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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 14, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the set from out is there is most i last available in your favorite types to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0. nice at using. is it the reports and knowledge that new jazz minutes? a gentle prosecute. the awesome president mohammed busing for hi trees. the hello i am dire in jordan, this is on. is there a nice and the whole set coming up? polls close in argentina is primary elections as voters decide the preferred cabinets from type of ballot in the shadow of text know, make time with the desk told in hawaii as well. 5 times from 93,
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i was expected to rise with hundreds of people still missing from really one year off to the area was recaptured by you gradient forces. these people have to leave their homes once again. i'm stuff reporting from case where if i q ways from hopefully on arriving the we the get an image where reports are emerging that the ministry regime will prosecute the house and president vomit boss soon. the high treason that's according to a statement released by the ministry council to 0 is asked me to address as more from catalina in northern nigeria. a big statement. if an indication that the ministry isn't about to like preston mohammed bustling go. you know, the international community, especially echoes and the african union, the 1st demand was he believed and along with members of his property and other
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cabinet members would be interested in the days of the cool. so the statement put out in the evening, late evening on sunday, by the military shows that the one to put him on trial and with the charge is a kind of a, i'm a do i, but i'm on put out on television. this could be a serious charges that could, of course, it was out and very, very serious repercussions for president obama. but it's certainly going to increase attention bitch, in the government, in new jersey, the benefit of government, ginger and the international community, especially the economic community of west african state some. and then this could see this as possibly as an attempt by the ministry to pod to strengthen their hands and future negotiations. but again, i remember that been some rumors about the possibility of uh, taking serious steps i guess,
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bothered by them earlier in the days of the cool. so for that, it's hard to say exactly what they're playing at, but many people would read meaning and drip that they want the strength of the hand and possibly not like go buy them off easily despite the international pressure to it for, for them to do that as well, the head of a group of nigerian scholars told down to 0 that the community the industry has agreed to direct talks with regional block echo was a group of religious leaders from nigeria met the minute tribute, isn't the capital in the army? the delegation has cooled a dialogue to end the crisis that visit as part of if it's to ease tensions, of, to the ministry to power. but my colleagues, somebody sat down, spoke job della he bl, allow the lead to the delegation. he said those talks could happen in the coming days. we want to create an eval well by the lead us of, uh, you know, doing to cope in new job will have a,
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don't know what it costs need of to understand each other. so that piece will continue to read. you know, i mean to, you mentioned that he has accepted. i you, are you saying the monkey, are they the leader of the co has accepted to have direct talks with that cos. yes, he has accepted to have for you that is no discussion with the lead of off like, you know, of course. so we want them to select a place where to meet the intent to meet the needs data or internet data or what is this think is good for them. then we want a last 10 solution where peace will continue to then, you know, already didn't, but that was why we were there. when do you expect these talks to take place between comanche on a and that costs need is yes. how sooner to lead me to with the, the idea, you know, 5, we met him on the,
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we want that intervention to take the list. we want him to grant as audio and get into the audience what else? and he said, he agreed you can go ahead to intervene. so we put him in his effort. and as soon actually we, we, we are back now we're back in. i will. yeah. maybe tomorrow we started the whole mid to. so i don't want to play empty. what we discussed was the offer. i need that on till we have all the data and letter it shall. i know that it takes time to discuss. well, the as mounting concerning the west african states, the ministry intervention against community it is in is it would worse and already difficult humanitarian security situation in the hell. it's a region that struggles against on groups like i still, and i was kind of with thousands killed in millions forced to free their homes. i'll just say it was charles dropped reports from is they've been, they've gone up between across the board. these women and children, or
