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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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or here's the do the last administration and excess a to trillion dollar tax cut over well, many benefits a top and one percent. the very wealthy, the biggest corporations that exploded the federal deficit, they added more to the national debt and any presidential term in american history . check the numbers folks at home. does anybody really think the tax store is fair? they're really wealthy. big corporations need another 2 trillion dollar tax break. i sure don't. i'm going to keep fighting like hell, but make it fair remark. plan nobody earning less than $400000.00. we will pay additional petty and federal taxes. nobody. how want to have done it? cut taxes submitted to working families and cut the child poverty and half
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like big corporations, the very well to begin to pay their fair share. i remember in $22055.00 of the biggest companies in america pay $40000000000.00 unpaid 0 in federal income tax 0. not anymore. thanks to the law. i wrote, we sign big companies have to pay a minimum 50 percent. but that still less the more keep people paid federal taxes is time to raise corporate minimum tax to at least 21 percent the corporate to pay that 1st year on
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a tax breaks for big farm, a big or a private checked mass of executive pay. one is always supposed to be 1000000 about a $1000000.00. it can be deducted. they can pay 20000000 if they want to deduct a 1000000. and now, you know, there are 1000 building areas in america. you know what, the average federal taxes for those billionaires now they're making great sacrifice is 8.2 percent. that's far less than the vast majority of americans pay. a no brainer should pay a lower federal tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker or not the the 25 percent, just 25 percent. you know what that would raise that would raise $500000000000.00 over the next 10 years. imagine what i could do for america. imagine
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a future with affordable child care. how does your family can get? they need to go to work, how so the economy. i'm not here to do to it. because no, i should have to choose between 4 to 6. people living with disabilities so they can stay home the caregivers can finally get to pay. they deserve to tonight. that's all agree. once again, to stand up for seniors reading my friends on the other side of i want to put social security on the chopping block. if anyone here tries to cut social security medicare raise the retirement age, i will stop you. the
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more and the social security, the nurses do is not fair. we have 2 ways to go. republicans can cut social security and get more tax breaks to the wealthy or that's the wrong you guys don't want another to truly not our tax good. i kinda thought that's what your plan was was here. you're not going to cut another 2 trillion dollars because you broke. that's good to hear. all protected strength and social security make the wealthy pay their fair share, the raise prices to pad the prophets charging more more for less and less that starts cracking down. and corporations engage in price gouging the deceptive pricing from
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food to health care to house. in fact, the snack companies think, you won't notice that they change the size of the bag and put a hell of a lot serious st. same size back but fewer chips. so i'm not joe. it's called spring pricing, patch bobbie casey's bill and stop the the pool, so that commercial on snickers bars and you get, you get to charge the same amount you got about. i don't know, 10 percent, you are snickers in love. i'm also getting rid of junk fees. so certain, say at the end of your bill the there without your knowledge, why ministration us were cutting credit card late fees from $32.00 to
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a dollar to charge what it costs them to instigate through the collection. and that's more hell of a lot like $8.30 some dollars. they don't like credit card companies don't like it . but i'm saving american families. $20000000000.00 a year with all the junk fees and i'm on the sort of thing so. so mad is $20000000000.00 in profits, and i'm not stopping their mind this section of a pro, his role is to make cable travel utilities online. ticket sellers tell you the toilet price upfront, so there are no surprises matter. no
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why team again, serious negotiations. the by part of the group of senators, the result was a by products and bill with the top a set of border security forms we've ever since. i don't think so. oh yeah. oh my god, to that conservatives got together and said it was a good bill. hobby, that's amazing. but by percival got higher, 1500 or more security age isn't officers. 100 or more migration judges all track of a back load of 2 minute cases. $4003.00 and a more asylum offices, a new policy so they can resolve cases in 6 months, instead of 6 years now, the
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machine to significantly increase the ability to screen and stop vehicles smuggling fentenol in america as well. so give me a new president, a new emergency, it started temporarily shut down the border and the number of migrants at the border is overwhelming. the border patrol unit is endorses bell. the federal chamber commerce has it. yeah, yeah. you know, look at the facts. the money the given the opportunity for the mature. 1 in the house and set it where the doors to bill as well. but majority right now unfortunately, politics is darrell this bill so far. i'm to my predecessor called numbers,
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a congress incentive to demand. they block the bill. he feels political when he views of political information to play the lucifer him. it's not about him, it's not about may i be a winner? not really high. the reason why we need is a young woman who was killed by a legal match. right. but how many thousands of people being killed by legal to her parents? i say my heart goes out to having lost children myself. i understand. but not if we change the dynamic at the border. people pay people, people pay the smugglers, a 1000 bucks to get across the border because i know that they get by, it's a get by and let into the country. it's 6 to 8 years before they have
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a hearing. and it's worth taking the chance of a 1000, but it is only 6 months, 6 weeks. the idea is, is highly unlikely that people pay that money and gum all that way. knowing that they'll be able to be kicked out quickly with respect to make sense, to suggest more recently my republican friends over to the american people, get this bill done. we need to at the watching instead of paying politics, pressures, numbers of congress to block the bill, join me telling the congress to pass it. we can do it together. but that's why the
