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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 18, 2023 5:00am-5:31am AST

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john riley here to talk with detail coverage after the government signed up. he said, we meant with a fart, millions of heck, sort of land in this area where the story from around the world. margaret is do take your gamble when they 1st talk in these over crowded rickety both on but just say such a long journey. the 1000 springs, the capital of canada's northwest territories, a heads over the approaching wildfire, the lives over on the basis of their life. headquarters here in the also coming up the emergency services chief on hawaii as molly island resigns, a mid criticism for those activating sirens. as slaves spread, the us pushes for
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a 3 way security cooperation deal with the leaders of japan and south korea to summit income david lights on friday. the china is watching this try lateral beating intensely, suspecting the us and it's ne asian allies. i've tried to restrain it's growing powerless. and this rose, that gets military deal with the washington bank says plans to send a missile defense system with $3500000000.00 to jeopardy the welcome to the public. a wall 5 is all threatening the capital of 10. it has north west territories, 20000 residents that we know to, to leave before the fast moving slaves arrive. residents of yellow, nice on the surrounding areas, have crammed into a local apples and thousands of others have lined up along a major highway to escape roughly and jordan has more. the wild flyers are burning
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within 17 kilometers of yellow knife. the capital city of canada, northwest territories. officials say it's time for the cities, 20000 residents to leave. please take this order seriously and prepare to leave the cit, the city by noon on friday. officials already have started air lifting. other provincial residents who can't drive themselves just safety. those who can drive may need police escort to help them navigate smoke field, highways, emergency personnel say right now, the weather is working against them. there is a possibility that without rain, the fire reaches the outskirts of yellowknife by the weekend. it is approaching, but there's time to complete the community. evacuation 20000 square kilometers of land have already burned across the province. the prime minister has promised logistical and financial support to local authorities. some $6800.00 evacuations
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have already headed south to alberto for the time being. but they have no idea when they can return russell and jordan elders, era, satellites, images. so the interesting smoke from fires in canada and the united states moving across north america. these time lots videos show the spread of the smoke and how it's forming new clouds. with, according to the canadian, into agency forest 5 center. there are now 669 out of control 15 in the country. the bodies of agency management chief has resigned to following criticism of the agencies handling all those wild fires in alarm. yet an official inquiry about why the islands, 80 tsunami, alarms didn't sound as being launched while any of the full behead of agency said he was worried. sovereigns would have prompted people to move in, learn to old. suffice at least $100.00 less than people died and that number's expect to rise as crew such some missing people, nbc correspondent,
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j grey house bull from lane to so what the governor has reassured so many about is that we're not going to let these corporation sloop in, at, at a dire time for these families and by their land out from under them at a time when they desperately need that money, how will they going to make sure that they have a supplies and, and, and funds for these families as a now begin what's going to be a difficult recovery, but even more so what the governor said point blank, is that any corporation, any company, any one who comes in and, and does that buys this land out from under somebody who is desperate will face a zoning restrictions will face the highest tax is possible and basically what he's saying that he's going to use everything within his power in the government to make it so difficult for them to build or use that land. and so he hopes that that will
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be enough to scare people off of the idea of trying to take advantage of some of these people who have lost so much here. and so many have lost so much. it's a, it's a situation that's going to continuing to one full and, and you really get this sense when you're here in the area and talking to a lot of those who are struggling right now. that they kind of begin to see the initial shock where all the will and, and, and are beginning to understand that it's going to be a very difficult recovery. that's not going to last, you know, weeks or months. but instead years, there is a lot of work to the defense cheese from the west african blocked echo, say, constitutional load will be restored in nature by all available means. having gone to discuss military interventions following the q last month. child stock 1st is following the meeting for the, the pomp and ceremony for the 2 day meeting and across the credibility of west african regional book at cost is on the line defense chief. so across the region,
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it focused on the potential so cool. last result, the military solution, the gains to leaders in the, the, the, the the, the with the booth this rate to the diplomatic efforts by numerous delegations, including echo with the african union, chad, the u. n. m, the us, the bids to find a peaceful solution to the crisis. that's so fall failed, a, give me the 2 liters of the qu, initiate a full, and what they say is a transitional government. and not only are they still refusing to free, detained democratically elected president, holland bar zoom, but they are now putting them on trial for treason. move echo, as in many of the international community sites. belatedly contradicts the juice's
