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tv   My Cuba Laura Rodriguez To Dance  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2022 2:30am-3:01am AST

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child stealing, i dont know any parent who would want their child brought home if he was coach dealing. britton's longer serving monarch his celebrating her 96th birthday. ah, there been events across the u. k. on a queen elizabeth the 2nd, including a performance of happy birthday during the changing of the guard at windsor castle . ah, i have a quick check on the headlines here on al jazeera. russia's president has declared victory in the battle to be besieged. ukrainian city of matthew polt, vladimir putin ordered his troops to seal off. the crimean soldiers and civilians trapped on a still works, which is the city's last pocket of resistance. but i wish to resume easily. so i consider the proposed storming of the industrial area, pointless. i ordered to have bought it. this is the case when we must think that is
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we must always think, but even more so in this case, about preserving the life and health of our soldiers and offices. there's no need to climb into these catacombs and crawl under ground to these industrial facilities block off this industrial area. so that not even a fly comes to the room. russian forces say they have captured 42 villages and ukraine's east and don bass region one ukraine, an official confirmed the losses, but said there could be one back never see as president joe biden has committed another 8 $100000000.00 in military aid to ukraine. the support package will include a heavy artillery and drones about those days, announcement came as ukraine's prime minister visited washington. the prime ministers of spain and denmark have also a place to send more weapons to ukraine. they are the latest european leaders to meet ukrainian, president and keith. they also made the trip to borrowed younger outside the capital, where the bodies of 9 civilians were found over night. spain's federal sanchez condemned what he called the atrocities of hooton's war on the streets of the town
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. former honduras president, one, orlando at amanda is, has been expedited to the us to face several drugs related charges. one time u. s. allies accused of helping to move tons of cocaine into the u. s. for almost 20 years. is also charge of accepting a bride from the head, the path of cartel. amanda is denies the allegation. and the arab league colon israel to stop jewish pres, taking place inside the alex and mos compound and occupied east jerusalem. another 21. alice damian's were injured. earlier up is ready, forces thought rather bullets. next way to disperse them head of a tool by jewish groups. there's been almost a week of heightened tension at the holy side. field by visits, by jewish alternation is bruce, bring them was them? oh, the month of ramadan. so those are the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera, after my cuba staging. thanks for watching bethany frank assessments. what are the political risks of panic?
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russian oil, a gas for western leaders or sanctions on russian energy exports was informed opinions. france is not abandoning to fight against jet is terrorism. india going to be acting from nisha and from char critical debate? could china actually help in russia's invasion of ukraine in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera? ah ah mabel with boy me fanny lesson. mm hm. it nicholas maybe office young
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men on that louder? yeah. okay. are you in the, as i let in both, as young i said to the, i think i'm away at the moment that me well, you know on it, but then i with ah, big i mean only by letting them in another moment gonna hold up about it and then a winding yard. i have also a
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a day that whatever the day that it does not with a face to go, i got my set amount is done, i guess with
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. ready with dancing the whole is quite divided. you've got the classical ballot, then you've got content brain damage. but we're trying to do a company that could do audi. see, i think isa is important for the nation, because i was in there is any company. why like, ah, if i click on the 0 and i'm going them nothing, i mean, they even sat there some flooding, dan. oh collins said, a big dog,
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same vinegar where you live. i'm painting flicks out of the knowledge, showing them when equal killing be. if at all i'm put them in that i would assume most what i'm into, i'm bottom half of that is a little more lumpy. nothing on hand at all and i am going to present my i'll be able to see last one is when side aubriana is you'd have to put on air sallie mae. they're located, i let them go. valet, a ambassador event that was on my or him and let him out. i will not, therefore they are. they won't load at the same kadelli one, which of course are heavily e and then determined to put a basic go if way,
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one domain that you meant sima to me. sure. there's your here. so no, no, monica one, luna, they're turbos. so he barely return the money of that ah if i'm you from them and i've been younger ones i if i gave a guy of low and there was on process on this, i was assessing cambia. he seen, i say play, maybe i did on when i went about the adar. as that goes i like what i shaneka say. i do have some input on that. ah,
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ah ah ah ah ah, oh, oh oh, you're welcome. and i don't buy miano and be i thought i may if i say that i may need you, but as it can, those are a no mingo again though, and the other one who was gas is in today as well. my oil. my love. okay. on what
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i'm saying, my wife emotional in a moment. there we are. louder. brandsound. oh, scenario like, well i go on that i'll equilla e as a momento, see is america now? you know, pick out the i see the thing that i would do. i'm enough women, good law. me down with a my thing of business. oh, they're gone. will i see? yes. the my let them go to law and i'm and i think he think he had to sell me hey
