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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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for the . ready synagogues president dissolves the government and replaces the prime minister after the constitutional council rules against the delay of elections beyond a habit of doing this is l 0 live from? don't have also coming up. yeah. the other mother wants her daughter as israel, when we, she has more death and destruction across garza, for 152 days and count the south africa urges the you in stop core to issue an emergency border on israel to allow aid and
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to gaza. saying it may be the last opportunity to save people dying to start each and schools and businesses and the haiti, or shots people are leaving the capital after on games. warren of a civil war, unless the prime minister was on the we began in senegal, where after weeks of political turmoil and protest president mackey sol has now dissolved the government. he's replace prime minister. i'm a do by with the current interior minister. it's to allow bob who's the ruling coalitions, presidential candidate to focus on his campaign. the government has announced a new date for the delay presidential election for later this month. the decisions come hours after synagogues constitutional court ruled that the election must be held before president solves mandate in next month. nicholas hawkins, following developments from the capital the car. this is really
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a tribute to democracy in senegal because after days of protest lead not by politicians, but by many civil society. actors in the election date has finally been announced. and this is what people were waiting for the day or the date when the people have sent a goal will be able to choose who will replace president mackie. so there was fear, amongst many people that saul was, in fact, trying to cling on to power despite his efforts to appease to reassure seeing that he will leave power on april 2nd, his 1st suggested date for an election was the december 15th, then came june, 2nd all those dates were rejected by the constitutional counsel, who is there not to protect the president, but the constitution of the country. and so for those i have spoken to this is really a tribute to the institutions of democracy that were really tested in this final
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month. of present lucky solves mandate, where there's been so much protests to see. finally, this selection they take place. so march 24th with which will take place and that means that will be a shortening campaign. but these elections will finally take place earlier. my colleague and associates a spoke to on top of a car who isn't opposition presidential candidate from the a r c party. she says, microsoft tried everything to delay the elections, the president that has finally decided to respect what the customers know council has asked him to do. and the cindy leeds before required from him. it was the last, the expected from the president himself, himself, which was to organize the presidential election before april seconds. at the end of the day, the main question that remains is why, which performed these erections in the 1st place. because he 1st mentioned and
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talked about institutional crisis. so today we have the tools, the city got used in new in systems, no crisis in new form of quite as you probably mentioned earlier or someone else mentioned. his goal was to reopen the list of the candidates to be able to add new copy dates to dudley. and at the end of the day that also did not happen. so i would election was held hostage and was told to no good reason. and today we're getting this news that it's happening on march 24th. well, i've got the date. we have been fighting for these past weeks and months to make sure that the president, but the so called the election before april 2nd. and today we are getting exactly what he wants it can. i just tell us what you make us of presidents house decision today. you say that it was unexpected. why do you think it? why do you think he's decided to go down this path is, is it that he was just backed into a corner by the constitutional counsel decision?
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yes he was, and it's the pressure that he received from everybody, from the constitutional counsel, from the candidates, from the people often a go from the media, national media, international media. we did not just let that happen because how do we not fuck the fight? maybe we will not get the good results that we have. this is i what i, when we actually got what you wanted, i don't think it came from president smoking so willingly, just deciding to say i will be organizing these evictions before april. second. he tried and did everything in his power to make sure that these elections do not take place instead of go the gaza. there is no end to israel's relentless bombardment and its war of starvation . at least 5 people were killed when his really forces targeted a mosque in the north of the strip and his casualties mount the you in his warrant
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. it's attempts to get a trucks and the guys are failing. because as health ministry says at least 20 children have died of hunger, micah lat pull reports and women scream, pierced as the chaos of the sol off mosque in jamalia, northern garza, following is radiation. rescue teams rushed to the side. several bodies obtained from under the rubble. some are like the doctors can do nothing for several children rotate along confirming the parents with nice name. the men is this the best the most good jamalia was directly targeted without warning. children were playing the the most because they normally do suddenly the most coast bombarding, killing people in india and others. this is the enemy's talking. children's dates comes in many forms in god's palestinians,
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a dying from bombardment and from starvation. the desperation evidence is a scoop of what sort of a they can find amongst the debt to the model. we are collecting this food from the prompt. we are unable to get to kind of solve dns or anything which supplies is not the reaching us. we are picking the beans from the ground. i have no idea how we can get some of the makes them delinquent the stuff to where we are. when the other of the world food programs, his wide spread hung, it is unnecessary. but israel is blocking the aid convoys and several countries. a dropping food into garza cannot meet the needs on the ground and we have food enough to feed 2200000 people and just outside guys. we just need to make sure that we are able to negotiate the access into the different parts of cars, north and the south to make sure that the trucks are able to get it to the people that they, the drops would never be able to replace the oh yeah,
