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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 8, 2023 5:00am-5:31am AST

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unflinching questions is war with will wonder, minute, rigorous debate. people who are dying because of lack of treatment black lives, don't really matter in the police world, join me markham, on hill up front. what al jazeera, the latest news, as it reeks still by then arriving here, fledging more weapons. more defense finance with detailed coverage more than a decade with who has killed all these many serious millions of latitude here looking for safety from around the world. limiting their powers require amendments to the constitution, the electron law. what with increasing number of governments getting elected. neither of us will have to wait longer for that to happen with who. ready
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is ready, forces kill 6 palestinians and arrayed on the jenin refugee camp and the occupied westbank. ah, hello, i'm darn jordan. this is al jazeera, alive from doha. also coming up to us. officials are reportedly investigating whether a pro ukrainian group was behind the attack on the north stream pipelines last year . thousands of protest as march and the georgia and capital against a controversial bill that could hurt the countries hopes of joining the european union. on to a for you as citizens kidnapped in mexico, a found dead. 2 of us have now been released. ah, 6 palestinians had been killed during on his railey army right and the occupied westbank is ready for his stormed a refugee camp in jeanine on tuesday. his roads,
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prime minister says one of the dead had been responsible for getting to his reign his last month al jazeera. sarah harris has this report. oh, hundreds gather. it's a funeral march for the 6 palestinians killed in an israeli rate. that last did several hours. israel says one of them was wanted for killing 2 is radio from an illegal settlement near her water. over a week ago, his radio troops use shoulder fired missiles to destroy a house, where they say the 49 year old suspects and barricaded himself in. that was a mess because as you can see, even if they demolished all our houses, all spirits will remain high. we hope injured, recover and peace be upon those who died. mom and dozens of palestinians were wounded during the rate, but ambulances weren't able to reach many of those in critical condition. while the injured palestinians remained unattended, helicopters were used to evacuate soldiers hut during the confrontations. no home
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in the same lube operator sheets operated surgically in the house of the murderous den. and as i say again and again, whoever hurts us in his blood is on his hands on the palestinian officials say this late his rate amounts to his railey declaration of war against the palestinians. we have to see the link between the difficulties that are in the government is facing inside israel and the need to further escalate the attacks against by the stadiums in order to please the constituency. and is of this right when government, the international community has been calling for a de escalation for weeks. but the reality on the ground is far from it. human rights organizations say the set top is rating raids, demolitions and settlement expansion in the occupied west bank amount to collective punishment. send you and pay are all holding
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a large and solid for those in janine. but they're also calling for a general strike on wednesday against israel as aggression, as the number of palestinian this year alone continues to rise. the janine refugee camp has been a hotspot on palestinian resistance against these radio occupations. nearly half of those killed in occupied with bank this year from jeanine and things like this aren't expected to go away anytime soon. not a heightened al jazeera ramallah in the occupied west bank. meanwhile, these rainy army says it would investigate soldiers who were filmed, dancing with settlers in horror in the occupied west bank. on monday, 5 palestinians were injured. when his ready settlers stormed the palestinian town. did abraham reports? oh, when videos like this emerge, palestinians say it's not the exception. israeli soldiers dancing with settlers who entered the palestinian town of her water on monday night. oh,
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the only difference is that it was caught on camera. this was to the security camera footage shows how is really settlers attacked palestinians and water in during 5 members of the same family including a 2 year old girl. they were shooting out as with live ammunition god helped us. my wife was sitting the back behind the driver and she hugged our daughter to cover. we could have lost her. there was real danger to our lives. she had so let me who own the supermarket tells us they were out numbered and could him push them away? the little woman mostly, or even when the palestinian cars of the was damaged and attacks took place against families and children. but the army treats palestinians and suspects is really subtler. attacks have been on the rise, palestinian see, the settlers are often emboldened by the army which was deployed to the town south of nablus in recent weeks. the presence of these railey army doesn't make
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palestinians feel safer. many here at salus, the soldiers should do more to prevent sutler a fact. and that's for spell athenians out of their home. in the guise of keeping them faith. these really forces escorted the whole family out of their home after the settlers attacked them late in february. the grandmother was with her daughter and grand children in the house with the settlers, set it on fire. these really are me released. this pictured open should off north thing. the soldiers were protecting palestinians like her city and sheriff as she was not protected. okay, been involved the media. the army only protects the settlers and not the palestinians eve, when they saw us almost getting burnt, and the health they took us out. they're here to guard the suckers alcohol. one of the 8 is ready. settlers arrested after the attack on palestinians in her water. only to our own, their house arrest this 4 kilometer stretch of me and rolled in her water has
