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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 14, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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in record numbers last one way for the government to convince small people to state would be to get most of people's place the the for the, for on and this is a news our life from door ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. neesha is clearly to say they will prosecute the deposed president for high treason, sparking fee is of an escalation neighboring but kinda fi. so along with molly of said the penny military intervention, initiated by echo us, would be a declaration of war on those countries to authorities and yvonne make more arrest following sundays attack. what a prominent she is trying and should arise. hawaiians governor wants the death toll
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from catastrophic law. 5 on molly could rise from 96. a search team scowled down neighborhoods. also the heading cost of last year, spots and pockets thought enjoyed by women and goes and what's being done to address the rise in cases of sexual violence. and i'm signing how much with the sports and nehemiah set to become the latest big name it to move to the solid. the probably all highlighted have reportedly agreed. $100000000.00 fee would probably sounds almost for the person in the that is $1500.00 g m t. the african union has met to discuss the unfolding crisis and the share with a cool a to say they have enough evidence to prosecute the deposed president for high treason or the honda statement, which was both cost on national television detailed multiple charges against
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mohammed buses. if found guilty, he could face the death penalty. nevermind media of the us as you lose the government of needs. you have to date, gather the necessary evidence to prosecutor before the confident national and international authorities, the ousted president, and his local and for an accomplice as be some of the high treason and undermining the internal and external security of nisha. following his exchanges with the national was a 4 and a heads of state and heads of international organization biology. those accusations k miles off to religious scholars from neighbor and nigeria met nisha is military leaders. the head of the delegation told algebra that the hunter is willing to hold direct holds with west african regional block. echo was. regional sanctions are already hosting one of the wills pores nations with roland power cards. but while they have been protests in favor of the democratically elected president, mountain detention, this is for support for the crew lead,
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as well as the civic. i feel as if there was high treason. she's the one who committed the biggest trail. you really can't bury him. the military have seen it all, and there really has to be just, this is the. so what we're going to is not a big chunk. because when you look at the army, let's face it does not bode holy. but there will blige to work together and should do so for the good of new year and a bright future for the country. there was a lot of uncertainty about president positives phase as regional powers pushed for his release. off of the doors explains from the nigerian town of cut cnn near the border with nisha. a lot of observers confused as to what is going on in this. yeah, uh simply because most of the calls and meetings between preston, mom, advisor and folding lead is that the military is doing, tell you stroking about or something by the ministry itself. and does it take, for example, the meeting between the president of todds, how much interested in the early days of the quote when he was sent here by the
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when he was sent to me here by the community of west african states that was sanctioned by the military and they met with the military as well as president present himself, the other corners, or the other people who called president mohammed by them includes the united dish and 2nd for general, antonio gutierrez, the president of browse, as long as the secretary of state of the united states of america. so a lot of people think that this could be apologize been played by the military in new jersey republic to strengthen their homes so that whatever negotiation that is about to happen will give them an age so that they could also use preston by them as a bargain into what st. louis play out in previous middle military course in the region in malia and possible, as well as junior. so people are wondering what is going to happen next. right now we understand that a african union has also met and will decide on what next line of action after the
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expiration of each deadline to the coordinators image. also, with a rising cases of a type of image here on sunday, there was an attack on the military base of 2 of 7 people that are concerns that people image will be wondering what the military is doing about just because that's just one of the reasons why they said they coffee intervene to take control of government from mohammed buzzle. how many degrees i'll just get us catching up. now jerry, let's get more on this. now. we're joined by mussa condo. he's the executive director of this a hell institute, and he's joining us from bom ago and neighboring molly, thank you very much for your time. i'm 1st say what do you make of the army saying that they have enough evidence to charge the deposed president with high treason or yeah, thank you so much for having me here. uh so now the question is uh, vehicle wise is putting more pressure in with getting to the point of a military intervention. so for sure. uh the june. so i would find,
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getting creative ways to get by zoom in the middle of june and it was search and uh, forwarded to you in a situation where everyone was thinking his life would be in danger. he saw it for a while and international partners we decided to intervene military in new jersey. what, how our portal is. yeah. please continue. yes. know like who is going to shedding this persecution and for what reason or what, what is the target of a is a clare task department and fair procedures at hall right now in new jersey. i would definitely say no. okay, one of the reasons that the army has sizes for taking pallet is the the t racing security situation. and if you look at the numbers, this a hell had one percent of global debts from the groups and 2007 and that number went up to 43 percent in 2002. do the military men who use a pallet do they have a point when they say that governments haven't gone on to groups in the region on
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the control of really no, because people are getting uh in the cold for different reasons when it happened. even bothering can we cannot possibly get it and nothing in new j, everyone would find it pretty creative way to justify nicole. so a lot of people tend to publish and we're just rely and support them for the 1st 3 or 6 months and picking the things on the ravens as, as the colleagues just mentioned, we had started in the, in new jersey killing more than 28 soldiers in a couple of days. so just to say disagree, the point is that it is an issue like everyone is sharing. but what is the, the way this solution to solve it? and also the arms solution in the, in this, the, how the region. okay, so you're saying, so even though the security situation, the issue is of very real that the ministries in the region have used it as an
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excuse to take power. but nevertheless, what is the way? because if again, we look at the numbers, what is the way to address these problems that the middle trees are using as reasons to take over control? yeah, definitely the, the security problem is dealing with reality. and since the beginning of the g 5 dealership use, the site organizations have put this in the temple like military. also, it would not be the solution because the problem with facing is the capacity level of the home to be able to recruit younger fighters. you know, our communities in the community is all around discounters, so the house or is mandatory one side, but also how can, so the social, the basic social needs of this population, whatever to leave and especially in the pre orders modeling, working in new jersey. so just to find it in new jersey, what is security?
