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tv   Blood And Tears French Decolonisation 2020 Ep 3  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2023 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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making them the 2nd largest group of charge, the number of ukrainians arriving is also increased. but the number of tens of russian arrivals, the 2 countries are to the thousands of the citizens living on the side each on the on. this inclusion i alena too is had a bakery in keys for now. she says she'll remain here the dreams of the day and she can return home the you want to go just bear with me. so robin, in the hall, reminder of all the top news stories europeans initiate, are all getting ready to be evacuated, following the queue. now, the french foreign ministry is held, a crisis meeting and power is to coordinate the operation. and that follows the tax on the french embassy and the capital in the army, and the pleasure of nature as bold as of the present moment. both zoom was deposed last week. the regional bulk echo also said that it may authorize fulls to reinstate and to lead to the picking of fast. so molly's say any military
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intervention in neighboring asia will be considered a declaration of war against them on the process only to book them up for to do monday. the transitional governments of book, you know, fast. so in the molly one have expressed that for total solidarity is the people of molly and picking a fast. so would they brothers and these? yeah, the side of their own accord. take the discipline in hand and to assume the sovereignty of the storm to denounce the assistance of the regional organizations to apply sanctions that aggravate the suffering of the population and imperial. so there are some african as a 3 to refuse to apply these. the legal, illegitimate, and into main sanctions against the people of nisha for one. but any military intervention against these you won't be considered as a declaration of war against became a fast or, and molly full the 2nd time, the matter of days a try when has struck a high rise tower, most goes financial district, russia, lines, ukraine, city attacks, the 50 story,
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skyscraper, houses 3 ministries and was 1st talk did on sunday, defense officials say 3 other drains, a dry down in the capitol and surrounding areas on choose day. ukraine has lots acknowledge the attacks. so therefore we're going to see the time where the explosion happened. the day before yesterday and people showed us and we were walking there and then suddenly there was this explosion. and we immediately ran the shots of cloth and then smoke rising. and then the security services started running that way. the shots were really big and rushing, run strikes of talk did talk even ne, in ukraine. the cities police treats as a college dormitory was head of the densely populated areas, but also targeted including a sports son to a security guard was injured. the 11 on fine thing is continuing for a full stay between rival sections and the largest palestinian refugee can. at least 11 people have been killed doesn't. and so we ended in 2004 from the homes in the and how do i come?
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the palestinians say they uh, that was rocket fire and gun and bottles which of tons of compton to a battle ground, a killing on such a spot. the latest bowed to functional fighting pulse. to me, the lebanese fruits exceeding hezbollah, which is backed by wrong, have so far failed to break a ceasefire. instead of god, at least 2 people are being killed in violence between police, no position supporters of us money. so in case potty, after it was dissolved, the interest was in the southern city was the man on monday you paid in cost or was charged with several offences, including inside of the interaction. support as are demanding the immediate release of him. sometimes lawyers say that they were prevented from seeing him for some mark there. it is clearly evident that we are moving an outstanding direction in the defense. find yourself unable to me is a slave to talk disc line to prepare for the hearing with examining magistrate. and that is a scandal, india, and all the state of how the are the result of high low talk to at least 5 people
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were killed in violence. the interest to be on when a hindu religious procession passed through a muslim dominated area around 50 kilometers from new tele, not to police personnel, or amongst the dead. the violence spilled over into a suburb of the capital of what a most was torched. also in india, as western states of mode austria, at least 16 people have died when a crane collapsed with a construction size. now it happened on the highway just outside of the city of them by rescue teams continue to look full suffices. the floods that killed at least 20 people in the chinese capital. dozens of others are missing in beijing. following full days of storms brought by typhus look sooty. it's full tens of thousands from the homes to seek shelter. you can follow those stories by logging on to a website to the elders that don't comments updated throughout the day. long use would be in hoff knob and x dot out is that right? it's blood and tears, french di collect the live section to stay with us the
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. ready the friends once had an empire covering in numerous areas of the world and millions of people. but after the 2nd world war, the countries you've had call nice began to demand a french withdrawal and south france did not want to let go and was drawn into terrible war. the indo china, madagascar, and algeria, syria, and lebanon, with granted independence and trouble image in sub saharan africa and the caribbean
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. however, france could simply not hold back the tide. and the 7 year war and indo china ended in a humiliating defeat. north africa was next, and both tanisha and morocco left the french union while the battle, while julia raged on, this is the story of the end of one of the largest implies the world has ever seen . and how the blood and t is shed decades ago. still found in the welsh the by the summer of 1956, the war a now jerry had been going on for nearly 2 years. french troops met the forces of the national liberation front, the athletic with all my g force,