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apparently here's why do you will not do. i will not demonize immigrant say they are portion of the blood of our country. they say, well my, my predecessor on my 1st day and all design, who's a comprehensive bill to fix rubber graces and take a look at it as all these and more secure the border provide a path right? is it for dreamers? and so much more like my friend yes, you know. 2 more over the heart and soul that draws from old a new home to native americans and especially the better of, of thousands of years. oh, to people of every platform, every place that are they came fairly, some came in change. some came on fam and struck like my ancestral family and ireland some of the fleet persecution to chase trees,
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the better possible anywhere. but here in america, that's america. we're all saw from somewhere. oh, the simple tours we can find about fixing the border or we can fix it. the formation of this moment in history happened 5859 years ago. today is selma, alabama, or hundreds of foot soldiers or just as march across the admin, pettus bridge, named after the grand dragon. a crew comes clan, the crime,
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their fundamental right to vote. they were be, are bloody and left for dead. are like friend and former colleague john lewis was on that march the the poor including betty may finds known as the voice of selma, the daughter of gospel singers and preachers. she sang songs of prayer and protest on that bloody sunday. top shape for nations, conscience 5 months later, the voting rights that passed them assigned the law the
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59 years later. for forces taking us back in time for suppression, election subversion, unlimited dark money, extreme jared memory. john lewis has a great friend to many of us here, but who truly want on him and all the errors of marsh with him. that is time to do more than talk class afraid of nevada. the needs to know, i know the core value of america. our diversity across american life banning
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books is wrong instead of the students may just following up except for the rise prostate quality on the 7 books. and i'll also make you misty by confronting the kind of crisis. not the 9. i don't think any. do you think there's no longer climate crisis? at least i hope, you know, i take the most significant action ever on climate and history the world. i'm cutting our carbon emissions at half high 2030 credit. tens of thousands of clean
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energy jobs like guy b. w work is building a solid 500000 electric vehicle. charging 2030 matching on bar metal, just suspense line community. smother on the legacy of pollution. pattern after the peace corps and america core, i launch the climate core to put 20000 young people to work in the forefront of our clean energy future of civil law, not heard a decade. the all americans deserve the freedom to be safe. in america safer today when i took office year before i took office,
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murder isn't up 30 percent 30 percent. they went on the biggest increase in this it was through know, through my american rescue plan, which every american voted against time at at we made the largest investment public safety ever last year. the murder, red shot, the shop is decreasing history, while a crime route fell to one of those lowest levels of more of the 50 years. but we have more to do that to help cities invest in more community police officers while mental health workers working on the phone. jack, executive action for my job for the classification tomorrow, i want to expanding thousands of convictions for the mirror possession because no
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one should be jailed for simply using or have it on the roof or might be not defending a portion of the bond schedule that i that i probably wrote when i was a senator, so we can find, find the scourge against women at the to start with us tonight is jasmine is 9 year old sister jackie was murdered with 21 class spaces of the teachers. now i'm going to school and you've all the texas. very soon after that happened, joe and i went to raleigh for a couple of days. we spent hours and hours with each of the families. we heard your message. so everyone in this room in this chamber could hear the same message,
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the costs of refrain, and i said, for hours be every family. i said do something to some as well. i did do something by saturday. the 1st ever office of gun violence prevention in the white house. if i said to me why, so my predecessor told me at all, right? he's proud he did nothing on guns when he was present after another shooting an hour. recently he said, when asked what to do, a body said, just get over there, his quote, just get over. i say stop, stop it, stop it, stop the
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gun safe. you lost nearly 30 years because of this congress. we now must be down or i get on demand in a bad on a saw up is a high capacity night. the modem is, why was the 2nd the real flies responsible gun owners you know, humanities, challenges home are also managing crisis abroad, including the least i know the last 5 months have been gotten ready for so many people with is really people for the policy. the people and so many here in america . this crisis began on october 7th, or the mass care by terrace grew. com. awesome. as you all know,
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1200 innocent people, women and girls, men and boys slaughter after and during sexual violence, a deadly is damaged for the jewish people says all the costs and 250 hostages. take care of this chamber tonight. our families whose loved ones are still being held by a mouse. i place all the families that we will not rest until we bring everyone your loved ones home. we also the, you know, having to pull americans be non justly detained by the russians and others around the world. israel has the right director moss from us out of this conflict
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population, hostages land arms put in person by relation to hostages. laying down arms is serenity. knows, are responsible for october 7th. producer has an excuse me, israel has a added burden as a mouse hides and operates among civilian population like cowards, under hospitals, daycare centers, and all the like. there's also as a fundamental responsibility to protect innocent civilians in garza, the to previous wars and gaza combine or the $30000.00 proud a citizen been killed. so most of whom are not her mos thousands and thousands of innocence, women and children, girls and boys also or from nearly 2000000 or power cities,
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under bombardment or displacement problems, destroy neighbors. and rob of cities are known, federal, drought, food, water medicine, its heart rate, had been working non stop to establish immediately as far as of last for 6 weeks to get all the prisoners released. all the houses released to get talk to his home. an easy, intolerable, and you've had to, you might have turned in crisis and build toward and then during more something more. and during united states and the lady to the national average, it more humanitarian assistance. because tonight, i'm directing the us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer and the mediterranean on the coast of gosh, i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, a temperate shelven. no us perch will be on the ground. a temporary peer will enabled a massive increase the amount of mandatory assistance getting even gaza every day.
