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tv   Witness Land or Death  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2023 8:30am-9:01am AST

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linda, these mountains are full of local malicious. i feel like a prisoner in my own home. regional troops have been talking to residents, telling them that they are safe, like in it, that is one. the biggest problem or the armed groups. they loot, they kidnapped civilians. they set up road blocks to collect taxes. it's a challenge for us. what would be up to a 1000000 people are leaving in shelters in camps for those who've been displaced their living conditions a dire but many say we don't want to go back to their towns and villages just yet. catherine sy, i'll just iraq. ah, says others here and these are the top stories, residence in sedans, cabinet la reporting, hearing a number of explosions on friday morning. that despite the army and the power military, rapid support forces agreeing to extend a ceasefire by further 72 hours is rein else. i am is
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a resident of car to this is her account of what's happening on the ground. we heard like big bumps ah, very near to or to the house i am still right now as so it is a very clear evidence that this, this guy is not really holding a glass case for the last day. ill also advise i'm there's just fire. there is an area much targeted today. and yesterday the focus is on the line for the focus was north or a body as we call it your incident. and so every day there is a certain area that gets attacked. erin sirens have been sounding across ukraine. explosions have been reported in the capital, keep the merit in the process. a young woman and a child have been killed. former us vice president mike pence has appeared before a grand jury investigating the january 6th insurrection. and traditional inquiry is
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looking into a former president. don't trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election? not in nations, security council has unanimously condemned the town about administration enough. gonna start for banning women from working for the u. n. the security council has called for swift reversal of a decision about john has rejected french calls to remove a checkpoint on the only road linking the country's ethnic armenian enclave with neighboring armenia. russia accuses france and the u. s. of undermining its role as mediator moscow broker to cease fire in 2020, to end a war between on media and azerbaijan over the disputed nagondo caraballo region. and a group of mainly venezuelan migrants has broken through police lines to force their way to prove they demanded to be allowed to travel north from chile and as well in economy showing signs of improvement. many and i want to go home or news heron, i'll just say that softer witness. those his empowers lie our letting
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a new president on april, the 30th foreign policy matters in the fight against corruption have dominated campaign. the governing party has been in power for more than 60 years. could this be the moment the opposition has been waiting for, followed the paraguay elections this month on al jazeera, full, with
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a 1 april. this will be a bus, vinny, m. we chose the spencer fiddle in november, squint, and guess he'll pull from gust boyd with to me this is the it is us unsafe us? is he now? it was just a little yes o. b, o a we on a c mouse evasion us or with the from presented with know when the,
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the the in, in the middle symbol medicine a was yet in a mule maybe. oh. ready me in the family. i love them. i think the whole all whole less love we're going with. if
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he was one of the know what the whole there was the fear. why do you me, who are the most i can see there was, have gone can there was soon went to me from what i all you have to do for her was like all of her constructively, sarielle for bank they built. i mean, if we didn't put on a study, i mean we will study if that informally, a bit of the minister must be 100 for me. tell me. ready how did somebody tell? tell me, i think i don't know. i don't
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know because i know them was i'm a, i'm not sure when they had seated oregon, he says, you know what? he told me what the problem, the 30th noise is and the city limits line trailer that's what i said. a motion when you wait for something, you know you're working on much on the letter. you can get it . oh, you got it because it's almost been done there in the him. but i
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knew you got. i went to live in the middle. me that i gave you the louis they will say godaddy in her mouth. i want the no fault with me was english when he, i believe it's some annella la,
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my nana. i will not go by noon. i think vs finance. since they sign yes. what is i last on? can i get the name was cable unless it was one sold it on the other? what does that mean? if go watch it and then they put on last week and that we thought he was the last name of the lease. i see only get the name was the last time, but he, i guess they will. he can also one of us with, i guess what's going on. he wisco working with us with a jesus lou fish. but on the at they said they get here. i'm going, he thought he was like a initial stuff. he thought he was funny,
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that is still lang if i don't get them be in, in the form in fondle isn't only am i being that? i'm the but i lose, but i'm this is legal basis. luckily, see that the mid bookie is like it played they made i know that i'm of the age blue with the new they think they're really game with me for the month in some of the info. mm hm. whole lot of the, the settlement a little bit of this with the c look, is he playing with it is how to my lemon this is mixed up with but because he does it almost a settin thing. did i missed that? call me i think it is, book is a thumb, juanita is kind of you know,
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but unless you don't want that, this enormous that was would implement them at the like less immediately with me and it would be more control territory. and then when i was out of my school going out of my order or that i work on them and see that fatal li live for me. so i'm let me
