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tv   People Power Ukraine Ground Zero  Al Jazeera  August 18, 2023 6:30am-7:01am AST

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people who brought costs to spill here and around the world, even when it wasn't in both when you was coming, gosh, we've always been waiting for the watershed moment in women's football where everyone realizes how awesome this board is. and it finally feels like it's going from a nice sports and something that only women's football fans are watching into something that's a lot more mainstream. everyone is talking about. it's not just football fans who we thought that we were going to as hoggard. it's everyone, it's families, it's kids, people and crying. so the matilda is it's been amazing outcry. the hope for football is the young bills like this will mimic the new female football heroes in other countries too. after a tournament has been more visible than any before. alex thomas out is era sydney, the, the ssl, just era, and these are the top stores, the sell thousands leaving the capital of canada's northwest territories. as
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a fast moving wall fi makes its way to yellowknife is the west wildfire season in canada with more than 1005 spinning nationwide. there is a possibility that without rain, the fire reaches the outskirts of yellowknife by the weekend. it is approaching, but there's time to complete the community evacuation the head of malware, emergency management has resigned, following criticism of the agencies handling of the wild fires in the honda and official inquiry about why the islands i see. so non the alarms didn't sound has been launched, at least 111 people died. and that number is expected to rise as cruise search for victims, defense chase from the west african block eco, while se constitutional order will be restored in news. yet, by all available means they are in gone to, to discuss military intervention following the to last month of russia's defense, ministry has blamed you trying to attempting a drone attack on central moscow. it says the drone was shut down by
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a defense systems in the area around the cities exposed into fair grounds. no significant damage has been reported as former us president donald trump's attorneys had proposed that his federal trial on election middling be delayed until 2026. it comes as more threats, if it's against those involved in state and federal election cases, against trump. police in texas have a rest of the woman who said she would kill the federal judge assigned to the january 6th attempt to stop the certification of election results. but us has approved a deal for israel to sell a sophisticated, long range missile defense system to germany. is rad wanted washington's approval. since its system cold error 3 was jointly developed with the you with the 3 and a half $1000000000.00 side will be as well as largest ever defense steel. as well as the headlines. the news continues here on the elders era of the people and power
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coming up next in the lead up to ecuador is unexpected. snap elections, outgoing president. e. and the last one has declared the state of emergency for 60 days throughout the country, following the assassination of presidential candidates. but none of the sens you stay without just euro over development. the most significant damage to the countries, natural environment. many of you, for a major city, has been devastated forest, have been destroyed, of the cultural lands and bolts of ways contaminated ukraine's government accuses of russia, which of course, eco saw and is calling on the international criminal court to prosecute alleged environmental crime. we sense reports the nicholas are reduced to ukraine to investigate the toxic impacts of the
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the you are into hall, soft rushes, invasion of its neva. many of you cranes, precious because the systems live in real life come here to the documents. the environmental impacts are full of funding to follow ukrainian wall crimes investigations is like collect evidence of what they described as dk side the shuttle launch images catalog,
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the trial of destruction in ukraine. some sign just claim the war in ukraine is close to the most catastrophic ecological destruction of any single country since will won. i think it goes to show like, this is a deliberate community active duty to that to what's can be labeled as it goes side ukraine has accused russia of scorch the tactics, tactics that have left vast tracts of forest destroyed and agricultural lands strewn with land mines in the black sea cetaceans are dying in large numbers. hobbin juice of an environmental catastrophe. one sort of the forest destroyed
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during or affected by the war. in this war we lost some parts of our nature which will last forever. ukraine's environment, you know, stuff is struggling to comprehend the damage. we understand the whole confidence will feel in the future, the impact of this war and the impact of this environmental damage of pollutants and other things. this is environmental crime. now i understand that the environmental damage for today is more than $54000000000.00 us dollars. it's a huge fingers. so if the deliberate attempt to have this large impact on the environment through human activities, then people should be held accountable for those kind of impacts from huge spice in
