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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 17, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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well celebrates the whole female science taking traditional irish music in a new direction. they go on stage, it's motivates other girls to join citizen. so jordan and egypt pon outages here, the for more than 60 people trying to migrate from senegal, drown off the cape verde island. the hello, i'm kimberly healthcare. this is algy 0 live from dell ha. also coming up, prosecutors in the us state of georgia. i propose a march start date for donald trump's election interference trial. a cargo ship
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leaves ukraine's port of a desk, despite warnings from russia that its navy could target blacks the export hub. haiti's most powerful gang leader warrens. he'll fight any international armed force. if it commits abuses the at least 60 people have died after their migrant folk capsized off the coast of cape verde and the atlantic ocean. only 38 people survived. they've been taken to the island of cell after being rescued by the cape verde coast guard. the group of more than a 100 people are believed to have been on their way to europe. relative say they were trying to make their way to spain. well, the journey there from west africa is one of the world's most dangerous migrant
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routes. it typically ends in the canary islands, a spanish archipelago, off the coast of north western africa. nearly 600 people died well making the crossing just last year. now this latest attempt ended off of k baird a which is around 600 kilometers from senegal. most of the dead are believed to be from the village of fast boy in senegal. and that is where malcolm web is and he has more the people in the small coastal village of fast boy angry that thousands of people from that community have died. that see the price as to zip code would and from machinery into the road and set it to light. this is the 1st of several funding roadblocks, along this road, leading the way down to the landing stage on the atlantic ocean when more than a month ago, a small wooden boat set sail with about a 100 people on board was about 2 days ago. when that boat was spotted by
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a spanish fishing vessel, a drift about 300 kilometers of the island of south part of the cape verde islands . that prompted a rescue operation by cape veterans coast guard, which is about 600 kilometers on into the atlantic ocean from here. because cold says that they rescued about 40 survivors. they said they found several dead bodies on board, the boat and thousands more of the people who thought to be on board. missing the red, thousands of ship rex every as people try to traverse this route on hundreds of desks . okay, that is seen as a gateway to the spanish canary island. spain is part of the european union. so people see this as a possible route to a better and safe a life. malcolm web al jazeera, fast boy center go. turnage is get added stays georgia's fulton county district attorney has requested a trial date of march. the 4th for a former president. donald trump,
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in 18 alleged co conspirators. they are being charged with racketeering in an organized effort to overturn the results of the 2020 us presidential election in the state of georgia. now it's an infrequently use charge that carries a sentence of 5 to 20 years in prison. alda 0 as john 100 reports. as when fulton county district attorney funding will as indicted. former you as president donald trump and his co defendants. this week, she included a rare and powerful charge the indictments said their alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results violated rico the racket to your influence and corrupt organizations act. this is the 11th rico indictment. we follow the same process. we look at the facts, we looked at the law and we bring charges. the indictment says the defendants conspired and endeavored to conduct and participate in a criminal enterprises in fulton, county, georgia, and elsewhere. trump co, defendant, rudy giuliani, made a name for himself as
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a federal prosecutor going after. my boss is in new york city in the 1980s. now it is giuliani and faces a rico charge. the rico statute is a way of incorporating a number of defendants and a number of seemingly different crimes into the same town of an indictment so that you can prosecute the entire scheme as opposed to individual defendants or individual charges and separate indictments. giuliani calls the charge in a front to american democracy. critics call it poetic justice. a law created the target gangsters is now being used to prosecute a wide array of people who allegedly commit crimes together from teachers to politicians. and perhaps the most aggressive rico prosecutor in the nation is the one charging julie on e and trump and george, the fulton county district attorney funding willis wheeler sees used rico before in 2009 to prosecute atlanta school managers who systematically cheated to improve student scores. on standardized test, now she's taking on trump and 18
