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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2022 3:00am-3:31am AST

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kraus, now hoping to convince both the fans and themselves that they really are ready to take on the world. reason to stand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. sentimental handle take, it will bring the news and current affairs that matter to year. ah, the world's richest money law must reaches a deal to buy twitter and he is promising absolute free speech. ah, alonzo roman you're watching out, is there a like my headquarters here in doha? also coming up? russia hits rail lines and fuel depos attempting to hinder ukrainian supplies from reaching the front lines in the east. oh, i saw an outcry from human rights groups after turkish activist osman kabbalah is
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sentenced to life in prison. plus after weeks of tensions on this, how he site will look into what is the status quo and why to palestinians say it's being eroded and stephanie decker. jerusalem will have that story coming. ah, welcome to the bank on twitter board has unanimously decided to sell the company to elem mosque in the deal worth around $44000000000.00. now if the deal goes through, shareholders will be paid more than $54.00 per share. the share price rose almost 6 percent on the news of the deal, but questions remain as to how the billionaire will reform the social media giants . the company's chief executive told staff the future direction of the platform isn't clear at this stage. while musk simply tweeted yes, in response to the sale, an attachment to the tweet said that he wants to unlock twitters,
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extraordinary potential, and make it a platform for free speech around the world. or public opinion has been split as to other mosques. takeover is a good idea. i just don't think it would be good if you like control. and just cuz he's a lot of money doesn't give all of our capitalism. this is america. and i'll be frankly honest, which i wish the best of luck. i think he'll turn it for better giving people more freedom of speech. maybe bringing my mad trump back to twitter. i think that will be nice. i like to hear what he has to say. i don't think that the one person that focus toward the platform, i think the people who have their own voice to be able to see how they feel. well, let's take a look at what led to the steel between the richest men in the world and the social networking giant. isla musk became twit, his largest shareholder in early april when he increased his stake in the company to 9.2 percent. 10 days later he offered to buy the entire company and $8044000000000.00 at a price of $54.20 per share. and at the time,
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he said he changed twitter from a public to a private business to his board of directors. adopted them and even known as a poison pill, following the hostile takeover offer that was aimed at essentially preventing musk from accumulating more of its stock. the 50 year old bill in our updated his proposal last week, outlining that he could finance a cash purchase through loans. gabriel, amazon doug is in new york with moore and her boss got the deal over the line. well, essentially even mosque came up with the financing. that's what happened. i mean, it was 10 days ago. he made an all cash offer of $44000000000.00 to buy twitter. most people on wall street did not take that too seriously. and this is why, because even for ilan, musk who's worth more than 4 times that $44000000000.00, it would have been nearly impossible for him simply to write a check for $44000000000.00. and people on wall street knew that not impossible,
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but quite difficult what he needed was financing. and in the last week or so, he has been quietly behind the scenes working with morgan stanley, the big bank to gather that financing. and he finally did it. i gathered several banks, lead by morgan stanley that are kicking in about $25000000000.00 of financing in various different forms of belongings and other sort of financing won't get into all the details. and then about $21000000000.00 that must himself is kicking in in equity financing. bottom line here is that once must people went to twitter and came to them with this. the more details of this offer, that's when reportedly the twitter board sat down on sunday late into the night sunday night into monday morning with musk officials and basically agreed to this deal because they knew there was the money there. the big question now is what
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happens with twitter? what happens with the user experience for twitter? what kind of changes does must want to make to it. in a fried is the chief technology correspondent, u. s. news website, axles that she says absolute free speech will be virtually impossible to achieve in general, even though ilan has laid out this big free speech thing, it turns out to be really hard to remove protections, even some of the organizations and social media that have tried to rival twitter and say were in favor of free speech, find that free speech without rule is just chaos. so i think a lot of the rules will stay. i think that will probably see things start to shift more subtly though both as you like has the influence. but also i think people who strongly oppose that will start to leave twitter. other people will come in who are more in favor of it. so i'd expect a subtle shift starting when the deal closes. i think the real question comes in protections above and beyond what the law requires. but what it requires,
