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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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around 3 quarters of sub saharan african cultural heritage is on display in western museums. that didn't happen over night. we were rob colored time. the 1st episode reveals how european colonization removed tens of thousands of artifacts and the uphill struggle to reclaim restitution. africa stolen on episode one blunder. oh, now jazeera, we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. sentimental when you call home, well, but you can use in current affairs. that matter to you. the white house asks all americans to leave russia immediately after
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a wall street journal reporter is detained on espionage charges. ah, about this and this is our da 0 live from dough hob, also coming up. all just here is investigative unit, exposes a money laundering scheme in southern africa, which implicates some of its biggest banks. ah, not to 3 months in florida, brazil, former prisoners out of also novel returns to a rapturous reception and a series of legal taunts. this is an opportunity for a big future. not just for the 1st big use of the story now. but is astronomers? australia moves one step closer to recognizing for the 1st time indigenous people in its constitution. ah,
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the white, i says, all us citizens travelling or residing in russia should leave immediately. that's after a moscow court ruled to detain a wall street journal reporter on espionage charges. is going to be held for 2 months in pre trial detention. evan gush coverage told the courtroom. he was not guilty. the u. s. citizen was detained by russia's federal security service in the city. if you catherine bud gap coverage has been working in russia since 2017. it previously worked with the f p news agency and the moscow times newspaper. china by our white house correspondent, kimberly hall cook. we've been hearing from the bible ministration. what's being said, kimberly the white house has released the statement as has the state department in both statements. the biden administration has condemned the detainment of the of us citizen and the wall street journal reporter, one of the same in the strongest possible terms condemning this,
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calling this unacceptable. we understand the white house of the state department of both been in touch, not only with the russian government, but also with evan gertrude's family. we do know that this is something that is of grave concern to the white house. we should also point out that as the white house is condemning the actions of the russian government in this arrest, they are also condemning the broader actions of the russian government in targeting journalists and in the overall repression and lack of freedom of the press. that is occurring in russia now in terms of this particular arrest, we should point out that the u. s. government is now trying to acquire access to the reporter he, they are trying to be able to speak to him to get what's known as consular access. what we're being told from the russian side is that this will be granted, but in due course. so what that means of when this will happen is unclear. but as
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you said at the start of the program, what the us state department is advising american citizens in the interim who are living there are planning to travel to russia. is that they should not do so. and if they are already living or in russia at this moment, that they should leave immediately. let's talk about the timing of this. obviously, the retentions between the united states and russia over the ukraine war, but there are other issues as well under yeah, there is real questioning that's happening in the united states right now. but the timing of all of this, not just because of the ukraine war and not just because of the fact that the u. s . has been very outspoken about as concerned about the repression of political activists and, and freedom of the press. but also because of a particular indictment that the u. s. justice department laid down in recent weeks and it has to do with a russian national that attended graduate school here in the united states under
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the alleged auspices of being a brazilian national is now in detainment in brazil and was arrested by brazilian authorities. there are questions about whether or not this is retaliatory in nature . senior administration official has been briefing reporters in the last half hour or so. they're trying to investigate sort of the motivations for the rest of the american wall street journal reporter. in the interim, we have to remember also that this comes on the heels of that very well publicized swap of the basketball star, brittany greiner, the w. b, a star, brittany griner in exchange for the russian army dealer, victor boot that did not include the release of the american former marine paul whalen. so i've been concerned that there now is another american. 2 to add to that list still in detainment, in russia. so the white house, very concerned about this. we are waiting
