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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Choguel Kokalla Maiga  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2023 7:30am-8:00am AST

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today, you know, we only have the option of calling. busy a volunteer and doing video called what you could do now is you, you will use the same app. instead of calling them on tier, you click a button to then go into the new feature, the virtual launch here. you have a bad pastor in your kitchen and you want to know which kind is it and what's the cooking time, mike? so you take a photo and it will come back and say you need to cook at 9 to 11 minutes. whatever it says, t p t 4 may be ahead at the moment, but it's not alone. by do the chinese tech giant rolled out a box called ernie. mid journey is already used by architect to generate photo realistic images from text pumps. all this is making some creative humans for read . the society of illustrators published a statement against the use of a i generated art in competitions. the u. s. copyright office denied protection to a comic book illustrated by a i and a coding hub is suing several
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a companies for plagiarism. the question now is for how long will the judges be able to tell the difference calling baker algebra? ah, this is out there are these you top stories. the international criminal court in the hague has issued an arrest warrant for russian president vladimir putin. the i, c. c said it's in connection with allegations of crimes in ukraine. the criminal has called the move outragious ukraine's president milady residence key has welcome the i ccnp salesman. you stories. this is a historic decision that will lead to historic responsibility the head of a terrorist state, and another russian official have efficiently become suspects in a war crime. in the people taishan of ukrainian children, the illegal transfer of thousands of our children to the territory of a terrorist state in the criminal proceedings being investigated by our law
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enforcement officers. more than 16000 cases of force deportation of ukrainian children by the occupier of already been recorded. but the real full number of people tease may be much higher. nice. has been a fresh sell off of global banking stocks on friday, despite support shown by big u. s. lenders for the smaller bank 1st republic bank us president joe biden is calling for congress, imposed health punishments on bank executive. rob police have confronted angry protestors in paris for a 2nd day. they was loyal and demonstrations outside parliament against pension reform. it comes a day after the government push, sir a plan to raise the retirement age from $62.00 to $64.00. take, he is, president says he will now support finan sped to join nato. meanwhile, the swedish foreign minister says encores decision to only ratify finland's bid is regrettable. authorities in malawi,
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coming to grips with the scale of destruction from cycling freddie at least 400 people have died in the region. and tens of thousands have been displaced by the flooding. former pakistani prime minister, wrong con, is traveling from the horses lombard, and will appear in court. facing multiple legal cases, con, denies charges tops. it's been 20 years since the united states led invasion of iraq, which overthrew president saddam hussein a widely controversial military operation that kills hundreds of thousands of iraqis and displaced 1000000 small conflict is consequences of still being held today. the rock 20 is on, on al jazeera blue. it's a vast land worth civilization can be traced back some 7000 years. marty has been at the heart of west african culture and history for many centuries,
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but the eventual decline of the west african empire in the 19th century gave way to european colonialism. the french rule of molly began in 1892, and after its independence mit 60 political divisions are supplied goals and billions lead to instability of conflict monies, location means it's stability, is crucial for the rest of africa. side region, french and regional troops have been operating in the country since 2012 fighting iceland. al qaeda linked, the groups in the area. but despite a spiral insecurity, crises, french troops have left muddy. after a 9 year deployment, the withdrawal came off to the military to paula in 2020, and demanded all french troops leave muddy territory. since then, molly's military leaders half turned to moscow for defense and economy cooperation . and the italian government has postponed
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a constitutional referendum to establish the market called so when the military transition to simply a rule or will it extend it to grief on power, the prime minister of mighty shogun, color my god talks so dizzy. ah, mister shogun, the cannon, my god, i knew so mighty welcome and thank you very much for talking to you. mister prime minister. let's start with what is going on regarding this fond them. do you think he's going to happen so? no diesel shall last. you'll be better organization, so frida will you over and let us conferences. the plot was similar to due to random yo does in charlotte because when we say shall i in our culture, that means it might not happen. so they did give me some, they don't pull up the dispute reality, the quality,
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mr. prime minister. it's very clear that the opposition has rejected this new constitution project. they say that a constitution should be written only by an elected government, but with their borrow, unanimity, ignition gilbert command issue, let me get realism yet, the yankees on the that the book is only read to see their new bond sunk liquor. them to my view, did my year to read back or they supported the present so we got less you to and what we would eat. it spotted chunky. this is suppose like is shown the sun deck quarter of the soup proposed liquidity. la quinta lu, please give me some kind of course you know a liquor then we'll use it a 1000000. we just have to. but good luck considers you on the money. look at them
