 17 palestinians, including children. misha, i a neighborhood in kansas city, kansas media offices, police offices, involved with securing humanitarian eyes, with a main target bystanders. among those killed a mistake and struck and israel says it will send representatives at the higher in the coming guys for new tools on the cost. the safe spot is continued bombarding this trip despite you in resolution that cold for an end to hostilities infinity. all the constitutional council has ratified the presidential election, victory of bustle, rude, deal, my fine, the confirmation pipes, the way for a transition of power from president becky, so that he greeted his successor at the presidential palace and that kept them because 5 was accompanied by opposition leader was men so okay. that goes hawk has moved from dakota as the african union has congratulated president elect by
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su jim i by. we saw him yesterday at the presidential palace wearing traditional attire meeting the outgoing president present. mackie saw a man that was in prison for over 11 months, over a facebook post that authorities had deemed dangerous to the sovereignty. and the security of the state is now at the helm of one of the fastest growing economies in west africa. but who is bus you, jim? i fight. well, we went to his home village in jag or now on the outskirts of the car to meet his family and find out who he is. take a look at his report appearing unsettled after a victory that's done to everyone, including himself, from political prisoner to president in less than 10 days at the age of $44.00.
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plus you with jim i. 5 is the youngest elected head of state in africa. and it's promising change to the people of the west african nation, depending on the and electing me is their president. the senegalese people have chosen a break from the past to give way to the immense hope of inspired by our project of a new society. not previously a note to the public jim. i stepped into the limelight after being released from prison following his arrest on a range of charges including endangering state security opposition, reduce mental good, chose him as his down. then after he was disqualified from reading because of a conviction for defamation bose to night, the charges instead, they were politically motivated. you might campaign with the slogan, jeremiah sancho. and so go with joe by selling a project of a just society d n t establishment party bus death wants to we negotiate for gas and mining contract
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. introduce a new currency and forge equal partnership with friends. the former colonial power su, is the, it's from the project. we will pull his ears and tell him, come back because the country does not belong to someone else that has been pulling, jeremiah, years is his father. we met him in the village of in jug on. yeah. where the gym. i grew up in 2022. the former tax inspector round to becomes a village mare but lost his father believes overcoming failure led to his success on it. he is extremely honest. i'm courageous and he's been working hard all his life. jim, i had a modest rule upbringing working of a land in this a hell. this is where the villagers come to grow. millet looked at it now. it hasn't rained for the last 8 months. there are no wells nearby, and this is the challenge for the next president to ensure that not only his
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village, but the people of this country have enough to eat. despite a booming economy, almost 40 percent of senegalese live and poverty president jim, i will now need to deliver on his promise to reduce economic disparity and bring a greater share of sending goals well to a people's thursday for change. nicholas hawk, algebra and jackson. yeah, said he go for more than 130 school chosen kidnapped. and nigeria had been for united with their families. the students were abducted and kids are in a state on march the 7th before being free by the ami. now, communities are calling for more accountability, because he loves his hoodie on, has more excited and relieved an entire community welcomes back the fried students. army convoys make wait for the celebration with students for uniting with their families. for the 1st time since they were kidnapped. many are
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still trying to make sense of the are deal. let me just give them the problem and that's we were only given 2 meals a day in the criminal beach just before the food was given to us as a teacher died because of the beating and the slapping by the bonded the army on sunday rescue students and staff who were abducted by gunmen from a school and i to reuse north. they say the ransom of nearly $700000.00 was not paid. go. yeah, because i haven't slept for weeks. i've just been waiting for the release of our children. morning and night it was the same. life was full of grief and sadness until now. but a minute. the relief, there's also criticism discrepancies over the number of the kidnapped headspace concerns. one point teachers said they were $280.00 captives. the government says the number is much lower, stating 137 people had been kidnapped and all of them fried. the governor has
