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tv   Witness Mrs F. Nigerias Women Walk on Water  Al Jazeera  February 17, 2023 4:00am-5:00am AST

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entrenched in the country that is identified with america. so when you challenge racism, it looks as if you're challenging of merit and demand the truth. there is no serious discussion about this because it goes to the very root of who we are up front with me. mark lamb on hill on al jazeera, we town the untold stories. ah, we speak when others don't. ah, we cover all sides. no matter where it takes us. i believe we are fearless here in power and passion. we tell your stories, we are your voice. your news, your net al jazeera. ah
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ha, armand is a metronome and dog. how would the headlines on al jazeera, the u. n. has appealed for $1000000000.00 to cover immediate humanitarian needs and to a kia following. last week's devastating earthquakes. that's on top of the $400000000.00 appeal for quakes, quake affected regions and syria, the relief effort, there has been delayed by the lasting legacy of civil war opposition, how areas and soviets northwest have only seen a truckle of age delivered so far more than $42000.00 people and now known to have died across both countries. funding for b a. p on the resources will allow aid organization to swiftly wrap up their operations to support government lead response efforts in areas including food security protection, education, water, and shelter. martin griffith's, the under secretary job for humanitarian affairs, who was in the country last week said the people of turkey i have experienced, unspeakable heart ached. and we must stand with them in their darkest hour and
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ensure they receive the support they need. vessel said, thou has been meeting survivors in the northern syrian town of tion. there is any drop off the aid to help them to survive this winter. you can see that there are thousands and thousands of people that they have lost their houses or relative there did one. now they are here waiting for aid for food, food, warm clothes, for heaters and for the medicines. so it has been days that they were waiting for this aid, their cert, they're angry. and they say that the old at the international community has forgotten them, was sorry, his president, bashar assad says the road ahead is difficult. well, nathan, was you on what will face in the upcoming months and years in terms of social challenges? land economic challenges is no less important than what we faced in these 1st few
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days. we're still hearing miraculous stories of survival and turkey or a 17 year old girl was pulled alive from beneath the rather than come on my dash. on thursday, she'd been trapped for 10 days. in other news, the head of the russian nurse state, back to wagner, mercenary group, is blaming what he calls moscow's monstrous bureaucracy for slowed military gains. yevgeny pro goes in, says it could take mountains to capture the eastern ukrainian town of back mort, which has seen intense fighting and recent weeks. it's capture would be a major symbolic win for russia though the town halls, little strategic value with the advance is proceeding slower than what we white. why is the advance not fast enough? i think we could have taken control of back moved by the new year if we had not been hindered by monstrous military bureaucracy and obstacles created on a daily basis. meanwhile, the president of barrow says his country would join the war alongside russia if attacked. alexander lucas shanker made the comments during
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a rare press conference involving foreign journalists. that of it was used as a launching point for the invasion last year and still hosts russian troops. u. s. president, jo biden's has 3 unidentified objects shot down by fighter jets earlier this month . didn't appear to have been used for spying, and we're likely connected to benign purposes. first, we will establish a better inventory of on man airborne objects in space above the united states. aerospace and make sure that inventory is accessible and up to date. second, we'll implement further measures to improve our capacity to detect on man object to objects in our airspace. 3rd, will update the rules and regulations for launching and maintaining unmanned objects in the skies above the united states of america. and 4th. now my secretary state will lead an effort to help establish a global global common global norms in this largely unregulated space. the u.
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s. has condemned israel's decision to expand and legal settlement activity in the occupied westbank, white house press secretary, kevin john pierre says the move creates facts on the ground that undermine a 2 state solution. well, those are the headlines on al jazeera. do stay with us. witness is coming up next. thank you for watching. ah me ah oh.
