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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the turtle god and may in zambia, new series of africa direct on alger 0. the the . so i'm sort of any a, it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the program. this our k offs and lawlessness on the streets of haiti. gang violence grips the country. a mid mountain calls for prime minister ariel on wreath, resign. destruction in store of ation on the streets of gaza as israel's war on the strip entrance. it's 6 months. the latest round of ceasefire talks has ended without a deal. the remains of 47 palestinians are returned to gaza,
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weeks after they were stolen from the graveyard by it's really forces. and humans who the fighters attack a cargo ship in the gulf, maybe at least 3 sailors have been killed. i'm some of the jobs in the door from on the bottom starting on board to and i'll tell you why preparations are being made for a possible influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees. and i'm trying to how much with the latest sport and yet, dominates england on day one of the 5th tests for the tub. yeah, the saw the as a dismissed the choice for just 218. but india ending the day training by only 8 to see runs with mine wickets in the . so we're going to begin. this is our with the situation in haiti where the capital remains paralyzed by violence. and a gang leader is warning of civil war as prime minister ariel on re,
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doesn't step down. all re, is still in puerto rico. unable to return home, a violence has surged in the past week since he left the country seeking international support. 80 is in a state of emergency. the international airport in for the prince remains closed, and most businesses have shut down. the neighboring dominican republic says that it is reinforcing its border extra troops have been deployed. the government says that it wouldn't allow haitian refugee camp on its territory. dominican authorities deported tens of thousands of patients last year or for more on this were joined by teresa boat, who's in does up on the border of haiti and the dominican republic. theresa, can you describe for us the scene, what i'm seeing behind you and everything that's happening at the border between these 2 countries, the well, that's correct. what you can see right behind me is the border between the dominican republic and the hate to this border has been completely closed for the
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past few days. however, we're seeing today that the security forces are allowing some patients to pass to the side of the border to get some supplies, medical supplies, food, among other things that you were mentioning. but this border has been closed, but also the airport in puerto prints is completely shutting down the air. the aerospace in haiti, mostly because tags have been attacking the air for the no control. the northern part of the airport i've been told. and that's definitely the complicated situation on the ground, because it's extremely difficult to evacuated. the united states has said that they would like to evacuate. american citizens were being told also that some us citizens have been allowed to leave the country. however, both stations that we've been seeing on the other side are not being allowed to come to the side of the border. what do you know about the the haitian prime minister ariel honory? he, we know earlier this week he tried to return to haiti. he wasn't able to do so what's happening with him now as well. what we do know is
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that he is in puerto rico. he was not allowed to land here in the dominican republic, and he's there apparently he's trying to make it back into haiti's. this is an extremely complicated situation. we're hearing reports of the united states is pushing for him to resign. and however, this has not been confirmed and away and we are no bad guy and the doors do me. shakespeare also known as barbecue. he said that if he's allowed to return to a hate to right now, that would be a fit of award in the contra, which complicates the situation even further. there's been lots of talks between us officials, apparently a members of the opposition in hey pete's wants to set up a transition of government that would lead to election. however, the situation on the wrong, the security situation on the ground, extremely complicated. what's important to note however, is that for many, many patients at prime minister areas and we is not suddenly just embed peter,
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he was not elected. he was designated by a former presses on an invoice with an estimate of back in 2021. and that's why many do not want him to return outside from whatever the guns are saying right now, because they say that prime minister are really good and we have been unable to resolve this ongoing situation that has been called the escalade kind. of course, a situation on the ground with people half of the population struggling for food and also struggling with the violence that they're seeing every day. so there's a political crisis on top of a security crisis. what more can you tell us about what's going on inside the country? and i appreciate, of course, that you haven't been able to make it across the border yet. but it sounds from the information that we're getting and from what you told us as well, it sounds like state authorities have almost collapsed. well, that's correct, cuz i mean, i was in, in haiti i last year and already guys controlled at least 80 sense of haiti's
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capitals would be seeing, you know, prime minister ariel and we are requesting international assistance. we've been seeing the united nations requesting internet processes. and now guys, you know, we have taken advantage that the prime minister area and we traveled to kenya. so request assistance for our police force in a way to help the police forces in the haitian capital. and he's now unable to return, so what we do know is that shooting our goal is going on. the thing is going on are some ways to torture. the capital right now is completely controlled by gains. there's tales. so if you don't already live for most patients is extremely complicated with half of the population struggling to find food and those who have been injured, struggling to find medical assistance, so forth. what we are hearing is that there's a desperate attempt to put in place what is known here as an international i moved to a national support mission to try to bring some type of stability to hey, did that this will lead to some type of election that will put
