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tv   Al Jazeera World Sisters In Song Jordan and Egypt  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am AST

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to each other on this injunction i alena too is had a bakery and keep for now she says she'll remain here the dreams of the day when she can return home, the girl at madison and don't have the top stories and all jews here. and finally, us present, donald trump has been indicted for the 4th time, prosecutors in georgia. i accuse him and his associates of racketeering. they say those listed in the indictment conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election. specifically, the indictment brings felony charges against donald john trump, rudolf william lewis giuliani. every individual charged in the indictment is charged with one account of violating george's record to your influenced and
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corrupt organizations act from participation in a criminal enterprise in fulton, county, georgia, and elsewhere. i talked to denise officials as a roadmap should be put in place to end. the conflict between the army and the bottom of the treat rapids support forces, the deputy head of saddam's, southern and cancel. malik. a guy says that a caretaker government must be formed. the fighting between the factions is now into it's 5th months. even logan has more from o'clock to he said that they were between the sudanese army and the parent minutes through rapid support forces will end on a negotiating table and said that the focus of the guard government is to end the current war. and that'd be postwar arrow will be focused on reconstruction and rebuilding state institutions. he also said that the there is a roadmap in place for
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a cease fire between the 2 where insides and that it should end with a single unified army in the nation. and had a message to the parent many to wrap it support forces, saying that they can be no 2 armies in a single country. rickamono to libya as a 444 brigade, which is linked to the country's defense ministry, has been released from detention moved homes was captured by rival forces, triggering fierce fighting in tripoli. at least 20 people to be wounded. had been reports of ongoing fighting in the capital of the funds as release for you. and the secretary general is says an armed multinational force that should be sent to haiti to restore law and order. antonio chavez has urged the security council to act. now, he says, the situation is, invite to try on the peacekeeping. gang violence a spiral since the assassination of president, juvenile, noisy, in 2021. at least 35 people have been killed in an explosion of the petrol station in southern russia. children,
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what am going to be injured in the bloss and the region of diagnosed on your yourself, of all of us following developments from las go to the local authorities that calling to the last and a mattress, the situation according to russia's ministry of health search 5 people can some data including 3 children, and holding a 100 injured. most of the injured have been taken to hospital in the hutch prolong others on the way to moscow. some 1st funerals that taken place in the republic right now. the explosion happens in august on campus omaha, chicago as a car repair shop, presumably a gas and a one of because it blew up the bloss tools to find which immediately spread onto the nearby fuel station, causing a sudden explosion of 2 out of 8 fuel tongues. that last caused a mazda 5, that engulfed modem, 600 square meters lay. so it was put house more than 600 people have donated the blood as saving people's lives as a priority. the investigation is underway. sorry about getting suspected of spying
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for russia has been arrested and charged in britain, but beginning custody since february. not really being charged with possessing fake identity documents before the police are calling improper intention. paula has been showing office military strength as it celebrates armed forces day in warsaw. holiday commemorates is victoria over the soviet union. in 1920 tension is growing near poland. eastern border where the russian wagner must have a group of setup base and by the rules. most i was responded to by deploying troops to the area you as president joe biden says he's going to travel to hawaii as soon as you can, the following criticism that he's not being to the devastated state. such operations continue in the island of bali for the remains of the wildfire victims. those are the headlines. the news is going to continue. officer alda 0 was the
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. ready of the
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now you have in this, but you you will be sure to cut off and then now yes, there any. uh you can see really confused now your your new chrome. sure. oh him and when it's really now. yeah. yeah. me, i the time you know, you kind of always disobeyed me. sorry if a lot of them, but initially it's probably vital you thought it was all hit on the how yeah, no, no, i was just calling to make a gun yet because okay, so can see much more towards the bottom when the won't come on the bus kenneth, with the engine. okay, so i know it's going swell. how. why is this the way to embrace? i'm seeing as considered in the other them. oh, talk of them. okay. see how soon the con, the image on the sooner the on see as is come on. i know now next and it has to do it stops me. none of them give it to a he that it will be be she can. um he is