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. mit booklet prop premier competition. when did he propose impact the government? the exception minutes also sent supply an election period for them to consider short, a municipal sunk a total fitted in me to get to work. i mean, isn't that run on in the 30? did it is it is in exceptional. it's really this at any. it was see in the mail can trigger popularity supposed to get into some communities at concert show bus it on my unit, their mobile. i was about to say that there is nothing new about this constitution because like the ones that preceded it, it is also coming after a qu. but my question is, why is this new constitution? so the book lead to v in super when the transition shall be desolate, is the objective you presented us attorney show or my lindsey jones confronted less
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secretary, dallas and to repeat the same, is it in security? it didn't tell monthly yard good. not for pleasant ripley. don't gay and foolish, popular moral big you think you to enter in this affair? make it to appreciate, but i am in the little blue sheet. don't say pretty much the visa, literate and visit, but i still don't like to please don't let me show, eliminate lead too fast. comradely, present content as usual key already got to be sincon, liberty demanded. don't set the unusual nose because to me, what would you give physically? pip demonic escalate replied the monday as his liver premier ma, in for less included their money. they cut me there and she don bit the village, angie there for months and you you for adding to sheila thurman or do jim beauty
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in for did inform wouldn't he can do so now we're going to move to norm unless he does on the bus. he, in the will many new influence you can use. our canoe was as his nationality. larry, for that you don't. a roof on the little molly would good, young man and poor politic move the condition needed to and not, not cause you to chanel. is the lady did you need dollies? as i said, larry, for us on douglas, be done. the latter, on the side simply lives as long as you on demand invalid orient actual leuva fund. actually w in moville constitutional loot can't limp unity, a locker room show while i li, live principal it because on the la quarter the bed to conceal. actually she did receive deli, did she do see a lot better? me m e g, but i'm not going independent electric supply fil, molly,
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said was it like you lose a member? she'll be the debug because you didn't progress. if there was a look. did the please here they are local and william zamarelli. you said the electoral, you doesn't because you're not in election condom and down 50 mill levin do. but it did die and jamaica you guys get, these are to be i forget what the look the news i want to know the new born, but that's why and he got a lot to bless you. enter into moody. no military and tended to be an air it on continue on. did could to surpass your money but good. yay, the village millionaire were but no problem. the actual yam, please. the elite content but in but you did have a blessed a 1000000. got them all you have in, please have him parliament working for us. will you please have him and give me a live in putnam, don't let you buy lou problem. so you can t silly monk, the sickening the slow monday. popular on the molly?
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indeed, others monday regime by limited don't if were met in cost plus, gimme me, ladies can get into another year salaries on the method that you are adopting or you think you should adopt to achieve peace and national re constellation is certainly negotiations. peaceful negotiations was the prime minister for lima. in this case, isn't it a counselor diction to try to achieve this goal via a could data? isn't that a contradictions, prime minister? isn't it a return in time? so it will look good. september muscular democracy. soon as you election these ultra related elicit, we shall on my, you know, for toronto village, or we can aid as electra accepted but yet, but oh, and gimme a village. she will not win issue with getting some,
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but not vent. i'm not going to do the lecture, it gets going to be a, you know, community then as an addition to departed in though he does he to the c p. so can you at the end, that there is a desire to be seldom this article and reserve a you said when class politic concurrent deb me that but give me a dance, you'll love you intended to people come to limpid, said the worse as security. if less security him in the let's go to human with will to political if easy. golly, my dad and see this is melissa, going to met liz. l is a complete new lucia. shook that security. but a little more on the less you could do on started, but more on discrete, on negotiate on delays are human really much only you do a good amount in the fair man around many tools, electrical design said technique does are going to lose africa on did the military
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and mediate, they come later and they realize are as it limited as somebody felt like it may provoke, continue with that many de la who does it will to who lot of liberal 11. so immediate, but i'm for putting to greg did. what do you do more phyllis play? mainly breaking news. i think sheila, in it, but democrats go deeper. is on deborah formula, adamant he's a leader, but let's you in law educate you locally condition liberal democratic roughly the day and if it but my she a nothing. but as i'm going to be trantor to live be who are not shown hilary's you politic francophone. you're going to be on, would you call it? democrats simply, you don't need, but they're going to get to see bill to let you sounds except your little bit. your