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and inflicted huge all the effort and needed to recruit and to try and regain the initiative. it completely change it strategy. it took the war to the very heart of the capital august and september 1956. it planned and attacked, that would have a ball reaching in to the low low clip of the table. so he's to assemble music about case equals create a k and also going to get monte on to the is tito to and if we can, don't the you know, we're not like the best fit for the new city of hot and thoughtful news. i think they don't really have to swear that new sway a typical so let me just a little go home. let's see. does it get to don't actually press the bed. is it to the people today when they all send me more than less a live on the, on the,
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on the mostly that done young let's do that costs. i don't know, please don't substitute me. i'll tell you the plaza that offset the class version to assess his levels of the dc did to the fair declare, you know, month i think leads to a whole lot more level in the shaft on just explaining does him use this as he saw t, the frustrated, pushed to 10 y zip out to you measure on goes as one more push on mrs. neal produced that let me you new ball a. do you mean me? this was just a normal 20 bucks, a cool custom stuff. in my book,
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she completed that quicker part of the most heavy desk. what did you thought exclusion can? what is it to the, are they coming for making wash in month on the, on the home, julie expose why they could be dismissed unless you have to buy them to the p. done . is eugene this while i'm in the the put huffman city to post a home from the the work key. see the hot to the menu to violate close to the hospital muslims, fiji but on a hazel l g is, was the most french of o l. julian cities and had never experienced such a violent attack. several people were killed and dozens injured, including children. louisa, don't put me on subsidies team, you know, some chilly bit. so the sun,
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you name bottle below the marker for the not a record on your love. yes. your it out to you leading up on you natural to the tree on the seeking the final thoughts i felt in the 2nd issue, what was your shoulder? well, alternatively the french also cheese retaliated and in january 1957, the announced marshal law and ordered power to oppose to sweet b. r o tom. because the, the battle about geez had begun in need is fell one after the other. as the power troopers arrested and then tortured that the committee
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coffee, they said it was a uh what else? basically, but the physical induced law. well then you weren't. if you don't stick to industry, i do bosky because here's, here's, here's what was the labor hedge fund. it did show the shorter single it sits. no, you don't. tons of social is 252 p as long as your social pulled it up. this is quite most assaulted with dr. shah associates. she closes the whole gal visit from me is also hung up. hm. is that there was some, did this tape on this thing that had a boy same? what kind of them, you know. now most of these have died and i think like the
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desert set the been you know, shorter than this is rhonda mccormick. cost is also included as well to i, paul twenty's. i meant to tell him on the policy and we hope that, you know, you know, to show you since even hear back to you because my business, it's tallie, you know, it's in the, in the office. and i think i'm super funny, but he's on the download. this one he does. yeah, he told you about the body. of course. i mean really, really it's a dog. do you know p l destroyed? know, treat the patient back. it shows you a doctor visually. what would you, on the adult job you have not been off, don't you call me? they only feed the thought you could as nothing along because of
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a who does good disorder or he, i think level, well, where you suspect are still a bit of a to, to see somebody now. so you don't have to keep a lot of value to really say that, don't you? the french army knew it could be have, however it liked because it would be supported by the french authorities. regardless, the number of excellent attacks decreased and its leadership was gradually eliminated. among the rest was the milk bod vomit zora drink. it tells a p, bullshit the phone but a, b, a, c o. b, a shape you'll see behind these the laptop, the laptop to look for the detail of the decent plan. and this will sub by the pool of they do need clone. the s takes hills california to a 50. if i did talk to the,
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to the left of 2 from the season, i'm actually not the best coupons. also thought that the test shawnasee took the across the press see don't you find the out he them on with to the left the, the, the crack down the now g is also try get a frames crisis of conscience. intellectuals like post formal. yes. open the express, the outrage, dislike media censorship. the french people could no longer close their eyes. torture would damage frances reputation at home and abroad. 10 minutes. the seo julian war continued. it provokes a major, political and constitutional crisis, may 1958 shaw. the goal was brought back as prime minister,
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and he mediately terminated the 4th french. we'd probably only 3 days after taking power. he flew clouds he said, daddy's algeria is dead. and if we don't understand it, we'll die with a fatal good haul to give the law if he's also the meal and the little to do go to seek, i could show his class, feel for you know, say late or to speak. you know, i've seen it, but this is, well, me, you have you come to the me in front of a huge crowd. the girl gave one of these most famous speeches, but also one of the most and the
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best. but somebody told me to lose it compete, it looks like it is. see left on this as well, so pushy. does that sound like you've taken the complete? if you're not with a lot, i think the to see will see that you see it the cool like cookies in the other still nat geo. the to show is it because i could co satisfied liquid sally. some he could have had the ultimate goal words to bring the esl in to the negotiating table, the freed prisoners and announced the major economic development plan while
