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tv   101 East Thailands Crusading Cop P1  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2022 1:30am-2:00am AST

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far more ah, the most the movies. mostly music is art, it is life. it is a real flight that helps are sold, survive. it brightens our lives and keeps us away from panicking. the darkness and gloom of the swore, the bitterness, music, art we give us hope for the future hope for peace in this world that life will continue and that the light will win over the darkness that hope in the darkest days is getting these people through. ah, inter chappelle al jazeera ah my are the top stories are now to 0. russian president vladimir putin is declared victory in the battle for mario pole in what would be moscow's biggest gain of the
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war so far. ukrainian president flooded mos lensky confirmed that russia controls much of the city, but denies its fallen. which made the claim despite canceling plans to storm the as our style still works. as it is last pocket of resistance in fed, he ordered his troops to seal off for thousands of defenders and hundreds of civilians said to behold up there. the mayor of maria poll says there's an urgent need for a humanitarian corridor to rescue civilians. hulu are brave defenders are trying to protect our city as much as possible at the moment. but despite all that, we're begging for the international community that we should be united with. one goal that all the civilians who hiding in the us of styles still works, get an opportunity to get out and be taken to safety. at least for 24 hours. this humanitarian cordele should be established with begging for it. our men are also ready to leave the as of style still works, but only with our weapons in the hands. but to day,
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we're still negotiating this to a ukrainian official says russia has taken 42 villages in the internet's region in its renew defensive in the countries east. meanwhile, and the u. s. president joe biden has pledged another $800000000.00 of military assistance for ukraine, for weapons, ammunition and drones. he said he now has to ask congress for extra money, because funding for arms has always been exhausted. you know, a former president of honduras and one time american allies on a plane to the us to face drug and arms charges on orlando and anders who only left office in february in january this year was arrested in february. the u. s. justice department also alleges and under as accepted a bribe from the head of the sinner cartel york in el chapo guzman stories to stay with us. one or one east is coming up next morning. fee. after that, i can, i have a fly thing in the we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. it's the
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consequence of war. the human suffering that we before talk, we brave bullets and bombs, and some of the world's most troubled regions. the army fled in the face of idols advance. it is one of the more serious about the violence in recent years. in some instances, we are the target because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law . and we always include the views from all sites. with he was thailand's most courageous cough. an investigator who took down a human trafficking syndicate, led by a top military colanda. more than 40 guilty verdict, highlands biggest human trafficking trial. but awaiting puncture and believe the powerful men he arrested what protected by those even higher up seeing the date of
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god. cool, cool. come me my job to plug it in for them to go guy. and they go over your t guy, jacob. they kinda like now torn. now for the 1st time, he's accusing some of the most well connected men in thailand of obstructing the investigation. well, i'll get that. i've got the bottle algae, we'd love the military wanted him dead. they sent him down to the south and we'd be killed. one 0, one east investigates why, one of thailand's most decorated cops fled his country in fear for his life. ah, in a small town, not far from melbourne, australia. wayne pung sir, and is often lonely. in thailand he was famous, a police major general,
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but here he's a virtual nobody wanting me one gun when we come to town homes and i love the time. yeah. and yeah, about me will make you look on me. my 1st met wayne, 6 years ago, soon after he fled to a trailer back then he said he was too scared to reveal who had threatened him. now he's finally overcome that fear. i poway you, i'm good. how are you? good, nice to see. you see you my goblet play 9 good guys and then farm can get a 9 point do don't guarantee by wanting to time, mag dunker. so got until i didn't time letting de la make hockey japan, my man. i could go down during his glittering 33 year career in the 4th. pauline
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was famous for staring down danger. i have the golden bread and pam this there is this the prime minister. 2 this for though i have received nearly was for my mind every year in the looking back at his career highlights, it's clear that the thai government used to praise pauline as a model, policemen, the best investigator threes hands. i got it every year. no people can unwind every time he was known as a dog investigator, unafraid to arrest people with money and power. and what's this? one? how a tough policeman banked by soldiers claimed to care. but in a country where police corruption is commonplace,
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pauline's integrity and enemies. as well as newspaper headlines because the politician call me p hale. my fan, no is illegal. if you call me, i will order you because you may, you recall you can control me. so you were arresting criminals, but some of these criminals were the friends of the politician. yeah, yeah. in 2015 co ain faced off against more criminals with friends and politics. and this time the stakes couldn't be higher. 6 more bodies have been found buried in a ty jungle there suspected to beat ro hang your muslims, and were discovered in another mass, grave desperate people driven into the arms of ruthless criminals and passed along a trial of misery and torture. many hundreds lost along the way in may that year mass graves were uncovered at jungle camps on the ty malaysian border. it's
