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tv   Africa Direct Turtle Guard Anime in Zambia  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

10:30 pm
i'm in bed seats with the yes. well, it's right. we will full start to bohannon all homes with destroyed children code. add up of these because in women's rights and that's why we side it's on a to for the me. oh, i wonder where the contents of the women of the wildest, that being what turned off on tv screens losing our children while they're preaching to us about human rights women. it's all right. just over 100 years since international women's date was 1st celebrated in gaza, there's a sense that the wall has wiped out decades of progress, pull, brennan, i'll just see what does a pallet standing in a moment injured journey is where the air strikes and the central garza are being taken to our locks the hospital and then i'll follow up not is one of the few medical center still working, but it is severely overcrowded. obviously, it doesn't cause any reports from their were changed. the hospitals where the ambulances, dozens of women, as we see,
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women are laying on the floor because there's a lot of beds and they do not have space. the hospital talks with patients and injuries. this woman beside me is pregnant, and she was insured. during the last air strikes that happened on as the light that area in the middle area of the gaza strip. every women in palestine have been sacrificing a lot since the worst started on the god was true. they have been killed. they have been injured. they lost their husbands, they lost their sons, they lost their loved ones. and not only that, they're also being injured in killed, losing their privacy, losing their houses, moving their spaces. how does to even women have been witnessing very harsh things since october 7 and even unlimited international day. they have been killed and
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also injured. this is in the, the, i just need to unlock the hospital. betty butler, international women's day is being marked around the world in funds the government side of the guarantee of abortion rights into its constitution. the 1st country to do so. the public settlement is being held in paris in showing the changes in the and in pakistan, hundreds of gathered in his lama by to mock international women's day. many of also use the day to show support for women in gossip advocate directors next on the buses to stay with us and on the the the any might
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not even be attending people people. yeah. the, the, the the, the guy, the 40 at the,
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[000:00:00;00] the so several fine yet big shoot applies. the food i put them in for some of the, the repeated in june, 13th century,
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came up pretty soon as you develop my sit down with my sister late, i must say that they did that. but if you see that the key, if my sound, my c line, you will see a newborn game of pay my previous aid. if it was the the soon as you that my, that is, it might night bad event or to supplies for that to you. a that shows that really see any typical, most accurate, easy ways to come. something that does that it can village. is it i must, it was easy to meet them. was that you don't? the guys were not the man lives it 50. so this the circumstances, i'm assuming the nice,
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the basic one side of the ones is in infinity that a more or less that degree because you think good, i'm franklin use nothing. if you guys don't wait, i appreciate that i've been left for myself. so for my c at convincing politics you just see some is interested in taking the gamble do that. i me
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the me see if it took you last year a lot longer. the also see the lot go to a lot of me or somebody did i thought to i love bruce done my friend this on. i'm ok. you
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the or the 2nd me too much to mit. i lead me to to admit, i don't see for this. i see the fit for louder says that the key
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the . ready ready that has been on the door leads funding. so slow. do you see this is i to basic basic $20.00 a month, less than a lot more. so i'm wondering how many people g less it is, but to read so far as it comes to us on the plus on the x ray to only get a clue the coffee as looks. it was on the left side of sampling. do this for this. you just said see, so is this on duty keep the equals
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e just yeah. so it goes thinking signal spectrum need the best of all the loading for should have this, isn't this the same card? it's about 20 bucks off of off the savings. so somebody, somebody g is a good one degrees. that leaves i know to you here. do you have a, this new this, this? do you want to be choose the cost to you in order to visit with your boss case? i did what you did to you the that's, that's a good. yes. so i say that if you guys can solve uh, what do you met? oh see president for my c o 5 they added. 2
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the audio. ringback of the system, the enough good. yes, great and but when you see the applies did tell me that the best st input to fits into j said duty fidelity prose. you've asked me to have this on my say going through one circle myself with a month for susie. my thought philip, the dead sheep don't be
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a c survey for me. and i've left messages on the books here by school because it dropped pretty much a lot. the 2 boys with me sitting at the budget to fussing for one. and i said back on you k. so pk on videos or you'll be i am protect. uh, if they're not overbooked. mm . okay the,
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the laptop to at that point. sounds it. i'm waiting. let's see. here we got, i think as far as on my end as long as april got on the on
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the flat it. i see i'm not gays out of pocket. if the baby event, i'd be a guy i brought the may, there is nothing there and i put him, it says on this on this on any of the family ranking know the may get a lot more the the
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fuzzy around us about right right. everybody does it, does he did it? and it was in the the maybe there by the know i looked us the beauty say, yeah, i mean i got the see i the put back on my bed because i thought you wow, that's good. you see the by the talk to you as a result of that,
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but it should be wow, the last thursday as the default. ok . so yeah, measure of religious complex. it will do on the problem. i do not go too fast. good, double and not ok. it does include them on the, on the months it l o c would be decided on the u. s. good. so, you know, but i, but i still not as good as that you as to who will not be as good with that. i think we thought it doesn't really much upon you. yeah,