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is it usually easiest thing, but when it's typically renews, you're going to printed the caseload doing really now in terms of the security and the attack in the jazz combining to the past few years. okay, how do you expect echo was to react to what's happened to initiate today? oh, i expect. how do you expect echo was which has been saying that options are on the table, that they will take minutes, that they will intervene militarily as a last option to restore the democratically elected president. how do you expect them to respond off of the army has said that they could be charging the deposed president with high treason. yeah, i think personally, i'm not for the military division in news yet because the pollution will suffer more than the one in the power. but at the end of the day, we have to do something and doing something means we have to really put everything
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in trouble as vehicle. one of the options is often if the military guys, they don't think they have the best solution to bring the country. but in the right track and come back to its increase of why they just not resigned for military and run for president's as everyone and when it and then implement the solution for us up to molly, which you know, fossil gimme a new jump. now what, what would be the next? so this is a question and we already know is not about putting it facing or putting 100 millions of dollars in the pounds. we can solve the problem because the problem is, solution needs, deluxe, everything. you know what areas, what includes who include your kitchen would include a security. most of going to come to get sure. yeah, i understand that as most a condo of base, a health institute joining us live from bama co. thank you very much for your time . thank you so much. thank you. there was mountain concerned among west african
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states that a military intervention against coordinators in asia could woodson and already difficult issue mountain terran and security situation in this a have a region that struggles against the groups like i so then i'll call you to charles try such reports from is a bill near the gone over king of fossil border. these women and children, or a tiny fraction of the more than 5000000 people. the un says a flight, a tax, but all groups across the hill region of west africa. in recent years, they show through in these refugee receptions can near the border between government and looking a sponsor, a look me say escaped today. religion became at 5. so with a 7 children, she describes that day in my last up to know. we were on the farm when the shooting starts, as we tried to run to the village, but the shooting was too intense. as we ran, we so many dead people. we were very afraid luck. my says the children haven't seen
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their dad since the day they fled a lamb come yet, but we will with my husband when they started shooting. but we lost him as we ran. i don't know where he is now. we hope he's still alive, so we can come here to the con, the gun and river g agency plans to build a camp for 6000 more refugees close by. but there is growing concerns fine, maybe running out of to the west african regional block eco us strengthens new jersey to leaders with ministry intervention. as a last result, they don't match the civilian rule neighboring but kinda fi. so along with molly, you've said that any military intervention image by echo us would be a declaration of war on those countries too. so they're increasing phase that in a situation like that, all i'm groups like i so i know try it. i could take advantage of the situation which could potentially mean files and small refugees flooding into countries like
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going to and others. right? the way across the ssl region. the forward to say they all preparing for the worst . we're watching this reason watching to see what's going to happen. we, we, we hope that that doesn't get where so i was bon us. so some people predict but we are, we're on the lookouts and we're talking to all the necessary dentistry people of industry agencies. the old groups of cubes, thousands of people across the civil region in recent years, echoing says, the security situation of a keen of paso and molly deteriorated in the 1st 6 months of this year. and that was before to going to a neighboring countries already struggling to cope a brace to potentially thousands more people fleeing across borders for their lives . charles, profit, elders 0 is gone at the teen assessor border on the pen timor head on the news,
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all including saddam's talk minutes really makes a read. tell them why speech choosing the arriving power milledgeville, worth of new clients will find out why argentina's fall, right? is taking the lead in the presidential primaries and manchester united to show the metal the head of the new season sun on looks ahead to the penny and the goes the the desk told in hawaii is devastating while science has reached 96 with the government of saying that number is going to rise. officials say the efforts to find and identify the dead during the early stages. residents are concerned about speed and the extent of federal aid. many of taking matters into their own hands and organizing health. she have a time to join the convoy of medical practitioners and kind of poly. gonna have sarah, raise your hand, sarah, dr. sarah, your allow me
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a here has gather the group of doctors, nurses, and mental health counselors in a call park just outside the official exclusions there and it's been set up around behind there. this is going to be a mind. the plan is to drive a convoy through the military check points, guarding the area to help those have not evacuated west maui, and to supplement the federal aid efforts. they're starting to realize that they don't have the resources, the capacity or the relationships in the community. so really effectively meet those needs and, and it's the people coming together, taking care of each other as we've always done here in hawaii. because the way drives through the bones, how the devastation of liner this area remains closed off. as the search continues for human remains, what becomes clear is how will the court of the high end that has been destroyed? life goes on in close proximity all around it. even the water, electricity, and communications have been cut off for many of the medics humble ended up here in the central area where relief is being sold. license for those in the area is why