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maintaining military flesh. so many of julians believed in him, including the most names which said that they've seen it raised in the frame. john on the 23rd of october, 1958. the goals took the historic step by calling the s and in for what he called a piece of debris. that's a bob is the the you're on the, on the surface all go should i don't do well, is it just a if you don't like to uninstall humanity, as you know, i don't send me a lot of the full new left busy of hives still include clumsy as home,
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don't sit there on this whole said, no hope they have he the new visit, the law school nurses, the portal teacher, need, municipal, destiny, esl in full time to separate the effort in an ordinary people. the french colonial authorities move nearly a quarter of the al gillian population and took over 2000000 people in shocking conditions. a young socialist graduate. reset ok, went to al julia and wrote a report on the caps, which was linked to the price a force the government to urgently release funds to feed into and population, and k for the weekend. the b s related, meanwhile, was in terrible shape. it's leadership estimated and it's 2 numbers house,
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but it remains rest in utah despite the prospect of yet more bloodshed, algeria, and monopolized the goals attention. but he realized he also had to do with the future of sub saharan africa. it's overseas deductible, and all the nation in 1958 involved on a major african tour to try and avoid the distance of gratian of what was left a frame shop for count. his plan was to unite the colonies into a community of states and the french control to a referendum. first off, not a gas car. 2, a one was been onto i have recalls with felix said one need control political lines one francis b. i mean, not a gas car in ivory coast to go had nothing to see if there
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was a glitch in guinea. however, way sick with touring hope the goal was to meet again and again in the synagogue these capital, the com where pockets calling for immediate independence put the goal for once on the bottom. but despite these protests, french, colonial africa, generally bonnie to goals comb. although france was accused of electro fraud and of
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neutralizing opponents in the referendum, only guinea voted no to the new colonial french community. on the 2nd of october, 1958, guinea became the 1st french colony in subsaharan africa to gain independence but gives independence to get a rapid chain reaction. other african countries also started demanding full independence. the goal realize that he was losing control, and that is great dream of the african union was dying. 1960 was a year of great change. in less than 10 months, 15 new african states joined the movements for independence. the many applicants, wilma, members of the french parliament,
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now governments their own countries like felix who fed one e nicely coast and they were posted as things off in synagogue after guy experienced a collective useful. yeah. a freedom hope and enjoy the you do this to be the love seat value thing. oh, gum own bass or the nose also to the dollar dot tv that the about about the the me recently. not going to click through to him yet,
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taking over the incident with re um what times on file on the gump of wondering if the thumb turned on. uh well i guess you, i just looked at the number and it could be 5 materials. i have to like if i do within friends had no choice, but jeanette grove is once glorious in fire. in subsaharan africa, only a handful of territories remained and the 2 nationalist movements wait increasingly gaining in algeria things with their friends. the french didn't even officially refer to the conflict of the war, but simply as events. however, this nameless war now entered is final and most fine in spain. the goal had already given way to the negative will in sub saharan africa. and when he spoke on the 4th of november 1960, he knew that the days of french frontier yeah, for
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a number. you don't work for the j. what to say d. c. d also known this revise chanel noobie a social not going to be no old movie on the ceiling file. i mean all says means energy as you get the 132 year links between friends and all tyria was about to be broken. anxiety sprayed among the friends living in algeria, the bus fuels. i to go steve at the back yard. you can also see is also something else more than it did to see. could you do me know when you talk to you soon? the subject will said it's a to ha, the left, send me the district. you want to send me the person you name and the devices to pretty think your french people who wanted desperately to say, you know,
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julia went on the offensive in february 1961. they founded the secret, ami organization b, o, a s o s a tax over several months with violence and bloody. you know, julia ends in front. on the 18th of june, 1961 b o, a s bombed this transport to paris express, killing 24 people. friends went into shock. the goal had thought the algerian situation was under control, but it was slipping from his garage. france was at the mercy of the combined weight of the o. e. s. and algerian. philip and the police in paris began to take the law into their own hands. on the 17th of october, 1961,
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they attended a peaceful evelyn demonstration near the shuttle and metro station in eastern paris with bloody consequences that dock night. the police kills julian, demonstrate is, and to the bodies into the river, say, the death toll remains unknown. but some algeria an estimate, say over 200 people were killed. for the french government, something had to be done. the goal is leadership and the escalate and had been negotiating the basis for all jerry and independence for some time in the town of set it up to the authors. will you do the update as you do is when they do this piece you'll see meters use is the civic and somebody into the website that you need on to the zoo. i. if you only medicine memorize, does this all, what do you think? look them at the some ability to discuss it definitely need to do. did we map simulate southwest on to do that? it gets real fast. that was you did problems when we just do the meet your i can