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a legitimate leader in place that will help solve the situation. the chaotic situation that we're hearing is happening right now. theresa bo, thank you very much for your reporting there. from the border between haiti and the dominican republic. that's the desktop on board or thank you teresa. the now it's a garza where israel's war has entered in 6 months and attempts to bring about a ceasefire. installed. a mouse says that is real 4th at all, attempts by mediators to reach an agreement. but it also says that negotiations will continue. $30800.00 palestinians have been killed since october the 7th, including more than $13000.00 children by collab for reports. as a woman's scream, pierced as the chaos of the sun lost most can jamalia, northern garza,
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following is rarely shown. rescue teams rushed to the side. several bodies are paid from under the rubble. some are like the doctors can do nothing for several children brought along confirming the parents with nice me the minutes is the center of the sound. the most good jamalia was directly targeted without warning. children were playing the the most because they normally do suddenly the most coast bombarding, killing people and into another's. this is the enemy's talking. children's dates comes in many forms in god's palestinians dying from bombardment and from starvation. the desperation evidence is they scoop up what's the aid they can find amongst the debt to the model. we are collecting this food from the prompt. we are unable to get to kind of solve dns or anything which supplies is not reaching us
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without picking the bins. from the ground, i have no idea how we can run my thought makes them delinquent this stuff to where we are. on the other one, the old food programs his wide spread hung a is a nice history, but he's real is blocking the aid convoys and several countries. a dropping food into gaza cannot meet the needs on the ground. we have food enough to feed 2200000 people and just outside guys. we just need to make sure that we are able to negotiate the access into the different parts of cars, north and the south to make sure that the trucks are able to get it to the people that they the air drops would never be able to replace the oh yeah, the she hugs their door to for the is likes this body and things. you're a piece of my heart. it's a broken one. like so many others in gaza. like level old is there
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a israel has return to the bodies of 47 palestinians killed in its war on gaza. the bodies were transferred via the care i'm. i will sell them crossing and they've been buried, as you can see here in a mass grave. they had been withheld by these really forces houses here as honey mountain road is with us over the phone from rossa honey. why has this real been keeping palestinian bodies and do we know whose bodies they have now returned? yes, sir. well, so far, according to a statement by that is really mandatory that those bodies were collected from the city of on unit or from the courtyard of nozzler hospital when the hospital is formed. but it is really military and it's been waiting for that. and from the surrounding area, there is a cemetery and some parts they close to the do not the hospital and palestinian and they're putting display as family. the brown, the northern part does it have been using the cemetery around davidson. he does not have to bury their loved ones, the relative, the family member being killed,
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a b as a result of the intense bombing campaign ends in hon unit city. and actually those are where transferred from sheep a hospital and did not. and the care necessary to save them at not that have to get a guide at a later date. and then we are buried in the hospital. there's really monitors that be collected these bodies because they were searching for bodies of and really hosted here in 5. not there have to go on it. there's going to be and so far the, those allegations are not supported by any sort of special evidence. as they said they did not identify any of the bodies to be as really or to be from a, the hop. again, this is not the 1st time we see an action like there, there are the past 2 times at least 8080 the bodies and they were returned by and bringing another 3. and the reason for that was under that allegation. now there are the reports by the medical staff and the health history that,
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that the rear reason for taking these bodies and holding in for so long as the is largely because there's really monetary is interested in what the mystery describing. the statement has the a d or again, this is very the process that been taken in place not only of this war, but it from passed around the violence and, and atrocities committed by the name of the withering java or to give by, with thank the scene of the graveyard was heart breaking out. some family members remaining family members were able to identify some of the bodies because their names were still attached to their rent. they're the author and where longitude, deacons. oh. and then beyond. and we're just mission. so those i, this is our last and people were unable to identify those bodies belong to as people gathered, trying desperately to look at the body of that included bodies of children and one
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in an elderly and young man at the 40. and then the $77.00 bought it are fully parts of, of the $450.00 voters collected by the tragedy that the tragedy. in fact, for the people here the they are unable to do, to be sure whether they are their loved ones. and the relatives are buried to travel robert or the end of induced the graveyard in the coming days. honey, my mood uh, reporting from rasa and the southern part of garza. thank you very much for that honey. the latest round of talks to reach a ceasefire dealing gaza has now ended and how much delegates have left egypt. there has been no breakthrough on a deal, but negotiations are expected to resume next week. honda so who does it occupied? east jerusalem monitoring this home, that what are you learning the? well, this latest round of talks in cairo has ended without any sort of conclusion. but
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we also know that these realities did not send their own delegation to this round of negotiations with mediators. and that's because they had demanded a list of names of captives who are still alive and got a request that have mass head refuse. now, there are still some non negotiable from both sides that need to be ironed out. how mazda saying they want not only comprehensive ceasefire, but an end to the war, something they say has not changed in their position. but these rarely say, even if there is a pause in the fight, and even if it is as long as 6 weeks, they are going to return to military activities. once that period is over. now how much has released the statement as well as confirmed to engines, the, the that they have left cairo and there will be, will be another round of talks sometime next week. but at this point is rarely as have said that these negotiations are stalled. right. honda, so who's importing from occupied east jerusalem? thank you very much for the latest on that in the spring and some very on this.