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a ledge. co conspirators. these 19 people didn't have to sit down in a conference room and all decide, hey, let's over through the government. you know, they allegedly but, but anyhow, they don't have to all agree to the same conspiracy. you can have tacit agreements . and what that means is that you're moving with the conspiracy without actually having a formal agreement. the wreckage here in charge is a center piece of willis case. the 160 acts in the ledge. conspiracy take up 58 pages of a 98 page indictment. now a jury will decide whether trump conspired like a month boss to overturn the 2020 election. john henry and l u 0. atlanta will stay with a story. frank bowman is a professor of ameritas at the university of missouri is school of law. he's also former federal and state prosecutor and she doesn't expect the trial will get underway anytime soon. i the march of 20 before which, which, by the way, i think is extremely unlikely time for the georgia case to go forward with the
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remarkably early trial date. for a case of this complexity. remember that mr. trump discharged along with 18 co defendants. each of them is gonna have to get his or her own lawyer. now there are going to be a plentitude, pre trial motions, discovery issues, motions to sever motions to dismiss motion to transfer venue, and so forth. and so on. a case of this complexity, if it were to go to trial. in march of 2024 would be something of a legal miracle. indeed, i think it's extraordinarily unlikely that it will go forward in march of 2024 or anything like it. largely because not in addition to the complexity of the georgia case, you do is competing of course, from mr. trump's time with 3 other cases and 3 other jurisdictions and all the judges and all your sections will be talking for each other. what would be in sort of ordinary trial date for case of this complexity for kids to like this to be
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indicted in, in august and to go forward in march of next year. it's not inconceivable. but given all the complexity, these kinds of things tend to take a very long time. so swift is relative and legal terms. the are trying to crate, it says that a container ship has set off from its black sea port of odessa. the hong kong flagged vessel had been trapped in the poor since russia launched its invasion last year. now. it was the 1st commercial ship to leave the ports since a grain export deal with russia class last month. now this comes hours after russian draws targeting grain silos and warehouses on a ukraine port on the danube river. now the governor of the odessa region says the area was hit twice and overnight attacks the river. ports are the main export route,
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free crating rain after the collapse of the black sea deal acumen, owls to a humanitarian court, or after rush or quit. the brain deal that had allowed ships carry ukrainian grain safe passage through the black sea. now green can also be transported overland by truck or train, but the rail option through poland and other you countries is hampered by the use of different sized railway tracks from ukraine. now, another route is through the congested blacks, the ford of constantia in romania. but that's time consuming and it's also costly. so shipping on the danube river and its network of canals now the new plan would apply to container ships for now. moscow has not said whether it will respect cubes, decision. i'll dearest at voss and has more from odessa. this 1st container ship sailing from odessa port for the black sea is very much a test of what you carry and calls a humanitarian currently door. it's
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a chinese ship that's on its way to turkey, and it's the. 2 ship civilian ship since the start of the full scale invasion, one and a half years ago, integrated with dozens of other ship. they've been stuck here at the port. and if it's successful, of course, auto ships can follow that a lot of to, to select ships here, as well, waiting in odessa. and it's significant because also because of the war cargo coming from ukraine has dropped significantly up to 50 percent according to the government. and this all comes mid a crisis and not a crisis that is hitting the country sense the destruction of the whole damn lot of people in the area are without safe drinking water. irrigation water for farmers is lacking. 8 organization save up to 700000 people are actually depending on safe drinking water at the moment. so it is hard to get that water to the areas because of many villages, right at the front line. we travel together with a group of firefighters to see how dangerous the emissions are, as you can see in
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a report. the dangerous but side omission fire quite as quickly drop off for drinking water in step. no, he is a frontline village that is old, but deserted. those who remain uh to french, i am and too poor to escape the constant showing to suggest the blog. we're taking it to another village. the currently $6.00 to $7.00 people, mostly pensioners will bring these bottles to them during this is probably a call at the heart. how can i leave them? these people have no way to go. they have no money which is nowhere else to learn for them. the 2nd only that tells us she was headed by shrapnel while delivering breath to auto. villages. still, she won't leave the putting in a google village. these are people who have been living directly on the shelving for a year and a half step in house has been under a mass of attacks yet still, i think these people will continue to live here. we constantly remind them apo tentative have conversations and some people leave for awhile, but they often come back to us because of the dangerous these firefighters only