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the she hugs, her daughter was the as lifeless body and things. you're a piece of my heart. it's a broken heart. like so many others and garza like level older 0. south africa has asked for you is top core to impose additional emergency measures against israel, which it says is breaching those already in place. south africa says palestinian children are starting to death as the direct result of israel's actions. it's urge the world court to take the measures without scheduling another round of hearings, citing the extreme urgency of the situation. and it statement to the i, c, j, south africa says it's compelled to return to the court in light of the new fact, particularly the situation of widespread starvation brought about by the continuing egregious breaches of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide and it's ongoing manifest violations of the provisional measures indicated by this court on 26,
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january 2024. jonathan cook top is an international human rights lawyer. he says there are solid legal grounds for south africa's request. i think the question is very proper. under international law, people seem to forget that it is the obligation of israel under international law to provide food and basic services to the people under this occupation. not only has it's a failed to meet that obligations that has also obstructed, had prevented others from bringing food in as part of a deliberate strategy. just of the senior people. in fact, it was announced, we will have cut off food, we will cut out water. we will not allow fuel and we will let a lot of these things in. and then they started allowing get in, in a drip drip fashion. we will allow, if you address your life, you trust there,
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but we will also control not only how much food comes in and what kind of food comes in. we also want to control who does the distribution and whole safeguards, these convoys in the beginning, it was the police who would save god these card voice. but then is there have started targeting these please? because the uniform sometimes they are on. so they closer to them, any combatants members of a mass and issued them. then after a while, the convoys have no protection to protect them. once they come in, britain's point secretary david cameron says he's held a tough but necessary conversation with his really work cabinet member been against about the situation and gaza at a meeting in london. he said, israel must allow more aid and to the strip it follow against a diplomatic mission to washington. this week on tuesday, cameron spoke of the dreadful suffering in gaza. u. k. a scene regular protests and
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recent months, calling for a cease farm. that is how he settles things we boss these way it is to do, but i have to report to you will know chips has the mind debate because here in february it was about hoff what built in in january. so patients needs to run very soon, and a whole series of warnings need to be given. israel's far right government has approve plans to build 3 and a half 1000 new settler homes in the occupied westbank. the organization piece now says the units will be built in the illegal settlements of molly. i do mean a fraud. and kids are israel's far right. finance minister, betsy, a little small fridge warrant of an expansion. after a shooting incident in one of the settlement, 2 weeks ago, have this some heard reports from occupied east jerusalem. these really government essentially approving the 3500 housing units in the 3 different illegals settlements across the occupied west bank. this is the 1st time since the beginning
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of the war on october 7th, and we have seen approvals for housing units in illegal settlements now in the leading up to the war as well in this time period in occupied east jerusalem was 3700 housing units in illegal settlements were approved. now this came after israel's finance minister known alter nationally, fits on his smart rich, had said that there would be a legal settlements expanding in retaliation for a shooting that took place actually at one of the settlements back in february. now it is worth mentioning, he's not just the countries finance winters to finish administer, excuse me. he also holds a role within israel defense ministry. so he is in charge of some civil affairs within the occupied westbank, primarily those that would oversee and approve at settlement housing unit. so i don't have to go through this long drawn out process,
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they can be approved at his demand. additionally, what we are seeing is comments from him that were made this morning. he said that in the last year there have been $18515.00 housing units in legal settlements that have been approved in the last year. so we can expect in the occupied westbank construction to begin on those 3 legal settlements, totaling is $3500.00 housing units. at least 3 sailors have been killed in a hurry with the attack on a cargo ship in the gulf of either that's according to us central command. these are the 1st page holidays since for these began its attacks on commercial shipping in protest against israel's war on gaza. the greek operators of the vessel say the true confidence was struck. 90 kilometers off the coast, dividing the ship as reportedly a drift and on fire. there were 20 crew on board and 3 armed security guards. she habit, chauncy reports from washington, u. s. central come on down. the pems and save of a vessel hit was a ball day,
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those flag, liberian owned boat carrier that was transiting the gulf of 8. and it's very difficult to tell from that whether there is any us connection as we, who with these claim given the opacity, the lack of transparency, the flags of convenience and international shipping. we tend to going to give us some more information there about the context of this latest attack. they say it's the 5th and the ship, ballistic missile 5 by the who's. these are the last 2 days, 2 of those missiles impacted to shipping vessels. and one of the shut down by the u . s. s. comic who these say that they will continue targeting vessels link to what they call the as rarely genocide, as long as it continues, as long as the us allows it to continue. but there's no change in policy from the state department, aust, as to how successful u. s. policy is of the turn deterrence and degradation of who's the capabilities map. miller of the state department spokesman simply said it's