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you're joining us or of course with us in the studio here in doha. you are a professor of international affairs at guitar university. i wanted your thoughts on where we are because we seem to be in this great area where we have spent so much time in the last 2 months where there is no breakthrough on a deal. but there's also no breakdown of the negotiations while, you know, this is the, what do we expect from these and go sure, since we kind of truly expect that everything would be sorted out in a when meetings or end of it in a week, you know, if you look at the previous one a lot more than a week though, you know, i know that if you look at the previous was, you know, when they talk about sees by out and especially the exchange of hostages and prisoners. and you know, these way it is tend to drag negotiations for a really long time because they assume that with that uh they can, we can how much and have from us maybe uh, compromise or offer a lot of concession that they don't think of offering them right now, so i think this is, this is really negotiate is think the time is on their side. they, yes, nothing. you always think that, you know, the more hateful to medicine pressure,
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the more how much would be weaker and this, you want to transfer you this into negotiating, gab, shipping, cost of $0.04 a bag and chip on the table. so what do i, what are the, what is this? yeah, sorry, good. yeah, yeah, you've noticed this like in, in a previous phones. and if the app to this busy also put a ticket dimension to that, i don't think that it's nothing. he was genuinely interested in a ceasefire or even a choice because he wanted to drag just as much as he can. and he assumed that he can also win in trinity because there's a different dimension to what is taking place in cairo now with nothing else is always eyes on trinity under tennessee because he wanted to survive politically. the um, the earlier point that you made is something i wanted to ask you specifically about this is really argument that they've been making since day one of the war. the military pressure on her mazda is the best way for them to secure the release of, of captives and gaza. there's no evidence that this works absolutely right. mean
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that they have come up with this argument, but they failed to back it up with any um, any achievements. and the only time that they release prisoners which wouldn't go stations, i mean there's one incident which is really minor. one, a couple of, or 3 people that they manage to release about, you know, after 55 months into the war. and this thousands and thousands of people come from both sites. and then you still think that you kind of re people and i think this is a kind of i was thinking going to find them to of and if any help but listen, we have to take into account that nothing you i was using the, the hostages as an excuse to continue the war. yeah. you were say you were saying it might not actually be his priority isn't having to release the captive. so you're saying he stalling in other words using these negotiate ations to stall a deal. exactly. because he assumes that you know, by the given to appear and that he's interested in it too, is because they want to satisfy the americans. and but at the same time,
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as he's trying to undermine these tools and make it very difficult for how much even to offer any concessions, because how much we should not accept that suppose to release the hostages. and then nothing else, resumed oregon would with the intention to declare the intention to destroy this month and how much destroyed the government. and even some of his cabinet members took about to explore the policy is from guys. so how much has nothing to gain from this negotiation unless there's a comprehensive deal, which is probably why they're sticking to their, their guns on this? yeah, that's why i'm that. so who was saying there are red lines on both sides though, and for almost a red line is we want to permanency sponsor to assemble. all right, thank you so much for joining us in the studio. this out. the turning to some other world news now pakistan is expelling thousands of on documented afghans across the border. according to the united nations,
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pakistani authorities have forced more than 450000 to return home. and human rights watch organization says that more than 20000 have been directly deported. they include women, human rights, defenders, journalists, and former government employees who fled afghanistan after the taliban took over. in august 2021. they are at risk of persecution when they return pakistan estimates more than one point. 7000000 afghans have been living in the country without documents for years. most arrived in waves following the soviet invasion of afghanistan in 1979. the deadline to leave voluntarily has now passed, and those who have overstayed are facing monthly fines of a 100 us dollars. the sullivan surveyed reports from thought hom on the f can pakistan border. a lot for spending 40 years and focused on this on the law because back in nevada, son, he stayed there to set a business phase. and the 1st deadline for undocumented oftentimes to leave expired
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. now he's decided to return home. he was 12 years old when he crossed into pockets on with his family. and now he has a son of nearly the same age. most the focused on the i'm not, fortunately, we're happy for the people of buckets done. we've spent a lot of time there. they've been good to us, but this tiny police, how we did not trace us rise. the government and police never behaved in a good way. scans were detained and forced to pay bribes, and then they would let them go. the one thing, one of an estimated one and a half 1000000 undocumented under effigies and by his son, within half a 1000000 have either been deported or have left while integrity since last year. it's a difficult transition for hundreds of thousands of people to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to their places a version inside of the sun. the government to focus on says it's expending everyone who does not have legal documents. not means thousands of off guns,
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many who are born in pockets on must lead. give just maybe the illusion or about all of the illegal migrants are being sent back. they have no rights to be part of any activities in pakistan. those citizens who i hear legally with us can civilian cods or refugee spaces, focused on the policy, is that they cannot take part in political activities in the country. many of guns believe the exposure is a pressure tactic to push the kind of bond government to kind of the people who pockets phone calls terrace. the bikes, signing the bundle, t t p carries out the tax inside pocket sun. while its leadership is based in have gone to sun, a spark hassan says the measures of the curved, illegal migrants. what a burden and some are involved in criminal activities. near the border with pockets on this to kind of meet the long comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. those who arrive here are registered, provided with the temporary shelter, and given
