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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 16, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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is growing that would rather take the risk of democracy to the risks of dictatorship, digital dissidents on out to 0. the donald trump has 10 days to surrender in the state of georgia, after being charged with conspiring to overturn his 2020 election to feed. he calls it a which on the farm. kimberly help you. this is al, to 0 life from the ha. also coming up, the un secretary general says and the international force needs to be deployed to haiti to and gang violence there. and the economic downturn for china as growth
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falters and badging stops publishing use unemployment numbers and us president joe biden says he will visit the devastated island of maui. his local authorities war more bodies could be fast. the former us president donald trump has 10 days to surrender to authorities in the us state of georgia. and the answer to the 4th set of indictments, it gets to say, prosecutors charged trump and the 18 aids with racketeering election fraud and trying to influence witnesses with the fulton county district attorney who announced the charges says trump, and his age also tampered with election. computers being diamond, se trump, and his a fabricated clay was the out of state residents had been allowed to vote. they all
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to cite trump asking georgia secretary of state to find some 12000 votes, but he needed to win the race. well, al jazeera is john henry and has more from atlanta on how exactly, donald trump's been responding to the latest indictment against him. donald trump is doubling down half to the 4th indictment here in the state of georgia. the former president says that he will show. busy irrefutably on monday, at his resort investments through that there was fraud in the georgia election. that is this point, the fact that for 3 years, he and his partisans have been unable to prove that fact. and that his efforts to make that case have led to as indictment in what is alleged here in atlanta. to have been a conspiracy by at least 19 people, including trump, to overturn the georgia election. rudolph giuliani was also a co defendant to call the indictment and a front to democracy. but the republican governor of georgia has said that is not
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the case at the election was legally decided that trump has been falsely making claims in brian campuses. the state of georgia will continue to have on his selections as long as he is governor. but this points out president trump strategy he seems to be suggesting of what he will say is he wasn't orchestrating and a legal scheme. he believed the election was wrongly decided and that he was simply, honestly speaking out about it, that's going to be a challenging court because a number of lawyers inside and outside the white house told him that was not the case that he lost the election. and that he didn't have a case to make, and he's accused of a number of things beyond just making false statements. he's accused of signing false documents. he's accused of orchestrating a campaign where a slate of false electors. these are people who are elected by the voters. and then choose the president. he was accused of trying to substitute also electors in order
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to overturn the vote in the state of georgia. so it will be a difficult case, but trump seems to be saying, hey, i was sincere all. john henry and al jazeera atlanta. ok, let's keep track a reminder now of the other investigations donald trump is facing now. earlier this month, he pleaded not guilty to charges of defrauding the united states by trying to prevent congress from certify presidential by. that's when that's after his supporters attacked the us capital on january 6th, 2021. then in june, he was charged with violating the espionage act to accuse the v legally keeping classified national security documents after leaving office. now trump has also pleaded not guilty to $34.00 counts of falsify business records, linked to hash money payments made to an adult film star. and that was ahead of the 2016 election. and he also faces to civil lawsuits in new york linked
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to sexual abuse and defamation ad allegations of fraud committed by trump and his family smells a lot. all right, well, we're going to turn to another story now. the united nation says and armed multi national force should be said to haiti to restore law and order the united nations secretary general. antonio gutierrez has urged the secretary security council rather to put act. now, he says the situation isn't right to just have peace keeping because gang violence a spiral since the assassination of the president in 2021. but als is here as christmas, slowly has more from the united nations to the secretary general has been calling for the creation of a non un police force to help get gang violence under control and haiti since last october. in this latest report, seen biologist era, he lays out what steps are necessary to make that happen. first and foremost,
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he wants the support of the security council welcoming this international force, which he says must have military capabilities and the ability to take robust action . second, the un would need to provide some form of logistical support to this international police force that could come either. he says through expanding the political mission in haiti, they are now or by creating a new one. this with help with everything from or could help with everything from providing food or medical services to the troops there. but given how serious the situation is in haiti with gags now controlling most of the capital, according to the un, i asked the secretary general spokes person, how long it will take to get this force up and running. how long it takes is up to those. to those members states who are willing to step forward who have the capacity to step forward and we know a number of them have expressed