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what it takes to have a decent conversation, tends to be protections that go above and beyond what the law might dictate. the, the russian forces have a tight critical infrastructure including railways, which ukraine says is to stop it from re supplying its troops on the front lines in the east. now the credit train station in vain was one of 5 struck by missiles in central and west, and ukraine already said these 5 people were killed. the governor of vin region says 2 towns who attacked their killing, an unspecified number of people. while russia's defense ministry says it destroyed an oil refinery in the criminal joke in central ukraine, along with fuel deputies. the long range missiles had what russia says were weapons and ammunition, deputies in the car key, reach him. this as russia pushes on with its eastern offensive, charles strafford reports now from slants internet sc. a ukrainian
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military ambulance speeds south towards soviet sc. evacuated civilians arrived in a van into ukrainian army checkpoint north east of the city. the military won't allow us to fill inside the vehicle, our spit, lada, delia: a nearly as 86 year old mother, tanita. my husband is still in there at home. i bury, afraid for him. sit on breaking down to the person in ukraine. what's this water en, says nadia and we can say that some booted stop this dreadful war and put it to the we're hearing a lot of shelling as you can hear that possibly. that shilling coming from this direction. we've also hearing from that direction about 7 kilometers up that road is the town of newman. now we, we know that russian forces control
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a village very close to it. we also understand that most of the civilians have left and the military are telling us that what the russians are trying to do. fly attacking lea man is move closer to the city of savanski, which is down this road. bloody told a case lie on the ground close to the checkpoint, cut from the limbs of soldiers or civilians injured them like before. a military ambulance arrives, an injured ukrainian soldier is helped to waiting all medics who refused to let us vill oh, stop filming. now he says, this greater is from what the ukrainian army say was a russian rocket. the landed near another check point on a different road into sla vianza. it leads to the russian controlled city of isab. ukrainian army says it's holding back at least a 2 if not 3 pronged russian army advance love janski's,
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along with neighboring cremmit also only a 10 minute drive further south of the 2 biggest cities in the build best region. still under full ukraine and army control. we drive it detailed the streets of virtually empty. the people still here shop at the occasional supermarket, still open. many of the shelves of bare close by we find marina and said, a gay, volume, 16 years then you like, you may know of course we're afraid it's going to happen. the russians are pushing, but we hope the army can protect us and defend the city. we have a basement and that's our only plan. the main thing is that we've sent our children away. the school was damaged with a russian bull blended close by, but sloppy ads because escaped. the heavy rushing, shelling suffered by some towns in the dawn. it's gretchen in the evening light,
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a siren whales warning those who remain to get inside or underground and almost deserted city in the russian armies. sites shall strap it out to 0, sloppy. and now us defense secretary lloyd austin says he believes ukraine can win the war with the right equipment and support. often spoken to he and secretary of state entity, blink, and met ukrainian president laudermill zalinski in keith. they like fellow nato countries, promised a range of heavy and more advanced weapons. despite warnings from moscow. the un secretary general is in moscow, head of a planned meeting with the russian president on cheese de antennae good. harish will also meet with the russian foreign minister. second levels before trying to keep the summit has been arranged in the hopes of pushing a diplomatic channel between ukraine and russia. our diplomatic added to james bass reports now from the un. the un secretary general meeting with turkeys president
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owed on an anchor for full flying on to moscow. mister terrace is trying to build on previous turkish diplomatic efforts with a new piece initiative involving direct shuttle diplomacy. first in moscow, and then on to cave. he thinks that there is an opportunity now and will make the most of what we can. a lot of diplomacy is about, about timing, about finding out when is the right time. ah, to add to speak with a person to travel to a place to do certain things and, and he is going in the anticipation that there's a real opportunity that is now billing itself. and we'll see what we can make of it . even though the secretary general last week called for truce over orthodox easter, a call that fell on deaf ears, i call on russians and the ukrainians to silence the guns and forge a pass to safety. for so many at the media thrace, the secretary general continues to call for a cease far,