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become a flash point in the growing tension between palestinians and israelis living in illegal settlements. one many here worn could easily escalate it over to him. and jose eda the occupied westbank. ah, your brains president vladimir zalinski says his troops will keep defending the besieged eastern city of back, moot dismissal reports. they're preparing to withdraw. it's one of the bloodiest battles of the war. so far. a win for russia would give president putin a symbolic victory. bennett smith reports it, a village, 17 kilometers west of buck mort, ukraine's military digs new. trenches a suggestion perhaps that this could be a new line of defense. elizabeth lee, we're leaving. we remained until the very last that we wanted to stay,
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but how can we, it's the kind to go on as well as the last remaining residence leave. ukraine soldiers move in ukrainian government says it's not withdrawing from back mot. anesha those us, but you're in the russians, don't count losses neither personnel nor military vehicles. they push it to take back moot as a matter of principle for them. and for us, it's a matter of principle to defend it. so it's not just a city, it's a symbol or a fortress of back moot. ah, the strategic value back model is far outweighed by symbolic value. russian forces have been waging an intense campaign for months to seize control of the small city they call audio mosque. if they take it, it will become the russians 1st significant territorial advance in more than 6 months. robert nestor negotiate post. hope you are the liberation of art. your mouth continues to see these an important hub for defending ukrainian troops in the don bye system. taken it under control and will allow further offensive actions to
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be conducted deep into ukraine's defensive lines. dick worse now, poorly, boy, russia says it's annex nearly a 5th of ukrainian territory. moscow's forces have made clear gains around back mart, but elsewhere the russian winter offensive hasn't yielded territory in other major assaults. further north and south, along the front line. bernard smith, al jazeera intelligence, being reviewed by us officials suggest a pro ukrainian group may have carried out and attack on the north stream pipelines last year. that's according to the new york times, the us and nato both described the explosion as an active, sabotaged moscow. blame the west, the natural gas pipelines, link russia to western europe and were targeted in september. my county has more from washington d. c. the white house from the national security council, the state department. there's absolutely no confirmation whatsoever of the report.
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a spokesman from the national security council, john kirby said, only that several western allies of the united states in particular, germany, denmark, and sweden are carrying out an investigation into who was responsible for that attack. this investigation, he says, is ongoing. now, throughout the month and since that attack occurred in september, there's been repeated speculation about who was responsible in initially it was alleged that russia was responsible. even recently there's been an accusation that it was the us. but the just reflects the vacuum that has existed within asserting, blamed for this attack. thousands of protest as of rallied in georgia capitol tbilisi against a controversial so called foreign agents built opponent states on democratic and could hurt the country's chances of joining the you. so you can report the site of georgia parliament. demonstrators stood their ground
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against riot police, firing tear gas and water cannon. the unrest came soon after politicians gave their initial backing to a controversial new law. it would force non governmental and media organizations to register as foreign agents. if more than 20 percent of their funding comes from overseas. it's critic say, the love of the press press, freedom and civil society and it's highlighted broader discontent of what is seen as deepening alignment with russia by the countries governing dream party led by prime minister iraqi. erica sh billy, suddenly the correct or government the georgia dream political party has rules the country. backward and recent years toward the war pro russian direction. and as long as being proposed is almost a copy of one that russia has the european union foreign policy
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chief, joseph burrell, as called a law, a very bad development. protesters say that it's on democratic and harms george's chances of joining the block. i came here because i know that in my contra belongs to europe by my government doesn't understand it. and we believe that this is part of the big play. this is rochelle late and put in, is fitting damage in ukraine, and they want to gain something here. so we are here to protect our country because we don't want to be part of russia again. dozens of media and civil society organizations affected by the legislation have said they will not comply on an official visit to the united states. the georgia president expressed her support for the protesters on what we thought of no one needed. this law came from nowhere, but maybe it was dictated from moscow. it needs to go. it needs to be repealed any way you want. i said from the 1st day that i would veto this law and i will veto the law highlights deep divisions in the former soviet states.