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a big camp. it's a big facility. thousands of re hanger, refugees from me and mom who were trying to reach malaysia, had been imprisoned by human traffic, is here. if their families couldn't pay a ransom, they were sold into slavery on fishing boat factories and rubber plantations. it's a trade that can only flourish with the active assistance and corruption of government officials or finality. yes or no dell as im goody. and the lady they were starved, tortured, raped, and sometimes beaten to death, or some one lamp earlier than that, you wanna do you the gun and having a lot of like, you'd be mighty relating about somebody don't need a sound bar up. i got my dad, i had been young, i might do a lot more lab, but they had tie been, but had he bought it. it was a vicious trade that had been quietly growing for at least 10 years. with
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international outrage threatened and critical, ty, exports, prime minister prior to china, decided to crack down. what am i without the old owl like go to godaddy? i really like people. i my bob, my wife, maybe 5 or the one who in superiors turned to him to lead the investigation because they knew he got resolves. how did you feel about taking on this assignment? well, my yeah, my time. well may i get on my home job and i think that you find a job bending come son, chromebook. elijah t. sounds like chrome counting, but his in a day for wayne was a hardened cough, but he never been exposed to the kind of brutality inflicted on the re hangup in the secret jungle camps. i was given a video that was filmed by someone in your team. and i'd just like you to look at
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this for me and tell me what you think, what you remember of it. this man was so weak from hunger, he could no longer walk. police found him crawling along the ground, eating leaves. how do you feel? how would you say at the moment, i'm damn, i'm chi renee apple pie with i don't believe what happened in, in my county with a team of around a 100 investigators behind the wayne did what he does best. he followed the evidence. they began meticulously, mapping a vast criminal syndicate, stretching across thailand, me and my bangladesh and malaysia. within days of starting work, he secured arrest warrants for a local man and several wealthy ty, businessman,
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pumping company black coating hornet coma, my nova bin san corn gone, gone, gone, gone by dublin. my for not mean an young dial up while no mood dies. don't let me jump in and what fiber. com lou own car on gone talk in labor day tyler. but although he's been ordered to get results from very early on, he encountered high level obstruction away and says and investigating that, told his team he'd been ordered to withhold. crucial evidence by a deputy police commissioner general chuck to judge and adaptive sam. why, why don't i put the i get away from being michel if i could have any internal police correspondence obtained by 11 east shows the investigators had to appeal the chain of command to secure the evidence bank flip incriminating one of
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the ring leaders was it someone has bosses wanted to protect co, wayne was starting to make some powerful enemies. but he was also getting results too. i saw him sleep on your mind, me guy on the com and look at my window when i called bennett, i'm on the line by making that and then i will make i only make you do the leg. i went ahead and got the guy twice. my long time might not come. pen was the left tenant general in the army who controlled security in the south of thailand. for 7 years, he'd been responsible for implementing thailand's policy towards the rank of their own phone. guy, my high court and coordinate, comma and a kid who legal my dad pay. number, not the on call. 5 uncle called tom. listen,
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he don't come monday and yon daily. why behind kong has gotten cottonwood. young man on pal wayne believes deputy police commissioner chuck tip wanted to curry favor with the generals who seized power in a qu. they here before that out yet. yeah, you've been part of law duncan and yeah, i behind to h r p thing dialed out there. he jumped in to die and i ducked. it caught your time . mega tongue guy and i'm live a long time. got porker down from pitt county. com and would never never before had the ty, police targeted such a high ranking, military officer put wayne held his nerve as others feared for his safety. who i love all my tell when told my companions own tongue again clung lagerry. and yet pul oxide in the di, cool man,
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the was on mulligan tower will make walla, who had been me and a lot bye according to pull wayne is. the team zeroed in on military involvement, the interference escalated. he says police colonel, for a chat hot pon liaison to deputy prime minister general pro. it was the one cold with a highly unusual and troubling request. my well born in one to one in i was out my time call hi trailer. hey, but i'm going to bundle them and i called band my mom to allow the banquet and told me unable montgomery by day and pointed to one single happy traveler gone by. gone common, boyd troll tom. hi john. and he come up at the yard near good conduct,
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a little bit on life at a time. i've got to buy the witnesses had good reason to be alarmed when they saw the man accused of running the syndicate flanked by senior army supported wendell. my not been in my mother in law got winter got hung up long young. the matter that i needed to call on my when the time is less than that type in time for me to look and not call my daughter. like, i mean, i did talk to
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her a check up on now if police left tenant general did not respond to 11 aisd request for comment on the allegation, the depression poem to grant minot bail 11 east has learned that even in custody mana was allegedly able to intimidate witnesses according to a formal complaint by the chief witness against minot, which has never been made public police later into a room where he confronted her. then he treated me. your life has a long way to go. do you really think he can put that you forever? i will witness everything in court. i will get back at everyone off you. oh, why wayne says he received many other warnings and threats from high ranking police and army officers closely connected to the military government. he documented them
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all in this statutory declaration which formed the basis for his asylum application here in australia. he told me then the army is very upset that i or it general my not cold been i watch various k plan. i heard this nails being tow again that the palm knew there was hankey s meat made me really fear for my life. pulling to let him on the console him did it um, synchronize none. i counted on them come language bonded by blue including shy, they live by di la ty, come ga, gummed like on the yap tie. the justice minister was furious poet and says and ordered him to stop arresting. military officials thing did from that up gun comb, cool. thumb mia till time?
