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tv   Witness Surviving a Sinister Sect  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2023 6:30am-7:01am AST

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100 kilometers, finland, joining nato more than doubles russia's land border with the alliance. later says no non finish troops will be stationed in finland without helsinki permission. but russia has already vowed to increase its military presence near the border. the kremlin promising counter measures to what it calls a threat to its security and national interests. russia's defense minister said it added to a patent of nato activity near russian territory since the crane invasion. this is irma, of course, all these crates, risks of a significant escalation of the conflict, but it will not affect the outcome of the special military operation address senior bali, the war and ukraine also under discussion at night to on tuesday with talks on increasing member countries contributions and long term integration between nato and ukrainian forces. still short of the full membership ukraine is seeking. there is no better solution to ensuring your atlantic security as a whole. then membership of greg evangel memory agree. there's still no agreement
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within nato, on a timeline for something that will be seen in moscow as the ultimate provocation loo. nato secretary general is though promising swift progress on sweden's membership by getting to kia to overcome its objections and allowing the swedish flag to become the 32nd to fly. here, harry force it al jazeera this is out, is there a vizier top stories for me? you as president, donald trump has addressed his supporters in florida to pleading not guilty to 34 felonies of falsifying as this records. he described the case against them as election interference. everybody was in shark. nobody had ever heard of such a rate before. we can even believe at who would think that that could happen today . i immediately thought of the 4th amendment that protects against unreasonable
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search and seizure. but they did it anyway because our justice system has become lawless. they're using it now. in addition to everything else to win elections, apparently they're not looking at me through the view of the non criminal presidential record check. they came up with a new one. this is a new one. and they're looking at me through the espionage act, figured out how to search out of 1917 zoning forces, have storm the al axa mosque in occupied east jerusalem. they fired rubber coated bullets and stung grenades during ramadan. prayers. the 7 palestinians happen reported injured. strange forces accusing worshippers of barricading themselves off to exceeding the agreed timings after the incursions. israel said that at least 11 rockets were fired from garza into southern israel in the early hours of wednesday
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. hers president dina, but it was a survived in a peach bent bed over her handling of anti government protests. congress has rejected a motion to remove bald wattsey in russ broke out in december after the removal of her left, his predecessor pedo castillo us south korean. and japanese washing have wrapped up a 2 day exercise in the east china sea. it was intended to increase their readiness in the face of escalating threats and missile launches from north korea. ok, they see headlines and east continues. here on al jazeera, after witness stay with us. ah, a weekly look at the world's top business stores, from global markets and economies to construction of small businesses. to understand how it affects our daily lives. counting the cost on al jazeera
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ah, it passes. no sir with us. not. ah it basil is light duty. villain, sat violently ah sin midnight but grass lay doraville puzzled. you even sony gonna see a friend's body don't meet this one the racine area. capital the colonial. you're telling bitty under put a little bullshit. lead, wait a sec. i'll manage skinny. what de leon lasagna since that book and over one at the
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upcoming dealer east allows you saw the price is as low as it can be. do new st. dillard claudia it glory to yeah. also 6 valley front deep gone piece and it know that would have been did bullshit. political soil politic simple. what really cast at that he seemed pontiac silly. i'm in a cell immune. i seem to know and they say say couple a little tecia enestus supermodel. ah mary, i knew the place severely soon because im been bigger in contract with on the day and that had been shifted where the neo brilinta point ah friends mad at me. yes. you know, so see if we don't have any flint ppc pallet would have been samus kilogram today. shift city and finance deal, nickelodeon or dosa. molly minutes, unanimous blackwood from viet rolly daniel game political
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is at the other corner. thankfully loma take her daughter and totally wilburn when paul war. but janelle, the other that is the isabella order, little her long, the worth turn so little. yeah. coloma 3 is in a futile nama. they had put on bo, i forget me again. it was come young can is a seato, he member article, my loyal feel, you know, the faculty, the dealer,
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they bought over than thor gardena for you. yeah, adult cornell holden. this is stora, lillian. 2 incidentally solis adobe sent in francine leaps with bossa. nick is he couldn't see it and didn't really colonial me up on the review in his rouse, put a marketing tanya with france gothic back on the de la soul and weary agnes if well wi, we'll let them in to put on nobody. haley, my niece ingrid, i will be handled this alley manny. i look quite dry. newest condos would policy. i don't see that bullshit killers have. yep, i'm a deal but ace at the era. but i got the impossible locally that sally quit, i sell mine. ah,
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he had a tea little niece for them to put all this bodies. if it also 6 while mentally. yes, we're not allowed to foot under allows you yowse with our hot comic louse, napoleonic abiding. ah, the saddle beat us nealus o 3 i to lend us needlessly. man, as you sit on albert, i have been in the waters when he had shifted invisible, sat ambien and mutilated ah, the gala gower and fernandez bevin. beehan de la weekly must be saying that boosters who camino e home, those load amsec up today. ah, the little aliya neu, tci 0
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need. ah, didn't these i used crown saying, did mcadden don't vivita what i like alone. you better know, lowered adena, that a cell are not a master. see alice, if we don't expose cells, don't let there. so do i look at that on that the other had only safety a alice in this and paddle salty, melted another way. like i said, i want to lessen the wac gasket, but the nascent an colonaze gomez, electron aussie, i lost x into it, and that elastic they can oklahoma, so oh, you're gonna love it. yeah. what are you saying? he's falling into some out, been sand laguna bow, lots of pit our. but i said lake in was sam to leave. he's an embody,
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was acquaintance indifference here going valencia, cornelius vinegar were alarming. mongolia can sell you the boy. there are cellulose. and understand most of the saudis, killer woman, all, we need the delegate that connected with tom and poured k ha passing. who that incredible impulse purser with that and quit declining thoroughly anywa logwood in think with him, while agatha turned to through the pay. what does the king court to lucille d hockey? but
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a christie has to run with france and gone to morrow. m. clement, available in liquid rule, let him know company now little he had only the same havoc, according to debbie, but after the 7 or better victory laguna went to your unit, especially with comfort zone vanka course promo. now, la. gov. ever want to somebody show let's he sample of us for for an or go sarielle. k me don't go read. am in napoleon is oh yeah. he quando salih moss.