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deliver once a week to the village is without the running water. 8 workers are risk in their lives, providing people with a very basic needs drinking water, while the 2 impacts of the destruction of the health come down has yet to be filed for these people here, not only their lives, but their livelihoods are at risk as well. the ukraine's, as russia destroyed the dam on june 6, causing widespread flooding, some 90 people died or are missing russia, the nice it cause a disaster and blame, so ukrainians. and this is how one of your slides is what the rest of last looks. now. the sight of water source for sounds, villages, and farm land has turned into a large plane, living by the water all his life. how do i gaze still? can't believe it's gone. 2 months after this also struck his fruits and vegetables are rubbing, hardening boulevard. when there was
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a c and the life was good, there was water and lots of fish. we had no problems with the official freedom. now life has become hot. everything must be bolted by hand and carried in buckets. c is o wasted now if you need. so you can only hope it will finally start to rain, if not, his income will dry up fairly quickly of what the shortage and no more. so there's also also for these firefighters was struggling to extinguish, to be a daily fios sparks by shelley putting those left behind and even greater danger. step 5, some l to 0. step know, here ukraine have is most powerful gang leader is bound to fight any international arm for us, deployed to his country. if it commits any abuse, the leaders known as barbecue. and he is also urging haitians to rise up against the government. he says he supports united nations call for
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a foreign force if it targets corrupt politicians and promote security. but he's vowing to resist them if they repeat past abuses. well, gang violence has forced more than 3000 haitians to flee the capital and just the past few days. people in the caribbean nation are regularly targeted by kidnapping sexual abuse and murder, felix new laura has more. the families carry the few possessions they have while they can quote and the buckles for territorial control, the scene violent games that have taken over their neighborhoods. this is the latest wave of displacement in haiti's capital pull to prince. with gun crime is rife, and shortages of food and other essentials are widespread. some seek shows to at this highschool, the few let down by the government. it wasn't
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a gang chase murder of my home. it was the haitian states that made me a pendant. my home is patients state that killed all the people because this think that as the social they took me to file and lawlessness has played haiti, especially since the assassination of president shelby. now maurice, nearly 2 years ago, they you, when estimates more than 2000 haitians have been killed in the 1st half of this year, as gun crime escalates the lost of policemen who are helping us fight the games they played all night. and now the games a bathing in their blood, nearly $200.00 criminal gangs operating have more than half of them in the capital loan, their own and dangerous. the united nations has again appealed agent international help. st peacekeeping is no longer an option. we hope those those efforts
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move as quickly as possible. in the meantime, we know very well with the, the horrendous security situation is on the ground in haiti, and the horrendous humanitarian situation. as well as a result that keeps getting worse as a result of the deteriorating security situation can yeah, has offered to lead a support for us to intervene in haiti. but the un security council has not discussed deployment. sofa a felix new r o g 0. we're going to take a short break, but still haven't algae 0 concerned over west african intervention in the share why border communities and gone us a military action will leave them expose to our groups. plus hawaii residents are facing the aftermath of the deadly as wildfires in modern u. s. history, we report from a shelter and donation center, mowing the
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inspirational women together the largest number of young women and showed the entire nearing performers was the 1st to mail the the paving. jordan to senior will celebrate females and taking traditional out in a new direction. they go on stage, it's motivates other girls to join citizen. so jordan and egypt pun, outages here a big calling block chain encrypted. current. disruptive technology joint would be an introducing a bill to outlaw crypto currency all the way to a federal financial system. because open source software, you can create or money without banks, all governments award winning filmmaker toast and huffman looked at all sides of the complex crypto crypto. the big queen looked james and the engineer on ocean
