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tv   Witness Ukraines Bravehearts  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2023 11:00pm-12:01am AST

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ancient goes, undercover infiltrating. criminal met was to reveal how dirty cash is being turned into pure gold, 20 years on from the start of the iraq war. we examined how the past 2 decades have shaped the country. and the major challenges confronting future generations documentary within spot, whitney springs world issues into focus through compelling human stories, stars gather for the 95th oscars, celebrating the best in films from hollywood and around the world. march on up to sierra. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter what lucy, al jazeera will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you, al jazeera. ah
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hello, i'm married to my z in london with a quick look at the main stories. now. israeli forces have shot and killed at least 11 palestinians and a major right in the occupied west bank in which more than a 100 others were also injured. military says it was trying to detain policy and suspected of planning attacks. 61 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces. so far this year. spokesperson for passing president bus condemned the raid and cooled for an end to continue to tax in occupied territories. in abram reports now from now bless. i don't know 4 years ago that we've surrounded, but we want surrender. and this was the last message from palestinian fight. the family he urged palestinians to fight, but was killed shortly after in an exchange of fight with israeli forces. he and another fighter spent their last hours here surrounded this abandoned house in the
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old city of nablus. north of the occupied westbank seems a lou will live nearby his local people pulled out the bodies of the 2 men. then they found that the 3rd fighter followed him and they pulled the 2 bodies from inside this room. this is one of the places where they used to gather see the bed. so here they took the bodies from under the rubble. and then later on we noticed a 3rd bony outside under covers really forces entered the city's busy market before mid thing on wednesday, followed by the enforcements. that was just my husband thought that they were locals. they even said hello and entered, he thought they were going to the restaurant nearby. although the israeli forces say they killed 3 wanted suspects. they allege committed shooting. the raid claimed the lives of several other palestinians who moved were just going about their daily
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life. this 72 year old men went to do some grocery shopping before he was shot. and hundreds of people came to hospitals to identify those had been killed with more than 100 injured, many hoping their loved ones had survived. funerals are becoming irregular, seen for palestinians in the west bank, the number of casualties after israeli reads me very. but there is one constant. the heartbreak of every loss. neither abraham l just eda, the occupied to a thing. china's talk diplomat says beijing's relationship with russia is rock solid. following a meeting with the president vladimir putin while he's visit to moscow, comes just 2 days before the anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine by jenks. as it stands on russia's invasion is neutral. but there are concerns that china is considering sending military assistance to russia's war effort. meanwhile, u. s. president joe biden has been visiting lead us from east and paul. eastern
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europe in poland. island was joined in bucharest, 9 summit in warsaw by the nato secretary general of the talks focusing on ukraine. iden, told his allies that washington's commitment to defend nato members was sacred and covered every inch of the alliance as territory as natives eastern time. during the front lines were collected to france and you're no better than anyone. what's at stake in this conflict? not just for ukraine, but for the freedom of democracies throughout europe and around the world. you know, when m. tabatchnik presidents, luncheon, i spoke about one hours and q u 2 days ago. well, health organization is saying it's taking advantage of a temporary easing of sanctions against syria designed to allow easier distribution of aid after the earthquakes. organization has scaled off its supply of medicines to the war. torn country un says, millions of people across both syria and her kia a living, intense and temporary shelters. this includes more than 350000 women who are
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pregnant and need urgent medical care. the death toll in madagascar from drop within tropical sites on friday as risen to at least for friday made landfall in southeast and madagascar late on tuesday, routes are ripped off houses and many areas were flooded will, than 11000 people have been displaced. storm system is now moving west towards mainland africa. so those, the headlines, the sour we will have that the news hour is coming out few in just less than 60 minutes time. i'll see you for that. witnesses a program coming out next. oh .
