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tv   Witness Surviving a Sinister Sect  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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our public, our consumers of our poultry and eggs, and those are safe because they're inspected before they're put out into the supermarkets. i think for us, the worst case scenario is seeing this continued to spread, which the states governor has also set aside $25000000.00 from next year's budget to compensate farmers. another 6000000 for testing. but as this latest strain of avian flu shows, no signs of debating some in the industry se vaccinating chicken should also be on the table now says see $1015.00, a number of different outbreaks, billions of dollars spent on indemnification. you know, 100000000 birds put down. it deserves serious consideration at this point in time. they say more needs to be done to keep this vital food supply safe. kristen salumi al jazeera lancaster, pennsylvania ah, are headlines on al jazeera,
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the israeli military says 34 rockets have been fired towards israel from lebanon and the largest such barrage since the 2006 war 3 people are reported injured and several buildings have been damaged rockets have also been fired from gaza. this comes after is really forces stormed alex m mosque for a 2nd night in a row. on wednesday, several palestinian worshippers were injured. many fear attentions could lead to more violence during ramadan and the jewish holiday of passover. the french president amended mccoy's urging china's shooting ping to reason with russia to help bring an end to the war in ukraine. the leaders have been meeting in beijing to discuss the conflict. the european commission presidents are still under layin, is also at the talks in beijing. don, you should yeah, that you need the world today is undergoing profound historical changes as permanent members of the un security council and major countries with a tradition of independence and as staunch promotions of multi polarization of the world and the democratization of international relations. china and france have the
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ability and responsibility to train st. differences and shackles adhered to the general direction of a china france, comprehensive strategic partnership that is stable. reciprocal, pioneering and progressive practice. true multilateralism and maintain world peace, stability, and prosperity. saudi arabia and iran have agreed to resume flights between the 2 countries and facilitate visa citizens as part of a chinese mediated deal. it follows talks between saudi and iranian foreign ministers in beijing. the 1st such meeting in 7 years. a life pictures now as hundreds of thousands of people rallied across france for another day of strikes and mass protests. again, pension reform. it comes out to talk between the prime minister and labor unions, failed to break a stalemate. the british government has confirmed plans to hold hundreds of asylum seekers and migrants on
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a barge off the southern coast of the u. k. this is designed to reduce the cost of using hotels as temporary accommodation and deter new arrivals. human rights groups have called the plan, quote, crew, and inadequate up next on al jazeera, witness. years for miles is it on the go and me tonight, out is there is only mobile app. is that the you? this is where we dissects, analyze the fun with from out is there is mobile app available in your favorite abdul to set for it and that are made and you up from al jazeera new at you think it ah, it passes no. st. louis. no.
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ah it was hi, mrs. dordy villain sat by lansing. ah seen me not but glass light dorval's puzzle you via on. so i'm gonna see a finance body don't meet this one the receipt of your capital the colony yet you're telling betty under but a little it bullshit. please let us. i'll manice can you are dealing with fantasy santa broken door will not be a problem. a deal east allows you saw the me by east. is it lou? as it can be? do a new st billing to godaddy it. glory to yeah. will. so $61.00 in front, deep gonna be cindy though that would be noted bullshit. physical celebrity exam,
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but what really cast at that is when pony had phoebe armina fell immune, i see antonio and they say say couple 11 dcea e mails to soup or marcell. well, i knew the place is really soon in between us. you've been in contact with on the day and that had been shifted for the neil brilinta born france. bad or yes, you will. nice will seek be nice if loan at any flippancy palace would have been sam's killer cap today. she is pretty healthy. now. don't eat dody own or dosa. molly minutes, unanimous lab. beautiful. dear bill, daniel gabriel. isabella
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warner w. my. take her daughter and totally were women when paul war but janelle, the other. but if the if a viola, order over long, the worth done. so little. yeah. coloma 3 is a little nama we have put on birth again. maybe it was coming on can, is he thought he member article may loyal feel, you know, the suck lee the dealer. they bought over and saw gardena for you. yeah. the dog conical storage earlier
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and soon you so lose. adobe san fran saying with bosa did because he couldn't see it and didn't really colonial me up on the review on his ross put a monitoring, tanya, with france got a sick back on the, the liaison with the annual if well, a palo yield will let him in to put on nobody. haley, my name is ingrid. i will be handled this alley manny. i look quite run used. condos. would policy. i don't see that bullshit killers have yet permit deal. but ace. at the era podium, possibly locally. sally quit as hell mal ah, he had a teal use for them to put all this bodies. if it was so 6 while many years with the sound of foot under vowels. yowse at her had
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come with klaus napoleon compatible at the saddle of peters nealus o 3 i to leon, as needlessly man, as you sit on albriton l. c. waters. when he had shifted invisible, sat ambien in utilities. ah, the gala gower and fernandez beth indian de la weekly must st. boosters who camino a home. those low rams look up today. ah, the little aliya neu t c. hey, you know, didn't these on your screen saying good book? i didn't don't vivita what i like alone. you better know lowered adena. that cell
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are not a master. see alice? if we don't expose cells, don't let there. so do i look at that on the table had with them they say a trellis in this and paddle susie melton a deal where they said, oh no less than the wack gasket. but the nascent and colonaze gazelle canarsie, i lost x in figured out that elastic can oklahoma so oh yeah, i think i love it. yeah. that what these are, what are you saying he's falling into some out been sun laguna. dow lost a bit our but i said lake in us, i am to leave. he's in the medical center quote unquote, indifference calling valencia on, namely hands, vinegar were alarming mongolia. ginseng of the boy there at the leo.