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a long term price task, but apparently still the $1.00 the one elements of us are still don't have consent . drinks is stopping or attempting to stop. was that with the size of genocide and garza, she ever times the out. is there a washington? still ahead on al jazeera. i'm john 100 in north carolina, one of the many super tuesday states. but nikki haley last. after that, she's bowed out of the rings, the frank assessments, here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being to win the index sense. say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some kind splits. let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice, informed opinions, but we don't live in a postcolonial morgan. we live in a neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al
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jazeera, ask like a narrative. from african perspective. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is key is you to do short documentary fund for can still make it from ivory coast. and the guy journal got an estimate in zambia, new series of africa, direct on colleges 0. the colleges here with the, the,
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you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top stories. this our, as soon as i was president, microsoft has now dissolved, the government is replace prime minister. i'm a new box with the current interior minister. the government also announced a new date for the delayed presidential election for later this month. south africa is asked the you in stop core to impose additional emergency measures against israel, which it says is breaching those already in place. south africa says palestinian children are starting to death as a direct result of israel's actions. at least at least 3 sailors have been killed in echo with the attack on a cargo ship in the gulf of either that's according to us central command or the 1st page holidays. since proof these began its attacks on commercial shipping in protest against israel's war on costs. hey,
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these capital remains mostly paralyzed by violence with gangs warning of civil war . if prime minister ariel on re, doesn't step down on re, is still in puerto rico, unable to return home. there's been a surge and violence in the past week since he left the country in a bid for international aid. he's in a state of emergency the international airport and for the prince remains closed, and most businesses have shut down. washington says it's not calling for eighty's prime minister to resign, but does, but does want him to speed up a transition to inclusive governance and ensure a free and fair elections. it's not the united states acting alone in this. so with this regard, it's of the united states, in consultation with partners and there in the region are having these conversations. and what we are saying to the prime minister is that he needs to expedite the transition to empowered and inclusive governance. including the, the, the appointment of a transition counsel. so that's what we'll continue to,
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to discuss with him. daniel foot serve as the us special envoy to haiti in 2021. he says, washington, the reluctance to see already along re step down is not helping the situation. and it's not up to the united states. and they have been asking area on re for 12 years to form a transition government and to have a dialogue with civil society and opposition. and he's refused to do so. so at this point in the past week, the protest in haiti have turned into an all out revolution and you have the lead. so right with the oligarchs align with the former army guys aligned with the gags. everybody wants this guy gone, but by waiting so long and he was still still looks like they want him to go back there. the issue is, if he goes back there, he's not going to survive. and i don't mean his prime minister key will not live through the month if he goes back there. so the united states really should
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scratches head and, and figure out what is the right thing to do for, hey, it's not our, your neighboring dominican republic says it's reinforcing it's border. extra troops have been deployed, the government says it wouldn't allow haitian refugee camps in his territory. american authorities deported tens of thousands of patients last year. i in the us, nikki haley as pulled out of the rates for the republican presidential nomination after a crushing defeat in the super tuesday primaries. she congratulated her opponent donald trump, but did not endorsing her withdraw sets the stage for a trump bite and re match in november's presidential election. john henry and reports from raleigh in north carolina. good luck in crowd. nikki haley came closer to the white house than any republican woman in u. s. history. she overcame a field of debate rivals she dismissed as the phyllis
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which she could not overcome. former president donald trump, after a delegate drubbing and 14 of the 15 states on super tuesday, she ended her campaign, acknowledging that her improbable path to victory was now all but impossible. the time has now come to suspend my campaign. the former south carolina governor and united nations and basset are made history, is the 1st republican woman running for president to we in a primary defeating trump in vermont in the district of columbia. and did it as the daughter of indian immigrants, my mother, a 1st generation immigrant got to vote for her daughter for president only in america. his record has been, she sought to lead a more traditional non mag republican party, back by deep pocketed donors. and she increasingly traded barbs with her rival at some point, maybe we should say, the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump, a by the way,
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she's not up to the job. but in state, after state, republican voters answered with overwhelming support for trump. she pointedly declined to endorse arrival, citing a quote from former british prime minister, margaret satcher. never just follow the crowd. always make up your own mind as it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support whether hailey will ultimately endorse donald trump remains an open question and there's competition for her supporters. president joe biden said he would welcome them into his campaign. the delegate, math was all but insurmountable after trumps. in near sweep on super, tuesday was 1215 delegates needed for the republican nomination. trump is tantalizingly close with 995, john henry and l g 0. raleigh, north carolina. protesters and mexico have knocked down