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2 2 2 2 0, i like, yeah. can we do things that you're looking up on the right. okay. i got wrong. okay, wonderful. so we'll we will use all your time if you want. i don't think i'd run through that done. welcome to yeah, y street or? yeah, y got about women. sorry about women,
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but we want them to be yeah. because we need to ask no. okay. and is basically a yeah, good question. them now how they can build, how they can reach out to put that saw on how they can build it back on. i did i did you time of change? i did that just when you wanna change. com join us now i, i think a lot of people you would the full price for with i still got pcs for just something i spoke with when you well, you can call me back. you still get lost. so i thought we only do
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a good afternoon. did those open? yes. with i'm going to much good afternoon. good afternoon. came up on my call. yeah, i got 2 dogs. i'll show you with or i've never been, i like down there which well, why are you going to do that? i'm a theater director and i do work for so shall change the project. i'm working on on the back and forth. yeah, we men is a women in palm project, simply called here,
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weren't aware now making that market professional. we'd like to be back in. so la. okay. he'll buy, you know, joe can yes. yeah. okay. now you brew. yeah. so that's what we're doing. so we're just doing a project with the, the we many micro quotes just as an experimental to see what the outgoing problem signed on michael co area. and so we are calling it me sit tunnel, which is like to convey language. both of these, like a cato, we are going to i mean there are so many other properties here, so many ghettos around they goss. yeah. so i already do shows in lagos island, i've already done shoes around, so i, i'm interested in ouch beach. i'm interested in i to show us how to universities that the boston washing my kids and michael poor is near me. so why not? i will help you be successful because though, bye, if these don't really well clag days, men dies in control of everything. well,
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woman to a certain degree for the man as well as the whole point of the show rights, is that in that area we need women in leadership. seems men have controlled nigeria for 45 years and look where we are me. i seriously doubt that while you out trying to do will work out. i'm sorry to say, but as just my opinion, i'm going right away on the right is so just after this corner here, you can throw in 1st name upon the door this your door here, as you say, men have on women to have with thank you all right, i am going to
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dock. now i did my la abraham's place, nancy by abraham. okay. can you no down? no down with lenovo i with i wanted to properly exclaimed program. and so i made the director of theater. but i also only work on the outside programs that change communities. and i wanted to bring my
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program here to this community. so the project that i want to bring here is a, is a women empowerment project. we work with some special people in nigeria who i am. denali would feel when the industry i'm now starting my program to day. today's the 1st day that i'm going to meet with about 50 women. we will build a community center, a platform where we will do the show where now hoping that that platform will become a community sent out so that the women in your community can participate and can benefit from it. so i'm here to ask your permission. thank you. yeah, i was gone. i'm so good tool because you know, oh yeah, this is well for me to let me put in the street. i look. ready little money in the
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book belligerent. every day. i beg to increase. many in white men, many organizations are come to the combat lodging. that problem is, or model dismemberment was silbert. so i think if god, deb, you are huge, you for this dominique g at is it due to an eyesore but you are gone. we so fortune, you know i will follow discriminating so far. the early deal is that any day from his dental booth does do it as thank you very much. thank you for the with he's right that thank you so much for your mom. her i greets you.
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thank you so oh yeah, the animals. so my response, what's my, what i so guess, okay, i'm, i'm coming to the community to do one program for women. the program is to use cxa to make women law on our way. for you, jock, why don't we of planning on lab i react while the other window when you, when you have global bo, i will not gone as well. sure. what was it as to does? no, it is fine. bought you. you bleed, drink a dust because there's no missile getting then the juggler what we'll do each knock on each month. what are you still by 3 options? one, a little back track. gotcha. no problem. i'm gonna trans. okay, i want to do it. now. can i make that rosemont that got good? no,
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no long jeez pass and no on. this is for the l. does this for the senior mom? oh, no, not a to pre us adobe id. no, i don't talk with you. as with it . so how many people here speak english, but i would thereby go get it. so i need to college. how many people speaking about why would you i love, i guess we don't on long radio. oh well guess jessica austin don't go there. okay. when it translates on dia ok, i want to find mine renewed his cap. so you feel very and i really when i,
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she's funny. we wants select those women where go get time. where got com for class with us to learn how to speak. actress. nice are not apt off to public speaker. like when latisha greg will make women's life better for this community. we want understand maybe you will talk to me. the problem women have k, sean to choose your own. hosp bonds are good. this would be any other one i don't know. there may be have like grip. no i trip is yes. and all of that in on that on the game. i will gun. i don't know yet there. maybe we all got bad last they know see idea here the past. are there no say i day here. you know. yeah, we're not in those and you know. yeah. so i make, you know, fear,
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you know maggie with class example, grandma m immediate mommy go job. my mom because they're gonna walk into a brand new meeting. so we need money for them to run business. i didn't call me at to give people money in my life and how do i, when i come to teach that i watch in atlanta for me. so i can have what i come to teach. ah, do you want you want to read? what do you one