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pick up the balance. so give me the me i
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moving in. hm. i, i young i feel like a like with them and busy, but there was a little open book, a little help with from man barbara plessy to assume that was good. i mean out with 959. let's put it on the list on the ceiling with their own separate doesn't quite as a contract that we thought it was 2 bedroom because it would get
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bozeman skin. was it you know they were getting married. huh. when i give the good of them for going to see that both and then you know, one with the composite this one, i'm up above me. if i'm up. uh huh. go up one which was yeah. oh yeah, i think going to head people know that they will get to see to want to go what, what do they have a child? no, i mean it, but i came in about one of the owner. did he the place he lane putting me to but
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i'm gonna ask him of any wonderful down there so we can we'll find. ready a jane law say that again it m g santa. now though it said the last so long. the last one of the members that they need we need to do this on another spunk live gig o'connor is to the left of a baby. it's the villa. how are you listening to the like on one i'm maureen, pay me my feel is quite a continue can this up is i do. i promote the audio mrs. ski
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philip went the name of the i. c. as in it and the must. and the may nasa seen the little was calling the little from when yet the name was one of those that ask whether she sees some in us they weren't built a new me see as close to me. ah, the facility that is but on the l. a. t o e k a one year with
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no, i don't want to drop us off the job right away. i use, you know, with a, a, [000:00:00;00]
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with a with me in the word i was the same the same, but the name was nothing for any special,
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probably as it with the will not them on the how am will skill most of the live which was called financial village estates, bit on the bus in ah ah, i lose the game. what is going to tell them what i'm working with and the and then we'll scale new grace and it was nathan when
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i was the lead that is needed is as well. so we looked at him, we'll hope to see him luckily chuckled the mother a
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a . 8 in i'm on a,
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do a demo got up, i forget how with, ah, if you do with the premium, all others with
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with no bob a, with now with, with, with the info most is in the apple is full. so little. e c, a yes. or no, so for keep us in. yeah, i had my guys, if i deleted me, but i will find that then. yeah. just then. yeah. keep what i, you know, seem fun. yeah. it's on your agenda. mm. yeah. what though you see a symbol. i hope what if you was out in the home?
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yeah, cameras will probably be more aim noise be in kill. will know the mama, the hell in 5 out of where the hush bit or number 9 will hear mostly how we we we send fatal. see, i mean, see you're good. okay. luckily, luckily, who came from me for media? i room maybe company pools on via me. me me home. if you look in north. no, look, gilbert is present for me because i was
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going to go but ok. the both of which has on the battle seems came up is that they can see us. we had them plays for last us when and when we go meet her know, call me when would be for in the list to apollo. mister miles this have a plan. i'm a local for. latterly he'll pay me theme. yup . was a hit when thought it was a what was doing was we feel we, what are the what again may su hip we said look good you by you really? i think i know it is on your but i had your name but i miss it. monday,
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but i left me a video which i did want to live gets a little more low, but i but under foot by the diana. i don't know any my know my days, but he doesn't really. it's empty noise now and i'm not seeing a blue moon boiler. what is it? only for louis? i could if you go on
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a dozen one miss elizabeth barrios. clinton will upload a son. he felt a new opportunity that is not willing to continue on with . 6 little nico, selecting with funding, been there most gear, said he would kinda get a salary. you've almost had, i love you. he spent most, but i love you. i don't know maybe, and no, nobody said
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a how do you spell me? come to the village? he laughed 20 yeah. only to do that matches one from spokane and now hotly contested the right to education. divorce and independence causing a generational me an intimate study by traditional pan grappling with changing time
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with we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to play thief that others. as i said, i'm going the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. frank assessments justice means to give them the basic human rights, not only in the camp, but also inside the map, informed opinions. 5 administration are very concerned about this development, especially for what it means for china's power on the world stage. critical debate . now only both the legal report or the see the progress in depth analysis of the days headlines inside story on al jazeera in 2018, a journalist lead 40 days of civic action against the armenian government. and
9:00 am
president, soc, is younger group home power. i'm going to live with this where a new documentary follows his non violent campaign to bring down the corrupt regime, astonishing outcome with resolution. i am not alone on mias velvet revolution on al jazeera. ah, i'm terry johnson de la, the taught store is now an al jazeera residence since sedans, cap of law reporting, hearing a number of explosions on friday morning asked. despite the army and paramilitary rapid support forces agreeing to extend a cease far by further 72 hours. when this rain l same as a resident of cartoon, this is her account of what's happening on the ground. we heard like big bombs. are


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