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the calls we all don't want to meet the whole neighborhood of people who just don't understand. it is a certain point. if they were to leave, they wouldn't it's something that we've heard from so many who flooded the area. the suspicion, the rebuilding behind may not be as benign a process as the governor and other officials that will be we've been removed constantly over and over and over by the plantations. now, by the over development, by the tourist industry that we have this disaster. and there's all this open land, it's like people are seeing dollar signs. somebody said yesterday, lime is going to be the new way. uh, which is a, you know, a very sort of fancy money area on the south side. and i have to say it will be over my dead body. my standing, the ground here. i'm to through mutual aid. the community is pumping
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a mocker in the ground. she ever time see out, is there a kind of a poly? now we say if you, if you now we're at least 26 people have been killed and a drawn strike in the um, honda region, local media says the strike hit the town of fennel salaam on sunday. it follows weeks of fighting between the army and rebels. known as final, the group of chooses, the federal government of trying to we can i'm how is local administration? and the if you, if you in human rights commission says hundreds of people, mainly ethnic i'm horace, have been arrested in the capital, addis ababa. let's get more on those were joined by tail drawers to fit his chairman of the um, honda association of america and an advocate for the amara people is joining us from charlotte, north carolina. thank you very much for your time. so see what you're hearing from people who you're in touch with in hara about what's going on there. to thank you for your heavy and your program. uh elizabeth uh, sweetie. unfortunately, it was happening in the entire region right now. this is a work that should never have happened in early april prime minister at the and i
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decided to send this military into the origin to this farm and dissolve, we are we, you know, special forces. this wasn't without the consultation with the 100 people. this was a unilateral decision by abby and that and also unconstitutional. what resulted was, i'm how also got to be getting cold yesterday this action. but in addition to that idea, and then began to attack finals in the region which are very popular, but by the people who were there to defend, as far as that goes to teepee village and vision. and then i'll be on the be to a risk douglas of generalist politicians. human rights activist. now including our on members of charlotte. okay, uh this morning, later, recently the past 2 weeks abby, i started using drones, heavy artillery and james hill cities. thousands of civilians are reported to have been killed, as you said in the printer to sell the 70 amara civil use have been killed. and so
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the goals are being used across the region right now by advertising that okay, you are using the word war. i mean the, if you, if you and government recently ended a wall with a to dr people's liberation front. what about prime minister documents concerns that as long as they are regional defense law says they will be this unity in the country a little this, this war on the teeth and uh, you know, between the 2 piano were not the horses door between i'd be on the t p a that a little more overpower and to be frank up it is, but we never felt the was over because we felt and got and forgot what to be over and forgot to piece to come to your yeah. that all stakeholders came down were needed to be kept together in an inclusive manner to how and that things solution. and that can disassociate of possibly disagreements. there was an agreement between the tea and the administrator and excluded the people as well as the people who
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got negotiation. and we weren't at that time, the war will continue. because the suspicious about somebody said that these, the guys have not beside us in our region, we've never saw that. so the, the fighting had continued in our region. and it's unfortunate if there was really an inclusive process that included all stakeholders with. i don't think we would do what we are right now. you know, unfortunately. okay, and i would ask right now, you know, elizabeth is for the international community, and that's exactly what i'm going to ask you about. because there are human rights organizations including human rights watch saying that despite the, the girl invited them since they have been documenting that if you, if he is regional, the international partners have remained launch the sign. and we know that the us secretary of state and he blinked and split the prime minister abi recently, who has leverage with the ethiopian government to resolve this fighting a full, i mean, the international community of the united states, you know, government has rather leverage of the unit, not the united nations as well for you. if you in partners they can, you know, uh,
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you know, stop any loans or a built in the world bank and the i in there to go to the address that he's desperately needing, you know, hard to trust you. right now. they can kind of be on the bus actually, himself, and also the military general in his administration and other public issues that are you know, really taking part in these attacks against the people. so there is quite a bit of delivery of the i see all she reported the, you know, put out a statement wanting that hospitals and clinics in the region. i know running out of supplies and not able to care for the wounded and the sea sick. so we really desperately need for the international community to come together with a single voice condemn. i'll be on that for the attack against a possible use. hold him accountable demanded for his deep i'm high region and push for negotiated settlement. if this does not happen,
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this is what it's going to be on the on how we just to go, you'll be out and eventually the water corner as okay, that is tail drawers to face of the heart association of america. thank you for your time. thank you. for having me to sit down now and the military chief has promised on xavier and support for his people during the rest speech. the army and power ministry rapid support for this. as of now, been fighting since mid april. millions of people have been affected is more of what the army chief had to say. as well as the know what time you send out via show you and the whole the, the, um forces will remain the same as it has been throughout the community. and then you had all the history, okay. even the remaining professional, the forest of science with the choice of the people, the district, the domain that i deal with, the state of law, no democracy, i need to do so. now what i've done to the morgan reports from costume there's been numerous initiatives and processes long by various size,