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the netherlands. reset show when was, which didn't bug has been charging the environmental full outs of the war for the dutch peace organization packs. so immediately after the innovation started in february, you sold like large scale strikes on industrial facility. so russia was trying to hit all the bose some industrial productive areas. i think it goes to show like the ecological catastrophe. that's a, those kind of actions monitor reactions can help load the files and then feed to capture cute russian forces q. she needs a panel city with me, style and tried strikes, alyssa, or label ukrainians, regard text like fish as acts of terror to the left of in teams. are
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investigating every incident like this. michelle strike on an oil depot as a potential environmental crime. while it's in living scenic, isn't it? yeah, yes. so one more question, is it limited? someone's watching the miles much when you see it or through the when you, when you was little a little bit, especially when there's a, there's an extra punch in professional a little bit this to the q when you put in a different bonus. typical symbol in the said, look you up with the says, what? see me. yeah. because i'm only when we were love. so was a, was in the cube. regional line, many hundreds of industrial complexes have been destroyed by russian me, styles across ukraine. hundreds of investigations have been opened into allegations of environmental war crimes by russian forces, including 15 cases, ukrainians have classified as the judge side. so i'm the ukraine. your lower
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questions can be prosecuted for the, for ico side and disregard, i think is helpful because we see a lot of confiscation of russian assets financial assets sooner or the estimates between 2 and 3 and a 1000000000 dollars and cents, which i've been confiscated by the you and the us, so uh, having the discussion go so potentially free of money for ukraine to invest in remediation reparation and cleanup of environmental damage. shift is being recognized in president. loving me is elaine skis. hometown, the city of creevy, read the environmental impacts of a war of being felt. is to be of the have sitting when the ball is the more stopping to hold for a call with each of us because she will store him in your a yes the cold and they have been in the hopefully will not send the key
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the was not for them was that us with them not enough to buy this where it's needed lots to do before to put that out. the letter she said, i said that you said it was gonna have to have difficult adjust the to does it matter and didn't get on the phone in a meeting your needs. but if i didn't know what to pay it, i mean, you wouldn't even need to pull on the approval. so let me know though, we'll say, who is the, has sci fi? yes, the name, she's not to bozza. i live no wish to keep us through such a festival. a shy, it's a live in your place that i insist with safety ignacio well you know, chris old which you know, he's a member of parliament. he's being personally appointed by president savanski to co ordinate the investigation into potential environmental war crimes. that's
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a whole side in the most difficult position is looking, your city is key and the bar to there's no size in that they should be focused on police. that was a boy for citizen dollars for the city a who's the most key across the board in a home for the board, the full, the negative one day a flip, poolside may actually not last. we set that authority crane to who he is watching the net was mostly it's at the thought to put a unit to the task of investigating allegations of eco side falls on the state ecological inspector, which ukraine's eco inspectors have painstakingly accumulating evidence using methods that i hope will be accepted by an international court. will probably metal snead, the one uses the poodle company gaffney i received the before the died in the equal cause that they will soon with the vehicle seem kinda, you know, so we can see before we complete this, but that the full was so great and they have kind of what does it gives all of the
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food it's supposed to get $40000.00 with the boots for the diagnostic, the full lloyd content. but the, but about the blow of still a tool at it here. one of the captains systems awful, you know, most of the show home, we're heading will never cause author said federalists. so what are you in ukraine? southern region to make a live eco inspectors a trolling through what remains of one of the many local forest. it was badly damaged during battle. dark for the table with positive this is to freeze so much for bush. so of course i'm with precision in that ever. yeah, my report and use those mission. you want me not to miss. there's a 3. i think it was a me able for percent that are available. and now it's the psalm of lucas and
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symbols that fix on the case that gets underneath each symbol. let's get from another bus cuz the steepest in the waterways of nikolai of port, the co inspectors have been monitoring water quality closely. local officials say the russians blew up storage tanks containing sunflower oil in october 2022. um, all right, forgive me for the be to ship uh, chatting enough to it so it looks like isaac is the thoughts that go with them? um oh, i stumbled them off the uh, last soon as you can. well, yeah, let brokerage just cmt for lets see what some uh, some warranty or certainly lemme invoice the scores each. no surprise, russia, ukraine. this is taking a heavy toll on the black sea, especially on its largest species like gulf in some more durable level than if you