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but that's very unlikely to happen. the ukrainians side don't want the conflict to become frozen with russian troops stationed inside their country. and after 2 months of war, moscow's made very limited gains. if, as a truce now, would be very hard for president putin to declare a victory. my lord, i asked rushes, deputy ambassador to the un, whether a cease fire was a possibility. we don't think that's a ceasefire is a good option right now, because the only the only advantage it will give it will give her a possibility for agreeing and forces to regroup. and to stage more provocations, like which i like, i say culture. so frankly, it's not up to me to decide, but i don't see any reasons in this right now. the conflict has cost many lives. parts of ukraine had been completely destroyed, living ruined buildings and mangled metal. but despite all this, the guns still seem unlikely to be silenced yet james bays al jazeera at the united
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nations. russian media outlets have reported a series of glass in moldova, breakaway region of trends. this trio, the explosions report to be happened at the ministry of state security building in the city of that us ball. so far that been the reports of casualties, trans mystery is supported by russia and is on ukraine's western border. so has on al jazeera why germany is looking to take a step back in time to offer its citizens, a sense of reassurance and protection. also to pilots him to create aviation history by swapping planes, mid air, we look at how well it went. ah, the journey has begun the fee for world copies on its way to catherine book. your travel package today. hello there. we're going to see the unsettled weather conditions across east asia intensify in the days ahead. we've got these pulses of
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heavy rain moving out of eastern areas of china across the korean peninsula and into japan's. it's very heavy rain expected here. we could see some flash flooding from that. now as that system shifts its way further east, we're going to see a cool down in cities like beijing, as well as sol and shanghai. but for places like hong kong, it is gonna remain rather hot and humid. the temperature touching up into the early thirty's, through to wednesday, that was a move across the south asia, the story of heat once again for northern and central areas of india, as well as pakistan and bangladesh. we could still see a shop thunderstorm or 2 here, but it's not as dramatic as it has been recently. we'll see the wet or where the pick up across that west coast in places like carola and she'll anchors likely to see some shop thunderstorms in the days to come. but it is all about the heat. we could see some heat of the day. thunderstorms rolling across some of those indian
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states, but by the time we get into the middle of the week, we are expecting temperatures to touch up to nearly the mid forties. that relentless heat continuing through the weekend official airline pitcher. when the news breaks, looking through the building towards anybody else inside, when people need to be heard. and the story told, i feel like i wasn't really awake until i went to it definitely changed my life in a good way with exclusive interviews and in depth reports of all 100. cuz al jazeera has teens on the ground to bring you more award winning documentaries and live news for
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the me. look about what's going on with me. so robin, the reminder, the volatile stories, which is board has unanimously decided to sell the company to mask an appeal worth around $44000000000.00. if it goes through, shareholders will be paid more than $54.00 per share. and russian pulses of a critical infrastructure, including rail lines that ukraine says, is to stop it from rece appliance troops on the front lines in the east. the continent train station, near the this was one of 5 struck by miss 1000 central and western ukraine. also, us extra general antennae, good terrorist than most go ahead. we plan to meeting with russian president vladimir putin. on tuesday, the summit has been arranged in the hopes of pushing diplomatic channels between ukraine and russia. took his businessmen and activist osmond corolla has been, joseph allies has been convicted of attempting to overthrow the government,
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europe's top corps and western powers. the case was politically motivated. an accusation family rejected by anchor sim casella reports from the stumble. i am really calling for justice protesting against a stumble court's decision to jail turkish business men, an activist of mon, cover law for life. come on, us france cried and hugged as he was convicted of trying to overthrow the government by financing nationwide to government processed in 2013 other charges of espionage were thrown out. give you a call. if this is a lawful decision, we would be able to comment on it, but it's not. this is a summary of a k b government's revenge against jesse park protests. the pact courtroom watched on us several of college friends were convicted of helping him an e jailed for 18 years. so not the manufactured charges and
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accusations against the defendant should be dropped. cover law has been behind bars for 4 and a half years has always denied the charges against him, saying they are politically motivated. took his government, denies this, but the european court of human rights as well as activists and turkeys, western nato allies say the trial and verdict, or part of it correct down on peson under present friendship type at the courts. aggravated life sentence, for vala must have to find the court of appeal and then the supreme court, this can take months or longer, but this may not be the end of the process for cabala. if the appeals court overturned the verdict, come follow maybe release spending triumph for now. friends and supporters live in hope. however narrow view to st, cuz solar ounces are assembled. israel says it will once again allow palestinian