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when you left lib liberal as any money from you, there was a fisherman that with torture and water, but on the on the way, it's a better shot elsewhere. ridiculous look on little not so much trouble. there were heated crises, cocaine square, bonaire, museum calm was able if it was put on a single cream look more than if it was them all when you came up produced to wallace 1000. i mean, not them. the put in the oscar chemical monday on and off. um, could i put the dollar get close from him off my room? i wouldn't put it in the last 2 months. many provo, little huh. you're sorted. listed new up over the listeners, up marina with
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got on board the amendment to she was a sub list and just uncle it to my chest chokes, things like that, but everything will, it does along to spoil. it was yours. you know was out of me wish little or no to so bridges. so i'm sure to seem like you really along the what was said which not. there's no doubt here with people to push push. that is good. i feel with
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missouri throws on good opponents from not central. okay. awesome. push. label out ashley shoe way or the return on last year. me personally almost maybe it will not will. i will unfair him as a model is the spectrum for that with our live ladies court with a very short visual go with that us with your husband, we have been o'connor with the log in their spin, correct? it's at your home would sell a another year to comb with started. so if you're not the choice of somebody or you are working with this issue that enough over my closet,
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ensure good will go for the 0 national city all the wish to wireless number to wiley. okay, for while it nice momentum member when the union should for you, mr. boyd, with the to the what was no official in the year. what a 3, if we regular shows in the political nice to somewhat dark tip with ah, ukraine's president 50 out of coven refused to sign up to the free trade deal off offer thousands of ukrainian students gathered in here for a rally against their government's decision to step away from
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a far reaching political and economic deal with the european union with saturday, ukrainian line course when officers dispersed 0 night in members of it, special police unit resolve and they asked with just a few things in the booth. and the trim was virtually this lip about to know them calmly. and what's in your pro, the little book the we were with. i would say moment the kids now from the street, the one who's been there for the day, but all it which would be a lot of money, i'm gonna do all it listed with was committed to it. it was the why do i do? what you do is be out that it was the why did me lead zoom grantley lou j. what does it with alex
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ah, with the small the then as europe which has been already been fatigued, washed out. it is your blood the to hold the o to sell them up as machin. marble is to ensure your honesty would. ernest he looked out at her own is jackie ludden is a he says we have it on my damn. i be yeah. recorded by you boy. struggle, momentous, younger than the bill in all was sensor. my mother would have been, but a few of them are nimble as that of with
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a difficult problem. no. with whom were europe village has had lost it. sort of what should i do too much as you realize now, yet one languish with great power? no says other women. they will up austonia. is that a comedy west on land throw slats? hey basil glimmer was that you're good unless you seek an element of the while it will could stream cropped that they were equal. krinski politic, hima nick nicholas coil up issued white silk. auditing, me the sort of the list, the some one that awkward i lose those in my list. i'm using it to show on that much now school to be this bill. it found them a bunch more camera. ah .
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with our spoke of in addition, i was like, well then i should like i'll officially that like wash but because of some of my of ago at this way and like i was busy jenny stella with his local night. but i, he short now, which as you please go, when i was here with the 2nd one wish was a kid to watch other dealerships, quarter the game you with or answering in the college which i was dealing with and was growing the for the day. for she's a with gets what, what's it put on? that is that when that's is likely whether it's
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a kick associates union with chico booth or from my diet business from those with my, my slip rental. pop the well as a to mom with them to card that i see as, as premium used. nissan admissions always suitable was back in his time a, but on his i wish was some lasagna is tim. she lost her color that ah alina whether so with betsy?
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the particular vehicle is out of north theresa, but a lot of his own and put me chairs like which natural with dishes, which robin with fish, though nettled with your political, when my van sure are put full in the edge, was the hurting the do much. what same, amen? shorter than yet 3 mark mentioned of in the law allows them to get brutal, coarser right. corey kelley was talking about them. yes, sure. you are in the skin with that us model even got to him as of the, it's at the coil, but then the coordinator with babylon. that is all about that. there's been a, with a little bit about the posse crush of what good to provost nikia
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with sure, but of a wire to was split the gym with you like, what's wrong with what i see. it's a nation of garofalo said convention. then there's a lot of them on the gym. i will listen. i told them that the photos of the company in the unit put up a scholar. sure, but the budget came on. what on gms. of his business. in his book, lucy, the criminal scholarship given us, he had an interest in. okay, you ah,
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what says here, the boys in the senior with national agreement in ohio. so it was get so many of them with a with
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that's what if i start with the positive bullet force gradient scalable, because then you're on the ball. if you, if, if i don't want a hospice, let out. the keith, with a small dog are going with
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you get the right with summer to look for the to her it's summer so that the for yourself is on the housing unless you for if miss stuckey it together. so the wasn't afraid that the was for an abortion was on the phone for life. it was that of all this is that other human will with, with, with the bottom of the printer. is there an ambition? what is that with
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you and yours is a progress come on a little bit even there was an hour that got ah, wasn't it say it in this thread. the order of crowding, the team was model is at the thought, the diction south rooms, which are not those future ladies come on all of our but even beaufort, suburban a in showed it on the record, the one i would not go up with charlie, which, what the biscuit for the to focus your modem, that will not be no ation as a credit that back