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a $130.00 each to help with their on the journey. the deed is denied, the influx of refugees will be in addition to the burden comp, proficiency, regardless of the legal status, people should be treated with respect. what's your bed? so not to be sure. okay, right now the pakistani government is the union to have the refugees. but still we are prepared in case they change their minds or they've even jailed women and children. we have told them that if they have to, they should arrest or jail the men and they shouldn't arrest women and children. you the west will office of those to the if i'm less on mrs. is friends and school in bach. hassan, for now he's hoping his father stopped again and the son, which he hopes to be their home forever. so i'm going to drop it off 0. talk them upon the sun during a slide from couple is abdul or a bunky your spokesperson for the ministry of foreign affairs of afghanistan? sir, this will not come as
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a surprise to you. there are many afghans currently in pakistan who fear persecution at the hands of the taliban expire with turn to their country. what do you say to them? so thank you very much for this opportunity. with regards to the refugee up upon refugee that box on for us who would like to send to government of pox done for hosting of funds that have been a lot of pain and difficulties over the last 40 years. and would like to express our appreciation and also for the warm hospitality shown by the people of pucks on to the outcomes we have resided there for many decades. and with regards to the return of the offline refugees. um, they uh, any insinuations that the government off of on this ton is looking for any form of retribution or persecution of its own citizens is fear mongering
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and certain narrative from a certain part of the world. and that has absolutely no foundation and bases well, well, okay, well, let me be clear, sir, i'm not insinuating, i am saying that there are people in pakistan because i know some who fear a potential return to afghanistan. the reason being that they have been persecuted and this has been documented, persecuted by the taliban and when they were in their country. so i'm not insinuating i am saying. and my question remains. what do you say to those people who are afraid of the taliban? well again, i don't know where you got your documentation from and how from help in the province in southern afghanistan, when i reported nearest and to again, i don't know where you get the confidence to say that the government of avalon hassan is looking to persecute its own citizens, especially
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a government that for an occupation to free its country and liberate its country. and its peoples from foreign influence is an informed powers that it is looking for any form of retribution or any form of persecution of its own citizens. if there is any documentations that you allegedly possess, the government off of one hassan is more than happy to look into it and hold people accountable for engaging in such behavior. sorry, sorry, your kind of side stepping my question. yes, i have reported on this in afghanistan on the ground and i know that there are people who fled the country because they had taliban knocking at their door because their cars were blown up and because they received threats from the taliban. this was pre 2021. and by the way, this is not just my reporting. this has been well documented by other rights groups as well. i am not saying that the taliban now intend to harm these people. i am
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asking you and giving you the opportunity to respond to this question into their affairs. and again, i'm going to repeat myself the government off on the line this time liberated its country to protect its citizens and give them the liberties that they deserve. we are in no shape way all form i have ever engaged in or looking to persecuting our own citizens. they have equal rights. every single offline has equal rights and has accountable uh to law. okay. and so that includes, for instance, i've got interpreters who worked with us forces that were fighting the taliban. that would include also judges, policemen in afghanistan, who also found themselves on the wrong side of the taliban. all those people you're saying can come back to afghanistan and be safe. is that correct? oh,
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we have maintained policy of general m. s t. we are muslims of humbler. and unlike certain powers that are killed and suffocated prisoners and containers of thousands of them, we declared a general amnesty. and we have shown that in our deeds that the journal and this to stands for anyone that collaborated with foreign powers. there are hundreds of thousands that are currently working shoulder to shoulder with the government off of line this town and government bodies. and there are millions of others of who are living peacefully and enjoying their lice. okay, and i was wondering, has there been coordination between your government and the pakistani authorities for essentially deporting tens of thousands of asked hands back to back to your country backed up against this. sadly,
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this affair was conducted uh one sided and there was no coordination. there was no warnings. there was no sense of the following practices, international practices, and it was a forced expulsion of funds, both documented and, and documented. we've shared our concerns with international bodies and also with the government of pucks on the uh we, we continue to see this as a concern and development and we hope as we move forward, that we can address the mutual concerns of each other and find a better pathway forward that uh, uh, safeguards the goodwill that the government off of the pucks on and the people have taxed on has shown towards the offline refugees for a force,
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for the displaced from what i understand by a far an occupying forces of last put 5 years duca, her bulky spokes person for the minister of foreign affairs in afghanistan. thank you very much for joining us from campbell and program at this time for the weather on elsie or his car, i had a lot of that has been vast improvement to the west coast south asia, certainly for pakistan and afghanistan just days ago we had very heavy rain, very heavy snow, but look at that. he a skies and settled conditions. and that is the trend across the region for india as well as bangladesh. up into nicole, just a few showers here and there. but we will see the return of more wet weather in the days ahead. we've got heavy rain across the gulf that's going to move into iran slowly working its way towards pockets dawn. it's going to bring a bit of a wintry bloss once again to areas of afghanistan, some of that moving into the north,
