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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST

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explore and abundant some world class programming after the guy is the least polluter here too bad, like him, fucks, designed to inform, motivate, and inspire you on out his iraq the journey from childhood into young adulthood is speckled with tribulation. for youngsters like rima autism is another challenge to add to the makes gong to with a loving family. and it caring frank, she bravely lives, learns and chases her dreams as she finds her place in the world. oh, see me as i am a witness documentary on al jazeera ah doll chump becomes the 1st u. s. president to be charged for
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a crime in connection with a case of paying money to an adult film star trump calls or to which hanson says he'll fight back his opponents. welcome the verdict. ah, until mccrae, this is al jazeera live from doha. also coming up malaysia's jailed, former prime minister in the jeep, resolved, loses his last chance to overturn his corruption conviction. and we look at the conditions of pakistan's overcrowded and aging prisons. ah, for the 1st time in history or former us president has been charged with a crime, donald trump has been indicted by a grand jury in new york. the charge of charges had not yet been made public, but the jury was investigating a hush money payment made by trump's former lawyer to an adult film star. gabrielle
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ellison begins al coverage from new york. after more than a week of intense speculation and anticipation, manhattan district attorney ivan bragg leaves his office in new york. having just made history minutes later, a spokesperson confirmed that a grand jury bragg convened had voted to indict former president donald trump over alleged hush money to a former adult film star. and that prosecutors were working out the arrangements with trumps lawyers for the former president to turn himself into authorities. it wasn't long before a typically combative. trump responded through a post on social media. trump calling the indictment an attack on our country, the lakes of which has never been seen before. stormy daniels and her alleged sexual encounter with donald trump is at the center of the criminal case against the former president. after she threatened to go public about the affair in the
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final days of trumps, 2016 presidential campaign trumps. then fixer michael cohen paid her a $130000.00 to keep quiet. cohen, who testified before the grand jury has said he made the payments at trump's direction, and in 2018 pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws. not revenge. right? what this is is about accountability. i don't want to see any one, including donald trump indicted, prosecuted, convicted incarcerated, simply because i fundamentally disagree with them. this is all about accountability . he needs to be held accountable for his 30 deeds. trump is always denied the affair, and also initially denied any knowledge of the payment, but now says it took place as a legitimate legal expense ah. under new york law, it is the falsification of business records,
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not the payment itself. that would be trumps cr time. a misdemeanor and only of prosecutors can prove he made the payment and falsified records. specifically to hide the affair right from voters or the i r s. would it be a felony or a more serious crime that could come with jail time. the source of occasion of records for the purpose of committing tax evasion would be the addition, specific crime to elevate falsification of business records from a misdemeanor to a felony. the exact charges against donald trump in the indictment are still under seal, have not made public. it's expected early next week. trump will arrive here in new york to turn himself into authorities. he'll then face a judge and then be released. trump is the 1st current or former president of the united states to ever face criminal charges. gabriel is on dough al jazeera,
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new york. mike hannah is in washington dc with more reaction to the indictment has largely been along a partisan lines. republicans generally criticizing the decision to bring an indictment against donald trump. many describe it as a, with an eye zation of the legal process. that is the words used by the speaker of the house. kevin mccarthy echoed as well by the governor of florida run dissenters . who importantly also said that he would not cooperate in any attempt to extradite trump from florida to face trial in manhattan. this an important point should trump decide not to surrender himself to place the charges in a manhattan court. but on the other side, we heard from representative adam shift, who was typical of the democratic reaction. basically saying that trump's criminal
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acts as he put a have court up with him and saying that no matter how rich and powerful. busy nobody is above the law, but the interesting point from hearing from republicans that the electro system has been undermined by the district attorneys decision to bring charges against donald trump. this in itself ironic, given that under binding the electro system or attempting to subvert the electro system is a charge that donald trump may well be facing in georgia in the months ahead. clear finkelstein is a lawyer and the faculty director of the center effects and the rule of law. she says thompson document is the least serious charge among his possible court cases. of all the cases that could potentially come to fruition against donald trump. this is in a sense, the most minor. the big concern here would have been campaign finance violations