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a press briefing. we should point out that will be coming up in the next hour or so we'll be waiting to see what the white house press secretary has to say about this . of course, the white house has released it statement condemning the arrest of the american journalists wall street journal reporter evan gershwin gun. that's our what is corresponding. kimberly hawker kennedy. thank you very much. indeed. while having gas covers his lawyer says the toiler moscow was held behind closed doors and he was not allowed to attend. but it really them probably look example, right. they held a quick trial. i don't know. it took 3, maybe 15 minutes. and then as far as i understand as far as we all he understand, he has taken away from here with the most he to place him under rest. well, his publications released a statement saying the wall street journal vehemently denies the allegations from the f s. b and seeks immediate release of our trusted and dedicated reporter, evan gosh college, we stand in solidarity with evan and his family law. his law pasta. gov is a journalist and you cut through berg, the city in russia. jewels where m glasgow,
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which was arrested. he says the wall street journal reporter was looking into several stories in connection with russia's military. yes, sooner. i met evan on march 16th here, 2 weeks before he was detained. he told me he was investigating the public rao that the head of wagner group give guinea pig roger had with the local governor, your evans speak fluent russian. and he was looking for people among journalists and politicians who could comment on that. and then also said he wanted to visit the wagner group cemetery, which isn't far from here. he was also planning to go to nita gil, where russia's mil to industrial, giant wood alpha guns of all it is located. i think that might have been it. and i want him, i said listen, you might get into trouble for this. go out. but he said he should be okay. that he's working within the law and doing his job as a journalist. loss, everybody's outside the court and moscow. 31 year old evan gar coverage made us 1st court appearance here in this building behind me,
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i left over the court house on thursday and the russian capital, the charges that are being brought against him are that of espionage against the russian federation. the court told the reporter that he will be held in custody for the next 2 months until may 29th, where the investigation will continue. now, if he's found guilty, you could face anywhere from 10 to 20 years in prison. these charges stem from allegedly, him carrying out activities in a central region of russia where the f s b services alleged that he was gathering information about the russian security apparatuses in that region. now these are allegations that the kremlin is aware of, according to the mitre pest called the spokesperson for the kremlin, the journalist was caught red handed at carrying out su, knowledge in russia. we also heard from the russian foreign ministry spokesperson, who says that this is not the 1st time something like this has happened,
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that accusing western people of using the cover of journalism to carry out various activities against the russian states. of course, at the arrest comes at a very sensitive time between the united states and russia, and it is certainly going to escalate tensions. further odyssey is investigative unit, is uncovered. a money laundering operation involving hundreds of millions of dollars in southern africa. undercover journalists infiltrated gold smuggling gangs who help zimbabwe leaders obtain us dollars despite international sanctions imposed on them. in the 2nd part of a 4 part series of gold mafia, we uncover how the money is illegally moved through some of south africa. the biggest bang spellings under james begins are coverage. down con is a former money launderer. he fears for his life and is speaking exclusively to out
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. there is investigative unit from a safe house. he says his role was to forge paperwork to disguise the money laundering as legitimate transactions in the office. we had a strong and in the strong with them rid boxes upon boxes of bank stamps. we had boxes of passports with boxes of id documents. head of the operation is dowd's brother mohammed con. his street name is mo dollars. his financial services firm served as a front for the laundering. he sort of held up as the sort of shadowy figure that control money laundering to africa that everybody wants to find wants to locate, want to discuss funds to catch when to prosecute, wants to use. we've obtained a trove of thousands of documents that reveal fake invoices from fictitious suppliers address to move dollars, clients, no good, no services, purely just money's running. and i can tell you that with 100 percent certainty,
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because i done the logo, we conceal the identity of one of my dollars form of business partners, the whole mechanic known for money. lot. the thing is because will be a 1000000 in crawford to be transferring to different countries to different places and you've got other connections to do that to ensure the scheme success the laundry. his bribe employees at south africa's banks. you look after us, you pushed through all our payments. no questions asked one specific company and we'll met your salary every month in cash. a ledger records kickbacks paid to staff at sat thin bank who are responsible for processing foreign payments. we were actually the executive management team of assistant phonics processing department. you can put it in that way. mormon was c o, off of it,