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whether they are national bodies and political parties here incident or by external law, active and regional bodies trying to end this conflict and relaunch a political process that would end the conflict, but the army is not a part of any of those political processes that are currently employed and going, including one that is under way right now. and it's above. but if you, if you and capitol, which includes the forces of freedom in change coalition and other political parties that signed an agreement to form a civilian government in december last year. so yes, they are talks up by the military to handle the power to an elected government until that to bring to power uh, or defendable power to a government that is representative of all the political parties and the groups here incident. but so far, the army is yet to officially engage in any kind of software initiative that's with and the conflict politically with the political parties here in the country. the ron has blamed, armed with iso for sunday's attack on a prominent she a shrine,
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who before nationals has been arrested. the shooting happened to be shot your dog shrine and the southern city of chavez surveillance voltage has a mode showing the moment the attack opened. fine, at least one person was killed and 7 others injured police rest of the 1st suspect within hours. the 2nd attack on the shrine in less than a year series tell you, these terrorists are trying to take revenge from uranium because of the heavy hits . that is then a good public and space security forces have inflicted on the evil line of terrorism in the past years. busy dosage bar is following developments from fed on the head of or onto the sure hold on jose. and as a said that the, another 8 men have been arrested in connection to this attack. and with the government that makes 9 people who were involved in coordinating and carrying out there's what the government to your calls a terrorist attack at shot your off my shrine in the city of charles on sunday
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evening. as the officials have identified the gunman as a native of tajikistan, and he is identified as a rama to a lot, nor is up now the because you cost on foreign minister has been speaking with the russian news agency service. sputnik saying that this country's interior and ministry has not received any documentation from irena and officials about the identity. identity of this gunman for them to verify whether or not that is in fact his name and his identity can be verified as it touches native iran. and patrick hassan have had corporations for many, many years. and iran is the 2nd biggest investor in touch because don after china. and it was one of the 1st countries to establish an embassy in december after tajikistan declared independence in 1991. for now, officials, i've been saying, including the spokesperson of the revolutionary guard, that there are a many spite agencies involved in this attack. and the main goal is to so
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a division between iran and its neighboring countries. the investigation will continue and we will wait to find out the nationality of the other 8 man who have also been identified as for nationals the door. so safari, alta 0, there on an increasing number of migrants in refugees are in need of health on the poland versus border even with the affordable, well equipped with motion sensors and cameras move microns have attempted to cross this. you will so accuses men's cause encouraging a legal border crossings to destabilize the country, but it's bringing on corresponded to salma, been job if he's joining us live from will. so when you've just returned from the border area between poland and value versus salma, what are people they're telling you when we visited the board with a 187 kilometer long fence, which is a, as you said, equipped with motion sensors and cameras on is going to be manned by 10, but 10000 soldiers in the next few weeks and months according to the polish
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government. but it is as much humanitarian issue as it is a security issue. and we've been speaking to people who been helping those refugees crossing from the valuation side. obviously the police company maintains that the issue of by grants has been politicized and recognized by the government in better use. and they are tried doing all the time. but you have to know that this is also a time for hi paula. picking this is electioneering season. the government is trying to show its electric that it is doing on the con. so people that were helping the refugee, the thing that this board defense has not worked is actually ending up. and people getting wounded more than more people are coming through. they've been telling us hiring tales, tales of children and women in the elderly who have had to scale this above via on top of defense and a breaking limbs in the process. we spoke to one such activists and who told us that this is poland, 1st line of torture,
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against migrants and refugees. a cold hungry, often injured from those conditions of person for refugees on the poland. but it was for the aid workers inactive as called dispense poland, 1st line of torture, seen a huge increase in people with serious medical conditions since there was been billed with. some of the beginnings of this world will not suffer migration. and it doesn't stop anyone from, from crossing the border and there are many people who loves their lives in this forest. and people who are lost about the compared to, for example, met the 3 and see if it's still relatively safe. the police government says defense is important to stop what it considers. indeed, because migration gets to feeling thousands of additional troops on the border. but so far this, the $19000.00 people have attempted to cross that's higher than the total number last year. and it was only active, a school started bringing help to people in need. and we need to many people from many, many places, people who sleep countries,