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that the payments to stormy daniels issued through michael cohen, the president's former lawyer. um would have been a violation of campaign finance laws. that's not likely what this indictment is about. this indictment is likely about false financial statements. so of all the things georgia election interference, seditious conspiracy for january 6 possible espionage charges because of moral lago . this is the sort of lowest on the totem pole. um and i would be surprised if this alone resulted in jail time for donald trump. either way there will be profound consequences. first of all, if donald trump is in deep tried successfully prosecuted and sentenced, we'll send a very important message that no one is above the law. beyond that, if this prosecution is unsuccessful,
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i'm very concerned about the impact that that could have on other prosecutions, such as any federal prosecution, either for moral lago orford, the january 6th insurrection. ah, and that would be a profound concern because those more serious charges, if they are not prosecuted, if they are not punished, really would send a message to future precedence about the possibility that they can violate the law with impunity. malaysia's highest court has dismissed an attempt by former prime minister, nat geo, reside to have as corruption that conviction refute the jeep is serving a 12 year sentence. the case relates to the embezzlement of the states investment fund, and one of the biggest financial scandals in the country's history. he is the 1st formal leader of the country to be jailed. florence louis has more from column poor . this was not deborah's out final chance to have his corruption conviction
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overturned through the judicial process. now that he has failed, he will have to return to prison to serve the remainder of his 12 year sentence while he seeks a royal pardon. his lawyers had hoped the highest court in malaysia would review it earlier. decision niger browser was found guilty of corruption, abuse of power, and money laundering in 2020. that position was subsequently reaffirmed by 2 different appellate courts in 20212022. now on friday, 4 out of 5 judges voted to dismiss nudges application. the majority decision said they were satisfied that there was been that there's been no miscarriage of justice and even said, nudging was the quote, author. a of his own misfortunes, unco niger faces 3 other trials related to the one m d b financial scandal. although he was recently acquitted of audit temporary,
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florence louis al jazeera who jaya malaysia. finland is a step closer to becoming a member of nate. home to key is parliament has passed, a bill approving the finish application to join the military alliance. the turkish vote was the last one needed for the country to join finland and sweden applied for night membership after the russian invasion of ukraine. anchor initially blocked both beds, citing disagreements on kurdish groups. it considers terrorists pirates have abandoned a danish owned oil ticket in the gulf of guinea bound, holding some crew members hostage. the armed men boarded the vessel 250 kilometers of the off point. noah in the republic of congo on saturday. the ships own as say the rest of the 16 strong crew are safe. at least 35 people have died after floor collapsed at a hindu temple in central india. it happens in the city of indoor dozens of worship is celebrating a religious festival plunged into
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a communal sphere lined well when the floor gave way. rescuers had been working through the night to pull people out and recover bodies with dozens of palestinians . palestinian football fans are accusing the israeli army the taking them with tear gas. while they were watching a local league final troops stormed the stadium an occupied east. jerusalem and 5 tear gas when the match was under way. some players were also affected by the tear guess. 3 people were injured or thousands of israelis gathered and telephone on thursday to support prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his plans to change the judiciary. demonstrate his march to cross a major city highway. the rally led by far right organisation follows months of anti government protest, the posing netanyahu's proposals. ben and smith has more from television. after more than 3 months of protests against benjamin netanyahu is attempt to overhaul israel's judiciary and give more power to politicians,
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appointing supreme court judges. this is the 1st time supporters of those reforms have come out to protest. insignificant numbers here in tel aviv, in the liberal heart of israel, where most of those anti reform protests have been taking place over the past 3 months. most of these people will have come from settlements in the occupied west bank and from towns and cities elsewhere in israel. the march organized by a far right group. and an indication really, although the numbers are less than those taking part in the anti reform protest, is still an indication of the real split that there is an israeli society. the people here been chanting the people voted for reform a reference to the election. the returned benjamin netanyahu to power towards the end of last year, and an indication about challenging is going to be for netanyahu to balance the demands of those who forced him persuade him of forced him to put the reforms to