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on monday and mass brawl broke out between m. p. 's debating the bill with parliament able to overturn a presidential veto. and the law passing its 1st reading comfortably. protesters see no choice but to keep pressuring politicians from the st. pretty a car houses 02 or 4 americans that are kidnapped in mexico on friday have been found dead to others have been released and being treated at a u. s. hospital. the group was abducted by armed men while driving into the city of mentor morris. by the rapid has more from mexico city, 2 of the 4 americans who were kidnapped last friday in the mexican state of demo leap, us are dead. the news was confirmed early on tuesday by the governor of demo lee buzz during a phone call with mexico's president, and that is manuel lopez over the other than i meant to coffee for last year. it
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was fully confirmed by the prosecutor's office. 2 of the 4, a dead, one is injured and the other is alive. the 2 survivors of the attack have since been transferred back across the border into texas, state officials and mexico. c mexican security forces had been working in close collaboration with us f. b. i n d agents and that at least one of the alleged kidnappers has been detained. there will be by national cooperation to continue in this investigation before americans crossed into mexico last friday and reportedly on a medical tourism trip has cost for medical procedures in mexico are much lower than in the less, according to local reports. shortly after entering mexico, their vehicle a white minivan was shot at by gunmen. by actually, this footage appears to show the moment before passengers on board were taken away, setting off in international incident. today we learned the very sad news. the mexican state and federal authorities were covered for us citizens kidnapped on
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march 3rd and metamorphosed mexico to you as citizens were returned to united states. the bodies of 2 other u. s. citizens killed in the same incident were also recovered. we're providing all appropriate assistance to them and their families. we extend our deepest condolences, all for americans were found in the village of the cold it about 24 kilometers from the border city of math models where the kidnapping took place. this areas known for being home to warring factions of the gulf cartel mexico stem. a lipa state is also among half a dozen mexican states that were recently named on a do not travel list by the u. s. state department. manuel rap, hello al jazeera professional breaker. now to 0. when we come back, we live in malaysia as people try to recover from the latest flooding in the south of the country and view in appealing for aid to help or hang the refugees in bangladesh. after a massive fight destroyed more than 2100 warner stay with us. ah
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hello, we got more warm spring sunshine across a good parts of china while a thick blank lad will bring a little bit of wet weather into central areas that will push its way over to ward shanghai ahead of that. good, mary, of high pressure. so much of japan will be settled and sunny this system a little further north that is producing some outbreaks of frame, perhaps a little bit of wind. she weather on the northern flank of that as it just slides its way across the in peninsula. some rain coming in to so glen 17 celsius, 17 celsius, dr. sunny for beijing, there's that. what to whether it's a central parts of china. japan generally dry, at least through where to stay away, some bits and pieces of cloud and right just pushing into western parts as we go on into thursday. let's push further south a few showers there into taiwan. ne monsoon driving heavy rain all the way down
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across the south china sea. we'll see some showers in the philippines. more big downpours coming back into southern areas of the south china sea suggest a route body, either western side or body. i am more wet weather just around those flood, hit parts of the malay peninsula, southern area. see it down to wall singapore seem further spells a very, very heavy rain. we can see some live showers to outbreaks or for a pushing into central parts of india for much of india. pakistan is hot ah, with join the debate, we know that the sector team is empowered by the government and stained by the government today they are the government africans. health security is also global health security on it online. at your voice. there is no right to defense, there is no right to protest. we can't just keep relying on aid. there has to be
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some work towards a sustainable economy. at the end of the day, it is ordinary objects that are paying the price. this tree on al jazeera. ah ah, welcome back to promote about top stories here. this al, at least 6 palestinians have been killed during an israeli army right in the occupied west bank is ready for system to record. she can been jeanine on tuesday fighting then broke out between troops and palestinian gunmen. opera house was surrounded, thousands of protest as of rally didn't george's capital to please he against a controversial so called foreign agents bill. demonstrate as our word it could impact the hopes of joining the european union. julius president says she intends