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however difficult difficult economic situation or countries, or it's very much related to a difficult situation in the country of origin of people. and i'm off for doing for you as, as you said last 2 months we see many people from saddam, it started legal to help people. but activists face charges such as helping smugglers when they try to provide a to refugees. and one time when border guards found me and my friend and before as they kicked her really hard noon these people and the forest hor extremely terrified, exhausted. quite often sick needs. so didn't eat or, or drink water for many, many days. you give them these very basic stuff and then you have to leave them in the forest quite the 9th. when we go to the place. yeah. turns out that nothing we had. so it would have been enough because the person has been that's already he's
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been dead for at least similar hours. and well, during the swans, the southern was the worst experience that i've had. what's your government's do? what is the perfect solution? i don't think the answer is to decrease migration. i think we have to start printing of, of this world as you know, some part of the search and people have the right to and other people don't. so why do polish people migrate to u. k or united states everyone deserves living in a safe place. everyone deserves opportunities or for education. everyone's deserves to sort of a home and to have their human rights respected. and until that happens, people will likely continue to risk lives to find safety and a better future. it's always been driving down to 0. we have a vague product and a salma. another story that we've been covering from that poland to better was florida, was the presence of russian medicine race from the washington group. and now we're
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hearing that people in poland to being arrested on espionage charges for distributing wong, this because as well, since this a mutiny which happened in russia, the walk through a group has been in by the rules and they've been conducting exercises just to about 10 kilometers away from the polish border and in relation to that the pollution parties have arrested these 2 people, one in warsaw or the other one in crock of where they were in possession of thousands of leaflets. and according to the prosecutor were being paying thousands of pounds a do not just distribute these defects, but also involved in leaving the stickers. the scanner scan codes as the, as well as the wagner logo, is where the sticker said that we're here and join us. so obviously it is a very important issue for the polish government and policy, the security officials who's feared that wagner might use these routes being used by migrants to enter into poland. but also once again, this is also at,
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at the time of hyperlinking. this is a time of election, this is the time of electioneering. and all of these issues are being used by the ruling party to tell people that there is a real threat. they are tracking down on it and people should vote them into power again. if the one safe board is introduced, migration a some a thank you for that. that is a sama been jotted live and we also aid agencies and pockets on have reported an increase in sexual assault. and the aftermath of last year of slots, especially on children. eunice, this is one way to help survivors and prevent future abuse is by investing in rule education. same bus robbie reports from the southern sense province where the floods came and never left abandoned villages now dot the landscape from southern park is done since the products damaged buildings are all that's left of the school . a once thriving community, reduced to a swap,
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to help families recover. yulusef is focusing on creating safe spaces for women and children. they have become a place to deliver services and raise awareness about hygiene and social issues. does that sound okay? i'm not, it's not affected, but in terms of child protection, there were a number of cases among our floods affect the children such as rape cases where kids would run away from home looking for food. but they wouldn't know if a person was going to give them food or abuse them. community outreach programs encourage people to come forward. and more incidents are being reported if any and see didn't got farther than happened in the community. so the 1st thing which is coming is a shame for the week them, they call it that there must be a reason. that's why it's happened to him. so we are disclosing that thing and we have for one thing, a redness, the, it's not an individual issue. so we need to highlight and we need to probably give a protective environment to over citizens. so we are open to discussing this things
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and we are shipping to the people who are doing these kind of x. many of the children here, especially girls, are going to school for the 1st time to change mindset on child marriage and child labor. trust must be earned. hoppey community itself is people don't want to educate their girls where there is a male teacher. they don't feel comfortable. the advantage of a female teacher is parents give permission more easily for the daughters to go to the school. they feel more comfortable with them. nearly half of all children in flood effected areas, show signs of trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. these schools are a space for them to develop coping mechanisms and to hear pre floods. classrooms were not this similar to rudimentary structures like this one. these tents are a real upgrade, and the next step is brick and mortar school houses. successful education programs in rural areas, the un says can empower an entire generation. enrollment has increased by an
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estimated 300 percent compared to before the places that offered young people a better future. but also give children a chance to be children zane bus route. the ultra 0. now there was son, sins, province focused on it's still a head on the news. allan thousands of people are still trapped in the indian state of financial for they shopped to venture rains, hit the region, and the west indies, cricket has, and the 7 year wage someone has extra, some big game of india. and this, the, however, we've got more very well, the sun shot across central parts of south america, lost the clear skies
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a little by the front that just making his way away from area temperatures picking up once again in a sense, in 32 celsius over the next couple of days, warming up in santiago, some very wet weather down into central and southern parts of chile at present. and the more widespread but not quite as heavy as we go one into tuesday. type of just pick up in point of service which is day cooling off in santiago, a lot of dry had settled weather into those central pos of south america with the shop of showers up towards the carrot being, i mean, the caravan, the wet weather will be across the western side of the region, lots of shall cloud coming in there into central america. in particular, a scattering of showers, the across the artist, maybe the sounds a little more wise, but a little heavier into cuban patriots in jamaica too. as we go on into tuesday, but such on his shower was able to go see snobs, some parts of mexico, western areas say some shops as fund 3 down polls coming for fund. we down post to into northern. i'm central parts of the us just around the place, pushing down across the high valley right down towards the tennessee valley easing
