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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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touch 20 milligrams of clips before. no, it is difficult because you wouldn't get 5 kilograms. national fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in the nation for generations. but that's the way of life is coming on the threat. the median is that voltage is going to the pounds in the us for super tuesday the most important day in the presidential primaries. the hello, this is alex is here, alive from bill um for the back people also coming up is realized to maximize every possible means every possible level of getting assistance to people who need us. secretary of space as the humanitarian situation in gaza is unacceptable and
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unsustainable. known that up in these routes from bond meant of this, right? the sci fi talks in cairo and we found an agreement. and in august on more than 40 people have been killed, dropped a heavy, rain and snow cause the we begin in the us way of voting is underway in the most important day. and the presidential primaries known as to what you say, 15 states and one territory, a casting their ballads is the day that can often decide the candidates for the republican and democratic parties. but this year, joe biden and donald trump faced little change to the nominations. john henry and report some riley in one of the super tuesday states north carolina in pulling places across the us super tuesday is the great designer, the biggest 8 on the presidential primary calendar with 15 states awarding
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a 3rd of all the delegates often clears a path to the white house, the super tuesday has sealed the parties nomination for democrats. bill clinton, al gore. i will fight for you and john kerry and it's made standard bearers of republicans, george w bush and his son george w bush. i've had a proud record of working both republicans and democrats, which is what our nation needs. this time the results are expected to help president joe biden emerges, the democrats, presumptive nominee and former president, donald trump, to serge, ahead with an unsurmountable lead for the republicans. for the losers, the upholding moods of super tuesday states are often where hope goes to die, like a water level for losing candidates. if you don't do well on super tuesday and both parties processes, you have a really steep hill to climb. despite what you said, i'm not giving up despite went for republican nikki haley. analysts say
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a big loss on super tuesday could mark the end of the trail. some voters say they're focusing on personalities. i'm voting for anyone whose name is and donald trump. why cause i believe in humanism fairness, compassion, none of those traits. i believe he possesses, others on issues. i think there's a lot of our infrastructure that needs to be dealt with. we need to spend money at home as well. but i think if you praying falls, then russia isn't a very good position to come against us. failing a historic surprise, the odds favor a familiar face off despite the all but inevitable prospect of a do over with the same candidates room 4 years ago. whole show voters have a big problem with that large percentage of americans who say that they do not want a trump bite and re match. i mean, it's 6065 percent, which is you know,
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these days you can't get 65 percent of the american public to agree that the sky is blue. this year the race comes with the wild card, with trump facing $91.00 charges, and for trials you just possible just possible the trump could finish his campaign is a convicted criminal. after the biggest day of primary voting his cemented his place is the republican party's presumptive nominee. john henry and l. g 0 raleigh, north carolina. and john joins us now. live from upholding station in raleigh, north carolina, john north carolina, key swing, state of force, and a good example. all of the disparities that exist between urban and rural voters, talk to us about the issues that boat has there. i'm most concerned about as rightfully the, if you look at the map of a state like this, what you'll see is read for the republican blue for the democrat. and the blue is always in the urban areas and in the suburbs around it. and the red covers the rest
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of the states, but those are more sparsely populated area in north carolina is just like so many other states in that respect. but what's different here is that a lot of people have been moving into the state and they've been moving into the urban and suburban areas. so what that means is that, that red is turning bluer around those metropolitan areas more democratic. and that is why, although donald trump won this state 2 times in a row and is hoping for lightning to strike a 3rd time, joe biden thinks he really has a shot at north carolina this time around. and the issues that we've been talking to people about has been largely the economy. it's been immigration to some extent, abortion, but really the economy is what's been driving this selection. and that's not unusual. now, jo biden's performance on the economy has improved dramatically. unemployment was higher,
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we had inflation as high as 9 percent is down down to about 3 point one percent. that's well below the long term average for both inflation and and you know, other key metrics such as unemployment. but there's a lag time between when the economy improves and when voters seem to agree that it's improved and voters are still saying and polls that they don't like the look at the economy that they prefer doing with the way donald trump had managed the economy during his reign, so that is really what's playing out here. the good news for joe biden is that he's got a little more time until the election. there may be some change perceptions, but people are really looking at pocket book issues. and that's why this is such a race. donald trump wants to strike lightning the 3rd time job id wants to steal this state. and that's what it's like. and a lot of the swing states across the country, fully interesting to see how it plays out in, in north carolina. john, thank you very much for that. john henry lives there. well, listen,