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workers and merchants to enter from garza until tuesday period. so bate to noon crossing was shut on saturday. of how much rock is targeted? southern israel, the firing solid, repeated israeli incursions of the alex most compound. it occupied east jerusalem. employment in his role is a lifeline to people. in garza, we're about half the population is jobless. yes, president joe barden and jordan's king abdullah have discuss ways to which is tension in israel and the occupied west bank. stephanie decker is in occupied east jerusalem, and looks into the nuances surrounding the status quo. and what it means to day it's one of the world's holiest sites. and recent weeks of once again seen arise, intentions is the holy month of ramadan coincided with a jewish holiday of passover, the number of jewish religious ultra nationalist groups entering the site has increased. some are part of the temple mount movement whose members call for the
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right to pray on the site. and the incursions are protected by israeli forces and seen by palestinians as a major provocation. what would take place in small groups and respectfully is now being done in large, larger groups, and more provocative, more defiant, and more humiliating for the muslim worshippers. and this is what it's all about. the alexa most compound or temple mount, as it's known to jews were certain ours are allocated during the week where non muslims can enter. but under long standing agreement between israel and jordan, which is the custodian of the site, only, muslims can pray there. however, over the years has been an increase in the number of jewish religious ultra nationalists entering the site, calling for the right to prayer and actively attempting prayers there. and that scene is a gradual erosion of the long agreed status quo. according to these law, mac walketh the jordanian religious trust that runs the site, the number of jewish religious ultra nationalists to access the site in the past
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year was the highest so far. many try to pray and are sometimes removed by israeli police. this is the weapon ization of faith and religious play, romania in recent years. ah, that's that a school has gone to the road and is really policies under danielle became a using was to mrs. there was a trolling a blind eye for quiet prayer, and the more demonstrative prayer now me works for this law mich walketh and says he is witnessed the same thing. he was injured by israeli police while documenting what happens in the compound, so about the solano follow that the police are turning a blind eye to these praise. these groups cool for invasion with huge numbers beside the site stairs, and they must demolish the dome of the rock and build their temple instead. this is how they think, and this is what's causing the escalation and triggering the conflict. hitting
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raphael is a member of the temple mount movement who we met earlier this year in an illegal outpost in the occupied west bank. so now i'm not allowed to go to roofer at the time he was considered a security risk by israel's internal security services. the shin bet and banned from entering jerusalem's old city. maybe the, please don't like what i do. emory provokes the police and the country called we want to go to come home and we won't go with it. it will be able just to walk there, really that we won't be escorted by polyphony. we could pray a whenever we want, and where we want on the temple mount. the growing temple mount movement is a concern to many palestinians and muslims across his stomach world who say that alex or is a red line, consecutive is ready, governments have maintained, they have no intention of changing the situation. and israel's foreign ministry ela plead on sunday, reiterated israel's commitment to the status quo that only muslims pray and non
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muslims visit. events at the alex moss compound can be linked to triggering the 2nd intifada, and also the most recent garza war last year. nothing has the same ability to mobilize major protests and anger here at what's long been a volatile and emotionally charged religious epicenter. stephanie decker, al jazeera jerusalem. well, there's been a further development in the e. c. a. p and government's war with 2 growing rebels in the north. the dry peoples, the brazen frontal a t p l f. as its name says, it's completely withdrawn all of its forces from the neighboring a far region. they hope they withdraw. it will allow a to to grow, which is experiencing some in like conditions more than 90 percent of the regions population. the food aid last, the prime minister of the army, declared a surprised truce saying he wanted to improve humanitarian access. if you can, journalist samuel get to choose as this was the only way the government would allow food aid into to grow. they could only agree to some kind of war unless
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an organization that they deem us that terrorists are going to organization would suddenly leave a water. but the t p has been saying the reason that they're in a far as to protect their interest to protect any kind of attack that may come to wait. and there doesn't seem to be any end inside the weakening, it has been trying to play a role to in this conflict. the former president of nigeria has been going back and forth between the sub law mckelly, the captain of dry and event, and the kenya speaking to the kenya and the president, and from the u. s. invoice, trying to solve this issue. but there doesn't seem to be any kind of ob, agreements among the actors that germany is planning to strengthen. a system of historic bunkers after rushes invasion of ukraine, the country has about $600.00 such basement shelters. steadfast reports about him