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a duffy the sky, that thing so cuz usually it comes to golfing file to the new house. uh huh. and that is it security that sees little tiny site, you either must have been a to z, the home see. so they are fucked up to the spot. know is that the card did on up in hot, which has the new suit, the, to the 2 most m. c. and then we'll see if the happy file isn't much as soon as some a when the poppy wooden will see the problem and the suffering. yes. in half of the, in the when for the floor and or the 20 that and that will put that all the time
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on my as new cfo will molten, will see the web and there's deep the, the pieces. now you have to the numbers in which email i think the version on which was the village. i know what it reads you all do. it turns that are not them without the does not want to size, but i don't comment is not the soccer. oh news as useful costs as well. can i bring up? it'll be nice of all the fuckers it's and we've tentatively, i the any less than a go on the had he doesn't, michael sees ice. and that's what i had just too many. elizabeth, because it's a my last night and i never know what this is and you keep track of talking to miss ok. you know the details you have the back to assess have use of the day and do you mind with this
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issue? i was on the he and the so now i know it's out there, but now i'm is pretty much, although i should have a real hard eh, she let me keep the plot of the most of the most heavy. and then we'll either send me either, sorry, and as if you don't see you have any set up as far as the folder, let me put on the server. the name is susie, i use it because caesar obviously can send me the diamond the, the, the human the and the diamond head though to stick with diamond me agree. i me, i'm just not, it's not, it's just thought mission security on the side of the i the i any previously the admin and the ivy. so i, you leave 3 years maybe longer, and then you see the logic behind the
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scenes you for the scenario should be able to me and i see and say, i used to be a neat, i'm what i do it. and then, you know, now you have the key to, to view, how many do i'm gonna need you to know, you know, just a minute what human side is to get out of utah, shawn adams, academically. sylvia and test other forms. i had them in the print and also the now you're on sunday, the army you call it is the india here, which is just to phone to call you back and visit the neighborhood 15 installed on the side of hello. i'm a new home and have you ever de la, your students, chevy bus. pick out the now you see what's the level of need to keep it the key on the i need to to set up success. so nobody. yes, alex of the left us see if that it didn't do you need the kind of go to do need
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a theme is not gonna take him to conduct the cable here then the the, the no need to hire good the oh, the data? no, no, you just got me call the to the, to, to, to there, to do to many so to do the wireless say the to relate to the in the cutting 1000000 will simply of the letter to me is a be said that you have witnessed the people,
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but he immunotherapy will be in that you will. um, i might have been living uh in this. so we have the, the feet that the medium half empty door leave the door a lot of the, the all fucking island google. how will that? and we'll see if the vehicle not be door key or more him lea a browse in or don't was smith old on what the office in or doing with the for the out of the you little the, the senate done yet so easy and a half of that project on the side and on the eclipse,
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but the upper left instead of on the books for diamond and for the stuff i know was the other has of i dos on as if most of them have lots a project to set. you know, if you have that now. yeah. would you that's our son. it's cool. island massage, corporate. all the models are not cobra motor. nothing in the n as in who's the one folks i know according to the email kind of getting massages from my d. u mist mckenna succeeded with him, look at it my kind of to reset the attention of you don't see an eye out, look to them or send it right. cool. and then into the machine in time you send it to the flu style. it send it a 100 to sit out of you, sent us and with my scan,
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and you'd be day to monitor not for couldn't to be face, could never just couldn't, might have done cut off my job. but the see i saw this other number handy inventories, commodity the a point in time be was about tell, i know most of us this a good now i have a less what's mark on august will be asked what i, what i need probably forward to speaking to try us, tell us less then what was the difficulty models and not just stuff like i was
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difficult at them supposed to be even half locked in my last id. that is and is the was with the far as we saw the the to do. i the pleasure to be for the a best spot of the mindset because those with the i'm, we were not until many months ago. the gentleman on the national lead to plots committee live is committed to be stuck with the class. how about the the so the the to the method is to me how to do for the year.