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tinny fellow, no puppy varicella. does it glare liberal villa democracy? miller democracy movie, pam puberty food. the book is it gives a secret if you in other words, you think that the school is going to be the cause that ends or the cause. you think that you're going to put an end to this dynamic of cruise, that by means of a could they talk to see said, the fair answer. good said fuzzies as well. i didn't. i didn't. that was sunday me . did a lot of up p at the me live nevada must, must ill. and as you want to go to one of the videos on the list that you'll use on felicity a little bit your money on new equipment, the prime minister. but that is continuing according to fund molly, and so there is a lot of complaints among the people, particularly the civilians about acts of killing committed by walking,
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a group it cooperation with somebody on the saw. the humiliation is continuing lab pay sample news, butter, lab regarding peace answer, military demand solicitor would actually be the security v. look piece us. do you see it through them to connect, live ugly through my fidel is an cut the when these do me don't do kill us in the sample. saw an additional, but that is m shoes are now william from the legal plug there says it in dba. sense object to be lose shadow as he can easy know to pip that won't look to international energy normally, unless it is only shown. benton 00 w demetrius to the 1000000 company gets implement fan and i get deck. good luck or did there is a little in as the new and shiny did you so,
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but when you get the book up it exists. let me get a new movie. the new will to live g must 1000000. there this you to it will be another to you. yeah. but it's continuous even after 2 years. some continue, but will you need like a 1000000 dead on chip abuse in the meaning the village. i g as the, the latter a lot better as you do, comes it through the form and the big group. it obviously this more gradual met said, suggested interview, unless you didn't cooper as of the glad you. she was going to be a pleasure that there will be there was him yard is i'm current, implement one. but she does need to let me draw your bill is actually you're speaking about russia, but everyone else is speaking about wagner. what is the difference between the 2 of
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the system would be but it didn't narrative kill it would reveal, lose him for a minute. if he knew w a vaguely that is lydia. molly drive a ugly. yes. i live to you are the local. but as you can enter pretty easy like yet delux tell it, but the net says so narrative may lead group. who did the privy? now could you see dallas in his sundays because you are going to look into that. and it will be the zipper bob dinner. i'm for the w 9. you got to prove it says to do, but the importer to do so. viola v bit will bless your 1000000 the prime minister. i mean, in terms of economy aid and every other thing about the europeans on the french hopping doing and model, do you think crash can be an alternative to that? do you think caution can substitute what the european have been doing in model in terms of cooperation and it said to him,
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so we need to treadaway and meet this. every game is gradually big. it was a country beat, going to have fair salad. the love for fizzy coming in was did. he did 50 and demetrius that suddenly loony demanded. linda was all the love for us were molly didn't his miss it down? never pray it through him. get to configure or nor, said bunny, i got the room was only 2 dogs of a mile, advocates up in my lee and dr. keys up there. cumulative international france you lit. give you even did you. you fill a knowledge of in place, give jump, do the visit. i never did gun grand are going to look or sally, my tele certainly militancy live. he said the doctor would it would lose you. would
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it me, the gama would to allow for mid lim, doctor to play. did all my lad info continue with that? so i just got moody. knew that one does. he did do cooper. i have to know quite an error error as it would you know, say it all year he's on. does he did to part you only don't much as it is or does he did the protect supply minister? you mentioned 2013. and that reminds me of what happened then when france intervened militarily to save mighty mighty, was literally safe because the country was divided really and more than a half of the country's territory was occupied by or armed groups. but now you're talking about something quite different with ebay narrative, good look, component rubia, salmon group out of me said invalid dionte della press kissella for us killer, a. d. kill well izzy, there. visiting my li, supermodel in this include, is no ma'am cesar. a hug, ma'am, would say,
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unless emily's said the little lecture below. so this is documented e let document lady done. did busy emma dizzy montezuma, gentleman law school law for us, and did a vinny with a dilute molly, a bethany se fees you can reconnect on it. a 1000000 to 1000000 so more number by de urgency on bulky difference doesn't i think it's fucking for us. m c would do is invalid on nuclear multiple la france and gemma. molly, a lovely with melissa from lucy, dallas. any current medicine, your pursuits, minute there was you a civilian? guess a little bit of a monday. i deleted it. there was a 1000000 in it. there was an id and every millimeter 1000000. elizabeth elizabeth: no, but w on the filament shall we and friendship and love it. basil damien. what did
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william put sunday it but i'm going to make a play at a party. did he live me there for us? only look on the green and i live to be to be it doesn't say can you please conference in the 70 kilo nazi is your get out there and be gone. but literally that it's really due to the later met our new lives really. so didn't actually met set, operate the prison up to come, but love for us, elma, green and black will. and then later on and get some training on to live according to your information. mister prime minister. what was really the game of france in body? what has france been trying to do them in as soon as you get new guidance and local new going as well. so my new goodness or not these 2 are the minute something i'm said. yeah. ludgate the d d l. molly?