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a tiny fraction of the more than 5000000 people, the un says a flight attacks, but own groups across the sale region of west africa. emotional abuse they show through in this refugee receptions can need a border between government and looking at 5. so let me say a escaped from the village and became it fessor with a 7 children. she describes that day in my mom. well, that's up to know. we were on the farm when the shooting starts, as we tried to run to the village, but the shooting was too intense. as we ran, we so many dead people. we were very afraid. look, my says the children haven't seen the dead since the day they fled a lamb cut me about it, but we will we my husband when they started shooting, but we lost him as we ran. i don't know where he is now. we hope he's still alive. so he can come here to the con, the gone and rip your g agency plans to build account for 6000 more refugees close
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by. but there is growing concerns. fine may be running out of to the west african regional block eco s residence in new jersey. 2 liters with military intervention. as a last result, they don't ton to civilian rule. neighboring but kinda fi. so along with molly have said that any military intervention initiated by echo us, would be a declaration of war on those countries too. so there are increasing phase, but in a situation like that on groups like i. so i know kyra could take advantage of the situation which could potentially mean files and small refugees flooding into countries like going to and others. right. the way across the ssl region. don't and look forward to say they all preparing for the worst they were working this reason working to see what's going to happen. we, we, we hope god's that doesn't get where. so i was but our style, some people predict but we are,
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we're on the lookouts and we're talking to all the necessary dentistry people in the ministry agencies on groups of kills thousands of people across the whole region in recent years. echoing says, the security situation of a key to 5. so and molly deteriorated in the 1st 6 months of this year and that was before to ensure a neighboring countries already struggling to code a brace to potentially thousands more people fleeing across borders for their lives . charles trumpet, elders 0, you the gone at the teen offensive border argentina as far right presidential candidate appears to have upset they all just in the primary elections with about 60 percent of votes counted so far. have your play has just of a 32 percent of the votes, which is far higher than expected candidates. so need 1.5 percent of the vote to qualify for the october run of storing inflation. rising poverty and crime remain. the main issue is the dominate the elections. teresa boat has the latest from but
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as i was to the primary elections that origin seem to have been filled with tension anxiety. and now a huge surprise. the results show that have yet to be made to the far right candidate going around 32 percent of the bowls. he's the most voted candidate and his party is the most party. and this is a huge surprise in our country such a radical measures like going arising, the economies trusting down the central bank. many referred to him as similar to donald trump. many have expressed or concern and believe that many of those policies cannot be implemented in according to like arguing, tina, where people will definitely be paid to the streets. and if it's something that ends up being violent, i am here at the headquarters of the book together for change for an issue. this is a sense of right coalition in argentina,
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where the former security minister just selected as a candidate for this party. people here were celebrating bed, believe that this is the beginning of an electron pro says that will end up in the october presidential elections for many the primary elections in argentina, ira snapshot, a national snapshot of the way people view in this country today. a country that is struggling with very high inflation, with poverty rates on the rights of women over 40 different types of exchange rates, among many, many other things. and for many of say, the, this restart. so the anger, the frustration that exists in the population today, that is how will i just see that window cited to hawaii now where at least 93 people have died in the west. wildfires in the us in more than a century. but with more than a 1000 people still missing on the island of microwave. they're off here, the death toll can rise significantly. teams are using rescue dogs. they assess the
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damage and behind a town change. i've been on the ground since wednesday. i'm more of flying into the items from los angeles and washington state. the dogs are trying to split through rebel the human remains. so people are searching for families in emergency shelters . thousands have lost their homes and livelihoods. the historic town of behind is old but destroyed rather than say they are struggling with a loss special never, i think in my, in my life what i have imagined that we would have something like this catastrophe of an equal assessor. and here's a snapshots of just how much damage those well fires cause these images show areas before the plays i'm off to. with now is want scenic waterfront and ruins. surrounding sea water is polluted for daybreak,
