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tv   People Power The Launderer P1  Al Jazeera  April 20, 2023 1:30am-2:01am AST

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pianists, workers briefly cut power inside the facility, the dp controversial legislation, which sparked fierce protests. we'll see the retirement age raise from 62 to 64. so you know, france, archaeologists serve on earth a 2000 year old necropolis, 50 graves were discovered close to a busy train station in paris. they were found during excavations as part of building works. scientists say they will be able to conduct dna tests on the bones that were found, giving them a better understanding of house. ah, is al jazeera, these, the top stories, thousands of people are trying to flee hard to me, some by foot as fighting between sedans, army, and the power military. rapid support forces rages for 5th day, despite an announcement of a 24 hour ceasefire. these 270 people have been killed and thousands have been injured. authorities say $39.00 out of $59.00 hospitals in and around. our team
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have been forced to close it, but morgan has more from creative on the very 1st minutes of their ceasefire, which was supposed to start at around 6 p. m. local time. that's around 16 at g m t . we were able to hear heavy artillery fire around the vicinity of the general command of the army as well as around the vicinity of the presidential palace. and the central parts of the capital had a tool. we also had from several residents in various residential neighborhoods around the capital in the city of on demand in northern part of the capital that they were able to hear intense, a heavy artillery being fired. and this is in the 1st few hours of the fighting or north of the camp until the marae international airport has become one of the front lines of fierce fighting between sedans, army, and the rapid support forces. the army has now taken control of the facility. the united nations plans to hold talks to disgust grunting recognition to afghanistan's taliban. you as deputy secretary general amena,
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muhammad says engagement could lead to holding the group accountable for its actions. afghan taliban returned to power in 2021. russian state media reporting that ukrainian forces have killed 20 civilians in back moot where fierce fighting has raged for many months. russian by forces of danielle secretion, so ukrainian forces blew up for residential buildings 2 days ago. however, the reuters news agencies unable to independently verify the report. record high temperatures have been reported and are predicted across southeast asia, china and other parts of the continents. health officials in thailand are urging people to stay home to avoid heat stroke with temperatures topping 45 degrees for the 1st time in its history. those are the headlines as always go to our website, outta 0, dot com, with all the latest on sudan and the situation in ukraine along with many other stories. stay tuned there because people empower is coming up. next, you're watching al jazeera,
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deep sea money to provide the minerals needed for green energy transition. in the 1st of 2 special reports, $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates what it means for the pacific ocean on al jazeera. ah, every is a multi $1000000000.00 procedure of organized crime pumped into the global economy, a torrent of dirty money that's loaned to through the banking system to disguise its origins. so how's it done? came to find out. 2 journalists began to investigate, a man allegedly involved in hiding devolves prophets of the italian mafia. but us is remarkable. 3 episode report reveals little in this complex and secretive world is quite what it seems. ah
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dish for italy is the perfect place to be an investigative journalist. it's complicated history and politics. it's food and culture. it's ties to the vatican. even it's football. all of these things have been the source of interesting stories in the past. i am allison brody, and this is my production parker and manuel a piano for many years we've made documentary films, and most of them have been pretty straightforward. but the story that we are above to tell you is something else entirely. it is a routine. it's an enigma,
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wrapped in riddles, buried in mysteries. it's the most remarkable and complicated story we've ever come across. and we found it almost by accident. ah, it's about money laundering. and much else besides. ah. as it next 3 episodes of people in power will tell you about internet conspiracy theories. bark you're looking at the shipper. you confidence. tricksters and organized, trying. boy wall, it. it weighs all the though. was that a she randi did. he drove yet docile. it divorced and only out of the way that you'll hear the names of a famous russian movie director, a ukrainian folk dancer computer hackers and even african politicians give those. there was that we did that this is a skin. i'm the number one in huntington and