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with ah ah, not much up with in the issue the motion you are, you are the what he should always duck on mobile mutual hubble of to the truck, the more you swing a good deal to what was shipped to the on, we'll bring it the numbers. why? especially here because he's good with green on the left mushroom, which gives you the quote is because dylan was going to assume agreement, stella political district, woods. this is one of them was a g design, little cousin. okay. i usually get the order on the trip. the about a pager that okay, and is i might have all of that. it's still much, much more you and your photos, but the boston, your number. i had a nice goal,
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blessone a with the funds to live with . all of them all equipped omar housing is we're trying to open
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up last year. we did that. he put charlie's put a month to month his grandmother, but at that you could do a signal. oh, my daughter was martha, contribute family, a communist though it was if you wanna say before then spanish obispo, i think if no flint in that those, that on length led to those, well, their budget that got to conclude and in a chest he put at the office and the lady that was it said she of the lady was ordinance up there on the hub bowl and when you get a cornersville, no hm. we took the money out, the other buffy in ya 40 daniel did so on this new most natural korean list, the co douglas adult to put a senior member to simon court out in nashville. hopefully we can look in just the law marcia nobela prism it out that you go to back to
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school in snaillville is the one on my stereo, lavinia, belinda mosley, one from what i'm on the what the old the was elizabeth that a good with my store okay, good. he's got to remember, well, my sister in law and that'll probably not for the wall to wall daughter. mm. well our blocker davis wallace, what there is called the police personal, almost summers out of the world. sure. but tell you on the sway press witness to modify or to use quote, the demons through machine cleans can not thousands name. so in particular them, this feature shows walkering in the more than the way you. what do you more? another with his name wasn't here,
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not with you all done with what about the letters from the government? sure. when you were with
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a lot of them if it was, if it was yeah. think
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with what the years old as a vegetable. i'm not too much trouble. with was it? oh boy, we're comalla most you're with me in know charlie and sure beats you've been sort of looking for a little bit more but i don't believe from milton and i picked up there was always no power in order to hold onto this fence hooper, i didn't touch profile number willis as on may 5th bill water.
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the ball muffin or be thing with if both for now or the leah a lot with your yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah, i did it. oh no. he knew. okay. now you should call it shows them put you nice to put him on the pitcher with nortech, norton. put them i shall warden him after shauryn. bookman. mama norwich my boy. yet if it does auto renews. early in the morning,
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shaw on a cleanly school they will not recorded russia's war in ukraine has dominated well, he's for the past 12 months. devastating for those in the line of fire or directly impacted. it has strengthened global alliances and deepens, divisions with far reaching effects on the lives of millions of people. worldwide. in a week had special coverage. al jazeera explores every aspect of the conflict, the human, the political, and the economic, and possibilities of resolution. ukraine war one here on, on out there.
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oh, we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict if the consequence of more, the human suffering that we report on it is one of the most serious about the violence. in recent years, we brave bullets and bomb because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides. blue.
11:31 pm
hello, i'm mary. i'm new machine under the quick update of the headlines now is writing forces have shot and killed at least 11 palestinians in a major operation in nablus. the occupied west bank is ready, military says it was trying to detain palestinians suspected of planning attacks. government has been cracking down what it calls terrace groups in occupied territories. it was like for general antonia to terrace as the situation is at its most combustible for years. deadly cycles of violence keep exhilarating tantrums of sky high, and the peace process remains stalled. situation, jerusalem, i'll codes is becoming more for the joy limits, provocations, effects of violence, either they're all the only sites it thread, the aids instability across the region and beyond. the position of united motions is clears the startles of jerusalem, cannot be altered by unilateral excellence china's top diplomats as beijing's
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relationship with russia is rock solid after meeting with the russian president. one year visit to moscow comes just 2 days before the anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine. beijing says his position on the situation is neutral, but to there are concerns that china is now considering sending military and ammunition assistance to russia. meanwhile, the vice president joe biden has been visiting lead us from eastern europe in poland. biden was joined at the bouquet press. 9 summit in warsaw by the nato secretary general. the talks on ukraine widen toll his eyes that washington's commitment to defend. ne, to members was sacred and covered every inch of the alliance. his territory, the wild health organization says it's taking advantage of a temporary easing of sanctions against syria designed to allow easier distribution of aid after recent of quakes. the organization has scaled off. it supplied medicines to the war. torn country un says millions of people across both countries are living intense and temporary shelters. and roles have been following
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developments in madagascar the death toll their from tropical sites on friday has risen to at least 4. still may landfall is southeast and madagascar late on tuesday . ruse were ripped off houses in many areas flooded. more than 11000 people have been displaced as a result of this storm system is now moving west towards mainland to africa, and it could impact more than 3000000 people across mozambique and zimbabwe. i'll be back for the news hour and 25 minutes time. see then witness now continues . ah a with
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yeah, so it does it on the piano, the washing it. there are steps that analysis the normal gospels. it's just a lot on that as a good. don't much just a dallas, look what it's been years what. what is the scope of the work blood work did?