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sierra. the in the lead up to equity was unexpected. snap elections, outgoing president gave more or less or has the generic state of emergency for 60 days throughout the country, following the assassination of presidential candidates. but none of the sends you stay with the algebra over development the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching out 0 reminder of our top stories at this hour. at least 60 people have died after their migrant boat capsized off the coast of cape fair day. only 38 people have survived after being rescued by the cape verde coast
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guard. the group are believed to have been on their way to europe. prosecutors in the state of georgia have proposed to march 4th start date for the trial, i guess from president donald trump. trump and 18 of his associates have been charged for racketeering and voter fraud for allegedly trying to return the us 2020 presidential election results. and the hating gang known as leader known as barbecue is bound to fight any international arm force that commits abuses. he says he supports the united nations call for ford force, if it targets corrupt politicians, and promote security to share now where military leaders have sent their newly appointed prime minister to neighbor and chad for tox. allie mohammed lemayne zane met the chatty and prime minister in the capital, and miss harris genta maintains that it's open to talks and solve
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a regional disputes triggered by the crew. last month's dig up, disease we are undergoing the transition. we have explained it our reasons for this, and we have retail rate that we will remain open to any exchanges with all involved of potties, but at the same time, insisting on the necessary independence of our country. so we need to have officials and gone are concerned about potential military intervention by the west african regional blog, echo us against qu, leaders in the chair they, they fear it could threaten security, cooperation with neighbors and their shared battle against the armed groups like eiffel. as well as okada, alda 0 is charles stratford sent this report from gone up are kind of fossil border . there's an on the easy column along with isolated boulder. people move back and forth across an invisible line, really widely spaced, the markers. demarcate with gone became at 5. so meet village life seems
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normal on the surface. the people here are afraid because on groups like i so, and i will call it a, i've killed and destroyed villages just a few kilometers away the end of the week. so we have for that there has been finding on the other side of the hills. people from breaking of fossil flood into our village then went to a refugee camp. we are very afraid that the fighting may come here. and at a dialer somebody has this village just say border patrols pulse by from time to time, the government says it's struggling to find the resources to police this area defense in the why the region could make things even worse is the key to 5. so this is amy military intervention by the west african regional book eco asked up against 2 leaders in asia. would be a declaration of war on them to which could strengthen the secuity of thousands of gall names. living along this border. you were to get
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a sense of just how exposed this boulder is. the house is behind me are in the keen a fast so they've gone and all sorts. he's a praise the middle tree leadership and but key in the past. so saying that they doing a good job in preventing attacks inside gone a. they say that vital security cooperation, including the sharing of military intelligence, goodwill will be jeopardized if that glass was to launch a ministry intervention against cooley. this encyclopedia, capital hood as rome, free with the large stock of costs these borderland as they have done for millennia . real life goes calmly on, but fear finds heavy among people living at the foot of these hills. child stop it, i'll just 0 on the gone. i became a fox of border i'm trying to why officials in malley have name the 1st victims of that devastating wildfire that leveled the town of behind number. now at least
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a 110 people confirmed dead. that number, though expected to rise in the coming days, canine teams from other states have arrived to help the task for search for more victims. more than a 1000 people are still missing. nbc correspondent, j grey has the latest verbally. there's a lot of frustration about how all of this on folding and how it continues to move forward. but as far as the private side of business and the non profits, they have jumped in with both feet and, and are working hard for many of these families. who have lost every thing. this is all they have, they lost their homes, they lost everything they had, they've lost everything they know and the fires dealing all of that and, and simply leaving behind so much on certain the and of course that over whelming pain from last. what i can also tell you is the main road way in to look. i know the area that was hardest hit. it's been opened up at this point though,
