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tv   Risking It All Lesotho  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm AST

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the lights impacted the legal rad stover gives us the thought that a flux of c o 2 or me today. not just a method of capture to bring the vehicle systems that would allow us to predict what could happen is the plans in the future. if somebody searches are right that the southern part of the region is a precursor of what the south pole may soon become. scientist will need all the information they can get. the hell are there, i am the sounds retained. how is an update for you here? and i'll just hear your opinion is suspending financial support and security cooperation with me. jan. following wednesdays. crew the ask in union has also housing emergency meeting and has given a minute to 15 days to attend the baron. according to the unconditional release of
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presidents for how much the same address has went out from a breach on and they bring that, jerry, it's no surprise because the generator decides a level that people are hopefully taking sides, including professional bodies like journalists, which seeing how things started way back when company and caesar was launched, the computer was failed with 8 attach counter attacks, tribalism under the city, played out in the open and in the 9 days of the previous administration that mohammed by them inhabited there was an attempt to cool on since then both of us never felt secure, or he's going to have secure to run. it's for yeah, course, the police and on the dash have arrested hundreds of demonstrations during the latest anti government riley, please 5 to a gas and rubber bullets and the capital cost. the opposition once the government to be replaced with a care taker administration in order to ensure fair elections next year. so my goal is on position data,
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it was months dunker is reported it to have been detained as low as it follows a scuffle with military police outside his home is been confined to his residence since being handed a tray and jail time for corrupting the youth. not sentenced triggered nationwide protests last month, and much more than 15 people account. ukraine's president brought to me as a landscape says he's visiting with frontline. the ministry of defense is reporting . he's me a bach most. it says it's ramping up it's counter offensive, which was launched last month meeting with public any presidential candidates in the us have been making their pitches to donors and policy leaders in iowa. the annual event, sol, speeches by donald trump and the for the government run defensive funerals, have been held in a smooth village and will feature now to area for 16 people killed in wall 5. the mountainous area along the mediterranean coast was one of the west. huge areas are you to how do you can tie for in dog 3 is affecting more than 800000 people in
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china. the strong their loss to strength as it moved farther and land keeping well, there's the headlines. so we will often risking a tool the list too too is a small, landlocked country inside the republic of south africa. only $30000.00 square crime . it is with a population of around $2000000.00. what is unusual for, for can country every winter, it's covered, it's still, it even has a slope. it also has a lot of cool to watch something that's not so it's applies. it's much slow. geneva,
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with a fly to resource for the people of a suit to are not well industry to the rules of so dangerous that bush taxi's remote areas are only driven by men, women, taxi drivers, unlimited times, accidents. these 2 young women have decided to change things. on this until the leader are planning to branch out onto the sou, 2 out of town tracks. these invested all their savings on a major service for their own any buff d. i hadn't did. cuz then you hadn't done to the
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the due date. i've tried to pay the that may not go outside pets. is the you might be in town. there was a lot of competition, but in room area tests the survey. so alice acted lena, hoping to double their income. but their friend, william doesn't like the idea of them driving to 660 the was coming today to be to europe. i met you know, he and i just got into a motto one month and that's in our lives. easy to use. i would twice and whom would you put into the web security to face? so goes to 80. so again, so and then they delivered it to a like to tell you so well who the leak is over to get you over to the dealer due to the isaac. i dropped off were moving a couple minutes ago for 2 seconds ago. for now homeless companies have been to village that goes on with alice. and felina simply can't afford to come. so they
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need to be careful. and they and their families crate the individual units to build radio dreaming, making money the in the summer that out here in the country the good days ago. so i wonder them, but that's enough,
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but it's on the moon. i think you might have, i do like reading the math however is not as difficult as navigating this country track the how would you like to find me is to find the number to indigo. yeah,
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i just simply give it to the out on the general gosh, the tools don't like you to really, really not the way, not the options this decides to sticking with it is better than waiting for the lena drive the deal. so temperature is around 10 degrees celsius, but driving a no gear,
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if heating the engine, the the, the, the, the, the, and still no sign of a new customers. alice, exactly no spaces,
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may have missed one by 2 factor suits and transportation. horses. whiting is the only means of transfer here that allows access to services with the trucks to the go into the house. gosh, well hi. this is related to got started when i did 12 and cipollina, i've managed to keep the engine cool, but still don't have any paying customers the
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or the finally a past caesar with one whole dollar in his pocket. the
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thing in the whole house, a lot of those type of stuff you went in twice, bush taxi's and it's due to the tend to come on, people suspect riley divide by the last summer months all over again as a new group of passengers gets on board none of them is quite prepared for work. the
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journey has in store the on the, the time i do the time on i do what nobody's done. any get music might make on this happy watch the story. thing with white. now she needs to concentrate hard on this to send me is is complete to conclude her name,