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pledge to find a peaceful solution to the crisis. image across sanctions and the suspension of international humanitarian aid is beginning to bind. and it's the people, many of whom support the 2 who are suffering the most of the we flood in security to come here with hyatt some days i find food of the days. i don't find food some days i can walk and other days icons. so now let's say there is no unity among eco s member states on how best to respond. now you're getting across the region, particularly from the parliament, from the people. and even from some members that not every from get visited, which is the leading democratic states that the opposed to any use submitted to the 1st. so this is a project that is no longer consumption. this unity amongst west african states, political opposition within them. the danger of potentially causing a wide regional war and the risk of giving all groups like al qaeda or lie. so the
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opportunity to take advantage and launch more attacks despite these dangerous, it seems that the west african defense chief of fall from taking the military option off the table. yet, charles ref without a 0 across the globe cause more from the senegalese capital dot com. the public responds to the possibility of military intervention in the share were in downtown to car. just a few blocks away from here is a french military base that's been there since the independence of syndic. all those 350 french soldiers are here. they say to train the armies of the region to defend their country, but also to the expense west. i forget as a whole. and in fact, the heads of these are, these are all gathered. most of them are gathered in kind of uncorrupted talk and discuss a possible military intervention to return constitutional order. we need a chair where there has been a coup,
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but none of those discussions are found on the heavy lines of these newspapers because opinion over a military intervention in this country is divided up and live here. there is no need to use going on. i have to stop fueling, i want to make people just need to talk when autonomy is with human beings. when we talk to each other, we understand each other. i don't, i don't care. and i was wondering if i welcome a possible military intervention and to share as long as it brings peace enough for ken general and, and then share and particular just basic. we are really worried and anxious about this crisis. it's not going well here. in senegal, we want to maintain stability. there was a military intervention from west african nations, was in 2017 and the gambia a country a 100 times smaller than the chair. got let me see. we've got the need of them. i need you is strategic. the more important than the can be an easy it has uranium which is a central for our countries and for the without which it plays also
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a significant role in the fight against terrorism. all this means that the spike, human poverty in the country with asia is abundance of natural resources makes it a key geo political country in the region after multi for keno saw. so now news here, it seems one after the other democratically elected president are being toppled in military coups. now the west african bodies eco was, are now drumming the beat of war on the international scene. but at home, they're struggling. it seems to garner support. nicholas hawk alger 0 the car. and so the leaders of the united states, japan and south korea are all meeting at the us presidential retreat at camp david's. the summit is the 1st of its kind between the 3 powers and some of the of a say this may be a possible step towards and they to style collaboration in the region of the private pool. so from the south korean capital, sol, 3 like minded leaders foraging close ties,
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as they see growing threats common to them. old us president joe biden wants to build on the mocked improvement team relations between japan and south korea. since coming to office, japanese prime minister fu me of casita and the south korean counterpart you. and so if you have set a course to overcome traditional differences. so the bar is set low really to improve relations. and i think washington and wants to sort institutionalize try lateral cooperation and once a joint statement in which, due to countries commit themselves to enhance security cooperation. all 3 countries have been brought close by. the threats of north korea's continued weapons development was high energy over in order to fundamentally go up north korea's nuclear missile threats. the republic of korea, united states and japan, must closely cooperate over time since assets and shared data in real time. your
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draft from you, that of the 3 have taken part in joints military drills and didn't balked on intelligent sharing. raising alarms in north korea's only significant ally, china is watching this tri latrell meeting intensely suspecting the us. and it's ne, asian allies of trying to restrain its growing power at the time when say june's friendship is being eagerly sold by moscow, as it looks for any support. it is continuing war in ukraine. this was russian defense minister said go sure, go on a recent visit to north korea, which is allegedly supplying russia with munitions. followed by the 17th anniversary, celebration of the ending of the korean rule. also attended by a high profile delegation from china. of course it also goes the other direction, you know, the more the beijing moscow and,