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the usual must allow more aid and the guy to ensure you. mandatory workers aren't caught in the crossfire. they're not to, you know, the gods of leadership. as it is real, i say it is. humanitarian assistance cannot be secondary consideration or guardianship protecting and saving it as a lives has to be preferred as we look to the future. the only real solution to the situation is a 2 state solution over time. the more supporter of this room, my entire career, no one has
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a stronger recommendations on i do i challenge any of you here? i'm the only america present the vision. is there a little more time what there is no other pass? it guarantees is what a security democracy. there's no the path to guarantees that policy and you can live in peace with pot with peace and dignity. there's no depress, it guarantees peace between israel and all of its neighbors, including saudi arabia, went to my talking credit to building the middle a saw somebody's containing the thread post by room. that's why bill to college and i'm more than a dozen countries to defend international shipping and freedom of navigation in the red sea, a border strikes to degrade diversity capability and defend us forces in the region as commander and chief, i will not hesitate. direct further measures to protect our people in our military personnel. the
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republican and democratic friends say the chinese on the runs in america is falling behind. they've got it back hurts. i've been saying that for over 4 years, even i wasn't president. america's rise rid of the best economy in the world. incense i've cut it off as our g t b is up our trade. dev is a chart is down to lowest point over decade. our stay and have a good shot at the amount of practice. in cases facility across the taiwan straits are revitalize our partnership and wines through the pacific india, australia, japan, south korea, pacific islands. i've made sure that the most advanced america technology k to use in china, not a line to trade them. there, frankly, falls tough talk on china. it never occurred to my predecessor to do any of that. i
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was trying to not conflict the stronger position when the conflict of the 21st century get charged. anyone else for that matter then any time as well. here at home i've signed over 400 bike partners and bills. there's more passed my unity agend. strengthens kind of liaison fentenol trafficky. you don't want to do that, huh? fast firefighters and private sewage to protect our children online. for more and more. a. keep our truly sacred obligation to trade and equip those we send in harm's way and care for them and their families when they come home and when they don't the
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the phone support and help dennis b a i signed the pack. okay. one of the most significant loss on the different terrace don't come home, but we owe them and the families support. we owe it to ourselves, to keep supporting our new health research agency, call our page every mine to remind us that we can do big se like, and cancer as we know the
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let me close it is i know you don't hear any more, lindsay, but i got to send it to you more than i know may not look like it bothering around while certainly because never, i know the american story. again and again i see in the contrast between competing forces and the battle for the soul of our nation. between those want to pull america back to the past, knows, want to move america into the future. of my life time is telling me to embrace freedom and democracy a future based on core values. so just to find america, honesty, decency dignity qual, through sex every one to develop or the parents ought to get no safe harbor.
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so the people might see differently. american stories have resent revenge and retribution past not me. i was born, i made world war 2. when america stood for the freedom of the world. i grew up in scranton, pennsylvania clermont delaware, among working class people who built this country. i watched in horror as 2 of my heroes, like many to the doctor king and bobby trinity were assassinated and their legacy then smart, read it for free, for so a career i career service i left the law firm became a public defender because my city vomiting was the only city in america occupied the national guard. after doctor king was assassinated, cause of variety and i became a county counselor almost by action. i got elected united states and when i had no intention to run is age 20 non then vice president of our 1st black president.


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