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as we try and make sense of what we uncovered amid all the mysterious businesses and people who don't seem to exist, will introduce you to the person at the heart of this complicated with a man most reluctant to reveal his secrets if that was his bag in fear, les collinsville awards, and when he was, as your cooper would a free fiction if with is over is likely a problem with it. but more of them later. for now, let's start where we began almost 3 years ago with the international narcotics trade and the italian mafia. ah, back in 2020, we were working on another story about organized crime and all too frequent occurrence for italian journalists. in the process, we interviewed marco,
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a former member of them that i get the mafia from the region of calabria in southern italy, went to europe in order to renew it, which will be on jamarcus when one by one over to the golden doodle in europe. oh, michael told us that back in the 19 ninety's than drank into built ties with latin american, cocaine cartels. who wanted to open up markets to europe. the profits from the distribution of cocaine, he said, were loaded onto trucks and transported from italy to switzerland, where complacent banks took the money and sent it out to other international banks . then when needed, some of it would come home involve your own live formula, spooky me wellborn walker. she was in your chest. i remember disorders love you from the normal sperber longer, warmer discovery ridge. good will be over for drug trafficking is immensely
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profitable. the cocaine trade alone is believed to be worth at least $130000000000.00. and some estimate. it could be 5 times that figure than that on guitar has been controlling cocaine routes from south america to europe, for at least 30 years. in this time, despite the periodic seizures of narcotics authorities of never managed to find the money until he retired in 2022 from beth up in niecy was a senior magistrate in the dna, the italian national anti mafia director. it last call for the lord gave that feel the agreement, i leave the bomb of yours. it gray low the or bit i with pneumonia will finance. so not even thought they will is go to an agreement on feelings like home if and novel bay. com. if i'm not, i'm not saying bad these putting you on a preston on me or forget that 50 ca head neuron gillis,
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pass them up to an bear. if i live in that, in there today, we don't waste is all the equity. valerie i june to imbue then lay organ that's your he green ali, laquia t v dot, comin quit in on a po, go it sees law g. same breath. caught there the v vi quasi velo mirabelle from finding the money that's her own interest in this matter began for decades. italian authorities, magistrates and journalists have tried to pierce the veil of secrecy surrounding the mafia's treasure without ever succeeding and often dying in the process. omit that they call it in italy, the mafia's code of silence. but in november 2020, when stories from calabria started appearing in the national press, we thought that this might change. the stories were based on an italian police report, lated february 2018 from the small city of pardon me. they spoke of
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a man called little beth to record that who was allegedly laundry, hundreds of billions of yours, on behalf of the mafia. the 1st journalist to break the story was unless your company oh oh, she played a competitor to cool my that allowed to leave for my dba that i want it. but if you go to the goa for matthew island, the quantities on it was she thought or in process, so care ladbroke are and in close to that i took it out in the quiz. ah, you guess? yeah. form of people would are most important. they put a new plan, you thought, i guess you know medical, nar, cap. yeah. okay, a balcony. that all? yeah. a lemon. alita lujan. ne, i look in the, in a flawed, even a little bit. i love only celia. i can go down as a new daughter, a good that and will be sort of bottling down. because he knew he got sick. knew he
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again, i'm not seattle in one more care the shown in known as a lab, but they needed dodd at the london midsummer. they must see that she had a little game sooner. like when you're free, they said b you said b c boss, when i started the fullest, i thing 1000000 in personal finance. yeah. the one issue fantasy, pra, hassan. all she for folly is don't belong to you, but that's funny. yeah. and being owned, do you wanna do something? i yeah. but we wanted to know more if roberto, to quote that it was really movie billiards. and how was he doing it? some rough just was not a did eco t get, but also missed, but by your team bond good need to do a little moaned or draw cheaper, all mazda a 20 c, then marker, and cetera. normally, quantum bank of
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a little boy in the lafayette because the small legality or the legality of fun. mandy. good. good. moving from a deal and wanted to start there. it fun. didn't for the man to a good of so now you know, 71. this one was just a, me today that a bill recommend them. so was that or then corny on our friendship. unique walk in the leg up on the la care because he just fucked on a white spirit. while boy remembered that expression. white spiritual boy, you'll hear it a number of times. the italian court files describes how the names of 2 ment, sandra, contessa and dmitri very close, are associated with international bank accounts, believe to contain billions of dollars, according to police, roberto recorded that. it was trying to recover these assets for the mafia allegations, he is always strongly denied. but who exactly were such a condition?
