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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 17, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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the time, these are all violations for real people. the listening, 1st tunes in us is talk radio, divide in america, there is no room for how democracy works is really just acknowledging differences that, that are already there. if anything, conservative talk radio created the republican party, talk to of a to fox special on that jersey to the by all means of the level constitution not for that will be restored in the country or west african defend cease discussing the queue in the jazz, say if everything else fails, the ready to the drug business out 0 in life, and uh, also coming up dozens of people that many move still missing off or migrant,
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but comp sizes of the case. the case study struggling to a full 2 weeks in yemen. soaring food and fuel prices at the suffering and often 9 years of civil main highway on the hawaiian islands. malley has reopened. after last weeks, one of the constitutional order will be restored in asia by all means available. that's the message from a meeting of defense cheese from the west african blog echo us there in gone it to discuss the ministry intervention in new jeff following the queue, the last month victory leaders have ignored calls to reinstate the deposed president. having the buzzing, let's say that planning to charge him with treason. the echo was commission is that the group is still giving diplomacy a challenge. but all options are on the table. the serials is the sides. i'll stick here,
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but that there's no going to buy that. it was about this and we just wanted to tell them that a new phone, them about the results of the office of state and government to make sure that by all means a be level constitutional for that will be restored in the country. and this may seem to be best testimony to that. let's go straight away to charles drafting the joints lie from the meeting. and i cried. charles, have been various opening statements. what have you been hearing? all right, so we've lost the connection with child stratford in a career. let's him more about the regional challenges. a child stratford compiled the school vision on easy calm along with isolated buddha, people move back and forth across an invisible line. ali widely spaced the mark as
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de la kate with going to the keen, offensive meat fitted you live seems normal on the surface. the people here are afraid, because on the groups like i so i will call it a, have killed and destroyed villages. just a few kilometers away at the end of the week. so we have for that there has been fighting on the other side of the hills. people from breaking a fossil flood into our village. then went to a refugee camp. we are very afraid that the fighting may come here to the amount of somebody that has this village. it say border patrols pulse by from time to time they've gone and says it's struggling to find the resources to police this area. the events in the wider region could make things even worse. the key in the process is any military intervention, but the west african regional book eco asked application to lead his india would be a declaration of war on them to which could strengthen the secuity of thousands
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have gone and living alone this buddha. if you were to get a sense of just how exposed this boulder is, the house is behind me are in the keen a fast, so that'll go on and they'll still ortiz phrase the middle tree leadership, indicating it by so saying that they doing a good job in preventing attacks inside gone a, they say that vital security cooperation, including the sharing of military intelligence, could well be jeopardized if that glass was to launch a military intervention against cooley. this inside major moving gun. and officials say they need more resources and working with the key to pass those ministry june to in they share, it's boring to gains on groups, must not stop the issue like these who cannot do it alone. and we had to, we need to wait, our neighbors were sharing information with them. with that department partners, sometimes you have the same club house and you know,
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for so and house in common and therefore the cheese. i also helping us with some of these informations, you an express concern over reports gone, it was forcibly defense in refugees who would flip the on groups and the key in the process. the going to didn't noise the claim file or anything similar problems facing countries like iraq or effective screening of people for being members of all groups is a huge challenge. we get to receive them with green them. what is your name? where are you coming from? that is all what we can do. we cannot dig fit at to find out who the person and that is a good c. capital hood is room free with their lives, start the cost of these boulder land as they have done so. millennia real life goes calmly own, but fear finds heavy among people living at the foot of these hills. child, stop it, i'll just 0 on the go on a book you in a fax of border. what our connection director is fairly unstable. we're going to