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i'll speak to steve clemens in washington, dc. his host of the bottom line there, sondra there is weekly show on us politics and policies. good to have you with a steve. thank you for joining us. so let's start with the big picture 1st. this has been described as a lease super of the super tuesdays. no major surprises expected, but what are you going to be looking out for? well, look, i think there surprises beneath the surface that may come up. you know, i don't think nikki haley is necessarily looking, is if he's going to be victorious, but there's going to be a big difference between nikki haley getting between 35 and 40 percent of the vote out there. and 15 or 20 percent. if she were to perform more strongly, it's really not necessarily a nikki haley boat. it shows that there is real resistance to donald trump. within the republican party, we just saw in michigan, lots of people voted uncommitted, as democrats and the democratic primary, rather than for joe biden, who heads the tickets. i think there's little doubt that joe biden is going to win,
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but at the end of the day, are people going to express their ambivalence about joe biden? whether it's because of his age, whether it's because of america's position on the israel, gaza conflict. there are surprises beneath the surface that i think we will be able to take a look at tonight. right. and so what's the mood music, steve in washington about the chances of bite and securing another victory as well? i think that washington is concerned me not necessarily, you know, saying that washington is pro donald trump or pro joe biden, but i think that the anxieties that many americans have about the president's age and vigor are shared here as they are everywhere else. remember when he won 4 years ago, he largely ran from his basement because we were in the middle of coven, i. uh, he did not get out around the nation. and so watching and 81 year old man. go through the vigorous of a very, uh, you know, the challenges of a very,
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very active campaign is something that has a washington concern about biden, but, you know, there is only a few years difference between donald trump and joe biden. and we have pin number that to write. you talked about the uncommitted thoughts and the democrats, as you said, a very much concerned about these, these voters in michigan we, we saw many of americans, mostly americans, vote on committed to show their, their anger. that is sacrifice dissatisfaction over how the presidents handled against the war. and we could see the same happen in colorado on super tuesday. but it seems that the democrats have noticed the political danger and it would appear that we're seeing a slight change, perhaps in tone, in language, in the last few days with calls for an immediate cease fire from coming to hire is ad drops on guidelines. so on, do you think that can help qual, the younger? oh, is it too little too late? you know, i don't know the answer to tell you the truth. i think to a lot of people,
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38000 air dropped meals. don't compare with the 2000000 people in need, and so when you do the math, you look at the input tense of the american response. visa be, is really prime minister netanyahu and getting him to change course or the inability of the president of the united states to get more aid inside gaza. i think if you look at it and the whole equation, it looks pretty pathetic to many americans, but as you said, the tone seems to have shifted. that may help him, but i'm not sure yet. we'll have to see. all right, the republicans, you talked about nikki haley. many pundits seemed to have written her off. but as you say, they could be a surprise. what about donald trump, the republican front, why is there anything that could stop it? well, there's been an awful lot of polling of republican saying, do you care if he's a convicted felon? and the answer you get back over whelming, we is not much, you get a little bit of an impact, but not enough to knock donald trump off the top of the tickets. so i think that's done. i think this is,
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this is about the future of the republican party. this is about whether or not there is a resistance and, and, and what happens if donald trump, you know, is like yogi, bear of this famous comedian sports writer in america said it's deja vu all over again with bite and, and, and trump running. but if you have a substantial number of republicans that you see, vote for nikki haley, where will they go on election day? will they stay at home? will they vote for biden? will they ride in other tickets? it shows in, in bibble into about trump, potentially that becomes electricity, consequential. and we have to wait and see where that, where that goes. but i would not write nikki haley off because she may be positioning yourself very well for 4 years from now. thank you steve. steve clements, joining us down from washington. thank you very much for your time the the, the war on guys and now and how much has presented his proposal for
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a ceasefire agreement to mediators in cairo, a senior official says they're not waiting for our response from israel, which did not send a delegation to the tox female, then it'll be the what the enemy has failed to achieve on the battle ground. it will never achieve on the negotiations. people how people's vision and aspirations will must be achieved results. a complete ceasefire of the withdrawal of israeli forces from all parts of casa. i'm the allow immediate access to aid and released our people in the gaza strip. this is our utmost priority and any present itself would never be possible without the chief in this. we would like to stress the costs of negotiations come, must be opened without the limit us. but us, president joe biden says a ceasefire. deal is in the hands of him, us the cooperative rational. we don't know what we need to see as far.