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dmitri radcliffe, and why were their names connected to organized crime? initially, the name, the me to red cliff didn't throw up any thing in our online searches. but we found cedric on this as name in an article from 1989 about a murder at a highway toll gate near ot day in central italy. the report said that on the day contessa was shot and killed. he was carrying 350000000 leading cash in the trunk of his car while the samples of the lonely. she's the frontier salvia, man, that's your money. last april t show kathy barricaded o'connor shallow. more importantly, check out that particular to what degree showed you know, she bought funny, mocking action condo men on reaching an incandescent, the purple, not up enough, fini thought modeling. magdalena molten worked shoulder to shoulder, was cedric contessa. throughout the late 19 eighties,
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lending cash to high rollers at the famous monte carlo casino in monaco. together they ran an operation associated with the casino, known as the loans office, a little frito phoebe at our toll, free to lori, can anything issue the boy jail and know better than elsie doll here play. play lashona lashania. how the leonard, i don't want to attend the domain, and if you should come to the se. questionnaire senior, anyone know what a copy natalia. they korean merrill, kathy. anytime yeah, it doctor said doctor johnson, one lecture love, i loot. that is funny. really. he got, he any, but i live, i wanna con content. any port i wanna know. if i got a blue feature, if you didn't want to come from. mm santa joanna privilege, jacqueline new chombo. but guess not only is that the one are they putting the 4 se fremont on man among take out? are we never a man or 2? don't luckily, and they love us. thess humor thou at our m o d c. well, i loud, i feel better. the issue donnie, she quinn baton. no, no problem,
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melinda. i'm gonna try to do it. quin the blank and that sink up comalla. normal weather said joe contest as death was a targeted, chilling, or merely a robbery for cash that went wrong. we didn't yet know nor did we yet understand why his name had more recently been used. vital, better to, to go to daddy in connection with supposed mafia bank accounts overseas our aim was to try and unlock some of the secrets of because that is networked to establish whether he really was the master money launderer that the police had suspected. and if so, what else he and the mafia might have been up to. but we soon began to realize that nothing in this looking glass world was quite what it seemed. sandra contessa was survived by a son modi too. according to the police police wiretaps in late 2017
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roberto recorded that. he received a power of attorney from audi chill, contessa, to administer his father's account. we managed to find moti to he agreed to meet us at the toll gate in order to where his father was killed over 30 years ago. we wanted to ask him about his father's alleged accounts and whether there was any tangible evidence of their existence. he'll upon the label, the fact that the actual linear ocean and i will miss your channels. i think on kate, i mean there, i'm bankers entirely that i me there when i, when i'm buying catherine, i don't i can't read it. brother celebrities zone in both on the vehicle. no, it's been on it. but as it ended up on vision, bradley it visually that up on vacation mode, it's you the night, any connection with the mafia. he claimed that he found documents attesting to the existence of his father's accounts, in a brief case after his father's death. the accounts he said,
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were given to his father, to administer during the 1980s by the 2nd signatory dmitri vertically mode eats. you also said that he had tried to withdraw the money in the past without ever succeeding. we found evidence that a 2007 moti, to claim to have transferred $1300000000.00 from st. joe's a legit accounts at the central bank of denmark to an israeli back called hoppel a live according to his railey court documents. when hoppel in bank refuse to hand over the sum molly to his brother law and a 3rd person called danielle at the show, filed a lawsuit against the bank, marty, to explain that the man called danielle at the shop. he was an exceptionally skilled hacker who used to work for him here, maddy irving, bank of language and i said responded chill name then he will then. busy oddly, oblong in my own computer, almost dance us a pressure he had to that, sir,
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was the won't you live at the moment? no switch over in said enter net, she stam ivy, frustrating me. corny bush support loom mentally last couple of. okay, a known what are the i'll go to just sheila said a call and i gave you the movie, right. as that. okay. a stroke plaza. lot the eva no more or less of a love head up on pass. it is. are you some party mode eats? you said he works as an art dealer. but what he so candidly described sounded more like a hacking attempt than a banking transaction. he also showed us swift receipts of diligent transfers. we asked him, audio, tula, an experts on money laundering and banking transactions. what swift receipts are and whether the printouts provided by modi, chuckled disa were real with a will now such as that i feel like i said in the way the fact that you pop up and cheap. i mean, that was to build the bank because of said this,