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pass of it and see if we can get through to charles. now that is a charles that go us meeting is ongoing. yeah. what's hoping to achieve of the well, there seems to be a lot of speculation over increasing focus on the cycle stand by force that was announced last week. that the echo as somebody handled in a boucher um we have very few details as to what that stan black forest would look like. but certainly at least have been telling us that as it stands, it is part of a wider initiative that was taken by the african union in 20135 forces regionally across the region x ray across africa. as it stands, the current force for the west african region is $5000.00 soldiers with at least $1600.00 that dedicated towards restoring democratic rule and countries that may have suffered cruise. now we understand that that kind of framework is going to be potentially used to put forward. so which is to put forward ministry equipment by
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contribution countries towards potentially some last result is that go, i says military intervention force, insight, new share. just be very interesting listening to some of these opening statements given by west african defense chiefs. the gain is an indication of lack of unity in trying to find some sort of solution to these crises. everybody's saying well as push, keep pushing for some sort of peaceful solution. but in terms of military intervention, they doesn't really seem to be much consensus. the, the nigerian chief of defense christopher robin muso saying that we are not only looking for a good solution for the chair. but we must emerge as a stronger echo as an indication there, at the kind of risk, the echo as faces and losing serious credibility. if it doesn't deal with this crises soon, and we heard from the echo as commission of a peace and security. and he said that if all else fails, standby falls, he's ready to respond to the call of duty. and he said that echo as he's not being
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taylor go i do to by the west or frogs. that's an indication of faith. amongst echo s countries that opposition groups of position, policies in those respective countries go potentially lot jones, who interesting that has been endorsed by the former colonial power in this region . frowns and we know that president mac chrome is the only international leader certainly. and the west that is fully endorsed in this thing that, that costs as it needs to do. and then it goes could cause huge problems inside these respective countries from political opposition, groups, political policies and so on. so yeah, there is a lot to discuss. but that going to again very much on the line desperate for some sort of peaceful solution. we understand we'll focus, hey, this is going to be on potentially some sort of military on. so to what's going on inside and yeah, yeah, charles is restoring your, your film in your package of the original invitations are already having an impact
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yeah, they really, all, i mean it's gone. a for example, is very nervous about any military intervention because as you, as we mentioned in that report, it has ministry cooperation and agreement with neighboring but key in a fast. so the ministry leadership inside the country, of course, a country that would see any intervention military by a cause as a declaration of will want it to same kind of same statement made by molly sedona with those exposed folders, is very valuable. potentially 2 titles being crated inside, but kina by so as it deals with what's going on in these. yeah. and those on groups basically taking advantage of that and attacking governor, it's a similar kind of scenario, right? the way across the region. there's also the problem, as i say about the domestic opposition groups within respect to countries that are very much against this nigeria for example, that he's going to be taking one would understand one understands very much leading role in any kind of military force as it has done historically, there was a huge opposition in gone to this the gone a, sorry, the, the, the nigerian,
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the economy, for example. it is time king. it's dealing with bordeaux, hiram holland, insurgents in the knowles, the nigerian senate has already said that is against any kind of military intervention. so they all yeah, shoot chinese use a hey not only and try to forward unity amongst echo us the region but within the countries themselves. and then the, the cost is that huge security challenge and dealing with groups like flight still in oak, ida, that have been so deadly across the region for so many years. or jobs thinks about the child stratford on the on getting across between the defense ministers. inaccurate and go into thanks very much. i and the 60 people have died off to the boat capsized off the coast of take pride in atlanta, ocean city. 8 people survived. they were rescued by the coast guard and taken to the island of sell the boat less than a goal a month ago, heading for europe. alex bed as more struggling to walk, often more than
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a month to see survivors of the licensed migrant boat to capitalize of the west african coast have now being taken to safety on the island of cell and cape fear day. then through the muslims, the survivors are better, they're being hydrated. so being looked after, here is a term here at the board in terms of testing or testing for malaria and cove. it. and so far we haven't had any positive discharge them. just over 100 people that believe to have been on the fishing boat when at least a single east coast in early july, a large number of them announce relatives in the small village of fast boys say they were trying to make their way to spring the f one with the door, see a comes with a lot of pain. yes. so we know that migration issues are global issues, which are quite international corporation, a lot of discussion and global strategies, given what the world is going through right now with migratory issues, it means that we old organizations have to sit down at the table and see what we can do so that we don't lose any more lives at sea. above all,