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and houses have been reduced to rubble and dust. taught james to the national spokesman for the american red cross. he says the organization is providing shelter and emotional support for those affected by the 5. you know, we've been sheltering the folks affected by this fire since the fires began. now the red cross volunteers on maui, immediately spring into action and open the 1st shelter. we've opened several more sense than and in red cross shelters that open to anybody and everybody who needs a safe space. and we make sure folks know that if they want to come in, if they need a place to stay, they're welcome. if they just want to come in during the day and maybe get a meal, charge their cell phone have a place to rest out to eat. and we seen thousands of people come through the shelters and, and had over 3300 guys. overnighted stay. so we know that a lot of people are taking advantage of that and, and we want to make sure that everybody knows shelters and there. and if anyone needs us was there to make sure they've got the safe place. they've got a hot meal. we're there to provide information, but most importantly,
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i think promotional support for it could go on for a long while. you know, a lot of people are looking for alternatives, or really stayed with family or friends, or they evacuated to another one of the islands. maybe they checked into a hotel, you know, they already had a place where they had to go. they may have had it there for those. the didn't the lead shelter, we're there for them and we will continue to shelter as long as it's needed. we will work with both our, our partners, our governmental partners, are nonprofit partners, and most importantly with the families themselves to help them find you know what the next step from the shelter that's been an attack on a permanent she, a shrine, and iran and happened insurance in the south of the country, at least one person's been killed in 7 engine, straight media savvy, a tankless cat up by 2 people. one has been arrested, the other escaped. i'll just say it was doing such a battery has more from tear off or the ringing president. abraham bracy has been
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making some calls, reaching out to the interior, administer as well as the governor of farce province at urging them to quickly investigate this incidents. and also a put together a report about exactly how this could have happened. and what transpired, ad shaw cheryl shrine in the city of charlotte is now the attack happens around 7 p. m. local time. and according to reports to gunman storm the grounds of this shrine. and open fire now, one of the gum was apprehended and he is being questioned and to use and believe to be a for national, at the officials having disclosed where he has come from a there's a number of victims that are being treated in hospital one according to the governor, of course, covering the area around sha shut off has been secured, and they continue to search for the 2nd government. now this is the 2nd time this shrine has come under attack in less than a year. last october, 3 gunman storm the grounds of this facility and open fire on visitors. they are
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killing 13 people and injuring at least 30 people. at that time the 3 gunmen were apprehended. one of them was killed on sides by officials. and the other 3 were later on, uh, arrested as part of a, a group who coordinated the attack and the to a sale. and so were arrested at shot your off were tried and sentenced to death. their execution was carried out in public and cheryl's in july. the other 3 who took part in planning the attack or serving present terms in or on anywhere between 5 to 25 years. i still claim responsibility for data attack last year, but there has been no claim of responsibility yet for this attack, which took place at shot your off. on sunday. officials are urging, as the authorities to carry out investigation as quickly as possible. so they can look into a, preventing these kinds of attacks from happening again the door such
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a bar it out to 0 to her on last also to come here and i'll just say are including tennessee. i'm lydia agreed to share responsibility for hundreds of migrants from that on the board skies around the northern hemisphere on the top $56.00, a spectacular mutual shop on the hello. good to be with you. it's a hot water across parts of chile. look at santiago $28.00 degrees that's fall above where you should be for this time of the year. in fact, it's closing in on a record for the month of august 29. point 9 is the number to be, but the number is way out of whack. here you should be 17 degrees this year, that things will cool off will introduce a bit more cloud cover and those winds will shift around. now north of the city is a more active picture, particularly for western areas of ecuador,
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some severe thunderstorms in the forecast here. got a warm wind blowing across the caribbean. look what it does. so the temperature in nassau, bahamas, 35. that too is closing in on a record for the month of august. and then we've got our heat wave persisting from texas rate through to georgia and parts of the carolinas. in some spots, temperatures are crossing 40 degrees. some thunder storms rolling through the upper midwest and the midwest. this is a forecast on monday. watch what happens on tuesday at freshman's up the air. so toronto just 21 degrees and a pretty good helping of rain for the us northeast. meantime, as we look toward the west, it is all about the heat in the pacific northwest. portland may hit 40 degrees and as we look in on the desert, southwest vegas, you to maybe 40 degrees of monday, the the
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the, the, the but the, [000:00:00;00] the the welcome back to the top stories here at this hour. there are reports from the chair of the ministry regime saying it will prosecute president mom as possible for high