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ok. and then your to home, mrs. remember that now you're going to know this size, but we're seeing you kind of losing the varies at the moment because which mean nathan, the units and the humans. and then visual shows that a fee to left me as well as those the pilots yakima sort of are many, morgan school might cost $5000000.00. all of the look damon and the how you live in what am it's been, is living and the whole band. so if you, when i, you know, administer this whole issue with the simple model, you want me to end up and then use them on asking for the whole, the new equipment that i keep on the new homes. and then i'm doing a, the equipment. it has, it lets us in connecticut equals the end of so that's pretty big. so then for the truck, but we do want to view the enrollment and again the number on demand and prove on how what size will be moving away in savings if someone can when,
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how we didn't receive them. can you start adding the essentials? then we'll see this one when this happens with you know that so that was, it won't, can you? well, you can add you on for setup on the on the go and i have to go, yeah, okay. and now you talked about the, i mean it was set up in the between the, the really mostly your call and how the mostly about the data. yeah. fair. and then just let you know that it, let's show about a move by sort of them. but yeah, i mean, love with mcduffie. you and have been we'll see a fall back. no, no, you have to look that up. and we'll see if uh, luke does, he may have one just the, the
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image with no. yeah, but i'm not sure, but it's sort of like a new feeling on what we need, but it's a good overview. normally in the moment, difficult to lose woman. yeah, i need and so i have a lot even to turn on. and i, if you're in the class, any motor muscle and uh the minutes, much cool. yeah, i need a demo. he bailey, and i feel that and i of, it's usually been up to that and it's all 3. and how was that human? and when he was one of my physical kind of gluten free energy salon, you couldn't, i never did get to reflect if you're highly commended, as you've had intuitive excluding my sort of intuitive, excluding of sick. i find it that fees that when the keys quit or below the i suit all in mr. i keep the houses, but at the time you leave i or those the let me show how that the god of all
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visuals. no. yeah. it was, but sort of call them a dime and i knew i'd say, well, i'm one of them i was had at the got the from the been been a been at i'm this is your easy. it is the lowest them or even others, doug. so the have the talk to him on visual field didn't have seen or they have seen one on how we move on to do it. to know the and the motors are those feeling. the one is on the face. you and the other one is visible. i saw any little has seen in know, seen when just when, what ahead of the do the have it you must be the which is the amplitude you're looking at it and for you see by the hand between that as will be you have them
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reflection as as we'll see by the school and by 6 semester, the animal to do a lot of the be knowledge and usual common somebody to me. what about the, the, the, the, the one beside them and the houses that up instead of us walk moms mother and i to be down to a flight to like, i mean, she had the knew where she was all about in switching of c a, where i mean how, when this is what ahead of time, it was, people went through it and then was drawing waterloo. oh me. hi and, and get it to is the oh,
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the universe and reading of took me from beside the make up and in the design city and annette m khatri the head. so you can try to associate with the, with these are the the hey, you haven't even, can meet them in the mean when to do for you was to leave your time you, i am going to go ahead and, you know, call the the,
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the hello . hello, is this how to seat and suzanne been in for that? matter with zip code, i mean the blue hawk, the a boss. yahoo! not how you did is you will send an easy job. the, the items the here with a sick. i mean, you and somebody's been down since the,
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the the order was the what the, what was that what i was doing the down not to even see you tomorrow and what 3 bucks a month. oh my fanatic what they meant and the besotted noise and i have a lot of high school. it's a mature the night at my desk when will lead it's going to do it. see?