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on the journey to europe from west africa is one of the world's most dangerous migrant routes. it typically ends in the community islands the spanish archipelago, off the coast of northwest in africa. nearly 600 people died while making the crossing last year. the slices to teams ended off cape via day. and with 15 ship breaks already recorded on the roads this year. it's unlikely that it will be long before more lives are lost. in this stretch of ocean, alex bid out just here. a main highway on the hawaiian island of malware he has reopened off the last weeks while funds, but anger is growing at the slow response to the well 1st instruction and by emergency sirens. didn't sound more bodies have been identified. the number of dead has increased to 110 buffering group us group. this group of volunteers is delivering supplies to wild, 5 victims on the island of maui. older they survived the flames. they say the
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future isn't such and my heart doesn't take for my loss of possession. a higher states for my community. you know, people that lost family members, friends, a lot of people are still stuck. it's odd, you know, on the west side and up, nor it's but without power, without food, without water dial provisions. and they have no access to that. the 5 destroyed thousands of buildings and cost an estimated $6000000000.00 of damage. the government says, imagine c response will be rolled out of a full months. now i want to be honest with everyone. this is also going to be a very long and hard recovery. but our federal, state and local partners are working around the clock to help all of those who have been impacted by this disaster rescue team. so using could dive adults to help find the dad. but that's growing. and about the response to the fire critics. a loss of
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life was presentable. we have sirens all over the island. they are meant to be for any emergency, no matter what it is. and the fire is an emergency, not one side and went off. nobody was warrant. sorry, as i mentioned earlier, is used primarily for so long as and that's the reason why many of them are found. almost all of them are phone on the coastline. the public is trying to see higher grounds in the event that the service on the highway into the high and a has been reopened in a small step on the road to recovery. but the elderly people who lost everything in the far say they'll never be able to rebuild for our lives. barbara and grandpa, out to sarah residence, the capital of kind of is northwest territories. they've been ordered to leave by friday at noon with while far as expected to reach the other nice by the weekend. the federal government, as it proves, assistance in his old,
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at the military to help 5 fighting efforts kind of there is experiencing. it's was well 5 season with more than a $1005.00 spinning across the country of a wildfire on the spanish island. 10 a reef is force evacuation is several villages. roads have been closed and edited. a belt china, which is popular with tourists, $255.00 fights as a waltz informing aircraft to try to stop the play spreading from the mountainous area. a waving the canary islands, last week increases the threats while foss on the head here and out 0 and the flux done. check to some paints for students and put you have problems come under attack . would explain what's behind the find. what are the main issues for faces in guatemala is a kinder piece of picks. as an express, the teenager arrested, an accused of conspiring to, over through the russian government, determined to prove your innocence or
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a political mother becomes a prominent human rights actor. a remarkable tale of political persecution and the price paid by citizens in full file space for the new great, and his case. a witness document on adjust the timelines to 6 tours in trade has found this back of to this label pandemic during travelers from around 101 east investigates how wonderful children are islands, child 6 tourism industry now to 0. what happens? but in new york has implications all around the world. it's the home of the united nations. it's a center of international finance, international culture. to make these stories resonate requires talking to everyday people to normal people, not just power brokers,
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and that's for algebra is different from me or the city and i'll send you doing away with the curfew. that was supposed to get everybody off of this international perspective with the human touch zooming way in and then pulling back out again the the, the other guy you watch, you know, the 0 about top stories is uh and the west on for control. okay. cool. was says constitutional order in these yeah, it will be restored by all means available. defense cheese from echo us are and jonathan discuss military interventions totally in the queue in the last month. more than 50 people have died off so that micro boat capsized off the coast of cape verde or the 38 people survived and were rescued by the case gone. the group of more than
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a 100 is believe to be your main highway of wine. either way is reopened doctor long speech. well 1st, the test told is now at a $110.00 is anchor grows over the slow response. present 5 minutes visit the next a container ship is back at sea, off to being tracked in the ukrainian port of it. since russia's invasion, 18 months ago, the hong kong registered vessels sailed along what ukraine describes a new temporary humanitarian cargo merchant ships. joseph schultz has already left, had already left the credit was in effect. see, it's heading to the tech support, seated on bali, according to marine traffic dot com. it's the 1st mention ship to sell from it since the collapse of the black sea green deal with russia last month. so investment has more now from my desk in southern ukraine. it is exactly one month since the grain deal collapse and brush i pulled out. and now a commercial vessel has successfully passed, assessed, and sailed from the support through the black sea. it's about to arrive somewhere