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godly, pretty the diggler. a did he did della degrees. i so these are it the only the let the colonies actual in the military france it. she may need to activity, but no one will be making partly because he's often, you are going to get a big group. very lead the dresser on a digger would need to live in the w money event that difference to him. museum ladies, he says immune something and said may lot of good louis, democrat, the lose him della not done. is there the little entity? i did a need to list of the tv that even so did you go on a demanded or some do la plus s give will it, does it look gram pet at that? ideally, a nice easy on the new, the new will, la liberty of some blue, red on valley sheet,
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the lumber v met. minute isn't familiar going on, but i don't and he does on political continue. this brings us to the cords of the peace accords. i think they are seriously endangered to prime minister the northern partners in these accords have recently been talking about the failure of the malia government to implement. those are called what do you say to that? so it is a silly dba and, but it's in there as he does you belittle money. but it says also wanted to see, show, there is a profile need from a mentor annual it to delma and g. the lamb is never delivered to denver eve duplicated tumor or nor a quantum booty. tiff the grim manip up was sheila no freddy, not a bed or muzzle determine company. he saw a number to the look of emotion, but it cut in a troubled antibody until he just illiberal bledsoe. my liter molnar,
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nevada, blue, dumpy debussy, lydia on fatty gee leg got back on fat to get to sell it as if we would owe you a leak on me. sure. said d, you forgive you. i am in love it but to you dealer matthews, and they wouldn't fill up if we met him. if what woods are they in our mid february, says he le disoriented us on denita or unaided denisia could look. she don't felicity. but if she's organ is it is the lecture miller nipple as a member and into the illusion delivers douglas as she does on betty cielo model. didn't army fought in that move for empathy community yet? but it could, it, can molly, continue to have differences with its neighbors, mister prime minister? and do you think that the elias on russia is enough for molly to go on its own and built its army and its force was that was sick on the other lady. she said to
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sicily, merit you does, it'll pay no more trouble either to liberty, dumont. well, your deal is that i'm jo molly, lead drones drones on a better, but on a desert machine was, was it the security there isn't, isn't currently melissa, looking up, valerie, she said, met narrative. it'll be nice for us to give you a new gover glenitia because, you know, usually the law firms don't easily do too much, but that would you want to do it on a pallet, you know, but we don't do. molly exists, molly pools or need it not to be not big. listen, it goes on. do you think the neighbors should also copy the model you have initiated with fashion? no. none but initially and more data moves i one share. she has no problem. did she say it didn't make them? could they be? she may, but i will go was you to i am mirror,
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they be less or as he did military men make if you will again, be responsible fun. it seems that molly is working on the creation or kind of federation with guinea, kentucky, and what kind of fossil can you tell us more about that? you know, i d, l e d lipper. so now once i select that am with will as he. busy no, don't a balloon city not going to yeah, but it's really the good guy, last piece essential. he had the liberal or if he allowed front you around with live, be melissa, be la liberal and you know, but he said the frontier act, if you can be moved over la denny, let me get you finished to grab a paper of it. but i do, but what do you think you strategy or if he may not be lib liberal? gimme a believe it or something, lou. deja said,
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do facilities. it is not going to be an alternative to the economy community of west african states. no. but the 206 are good news as news on monday unless you don't know, but you can read it. so if you can, if you didn't explain that one day junk of september b, or i think of the proofing t, like the 1000000 does look like still don't go through the dea consumption the be with the or does he those in clear show this again, do molly, think young movie last, you know, your new zip got me bleed. second puzzle under due for that of any buttons on the calendar for that that you grabs and then that will be deputy will certainly let you know lovely, but it should be your neat compron killer premier one tip up one. well, you can do that. she did at lazoodo when you would, you know, if you get a good deal it didn't you the school, the reason the local news on the last get lucky liability. la confidential
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assumptions have been foolish on folk would not listen to and then to move in by the demographic game about my g a mirror for william. and i believe in the little, you know, manji is as a but i didn't know he would lead you would say to live. and then we're going to live among was there would think a zone and this and to us sound good sounds are even set aside. now 3 gonna need until tomorrow, mid december, but mercy mensray won't come back in technique, food dvd. exactly. malcolm. i mean, some catherine are not do pill african oven resident drops of people as elected can see nipple on me, but looks empty. i. mr. my lee. thank you very much for talking, thinking ah
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coming. oh, now does it. but it has been done before. we can be done even better. as long as a human being is doing it. you can do it. no matter how you possibly it looks. it's you to put in the effort to put in the lock and you will have to be patient with me . i am the captain. i so continue can am was, or the assistant which we knew i spoke to him in central africa b as b. i francois progressing pretty well. we had managed to play in some international games. then when we came, the ice rink was closed. and it's the only, i think in the country with the international criminal court issues and.


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