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west of pockets on but the south west managing to stay relatively drive the heaviest of the rain putting out to sea. and it is looking rows of the dry across much of china, certainly cause northern and eastern areas. lots of sunshine was settled, conditions, temperatures in the teens, with asian and shanghai. some, where's the weather starting to creep into the very south was cloud cover. we'll see temperatures come down to places like hong kong as we go into the weekend on a winter, we bloss moves away from the korean peninsula, pushing into japan, bringing him some snow into horseshoe. some cooler conditions coming in here, temperatures below the average for cities like tokyo, at 13 degrees on saturday. still a head on alpha 0. the in columbia is thousands pushed back against the government and in support. live a pool, have the chance to win their manager. european trophy and his final season at the club, the
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blank like police brutality and indigenous mother and box on an incredible jenny for justice time as the seeking reparation full of this. like with no political background, she inspires to become chimneys 1st, lying sen within the realm of politics. the road to accountability is never straightforward. a vision of justice, a witness documentary on how to 0. the latest news, as it breaks the leaders attending this is national people's congress all under pressure to stable, which tends to unimpressed and convinced the public. the chinese front of me is not defined with detailed coverage despite their show of force money. here realize yorba is not ready to defend itself without house some united states from around the world. advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the
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street simply won't work, especially in a city like los angeles. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else with you. a reminder of our headlines this, our eighty's capital remains mostly paralyzed by violence with gains warning of civil war. prime minister ariel already doesn't step down. there's been a search in violence in the past week since already left the country in a bid for international aid. he's now in puerto rico, unable to return home packers fan is expelling thousands of on documented f gans across the border. according to the united nations, pakistani authorities
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a force more than 450000 to return home as a deadline for them to leave voluntarily expire. at least 20 children have died of hunger and malnutrition and gaza as israel's on the strip entries at 6 months. at least 30800 people have been killed since october the 7th, including more than 13000. jo. yeah, means who's the fighters have killed 3 crew members in an attack on a ship and adults of 8 in the depths. so the 1st since with these began targeting commercial ships and in protest against israel's one garza, the other crew members were rescued by the engine navy. stephanie decker reports the delicate and difficult rescue operation, needing absolute precision. the indian navy released this footage, showing its rescue of dozens of crew members left to drift in the gulf of aidan, following
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a who's the attack on their ship. the, the crew members are now getting treatment into booty. their vessel, coal. the true confidence was operating under the slides and barbados. it was attacked by humans who's the group that's been constantly disrupting shipping and the crucial shipping lane and with that global trade. that's why the, the naval forces of the game, any unforeseen carried out a targeting mission against the american ship, to confidence in the gulf of age and with a number of naval missiles. this tract was accurate and let's refer a breaking out on the vessel. the targeting operation came up to the ship's crew, ignore the voting messages from the given the on force of the tax. if prompted the creation of an international task force to help secure a device from shipping name, the us and others of also carried out air strikes and who's the positions in yemen . the united states will continue to hold the cookies accountable for their attacks,
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which have not just disrupted international commerce, not just disrupted the freedom of navigation in international waters and not just endangered sea fairs, but now tragically killed a number of them. this facial attack is the 1st since the who these launched us to the teas stating there in response to israel's war on garza. but angela say the wrong. in fact, rebels have their own political agenda that goes beyond that war. and they've managed to close widespread destruction to the global shipping trade with their actions, stephanie decker, which is 0. after weeks of political turmoil and protests, a set of goals president mackey sell as such a date for the presidential election. it's due to take place on march the 24th. the top court ruled that a proposal to hold a vote after sales mandate expired was unconstitutional. nicholas hack reports from set of goals, capital the car. the finally
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a date to senegal is presidential elections. a month after president mike, you saw the lady, february's pulled sight and concerns of a corruption over the list of candidates. the senegalese people go to the polls on march 24th, a date made public in a statement after the weekly cabinet meeting and the constitutional counsel reject itself suggested election date of june. second. so you can not overstate his time in power to organize the vote. his term ends on april 2nd, his decision to delay the pull sparked widespread protest and condemnation, including among his closest allies. enough is enough cynical deserves base. it would make you sell his double affix has a legacy, and that's of the country for future generations next. and countries to see in an attempt to appease the crisis, members of parliament adopted an amnesty law between 20212023 synagogue. witness several episodes of violent political unrest. thousands of protest years were
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picked up by security forces during that time, including opposition to respond sancho, he could be released, but rights groups criticized this amnesty law. these are the name of the right of justice, truth and transparency. so just to deciding that i missed hello, would it be voted, incent again, after saying for 3 years that the investigations has been go or has been going on, such a elements such as the kennings of more than 60 purposes. instead of going into the pension of around 1000 persons who are participating in for this is just a denial of justice. it's just took about from the government. sol has dissolved the government to allow the ruling party, candidate prime minister. i'm going to back to focus on the upcoming campaign that is now shorter than expected. at the end of the day, the main question that remains is why we just postpone these elections in the 1st place. because he 1st mentioned at talked about institutional crisis. so today we