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further east, which over the next couple of days. meanwhile, is very, very warm for the pacific northwest. the, the frank assessments $3000000000.00, is it going to be enough to get back is known as economy back on track. the short answer is no informed opinion, just for those who are attempting to flee to chat. how dangerous is that? the journey is incredibly difficult. for many people to manage to get out, but it's a great cost in depth analysis of the days headlines, questions really, who controls that goes on? an outer space in the future will be governments for won't be big part of the corporations. an individual super wealthy billionaires inside story on al jazeera. when the news breaks, the story of this village is the same as many of us spread across the eastern front line. no electricity, no running water when people need to be heard. and the story needs to be told this children are unable to go outside. inside is extreme. you help with exclusive
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interviews and in depth reports, lowest people expected. it's be wide. so all together by now i'll just see right, has teams on the ground to bring you more award winning document trees and live nice the the watching the news out with me. elizabeth toronto mendoza. reminder of our top stories, the south region is military. he says it has enough evidence to prosecute detained . president mohammed presumed for high treason, but there was deposed interest is offered the military to power by force. the death told in hawaii devastating wall fonts has reached 96 official say the assets to
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find in identify the dead or in the early stages. people on the island of molly is searching for relatives and emergency shelters. and iran has blamed onto his eyes. so for sunday's deadly attack of prominence she a shrine surveillance for such as a mode shown the moment the attack opened. fine, and the city of sheriff's coming one person argentina is coming through the pace of his drops by almost 18 percent off to a 5 rise candidate, one. the primary election economist hobby had been a default expectations by taking more than 30 percent of the votes. toys and by reports from the side is no surprise. we solve heavy, emulate the far right candidate, who calls himself a lie on one. the most votes in the primary elections on sunday with promises to revolutionize argentina's economy. it's almost a friend as the wheel facing the end of a model of the cost
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a model based on the atrocity that says where there is a need. there is a right of an aberration that is called social justice because it implies an unfair treatment before the law. a model that translates into an enormous deficit malays compared to donald trump. and once $2.00 rise the economy and shut down the central bank. argentina has been struggling with an economic crisis for many years, and people are disenchanted with politicians who i failed to address the problems that they faced every day among the very high inflation. there's frustration varies . and that's why people are in desperate need of change. the send the right candidate by the sound we would reach a former security administer and political activist in the 19 seventy's just to many votes to heavier, emulate. bullied says she also wants to help transform argentina. it's almost in this urgency. now we are upset without being able to feel to project,
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but we also have a reason to celebrate and this is the possibility to lead a profound change in argentina. the ruling coalition was punished by voters for accident that at the front of them is and vice president, christina, fernandez. the coach now won't be running again. their coalition held responsible for the country's economic terminal made worse by the endemic and the drought. we're going to fight until the last minute because we all show that an argentine at work, our rights and public education need to be defended and that cannot be changed. presidential elections are 2 months away, but the primary show people's feelings across the country. many i tired and are willing to vote for anyone that will promise radical change daily. so we'll just see that when a fight is and theresa is joining,
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as long as from where the site is now and given the stage of origin. tina's economy, theresa is malays success. and the primary election being seen as a protest vote against the traditional political parties. well, most certainly everyone here is trying to recover from the shock of the sundays we saw is people here kind of believe it. how a candidate from the far right. like have you had any leg got a wrong 30 percent of the votes? a man who promises to dollar rice on economy like origin. tina's wants to shut down the central bank. he blames for the high inflation that he's, this country has been struggling to a matter of questions. for example, free public health care and education. something that are continues are very, very proud of. and what explains what happened is the economic situation in the country and this, this enchantment that this has generated with traditional politicians. a country
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that for many, many years now has been struggling with very high inflation, with at least 14 different types of exchange rates that have a very big impact on the economy within increasing crime, among many other things. and certainly this is what, what shows the support that has increased for hobby. i'm really when you go to very poor neighborhoods in argentina and you talk to people there, they tell you that they're not afraid about what could happen if you haven't really makes it to the presidency because they have already lost it all. they're already struggling with around a 120 percent inflation rate in the past year, and then they have nothing to lose. and this is one of the reasons that explains what has happened in this country on sunday. yeah, he's got the highest votes from people, but his one hasn't had a positive effect on the countries come and see teresa as well. that's correct. and even though come, you had to be late is seen as a pro markets candidate. the measures that he's proposing are so radical for