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treason, according to a statement produced by the ministry council. argentina's final, right presidential candidates of you may have received 52 percent of the vote with about 60 percent of the folks in the army elections counting so far. main conservative coalition has maybe 20 percent of the routing center left or on the spot and see interest recovery teams and hawaii. i'll scan the timer behind. i said the properties of the victims at least 93 people have now died in the west qualifies in the us in more than a century. a tracy, i'm libya have agreed to share responsibility for hundreds of migraines and asylum sake of sheltering on their buddha. many faced very difficult conditions in the desert region. after being expelled from tennessee, a libya has moved at least a 150 migraines, to a detention center in the capitol. i'll just say was malik trainer reports from outside that center in tripling. so we're in front of the anti
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illegal immigration agencies here in the capital triple. we were at least a 130 migrants and refugees have been transferred from the libyan and to an easy and border they've been brought here and put in a detention center. now a deal was struck between the libyan minister of interior and these 2 eastern counterpart on thursday to to, to come up with an uncle solution for these migrants that were stranded there on the border. so of this group of about a $130.00 people were brought here another group of around the same amount of people, 808-2230 people were taking such an easier look. detention centers and tripoli and in libya have often been criticized by human rights organizations by un un, uh, organizations like the international organization for migration, for the un refugee agency. as of one sanitary and the migrants often face abuse. and these microstates,
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but the conditions that these people were living in in the scorching sun in the desert, up for 5 to 6 weeks was really unbearable. so for many of them, i'm sure that they're happy to be provided with some kinds of shelter of water. and food and some medical assistance. now living in authorities here tell us that they will stay in the tent to stay in this detention center until the authorities are able to re patrick them to take them back to their own countries. north africa has long been a transit hub of for my grants, trying to reach european source source in search of a better life for themselves and their families also libya and to ease you are often a plane plane. so a balancing act between pressure from the european union to decrease the amount of people reaching out europe, but also between the human rights organizations that accuse them of,
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of widespread abuse against migrants a. so for officials here, they have to play a, they have to play a balancing act and try to balance those out. uh, but uh, from what lived in officials here tell us is that these people are now being fed and they have water. they have medicine and they have shelter and they'll continue to provide them with, with these, with the and they'll continue to provide them with water and food and shelter until they can come up with a plan or until they're able to take them back to their own countries and i will try not to 0 triplet or petra criminal case from s i c minor t, a search and rescue organizations. you explain why these roots so dangerous? it's just a little more crossings. so people are dying, you know, they're more in depth, but it's also the quality of these totally and see what the,
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both these medical thoughts are really not made for. uh, these are, you know, most people are in the bones. so it's totally over crowded. yeah. no, no, i was on the boat. these boats are heavy, so they are very low in the water. and as soon as there is a small wave that comes in, you know, the hips, the boat gets, gets full of water. so it's sinking off and sinking close to the, to the shores. already people have reported off lots of fun, east and the washer not even far from shore. so there's 1st of all, there are not enough rescue ships down there not far. and then the rest, the ships that are there, and then the n g o is of the most of the started. it will, for example, we need to go back to, to, to the shore. so we are assigned to a place of safety immediately after the 1st rescue. it takes us. ringback often up to 5 days to go to this for just for the safety that we have side to any to me. instead of being, you know, going to close the place like, like sicily before,
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which we did it before. now we have to go up north to for his upper right now. i wish he's going be 2 minutes. one is going to, i pulled up from, from down there near, near the living coast. the residential building has been damaged by a blast and the russian city of belgrade the city governor has blamed ukraine for what he called a drone attack. earlier, the russian defense ministry said at defensive shut down at least 4 ukrainian friends in the regions of belgrade. and us, there were no casualties or thousands of people living near one of the front lines in ukraine. i've been ordered to leave their homes, the head of a russian advance. while ukraine has reported some progress in the south. its forces have come under intense attacks. me the northeastern city of could be and i'll just say what step passing reports from the comprehensive district. if you shift the, from the eyes full of fear and foot deep their belongings hurriedly packed in