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so what i do with what you will feel a foot board and i still got a, a few channels with what you consider one. i'm not sure what your net will stuff, but actually i thought that the worst. yeah, b does not live through with a law. we are born with me. all this treasure shall clean you from my desk or
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your quote unquote doesher duck. i'm a journalist, you provided on my general claim register for the you will always to protect it, rather than mr. and i sure is cover panelists were coaching shortest shot, the recorder, korean is literally without an every scottish crew out of me. so anything that allows us to curricula was not for the must be, let eula, why sca law should be see results. let's you shake me a star. i last so horny and i'm starla enormous. sure was on the last feel. love for you to receive get on to layer of doom was through the love lab, but oh boy. good. good. so you have similar with oh yeah,
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no more. do you like hearing or coming up right. well yeah, live medina wouldn't put them a bit in oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. i mean, philipo joe the really good
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kind of fun with leslie and i'm still a little assistant donkey. miss colas, have been the sale of most of a bus to win the buell volley of some of the loans that are very dumb publicity, enough the 1000000 for postal called america fiscal a shaper,
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aluminum. what they were was they were worth well worth, which company is going to fiddle with, who's go? cuz when you get your rumor didn't, they just couldn't get all of that because i get off. i went course the lease with a child with poor mar affairs. got a son. yeah, i was, he says room i received. come with the law. he said no, i was brought in. you order me and i have what a whole which is shonasha the school. but the cheerleader got a new scottish. yeah. getting this come on. come on the when you have the list of
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them, all of this is in that i never stop. i'm going to see her for that persona. could her daughter a pull? never even switching a b 214 school out of me in my a chess. yeah. somebody with a temple authorization formula, my resume, so good, the se cowboys are here. close to cook, not affiliated with
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the. so i thought those with go killing me, anthony. done, but all of them will it, did it with not let the most is a lot. we thought is though, when you pick here with d, i c, k, i n a yours with
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with ah, evidence, miles of the russian armies, stealth invasion of the east ukraine, ukrainian security forces have released images and video of soldiers who they say are russian power troopers captured in ukraine's east. you got you. what is on the field? you've got your constructor. i, he's good doesn't. no, you go to look at only yet. new bullet india. i take with me. the passport and military id of russian soldiers, russian officers who were come to us and leave it together with
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that of the russian soldiers and officers. we've lost his way 100 kilometer from the border of a full tank of combination. kill him. my soldiers from killing you. pray, man civilians, dozens, hundreds, thousands. who,
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let hey, john the luciano bill knew it was mentioned nobody. virtua was much call it the coach theory and they said they at the business was born not only however you wish
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to put my tooth is in the bill yet this live with you. not under a well, i mean you seem you so i mean little there was another it tomorrow to mean. yep. it does have considerable affordable granite, so could anecdotal. cool a nice table. ok. mm hm. mm. the bottom line with
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2 from chelsea. sure enough, stella dish for the teen. yeah. matter. put stockbridge at the comma. it is my man . temple us to put a 1000 you might oh, it shows of says we're canyon boring for conduct. has been the g. p that is from bio maria to prom. let me not put a toilet, not on my proposal of disco lana with the swing now, which is of the ruling in the ball a dose for the boy with common data and get your dorm. he lives in the show to water. no good. i think i found
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with with a guy came back i think one was just a basic with was a lot more than i should leave with us with that flooded. we did a very good not the is that for
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a demo with a budget gonna be a want to develop it a little bit, but the amount of math gradually is when one of the german yeah. yeah, it out to you so much for that isn't the lithia on it does come with or bless us with. i think i'd rather have both the sooner so they're going to you but we have like, wasn't the movie up on campus? i'm with to point out the back, the dice with most of done you, but i need to be done able to do it. but it felt so don't take such
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a policy. so what i want to know where to submit it to them about what is it gonna keep me still do more. how did you have to go to it but didn't want him to commit to conceal it? don't feel a couple of school because he said mm . hm a with a
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with that the phoebe collins and asked them how support them come? i would with this as if you knew issues he received little doesn't me of sure which left to the truck, the survey for the truck there was no steering. medina, my boy swim buddy, blow out was supposed to help as a thrown them in
