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tv   Restitution Africas Stolen Art Repatriation  Al Jazeera  April 12, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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who is the nostril all of us silver to coffee in january indigenous leaders say their hopeful things will change, and that brazil's government will take its constitutional responsibility seriously to protect its indigenous population. one sign of new times was the visit by supreme court president jose vba. on the final day of the meeting, she arrived by helicopter to hear their grievances and demand. you are you um, you know what? the lead the way i'm committed to protecting the amazon. and that is why my 1st trip a supreme court, the president has been to this valley. i want to know 1st hand what is going on here. at the conclusion of the meeting, there shall, by the tribes came up with the 3 year plan. it includes pressuring the government to build war outposts to protect their lands, as well as training doctors and teachers to work in the reserve ha. later this month, many of these leaders will travel to the capital, brazil you to participate in
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a camp out with indigenous representatives from across brazil. they want to make sure that any promises me by the government will be backed with action. monica and i give, i'll jazeera job, id valley, brazil. ah, unless thank you. through saw the headlines him al jazeera enough when miles gender is admitted to carrying alton and strike on tuesday, but killed more than a 100 people. the military said the aim of the attack on the verge of passage. he was to restore peace in the region. tourney chang. so this update from bangkok. the little while ago i spoke to the defense minister for the national unity government and asked him the in the face of these fighter jets, helicopter gunship and heavy artillery. was there anything they could do to protect the territory? they seemingly control and most importantly,
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the people that are there, he admitted that they really only have small arms hunting rifles in many cases, to go up against mere mars military. but the one thing the military don't have is manpower. and that seems to be corroborated by reports on the ground. russia is being accused of beheading a captured ukrainian soldier. the video cannot be independently verified. crane's president, laudermill savanski, has condemned the alleged act. it's been no comment from the crime linda russia's parliamentary approved legislation that would allow authorities to summon draftees electronically instead of serving notices in person. many russians have avoided the draft by moving from their recorded addresses. united nations, secretary general and tony garages warning of looming famine in somalia as it faces its worst route in decades. he says the international community must act to prevent a catastrophe. you're us. resident joe biden is in northern ireland march the 25th
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anniversary of the signing of the good friday peace agreement is scheduled to meet representatives from all northern islands main political parties. international monetary fun says the global economy is facing uncertainty. it's worn and growth is the weakest in more than 3 decades. those iron headlines is always says al jazeera dot com for a while i to stories. it's restitution next frank assessments justice means to give them the basic human rights. not only in the temp, but also inside the mil map informed opinions. 5 administration are very concerned about this development, especially for what it means for china's power on the world's day critical debate. oh, really revoke those. they see the verbal spar in depth analysis of the data lines inside story on al jazeera in western museum,
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you still have hundreds of thousands of artifacts taken from african countries. in the 19th and 20th century, visitors admire the masks, jewelry, statues, and manuscripts. but they may not realize that most or only there because of colonization. in fact, more than 75 percent of sub foreign africa's cultural heritage was removed from the continent with oh, did with oh, in the 19 fifties and sixties,
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many african countries gained independence from the european colonizers. the governments of the new independent states believed that culture was a vital element of life in a modern nation. so museums opened across the continent. part of a new narrative of sovereignty. some took over old colonial buildings, but new legislation was passed to protect their cultural assets. some demands for the restitution of stolen artifacts became official government requests the united nations educational scientific and cultural organisation. unesco began to support these state requests, and some items were returned in the 19 seventies and eighties, but very few found their way back to africa or india. and those that did were often
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part of post independence art market trading. in, at the same time, requests for restitution began to slow, partly because some african lead started leaving for the west and lost faith in their governments abilities to protect their national heritage. this was exacerbated by the power imbalance between the global north and south, especially as international financial institutions got involved in african politics cervical, but non design, it must be on demand. a swat davidic douglas of to solar plugged into head, nebraska with the on it. and if it badly bulletin, does the mouth of dwell. but what was up this woman d sulu, is it thus, lubbock wondered if any galactose applet suffer by a hall, syphilis on it, that is small on our dis digger. ludicrous your own la cruz. to log on to her lover o'connor. good luck on your little former program for much russell. when is her
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father a on a cafe lunar golf on november. when thomas says when i got the machine is when the case with that company, oh the wild bank gimme i mesh out ranks unesco in that enabled european museums to play deaf and resist cards for restitution. they talked about setting dangerous precedent or a lack of museums in africa. and meanwhile, the international ot market was and still is their greatest friend. but the restitution debate is not just about public collections. it also involves, particularly in the african context, the private market in ethnographic god of $140.00 been uncomfortable. this been even cochroll on sale at sotheby's last december 100 was collected by a member of the 1897 expedition. holden, 2200 bids on the book. 2500. 2500 pounds of it said 2500.