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handle up searching it. lots of google. yeah, it does love to shop permissions that could be interested in. it showed a little more to bullet dealer pick, not state court. i believe he this it to somebody in the acute to the wallet below mushroom, a particle of me and gives me in the folks who will finish those. i can know what it is. you're a little more yvonne, elusive is a well known environmental active as the new crane and the head range at truth leave the goons and national park south of odessa. hey, nick is of lexi is big area of water because of national product on this side. 2016 mazda is the size moving this very important for the book. see for, for the ocean to the, the total for a full that i need the need for this vehicle systems. no,
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because it is fuel stipulation. so if you lose those things, you lose it will system during the 1st months of the war with naval battles, re g, not far away. schools of dolphins and porpoises is washed ashore, including some with signs of trauma with. so pick on, you want me to the spinning. it's a little not let me pull into that for you e. well, that is curious, but if this goes on should say a set of believe for sort of makes me really advise you of what i've tried. at 13, with many of the caucus is watching a show in advanced stages of the composition. it's difficult to independently verify the causes of death. but ivan says the timing of russian naval activity in the black sea, especially the use of sun and uh,
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it's hard to know who we did pretty well. so not, i mean we've done a bore do just with google glass blue. what do you do? not it. clearly most of this is tim. when me a supervisor, get a zillow to eat. the fema is it as a the fullest each. it is, of course, most of them will soon after the stops of rushes, invasion videos and move on, social media of this risk. adults turning up in russian, annexed crimea, new budget with the video. so we will look the schools. but as you did, the thing is really should be a boiler, only contortion motor through the motor. forgot to be easy to move on, the move of some not a negative of them it steve jude as they could. they couldn't even implement all northridge to marine life naval mines rusher and ukraine. has blaine detailed for
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installing mines that have broken free and drifted far into the black sea. just one of the many consequences of ukraine is known as europe's bread. voskus is the spot that we have found. the mine team 62 feet 3. we found it on $24.00 for april this year. but here in the fall, northeast close to the russian border. all of the don't keep pipe settlements in the hot active region. are infested with land mines. combined harvester. as you can see, it is quite destroyed a designated to mines. it's a deadly payroll. this is all ready cost sushi 2 lives in the heart of cuba region alone. since it was d, occupied by russian for a halo trust is an international
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humanitarian organization that helps countries recover off drums, conflicts like clearing the land mines. but given the enormity of the problem in ukraine, they are already busy at work. a very common technique of mine laying in ukraine that we have seen so far, and they use this one to actually prevent you bringing forces from advancing a further towards their position. even using the motion of domestic projections, the land mines will take decades to clear. right across the form of front lines and this was retreating russians. polls have been accused of laying tens of thousands of mines which are paralyzed agricultural production and claimed many lives. but here in the village of a block of about an hour south of hot a cave, desperate farm is have come up with a ryan home grind solutions to the massive environmental problem.
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gosh, if there's a slight flush just or sort of the some of the saw this up as to what they were open. it was for you all or cause a new wallet in the wall, a resident side. by the time the russians lift block of its church was badly damaged. the school reduced to rubble and local farms destroyed except the purple or moss i know wasn't so well fixed within a physical cream. so many more times i threw bull and went in working for c o 2, when it was a little sick, when it was him for, for the whole of his thinking with a family who was up, are you local farmer alexander could be suing, eager to show visits is the deadly menace lying hidden in go out of his fields. what about the wireless?
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lots of people did that it was all the exams and saves that one. feels need by more than 300 minds were discovered. and with the planting season upon the village farm is collectively searched for a solution for us where we do more while approval for google. it definitely lives up to the personally the good luck of his father has modified the tractors into remote control. de mining vehicles began clearing the fields less profitable rep if there was a better off if list or the support there for what do you mean the spirit of the person with the grace with the name deal, m u as low as a postcard?