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nothing has done on disposition fee, not enough to but not only that of my, of the, of strong it's because of the to would've been had, have now. um you should have issues pretty quick now. yeah, simon, had boots committed securely and no limit, but additional has i'm sure john needs to cut admissions on the somalia. we put them in there. yeah. and then you see some of it, do you have sort of seem as yeah, like the how you decide that this committee just a minute. whenever community looks, who does that is, i know you're communicating on how you decide to come on besides to me. and what i can do is we show you the
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menu button emissions harvey. secret it'd be meant that you meant to say no, i can't even see her name is when i steps with him to come in between half of the people in the house. if you want me of a lead and even for the positive,
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not one. this is the left. what is the new v v use? i can see it looks like a lot and obviously as you need. 7 the recipient so saw you t to me here. what is your mom's them and make one and one box a and i'm kind of home image for inclusion in the couldn't be be fair to come. why unit one is your my to him. my god, items the
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back to the know you know, this, the med room a, an estimate on what of, i mean it'd be that you put it in the jar, the beautiful up in the know and them and their job on the bottom and no one to know i got i love the,
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the yeah, the at this market the, that rate in eastern charge, the suit and his pound is accepted alongside the freight train. so it needs refugees that i'm able to receive for data. come here to drive. business is risk for stuff on the side, just as prizes have tripled in the past few weeks. time claims manager, dnl transportation. officials say shortage is an inflation when increased
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conditions have grown worse for local people and agencies stepping and i've never seen such a big operation. so 40 funded now we're already on the age where would we not be able to provide them a meal of the child has been pushing refugees from sedan for more than 20 years, but vital resources including food and water running. no, i mean here fear that could lead to violence between those who are being shelter and that was, it has refugees continue to cross the border. many fee attention of the people here or rise even farther. african narratives from africans perspective from david transplant took a look at that. it was in a short documentary from an african filmmakers from mommy and get on the not free samples of st. medina,
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the heritage and making her future direct on. i'll just the i don't know about this in, in doha, the top stories on all the 0 former us president donald trump has been indicted for the 4th time, prosecutors in georgia. i accuse him and his associates of racketeering. i say those listed in the indictment conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election. tom calls it a witch hunt and says he'll release a report on what he described as georgia election fraud on august the 21st top. so it needs officials as a roadmap should be put in place to end the conflict between the army and the part of military rapids support forces. the deputy head of sedan sovereign council,
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malik, i got, says a caretaker government must be formed. the fighting between the factions is now into it's 5th months. him oregon has more from cartoon. he said that the war between the sudanese army and the parent minutes through rapid support forces will end on a negotiating table and said that the focus of the govern government is to end the current war. and that'd be postwar arrow will be focused on reconstruction and rebuilding state institutions. he also said that the there is a roadmap in place for a cease fire between the 2 wearing sites and that it should end with a single unified army in the nation. and had a message to the parent to wrap it support for us to think that they can be no 2 armies in a single country. rickamono libya is 444 brick 8, which is linked to the country's defense ministry has been released from detention homes, though was captured by rival forces triggering fears. fighting in tripoli, at least 20 people were wounded,
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but have been reports of ongoing fighting in the capital of the funds as release. the you and the secretary general, the says an armed multinational forces should be sent to haiti to restore law and order. i try to go to that is urged the security council to act. now, he says, the situation isn't wise to try on peacekeeping. it's at least 35 people have been killed in an explosion of the petrol station in southern russia. children what i'm going the injured in the bloss in the region of duncan, you as president joe biden, who says he's going to travel to hawaii as soon as he can and following criticism. but he's not being to the devastated state sash operations. continuing the island of bali for the remains of the wildfire victims. and those are the headlines. the news is going to continue after all g 0 was when noon the left. the ocean
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is a good deal. but the road to be the good example is not the the the
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sites all sides. the, the help of the, the the, the, the, the,
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and then the mobile, that the animal that, that go and then that, that go in and when a to of them now cool them again, going to but who lives in the house low to the kind of food at the those that did surely, and i'm shame into like i didn't really, i'm a into lead you it's, i knew you actually they do when all the now i'm and half of ok. hi, the, this is the from the the,