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company. without them knowing the ledger records bribes, paid to employees at other banks to for vin maker is a senior manager at the compliance division of standard banks are africa. and also is the key complicated to the south african reserve bank. i can make a phone call for you now do individuals in eps or it would put whatever you tell them to put on the list it for you. and they would stay with mohammed con, told us that all the allegations against him were false, and based on manufactured evidence, he denied bribing any one in the south african banking sector. vivian nike denied involvement in a money laundering syndicates. sas finn said it was taking vigorous action against former employees. absa passed on our findings to it's forensic investigative unit. and standard bank told us it takes a 0 tolerance approach to fraud and criminality. alexander james al jazeera
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even watched the next installment of our 4 part series, gold mafia, smoke and mirrors, the full episodes coming up in our 0 at 20 g. m t. brazil's former president john ball sonata has returned home after spending 3 months in the u. s. state of florida ball sonata was greeted by cries of supporters as he arrived at his liberal parties . headquarters in priscilla, in med party, officials who hope is going to lead opposition against president lewis. and as you alluded to, silver, boston, otto is facing a number of investigations which could affect his ability to stand in future elections. monica inactive has more from the liberal party headquarters in priscilla also. now the supporters have been gathering since the early hours of the morning 1st at the airport in the capital, brazil you been here at the headquarters of his liberal party. their hopes have been raised since his return from the 3 month self imposed exile in florida. now
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many here are hoping that he will lead the opposition against the government of president. we didn't last to let us do, but also the matter says that he will not do that, but his plans show, otherwise, he has already planned to crisscross brazil looking for votes for the next municipal elections, which will be next to year. nope, also, mattel had planned a very big come back. he wanted an open vehicle to parade through the streets of brazil. ya. security did not allow him to do that. they also did not allow him to leave to the main entrance where his supporters were waiting to catch a glimpse of him. but he has plans of having a very active political role he has said so. and this comes at a moment when president moonlight is starting to face his 1st difficulties to get all the support that he needs to approve. all of the government measures monica
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inactive, brazil. yeah. i'll just sarah. china's new premier is charging his nation as an anchor for global peace and development. the chang was speaking of the opening of the annual ball for them often build is asia version of the devil's economic form. richard kemp reports from hong kong. china is rolling out the red carpet for political and financial leaders for more than 50 countries around the world is the 1st time the bow. our forum is taking place entirely in person since the start of the coded 19 outbreak for chinese new premier. it's also his 1st address to an international audience since being appointed as the countries 2nd in command. on a loss, we need to adhere to common and comprehensive cooperation and sustainable security concepts, oppose the abuse of unilateral sanctions and the long arm jurisdiction oppose the selection of science, a group confrontation, and the new cold war. this event is often billed as ages version of the world
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economic forum. and although discussions center around major global issues, china's message this year is focused closer to home. right now with the political tensions trade tensions, military tensions that are going on, not just over ukraine, but between china and the u. s. you're going to see china trying to reach out, especially to asi on cesar countries that china has a very good trade with and lists expect china to use the forum to promote asia as an investment safe haven at a time of global economic volatility. china is talking up its own economic recovery prospects off to the end of its long running strict code 19 rules. chinese premier lee is promising that china is own rebound can power a post. pandemic bounce back for the rest of the world. economists of forecasting chinese growth as high as 5.8 percent this year. that's up from 3 percent last year,
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one of its weakest growth rates in decades. many foreign businesses remain cautious about doing business in china as a result of major supply chain disruptions brought on by cove at 19 restrictions and regulate re crackdowns on the private sector. there is a strong message. there will be a strong reinforcement of the state sector playing a pillar in the role within the chinese economy, and that's in a way, a discontinuation from the bull. our message should that was very much about economic reforms. private sector growth in the past, the decades prior to the pandemic. and so now there is certainly a pivot, there are trying to wants to, spunk a pivot towards global collaboration, to political leaders from malaysia, singapore and ivory coast of echoed that call with that opening speeches at the bow . our forum analysts say the next challenge for china is to convince the world that it should be the coordinating center of that global cooperation effort,