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a have expressed interest to participated to support. we hope those uh those efforts move as quickly as possible. in the meantime, we know very well with the, the horrendous security situation is on the ground in haiti, and the horrendous humanitarian situation. as well as a result that keeps getting worse as a result of the deteriorating security situation. kenya has offered to lead this mission and send 1000 police officers to haiti. they're expected to send a delegation of the near future to the country to work out the details of that jamaica. and the bahamas have also pledged their support. key support or from other caribbean nations for haiti. all of this is expected to be discussed by the security council before the end of the month with a possible resolution to start setting things in motion. christine salumi, algebra, the united nations. all right, turning to libya,
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fighting between rival militias and the capital has killed 27 people at has ended, though. after one side released a military commander. it had detained who'd have is the commander of the armed group. the 400 and 44th brigade of both factions support the interim government of national unity based in triple a opposing sides of battle for control of the countries and small market. alfie was removed from power and killed 12 years ago. a senior citizen, these official says a roadmap should be put in place to end the conflict between the army and paramilitary rapids support forces, the deputy head of sedans, sovereign council. malik a gar, says a caretaker government should be formed. the fighting a sudan is now, it was 5th month. it has displaced more than a 1000000 people in the heart of the party. its the road met starts with reaching the ceasefire between the cities army and the rep that support forces and finding
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new positions for the troops of through values rep and support forces, as well as moving them away from thursday shall areas to save civilians from the dangers of to 5 tanks. this is until the full process of security measures is developed by the roadmap for those courses. on the next step, we'll be starting from interior process on it by delivering aid to the citizens and the fact it areas will also focus on providing a normal life as much as possible to suit any citizens and even kind of walk me to stay with the story elders, there is. hipaa morgan has more from our 2. she's been following malick egg, our speech, and she explains the details of the proposed roadmap, the vice president of the sovereignty council and his 1st address to the nation. since he was appointed to his position in may, spoke of several issues. he said that they were between the to the needs army and
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the parent minutes through rapid support forces will end on a negotiating table and said that the focus of the guard government is to end the current war. and that'd be postwar arrow will be focused on reconstruction and rebuilding state institutions. he also said that the there is a roadmap in place for a cease fire between the 2, where inside and that it should end with a single unified army in the nation. and had a message to the parent many to wrap it support for us to think that they can be no 2 armies in a single country. he also called for a comprehensive dialogue by all the political civilian accurate in the country and said that they should be no exclusion. now with regards to the cease fire that's he mentioned in his roadmap, there are no talks currently between the to these army and the parent military rapids support forces. after the signees army withdrew its delegation from the side of the city of jetta and numerous. these flyers between the to the news army and the rapids support forces have been violated, and the army has accused the recess of not abiding by the declaration of
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humanitarian principles, which the 2 sides find in the side, the city of tent, the inmate, which clearly split stipulated that the recept should withdrawn from civilian homes and service facilities such as the what the plants on power plants. this has led to a distrust between the 2 sides and it's not clear if those 2 sites will once again return to the negotiating table anytime soon. meanwhile, the civilian casualties and the civilians that are impacted by the conflict, the number of those divisions continued to rise. the united nations says that more than 4000 people have been killed since the thought of the conflict and over a 1000000 have been displaced outside the country with maybe 3 and a half 1000000 displays. many people say they don't know when to swear with and but with the words of the vice president and his estates of the nation address, it seems that they are efforts ongoing to try to bring this conflict to an end table more going onto their own hot soon, well, china's economic problems are deepening with new data,