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and john young cooperate with each other. the more that sol, washington into a gear we're going to cooperate with each other as well. the shifting power blocks of the asia pacific as neighbours seek security and advantage amid increasing in security. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so alex tech quantity is a professor of bible communication to cling to university. he's with us down live in so good help you with us on the program. and how much of this summit is about these 3 nations being militarily and defensively on the same page. and how much of it is about counseling. north korea just got your on the surface. it looked like, uh, you know, the, some, you know, the every month to, to enhanced the military alliance. so, you know, among sweet countries, but in the actually not been is the kind of service you shouldn't know. this one is the, you know, what, you know, start putting data in a show in the south korea expect you, the, you know,
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kind of economic benefits. you know, from these kind of a so called to david kemp, david principal. so i think got you the it looked like, you know, it some, uh, you know, the, they use that uh noticed koreans throughout the test kind of an excuse to build it up for, you know, some um the calibration. now among, you know, 3 countries to, you know, what to sustain, to tell the, the old, the other, you know, which was established that, you know, after the 2nd world war in the, in the, you know, pacific area. so nowadays to south korea and glory and you know, the plant is kind of crucial, you know, the sustainability is that painful the better than necessary. so that's why interest those korean government, they expect to be not joining this kind of uh, do you want to order? okay, well, so it is then defense agreement. so military cooperation, are we expecting to here? do you think a yeah, actually the that is actually the surface, the meaning of this kind of boy, you know a lot. that's why they,
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i think you may want to be able to get somebody to end the camp. david is quite symbolic place to watch it. and then when you go to these kind of cooperation, you know, the, in the, in the, you know, pacific area box, you, the not that is exactly, you know, the, they are talking about the noise, cory on that, me so, so i have to, but actually you what they want to to there isn't actually to untie alliance against. do you know, chinese and extension isn't. so i think of the, they cool to use this soto but, you know, the, some public opinion as i was cover. yeah. because the extra untied china chinese, you know, sentiment is quite strong. and then after this current government, the unit governments, you know, to actually use this sort of a polling. you know, the results and, and i think the but to you well the, you know, the, some, uh, you know, uh, bring in that, you know, kind of institutionalized the agreement or some kind of a regular like, you know, just to make sure you know the otherwise you know, respect, it can be a reverse, you know, the, when the new government came in to create or something like that, it was close. you know, we expect the long term thought process to be about conquering china as,
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as you just suggested. but in the sort of here and now and in the immediate vicinity, we do know that as soon as military exercises over now is by any of these 3 working together. normally sort of us and, and south korea it's, it's 10 to mount to a reaction from north korea. so in terms of this meeting at camp david's, how do you think it's going to fall on the pill? young, will they be provoked by it? will they try and send a message to these 3 countries in the normal way? what do you think they're going to do from the perspective of those career after this and, you know, alliance or some non ambulatory cooperation. what would the, you know, the be a big, you know, a threat to a, to carmintina origin, because actually in the work in the north korea, you know, the government or some, the power outlet. so really one is, you know, the source tentative as you,
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you know, they tried to protect the original against the some, you know, the into reality, you know, so cause the imperial actually to engage in something like that. that's to use this kind of a as to what the 2nd was to. well, you know, this, cause i think this as you did the state, the ideology. so i think it might be a, you know, the, they going to use the discount. so total kemp, the baby principal, you know, to, uh, the move, the light, the people against that is so you know, with the outside that you know, the, the implants. but we should see what happens in the coming weeks. i suppose alex to, i'm going lee, thank you so much for joining us from. so the russians defensive industry has blame your credit for attempting a drug and a tech on central mosca. it says the drive was shut down by defense systems, the area around the cities exposed and decided grounds. no significant damage has been reported. well, still a head here on out. is there a gun, a hole in the disused welch like mine, and i'll tell you more about the length some people who go to for the next week,
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the the, let's go with your world's weather uptake. great to see, we'll take this one off, and bach as don. it's a fairly quiet pitcher up and down the country, but there is still some activity in the norse, up against the foothills of the himalaya. but the most intense monsoon rains are falling in central and eastern india. so let's go in here for a closer look. there are rain fall alerts in play for the states of, of dish. and chat is scarred, you know, dark and the blue and the yellow. the more intense the rain is falling, this may wind up into something. so we'll continue to watch that in the days to come on soon. depression, perhaps, meantime, doubts with rain, southern cambodia and vietnam. so who is human city looking to pick up?