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but i'm going you welcome to use the search and she is on top of the issues. good. don't survive to fail. she said, the prostate somebody for the revise you for that just to see that is that, that big while i say that booking,
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if i'm i lied the, the juice he i received is a special a symptoms that did the corvette this best buy sheet. she said she's
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a shoot receipt the the. 2 the
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in the face presence of kate and san diego and the meet in the sense we are about to make the site educate the changes and human sees. specifically for me,
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it means that i have taken an idea and of given lights to it. you know? because the super, as it is an idea ahead in like the 4th grade told as i was 9 years old. yeah. the red one the yeah. what happened is the guy and everything. i always were very gayly using this back on to x, where the bottom approximately with i can do a 1000000 by now. who is a fellow an inmate that to create the super. when he does this, like i want, like it's to come with like on it's color all it's was i'm working on that right now. actually the super is about supernatural world which every one is gifted with abilities. the story follows an older brother's trying to protect his younger brother from this harsh society,
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the okay, so. busy so in this scene, he looks behind a searching and then you have to really sound like super confident because how you like to to, to and then that's a night break. so can you hear me like you don't stick to clothes because he's not himself, but at the same time, remember you, you just became his big brother from lack of on typical test to to, to okay. can you hear me starting because i don't want to go back. i don't want to go back. i don't want to go back. i don't want to go back. you a bit like concerned about what's happening, but you're doing a short, a good guys. so you guys just get it. mr. kim,
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aren't you interested in the last hybrid? mr. kim? what's the deal with this kid anyway? from what i heard them say is power in sorry. it leads from type areas and type in the when i was young. i just loved being an artist. as time went on, it developed into a more realistic and my 2 go bunch mean then this art with basic me, my head space. when creating this project was just how, how more involved society may be. now, you know, personalize. you know, so this 1st one to school attends or 1st correction, you know, all the change, the kids sit in school, it's more like you have to be
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a certain way to mentor. and for me, i created this piece because of you know, what we've seen that out for the rest of us, but on the certain way, the being a 20 old and you mentor and phase 2, it challenges such as not being respected when you demands that some policies from a client and in general you always have to understand when somebody thousands pay you will pays you late to with every small job i get i put 25 into the enemy doing the points, the distribution i guess at the moment it goes,
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it basically we're just taking that on splinters, associates, those agents in baton. it deserves. it says we have this product is the vision you needs do this we're seeing is bigger than just just just just the whole netflix. oh, and you made the, i am almost extra take here to pick up olga with building teaching. i mean that you have been taking this person to accompany me to go and community assisting, put into the world into the corporate world especially. so we gotta go to like different organizations and see how it goes. we are determined to give people an experience that they will walk away and the end of a culture, it is on a global scale. and already here we have quite a large on the top 20th century to get close
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whatever i've thought to tear hasn't been you know, it's been hard because sometimes you feel like you're the only person you can rely on financially meant to be social. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this key is huge. but my dream is one day for just this one pilot episode to going to full on production. exactly. so when you're watching as a view, you just want to see your backgrounds look nice. that's all. i don't know how you did that with the light. oh yes. so in this to go picture onto the older we visited, the still can you for the city was manager and it was actually quite in cheats by the ones who were talking about to give us permission to start presenting tickets so that you can use the same tickets money to pay for the venue.
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the, the, the meeting is so often the acadia and i both agreed to take some time of vacation. we want to know lots of mazda and me see if by chance you get any opportunity to go,
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saw me to none from mentors and would love that because it's not like we want to does it. so now we can pay the bits or for the guys here, the, [000:00:00;00] the asked, we can narrative from african perspective to base model for much too short documentary spine for king field make. and that's going to be the one
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to show full for the taste of the sun from madagascar and football from new series of africa direct on which is the latest news as it breaks for survivors deliveries of food. i typically need that because of the acute level of hunger and medical supplies need to r rawlings to with detailed coverage no sooner are there repair works for did this rarely, military rates resume and there is more property destruction from the house of the story. this 10 has been a home and the only shelter, or as someone who families the living conditions are for perfect. the generation who meets premier league legend vincent company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. most of it starts in appearance is representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add syria to discover help. this will pay the key role in shaping the country from its struggles to liberation,
11:00 pm
to the 2090 protests of political reform generation. civil episode to phone, i'll just be around the a drop and goes on goes wrong, 5 people or q, why humanitarian a to be power shoes, it in the office. so this is all just a lie from joe hobb also coming off. today we are facing a humanitarian catastrophe in garza and we stand by the innocent civilians in palestine, you and honest as amount of time age, colorado. it's a gossip at the us and says it's no substitute for london that race which being


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