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ah for me to work with women, empowerment is definitely paralleled with my life. there is no doubt about it because there were many, many things tying me down, being the right type of woman, the acceptable type of woman, the good daughter. the good mother and he took it took a long time and a lot of pain to have the courage to say, screw it. i gotta, i gotta live. okay, mr. goldman, let's go rehab selma by the gym. i've had confrontations with society confrontations with friends and confrontations with my mother. my most
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significant, transformative times or experiences have been when i have stood up against women who are gatekeepers of a patriarchal system. i'm. they themselves may not know how much of a gatekeeper the a i don't know yet. i want you to join us quickly. then when we finish the just then you greece, everybody because i know everybody loves you and your dress is causing waves. i need that same right. okay, okay. michael, co law cocoa. so very quickly, i'm gonna give you the overview of the project and how crazy we're going to have, how much adventure it is because of how short a period of time to do the vision that i have in mind. you will arrive into michael co by boat because even though there is a way to come into michael by car,
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it is not easy. every 5 or 6 houses is a new territory with a new bali and a new set of area boys or dogs. ok, so as we are going, we've negotiate edge, the thoroughfare, should wear the stages. now to describe the stage, the idea is to create a stage on the water floating. it will be floating bodies, built under the body will look like, you know, floating on water. we are going to be joined today by the ladies from mccorkle. they are meeting us here at 3 o'clock as they get closer to that short time i, i anticipate they may get more apprehensive about talking in front of the community . what i would like is that, and you can tell me if you, you don't have to meet them outside of your bill while the unrest altogether, i would like them to just be assigned to one person for questions. many of them
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sale markets. that's how the make ends, me and your husbands, our fishermen and all the all trade out the idea. we have 2 students, 2 teenagers, and then the rest of the women we children. wow, i know a. c video of the land, you know, these we men have been waiting for almost 2 hours for you to comp. just say, sorry, we are late. yeah, we should say that. yeah. i know i'm for me not to talk with you again about anybody or print, you know,
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and if nobody was gonna have a nice a little bit of freight. yeah. it's okay. london, she should say, she's afraid brake lines are french and she was saying that we now get on with. she said that she does not make it to making our warming at all. but is she afraid? small baby. yeah. and yeah. okay, so come ok, sate no, no. would you do not would you not the adult? who do i get so lucky brittany? nobody brevity, nobody not. well, why don't you loud shout shout, doug. doug, would you bet you did not go now, dad? not worry about it. i hope we agree with
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. okay, great. ah, [000:00:00;00]
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a good, good. good. i know a good morning. good. i'm good,
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big with solo with who's you knew is william. oh, it was the way like with me on bacon that you're not then not feel like i mean, i mean it is
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a business to a parent. okay. that she should shell talk to him. tell dad, tell them or not go softly software. okay. this is scraper. we're all the grown men. she told you one is cruel. yeah, best. we'll see mary. all. yes, my horoscope. we ask. dinner goes daily. yes. basil, the male model that we'll see the other died. dylan guards look for sex from small gale subsidies. just like that. cut that be lack, then more. got that, be luck. thank you that. what got that be there? why bad? why they middle, why there may don't messy and only change mercy. okay. all right, so that's what i want out to work on. now, want to start working on it today should not be afraid because it's important that they hear it because he's gonna be better for all the women in the community. she's the messenger,
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he's not from heart. he still message of all day. oh i. 2 2 ah, ah. 2
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do see, oh oh sure. oh see here. oh no, no clue. oh yeah, wow. i was a you, you know it's susie maloney, you know, daniel young did live near young man try again. near jazz l a young logo. you go live with dad and michael coughlin, not those of limby. when age ephito fill in meal, if we're going out for the month of would you plan on doing that? by my let me do, i go to reality. i
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the wrong oil companies, the biggest companies in the world had a very deep understanding of the climate crisis before the rest of us. and yet they did not tell anyone else. that's where the crime 40 years of denying their own scientific evidence. i thought that i could important them to change their business plan. this was very naive decisions that have plagued our future. it's just pure evil. i don't know what to say. big oils big lies, ought to on a just 0. 0,
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a serious delicacy. days with one month leading the country through us, present to all that is loss legitimacy. he needs to step oh, as he retains controls over a decade of war. we examine the global power games of president bashar al assad. we believe assad simply carrying out iranian orders. what keeps you awake at night when the reason that could effect any human assert master of chaos on all jazeera? ah ah. hello, i'm elizabeth bronman doe, have with the headlines on al jazeera, the u. n. has appealed for $1000000000.00 to cover immediate humanitarian needs and to