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falling short of expectations and increasing number of real estate developers are raffling with high debt, with a worse and in crisis in the once booming property sector options, there is katrina, you reports now from beijing, is during the height of depend demik, this factory exploded a record number of bicycles to the united states. but because of inflation into us and bilateral trade tensions sales are at reco floaters. i have joined the business by the 20th and many of my customer univision on that 3040. yes. they have never experienced the market as back. so they reduced foreign demand for chinese goods is just one of the challenges facing the economy. disappointing does have for july points to full spring growth. industrial output grew 3.7 percent from the earlier compared to 4.4 percent. jude retail sales rose by 2.5 percent. the slowest growth
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since last december. despite the peak summit travel season, we are entering the economic downturn in that house already longer than most people had anticipated. and the main risk now in china is that it might be locked into this confidence trust. real estate sales have slumped like a point 5 percent compared to 2020 to the crisis and the sector is deepening. high profile, develop a country, got in suspended, the trade or functional bonds. on monday it shows have plunged to a record low. so the damaging investor confidence in the industry that was once a pillar of economic growth. the government in nature is down playing consent to the pharmacy. something companies are facing difficulties with desperate risk of being somewhat exposed, impacting marketing spec patients. however, it's important to recognize that these issues are temporary, a decision to stop publishing, youth,
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unemployment totals every month has sparked and get online. the government says it needs to improve the way the data is measured. in june, the deltas rate, the under 24 year olds, hit a record high of 21 percent. if you close arise then it doesn't exist. read one comment, which was like over $5000.00 times it by the college or not go to college. there's no very easy to find a job for the on this yet, and they have set off of his employees. he says factories around him have done the same in an effort to be invested confidence time is central bank has cut a key interest rate for the 2nd time in recent months. aging has also use restrictions on buying a property and announce policies to increase also and apply and sales. but many analysts say these government measures on does not to pull the economy house, but it's current. katrina, you all to 0 aging. well, an american soldier who crossed into north korea from the south last month as
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admitted to illegal intrusion, at least that's according to state media, m p. a yang u. s. army private travis king, ran into the northwell on a civilian tour of the militarized border. now the report says that he is willing to seek refuge there or a 3rd country and was disappointed at the inequality of american society. of pedagogues says it cannot confirm village comments and will focus on his safe return. us. all right, we're going to take a short break, but still ahead on algae 0, whole and shows off. it's military might, during the parade essentials continue to rise in the region to the frank assessments $3000000000.00. is it going to be enough to get, i guess, on the economy back on track? the short answer is no informed opinions for those who are attempting to flee to chat. how dangerous is that?
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the journey is incredibly difficult for many people to manage to get out, but it's a great cost in depth analysis of the days headlines, questions really, who controls that goes on an outer space in the future will be governments for won't be big part of the corporations and individual super wealthy cleaners inside story on challenges era. every thing is being analyzed, it's being, it's being measured. and it's not just by saying that all my sites, i mean they slow things out of the state. at the moment we are in a state of universe with edwards funded something that was throwing back would rather take the risk of democracy to the risks of dictatorship, digital dissidence on out to 0, international. so make and world class john reading programs to see the world from a different perspective on out just in the
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the welcome back. you're watching l to 0 reminder of our top stores at this hour. for you as president donald trump has been indicted for a 4th time. he has 10 days to surrender. after charges were filed against him in the us state of georgia, he's accused of trying to overturn the results of the 2020 us selection. and the united nations is calling for an armed multinational force to be sent to haiti to restore law and order united nations. chief antonio gutierrez has urge the un security council to quote act now detained spiraling violence and
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intense fighting between rival militias in libby's capital. aaa appears to have ended following the release of a commander. the libyan health ministry is confirmed. doesn't have been killed and more than a 100 people have been injured. okay, we're going to turn to the wildfires and the state of hawaii now that have raised an entire coastal town killed. dozens of people happened just one week ago and you as president joe biden says he will travel to the island of maui. as soon as he can fall in criticism, he still hasn't visited the scene. a teams are still sifting through the rubble searching for human remains and what was once a popular tourism destination at home 213000 residents. more than a 1000 people are still missing remains of 90. united people have been recovered so far, but only 3 of those have been identified also is there a she hubbard has the has more from our the the expectation is the $10.00 to $0.20