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have the to the city, god is in the institutional crisis, and a new form of christ, the constitutional council's decision to stand up to the president and reject his suggested election date is seen as a tribute to senegalese democracy and the new election date. comes as a relief to many senegalese who will finally have a say over their countries future. nicholas hawk, calendar 0 the car a us president joe biden is set to deliver the 3rd state of the union address of his presidency. this is a crucial moment, as by deals with criticism from both democrats and republicans. president biden is expected to face off his republican pre to assess for donald trump in the vendor as general election. so as alan fischer is live at, the white house you'll be covering this for us today now. and so it's another big night to joe by and just on the heels of super tuesday, do you have any indications of what we can expect from the state of the union address? well, i'll just say this is that state of the union. and by following the way to the most
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important, he's got to li, just not the agenda for the next 12 months, but essentially, for the next 5 years, he's got to tell the american people how he thinks he can make their lives better. now he will talk about the success is that he's had an office. the fact that inflation is done, that unemployment is dying, that we do the up the, the economy seems to be taking a lot. but the reality is, most people don't feel as if they're better off not with the new where under donald trump, and that's be played in almost every single pole that we see. so 205 and has got to lay out his agenda of how he's going to make things better for ordinary americans. one of the things he's going to talk about is the tax button. and again, he will repeat that anyone ending under $400000.00 a year will not be of any any more than tax under joe biden. but he is going to make corporations pay more money. he is going to go after the high honors who are not involved in tax avoidance,
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but certainly knew where the tax breaks are and could exploit them far better than ordinary people. it will talk about his success in driving down pharmaceutical prices, but ultimately people and what he's going to do to keep pushing along. and you'll also talk about what's happening in ukraine and the importance of us support. you will talk about israel and the importance of us support, but he's also likely to talk about getting more age into gaza as soon as possible. and then he will talk about the threat to democracy that he believes that donald trump presents. because of course, this is unusual for a president in an election year in february and march to know who he's going to face at the polls. and so he's going to hammer home the next election could be important. particularly if donald trump full was off with many of the things the sick. so it's a big night for joe biden, and of course he's got to avoid any stumbles because that would feed into the image
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that joe biden isn't quite the joe bite. and everyone used to remember ellen fisher reporting from the white house, thank you very much. in columbia, thousands of protesters have vented their anger against president gustavo petros, push for economic and social reforms. the presidents attempts to overall health care pension and labor laws are facing widespread opposition. alexander empty, se reports from colombia as capital, but without or the suite a p 3 out to become the rallying cry for those who express a deep discontent with the response back by the left. the government of gustavo pay through thousands took to the streets in the capital battalion across major cities, even the largest rallies since paid through a former rebel fight. during this youth took power 2 years ago, promising to fight public. do you mean the quality they'd be div over holding health care, pensions,
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and labor laws put them in the come to the risk for the middle part of the to do it all. and i'm here for the future of my children for the use because they will not have one otherwise because i'm afraid to lose my health services. yes, we need to fix some things, but not destroy the system that we have to prove test. there's also march the gain, stay through his attempt at reaching piece deals with remaining on groups in the country, which they say we can, the military, some flu is the rails flag in support of its war and gaza, which pits are open. we criticize the protest. there's also believe that the return of a former parent military commander side of authority, mancuso is a political move up target their leader, former president. i don't even would. he was accused of having links to men cause group. does he don't know what that is? clearly what is happening, that's why they went looking for mancuso in prison and offering him benefits to attack others. the president and his political party,
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a full of resentment and hatred. what can you expect from the person there was a gave the left side to the approved test as it took to the streets and wednesday, william general whites are older. and richard and the average colombian representatives of a portion of the country that has long been in power and is supposed to be getting it soon. if they want to grow, they need to diversify the number of parts that protest against the federal government. and they need to draw out a stronger reaction from the administration. having said that, you know, i think the opposition still relies on very polarizing figures, such as i'm about to leave with a list to as, as their main sort of standard bears. and that could bring out a huge weak weakness about them. and this was a major success for opposition park days in columbia. it shows that their base is motivated than willing to come out and protest against policies they believe could hurt the country. and for many here, this is also the 1st step of
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a campaign to retake power in 2 years time. i listened that i did. i just see that both the railing, the airport workers in germany, a walking off the job and a new round of strikes. employees are demanding a pay rise to be able to manage the rising cost of living. hundreds of thousands of passengers and facing disruption to train stations and reports across the country. airports in frankfort, that's germany's busiest and hamburg or cancelling departure flights, stomach in his life for us from berlin. dominic, you're at a, a b main if i'm not mistaken. berlin train station, which looks very empty of the. yeah, this is spelling helped on hope. the central station fans, the platform that i'm sending with the 2 platforms where i am there on trains and what few people are all who caught the escalate has suddenly realized, oh no trains. what are we going to do? and that's the scenario is being played out in many stations,