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in a city with a law unto magic war, his 3 like berlin. you don't have to look far to find old bunkers. in 977, this subway station was constructed as an atomic bunker to protect 3 and a half 1000 people from a possible euclid attack by the soviet union. behind his door, the cold war seems still very real. every people come in here said gap. a few things which is what she needs. she needs 2 rolls of toilet paper for 2 weeks. piece of so a towel and a boat and a cup. the bunker was designed so people would have enough oxygen, water, and food for 2 weeks, hoping the worst radiation would be gone by then for decade, the government maintained hundreds of these bunkers. and since 2007, nobody's spending a cent anymore because they believed in germany. the threat is over. not
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many in germany had expected just a few months ago that something like this would possibly be needed again, an underground emergency kitchen, well hidden behind thick concrete walls, but with a threat from russia becoming more real in people's minds. some here realize the country is not ready. not only have old bankers be neglected, many have been sold and found new destinations like this one, which now is a museum for asian art. others have turned into galleries, nightclubs or private houses. the nearly $600.00 bunkers, the government still owned. i'm not ready for use. according to military experts. it was b reusable. within a particular financial constraints, they're going to have to spend money. this whole thing is a very expensive undertaking. the thought of needing to seek shelter in
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a bunker field. unreal to some of those who just finished a tour over there to see how dark it is. how how the feeling must been in the war. when you hear outside the play and the bomb, we have had so many decades of peace in europe. this is a very difficult situation. i hope there will be a peaceful solution to all of this. even in the heat of the cold war, berlin could only protect 27500 people in its bunkers on a population of 2100000. so the government's plan to upgrade them is seen as a way to reassure it citizens, rather than aiming to offer protection for every one step, fasten al jazeera in berlin for me as president donald trump has been held in contempt for fighting to turn over documents to state attorneys, a judge has ordered trunk to pay $10000.00 every day that he, when he fail to comply with the subpoena. now new york state has been investigating
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the trump of meditation for more than 2 years. it's accused of misstating the values of its real estate properties to obtain favorable loans and tax deductions of environment lawyer who lead a legal battle against the oil giant chevron has been freed from house arrest in the u. s. after serving his sentence, stephen domes ago was jail for 6 months last october on charges brought against him by the company. the 2011, he won a $9500000000.00 judgment against chevron and court in ecuador over pollution in the amazon rain voice for the u. s. federal judge later ruled against the judgement because argue has withdrawn from the organization of american states. the government of peasant, daniel ortega also close the organizations offices in the capital. the block had condemned to take his re election after several opponents were detained before the vote. nicaragua announced its spit from what it calls the infamous organization. in
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november, ational authorities in the u. s. are investigating plains hoping stuff that went wrong in the arizona desert cousins. luc akins and the farrington had planned to know stiver across them. some say the c jump from one to the other before taking the control and lending. akins made it into fountains plain and made it down. but farmington abandoned his attempt. when the other ones out of control, he safely parachuted to the ground. i mean, we proved that it was possible, i mean, were pushing boundaries out here and what's great. as i jumped from one i got in the other one we landed, i landed safely, andy landed safely in a pair of shoes. the plane landed under a parachute, all our safety protocol work. yeah, i mean, were there all the numbers matched up and everything like that. everything should have been good to go for some reason, it wasn't that way, but at the end of the day, we're both here. we're both good to go. everybody safe and sound, and i guess that's an important part. it's the one of the most expensive holidays
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in history, but all good things do come to an end. and 3 businessmen have splashed down after nasa's 1st commercial journey to the international space station. they each paid $55000000.00 to the trade, which was organized by company called axiom space. they got more than they bargained for though the 9 day mission was extended to 17 days due to bad weather. back old earth. ah. you're watching on to 0 with me, so he'll robin. and reminder of all top stories twitters board has unanimously decided to sell. the complaints must going to deal with around $44000000000.00. if it goes through, shareholders will be paid more than $54.00 per share. gabriel alexander has moved from new york. well, essentially, even mosque came up with the financing. that's what happened. i mean, it was 10 days ago. he made an all cash offer.


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