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pick the accords. we're more than a year in the making. the 93 page agreements included clauses about francis military rights in this house. in return the evidence demands for self determination were accepted along with a package of financial and economic age funding the cast raise of the shows. you can see the regions focus on the headline ceasefire or little difficulty. if your interest is 800 bucks for this upgrade, you can't, i don't use it. you said even among the buttons and a sitting button when uncle bush vehicles of any i've seen but the violence took a new turn. the only step stuff. it's a task to try and sabotage the courts. the goal is governments, however,
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would not tolerate the o. s fine. and on the 26th of march, 1962 shooting pro pounds on the streets of orange is the french army fired on fully support. the a t o s support has died in these clashes with french police for the colonial settlers. in algeria, there was a very deep wound indeed. they finally realized that they no longer belonged in the new algeria. algerian independence was not simply the end of a political eva. on a human level,
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the lives of many thousands of people were turned upside down. good heroes here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say? we'll take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course we cover major global events, but our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young region. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we tear straight the, the the, the but
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, to do what you all, just bear with me. so robin de la reminder of all top new stories, europeans in new jersey, getting ready to be evacuated, following the to the french foreign ministry is how the crisis meets again, power is to coordinate. the operation not follows the tax on the french embassy and the capital of me and the closure of new jazz, both as after president home and policy was deposed. last week, the regional ball category was said that it may authorize fulls to reinstate and
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the leaders are picking a found 7. molly, say any military intervention and neighboring nature will be considered a declaration of war against them on the progress on what can i possibly do monday, the transitional governments of aquino, fast so in molly one have expressed if a total solidarity is the people of molly and picking a fest, so with their brothers and these yeah, the sides of their own accord to take the discipline in hand and to assume the sovereignty of the storm to denounce the persistence of the regional organizations to apply sanctions that aggravate the suffering of the population. and imperial, so there are some african, as i'm on 3 to refuse to apply these, the legal, illegitimate, and into main sanctions against the people of these you, for one that any military intervention against. and these, you won't be considered as a declaration of war against mccain. of fast or, and molly, sidney soul, the 2nd time the mass of days, i try and strike us, hit a high rise tower,
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most goes financial district should blames ukraine full day attacks. the 50 stories, skyscraper, houses 3 ministries, and was the 1st. let's 1st talk these on sunday. now russian very surprised. i've also talked with car key, even ne and ukraine. the cities please g says a college toiletry was head of a densely populated areas. we'll also talk did including a sports center wherever security guard was injured. now that's being renewed, fighting between rival functions and the largest palestinian refugee camp and loving them. at least 11 people being killed. thousands waiting to and 2000 falls from the home and so far in the a a hey, why come? what was the most like weapons and down to tongue 5, i said to shake them to come the killing on saturday spot. the latest bowed to sectional fighting a city and unplugging. these groups including hezbollah, which is backed by ron sofa, failed to protest a ceasefire before the stories on the website. it's all just the dot com the the moon use in hoff now. but we continue with blood and tears french,
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the claim analyzation. hey, hold on, just of the v h here all julian war ended on the 18th of march, 1962, when the french government and the algerian national liberation front b. evelyn signed the treaty known as the idiot accords. it included an immediate cease fire and paved the wasteful out jerry and independence, the when hoops of french colonial settlers who fundamentally oppose the deal, clashed with the french army on the streets around jays, on the 26th of march, 1962, a 2 which many europeans living in algeria had to
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face the reality that they were not part of the new country. in the next 2 months, between $8.10 people per day left the country. when many of them were born hastily taking with them the most precious possessions. what sort of, but all controllable temporarily common was subscriptions to flip us because of a model, pasco, pasco, she'll continue to control because she may contribute in place. you on come up afternoon but could make them but to porto validate. i'm of a but he's a senior said centreville i'm of it. but instead of, you know, moving to use if you need to build you the people of european origin born in algeria. we known as the king why the black feats
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over a 1000000 of them cost submitted to rain. when they arrived in france, many landed in a country when no one was waiting to greet. it was the the couple who will not make all these will build, you know me who is on build, you know, by the natural anal visionaire. you know, course, it's just a week or 2 and i didn't put any additional. i think it have a good and easy see most of it anyways. so with the law, a of a few salt dive or of course issues just to week it is a case of one of the people who been uprooted to start to complete the fresh rebuild homes find work.