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. if human remains to be discovered in the ashes of a hind over the coming days, the governor says he expects of death. so could double within the next 10 days. still, a major problem is identifying those human remains or appeals for the relatives. if there is missing to submit dna samples to help with that identification process, still to control vesee, now we have more control. busy, not just about why there was more preparation for wildfire as why the sirens didn't sound alive. electric is being sued for not having cut off the power and the power lines. even off to the polls that come down, we still don't have a definitive answer as to what initially ignited the 5 and above a speculation about the possibility of power lines down. power lines on dry vegetation and then on a national level, joe biden, coming under criticism for not having that seems to be more engage in. the post is often the price as would have been more engaged. if this has happened on the
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mainland is one of the questions we've had, he was set to be quite dismissive over the weekend when he was at his beach trip in delaware. when he said you simply have no comment about molly donald trump is will be coming part of that presidential campaign were in presidential campaign season. now donald trump is showing of a presidential videos that you're saying that the buttons response has been inadequate. what was the irony is comparisons are being made to donald trump's reaction to heart and maria and put a rico in 2670 him. and he would seem to be very, very dismissive, also questions about political stage, about the $700.00 federal emergency item each affective household. him why the trump republicans saying that this compassed to a $118000000000.00 to ukraine, and that for whatever reason it just proves once again, the joe biden is more beholden to ukraine than to americans. she advertise the i'll do 0, mary to stay with the story. mallory resident, christina lizzie, is an attorney with experience and litigating cases over native wine rides. she
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says there was already a housing crisis in maui and now buyers are circling to make deals. people are desperate and so there are realtors that are starting to reach out. we know some people have already sold their land back to developers. unfortunately, we have such complicated land issues here that there is a lot of titles that may not even really be valid when you go back to the initial privatization of, of where you lands and how those are passed on m by plantation owners. and when they came to was over the road. so it's a very complicated matter. we're very concerned for our residents. we have a lot of or uncles and aunts and our components that are just leaving for local families to hold onto the land and to stay. and we also have people that are, you know, understand it. it could be a great revival for the wind culture as well as people are learning to you. 13 urology as it's an opportunity for them to look back and see what land commission award was there in their family. and if there's something that they really are entitled to high to sell it already high, you know,
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there's some of the regular strip mall type buildings that had gone in on the, on the ends of the fringes of baton already. and so we know there's going to be new construction. of course, we don't have the old buildings there. so we're going to help the site really, really hard to make sure that the local communities voice is very much for me right now. it's very grass roots effort. we've got some organizations, but how the petitions going is that facebook post going out asking a warning folks, and we know that lots of are going out these different stations thing. component means elder. i'm telling people, please don't, please don't sell out. we're trying to collect the names of the people that are calling the homeowners to get the list to to get the word out. so please be careful when you get these phone calls. the mean time types of land has less central and western japan with heavy rain and 110 kilometer on our winds. it's now been downgraded to a tropical storm, but is how to come on gum murray reports,
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it's disrupt to travel across the country. the summer months here are the time for travel, but in japan, heavy rain and strong winds brought on by ty for mine are disrupting holiday plans across the country. and they have to be in school from the 17th. so there was no way i could stay in mind a little longer than applied got canceled. we have to book new flights to be at least in japan. now we taking the own i bus back to soccer, extracted international travelers to this is the 1st summer since japan downgraded cove and 19 to the same category as seasonal flu. encouraging many to visit. we had tickets for 5 festival today and really hoping to go there because it was really difficult. this thing is happening people. so we hope to trans between tokyo station and never. we are a city in central america and has been greatly reduced. many blue trains had also
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been suspended because of the storm today. around 900 flights have already been canceled this week. $90000.00 homes lost power in central and western japan. the areas hardest hit by the slow moving storm. $240000.00 people were advised with zachary areas at risk of flooding and land slides. a 110 kilometers an hour. wind speeds caused injuries from flying debris. some cities in the con site and took our regions have seen up to $300.00 millimeters of rainfall in the past 24 hours. that's more than their average rainfall for the whole of august. depends media logical agency says, ties to mind is forecast to move away from populated areas into the sea of japan. and by early wednesday, a kind of go montgomery algae, 0. tokyo funerals have been held for 2 palestinians killed and it is rarely