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to veto the law, and us officials are reported to be reviewing intelligence that suggests a pro ukrainian group may have carried out an attack on the north stream pipelines last year. pipelines carry natural gas from russia to west of europe. at least 5 people have been killed in floods after days of torrential rain in malaysia, tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes of florence, living joints live now from jehovah. that's in southern malaysia flooring. so just bring us up to date with the latest situation on the ground day where you up hard to work, but to baja district, which is the worst effect, the district in your state, which is, was affected state in the whole of malaysia now flood waters have been very, very slow to recede using c as the water locked in some places. now water started rising on saturday night and they rose very quickly. residents, he had told us that they barely had time to move their furniture to higher ground and then gather the important belongings to escape. now you can see it still
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waterlogged. i just look at the watermark on that wall behind me. it's taken several days before water started to receipt, and even then it only receded about 20 centimeters, even though there hasn't been much rain in the last few days. and you can see as well just behind that this village behind. but the water is still up to a meter high in some places. now rested in say, the last time they experienced a flood. this bad was about 17 years ago in 2006. and they say from experience it will take about 2 to 3 weeks before the water fully dries out. so it will be some time before they can even return home to clean their plate. to clean up the area. for once, as you say, some places have been flooded for days, thousands of people have been displaced. the losses must be pretty significant them . absolutely. i mean, you're just seeing a village here. i mean, the homes have been damaged and the furniture that's been destroyed,
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but they'll have to replace and businesses as well. they said the good damage that premises some completely destroyed and some places are still under water plantations, vegetable farms, aquaculture farms. now we were at another town the day before, and we spoke to someone who said he expects that he probably will have no income for the next 6 months because he doesn't think the oil palm trees in it won't be able to recover. and of course, the other trees just don't just don't do well like the do. they don't do well with the water when the ground water lot. now the government is giving out cash 8. there's also been a local official who urged banks and financial institutions to give a 3 to 6 month moratorium to a loan moratorium to flood victor. and so far at least 2 banks have agreed to a 6 month moratorium, but an ex m p and also an active as says that there needs to be more done. the government needs to look at perhaps
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a national insurance scheme for flood victims in all states. i florence very lifeless there in georgia, southern malaysia, florence, thank you. they're not to nations appealing for international aid to help bring refugees in bangladesh. a large fire to camp and cox's bazaar destroyed moment 2000 homes on sunday, from their chandry centers this update. more than a 1000000 rowing refugees in cox's bazaar depend on food and other rations provided by the un and other agencies. the health has been vital for many here like allow me and his family members. but he is not worried about a recent cut to russians at a time when help is needed the most most because of the new rationing, we can't get all the food items like we used zante is now going to be difficult to manage. so little home i it's not just the cuts to 8, that's warning, the rowing a community. people who live here say fire and incidents of violence are becoming
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increasingly frequent in the camp. a large fire last sunday destroyed the makeshift homes are more than 12000 people that does it a motherly. after playing the fire, we came back to rebuild our home. right now our relatives are bringing some hot food out among. it's a hard time for us all name whether i was yet of about that i v. rezina della portillo is with the you and refugee agency. she says the rowing a crisis is still an emergency and needs extended funding. among the most interesting parts of this joint plan is that we will be scaling up the education, the access skill development, the access to even livelihood. because we want refugees to be more self reliant, to be able to support each other to be part of their response. when he think the repercussion of this cut will be immediate and long lasting ration cut to le, definitely affect her dear in your community. so when you'll go fourish and card that will affect the children particularly reward or you know, below 18 year sold,
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suffering from malnutrition. the level will be going down further down. the rowing wreckage is leaving a restricted environment with barbed wire fences and limited freedom of movement outside the camp. they don't have opportunities for work excess to formal dedication or any hope of returning home anytime soon. many are flying the camp for countries like militia seeking a better life. this often involves a dangerous and often federal journey with the help of human smugglers. 6 years on the rowing a refugee crisis, showing no sign of whining down. the repatriation process is nowhere inside and a management more than 1000000 refugees that bangladesh is hosting is becoming increasingly complex and challenging. for chandry al jazeera belo cali, 5 people have been arrested in iran, falling a series of suspected poisoning incidents of girls in schools. officials say more than 5000 female students have been effected since november. the interior ministry