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they also had to try and integrate into a country that was sometimes hostile, often indifferent to them, and did not seem ready to welcome back so many at one. on the 5th of july, 1962 algerians finally flew their own slot. the french estimates that around 300000 people died in the atl war. but all gerry and figures as high as 1500000 lives little than in the bundle as usual, as usual. and that i filled up. so now that you can, so we haven't quite of the, we just now saw the boss on the don't see that you will not go through the mail. when i wrote the form, you go to the judy and they've on what i think of, they stuck out too. so we'll get to the museum. and what i can see is the
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show here, but i guess she's on pre, she's on the guess you'll, you'll see that i know that i've won jillions. it was a jubilance moment. but the joy was soon tempered by yet smooth bloodshed. the accords provided for the protection of various groups, including the european king why and the ask he loves series and the french army. but despite this effort and radicals launch a systematic massacre of many europeans wanted to stay in algeria web roots to be made. and for the key, this was the beginning of a long night. may the french government spend their return to friends? you know, julia, they were at the mercy of the excellent. there's one last year on that list it on
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bases on, on your own place a noon on these don't want to call people lives up, play a on leave home to check every do see that i, steve about by the 10s of thousands of when married age you know, the, just you to walk up to the, any different rate on because you give you more payoff. i was to con, got also quickly to the door because the receipt feet on a fuss is just the c a and my soc knew it dialogue on the find me on the phone. if the on a few years my mail could y'all sent it to you on the, on pre own as you. so it does have kind of a female. when i reduce jones to fail most,
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actually the one who built it on the phone says your phone a block you on the largest single street hawk, i don't know, should i just the for the teen y and the choice west. talk between a suitcase and a coffee some asking, were able to get to friends thanks to a few offices, disobey orders. but it was only a tiny minority convoluted, but to say 10 bucks with mushroom just don't account to stick on the computer that dies to tell you on the same page you are supposed to a please us. yes, you paid the for the yankees or something. i say so what about the queue of that as well? so you said what, what do i say the vehicle to make is a scalar. so they'd be on the right,
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we're going to leave the guilty perceive. that was the 1st step in immediately gave you the size that don't see that up. that's the propaganda of the time portrayed a warm welcome by the french authorities in france. the ascii warehouse together in remote camps, from prying eyes. they were the undesirables, invisible. symbols of defeats, but many ascii were secretly sent back to our ga, when they get up across from doing equity to force on this last, on the 5th, i look at those only 220, but i just usually tape on customer to check if some of the suppose the needs of friends know, al julia emerge unscathed from the conflict on both sides of the mediterranean,
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2 nations west cards for decades by what the french of the time called simply events. now jerry, the algerian independence, was not the end of francis african colonial project. the goal was convinced that francis future late enclose corporation with its former african colonies in preserving what remains as well as french strategic interests. these territories abounded in drawing materials. their independence must not threaten frances energy resources. the president appeared on television. so that fit is good that the good news us you all and if i did, i do a page with you real fee. i come all see about food. yeah. and they bought
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a new it, consulting little green nose, and i see a lot the head you know, to go glue mesa dad, a so called cool. wow. lead the owner. she said, i know who the senior quote would be, how she all this is going to use up of phone calls, but to call us back d friends did not intend these to be reciprocal arrangements with equal partners to go wanted french speaking africa to become francis private present this was also the time of the cold war and to prevent the spread of communism, nato instructed friends to become quote, africa's policeman exec, for