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maybe about 50 millimeters of rain, so when he get that much rain, that fast certainly could trigger some flooding south if the yankees still heavy rain falling, including for hong kong, also burst of rain across the yellow river valley. so that will impact this young joe on friday with a height of $35.00 degrees and it looks like a what day in pusan. in south korea, same goes for q 2 island in japan. the salt part of the same area of disturbed weather tokyo is at $35.00 degrees, but it is humid there in some thunder storms in the mix for colon, port, singapore, and the dang, but sun cloud condo in jakarta, on friday season the it's one of the biggest clubs in south america, but it's great. his rival is just a few blocks away. a mutual dislike between funds from across device
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sustained over generations. most local junior support, his opponents of news clip colors in at the computer rich business. put the funds, who make for for one which is the or the the book about you want to go just bear with me. so robin at the 100, by the of all told the stories, thousands of leaving the capital of canada as northwest territories is a fast moving wildfire. it makes its way to yellow nights. it's the worst while i'm 5 season in canada with more than a 1000 fine funding nationwide. ahead of bobby's emergency management has resigned
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following criticism of the agencies humbling of the one finds in the feeder, at least 111 people died. and that number is expected to rise as cri search. some bolts missing people. defense cheats from the west, africa block to us say the constitutional order will be restorative dish. and by all available means gone to discuss military intervention following the 2 last months a now the us has approved a deal for israel to sell a sophisticated little range missile defense system to germany. israel wanted washington's approval since a system called the arrow 3 was jointly developed with the us. the 3 and a half $1000000000.00 sale will be, as well as largest of defense steel. so the feedbacks, a contributing editor for future welfare with the military analysis platform breaking defense and joins us down line from washington dc. good talking to this mr . feedback on that, which is there before you sort of get into the technical detail of the system
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itself. i mean, as rails deal will be historic in nature, as it sells to jeopardy and sort of all the history that comes with it. but in here right now, it's the reaction of really russia to that deal. everybody's waiting for you can send russia is already rattled, every saber it really can towards the west. we, we've had nuclear threats even before the war and ukraine escalated in 22. i think denmark, at one point was threatened with new color attack. so i don't really see what putin is likely to do in the response that he hasn't already done. okay, so let's talk about the defense as to what makes it so attractive to the gibbons. why do they want the system a? well, that's an intriguing question in arguably i've, there is some fewer or among experts all over this announcement and i think back when it was originally proposed a year ago,
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this is perhaps too much missile defense for german needs. and not at least what they should be dropping 3 and a half $1000000000.00 on off. but essentially the missile defense. it's like your car, right? you can't take your pickup truck in park in a tiny space in a garage downtown. but you can't take your many cooper and put a bunch of lumber in it to build a part of your house, right? you need different pieces. technology for different jobs are and arrow 3. uh this is the 3rd iteration of the missile system. are, is a very high end missile defense system. literally high end is designed to intercept incoming missiles outside the atmosphere. when you have the most powerful, fastest moving ballistic missiles are icbm. as for example, they actually break free of the atmosphere as the site author trajectory and spend
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some time in space before coming back down at tremendous velocity strikes their target. arrows 3 is extraordinary. and that's one of the few systems that is capable of intercepting a ballistic missile at low speeds and altitude actually can space again, is this the thing that room they should be worrying most about? that's another for to you question. okay, so it does most cuz i know how do you think most goes gain to count to the system? does it want to come to the system and candidate up can it? yes, i mean, and this is a basic fact of missile defense. since ronald reagan kicked into high gear in the 1980s, this vision of an impenetrable missile shield able to stop any attack. there has been staggering technological progress. and yet we are nowhere near