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a kia following last week's devastating of quakes. that's on top of the $400000000.00 appeal for quake affected regions and syria. the relief effort there has been delayed by the lasting legacy of civil war opposition held areas and serious northwest have only seen a trickle of age delivered so far. more than 42000 people are now known to have died across both countries. vessel. so that has been meeting survivors in the northern syrian town of gin that is and it's drop off the aid to help them to survive this winter. you can see that there are thousands and thousands of people that they have lost their houses or relative there did one. now they are here waiting for aid for food, food, warm cloths for heaters and for the medicines. so it has been days that they were with him for this eve. they're said they're angry and they say that the old at the
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international community has forgotten them. now we're still hearing miraculous stories of survival and to care a 17 year old girl was pulled alive from beneath the rabble and come on my dash. on thursday, she'd been trapped for 10 days. another news, the head of the russian state, back to wagner, mercenary group, is blaming what he calls moscow as monstrous bureaucracy. for slow military gains, yevgeny preggers then says it could take months to capture the eastern ukrainian town of back mart, which has seen intense fighting in recent weeks. as capture would be a major symbolic would for russia though the town halls, little, strategic value. meanwhile, the president of bel route says his country would join the war alongside russia if attacked. alexander lucas shanklin made the comments during the rare press conference, and more than foreign journalists, that arose was used as a launching point for the invasion last year. and still hosts russian troops. lucas
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shank of his sofa avoided sending his own forces. enter ukraine. the u. s. has condemned israel's decision to expand a legal settlement activity in the occupied west bank white house press secretary korean john pierre says the move creates facts on the ground that undermine a 2 state solution. well, those are the head. lions witness continues next. a a with okay, so what do you like to go a little bit about because i'd be a good platform for where the dropbox. okay. oh okay. so this was just
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a little bad. good. i just wanted to, to blogs, lead to long legs and then i think, where are you gonna get a well, right now, i'm not saying i'm not, i'm a dog. we don't normally when you're about to do, i mean to go over that with i, you know, understand that official men out complaining about the location as well. so on, on the bye now has asked me to come talk to her. the benefit amount is near. so if
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you could do you know how i visit or my, my vision on my plan was that not platform will be coming when center. so that even after this short finish with the women was 2 years it. because if the fishermen come back and the fuel than the platform is disturbing them, they might there might scott out their platform because only when guy we are doing i want the fisherman. one not very nice to was new, very because the both i was do are very they were off a little baby if we go there and we can very valuable, this is why we called them and so nobody will harass me. now when to see me with the valley on den priest, they gave possible to what i want classical. i mean there's you see me everybody should see all these for sammy yeah. money. no echo shout. what rights where those sticks out. exactly where the platform, where you see these long,
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long pulls that are good enough. yes. so my only thing is just to make sure that people can get to the platform and that there is no anger over the plot for future men. and i want women law for a while. okay, for every div does like that. i'm good. like i don't know that you're gonna go down that with the pandora here he are witty,
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guns are mild going where we're in thorn in as i turn it down a little i with the walker at the though. now, by address i go, i don't know joe miller at all. oh no, man. i didn't give your number. no, not block him going, michael, coughing, suzy logan. you know, doing out going order. boy, no, do it. i at, you know, you know, that doesn't finish. yeah, so if they decide that because my gale now, you know, will be medi cal, dr. it's time to buy maria bar b cue. oh, you feel you feel angry? you'll feel like get cheating you or you'll feel sad years. maybe you'll be sad. okay. seal it now. okay,
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now tell them, tell those people sitting out there. what it is that you're feeling now tell them about when more yeah, let them in doubt that their missiles at them and doubting seal daniel c. w. m. in done. now you see that old man sitting over there, down that old man sitting right dead. tell him. i want to school. now go to school . i gotta go to school. i'm going to get done with danny. wow thing. am i school? that's id club, tammy. you were not finish your phone now. if you're not finished, just go just smiling. this is not a john. tell me. now for you, i'm
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a lawyer in that did law young woman i bought all. that's it. i mean, it was a plugin it with this one on jackie and maybe burgundy related to were so yeah, something like when you started that kind of, you know, some of my friends i don't thing for a shadow. what you need them must kyra on. how for sure. with here. good. so i mean with i'm now we i
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with a good no, no, no, no, no, no, no. i got a real good, you know, i know what to go in there to help
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with that. no. my lot,
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no bad and not enough to give them a fair idea. i guess why didn't you up with yeah, yeah. so i have to put a ground with with,
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with, with now, with that, no matter what about a, a, a a
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a ok. i'm coming back about the area very no. sounds good to meet you again. these general. yeah. some with the men. thank you. break your leg
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a little i read them for my i thought you said you are not people mom, my phone you want to work with with
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a at best. 7 with yahoo for yet. oh yeah. dog or whatever. not that one other than blood. not that one out of the on and follow your mother. yeah. yeah. i'm ready yet are boy yet i wanna look. i know mila doesn't know. i do. i mean, i know and i'm more i knew i live there, there's no one might have been. 2 that with a does with daily magdalena my. 2 been my dad did that are good.