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2800. 3000. 200. 2500. 3800. 4000. 200. 500. 805500. 6000. 30000. the 2000. 35000. that the 804-0000 foot to put a 2000 just visit. 42000 tons. go down at 42000 me marshall that were to leave leave presuppose it r o tires garcia. she would have us look open if our power corps were elm, casela georgia contributions certain resume several of his young people should. le seems as long as he should appear, stocum on the multi plan policy, problematic, but do some of embarrassment activity. escobar rushing share with your nissan c o. 2 license you. you can master performance money from source from boston,
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boston you, bob with you could deal with b, r if demo and blue cash title, particularly the only music i my britannic jesus. so he, that he's a key janet yet. i said them under his teacher a key. oh, cuz he the airbags on can for if i said you wrong, garage a completely damned or hasty too soon. baskets are damp. one wild toggle eat early . da da. the museum mom proposal on plessy because he proposed or had looked at molly's him was just hollis year or press on to sean connery. nick a couple balder berkeley one de music de booty. dorn is you there? yes. hill, dakota, italy muscle made the most sense. idiolect of them is it is, and this was on this on young the padlock with a passcode opinion, complete the lock last tree economy expect against equally strong and paul,
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comparable as they know said, suggest oh wow . the major museums now took a hard line over restitution. they used arguments about so called in alien ability that these artifacts simply shouldn't be given back. but they also position themselves as guardians against repatriation. the process they portrayed as short sighted and political just and it's this view that dominated the debate for the past 40 years. you could say we are looking after the stuff and therefore when the time comes, when we have the right context, when the other museum people at the other end where they are, the scholars and the publics, they're waiting as it were. then material can be returned and it would will be in
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good order. is it under dick a wheel is affleck, her own of it bass, a colossal thought alec la qu in the south press. the bicycle sake don't go in natasha. bob, put a pig. oh alex, but so thick air, but that soon there is ample again, is the red dodge of her de la handled to sla may sound call just doesn't really deal said there, blah blah. does are key wouldn't affect compound, could accomplish nearly shows, could it both badly compound me? no, sir, not to vic goose and not sla seneca personalities are not put in. don't ditty india back in person or more. keep a theft of credit. you don't do to de loc is c acidic ela, compound miracle, enter. say women, sudden exist a new bath with
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a good the what is a new i was in and sort of residency. people are good luck with the well developed word music. emit not like a soc, supposedly escal for vo said miss air deferred vinitez observed. does awfully. katy saw that in music. it'll be jimmy weather of this is anna, or jewel fuqua, asking our vision is her new level present, issa rockwell, and loving bussey. brooklyn at lee. pasi hey lance, good fatis larva aska. no filing, a valued actually there a bunch of la euclid at least glad to know goods you've wired, you know b no origin but a vehicle is still are if they seen, if you suddenly see on for alley dollars lag and i last was it shows you raising for my so low balances when you look good day, we set them up with what different lee lease blood it is. was it for the analysis we don't know balance on the look. good. be see good of me and morgan at nist,
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blah rosen city to where the, where he knew she don't. what is a with while younger the dusky, because his up weight, perchance he's just somebody the weight of japan son is or she why we fight her. sorry. again, 3 girls off off. well numa, 3 out of just good news. i went back we just chose to missing you won't. we don't offend amusing for me. really see if research not putting one effective focus. how literacy are icky gone? go either for myself, you know what you, what you, what you, what took is what's a good company come in and visit to the museum dallas human eligibility. we kind of look, bah, a come to it for like visit, although the boy could be a counter. there's africa, or album, taylor fair go. do mil salazar a bunch is a clean, clear to up like that. they alleged up here. i suppose i could go after 2, if we could do her. she says in list him. he said he couldn't resent on the hope
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his own attrition and laura, wow, composite will have both of you. there you go. if you ever had to order the medical that the last such river would of them orange includes it will be home. yes. on long fat reverse is i don't like i was watching them, shut it on is only watch about, oh count, buffalo gap hold you deserve or say has a gala de, she thought it booted mm. got on by the music. if a ballad admitted to music, it was ordered a nicole to forward his drama. alex soccer during a proficio mil knows a novel commerce called the eta and don deprogrammed on to see me near a vic local leg walks. he don't do it until it gets so didn't on in rows of. she gave her novel of rama le more years. if it is, you remember that initial so say, come see on it back to professor mila, accomplish it, mother in law center,
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but possibly some were. yeah, well, as you can, with some cup of tea, fairly see or music. receiving these as shown, doc emoji, near kiddos a, over a month to, to, to possibility killers. look, or a yeah, ah, i new generation of museums has now begun to emerge in africa with at least one eye on tourism. in the car, the museum of black civilizations envisaged by former senegalese president sang or 6 years earlier, was opened in 2018 when benign city nigeria plans for the ido museum for west african art. where announced