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rated the occupied westbank. the shooting happened in a palestinian refugee camp in jericho. in the early hours tuesday, there's been a surge of violence in the west bank was at least $220.00 for palestinians killed by his really forces. since the start of 2023. more than 20000 soldiers had hundreds of tags, have taken part in a military, prate in poland. to commemorate our forces, day celebration comes attention. grows near pole is eastern border, where rushes, wagner mercenary group, has setup base and bella rue swell. a solid bench of viewed reports from the capital. warsaw, the holdings, minute breeze flexing its arsenal and the law displayed in decades this army days to mark a 103 years since bidding the boxes of warsaw against the soviets. and it's a significant display of how billions of being spent a new equipment. since 2014 been russia onyx crime in conflict frontier. we're
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modernizing our forces, d. c. o. relocate over 4 percent of gdp on defense. we even dangerous times again, a full scale war is taking place beyond or eastern border. a war that still has no end in sight. but not every one is convinced. the opposition says the government to split the size of the military. when you set this on thoughts exclusive critics, there are those who criticize this vicious program. there are, those are lucky remind us that we are getting into debt to buy more than equipment . when i hear these voices, i only say we cannot afford to be. i do today, it is with that even before the war and ukraine colon began bolts spring, its military, the close ties between russia and neighboring. but it, who was, have been a capitalist to purchase more conventional weapons. but we'll show you some results touch with dropbox. while we won't be doing it, we thought we lived in times of small mobile armies, but it turns out that we live in an area of artillery and tank bottles pulling does a much richer country compared to 1020 years ago. however, it's still not
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a rich country in terms of military investments. the cost of buying weapons is only $1.00 3rd of the operating costs over the entire period of maintaining of the equipment. and much of the further expansion, the foolish on me will depend on how the ward and ukraine progresses. and then there's fear of it spinning into poland is likely to be support for public investment in defense, especially those at the same. i have also, i think right now there's no single person who would not think about security, especially if you have a family. always call you, our army is now strong. i personally feel safe and if needed, i would take up arms and go for more than a 100 years since the war with the former soviet union. a shadow of war still looms under pulling spell it loose border. and that is why the government continues to tell its people that it needs a strong power from army. some of the driving down to 0 or so. well, that is all for me. kimberly, how could i have the team here in doha for the moment? my the can find more on our website,
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al jazeera. com. so with this weather is next then inside stories going to examine donald trump's legal troubles and what it means for his presidential campaign to with the right former tyson land is no more the timeframe. it's still a revolving storm in the open water. it'll take civil rain up to, for example of that of all star or just the east. and it's legacy of funding goes to be there. but it's almost a throwing more or allowing more shots to come in. in a shumate flow in a good parts of japan, which is how the heat by for quite a while now. so she mentioned will not in take care much of the dryness as a consequence of all the wet thing of that is showing itself in china is don't particularly hot here or there in places it is showing, for example,
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the $35.00 for the rain is the size of the axis down towards hong kong and tie wrong because these are quite heavy right in the next day or 2. the next set aside from that there's a line more or less than the central philippines backs towards southern thailand, which could be at these winters. otherwise there's nothing to extraordinary going on here. it's gradually turning bedroom delays you an intern easier as the dry season. slowly drove us to close the mountains. soon rains are concentrating once again in west main goal because dish. uh, for example, a bit further west. hundreds ash. so i was on the drive as it was and that's 2 will . 7 park is down. there is heavy right in the door, which cruise pulls more funding for the most part. it's still dry. the latest news as it breaks up the sun later, right. the same from different pops up, the rally with due to coverage. after the government signed up,
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he said we meant with a foreign millions of heck, sort of land in this area where this toy from around the world. margaret is do think you're gamble. when they 1st talk in these over crowded, rick, if you both on that just say is such a long journey more trouble from donald trump charged on the georgias records hearing loss with trying to overturn his 2020 election defeats the joe 5. trump says the latest indictment is rick, how serious is this for him and his presidential campaign? this is inside stores, the other welcome to the program i made for instead of going to peace, have 3 criminal indictments.


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