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so just say that the hands of homo rational offers and moscow the us secretary of state. and to me blinking has met with is really what cabinet member benny gant to discuss the efforts to reach a 6 week c, fire in gaza. the to discuss the need to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid into the straight gun. so ready met with us, vice president coming to harris. she told him the us support. so ceasefire earlier blinking hell talks with the cost refund minister and for a minister ship mom had been of the rough mind. been just a mile funny. he called for a dramatic increase of humanitarian aid into the gaza strip and the release of captives. the situation for children, for women, for men were caught in the crossfire for mazda is making inside of gaza,
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is unacceptable and unsustainable. israel has to maximize every possible means every possible method of getting assistance to people who needed the united states will continue to strongly support those efforts along with many other countries around the world. but it requires more crossings. it requires more, a getting in. and once that aid is it, it requires making sure it can get to the people who need it. so we will continue to press that every single day because of the situation as it stands. we simply unacceptable. she ever attends. he has more from washington, dc on the diplomatic efforts on the way in the us that we're getting now well, the ministration of a flight and one sauce to know about. the meetings in the general sense is that any guns was surprised by the dressing down that he golf and he was told in no uncertain terms that israel needs to do more. but it's interesting. the white house briefing is on john cubby. the national security council spoke to us and was just speaking and he was also wondering when these words like unacceptable means come
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with harris saying no excuses. yeah. yeah. it has to go in. so does that. it was on the acceptable. so they will see us going to do if israel continues not to allow aid in covey just now made it very clear that they will be no conditionality on military a to is wrong. that's the they will be no. you either there's a 0 sum game, but you know, it's, you know, they still believe that israel needs as many weapons as possible in the u. s. will continue to give that no matter what it does on the, i, sorry i'm acceptable, but acceptable. it would appear from what we're hearing from john cub. and there are no, there's no conditionality. it's but without the leaks are coming in from anonymous administration. officials to that favorite people in the u. s. washington. press cool unless they oh, we really gave it against. but i'm not going to do anything still head on alger 0 guns fight for control with the army and policing hate t and the way a balance of funding. so i don't eat our unknown. we look at the film festival in
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doha, that's subtracting emerging filmmakers from across the frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate, ok. some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions. we don't live in a postcolonial work and you live in the neo colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera. in other federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question question about 5 upfront
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on how to 0 expo 2023. the the fascination of joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news the you're watching now, which is 0 live from bill. a recap about top stories to us is holding one of the
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most important voting days of the election years super tuesday. 15 states and one territory conducting nomination contests for the republican and democratic party. candidates, joe biden, and donald trump faced little challenge us secretary of st as asks from us work set to accept an immediate cease fire with israel an end of the war on god. he made the comment stopped holding thoughts with the cops, refund, ministering from us. meanwhile, has presented its proposal for a sci fi agreements to mediators in cairo, it says it is not waiting for a response to me as well, which did not send a delegation to the round of talks in egypt on the ground. in guys, i is ready for steph killed almost a 100 palestinians in the past day. and israel has also launched a series of attacks on $711.00 on at least 3 members of a family. were killed in their home in hula including a mother and her child heavy shelly, and has also targeted baton of cost for the strikes that buildings in the area on