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in 2020 is a joint venture with a british museum and several german museums. the germans have since announced that they will start returning their benign drawn fis. but other institutions may only send them on the loan. and it's not clear if european institutions will contribute western exhibits to create a so called universal museum coma. it's sheila pushy blue pool and she don't taylor that. wow. oh, that come of your own more control in constitutional thought or to do shit. oh good . no glove, he body collection public. don't key. do nothing, man. yeah. i've gotten or to them. luckily from prim, leak of horse and our bottle open. it ought to be no book, oblique consulting men, yet liable said we did as a position e r. it cause him cement auction or told accept i bought a 2 bedroom,
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one touch our live gotta wander more, you know, leaks easter on these while we're on your wall of you also thought warner creek. oh, why should i be americans visit the museum? the frequency? well, it's altogether do 1000 by day. oh, do w she not all. honestly, people go universal museums, exhibit work from all ears and civilizations. they're meant to make art accessible to every one. but at the moment they only exist in the west. however, critics of these museums see the idea of exhibiting african artifacts there. as simply another form of cultural colonialism. kaziz lucio cities as renewed as an easement for to schedule them in their situation. sit down shows care if you show them all the salting. she put them with her new asset control default
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in your cell. it was on this thing in the quiet income list. so you can have the gas. yeah. hello this i was, i renewed f like a order is exposing one of them. so auction won't look like on looks, you know, looks awesome, it will gladly take one c needle them, so they buy the sick one, sam. oh them it is to more or less you sure, of at legacy. sure, sure. and he said this kenneth should have put in a policy that laughing or we don't want a home says other day coach. cecil nastic scachar focuses wash. he saw a lump under one bully can't go to better to they were selling positional ferguson sherlow county african hilarious initial is upset and some of the most la mom both took in the saloon po pheromone. ah,
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as views of the colonial period change, the big ether, logical museums had to change to. so since the 19 ninety's, these traditional types of european museums have closed, their collections spread around and their human remains put in storage. others are becoming consensual, world culture museums, putting colonial history into a modern context. ah, rather than displaying african works in ether, logical collections, they now sit alongside european works of art. the gaunt cultures are now on shore in the louvre in paris, as well as the mona lisa opening
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or reopening a museum without any form of restitution is now unacceptable to many. the humboldt form is a new museum of known european art in the historic center of berlin. it's been built in the we constructed berlin palace, a symbol of old imperial and colonial prussia. and it has hundreds of benign bronzes, but internal debate in germany and pressure from nigeria that the government to announce the large scale return of the benign bronzes owned by german museums. fisco stared on fear vignette, according metals, for again, a bite of item in gangs hudson own 2 guests was of santiago. we're going to be mean boston to come. you know, deutsche long term is held up by his issues. i know colon yarn forgotten. i'd feel akiva had squealed through stern. that's my lung inside some bit early, i'm bleeding of lincoln one that i no longer go to germany,
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transferred ownership of more than a 1000 been bronzes to nigeria in december 2022 and has since began to hand them over museums in the u. s. and u. k had also returned some items. however, the british museum has the largest collection of beneath bronzes, but i still not yet announced whether it will return any of them arguing is prevented from doing so by acts of parliament in france, 2 years after the son of warsaw report on restitution was published and french president emanuel michael made his promise of restitution. an important symbolic event took place. the family of the 19th century west african leader and islamic scholar, elijah ma fi to tyler had been lobbying for the official return of his sabre for
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over 20 years. tile founded the took owner in pyar in today's synagogue, guinea, mauretania and molly, but also fought the french. his son lost the fabre in his defeat to the french army in 1893. although it had been on loan to the museum of black civilizations in the car, his family wanted full restitution, and the salvazar report made it a priority. in 2019 all my task saber was restored to the family in a poignance handover ceremony by the french prime minister with
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just missive. sickles, crescent harris holds skin. dig a shock on the policy to kill on guns if i can on all can return my letter. i will miss if i reuben, our evils, rental trip. in ecological sentilia, georgia don't either give all for and kinda difficult to keep a one on minute dip are fundamental in girl. here it is. if i just want to risk city shonda tutorial, donna id medical research come wanted us to, i'm going to disagree or sick idea, please objects all about was the wireless one, which was formal money, extra acre or sorry, i couldn't. it could be set up a week organiser, last question is ontological motive to actually come into it and use it. oh, i see, or newton don't suppose good. a sub in assembled against the shoals sill assembled de la cruz's. bowels sil isn't, will dick?