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your 6 if that start pretty well is becca succeeded the 6 for us dollars. let's put the stuff letter with either key or veterans, new orleans, and the fact that i'm waiting for a late fee for the 3 communities in st that i've got about is typical of hundreds of villages for a while to ukraine. that it was being largely destroyed and contaminated with mines and toxic debris. you are paying scientist, are we ready worried about the environmental ramifications to the school spreading file beyond ukraine's board? we're seeing that this has to be a national plan. you can see even a marshall plan for the environments, right. this is one important thing that needs to be considered in, in, in new claim. individual, winey, environmental scientist, palo pet, had a, has been using satellite dasa and open source information to monitor the toxic full
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well. it is important to understand that they are connected with each other. so what's happened in the soil? what's happening to ford is really the air lead back to the sea. so that go systems i interconnected. see how was your station response in forest areas in over environmental scientist, building a forensic snapshots of the was impacts is complex task. so this is a cascade of, of the elements when one is interdependent from the other. but if i would drink one, i think, i think now the, the pollution causes by to, by the bombs on the but it's also areas. so we're talking about soil contamination . chocolate, the nationwide can be very high. yeah. so this is a process that can, takes the kids to, to return to the previous levels. the use of another type of weapon could cause further environmental hom, monitoring groups,
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say russia and ukraine has both fused cluster munitions during the war. in july of 2023. many if you cranes, allies expressed concern the cubes decision to acquire a cluster, munitions from the us by a conceded by many use indiscriminate weapons and banned by more than a 100 countries full. unexploded bomb legs can stay on the ground for years, terminating lodge areas, and injuring civilians. crane's government, as defendants, they use against military targets. ultimately, it is here, but the international criminal course in the hike, the any alleged war crimes from these conflict will be brought to account. but to what extent environmental crimes, including eco side, can be prosecuted,
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is yet to be seen. the international criminal court, the i c, c, has only limited skype to prosecute. environmental will crunch under the run statute, which defines its main data. but it's a magnitude of environmental destruction in ukraine is revealed. there's a growing push from around the globe for a swift recognition regarding the legal definition of eco side, so that it can be recognized as an international crime. reports the allegations made by ukrainian officials in the film to the russian government for comment. we did not hear back the in the months following russians, full scale invasion city if we could live with lily surround pays the skies which are decal koala, the for graham afford terms of when it was, it was
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a musician. i'm going to remember you most of it when they pull some not you may have shared with the port center nice the old, the young a maybe a little heads up because lives the co inspectors team giving her forensic view into the a tax on her city. and it's fraction environment to the children. no, she doesn't want to live. yeah. move. so there's just this guy, start a notice in the say a friend that's a this is yana says. the environmental repercussions of the wall are difficult to quantify each other because the fluid fisher, the modems cause that them so that us one them, most of them from bunch of hoops to get the loan, show the bookkeeping them both the last just given those will do it as
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a whole don't trick busy. a sion losses can with nor to switch to the simple destination. yeah. the newer to source, to me why is yet viewed as money and the building y'all home chief of wouldn't be up to the destruction of costco. could that mean june 2023? another layer of complexity. misery has been added to ukraine's environmental devastation. the destroying hope for quote them is a big gift the environmental impacts of the journal, but a couple stalls. and but then surely, you pray in the last 18 cubic kilometers of pressure. what russia and ukraine have blamed each other for the jammed destruction. the flooding
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that followed has had an enormous impact on a region. ready batch of civil already took part of it from the boy. you know, what do you mean me of throwing me simple for picking up the message. to him i that doesn't mean to. yeah, you should also you today there's a large team at work, including eco, inspectors, will crimes, prosecutors and sciences have with them and brought the problem into um with them a lot the thought the cheers about these new ukranian officials claimed that the flooding is poisoned. thousands of kilometers of farm land with a devastating consequences for food production. more something like that they put on the board. she can use it for, but in the last no, not a full export of bond put things out with that allow it. yeah, keep working on this and there's a lot of so when it doesn't matter when it,
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when it, why it is, it doesn't mean to show and even write this book on. yeah. to just the soul. and then they sufficient as the will grind show on the total amount with every active destruction shine just collect the data and ukrainian is a confident when the war and they will be adjust, reckoning all the impressions that well, the a huge reserves of lucy used an electric battery, some fine to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels live be nice can fast on the soap plate are unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower?
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asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white go on to just the inspirational, really we want to get to the largest number of young women and showed the entire nearing performers was the 1st to male z to play it in. jordan allergies even when celebrates female. find taking traditional music in a new direction. we go on stage, it's motivates other girls to join citizens. so jordan and egypt on outages here,
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a jim bob way heads to the polls against a backdrop of one of the wells highest inflation rates and frequent outages. signing p f was ruled since independence in 1980. but can the opposition exploit growing discontent over the soaring cost of living? symbolic way. the thousands for the the capital of canada's northwest territories, a head of an approaching wildfire, the ultimate cry. this is all just there live from also coming up. emergency services chief on hawaii is mallory island resigns, and the criticism to not activating sirens as the flames bridge.


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