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to tennessee and has an unusual way of your touring. her passengers? yes, no the the best the best the nice is the home. and then also i'll see what the to the the
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what to tell you what to get out of my bag. i said the only so the who knows what to do. i don't want it in order to already just define the the,
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the, the the, [000:00:00;00] the oh boy did it on
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the as and cipollina finally get to the bottom of the power and are united for the last passenger. the drama housekeeper can appetite, the un as defined by stones beacon afloat not to the quick to you when i was a place for the down the hang on to
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doesn't investigate him on the need not to citizen. so when it was you didn't know, i think so actually alice and cipollina only make about a $1000.00 a year. so it's not every day they can afford for lunch. the next to for them is a place called this not just the courses, but they're not looking for passengers there with one of alice's cousins the big one day and they transferred me over to go go by law. but i did
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not lose use for another time. now looms up with the guy else comes up with do you got to shop when the solve the problem i had to of the english who to post racing is one on a truck. but on the mountain platforms here, the wind is a new computer. and every week, the tract long distances to see the anti is leading and freethinking jones, along behind him,
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flows old will not give time to buy. and then with the model by to do now we need to cut on which we know with the most fun while we're doing the we a bunk just to tell you brought it up. but you mentioned was the, from nowhere, 300 people have arrived at this remote mountain venue. right. is on speak, take down booby savings today in the home, putting on. wait a minute. what does that, i mean, i just, i tell them why they let it by the, by the, by the, the, the,
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the, the, the way to me is underway. the inside the boat to take the lead. his horse suddenly swarms. of course, the into,
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i mean to speak with can only make 2nd please the i know that definitely showed you did that gives us the new do you want to do minutes or to the switch to the moon level? will know that of us who will be doing all got this or to the set up by the agent to the 90 day mind. not understood from what talk us what you need in the household and stuff like that. i mean, i will not be silent. this, i'm not going to put you one of the cheapest, not for not the one i just have on the list is most valuable,
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meant to resource is it's new to the country is sometimes referred to as a will to, to it's the high country nasa and even this loose point is 1300 meters above sea level. the august is the middle of winter. when temperatures dropped below freezing, sometimes as low as minus 10 sophia's
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the one with humanity has 4 and this need to hear expect building a skis. this due to south africa have the only skis floats in this part of the content the on the glass. also there's a the, the sun to tell the world. so none of the
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the the. 6 the gun on the phone so the job that you can call a lieutenant that the. 2 dispute and instead of leaving can i do for the safe, green release, then have to see the sort really this today. when things can skew the time, the wind has learned skills and just striding when he's not at the races,
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he has a very different job. as a paramedic, just as the levels on as cold. so has helped me while i go all the whole country. so i was going, i got the of the we, i can i g h i dot ish is you know, you took on i key for honda that coverage in the desk. the on warning has to go look, i need to have them for the medical louisa with some daily, some of the cities. okay. what's the other piece of the news? the hot on zillow pool balls and some leningtons just be in a lot of pain. well, we have to into your whole d on horseback to get to hospital how come on wednesday night? yeah,
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i thought we'd just taken time. oh no. the one to 5 because we i know funny. well, the one that has to go filled out by you, that is what i'm with you tonight. what time do we use on t genetic? he's on friday due to the not the be the same industry to shooting down and doing nothing won't get the story out of your side. it's from
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sound to way people like alice, for the lena, an anti twice every day to meet every once nice. just to little easy a challenges with the hello. there's no shortage of woman to sunshine across the central part, sofa, south america. best ways of where they're coming through here over the next couple of days actually for the south. it got to plus 3 showers just roughly my way into southern areas of 2025 sales. this is santiago, so well about the seasonal average of 10 sales, just above average here,
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over the next couple of days, warming up to him bought a services. the winds come in from over normally direction that sunshine, stretching up across much of the amazons, to a woman mouse it around $35.00 celsius and then we get into the showers, the, the trouble who shouts, which join up with some are all the weather that we're saying just moving into west central america, it looks like just storms rolling for you here. system whether the coming into hong jr, a sol, solved with those things and very heavy. right? breaking the heats here. i met with a, stretching his way down into uh nicaragua as well. southern parts of mexico also saying some live the showers have small size. we go on to the 2nd call for the weekend, rather more shelves to just coming into the less rand 2 days at that stage. it's also one of the 2 shelves into the south west of the us. some police say that should help to break the heat here. some hate to just around that eastern seaboard, but the shower. so mike, the wife saw the race was refreshing up for sunday. the,
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the the, the, the but the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's
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a them. this is the news. our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. police and bangladesh dispos sense of government protests is in the capsule with


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