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been accused of using the release as a publicity stunt by hosting the students that a state government house. just a day after their release was announced, an attempt to put in to undermine the end for the discrete agencies and the good. and then what it takes is they'll put dives into lice of properties low. you know, so security isn't the good objections that nigerian schools were 1st carried out over a decade ago by the armed group, local her rom. since then, other criminal gangs have followed suit to ending ransoms and raising alarm as families. welcome back students communities across northern nigeria are again calling on the government for stronger security measures and for accountability katia lope. this is lillian challenges here. russian with ours. he's had made another arrest in connection with an attack on the most go a concert whole last week. the s kennestone branch of the i. so the group has claimed responsibility. but russia has blind to crying for being behind domestic
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here in which more than 140 were killed. that says to shake or far as he said, the made more risk related to potential attacks. and most of the suspects in custody in russia are off to chic origin. those and you battery has more from the russian capital. as the 9th person has now, especially been charged with conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism in russia. the 24 year old native of tajikistan was brought into best money court here in moscow on friday afternoon where he was now, he was placed on administrative detention for the next 15 days. now, according to his attorney, he has pleaded not guilty to parts of the charges that have been brought against him, and it's not clear which parts he's at pleading not guilty to what we do know he's now the latest person in this attack to be charged. we've also been hearing from the investigative committee as we say that they have a evidence that there was a funding from ukraine,
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provided to the perpetrators of the attack in terms of cash as well as crypto currency. they haven't shared the details of the evidence that they've uncovered, and of course ukraine has denied any involvement in the attack. we also heard from a government officials in subject has done they have arrested now 15 people for allegedly parting and planning to carry out further. terrorist attacks around the no rou, celebrations, that is the 1st day of spring at earlier in march. and those arrests have now been made public. it's not clear whether there's any connection between those perfect and the people arrested in tajikistan and the allegedly perpetrators of the croc, a city hall attack, the doors of jabari l 20. moscow. are you kind of an attack on the russian border? city of belgrade has left one person, did russian forces say they repelled 15 shelves from the ukrainian side. belgrade
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has come on the frequent attack by you crying since most goes full scale invasion in february 2022 and you cry and says around the 100 russian drone and missile strikes of target to the electricity grid across the country. emergency blackouts have been imposed in some areas now. power plants and central in width and regions where a tech, some of severely damaged in malawi, severe drought, has caused the government to declare a state of disaster. the president is appealing to international health as grain reserves run out her room, a task that has more like how to assist as a harvest of the pharmacy for a may cease to survive the droughts from those that struggled. she's worried at what she finds, can i email the, have somebody more, you can see how the maize looks, the grain is of low quality because there was no way a lot is government has declared a state of disaster because of the drought in most districts. we had,
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it is slow on said to friends, and when that is can people blunted? and then we, i did dry spill or bloomed dry. spill. richard is that did in most of the crops we're doing in the fields. i do, i try to some other place is completely dried up and people have good top visited, malawi is prone to natural disasters such as flats and droughts and m p say the country doesn't have any graders as a country, we do not to take care of our grain, we, let's, most of our claim as law side of the country. we sort of, most of the grain to private traders, to she can any more fee to produce as this has drained on our stops. and as i'm talking to you now know we as a country, as does not have a great even though it deserves and abundance,
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he's actually to 0. the government saves around 2000000 households will need to mandatory and assistance if the job lessons. that number will rise. president lazarus tell clara is already asking the international community for health, such as money and food $8.00 part of my task, out of the almost 9 months through its global release, the hollywood blockbuster that demand behind the atomic bomb is finally available in japan and harassment oppenheim open to mixed reviews and motions. so the account has more at the pace memorial in hiroshima. again, back to the dome is preserved as a reminder of what happens here and, and negative saki in 1945. the 2 atomic bonds draft by the us air force killed an estimate of 200000 japanese. now the blockbuster film about the american nuclear scientists to help develop the weapons has finally been released in japan almost 9 months after everywhere else.
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audiences in hiroshima have mixed emotions.


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