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a back the taking the precious companions on an unknown journey. people from nearly 40 villages knew the front line in the northeast of ukraine, had been florida to lee for safer areas. associates of nicholas, there is no one in the neighborhood. everyone has already left. i was the last one . there was a strong in common fire, a man and a woman died the day before yesterday. the messiah fell directly in their yard. the rush of a 7 kilometer, sorry, you ukrainian officer. what do you say more than 100000 russian soldiers and 900 tanks are increasingly attacking, trying to retake coupons and it surrounding areas. ukraine, recapture the city from russian forces last september from which fits and it was fixed. if you read the injury. so because the other side has accumulated a lot of a munition to attack a lot of artillery in a few months,
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that's why people leave the novelty of it is full and tears are going from village to village persuading people to leave. not much convincing as needed. this village about 30 kilometers from the front line is mostly empty. escaping nearly daily selling and a possible set contraction, occupation, people leave behind every thing, once again. the joy when you create in forces recapture this area has no been replaced by fear to you more. yeah. while the trauma of the russian occupation is still being filed, some residents, confidence, ukrainian forces can hold off the russians this time. yes, yes, we caught you fella, exactly way would like oh, i contest, leave my home. yes, my children grew up here and i have an old father and i can drag him with him and we sing and support hell, brothers from the armed forces as much as we can. others couldn't take the stress of constant shelling any longer. at a shelter and half keefe,
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ludmilla hopes to find some relief. she has disabilities to me is because the ship you do it is getting stronger and stronger every day. and there are no breaks at all district mutual, constant incoming fire con somebody to for a smoke. we have to withdraw with, with the martin. there is no time to pay 50 percent interested, you know to but we didn't sleep at all and do it one year. but my patience has run out. i cannot take it anymore. picked up from the comfort of their homes, their lives now uprooted. once more hoping to find some sense of safety and leaving the darkest moments behind them for now. that placid l g 0 in coupons districts, eastern ukraine. russian space agency says it started processing data received from its 1st luna mission in 50 years. the new and a 25 crop was launched on friday, and is due to reach the moons of south phone and just over a week to collect samples of dust and rock in india and admission to the same
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reasons due to arrive a few days later. now stone gazes have been delighted by streets of light from the per say, meteor shower, most visible in skies across the northern hemisphere. the annual astronomical spetchko puts on a dazzling show. it was hundreds of meters can be seen with the naked eye like la pet reports. you're looking at the very 1st need to your, from the annual per se, meets your shower, detected by nasa on the 26th of july. it's one of the biggest showers and it reached its peak this weekend with a waning chris since making it easier to view. last year, the moon was full during the peak. a meteor shower occurs when it's pauses through the debris. trial of a comment accommodates can be thought of as a snowball, full of pebbles. as it approaches the sun, the ice melts, leaving a trail of debris, thousands of tiny rocks, no bigger than
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a few centimeters in size. when the debris field enters the its orbits, the air resistance around the tiny rocks makes them glow as they become extremely hot lighting up the sky. creating what's common, the cold shooting stars. the earth slams into them at about 200000 kilometers an hour. and that causes the pebbles to burst into flame in the atmosphere and make the spectacular light shows. it's amazing that such tiny pieces of rock can cause something so bright watching to meet your shower. it doesn't require a telescope. just a comfy spot to gaze up at the heavens. preferably outside of urban areas with the city lights you can, you can see some. but if you get out into the, the boonies into sort of a dark sky, then you'll see lots and lots of strange ones. new maxie, several a minute. like how quick the per se meet your shala happens every year. and his
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best seen in the northern hemisphere. stall, gazes from croatia, save this, your shower was particularly impressive. yep. report the report involved with this isn't the 1st meteor shower. i've been careful, but it is the 1st time i've seen so many stalls. armeno visibility is really great and literally every couple of minutes a stall falls big or small even longer. it's really impressive to see if you haven't seen it yet. you can still get out there and settle in for a free celeste steel show until at least the end of august mike level. how does era the talk a picture of a headlines here this, our reports are emerging from these. yeah. that the miniature, as you said, it will prosecute. they also have presidents mohammed by assume the high treason that's according to a statement released by the ministry council just here was awesome. address has


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