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a door to the presidential palace while the president was inside, giving his daily press conference. they were demanding justice for 43 students who disappeared a decade ago. there abduction by a cartel and get out of state has been the focus of a long running investigation. a government human rights commission said the incident involved law enforcement officials, townhome and reports from mexico city to happen and wednesday morning seem to have been bill more of frustration than anything else this semester to publish a match card behind us. it's where the president, under this manual lopez over the lips and gets his morning press conferences, and you can see that there's a standing comp in front of it. these people were hits for tests. the lack of the resolution of the case of 43 students who with disappeared in the country now almost a decade ago, that case has been envelope become emblematic in mexico of the moodle. 100000 people the missing, entirely too. now this is the last day of the standing kind of what they were looking for. was a meeting with the countries president. he had
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a wanted to give them that meeting and a group of younger protest as a went around to the side. come and did a truck and then reversed that truck into the side doors to try and get into the palace and into the morning press conference. they didn't get ready for. they were repelled almost instantly by military police wielding gas a riot shields. but the causes of the dissatisfaction remain. they rights groups say that the president opens over to the same team to help resolve this case. what is prime is going on, and especially as the mexican army, which a key is a key pillar support for this government began to seem to be in both more or more. in the case is becoming increasingly reluctant to release information for his administration. and it's a general attorney to release information to help so that that's what these protests is. want to try and clear up with them. he said that he's now going to give them a meeting in 1520 days once he's looked at the evidence,
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you have to see what happens next, john home and how does a to mexico city farmers in poland have clashed with police during a protest in warsaw they've been demonstrating for months against ukrainian in ports and e. u. climate policies. borders with ukraine are blocked, leaving hundreds of ukrainian trucks, unable to cross a step fast. and as this report from a depot on the polish ukrainian border farm on the same day and go on the riot police in war. so protests against policies from brussels are escalating, and these farmers increasingly considered the, the enemy. only 2 years ago, thousands of ukrainian refugees were warmly welcomed at this border. now it's blocked. police pharmacy use support for ukraine has gone too far. that's a good sized grade to children. ukrainian green is flooding. poland, and we're getting poor and poor. we don't know what to do with our products anymore . i mean, for the whole month bundle for juice,
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it's green and corn close to the border, ss of to russia in faded, you crate and you lifted import duties on ukrainian grain lost most of his income. he does not believe ukraine's claim that only 5 percent of its grade is passing through poland. the moment then while she was this is out of pain. i want the government to take concrete decisions. we want action. i want the government to understand and help us financially, or to expose this grain from ukraine to countries in africa. for example. the blockades have cost kilometers long queues of ukrainian trucks at the border. some have been moved for weeks. the board of locates are causing major delays of deliveries of goods and to ukraine. and while the farmers are saying that they left military and human at terry, in a past, these protests have seriously damaged ukraine's relationship with the one country. that's how the most sense you are invaded every day ukrainian drive us hope the
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locates will and so the goods can pass. they don't understand why polish farmers have gone this far. you out for the students up at the store and buy off the polish bomb, is what else do you need in europe? they have 0 loans, they have everything and i still carry. and ben is complaining and you cry and everything is much more difficult for us. let us again, 1st step above it's a ukraine has accused it both testers of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up in june. images of farmers carrying pro russian baptists and support of president booth and have made things even worse. but the farmers insist they'll remove the blockades as long as their incomes. and their future can be guaranteed. step fast and l just sierra the dk at the police ukrainian border. that's it for me mohammed jim jones, you can find more information on our website. obviously we're dot com, whether it's next been the inside story takes a look at the super tuesday results in the us and asks what a donald trump joe biden re match might look like in november. thank so much for
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watching the the of how i always say something of an improvement, at least temporarily. in the weather for japan we have this area of low pressure just pulling out into the motors. still something of a normally feed them that when. so what exactly won't be getting up to around not a 10 celsius devon took care over the next couple of days so they should be essentially dry. the be the chevy, right, marian. so the korean peninsula, just pushing across the yellow see the, this little system here, the thailand go back to that whatsoever that's just going to develop is going to spin its way up into an area of light pressure just like the east, the side of the home she could catch some rather wet and when the weather as we go
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through with friday, spots and smoke just coming into the high ground at that stage. well, as you drive there across the good part of the korean peninsula, by this stage, much of china, the contrie ad settled 19 celsius, the in home combat dry weather coming down across indo china, philippines, too bad here as well. rash or showers across malaysia that into indonesia, some big ones coming through here. once again, wanted to show us just around the foothills of the human less a month. quite a bit has been recently in the i focused on looking losey try the unique perspective that plays students up and told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to
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conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable har as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or as well joe biden. and donald trump faced each other in the us election in november. the current and former president swept the poles in super tuesdays both. now they hope to get that parties nominations, but was on american both as priority is this time around. this is inside story, the hello.


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