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the so please look into some of them each set to can step down construct and warship. liam is still going to go ahead and buy them in the middle of the because of making you while it could be in this all my because of the night. so good luck, approval, daughter for them to eat was been on a lot of i need it and then i'll somebody message but send them. i'm sick to ship all i had got because the pay up sort of hard let me think leg. so i do the nothing i would call them but i have to look that up then you're out of so hondo. so say that a fist move by the end zip tool, but then it's the post to get uh the template. the cit, the so i can admit, is it any i'm gonna have to drop it off. this does have a home visit with the line item. i cool any feeling about the message? it's not nice of michael f instead of must seem kind of some of the by the me said
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the yeah the the the, the, the city to get it to minutes the due on the issues book and he eyes and then it is exhibit alumini. ok. the fastest, because we do have i would show to columbus out there. so hard to get out the below did he did good. this is just change the game. this within the, in the deed by society would to us for the
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the. c the the, the new him, the thought on this, i think in the center for a name, the other 9090 most and come on and walk out of donia more then also to some names mentioned kasheila. some of his good can. i was going to buy some uh, i just have to hyphen, went to a data listed what the dates are,
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has the number to look through that, okay, from the health dental, which would be the one that has been the probably had them up has to come from the good news the the, the the, the, the
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. 7 the, the, the where the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the city nissans and if any, one of this kind of a 100, any, oh, you feel competent as well, but fluids kind of go away. i know ok. the 1st the deflect of the furnace. fucking . i actually sat in the kitchen, then i do a better she other than i should as i live, i much the so there's a lot of has a, has added to, to you and i let you have sci fi and it has it. and then a lot less than a, so i have a look up in sun. i'm everything you love, how big we for 6 committed. and then i, if i live on a queen, costs i leave been for include,
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and the last that assisted in the most and then an issue. and i sure if you know, now would you call i'm, it is a assess the mania titled him. and what about the models? we see the a lot the side the . 2 2 pointed to the i made in a city. yes. from us that a little my but then data for a now i left at the mazda the that a yeah. the that isn't much to my via salvas today is the 30 most good for noon. the as
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a food being should or less than what 5 said they need and you get that a the can, can they me out with what you had when you come running? the thing for the us that is that enough to sit that when i send, if call would, would know more about the santa mission, most of them is as yeah, yeah, yeah, that average coordinating with the late to get that for good domestic the 1st then you couldn't proceed session and then the bottom of let's see. so how many of them in my administer that that, that manually can say that will give me when was the last that you any better but pack giving feedback. i love my chord, she luck. sure. if i will, you know, said lot michael and she, mux, you, i, we,
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and he quoted hagar denise was, i'm, and most of you with neat been the the, the theme of the movie sma to remove the, the, the so the so called the testing. and this has been a good the,
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including, including most of the now but on. but on most the day i'm, was that the flu shot, mcgroon, and mazda that menus will lose 50 before the he'd and then her falls, idaho. i mean, the lowest job or most who in the house was on the administrative name, she little thought of the the in the end is
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a good bet. no. and then the houses you outlined for include in most cities. and then the i need is what she's easy for to quit or must city for to last. most of the team has suddenly mean words and then one of the, of the outside a why live, who lives the day sending during the day i live will by the, the, the, by the by, by the land cottage who was you 50 the stuff set them yeah, that'd be the does she med building? is that that, that building that? yeah. that, that building that. yeah. well i mean the much so the really and was this machine. how did when yeah, i mean,
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nothing. do i had that? what do you mean by the set set? was that like the a statement of the that was 7 to get my letter of i have the sentence and have sent a whole portion dining and a death in my head. when then, a commission, i'm seeing where the, what, what he said l. v to him and get the pull between the muslim as month, the goldman had them the later in the interest they, me to handle all of
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a way into they previously for technology for whole beyond you need my dean pay for what do you buy? the nice home on a, the, my home book about at one and then the default i told you on the, on the, i'm gonna walk a whole us and i'm headed to why don't drop it on the, for the any. and i'm going to open any, get that hold on one moment please. what color the color modem and by the name inside that them to, to get a look on. well, 3rd, if i didn't know this for you, well, but didn't go to the side to look and hello, do you have the name of the phone? and i'm gonna have to look for an update on how middle home, but someone looking to, you know, i the stop, i mean, i guess i do the numbers on the. so our problem actually, well because that i had a thought the doctors are going to christmas 1st off to data goodness, i feel like they are most of them. and so i thought the but, and the sort of the last letter on the, the 2nd money by mistake is i'm showing the image i could wish i would love