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says those responsible had taken part in recent protests and were in contact with foreign media. now, cuba is struggling with an ongoing energy crisis. most of its power plants are built in soviet times and break down frequently. the government doesn't have enough money to build new ones, et augustine reports now from come away. the wall havana, the capital is mainly spurred phoebe throughout the country's provinces. a facing palka, michelle vega, says he often has to put up with 6 hour blackouts, one on the so low ceilinged. when lights go out, you can't sleep until it comes back. i have an 8 year old child who has to go to school the next day. so i have to be by his side, keeping the mosquitoes at bay so he can sleep. it's an issue for the work for food and the all important agriculture production relies on power. no one guy know what a good we can't crush sugarcane because we need electricity. and so if there's no electricity, we can't mill the cane rocks, you can't work. you can't,
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and money experts say it's a problem that's been brewing for you. if you must, electric grid is, is old. it's more than 35 to 40 years. that's being operating. so it's always tyree's inefficient. is obsolete. the system of the term, electric power plants and 20 units right now, for example, only about 40 percent are working at operating the island needs updated records infrastructure, but it doesn't have the money. keep us energy crisis. stem smith, deep economic crisis, and inefficient blind economy and fall out from the demick, a key factors. but going to say us sanctions make a bad situation worse, starving the country of billions of dollars in revenue. now that's less money to import fuel, to build new power plants and to invest in renewables. the communist party wants to
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avoid the repeat of the summer 2021 process. when tens of thousands hit the street across the island. those protest sorted after a 12 hour power cut in a small westerly town. and then last august, lightning struck the country's main field, causing an inferno and widespread black house. by last october, the average cuban household was going 10 hours a day without electricity. since then, cuba has least more floating power stations from turkey. inexpensive found a solution. and let's say the one that pumps more megawatts into the system, in the short term, and russia ascending more petroleum to cuba to make up for ukraine related sanctions imposed by the us and europe. it's helping but summer, where energy demand goes up is on the way and with black out still a common occurrence and with more shortages, if electricity and liquified gas expected, some people here or that in to chuckle, their patient is being tested. at augustin al jazeera come away,
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cuba the 3 candidates competing to succeed nicholas sturgeon, the scotlands 1st minister, have held their 1st tv debate. they attacked each other over their roles, and government exchanges are dominated by social and economic issues, as well as scottish independence. i forth that reports, and next to 3 candidates had to convince scottish national party members on to main issues. they could deliver independence and use their current powers to improve life for scottish people. for front runner homes. the use of that meant building on the scottish governments legacy as your 1st minister, i will build and i government's radical and progressive agenda for his opponent, shipment, distancing themselves from that legacy. the. i think he has lost its way. there's been no progress on independence. it's time for change. continuity won't cut it. use of stewardship of a crisis. hit health service gave his cabinet colleague an opportunity. one of the most confrontational moments of the debate. when you were a transport minister,
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the teens were never on time. when you're a justice minister there, police restrained to bake breaking point a. now, as health minister, we've got record high whittle tanks. what makes you think you can get their job is 1st minister. we are the only nation not to have had any chess strikes this contest . was sparked by the surprised resignation last month, a 1st minister at nicholas sturgeon. she just had a high profile bill on reforming gender recognition in scotland struck down by a veto by the u. k. government. something comes a use of is pledging to challenge in court. unlike kate forbes use of implicitly alluding to her devout christian faith is us, be honest because as of her honesty, that is your opposition to the g at arbor, which i respect because as differences of opinions on this panel, this was any other bell, you would be standing up to the euclid of natal and block cars we highest i last year. i failed here is that if we were independent, we wouldn't be asking anybody's permission. well, the contest has been dominated so far by differences on social policy and public
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services. the overarching purpose of the s and p remains to gain independence from the british government here at westminster. but with recent opinion polls in scotland, suggesting a clear margin against independence, there will be plenty of ground to make up on the parties call mission for its new leader. the independence question did take up most of the time in this debate. ash reagan arguing that being an absolute majority for the s n p at the ballot box provided a better chance than persuading the u. k. government to hold another referendum. i referendum really is just another way to use the ballot box on a referendum is not the gold standard. the ballot box is the gold standard. from the use of argued, he was best place to stand up to westminster, kate forbes, that it was about showing economic competence and persuading the un persuaded one of you who told you, i'm sure the candidates have just under 3 weeks to make that clearer. harry full sit al jazeera london ah.


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