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and understand most of the sawdust, killer women, only me the dog that gwinnett said, bottle and poured. okay. ah, possibly that incredible impulse purser. with that i quit the corner. turn a anyway like what in figures? malala casa santa to look, they want us to kinko's to lateral seal di hockey, but a christy has to run with france and contra moorland can lemon available on liquid barrels letter middle
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company. now, maria had only the same havoc, according to debbie, but after the 7 or better victory login, are you able to do your unit, specifies compulsion, vanka. course, pomona lawgiver, want to somebody let's see. sample of us for furna go. sarielle came in to go read. am in like one on it. oh yeah. he quando salih most so he was under the name of keith alone dish. i'm not shown here or con no to her via no a sandwich. casala front of you on your tenure to end your day. you had our new
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guard and beside in the way would in way will you know c, d at an ester co saki knowledge in yes, i, leader. ah, what i've heard. second, for the sale going up and on the link to the systems, incorporate our gums that says either mental but as the input of somebody called it up front. so bob, good luck yet. so it will be see nothing with
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with he get it. so i need this young c o in it, because you don't be don't get an yelling video ramona, by you, nora. i believe the company said legally my not listen to your foil, isla saw as effect on the sink. what are you gonna combo leave
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in griffin, i'm thinking cellphone is going to sleep in percent that i was going hector, you want me to send an area to the thorn brown fan or live down the fluid. if you're not feeling you glad out. you want to represent under the level on a need out of the see, i don't give you yet in another single class. it could be in a little boy. let me marley manning. so la purcell de la garza, he so long to get out the local will at boyd my to the lord if he will, anemia, and are you any but can even offer cetera equal to believe your own to hope be so can auditable yes. about that equal good meter a hole, i am only like condition able anemia syndrome on that. a sham i angedik effect. isn't that liddy hit on buses at guesses of us at guesses? celia in the east with you? so this is he a dangerous reader?
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like what de la monona at the 11th to this order than death soon? the council. it doesn't. it doesn't want to see it, but we love it. mm. mm. mm. mm. it's not going to that that i don't know what you know, what god knows, you know your limits,
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it is well that's what i'm doing on my own and i don't want all of you. thank you for no, no, no. he was all when i was on or on monday is all your for the monthly and they are like getting paid on let feed. okay. look at these joint national not going to will mass. i got your thought it did your gym would have my me get it's your know i've been you know, going on my course no. go to the needle me to feed all
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again. my only concern that i need is no one. 0 no, no. i had a note with ah i me from a separate owl. a feel a feel a yeah. a
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yes. ah oh the only thing with with
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i cannot no, no. for a you will question your, your, your look, what does she could you don't invest in whenever he doesn't mind. if i say he will love if he is, who will or been so figure since going from order on the list of orders tatum, i know i said luck with tony and concerned isn't a breezy ah, ah,
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i'm justin of ama casado can is no more data since how bad k as in america, is how by no model yet osi ah, man, now marie antoinette can mean not that an upgrade was made or no, i already said the unyielding desk 1st. if we're almost got an old friend to i work on the varsity to stop and shop with pm me. oh, sometime named us in a sabby. i k put a conf. yes. temper centers in ah you in oh oh
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no i
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ah so green. oh thank you have what now? yeah. can i help you? yes. so we can put that in. mm hm. okay. yeah. good. wonderful. yeah, this is going leslie's not
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feeling good. is there a little bit of young your kind of the content to you when i get done with julia to see i hate them blah blah blah duda bishop casey katie. now today
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he said goes, ah ah, ah, ah, the ah maybe to get fully in a fit to know kevin as well as the guardian killing
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it. and so when you defeat the value of that one faith, give a scene off the body and you're getting to lead, you know, when you come was that can or you got anyone massena going about? i'll include all right, a lot on the mileage and believe it a little my know both . oh, lou
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with with the i mean they yes, the 33 people may or may i got the yes a or this is janet a total. ah, i own i leave that you one. i had a portal i back i can no, no lot. ah, and so much for us for some with little not
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a simple see ah ah, almost sun life dsl. 2 ah, your i go by the only gallo bundle gideon. ah . with g domain. no. oh, no, i would assume electrical key. see kuda
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it. they like? ah, do you all louisa. you done linda, dan dodie, cuz i'm juanita. you know, telemundo, it's all escalating. ah, those that know, do those that understand? teach cook a maverick school headmaster in post conflict gulf fust, determined to change the fortunes of an inner city community,
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plagued by urban decayed poverty and the legacy of sectarian aggression arms. as students with the knowledge of the ancient greek philosophers, protest failure, and everybody else is young. plato, a witness documentary on as jesse era. ah, [000:00:00;00] with frank assessments, justice means to give them the basic human rights, not only in the camp, but also inside the me, a map informed opinions 5 administration are very concerned about this development especially, or what it means for china's power on the world states. critical debate are only
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both the legal route for what they see that you're going to focus in depth analysis of the days headlines inside story on al jazeera jump into the stream head percent of the population globally is responsible for about 15 percent of carbon emission showing the debate, people have already lost their life. people, how close to that culture of the people, how close about conditions. have your say, want to broaden this conversation by bringing more voices into it. live on you to people commenting. i want the whole world to know that jeff, thank you for not headed strategies over through this with the powers that be this gene on al jazeera, escalating tensions in the middle east. several rockets are fired from southern


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