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a killer deal at the dorm hollow by one of the dorm to thrown in the house, the women, she actually they're shown the court on the bill. she was not scheduled with them yesterday. was the last one the little and then go go pull nasha one with you with some of it's still a different triple word of that. it's a full my dominant, but when you get a homeless kid, you still dakota. but in my new address, there was some practice. i couldn't use this more with been used to him. you know what you were just the, what? the lot simpler was bit of it is what should what did you
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learn? it did this gems thought? yeah. similar. we what did i see what you should know about them? but what was, let me think about it. there's also a book this february, although alpha not as judge can sparsely dc last month, joy a with but there you go by thought a little what i thought you boys it, it. how many, what if you question you could not go to them at the with a with who should we wanted to see them in those have with go mom, when you wait
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a deductible it does with one 00 . oh . and they put them in finland on your business, but i'm wondering what the show that was the court didn't get here today to check the religious opening this year for the thought. i think it will san jose. yep. which are for us to domino that should sort of always fun with
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ah ah, blue ah yes, you're my dish with the lowest the dominant chimera which i was an equivalent with the coalition may push list coordination. i could produce today with the, with that i knew really didn't finish the only as me familiar with the family
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children to last thought or cause. i hadn't implement those a bicycle sub wasted richard just for some of the deep which of the way it is mainly willis in this felicia than what he said us mainly a bit of people's borrowing money and the losing money of what i owe money. a door that you'll mainly am i with legacy medicare, misery should i see adventure ladies generally viscado national corticoid april of the on the check. ah, i you to hold out and he was gonna put them all over the shows we worked on this when you're cutting them wasn't there?
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what guns from your water was still there was a lot. i'm with fellers with the what she calling next. sure. i colie ah, my goodness. is that a she did it? ok yacoma. see you in love with alicia loo. ah glass convenient will it? oh oh oh oh oh, i know that they might. there might be a dead euro with i want a 3rd approach with kim christophe equates in oil
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to wrap it this way, a door to their home there should have with them about co live within them largely was it or with the film and the cook was off oh oh oh oh oh.
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has been reco breaking the house in western australia but as of the cold front coming through the cold trunk. it's not going to be hot anymore. fairly obvious. attempts are coming. dampers best 27. their shower is also in this general air, including in the wheat belt, but ahead of it is inducing a wind up the interior, which is mickey, particularly hot in adelaide. pretty woman melbourne to this temperatures when it rise a little bit to hang around where they are until the front come straight, which is bound to do. and for our late takes place probably on friday night. so fridays have hot north wind, then there are thunderstorms overnight. still there in the morning, the winchester suddenly you've lost 15 degrees and you stay that way. in to sunday in new zealand has already happened not quite so dramatically. the temperature in christ church as an example is come down about $1012.00 degrees and it stays that way, but look at the rate. now, of course we've had 2 events in north end of new zealand that's produced. extensive flooding and is more rain to come for friday. not good prospects,
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really in indonesia, big shall seem likely not everywhere, but fairly obviously, where winds come together. they're going to be doing that and the still more snow. lots to come for hawk either. mostly it's a fine looking picture, 3 station, but in central charter is particularly cold highland, cham do both our cold, but do warm up ah unmanned aerial vehicle. deadly. but increasingly familiar tunes on the modern battlefield with the conflict in ukraine, sparking the 1st full scale drone wall and pointing to a coming age of artificial intelligence. and upon them as weapons. people in power examines the ethical questions around this proliferating technology. and whether it poses a dystopian threat, drones in the future of war on a jazeera, a unique here endangered bio diversity lies in the heart of one of ecuador,
12:00 am
tropical jungles. there was a lot of misinformation about the animals that we have here. and now the parabola is becoming by others of conservation in their communities. out there, a journey is deepened to the rain forest to follow a scientist, and her team's effort to save the flora and fauna. so precious in the region. women make science, ecuador, hidden treasure on al jazeera. when the news breaks, families still have all, and they say they want to leave without getting their relatives out from under the robber. when people need to be heard and the story told, my dad and water every way, we are left without anything to keep us warm. with exclusive interviews and in depth reports on the shelves and in doors here are precious style things specimen. al jazeera, has teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries and lied. niece lou.


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