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up and down the country. there are some trains coming through this functions, but where they would normally be schools, dozens of trains every hour or perhaps 9 or 10 a skeleton service. that sort of principle applies also in so far as apple. it's a concern to frank, for example, we know about also hamburg west, no departures going and the real serious amount of as it will disturbance to passengers potential plans and that sort of thing. once it's all about when it's all about pay and conditions in a general sense, pay most unions demanding a pay rise specifically and so far as the trains are concerned, that union demanding schultz the working hours. so in effect, a de facto pay rise because they want to work less for the same money. the consistent refrain from management is not to allow that management saying, well, you've been trained driver's situation. well, yes, you can work less, but then you have to be through, we paid less. and so that's the central theme. yes,
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the interesting thing is that this is not happening in isolation. the reality here is this social markets economy as germany is why unions and management normally it's like a conceptual approach to pay rise and working conditions while they're not doing that right now. but is, as it were, a winter of discontent that has been unfolding with loads of different unions from different sectors, full advertising, some will pay and not receiving its dominant came speaking at a decidedly mt train station, not a training site. there's dominic, thank you very much. they are reporting from berlin, the finish time for all your sports news. now it's not. our motions joined us in the studio, sauna. thank you very much. is there a while? a and you have coaches a have put themselves in a strong position in the 5th test against england. cool. the yeah. the start with the will spend a bag of himself a 5 wicket hole as india dismissed the tories for just $218.00. run, it also impressed it with the back at sunset, the trail england by just
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a $23.00 runs on day 2. and so now mcgill ad, decrease long 5, captain rowe, who sharma, who's on $62.00 north of mount india, have already won the series. just consistency coming around, the red boss got onto lots. he says that he's very calm over allegations of tactful, which could lead to him being jailed for nearly 5 years. italian who was accused of not declaring more than $1000000.00 of earnings by spanish. prosecutors watched the his team book a spot in the champions, the quote of finals on wednesday, and he's just junior schooled as they drew one off on the night with our be like sick, we need to one on as soon as the i don't think this is the right place to talk about it. the spanish prosecute is the case as well. i can say is that this is an old story and it's not affecting me whether i hope it can be solved soon. and i don't have any problems. and on come,
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the only problem i have is that the team needs to perform better. the tendency of hold as much as the city completed the comfortable victory over copenhagen to advance of the last 8 of the goals for manual accounting and to hand on fridays and strikes just before half time from airline column for them complete 31 victory at the it's a has and when 6 to on aggregate, not just the city manager of pep squad deal, i was expecting a tough challenge in the next round. but just this week by munich around the grades and investigation. so so i know that, but we are there for 7 times in a row. hope consistency. i had the feeling when we arrive, arrive from a club, lay bustling by munich with the demanding is always the winning being there and i failed to clap, clap. no, the players didn't feel it, didn't fade, we could go through the open cloth, present contention to any european trophy and his final season. this live
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a full amount into the reds that take on the spot the progress later on thursday and the 1st leg of the you're probably good. last 16 type livable are already enjoy a pretty good season. they won the leak up on they are currently the top of the premier league. our ideas always a little bit like that and they're doing a colored misunderstood, but they never played us. so as good as they are, and they are good to be able to see how to do, but i'll be like i said, we expect to read a tough game. but that means we have to be the expect from our self that we are a do play a top game. and if you can do that, it's not a joy to play against. so that's what we hope. well, number for that image, the devil will be in action on friday at the engine well. so speaking ahead of the match, the russian says he's looking forward to competing at the parcel and fix as a neutral acetate. and i'm very, very excited if i can play in the lympics because it's still by, i guess we can,
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but it's still not clear for a 100 percent. so if i can, i'm going to be there. i'm going to play singles, novel swell a score. so have double side getting um, when i wasn't talking it was an amazing experience. is one of the probably like anyway, the biggest memories of my sport life then. yeah. about the natural flux, you know, i follow the rules. so if i for talking to natural flock, i'm going to plan the natural flock and i'm going to try to, to complete their show good tennis and try to in for sure to it's to time grantham champion well found that that has further delay this come back by pulling out of the engine. well, so it you to fitness concerns is founded announced on social media that he was not ready to play at the highest level. the down law says he 7 return to competition in prison. in january, off to almost a year sideline to buy a hip injury bought had to miss steele street and opened with another muscle tear. his withdrawal comes just a day ahead of his much anticipated match against me though,
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thrown it now meal socco platte. and it was for the 1st time since giving birth to her daughter and having been back onto a foot 2 months, she enters the tournament, run $287.00 in the world surging up from outside the top. 500, thanks to reaching the quarter finals here in bo huh. to it seems like i have to be really real realistic and kind to myself or i don't want to be a down or too much, i guess in this part of my career. but um yeah i, uh, i guess when i was in the hall and i got to the quarters, i was really happy about that. of course i would have loved to go further, but so i think the top $200.00 now. so i'm actually really excited about the a and b, the st continues that it is a school is a losing streak of the seasons, was 5. the washington wizards they blew in need of 21 points on route to losing