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the town itself or the story town, that ravaged by these planes is still for the most part, locked down, but at least people can get in and get a better idea though there's very little salvage at this point. recovery teams pouring in from around, not only the states, but the world to try and help with a den affine what are mostly unfortunately, remains at this point already more than a 100 identified. and we still know that nearly a 1000 or so or missing. what we've been told by the governor here and why is that this is going to be a very difficult and very slow process. he's urging that the people here remain calm and patient to allow this to play out. is they've only been through about, 030 percent or so of the burned out areas on this island. so they've still got 70 percent to to clear here in canada,
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officials in the northwest territories have declared a state of emergency to deal with worsening wildfires. a remote community has been largely destroyed. the regional capital yellow knife is threatened. these images share on social media as well as canadian t. v showed an orange smoky haze over the regent. military aircraft of error lifted hundreds of people. the safety canada is dealing with the worst wild per season ever artificial intelligence startups or sprouting up around the world. but no more. so then in the us and it's tech, have silicon valley, but now a city more known for sign and serve says it is positioning itself to be in a i have and bringing billions of dollars of investment. alta 0 is gabriel elizondo reports from miami. the i will out soon after valentine site,
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charlie moved his tech started up from the silicon valley to miami. he knew it was the right decision. all these people just run that would be 5 minutes of the events . and there were so excited in what divides and to help you um isn't related to social environment because you wake up in the morning going to a beautiful street where it's clean and you have a nice mode. site. tarley is the founder of an artificial intelligence company called p. r a i. and he's part of a growing number of a i started ups moving to miami, who are not only by the office views, but also miami's business friendly climate, and low taxes to miami is a city that wants to position itself as more than just a beach vacation destination and also marketing itself as the crypto hub of america . in 2021, it launched miami coined its own branded crypto currency,
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and f t x. once one of the world's largest crypto exchanges bought the naming rights to the downtown sports arena. miami's gamble on crypto currency is so far, garnered mixed results. miami coined, lost over 90 percent of its value in a little under a year, and f t x. it went completely bankrupt and its name was removed from the arena. add it all up, and it's perhaps a cautionary tale for ai. miami is bidding big on education to provide the workforce. miami dade college this year opened a 1st of its kind a learning center. the program hopes to start graduating up to $1000.00 students a year to work at local ai startups. these kinds of companies are looking for talent minded. college is really embracing that challenge to come up with new uh to train the word, the next generation really of the workforce that's coming online with artificial
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intelligence. it's way too early to tell if miami will really become the a i hub. it aspires to be or if it's just an artificial aspiration. gabriel is on don't out just need to miami and that's all for us from the team here and the hot weather is next. and then inside story takes look at the women's world cup to stay with us. took away the win typing line and went across the middle of japan. it wasn't particularly damaging wind wise, but the amount of rain that fell out of a hot for me to did cause damage, for example, that a washed away road land slide that caused some damage as well as the storm itself is gone or waste in open both and producing rain to the north of that is going to
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hit the eastern side of russia. however, it is left in its wake the potential for more big showers, which are part of the system this time of the year. but i don't think they're gonna be welcomed, then there's more seasonal, right. and still in southern china, affecting hong kong in particular, then it's current which lots of shouts. and also that where it's mainly drive a central and northern china, south of that. and if you look at the diamond thailand, it looks fairly wet, which is correct, as terms here we get pulses, bit going through blades use worse than you might like in an easier. generally speaking mostly dry. the monsoon radians are concentrating around or dish and, but they're also in the hall westbank girl matcher per dash, and also bangladesh principal button. the pole has been the focus of the heavy as shows and they stretch up towards pakistan. and everywhere else, bashi being pretty much dry. the same is still true for pakistan. still some potential cheryl north,
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but not as big as they were of the african narratives from africans perspective. from debit trust, but it's a little while like i thought it was in a short documentary from an african film make is from mommy and being that free 10 the samples of the way redeem the heritage and making her future direct on. i'll just the women's world cup final kicks off on sunday. the sports for successful told him that yes, that's been rapid growth in the game. but is it a level playing field between rich and poor and nations? how far can the support go for females for pause? this is inside story the


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