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we sweep is there. is there a way to transfer fione in that question to the mom? the 3 threaten us. both spanish been idol mabis, the spa stuff, just the city reading me that she is the man about and i will now be change. it was an arrow. see they must be for quite yet, but all the consider methadone. that was the issue as we took a german took of any bench posts, and i said that he put in a book that a book in a case of sam packet that i thought it would be nice to kill me. she could, i mean they call the she mika cancelling denison correct delivery banking mapquest . and i'm not sure if you need to go that over to the free multi time according to the israeli course documents. the lawsuit against hyperlink
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bank was discontinued in 2009 because contessa and his partners failed to pay in advance on legal fees demanded by the court. we contacted hopper lim bank to ask them what they could tell us about the affair. they replied with a one line statement. due to banking secrecy, we are unable to comment on individual clients. we also wrote to denmark national bank, asking about the accounts. they replied as a central bank. we do not engage in commercial banking activities, and we have no knowledge of the accounts and or transactions as described. it always seems highly improbable that jesse no money lenders, sen contessa, ever did have billions of euro stashed away in denmark, national bank and other international institutions. but it begged the question, if no such funds existed in the 1st place,
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then why was the alleged master money launderer, roberto dakota di trying through others to access the money? while we puzzled over that riddle, we also tried to find out more about the identity of dmitri radcliff, the 2nd supposed signatory of the mysterious accounts. but i knew that he, when the dollar, thank yeah. give me the, at our, the 5 them of them from m m. i don't, well, and so little olympic event. let's see what i went on and so it'll listen to let him pay for them by her out, getting the rest of them to prove his case. modi to contest, i showed us a photocopy of dmitri vex a passport. the photograph on it seemed vaguely familiarly. we took a moment to translate the cyrillic script on it. it revealed that the actual name written in russia on the document wasn't gimme the veteran. but that of a far more famous russian, the legendary movie director and they at san reached that kosky the bachelor
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version of the passports shown by mode each of them. this was in fact an obvious fake and of a man, not even a rack of, but i'll get proof. i mean, it would go mental math for a get you thought, you know, maybe the rather than my father didn't make that cost me to just mowdy took them, they said decline to say more. and of course, it's impossible to say for sure that i'm that 8 that gov ski, the movie director never used the identity of someone called dmitri radcliff. but it seems extraordinarily unlikely yet if dmitri vat wasn't that kosky, than who was he searching through the archives of websites set up over the years by hackers. danielle, at the schulty, we found the 1st occurrence of the name dmitri bexla, though spelled slightly differently. the name was published on the website of a u. k. company called d g f service limited in late 2014. the g f service was part of the
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network of a mysterious organization called alpha omega station. it strange manifesto published in 2014, announced the eminent coming of a new world order. among other rumblings aos claim to control assets within the federal reserve system. and at the b, i s. the bank for international settlements, an umbrella organization for central banks. the leader of aos, we learned was a russian man called vladimir. even of each comes out according to background checks, run by italian authorities during a 2014 securities fraud investigation. vladimir comes i had previously been at the center of a number of scams involving fake securities. we wrote tecumseh, who now seems to reside in the united states to ask him about alpha omega station. not for the 1st time in this investigation, we had a less than clear reply. come that simply told us to look for