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a fraction of what roll ranking and vision. it is proven technologically impossible with denise. it exists today to stop an all out attack by russia or the united states. for that matter. they are simply truly thousands of missiles that can be launched. it was all the only way to shoot down a missile currently is with another missile. in order to guarantee that you would shoot down every incoming missile. you need at least 2, or maybe 3 of your own to account for mrs. or your defensive missiles have to be much faster, much wonderful, much smarter than this was their targeting, or else they can't pick up a car. so either way, it's much more expensive to defend them to attack. and just finally, i mean it's an interesting scenario to have because, you know, we just talked testing to see what the, the system kevin can't do. but in terms of germany, it certainly is sort of a safety net to a certain extent. and one that pumps israel font has sold the us is approval to
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don't just develop itself to germany. it's also an endorsement of the us to germany, as well as the gemini, seeing warbling recently in terms of public apathy towards the, the, the conflict in ukraine. how will this help the german government do you think there is also another all to be a motive here for the us to be supporting germany right now? yeah, i mean there has been also some backpedaling by the germans on how they'll fulfill the 2 percent of g. d. p pledge are required of nato countries for defense spending . for example, they were going to try to meet it every year. and now they're going to meet on average over time, which in practice means they won't get to it as fast and will try to make it up on the backend. so yes, i mean, washington would have liked to sell the american made fad system off terminal high altitude air defense, which is not quite as high end as aero 3 are not designed for quite the
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same kind of oil for a fast overhead. the 2 targets. but still a very effective system, we deployed one in south korea for instance. and there was great controversy about that sort of powerful missile defense system. but germany decide to go through the foot for the arrow, which is in large part a system that's developed and built and even tested in the united states. there were test in alaska. so boeing corporation is a major partner. uh, lots components are built in the united states because these certainly are how strange i sort of i have to talk to you very quickly that cuz we are coming to the end of this interview. do you think it's a good idea and it's a good p uh, issue for the united states to be supporting jimmy right now. yes or no? no, absolutely. i think a few as had tried to sabotage this said withheld approval. it. we've been seen as selfishly trying to force the germans to buy the american fad system instead. and
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it would have been poisonous for our defense relationship in which germany is already, as you say, getting a bit wobbly, really appreciate your time. and it's quite like that a washington dc. thanks very much for your time. thank you. my pleasure. thank you . it's a deep sleep. it's something most of us christ. but once i feel, well, what do we really take it? literally, that's what's being offered into disuse. victoria in slight mine in north wales and the united kingdom general went deep underground to find out little tired of the mediterranean seat. this is what some of it looks like. a tiny greasy i north wales where besides hiking the picturesque hills of the vale of 15, the old lots of people come to explore the disuse like mind. somebody from come to spend the night deep inside one. more about that in a moment. because 1st,
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well there is no easy way down to the 30 meters. that's so open to initially and 1810 just the stuff is cory, the victorians. was it? that's right. yeah, yeah. it was. they then followed the famous slate down into the ground and really wrapped up the operation and then it closed in $19.00, oh $3.00. the victorians were much more sensible about all this. how do they build bridges? and that is so much please note that they can get this report was all work, not fun. so this is one of our final defense, an episode of about 20 meters to a depth of around 400 meters. down here, the doctor's length and depth. some people will go to
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a good night sleep. the victorians never got around to building this. welcome to deep sleep. to look at the extraordinary vertically. we are 1375 feet on the ground. that's about funding 10, leases, and we are confident that this is the deepest accommodation in the world. at the present time. we're not managed to find any, any evidence that will allow trolling that there is any way deeper than this. and guests are deeply impressed. is the thrill of its it's the danger of what was good. those beds. each room is slightly different with the day cool, but the growth so is incredible. stoning is really nice to wake up in the case of mine, but it's it gave you know you do it again. recommended to i would, i should say yeah. was because it was really pay so uncomfortable me something no
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victorian mind was ever heard to say joe, the whole.


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