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one side and hours. as you'll bring them back towards the end of the next parliamentary session in the next policy and mentor session in april. and the opposition who just won the reforms completely shelved, were human rights organization. se prisons and pakistan are holding up to 60 percent more inmates than the authorized capacity of human rights watch report. documented bullet says a wide spread deficiencies in the prison system. as it bag reports from fidel about this cell isn't meant to hold this many people. human rights watch says these prisoners are overcrowded, and detainees are keen to tell us what they are going through your big out of vision in every time i go to court. the judge is in there. if you're late, the police beat you and ask you for bribes, then they tell you to get ready. how can you get ready on time when there are 3 washrooms for over a 100 people are gonna no, there aren't enough bathrooms. there's no cleanliness and the food is terrible. lewis have to speak to the clients through boss. there were, i'll put it back,
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i found cameras lag. the main reason for over crowding imprisons across pakistan is support judicial system. prisoners don't have clean water prisoners sit on cold floors and if there's a toilet meant to be used by 10 people. it's being used by over a 100, a normal person, congo inside their it's so discussed and screw driver. but some are making attempts to increase standards authorities here, luggage that there is an issue of overcrowding within prisons, but they say it's not a problem for the prison system. they say the problem is with the policing and justice system, it takes considerable time for trials to start and for verdicts to be handed out. at this prison fessler paused dicky show was their arrangement for visitors to acknowledge the facility is hold them twice. its capacity. 93040 is with the capacity of this is one department and today's bonding is 219 prisoners in the of the gym and it is definitely over overpopulated. gin we are getting
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constructed to the 7 murky story better for the business. and in sooner, the, this problem overpopulated will, before they tell us medical staff are available for prisoners 24 hours a day. and meals have been put together with the help of nutritionists from the cities university. the prison is a legacy of colonialism. it was built by the british in the 19th century, but with the country in economic and political crisis, bringing it up to 21st century. western standards may take some time. i said, beg, i'll jazeera fessler, bought pakistan. the still ahead on al jazeera, i'm harder matessa in saw that again, the governing african national congress needs the support of power we're taking is to maintain the majority, but weren't this was rated by the economy, are getting agitated. keep wanting to find out. and south korea enjoys the 2nd earliest cherry blossom season on record.
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ah ah, hallow will march is certainly going out like a lie and across southern parts of england. nasty little area of low pressure. this is a named stall. many sweeping across the south of england. this is storm matisse and that will continue to drive its way further east, which as we go through the next couple of days, not a cloud on that. and you can see this curl of wet weather, which will make its way further east was damaging winds. potential with damaging wind across southern england. winds could gust as much as maybe a 100 kilometers per hour. northern areas of france, him for some live. he weather as well as we go through the remainder of for friday, saturday, seeing some very, very alive the weather coming in here for the north. his case of showers there into scotland. so much weather is into the republic of ireland. wet weather into
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a good part of central we're year we will see some snow there over the outs. not too bad down towards a se is wet, weather will sink further. south was down across the balkans as we go through sass day and things will turn rather live because central parts of the mediterranean as we go into the early part of next week. so that's certainly something to watch out for. for northern parts of africa, it is generally try and find quiet. here we have got the usual showers now started to show their hands around the gulf of giddy across much of southern part, west africa. ah. with
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blue ah, you're watching al jazeera reminder of our top stories. the south for me, you as president old trump has been indicted by a new york grand jury. the pennell was investigating money paid by trump's former lawyer to an adult film. star. elijah's highest court has dismissed an attempt by former prime minister, not resolved to have his conviction reviewed the jeep is serving a 12 year sentence for corruption involving the embezzlement of the states. investment funds to key is parliament has passed to bill approving finland's