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fire causing significant damage. not to hate the way guns are battling police in the army for control of the airport in portable prints. the countries in the state of emergency, after gang leaders announced they were going to or withdraw the government, the way a box of prime minister and all we are known. he went to nairobi last week to finalize the deed on sending kenyan police to heidi to help, but has not returned. can use for an ministry says he flew to kenya to new york rather on saturday. but the us state department says, would not confirm. rather, if he is still in the us, stephanie deca has more of the international airport has stopped operating, no flights in or out, paralyzed by gang violence, like much of the country, a gang leader and former police officer jimmy sherry's antics named barbecue is claimed responsibility for the attacks saying the aims to force the prime minister
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of yellow only to stand down in an unusual move, the guns are uniting to bring down the government. and analysts say this could be a turning point in the eighty's already to much was history. the government gave us the weapons to fight with our brothers and sisters, now retained the guns and gave them to fight them because they don't do anything for us. the games of over on 2 of the main prisons in the capital, producing several 1000 prisoners, including gang leaders. gun bottles are taking place in the streets. prisoners of escaped from several jails. it's miserable. the crisis is guessing list everywhere is unsafe. a con, find clients to my taxi to make money, to feed my children. i'm an old man. nothing seems to be functioning here anymore. thousands of people are fleeing their homes. many are having to queue up to get clean water. some tell all g 0. they haven't been able to find drinking water since
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sunday. we feel discouraged, we flew in a children conquer to school. we can't buy food. how can we live in such a situation with 5 to enough fellow haitians while with the same haitian people? do us administrative sion has urged americans to leave the country as soon as possible. canada has closed at the embassy and some aid organizations suspended their operations due to the dangerous situation. thank you very much. the prime minister flew to can you last week to finalize a deal to set up you and task force led by can you to help restore order that triggered this latest crisis. but there's still no un troops on the ground to help authorities restore order. and the prime minister has yet to return. stephanie decker, which is 0. heavy fighting has force evacuation of thousands of people in the brazilian states of a cri, roads,
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and properties and the capital real bronco was swamped when ever the birth sits, banks and emergencies been declared in 19 municipalities. the government estimates more than $6000000.00 in humanitarian age will be needed for more than 40 people has been killed and dozens injured. following heavy rains and snow fall in the mountains of north west in pakistan, which is here has come on. hider has this report from the remote village. i've tried to call in this one friday. there's heavy snow covered the landscape as far as the i can see. all the earliest spring. it looks more like the middle of winter . after lord have been cleared with travelers to bay, how relates by god journey, duty, god, religion has to be made on for these people are going to offer the condolences to the families of february to be but it came by a sudden lance light they gather on small batch of flat land to offer prayed.
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i see that i had to drive it back from the middle league after you heard of the dead bridge, family members the so that up to me to do next to me, i was in saudi arabia for work. when i heard that my house had collapsed due to the land slide, i immediately came back and found that my father and mother wife and 2 daughters were killed. only 2 children survived, but they are badly wounded. now there's no one to the golf to them. i've lost everything the villagers guard can't foot and use their bare hands to find bodied. now most people in this village or what about their own safety focused on is one of the more than one of the countries when it comes to climate change. in 2022. it's are devastating floods. and now we are seeing snow in spring. it took more than february, large for rescue games. great. i headed by the military to find people who were missing the worst. how does it are based on steep slopes without pre covered and
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why does that or do the elements? it's uh, does that performs on f f. well, the construction is going on, watches its expos, and it's one that i bought in chrome of up quick as well as sliding learn sliding and also the flux. so the most appropriate wait for it. it's as to do manual planning in on the buttons on a goal and zoning, land use planning and zoning guidelines would prevent you boulevard development in his r d as vault with changing weather patterns focused on experiencing more frequent exhausted, and environmental experts say it needs to be better prepared to prevent more tragedy come out of high the i just did. uh, did god really in swat african out. and the un peacekeeping chief is wanting that south. don is not ready for elections later this year. jump. yeah.