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which is kimber. al jazeera hong kong taiwanese president arrived in new york city and was considered a sensitive visit. china has threatened retaliation, assigning one leads us. how speaker kevin the coffee during his stuff over while basing is condemning the visit. washington is calling for com. a fairy carrying nearly 250 passengers has caught fire in the philippines, killing at least 31 of them. it was on his way to shallow town and the southern city problems from the fire began just after midnight. several people are still missing and search and rescue efforts on the way the dad include at least 3 children. cilla, head on al jazeera, the future of electric vehicles sized korea shows off the latest m e v technology. it is on your mobility show. ah,
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discover a world of difference determination. i'm talking about with iep. we are with freedom with chop soldiers and on the 16th people with corruption, with compassion, al jazeera world, a selection of the best films from across our network of channels. ah al jazeera, with every landmark cases that sent shock waves around the world. it's enormous, it's phenomena, it's historical and paid the way for the potentially to penalize climate in action is the will wake up call for the government. this is really something that can make a turning point or thrice,
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meets the citizens using the law to hold governments and corporations to account if they don't want to do it by asking, then let's go to the court. the case for the claim on it, jesse. ah ah, we want to know, does it a reminder of our top stories this are the white house has reiterated calls for all us citizens to leave russia immediately. it comes after law school court rule to detain a wall street journal reporter for 2 months on espionage charges, which he denies. all diseases investigative unit has uncovered. a money laundering operation involving hundreds of millions of dollars in southern africa. undercover
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journalists infiltrated gold smuggling gangs who help zimbabwe leaders obtain us dollars. despite international sanctions imposed on them and coming out of money as it moved illegally through some of south africa's biggest banks. brazil's former president john bo sonata has returned home after spending 3 months in the us state of florida. he was greeted by supporters gathered at his party's headquarters in brazil. australia's parliament has introduced a bill that paves the way for a referendum to recognise indigenous people in the constitution for the 1st time. the government calls it a new chapter in repairing the relationship with 1st nations people. but it's also causing division of sarah clark reports from brisbin. if not now, when an emotional prime minister unveiled the wording of the question that will go to the australian people later this year, flanked by members of the indigenous community. on thursday, those words were tabled in the nation's parliament. seaman history. i trust the
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australian people to understand this is an opportunity for a better future. not just for the 1st people sort of struggle, but for all of strains. if australia votes yes, in the proposed referendum, but only with the constitution be amended to recognize the 1st nations people for the 1st time. it would also enshrine an advisory body to parliament might up of aboriginal and torres strait islanders to guide federal policy. but some lawmakers say the voice is symbolic only, and australians should vote no black people in this country been calling out government for 200 years on what i can be doing better for. and we still have no justice and i don't see the voice and giving us justice. center to thorpe is one of a living parliamentarians who identify as indigenous australians, the nations federal parliament. australia's aboriginal population makes up 3 percent of the nearly 26000000 people. critic say issues like racism and aboriginal
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dis in custody needs to be prioritized. we have black body east and dying hands of the system and we are solutions to i this catastrophe crisis that's been going on. i guess 1st nations people for far too long. that base government and the previous government just are not interested in implementing constitutional lawyers remind divided on whether this could lead to government decisions being challenged in the nation's high court. it's possible they will be high court matters arising out of this, but you'd have to side that's entirely normal. we are looking at putting words into the constitution. the high courts job is to interpret the constitution. this is the 1st random beheld in 24 of the 44 held of the last century or so. i have been
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successful. the prime minister says this legislation provides a one to generation charts to rectify the referendum is expected to be held. you don't talk about your clock out 0. palestinians are taking part in the annual landing demonstrations in israel and the occupied palestinian territories. the day marks the killing of 6 palestinian israelis in 1976 who were protesting against lund confiscations, sandstone. palestinians refused to demonstrate against more lunch. seizures organizers in garza, palm protest, knew the board of friends with israel. i'll just use your mouse how you has more fun. gotcha. we're here at medical camp in the east. him borders off the besieged gauze. the strip where palestinians in gods have come in great numbers about thousands to participate in to remember one day. and they say policy and say that this event emphasizes the resilience against israel. we've seen