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gosh, girl is african up was a let me know 1st elected the sauce. the lagoon is as simple cycle, selfish as the satellite hello, electron elijah irma but did good we. but the good old meal alleged she had it back to the do one because to alicia to there's africa, the pu, but suppose it rimple february. mom want to in at me. i thought well up why the dick vehicle society supposed go. so savage. what leave luck ought to truly need immediate immediate adoption caravan call shall is awesome through sauce colina cause a swell of half because as well um, looked at because a swa la man is your boss. good. oh disappointed ilia, and not remind to shows a fairy ado double but moon is africa, you falcon, a sly, you're conceal, go live on to columbus to, to song it was he fought good of on to kill and upon loss.
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but in today's world, such returns don't happen in isolation. they serve diplomatic, financial, industrial, and military interests. for this one, saber, france received hundreds of millions of euros in arms sales and did a deal on measures again sub saharan immigration. blue, blue, blue, blue. a year later, however, the french senate voted unanimously to approve a bill to return $27.00 colonial ear items in museum collections to benign and synagogue within a year. but this was a one off piece of legislation. in france. new laws are needed to remove objects
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from french museum collections. considered inalienable parts of national heritage. ah, true luck is joel dearest. the restitution is rochel gold bow lu, dial the stars limousine to us by duluth hours. do this 12 doors to records, the strong unit by the next door to door they passed through november 2020 law only covered the 26 beneath i thames. and retrospectively, the return of omar tars saber tech. they don't care, they left the off innovation. so our friends will deal with this was on the tell know, those it vinny,
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the shiver said larry pet, we're gonna kimberly vivian dunny, who look on a so you declare women's op ali, the poodle climbing yes. memories mom his lunch was he? norris each year this is a service is sal go ok is not was ah ah ah, my brain declared, i still fit and didn't mean to sit on the president don't sink up polluted toward his object, nor so i always ga dollars towards your money. a condo palmilla, but do leave his john to quote that she stood monte button one kiss. kiss i see if
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he exact de la de la declaratory story. going to pass him at my line, i'm declared as to symbolic for puffy, willis young. in january 2023, the french culture ministry announced 3 new framework laws that may help bring about the restitution of more artifacts. meanwhile, the campaign for restitution continues in the hope that one day african heritage will be entirely retained to the continent and that cultural exchanges. and the global market will operate in a far more equitable way. ah ah.
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the latest news, as it breaks over the years from has been the target of numerous lawsuits and criminal investigations. but this time is different with detailed coverage, although many countries are speaking through years that defenders. what profit we all know. jennifer, as a toilet, will cost to new to be in demand from around the world. it's an indication of how relying benjamin netanyahu is on support in the fall, right. the plans with a so called national guard have suddenly feed a balmy, coveted beyond. well, hey, can, without hesitation, fought and died for power. defines our world, we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with people empower, investigate, exposes,
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and questions. they use them to be use of power around the globe. on al jazeera inequality, corruption, repression, and dre the political, it just decided to come to the piece of cake. i'm sure i'm one of each other, and documentary to explore the desperate stage of democracy in lebanon. a through the eyes of those who are losing hope every day. oh, teams are becoming blue democracy maybe democracy for sale on al jazeera. ah ah.


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