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a country like argentina. this is already having an impact on the corner. we are doing time. bones are down the u. s. power outlet in markets has gone up and seems unstoppable towards the face. so this is a country that has a complex web of exchange wave controls. the government evaluated the currency this monday, around 22 percent, something the many, many fewer with have bigger rooms that toner, ready, a very high inflation rate in the country. and it has also raised the, the, the index here in argentina. so it's a very, very complex scenario. argentina has been negotiating with the international monetary fund. it's desperately work a waiting for a disbursement over on $745000000000.00. i need to accomplish scenario for economy ministers set up. so my son will last 2 months to go and we're not very bold. i'd highly corner me until the presidential elections out here of hers in october. teresa, thank you very much for that to raise the bar live and when a side is some members of the f. b. i have arrived in ecuador to help investigate
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the murder of the anti corruption presidential candidate fernando. via visa and see you in the last televised presidential debase. the remaining 7 candidates presented their plans to deal with the countries escalation, crime wave, alaska in america edison to see a newman reports from key. so equip doors. final televised debate began with a minute of silence. the candidate who was assassinated last week, it was explicit. we want to express our condolences to the family for another vivid sense of his absence. young fellow journalist, it's jen. so the task has been chosen to replace the sensor on the ballot, but not in time to meet the legal requirements to take part in the debate. finance will be sent seals election campaign centered on the fight against corruption and organized crime with his killings. the remaining candidates will now have to use
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this last presidential debate to try to convince voters that they too are serious about ending violence in ecuador. john topic, a wealthy security entrepreneur, is a trained sniper and former member of the french foreign legion. he vowed to crush criminals with an iron fist by the blue meant that blank fiddled put it on. i will impose a 0 tolerance policy for crime. we will regain control of up voters and re integrate our intelligence services guide to st doesn't window squared of you economist venue and noble. i was a flak jacket and they all promised to target organized crime. but the leading candidate, louisa gonzales soon became the main target go the the left wing candidate represent exiled, former president bluff. i go to there who's tried and found guilty of corruption and up since you have it. but people know for sophie c instead of music unions, those went to $1500000000.00 of a wasted during your government enough getting ok, then you can go look at how many accused the quarter they have government and by
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association gonzales of having persecuted opponents most liberal c for the police said, i don't know if we will, strength, and the security forces, but not processed. one is that of course, excepting when individual consensus reminded voters of the quarter, the government, social programs and use of relative stability. one. but it's a notice on the whole here. lucky the when alters phone and how is that reduce the budget by $3000000000.00? that's from the balance began. but many voters had been hoping to hear from via the census replacement and were disappointed with a debate, especially the nearly 40 percent will remain undecided. to ca, newman algebra to ecuador. maybe 50 people have died in the northern indian state of him auction for the shock. the torrential rains had the region. dozens of people still trapped. unusually heavy rains and melting places have caused flash logs. as michael apple reports, with pick axes, shovels,
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and even the bay hands risk you work isn't volunteers work to save. people trapped in the month in india is kimberly and region heavy rains. broad floods which then figured land slides washing away hugs. so that's what it is. i'm going to get the most of the range in the last 24 hours. have we have that on hand. my child pradesh in the template and you know, shimla, we have identified 5 bodies around 20 to 22 people are still missing the trying everything to save the lives of those buried climate change is increasingly being blamed for extreme and devastating weather events. the way ship as well on a pilgrimage to one of the holy is sites the hindus in the state capital shimla. when does all this struck the he replied, versed occurred during which the railway track and rode collapsed. it's expected
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that beneath this there are 20 to 25 people still tracked. this is basheba temple, which is a 150 years old. there's been a lot of damage to lives and property. re quote, rein full and the flooding it triggered his damage. roads, buildings, and force the closure of schools with shelters being set up for the displaced. the situation is bad. there are continuous floods and the rivers are overflowing. their flash floods, villages are being flooded and people's homes have been effected. india is me to a logical department is issued a regular for both him a child per dish. and we've had our con states with more rain full cost for the start of the week. michael, apple, elders, era, still the head of the news, our house and it became a saying that the toronto, not just the tennis channel has the story, the
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the at this time, this full test on a thank you very much and as well. and the amount is on his way to saudi arabia. so the state media reporting the l. hey loud, have agreed a 2 year deal with probably sand sonoma to sign the present and they will pay around $100000000.00 before add on. so for the 31 year old is thought me and my himself could on up to a $107.00 to $5000000.00 in wages over 2 years. the follows the now messy and
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leaving the front champions in this transfer window. am i joined that p. s. g, back in 20. 17. for what remains? a world. well, reco transfer fee of $263000000.00. chelsea are set to smash a bit as transfer russell to bring a ecuador international moist. this guy said go to stanford bridge. it's been reported there. agreed to pay brice and a $145000000.00 for the 21 year old. liverpool were also trying to sign that guy said oh and had also agreed to fee with his club but, but the play himself preferred to move to chelsea at $10.00 hogs. manchester united the kicks off the premier league it season kickoff. later on monday, head of the game and with wolf, the players have had some fun with their media duties that won't pay, that won't be lining up for the opener is new. forward rest most the whole united