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like why brief to the security council after visiting the country last month about his schedule for december, i bought a soft finance democratic transitions. it cuts eyes holding its tense, annual comb, or a festival to foster the next generation of filmmakers from the region. the event invites some of the biggest names in the industry to go ha, to help aspiring directors and producers develop their work and design expand reports. it's a lifeline for young palestinian from macon. rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest names in the industry. young filmmakers from across them, at least get them in touring. they need to get these stories to the wills. i think people appreciate truth more than anything else, right? that's what they cling to that or maybe that know it. but this month, i may know when something is real or not, and this year on its 10th anniversary, has taken on a deeper meaning. why do we celebrate the progress we have made?
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we are also confronted with the genocide them as a and the ongoing attempts and silencing the voice is crying out against it's. it's extremely frustrating and disappointing to see creative spaces, once considered safe havens for free expression, become oppressive. it's fostering that freedom of expression that draws many young filmmakers to come to the bahamas. oh my god is from gaza. is film some of the streets follows a young palestinian boy and a refugee camp and leave a note but history is to one day or 2 into the gaza and tell the stories office 1st 4 months of war. i didn't do any. i didn't answer my e mails, i presume, work, it's all i felt helpless, not functioning at all. but also the time i realize that if i keep watching
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the news and feeling frustrated and not able to do anything, what this can lead me to, you know, sneezing, industry lead as he is helping him to her and his work. so he can support his family and friends with trips. no rules are being abroad. you know, i cannot take them out of gaza. i have tried most like various ways. it's really, really, really hard. and i think is the only thing is, is for me is to take action. hold them for the film. projects have been into this. yeah. cobra from at least 20 countries. and it's hope that this advance will help amplify voices from across the region. but organize the say means to be heard, alex be it, which is era. the one of the biggest names in women simple sam care has be did not guilty to the racially aggravated. highest ment of a police officer. the judge relates to an incident in the u. k last year involving
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an officer responding to a complaint about a taxi fair. okay. who captains, australia i said to appear in court next february. that's the news for now. knowledge is here. all have and use our for you right after inside story the the, the weather brought to you by visit castle. had the storms and showers all the story down on the in australia. you can see the rumbling away across the move in areas and across the southern areas of western australia. we're going to see some heavy rain here over the next few days that could cause flooding, but not in path because it remains largely hot and dry. the 33 degrees celsius on wednesday, laundry dry and hot as well that south east corner, just a few showers,
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likely to start to edge into new south wales to sidney. expecting to see that rain on thursday with sundry showers on friday temp. just coming down slightly in that southeast corner and temperature have come down because parts of new zealand for the saw finding christ church at 18 degrees celsius on wednesday, largely several picture. but look what happens within that range, start to roll into the sound of the cell $5.25 degrees celsius. the christchurch, however, so a very pleasant outlook for 1st day and heat has been story across moving parts of indo china. the henri vietnam is that has caused some smoke to effect at quality. it's likely to remain that way until the rain starts to move in over the weekend, but some showers expected the heaviest of the rain. however, edging across the southern pots, indonesia seeing more heavy rain instead of west sea on thursday. the weather brought to you by visit castle on march. the 7th us president joe biden
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will deliver his state of the union address with issues like immigration, economic recovery, add america's response to global conflicts on his agenda environment. re up to his leadership credentials in this personal election year. special coverage from washington the, the thoughts of haiti are under a state of emergency after an escalation involves gang since taken control of most of the capital if they want prime minister ariel on race route. so what's behind this unrest? what would it take to restore long lasting stability to the country? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm.


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