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application to join nice her the vote was the last needed for the country to become part of the military alliance. brazil's former president, julia ballston, r, has returned home, where he is facing investigations for crimes including inciting riots. party officials are hoping he will lead the opposition against president lula da silva. like a yankee of reports from the capital priscilla ah, hundreds of supporters gathered from the early hours at the capital z airport hoping to greet the former president on his return to brazil. that federal police had other plans for symbols. fernando to leave by a side door and shattering his hopes of an open corporate through the streets of brazil. done yes. so as i had travelled, 1500 kilometers, just to greet her political hero. she says both sonata supporters have been
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vilified since his election loss and was disappointed that she could not see. so don't, they may say jackie berkener with and called terrorists when most of us are peaceful . brazilians, who are committed to a cause, work hard to get both nor backing power. tensions in brazil have been high since bull sonata failed to formally acknowledge defeat in october's divisive election if you got the only reason right and then refused to pass the assassin his successor, present reasoned as soon as possible. instead he flew to florida last december, 2 days before leaving office. one week later, thousands of his supporters stormed the presidential palace. congress in the supreme court, claiming the election was wrecked for the court to not also, nato is at risk of being charged and imprisoned or made ineligible for future offices will. dom was he is the target of 20 investigations. he has been accused of spreading dis information about the election result and of allegedly stirring up
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the insurrection. but his supporters believe he will lead them to victory in 2026 persons. there were missiles, bolton, our was already laid out. his mission, he has said he will travel over brazil to rally support for his liberal party from now until them when a simple elections next year. he hopes to help elect at least 1000 mess and strengthen the grip of the brazilian conservatives near. it's a global sonata told his party he will pursue. oh, here we are practically holding 20 percent of the benches in congress. in addition, having the support of parliamentarians from other parties, we have a majority within congress. we want the best for our country. today the bullets in your court, i'm sure that you will leave brazil to a safe haven, is with great pride, but i return. also, nato himself has said that he will not lead the opposition in brazil, but the return of the former president from his self imposed exile has raised holds
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among his supporters. they say he's the only one capable of uniting the brazilian right again. monica inaccurate. jazeera, brazilian, brazil, 5 people have been arrested in mexico and connection with the deaths of 39 people during a fight at a migrant detention center. the attorney general's office is 6. warren's were issued against immigration officers, private security staff, and the person who reportedly started the fire and sealed out what is the u. s. military. as hopeful black box for corridors will reveal the reason for a helicopter collision that killed 9 soldiers. the black hawk helicopters were on a routine night training exercise in the state of kentucky when the incident happened. petticoat hind reports rushing to the scene of the crash on wednesday night, but finding only wreckage and no survivors. 9 service members killed during what was supposed to be a routine training mission. this is a training progression,
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and specifically they were flying and also ship formation to ships under night vision goggles at night. the 2 black hawks crushed after witnesses say they were flying unusually low to the trees. 2 helicopters disappeared out of the sky and flashed. we ran outside and we started seeing another helicopter that circled the area where i thought the impact was for probably 30 minutes. and then we saw ambulances and saw us military. so these helicopters are equipped with a kind of black box to their hopeful that they will soon know what led to the crash . according to pentagon statistics, the army loses an average of 5 soldiers every year to ation accidents. the pentagon says it is too early to tell if this signals a bigger problem with the black hawk. we need to allow time for this investigation, but for example, anytime there is the potential for a fleet of aircraft to have some type of systemic issue, then certainly again,
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those fleets can be stood down. you've seen us do that with other types of aircraft in the past. again, i'm not aware of anything like that right now for the black cock. we need to allow time for the investigation to run its course. the army now trying to figure out how a routine training flight turned deadly for none of their own paddle haine al jazeera washington said africa's governing african national congress has for years relied on the support of trade unions to cement its hold on power to labor activists hit by the countries economic crisis, so they're getting frustrated with the iron se harun. natasha reports from johannesburg. protests in south africa happen a lot. sometimes every day. low ages rising poverty, the high cost of living and corruption, a some of the issues raised by workers. the country's biggest trade union group positive feels the governing african national congress at times,