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paid an initial $81000000.00 for the day now, but the club is not yet fully fit, said he's not yet 20 foot to make his w yeah, the small issue and now he's not on the levels of where our plays are in this moment. so no, we the, we have to train him. so the most difficult always to say yeah, we are, we are confident and we have positive e 1st. any final at the women's world cup is on choose day, was pain taken on sweden in oakland. it's the 5th time the swedes have reached the stage, but it's a whole new experience for the spanish team. well, hope that that quick thoughts change. dramatic for the final, when are with the netherlands,
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was just the latest chapter. and what has been an extra audrey roller coaster ride, one that's included, a pre told him a team due to the, against the coach, high school in victories of which they scored far. it goes twice. i've been embarrassing for the fates of japan. throughout those highs and lows, this material, spanish squad have remained united and now feel that they can cope with any challenge. and so that we have very strong team and very the to them. and we also have a very good record as well. it's not enough just to have that. at the end of the day, the games have to be played to know the strength of each team, the rules that we have, and that's what it's going to be important and that's what he's going to show the difference. so a part of where it was the player was the match in the quarter finals, thanks to her winning go performances of daunted. lots of attention back home. the 19 year old boston learned a winner has represented her country and bars athletics as a full 100 me to run it. and football. and her role plays could be a vital weapon against a sweet inside that. and now the highest rank team left in the tournaments corner
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was, is and if you got the cleans everything to me, it was the unique moment great to for you to have experienced it. and i'm extremely happy. and the readings play as has been happily following. there are june and their road to the semi finals 3 wins from 3 in the group stages and back la 16 went on penalties or with the 2 time defending champions, the united states has this squad, believing that this could finally be that. yeah. having reached the world cup semi finals full times previously. and the final just once i think it's time for that. yeah. we had a lot of good results late in the, in the last tournaments. so it's not by putting sense that we are in the situation as we are. and then i think that these time it's them. yeah, we have a big bill even though so sweet and going to the match of even talking old and knowing they are just to ins away from a 1st major title in set, you know,
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in years standing in their way a spain, sorry, confidence. they have the power to beat anybody the whole path back out to 0. and with less than a month to go until the rugby woke up post from so it has suffered a big injury set back. so i have full amount and that's my ca is out of the tournament off to suffering. a nice injury inside today's will. my game was content from split new zealand and the wall cups opening match on the 8th of september to the west indies. i have claimed that says bilateral o t 20 series, when over india says 2016. brandon king was the hero for the wind. these as they clinch the series 3 to be smashed and on beaten $85.00 runs off of $55.00 volts. it was a shy hope that scored the winning runs as they overturned india. so to the $165.00 west indies winning this match in florida by 8, which is in tennessee attic center is preparing nicely for the last grand slam of the year. the us open, it's out in beat australian, the alex domina,
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in straight sets to in the final of the toronto mazda is, is the biggest title of the 21 year olds at korea. it says, good friends who plan the doubles events together. us open begins in new york in a full night's time and the women, so i told him montreal that was one by american, just jessica fuller, her russian opponent, demila samsung over i had to play her semi and the final on the same day to go out one easily dropping just one game to claim has the cycle of the american lucas, the global one, the opening event of the gulf speed ga tool playoffs in memphis. he took the st. jude championship up for his 2nd title in as many weeks as $5000000.00 prize money and the 4th night. and that's what he's bought for me, a 100 back to this. thank you very much, donna. and that's it from me, elizabeth per on them for this news out of do stay with us. i am back in just
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a few minutes with more on one of the days top stories. and as always, you can keep up to date with the news on our website, which is 0 dot com the since its inception, in 1961, the quite fund has been supporting people's livelihoods. and over 100 countries, by funding projects in an array of sectors ranging from
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infrastructure to health and education. these initiatives ultimately helped eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development on catching the cost of central banks holding gold and increasingly moving at reserves by comb, voltaggio wife fido, a post on his ex platform. and people must tells us he's got that back. plus the backbone of pakistan's economy. the textile industry isn't practice charging the cost on al jazeera, the latest news as it breaks up the sun later, right the same from different pops up, the riley with the 2 coverage after the government signed up, he said, we meant with a fart, millions of heck sort of land in this area were destroyed from around the world. margaret, do take your gamble when they set off in this over crowded rickety, both unfit, just say such
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a long journey. thailand's lucrative sex tours in trade has bounce back off to this level. pandemic during travelers from around one and one east investigates how wonderful children are islands, child 6 tourism industry. g 0, the nation is code. it is said they would prosecute the depose, presidents high treason sparking fears of an escalation. the bottom of this is alan to 0 live from don't ha,


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