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a man called the nearly pal, a former commodities broker, who can explain the matter to us. named many other envoy and they cannot get you're gonna be making plenty for luckily auto want to go out if ya called bucky baki baki backing up on monday. just if you can, definitely gotta give me like a little bit of 40 on my my chris albert on the layla these to let him brown that is on with that all cat or sin brown with the legal j, natalie law. my husband. ready you've been a gen, a general, been a car like a allah are occupant there, reminded him out of the army and on it on a video of a lot of our bundle on, on the board of education, co gangland all according to files from the 2014 investigation on vladimir clubs and others in 2009, the russian forger enlisted hackers danita shockey and broker than hewlett butler in his team. in an exchange of emails found in the police files the latter to
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discuss the steps to be taken to activate a system of accounts. in anticipation of a meeting with vladimir kupta himself. a cruiser crystals, his stem with national electric cars, as he put up. i wanna go look, bah, he got brought a causal de la la la yo. as would it be? daniel upon la refused to explain further what the system of accounts was all about . the only other person who could answer our questions was the hacker himself than yoletta schulty. we found an address for his family in a small town near rome and went to look for him sick, but on thought savage found her candle danielle f. one happy, honest, happy. why now was him on that one? think a can
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a low in with and while we were about to leave, daniela's family came walking out of the gate, cannot open up. their mother got up in the air and maria maria had banana yellow girl, and i am a little white and vicious because i was on feel that woocommerce had the same potentially computed. they, they wouldn't listen to real and battery. they have another kid to future counseling, ciello, he's on silica angels, him ever legal to leg what level miss? so let me look again. i will not get i get a 10 number. anybody think it was a some of a yeah. although his relatives said they hadn't seen him for years, the shop does seem to be still active on the web, through a search in the internet registry. who is we manage to find his fiance's address. we rang the buzzer several times,
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but were always told that them yet. it was out. finally, we were asked to desist, so we decided to leave a message with our telephone number. but daniella never called us back, or what had started as an investigation into money laundering was quickly turning bizarre. our findings showed that there was much more inside the pol me police report, that italian authorities had missed the banking accounts, allegedly managed vital back to the court that it seemed to be part of a wider system of special accounts created by a forger or hacker, or both possibly as part of a money laundering scheme or a fraud was the mafia's treasure hidden in the folds of the system. or was it all a smokescreen hiding something else entirely? we were at a dead that's when we stumble on the list of banking operations, published by a court in key of ukraine. one of the operations in the list matched to the letter,
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one of the transactions, the italian police had overheard little bad to recorded that in discussing. it was an apparent transfer of money from germany to malaysia. the amount was beyond belief to trillion euros in the next episode of people in power. as the mystery deepens, we traveled to ukraine in search of answers. handsome familiar knaves. although chilla that was the voice of me 300, the chill, little ah ah, it, the climate has changed every year for millions of years,
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decades of talk. but little action is all about distract, create confusion to crate, smoke and mirrors. the shocking truth about how the climate debate has been systematically subverted. the oral industry was a main bank roller or opposition to clock back the campaign against the climate. do you think that's a bad thing? more shooting did was here's a good thing. absolutely. on. on visit a meeting of minds or over the world we have, this is the rise of in colorado, the climate catastrophe. where do you put the resulting anger? well, i'm hoping we can use that as the fuel to change society for the better musical innovative brian ino meets renowned economies, hodgin chang, part t. i quoted my sofa, the fun is the car is in the one. i don't have any competition. studio b unscripted on al jazeera. we understand the differences and
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similarities of cultures across the wound center match. i'm glad you call her hand out. you sarah will bring you the news and current affairs that mattie out there. ah, another attempt that a ceasefire in sedan with the army and the country's largest power, miniature group a battling the power. ah, hello, i'm darn jordan. this is officer a live and go are also coming up escaping the bobbins in saddam's capital. thousands trying to get out of car to the fighting continues a stampede and the yamani capital kills at lee.


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