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a 119 to 109 to the orlando magic. it means they're now last 16 games in a row has been a miserable season overall for washington. and that's the form you sent me. all right, so now how much familiar sports use? thank you so much. it's not a, we're going to take a short break still a head though, and alpha 0 it's oceans had been breaking temperature records for the past 9 months . we'll be looking at what impact that is having on the planets, and its people the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the,
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the average temperature of the world's oceans is now what it's highest since records began. it's believe to be rising faster than any time and at least 2000 years. this has serious implications, not least for the world's coral reefs. maureen, scientists, or warning a mass bleaching of coral could be unfolding right now in the southern hemisphere, perhaps the worst and the planets history. according to the in use, copernicus, climate change service, the average global sea surface temperature has exceeded the previous record of 2020 point 98 degrees celsius. and it now stands at $21.00. 6 degrees doesn't sound like much of an increase, but in fact, this is way off the charts of what is normal and it matters because it threaten this fish stocks while ramping up hurricanes and speeding up the collapse of the polar ice sheets. matthew england is professor of ocean and climate dynamics at the university of new south wales. he says that the rise and ocean temperatures could be disastrous. the assess of the oceans of where our marine life sits. and so an
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actual that marine life is used to a certain temperature range, and these temperatures are shooting up going to to much higher levels than we expected. i mean, it's a, there's only in your line in your cycles, but we know that a global warming is pushing these temperatures up. but i think even so, even though we've been projecting this woman for decades now, the rate of only out of the last couple of years as cool as good as i've got a little bit anthropogenic climate change. if you look at a temperature series over the last 50 to a 100 years, you can see is progressive warming. it jumps above that they're real nino year and dips below for low nino, but superimposed on those short term cycles is a very clear warming trend. and we know that that warming is due to after per genic emissions of carbon dioxide. so the burning of fossil fuels and a little bit of warming from deforestation. so yeah, it's definitely a human footprint in columbus system. i'm not warming at the surface is potentially
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disastrous for ecosystems. for hurricane intensity, it raises the levels, it intensifies storms, it makes the atmosphere more human and brings flash floods, right? events as well. so there's a lot of negative impacts from this warming, and that's why we've been keeping track of it, but also warning about our ongoing emissions of comm docs on the south. korea is currently hosting an exhibition showcasing cutting edge drone technology. this hardware has many uses, including industrial and military, but as the nation is grappling with, an unprecedented, the low birth rate. countries armed forces are turning to drones to fill the gaps. here it is, kim has more from was on in the critical role of drones in warfare, as seen in the ukraine and cause a conflict is not lost in a country like south korea, a high tech power house with an adversary to its north, north korea at this military wing of growing show korea drone box, the drone catchers and reconnaissance you
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a these are on display. the army is also exploring how to integrate artificial intelligence into various weapon systems. currently in conceptual stages. it's also to prepare for a looming threat and the sprinkling manpower due to the countries record low birth rate. you tell you good to go look down. it's due to the 2nd demographic drop off military results is a continually decreasing, making the survival of each combatant more important than anything else. it's anticipated. the drones can compensate for lack of personnel and minimize casualties to collaboration the data links between on man systems that by enhancing combat to efficiency. south korea is making up for lost time and the automated arms race by collaborating with some of its biggest companies. korean air is developing these a ton of ms fighter jets equipped with a i technologies that enabled the squadron to a ton of mis. we execute
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a given mission the future of warfare looks to be increasingly built on cutting edge technology unit kim, all the 0 who's on south korea. all right, that's it for this news hour. i will be back in just a moment with more of the data use, the unique perspective that plays students up to the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking conversations you will find elsewhere. this takes every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to reveal all about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on al jazeera and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question
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and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days that the another i couldn't think is taking place . augusta. nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing leads garza without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violent upfront without 0. instead of these cries, it's could have been dead silence if it wasn't for grandmother and had a seal about how was a neighbor after midnight trying to get to a hospital includes is really me to 3 check points to the way i was embarrassed in order for me and waited on what's my fear for the baby was stronger, but not every story has a positive and through last day it shows us her daughter's birth certificate next to the death certificate. on the same day in 2003 soldiers asked her to sit
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quiet. you. she started shouting, i gave birth, followed by silence. and then another shot. i think she died just a few hours ago. these really ministry is still this gate to the entrance to the village. mother is about to give for the music to go to the hospital. like no, no which gate is open and which one is closed? the whole from the troubles 2 children are rescued in central does us as israel's war and says it's 6 months the single venue it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life from the also coming up the remains of 47 palestinians or return to gaza,
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weeks after they were stolen from a graveyard, vice really forces k all san lawlessness on the streets of haiti. gang violence


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