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today in turkey, and this was a test of ukraine. so cause human to terry in colorado, they really came to resume x for us and especially great next for us. but this ship was carrying out a cargo that also auto cargo ships. still stranded here in the ports and ukraine, but this past doesn't mean that the great exports now can resume because there are a lot of other concerns. the costs, the insurance that is involved of exporting from doing that, so forth. so, so far the exports as i say, and we are not sending any grade on the same humanitarian college or maybe they want to wait and see how the, our ships uh next off. so this one that now has a sale of how that will go. but only 3 days ago, we saw that the, that the russian worship has entered the commercial vessel on its way to ukraine. so it is still a lot of security concern. so meanwhile, the brain is still being export to through the w 4. but those were also attacked
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only last 2 nights ago. step 5, some ellison sierra in odessa. placing puck has done have arrested nearly a 130 muslims after mobile type churches and homes of christians and pre job provence. troops have been deployed to john walla to restore order families that flood the homes on wednesday, have not begun to return the types follow allegations that a christian resident desecrated the cure on write scripts. a last to me claims roofing made to intimidate religious minorities, impact to stop of the relations between us, muslims, and christie and residents were fine. but they should have done this back of this equation because of this, the situation has deteriorated a lot at the middle of the incident that occurred in the city was so bad, people's houses were bends down. 3 or 4 churches were set on fire. whichever
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happens could have been settled through negotiations by sitting down together, which did not happen. fantastic cheese and looked on as ready for us as have killed the palestinian man during a rate in the occupied westbank. the 32 year old died when sol just stormed a house in the city of janine. several others were injured during a gun fight between postilion fighters, and these ran the army, the army since withdrawn from the city. food and fuel prices, a soaring and you have in the local currency is lost more than 250 percent of its value to the us dollar amount, siding to the suffering of millions of families after 9 years of civil war. michael level, as this report of us made on the walks the aisles of a supermarket and humans, port city of ages. the price of basic goods is increasing every day. he and millions of others simply calling to keep us off to some careful calculations. he has to put some food back on the shell. the father, a full who works is
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a night watchman. explains just how difficult it's become to feed his family. and then um and it's on prices have sort recently the value of our local currency has declined sharply. can't afford to buy bees that come with a peaceful i came here simply to buy basic food items. i'm shocked by the prices whom we demand that the thirty's find, the solution. human inputs, 90 percent of its food, nearly 50 percent of its weight came from ukraine and russia. the consequences of that whole being felt on the streets you have in itself has experienced nearly a decade of conflict and is now seen signs of recovery. it's you in back, government is in charge of the southern region. well, who is the officials run the capital, signed in the north and we'll see what countries trading with human foreign
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exchange is drying up the local currency. the re all is losing its value. lost is inflation topped at 40 percent? uh, showing the buying salaries are not paid on time. we get paid every 3 or 4 months. needless to say, the cost of living is rising and the policy currencies declining. as a pensioner. i cannot afford to buy what my children need so many citizens remain at home to spear themselves. they are gonna be able to get done. a business analyst, somebody cassim, says the civil war has brought the economy to its me on the hook us up at the currency collapse due to a number of factors. it's declined gradually since the wall sconces the stoppage of oil exports, which was the largest source of revenue for the government as waste. and the situation is the shortage of foreign currency. the government needs $10.00 to $13000000000.00 every year to cover it. some ports to nearly 60 percent of humans, population lives in extreme poverty. according to the united nations way,
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hunger is a daily reality. estimates media salary can just about cover the basic so now even if he has to make some tough decisions at the to mike level o $20.00 to benighted states with prosecutors in georgia have proposed a march. the 4th start for the trolley gates form of president donald trump. hey, an 18 associates have been charged with the records, hearing info to ford for literally trying to overtime to 2020 presidential election results. trump is facing for criminal trials as he bids for return to the white house. a powerful gang leader in haiti is promising to fights any international force deployed to his country if it commits abuses. jimmy took his ear, notice barbecue is also urging patients to rise up against the government. he says he's opposed to united nations cool for for him force, but only if it targets corrupt politicians and improve security. heights has been