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alamba new sankey di jillian. i got i know my dad's there. no, no, i don't either. i dog dog when i walk away, you dog dog. got done. i know my gonna go down. my dad did dinah bad xa a i'm on now. got one down there doing and i don't. what do you i did my diana, you know by nina baker jaguar dog duet dog. i bought a bug, but i did not get our guy said, you know what the
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a, amanda re watch though though. i don't. wow, that long. that bill. you know, what do you know? not put up with that that now you have brought it out whether or not you'd walk by the about the i do not feel bad. yes i. 6 minute i did a lot of work with a
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a yes. right. that's not that bad you know. 2 2 ah, ah. 5 ah. 2 2 ah. 2 2
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ah, ah. 2 ah ah ah blah blah blah. you are aware. oh, oh my god. oh man. oh man. oh man. i
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forgot to know where to communities are. oh, i'm sure you're with a oh, yeah. well, i had my pinky, my pre game and i was, well, is that? well, yeah. oh, sorry, because their b b. as many of them, everybody should tell you what happened on that issue and then give you anything change. so no problem, can you start mouse that when a week? so i noticed that it was that nobody come to a restaurant to come up. those can be put down on
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a pallet. well, what we did, i show you one of them, you put it on a test that says, well, you live, heard what i've come to meet you. i see one know 3 got back here and i do meetings only. i need any of them to i need to ask them to talk. 1 to him, out of that is that still wasn't happy with, i mean, week organized as we community to get that if something happens to our listen. if something happens to her, she should be able to say all of you should come together. i've got that to help. that's what is go, we meant so what do we mean?
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go with my, my manual, my god, we need one. so i need the guy with my life on your site. you want to have the body as a group. you think that yes, by yourself with if you've never had a conversation with your father in talking to us of the king in the town. now all of a sudden you're a teenager, and you're having a conversation directly with the highest ranking official in your community. already everything has changed. i definitely can see your transformation in some of that. we members like you open
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a door and then you shut i you know, the a couple of them that i feel worried about and some of them just went through the door easily. with ah,
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with diaz you bought good, you know, do you did the hawaii lane? oh, wow. many thought gambled by the poodle being turned away in the okay. no way nancy found me she led. thank god i thank you. 507. then when he drove to the main yeah. okay. may i just wanted deal. we'll minutes that amanda, do you don't window it? go duke way look when knowing you actually. little more did i was this was a 0 night or monday i defeated my monday night, not do way. my or not, but believe me
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ah, ah . to ukrainian filmmakers join the army to fight against russian separatists in 2014. they document their journey from civilians to soldiers as the fighting intensifies the tools of their trade become weapons of war. what will be the toll for ukraine's brave hearts? witness on al jazeera.
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ah how i was say some really nasty storms moving across a colorado pushing through the southern plains of the u. s. big area of low pressure just making its way here. easing over towards the eastern seaboard, ferry, high temperatures ahead of that. some rewards they're just around the eastern seaboard coming behind is called sub 0, actually minus 3 celsius. they're in chicago, some attempt to that force roster and a minus 5 in ot, we're looking at of 81415165 the 18 celsius there for new york. and for d. c, as we go through friday afternoon with that wet weather slowly but surely making his way farther. is bryce guys come back behind? said looking good if you make away through the weekend. if little cool lesson had
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blue skies and some sunshine chose one or 2 showers. and so ontario may be into work. we're back when did she shower just around the mountain states of the u. s, but for much of north america is actually looking pretty good. she make her way into the next couple of days. pretty good. so across much of the caribbean, lousy blue skies. hey, lots of tropical sunshine coming through. you might catch a shower or 2 just around the eastern islands. nothing too much to worry about. so much to whether they're too just making its way into one nicaragua and panama chassis some showers into southern parts of mexico by saturday. ah, but serious dorcas days with one man leading the country through pleasant alice out his loss legitimacy. he needs to step down. how has he retained control through over a decade of war? we examine the global power games of president bashar al assad. we believe assad
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simply carrying out iranian orders. what keeps you awake at night? many a reason that could effect any human eyesight, master of chaos on al jazeera ears from al jazeera on the go and me tonight out is there is only a mobile app. is that the you, this is where we dissects, analyze, to find. and i guess going from algy, there is mobile app available in your favorite app sto just set for it and tap domain a new app from our does. anyone needs at you think of it


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