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so he was on the name of keys alone dish. i'm not shown. yeah. cano twitter via know a sandwich. casala frontier on your 10 year to end your day. you had our new god and best had in way wooden way. will you know c, d at an ester co saki knowledge in? yes, i, leader. ah what i've heard 2nd for this, i don't know enough and under calling brother. do or lisa sounds good. put our gums
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that's in the middle, but if it even pulled up, somebody called it up front. so bob, carla, be at school. he will be see nothing with with he get it. so i love me this young c o in it because there won't be longer than yet in video. the mon up i, you know, up my bill is the company said he got my notice in the affordable isla,
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so as if it's not on the same, what are you, i'm gonna come with the president because they said, well, it's wonderful. even pretended i would really like to hear what me resend on see when i should have gone grandson, who lives in sandlewood. if you're not feeling you know a in a boy let me, molly. my name is sola purcell de la garza. he is so long to get a couple of boyd my to the load, if it will, nemea i'm, are you in a book can even offer cetera equal to leave your own to hope a. so in order to pull your support that equal computer,
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i am only like condition able anemia syndrome on that issue. i, it isn't that little hit on buses that cases as i said cases here it is. okay, so this is a tenuous reader. is it like what pneumonia at $1130.00 to this order, the dia. soon the cancel. it does, it is, it is lesson does. you want to give it a want to see a green with one a not,
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not a only with a rather one. all of you have to go. thank you. no, no, no from was all a not a one or tell me what is all your phone a bought for louden a you know, a lot of math. i got your phone number on it. let me look
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into it a would have my me get it on your not done yet. no. going on. a little bit on that cause that's good. know, but it's going to a needle me to speed all i no, no to joy. i get any money on this. i mean, it is. no, no, no, no. i had a note, a bit of a date for me from at least without
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a feeling a feel. a whole lupe a with
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with i cannot. no, no, i asked for a do you want to watch your you know, what did she go? do you want to press a point? is who or look. been so figurative. i think i p a w a total my know i said like what do i get in contact then? there's another boise for
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a i'm just in a band because saddle can it? yes, i know more about it changed how bad he is and what i did, it's todd bye model. yeah, no i i and i'm really not. can mean not that i printed off need or no i already yesterday on the 1st of the scott and i went to i work on another southern shores pm me sometime in o. k put hamper centers in
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ah ah ah ah, i i
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use i me. oh, oh, thank you much that would allow you to remind you. yes. so we can do that and you can give me a
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call when you get this going. let see were not feeling good. i keep with young you can with you when i get done with them.
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wow. love to do this with
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my vehicle back. no, no, you're fully enough to know and gary nasa, we're in killing viet and we need to swing on the video to back it up to one. they give us enough civil at the end you're getting to left. you know, one thing you got was that, you know, you got any woman senior to go out and plead all right, a lot any mile in for leader to know my know both. oh lou.
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when b a they yes the 33 people may or may i go for a well this is janet a total i own i leave that you on. i had a portal i know
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lot i so much for us with ah, not a simple tv. ah. ah, almost so not liason. ah, your are all ago. the only guy lo bundle of tv and then ah, with domino
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a joy who does june electrical hockey seek. who does it? they like ah, do you all reason the lien that the money to get on a loan a
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the journey from childhood into young adulthood is speckled with tribulation for youngsters like rima autism is another challenge to add to the makes gong to with a loving family and a caring friend, she bravely lives learned and chases her dreams as she finds her place in the world . oh, see me as i am a witness documentary on how to sierra. ah! [000:00:00;00] with breaking down the headlines to exposing the po was attempting to silence reporting
7:00 am
. what did you do, what to, to investigate? why didn't you ask the question? there are many during that fencer, it will have a chilling effect on subsequent story. the listening post doesn't cover the news. it covers the way the news is covered to suppress moderate. and in some cases amplify the content you see on your part of the listening has own which is era. laura begum plaque to bangladesh looking for safety after facing military crackdown in man. but this is what she's dealing with now are make shift home at this refugee camp in cox's bazaar. went up in flames on sunday, and the far how strong the spotlight back on the struggles. the chalmers and tragedy is based on daily basis by everyone here. this fire, as a reminder of the many challenges facing the rowing or refugees there caught between the increasingly dangerous situation in bangladesh and a new political reality off a homeland now led by the same military hunter responsible for the crack down force


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