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a former free frenchman in world war 2 and loyal goalies, became the head of what was called processing his mission to ensure that the game of franco african friendship was played to france's rules. so in november 1960 in cameroon, the new leader of the opposition party felix movie was assassinated is kenneth, was a member of the french secret service. william visited this less president. he jo with no opposition. he remained in power for 22 years and to go to presidents in vine use or lend kill, wanted to do without friends. he was killed by a group of soldiers supported by the french officer in charge of the presidential secuity. in the 19 sixties and seventies friends intervened
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militarily more than 20 times to ensure that the right african need is wayne pays to service the the diesel. there's a bonus domestic circle model or did up and they've got this human, isn't there at levels a set then it went to is tell it a bit liability. some of the do gone up reliability. some of this year i'm going, i'm going to be shown to do the 2 step 3 left. i'll shoot you a directed left let the coatings. that's why with your new life course, i think if you know what it is, i'm going to need to do so that i shall see something, put it to the i guess costly, lean, even newport economy to so, so the effect on demand uh says likely. so hippa here at the beginning, they think within, you know, however,
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the goals 19 sixty's were not just about false se, over one and a half 1000000 people still lived in the french overseas territories. become more or send people to reunion islands, diana and the caribbean, polynesia, and new caledonia. many were worried that history may have passed them by the vic also a less colonial relationship with friends, independence even fed on death between europe and america. the goal one stage. there's nothing and we don't build states on the part of the french strategy overseas territories was the same as in africa to put
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its placement in power. in 1963, the goal even send peace from a prime minister emissions of late to reunion island, dudley's tubes in the french column in 3 election. the bundle definitely means is putting the new gods and it go out of why they're going to. i mean, it's a problem, i believe it's my god said that if was a divorce, it means if i, you believe it's a god, there's all of us. can you read the news? the on surprisingly debris was duly elected as the member of parliament in paris school re union. i'm in a year later, he had his main opponents and leader of the communist party, po, damages charged with undermining the integrity of the states. but as, as, as the on social destiny deep
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a little do zone police up in that it assume the nuclear only the these that leave it up. what he says don't do by the, the, let me zoom, you sold us into my mail and then i see in a new substrate comes that only goes on equities. the end of the course of the sub or that i most strongly sort of naperville voted address was arrested the company's 40 deserve and the union island fell into law. the goal also used investment projects to buy political deference. a rocket launch sites in frames and a fully naisha nuclear testing center to replace the all jerry inside the gun, the friends had to evacuate
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the the ship. all don't get you just you the yeah, she's yours. the, the gold boss you'll develop mall jack inside. so don't good, you just you want to shop. it grew up, don't city, it was or some upon one another frank strategy was to displace people on the union island marching meek and guadalupe. the government set up the office for the development of migration and overseas defect tomorrow will be done for short. dates organize the migration of young working people to funds, reducing the risk of a whole generation, calling for independence. the
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young man who's on the upside to spend the process with moving the top of the moving the, the they don't the, the negative because the but hope quickly gave way to dissolution. the boomy domains, as they were known, soon understood that they were doomed to doing only menial jobs. salvage either mentioned hazel tuscan, as you qualify to good bell, and could have hospital, i'm very into how do you mean those?