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hundreds of palestinians, men, women, and children, head back there to the border fans, as you can see behind me. and oh though her mass has spread a lot of security personnel in the entire area to keep palestine news from reaching the border fence. so that no violence with rapt here today. we have seen all these numbers to reach to the fence. are these really forces on the other side of the fence responded by firing gas grenades on the protesters. and now the, all the, in a sense back to the camp where of fractions policy infections leaders are giving or issuing statements and are holding a press conference. and although the serious event has passed with no violence
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mentioned, this particular place has seen a lot of bloodshed awe from the palestinians in the great march of trade in which the charge had in the 2018 till the 2020. and were more than 260000, were killed and over 7000 others where injured in clashes between them and the israeli forces deployed behind that security fed. you may see from malika can cause this stress in the united states. at least 9 soldiers have been killed in a crash between 2 army black hawk helicopters during a training mission. this happened in trade county in the state of kentucky. south korea is leading motor shows that to get underway, showcasing new electric vehicles on the latest and automotive technology. more than $160.00 companies from 10 countries taking part in the so mobility show robber brides being to take
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a look at this event like every other international motor show right now. all the talk is of electric vehicles or e v 's manufacturers. bringing the latest models the promise to overcome the perennial hurdles, such as cost and battery performance. one south korean com maker has used this show to unveil its latest su v, with a 500 kilometer range on a single charge. so of course, the space is changing very rapidly, the technologies, the possibilities. but also, as you know, for us as creative people, we are seeing opportunities, new opportunities that allow us to design slightly different charging as a particular problem in south korea, where most people live in apartment blocks with limited access to power points. engineers are working on ever faster charging stations. so more people switch to electric. honestly, there is definitely potential, as the development of electric cars is rapidly progressing. so is the charging
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structure and services. and it's not just cause this event is now re branded from a motor to a mobility show because the same advance is an electric vehicle. technology are now transforming every moving thing we make from the robots around us to the machines. flying above us also being showcased other kinds of economists flying taxis that could soon be filling our skies with south korea, planning on the 1st commercial services within a couple of years. rob mcbride out his era at the sol mobility show. that's it for me, rob matheson denise is going to continue here on alta. 0 outta inside story. much buttons stay with us. ah
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hell i received some rather nasty weather recently across central and eastern parts of the canada marys of syria, just pushing across the north, albany roxanne, when she was still in place here. quite a brisk wind as well. just blowing him from at east side of the mediterranean, a system will make his way through as he go on through the next couple of days. lie be when's to just around that is the side of saudi arabia. and this pushes way towards the same cutter is a go on through s sunday, got a brisk shamal setting in. at that stage, you can see how it does brighten up towards the caucasus as we go on through satch day to care. generally try and quiet by this day, somewhat warmer, as well. if theme celsius there, in acro, and we will see that to try and settle weather coming back into the eastern side of the meadow, trying to so in improving situation, going on here, thought, driving while across northern parts of africa, the brisk compton when continuing across the sahara and then we got the usual showers, just hugging the coast of west africa as we go through the next couple days,
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joining up the showers all the way across. central africa towards the ethiopian highland big sway that wet weather coming through here. as per usual, some heavy down pulls the over towards the other side of the continent with some showers. the south africa ah jump into this train. hence percent of the population globally is responsible for about 15 percent of carbon image showing the debate. people have already lost that line. people have know that culture, people have your say, want to broaden this conversation by bringing more voices into it. live on you to people commenting. i want the whole world to know that cherokee are not headed to replicate all this for this with the powers that be this gene on al jazeera, what's driving the recent unrest in kenya.


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