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excludes it from crucial decision making processes. we hope that will begin as we started to reconfigure the alliance board. as the call of course, i to, we want to reconfigure elias reconfigure in dallas means that any program that is your company's good web. it must have a support of their lives. of course i do communist party. the agency has governance of africa since white men are true ended in 1994, but it hasn't been easy. unions have a lot of bargaining power here. the government at the national congress is part of an alliance, along with the congress, also advocate tate union. and the south african communist party at the and he needs their votes in con, afford to ignore them. differences about who in house of africa should be run, has seen some unions threatened to pull out of the alliance with the and see and form their own political party. those differences have though louis been there and they were always been able to resolve those differences is not the 1st time. but
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some within cassandra might have felt that don't want to leave the alliance to consistently in gaze, and who found common ground some into common spots yet or so, felt that no one to contest elections. i don't miss the fact. those contradictions are there, but consistently we to gait president, sir, i'm, our process is as administration is working on turning iraq economy, create more jobs and deal with those implicated in corruption. elections are next year and let's say if a spit were to ever happen between trade unions, entered africa's governing party that could hurt the aims. his chances of holding on to its majority had with us al jazeera janice worked. hello, estonians and garza are living with food insecurity, poverty and other hardships caused by the israeli blockade. the poorest and the strip of struggling to break their daily faust during the muslim holy month of ramadan. soup kitchens are filling
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a growing need. is lena barclays reports in a soup kitchen, and garza volunteers prepare food for struggling families, breaking their fast ah, will alarm, allow them a lot of trouble in our 7 years of charge to work people's needs and poverty have increased due to the siege on garza and many people don't have food at home. well, the idea of the soup kitchen is to offer prepared means to people to alleviate their difficult situation in awe. every day, during the fasting month of ramadan, they tell mock this charity kitchen and drove off offers meals to as many as 170 families living in poor condition. the world bank says the poverty reading garza is more than 50 percent. many people depend on charities to access food, especially during this month. after ramadan,
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the soup kitchen will continue to operate twice a week. would you mind and i do allow will not be online in every day. i come and get food because i cannot fool to cook at home. we take the food from her and break her fast with it. now the situation is bad. honestly, we can't buy anything a cook. we should receive money from the ministry of social affairs, but so far it hasn't come through a nanny. people say the increase in food prices and the worsening humanitarian situation caused by the decade long israeli. an egyptian blockade has left them struggling to make ends meet. but during this month of giving community kitchens prove much needed comfort to those most and meet lena barclay and jessica and south korea. crowds have been enjoying the p of the cherry blossoms season festivals were scaled down or cancelled during the corona virus pandemic. but a changing climb admins, the flowers blooming earlier every year. rub mcbride reports. it's the sure sign of
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springs arrival that is eagerly anticipated in south korea. more so through the pandemic, when from the 1st year in 2020, the cherry blossom season coincided with the end of the 1st surge of the virus. the delicate beauty of the bloom coming to symbolize the hope of new life. i. it's great to come back with friends and even better with my baby daughter. i wouldn't mind. it's nice coming not to see the flowers after such a long time from now. the one blessed with a 3rd of a 1000000 cherry trees or long gold railway lines and streams. the town of gin hay has the longest established blossom festival in south korea. and in this 1st full year of welcoming back the kraus, it's hoping for nearly 5000000 visitors with warming temperatures. this southeast corner of south korea traditionally sees the cherry blossom 1st before it rolls
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north up the peninsula in a wave of color. but it's already bloomed in soul. the 2nd earliest date on record, the earliest being set just 2 years ago. in this district in soul, the annual celebration of the forsythia bloom has been brought forward a week because the flowers have bloomed early. neighboring japan is also experiencing earlier cherry blossom tokyo this year, equalling the record for the 1st bloom and back in the southeast of south korea as the city of young ju prepares for its festival. the blossoms are already falling with several days to go. by listening to him, it seems to be passing earlier each year, which makes you think about the environmental. nature is beautiful, but seemingly ominous barometer of dangerously changing times. rub mcbride al jazeera young jew, south korea.


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