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the box is the combs you lost the seclusion if you had to professionals on to the some. yeah, he's a candle and i pointed the buffet the from that down. yeah. hi. i think there is a plan that we'll see how we're doing. i present nicholson the book comes in to 70, but these are the sale now. so you took, i'm sending this to make a saw. have you don't over 20 years, tens of thousands of young people migrated to friends. whole generation was i purchased. and some races in that was common in europe, in the 19 sixties and seventies uncles and at no cost within the config. most of all these young community he had these and from isn't done, i cannot push, came with this. could also have gone through me. don't damage and i knew, and as it and your name and all thoughts, extremities could of the 100 pound body,
3:51 pm
venmo shop falls through too much. he's made the call to how are you coming to test us? yes. but in the 19 sixty's, friends continues to talk down in the overseas territory the, the march, 1967 in the booty, the crowd calls for independence. but the army moved in and several demonstrators with the 3 months later, construction workers in guadalupe demand data pay buys a riots, bro, counts, and the police fired into the cloud, killing several demonstrators. 3 sessions. nothing changes as the saying goes
3:52 pm
the unless the new or the get that's a few steps to sent the diesel to. yes, it was sunset. what kept almost it from me please close the secret. said that from the police she'll have do it. no, that's so that's just because it, of course, i took the main 1967 still haunts the people of what i'm you was finally put up to commemorates what's widely considered to be the french colonial to finance
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associate last good visit to the pc. since she passed you, we are going through. so would you be able to send a prescription for this? your best script with it to sit, don't go in for these don't cases, slavery, kinyata, genetics bar shows you the shows cabal good. that goes to the to come, get go, shows the actor by securing the by giving you the ongoing for a city tied to you. again, the 2 years later, in april 1969 to go resigned as president. but the dust of empire, as he called the overseas territories, remains to france. they still gave the country any numerous sense of global power. in the next decade, the booty, the come,
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ours and then you have reduced old gained independence. but despite the crises, attacks and referenda friends managed to hang onto the islands of my york new caledonia, polynesia, and only overseas deductible and reach the goal successes never fundamentally questions the general's colonial. megan jones violate easiest gallery stuff. and also on the table all seems to be facing this in glorious periods in the republics history. however, after decades of simon's the most findings and proven times what, why do you need to know that the highest level of the bloody repression in madagascar and the chat boy massacre incent a guy as well as the vine and colonial conflict in algeria were all after much
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debate ultimately condemned but all the official ceremonies, tribute send speeches, could not overcome the nostalgia on one side and the frustration and resentment on the other. the colonized nation remains a contentious legacy. divide spring society to this day. the wars of independence, the hidden crimes and massacres have all left their mark on the perpetrators, the victims, and their descendants. today, the, the, one of the crucial issues for those who suffered and still feel the impact of colonization now is who towns that story. and exactly what
3:56 pm
that story is for totally bosh a sub bundle prism. so she'll be going in the bus custody by don't click well did she send, did you get social security it up? she don't produce the overall. do you the anthony sort of just on the tip of nice drive it can go to the 1st can sit festival it fits. i'm was just your, can you the prove of the book and see if we want to remember it, but it's all screwed on really, it was awful. it is all fine to push it off on the tunnel. the steps of the, for the, you know, have personal, you hoss, need, you all, see that the on the souls, those awful issue it's going to is bundle push to, well, you've looked at the home pretty do this even though you exempt me to deal,
3:57 pm
alters i see this if it does not wish to the since its inception. in 1961, the quite fond has been supporting people's livelihoods, and over 100 countries, by funding projects in an array of sectors ranging from infrastructure to health and education. these initiatives ultimately helped eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development
3:58 pm
the it's highly surprise to find a full cost of snow in pedagogy in winter, but that's where we have all the same as you some coffee. halfway down to a down to the bottom in the levy told and southern option teen of the sun is that still called any bird forward and point all day. this is quite windy and the functions become north and rapidly see, i don't see that the city too. and also big surprise, the average for august isn't far off that to be honest to the middle of all of our power requiring nice warm place possibly tubal. then up to northern brazil, the southern columbia, the showers are quite big, but the real wet weather is not bit in the constant itself. so much as in latin america here, middle, if you like. so from places like make around your home, dearest, and back to us, got somebody. we've seen funding from some heavy rain recently and it's still in the full cost. lots of shafts, the east or west side of mexico looks fairly shy,
3:59 pm
but to the north is quite hot. monterey is approaching 40 bucks. in contrast to the last month. there's no longer a warning of a heat wave and the desolate south west of the us. so this is still hot and they're all warnings, all between texas, louisiana, and alabama. but the reason an attempt has dropped a little bit in the southwest. i think canyon county is now the influx of moisture, or that's a big challenge around the they may not be the top of the table. they might not have the biggest stadium, but they stand as tightens in the face of the freshest fall right. to move that you want to show the world that the good guys come sometimes when they are the force behind jim said probably phenomena to find to make football one, which is here. where is the western agenda heading?
4:00 pm
that's the g 7. really even matter anymore. who's more electable, joe biden, or donald trump, or journalists in the media undermining our society. can americans cross their supreme court is not corrupt. the critic who look us politics often like the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them. this is the news out live from dell hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. an emergency beating and power is to organize the evacuation of french people and all the europeans causing the co in the neighboring mccain of fast. so i'm not


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