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to get it. it's the, the tech study pointed much like any. yeah, because i wasn't good. but i'm good, load them in this english, flooded with them in the universe. i'm because there's, i mean, how to code don't have. yeah, i just did the model on the top level. so how to go so yeah, i'm in the, i'm in the states. hola. yeah. need it depend on it and see the me look, i'm going to well, the next. so give the of the others sure to call you what have you, who necessarily, but not soon as a model vanessa as either we would we implemented the name by the signal, nibbling investment of goodman, not cool moons, some of the coolest it didn't rely and so you guys own, she goes though, and she goes most of that in a 2nd. i'll let you guys know that i need to in a moment. yeah. i know i'm with editors. i know i've looked online that the whole mobile services there and yet,
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i mean it would apply by the montgomery. i would make sure that those are with the law facilities your own would say that they bought mama with you, but the old you will soon the bus that the new list to the . 2 the . 2
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the the, the unfinished in a few minutes. the main site is denny and i them use it for 30 methods on moon. a good number. 16. the live now middle must haine c. d non page it hold of
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a little gets monthly the he knew the unit which i wasn't sure to give you to get of this. i didn't have internet that get, she doesn't have it and it will be on. they said on the, on the human, then a put in the coma. if i had an apartment home, i had to come see him, but the had been one of the papers from the one about the cup. i heard that you called on august 15th the motion and then a little since the other. i mean i gave it to you by september 1 as well that i get the new baby decided well that i am in
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the . * the, the, the the, the, the of
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the . c the . # 6
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the public to sit in, you said at the what the said that gets you that. but then that by not lot in my head as a note that i live in a, in a i love a beautiful include for include in, in black cloud. but yeah luck of this. that in the most of the sit. yeah. like
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the the, the on
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the toilet to 6 tours and trade has found this back off to display the pest demick during travellers from around 101 east investigate how wonderful children are islands, child 6 tourism industry found you 0. i'm charles. done doing their rates are behind the sides. dramatize podcast from i'll just here to investigate, re here from some of history's blogs, notable women, and unconventional and extraordinary office. i am free that gun, no communist revolution of everyone in china, new my state. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these. and 6
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of hindsight is out. know, subscribe way. if you listen to comcast, the brought to you by visit capital. well, the last cold front of a light is cold front of its way through west australia is this one here which will bring some rain of significance. it has more significance, further east than the immediate future on wednesday. the last front is this one. he has left the legacy of a few shots up the coast of the south wells in queensland, and then you'll see the readings coming to adelaide melvin. typically in victoria ej or exist, i put a closer look and i will get a bit closer means is cold enough will shows it's cold enough to bring some welcome snow to the victorian outs. would have been a bit short this season. now, in new zealand, pretty picture and have the sun's back out this that was full, was probably looking beautiful. that suddenly breeze means it's not exactly what
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$111.00 degrees and cry search more or less where it should be. the heaviest brain around the central philippines. maybe finance humanizing more particularly bits of thailand and western being marked off as heavy as it was the sol so might be some flesh or something from that. that probably is just typical weather for this time. yeah. as these are tie, see no longer typhoid and let us know, trust a good path of central japan is now over the open volta, but at least behind a legacy of very shoot me the assets 34, he made degrees and sherry in japan, but drive to the west the west brought to you by visit castle. it's not showing you here is coming over our heads from russian positions and a new cranium. positions. civilians have been standing about how they were directly targeted as they were trying to sleep. we've seen some of the residents come out of the building with that possessions in suitcases by substantial safe anymore. what happens on that day is
12:00 am
a will cause region across the lines and know that the level of destruction here proof just how fast the fighting has been in recent weeks, this russian or multiple in a street has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries. the . the hello, i'm about to send, and this is the news i live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. donald trump is charged with rock interiors. prosecutors accused him of conspiring to overturn his 20 to 20 election defeats in the us state of georgia. he calls it which calls for the road map that could lead


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