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e with i'm good. how are you? i if by if you've been there they said one other one though. yeah, i do that and i see a lot of you know, things go about one of my nana is when i go through the summer, but i am not here but fans are gonna sell them for getting off at down at the mar. only gotta say by okay, no money. no, no, no. it's not going by me. i got a follower. okay, so mike, i'm away from a hockey loan. this is the demo deal. and i, i brought a coca has those that go gonna lose that deleted good. a good and then yeah, yeah. other than in late in oh
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oh oh, i see good guy move her to lima about it. i and yes i me with
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a lady now they are going to be. ringback by letting at once they went away, lamb, when we left the more sent the girl was asking for the gay boy a y l. c. c, a noise policeman. and
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my roommate, guy, a guy in the room and then go to where again, was there a grocer? move again in the same as the door level. but other than i'm on my leave because i didn't get to go on then they added their i'm only able to me know when he in i'm a boy and i mean last year i think on this jennifer friday night standing at that point. jenny is a n n a e and it on, i mean i so broke it with a
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with another mother. they go over there and i got a, a, a with a. ready will say, say, finkel shop, okay, my email i am, i was here to leave you
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a lease . no info. bailey. i'm going for a loan with ah ah yeah, i am flint. i go 2nd at the end of the week on dianda. mm
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mm ah, the was the way i live, go into my, he's a young janese. remember go e alli, what get tho, la at the n m, which is in my as the ends up ended up by a dorm, a case algoma and no frugal but a co home by. so by go north of you for your, for you go on a dorm on the thought that they were they give way a gay. well, no, i log on with no. so yeah, go home to hear. messy
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a bad on and my mom that i so my love again, i'm monica to whom by letting in so, but i put him and i said in the bundle when i initially and i am, i allow it on my app where it has to go on within the machine michael b. one good. easy. yeah. well with you, why? my gosh. i don't know. i'm with a n n o
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n i n m a c. i will get them off by a lender. oh. for them. yeah. a garage? oh, so you think you're in now? who knows in the bread, he did the what is that? i've been walking around with a a a no my phone
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a gay bluff. i am a again, my wife. i am bustled indigo, a passion. they're hungry for and they really love what they do and did they give you their life? and i think it's, it's very contagious and it is really inspiring to work with them because it's like, you know, if i go now and i say, you know, i really will really need to rehearse i 3, i am, you know, they call,
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oh, i said if the minutes i want to get a his mother and i am going to give us an info again, a lot. the info come in. i got them in the new me in the, in the event in a day in my life, i say i love basic ones. younger and i'm also gonna go around with no longer moisture. what i see later my younger will come a little by letting go buy new a meal. get got an overlay. he annoy milano. what is the low enough food way? no. there is at the fuzzy tumble. will swing, will you have it online?
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i think whether they no one ever by see of i did on my side. oh oh wait a minute here you go. * ah.
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busy ah for my birthday nava citizen a go i said okay i got off i on now you focus on mesa. yeah, no no there was no none of them will do it on hey dawn. i sent them on the time with a good ah
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yeah, i think i'm not going to go with an online program. i don't see. yeah. get a sense in a in oh,
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[000:00:00;00] a good, a good a on the other, i sort of way. they said the one i got on this,
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i know one of the minimum i met with a bus and come up on the 30 day job. they get it. i got that door. look at the see the deal for me on the damn bomb, even with a $1.30. even then the other day. i under the gun. my guest
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i i don't know with a, a, a, a, a,
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[000:00:00;00] a,
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[000:00:00;00] a of struggles i looked up in my mind with not all megawatt, i mean all on all that i'm on either one of them with the full of pleasure. we go a little market on the getting with drama in but on an intimate look at life in cuba today. was it was the annual want to walk on. i know, daniel advisable. my cuba, on al jazeera with radicalism is on the rice across the globe. were told it's everywhere we're told we're supposed to be kind
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a suspicious of everybody at every fake. but our government policies aimed at tackling radicalization. in fact, pushing youngsters to the fringes of society may impact is you don't, we don't have any so much of you can take before you say, okay, let's me re thinking radicalization. part of the radicalized huge series on al jazeera. ah, brush us president declares his forces of liberated matter. you, paul, but ukraine says the biggest battle of the war is another yet. a dream business in bruin's brazilian residents return to abroad younger to get the full picture of


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