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placed by violence since the president's assassination 2 years ago. through z is under un sanctions for alleged human rights abuses. the vices in guatemala headed back to the poles on sunday to pick the next president. the runoff election campaign has been mowed by allegations of faith to indifference and fraud as model repel it, reports the scandal. a written race is between the form at 1st lady sandra torres and the non to reveal who's going to come back corruption a political rally in guatemala city. supporters of been now to any but candidate from send me an or the seed party or marking the official close of his presidential campaign ahead of the august 20th national election. many here say they're eager for the election to be over. and with it a campaign season that's been marked by allegations of election interference and
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fraud. wp admin, definitely we want the best results. we want the process to be transparent. we feel uncertainty about what's coming, what we hope democracy will prevail. the level of a below is seen by many as the biggest surprise in recent electoral memory is victory in the initial round of voting, shook up the political landscape. he's now leading in the polls. the head of the national election would sound good, a thoughtless, a former 1st lady of guatemala, representing the conservative national unity of hope party were you there is also a strong contender and seen by many as the more experienced candid according to polling data, the issues guatemalans care most about are the ones that affect the livelihoods of every day. citizens like us struggling economy and worsening crime. one of the biggest answers on the minds of guatemalan voters. deep rooted corruption,
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was the very people here say, how's that you wrote of the confidence they have in their political leaders? it's this collective sense of mistrust experts say which could determine the outcome of sunday's vote when i'm in college. i believe the fundamental achievement would be to capitalize on the feeling of discontent. the feeling of wariness that exists among a portion of the population to reclaim those basic elements of democracy. this sentiment has been building up over the past decade. yeah, that hasn't been a political force that has managed to unify and translate that collection of expressions into focus. both candidates have promised to address corruption. walters emphasizes transparency and accountability. and even though has proposed measures to disqualify corrupt individuals from public office as the runoff election approaches the people of guatemala or boys to cast their votes in what's seen as a critical moment for the nation's future. made up a little houses here,
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guatemala city. and that's it for me, nick lot, let me just not doing the duration or website. i'll just there a dot com is the address and lots of other news recovery now including interest where they're from mexico. whether it's coming up with the inside story off to that, looking at the women's world cup and so many, whether it's a level playing field between richer and orientation. see you later bye. for now, the the, the remains of learn of it was as heavy right in hop, colorado and secondly, not coming out through the hall to china. the next active systems, a cold front, kicking out the dust and the sound that's on its way through the aging res, currently can zoo province visibility right down below a 100 meters here? that's the front as it goes here on friday. so i'm the films on it and the same
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kicked up that it says a full, a pod, sensible base. the recurrent warnings offers heat and some of the storms. now the heat is going to go away and home calling from the films will come in and there are still charles and thunderstorms running out through home, shoot over the same area. they've got half a meter of rain from type through lab. so that's a bit of a threat to which disappears. i think last the by saturday. it's not dry, it's just enough as wet. that's jump further west of the monsoon. right. and still folding out over india is drifting science again. so the warnings probably up for dish a bunch of productions, the circulation that wants to build in the knowles, and by bank goals, if it does that from a current law survey, but for the time being, it's just producing big funds tones. they are encouraging, further west, and it's been the case the last few days, but not much for the northwest and particularly for pakistan. it's the last you dr . picture except again in the fondles. the
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doors are voting in a snap to following president b, and more last was extraordinary. call for early elections, individual avoid impeachment proceedings. presidential candidates are biling to save the country from on precedence of crime and violence. what can they do? the job ecuador elections on out to 0. a diverse range of stories from across the globe. from the perspective of on networks journalist on alger 0. the women's world cup final kicks off on sunday. the sports sports. the successful told him that yet that's been rapid growth in the game, but is it a level playing field between rich and poor and nations? how far can the support go for female for pause? this is inside story, the .


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