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why did an important the gun guarantee? go for comb, kaba, you'll t guy jacob. ha ha like i like man, man, we give a copy of poet statutory declaration to professor poll chambers, expert on ty, civil, military relations at thailand's. not a salon university. amazing. this is rich. what really stands out for you? well, it's how clear it is written that the leaders of the hunter at the time, ah, we're in vault. and trying to silence her when there was an inspector inside the military who was intimidating. ah, but when that supposed to be the guy investigating,
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he's inside the military making threats. who gave that inspector the job pro width . and he's the problem kid, where i might at long now yeoman big a coupon. take. but we'd want to one. paula couldn't t, tom nan guys take up a we to none. a timothy sandy, you made up the head with 91 suspects behind bars. pony was forced to wrap up his investigation. at the end of september 2015, he ran out of financial and political support. days later, a new police commissioner general was appointed. it was none other than chuck tipt judge and die. the man who'd allegedly tried to withhold crucial evidence from po, aim god, d. thank you, paula god, siblings also no. paul. net. i debate i top ball point by your con,
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call and up soon t. so why am i not cuttings on how you candidates are mike and annette ben, capital column, kenny. this time po wayne, received no praise or commendation for his work. instead, less than 3 weeks after chalk tip became thailand's top cop, an order was issued transferring per wayne to the southern border provinces. this military controlled region was crawling with traffickers and corrupt officials, including several of po in suspects who was still at large. one book die man. gandhi's own born by you. though nana mancha zone bomb behave at all. lawn, tampa. and i'm like, i'm up there and we're carla foul top. i go calling domains, you got my thumbnail at formula. hold on guy. and he, i was you people,
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the military wanted him dead. they sent him down to the south, re, to be killed. he had to get out. who made the decision to transfer? you been carnegie? i'm a gang kaiser kind of look, timmy boy, that been baton blow gamino duct tape. they're big. i'm a guy along the way. soon dr. near, there's a boy that may be dying again. diane formula. bon would a brookside corn gadget, corn deep by long tie of i'd, i'll get that a gun. the viper algae we'd la la la bingo, and that's in de kung some candies, and then she would cunning little but from sir dinah got banana. young, young lawyer to july all
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no problem. i now could on one t. tampa by the atanya thing, people am they loved one, causing me po wayne's most important and successful mission would also be his last no longer feeling safe and thailand, he flew to a trailer and applied for asylum. the top policemen running the investigation has fled for his life, and he's taking political asylum in australia. did you? he even gave a couple of interviews without naming names. yeah, let me tell you guys when you don't get the the new police commissioner general quickly hit back. hope hope hung. i hope i'm wrong and i do problem with that and i'm going to say, who did i did the main so i couldn't find that one. couldn't put him on the floor. couldn't deal with. yeah, i got the yeah,
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i live in with him. it all, while i'm at high. the come right but head. i have this $1.01 door. i don't how my i had high. what did you think when you head police commissioner chuck tapes, comments after you'd spoken to the media here in australia? maybe die boy dr. bank, when he beat doug, crediting the law thinking coke would have been put on hands on de google and he would come sung con gal. convey to i couldn't sleep comment on my not like why made almighty pom? none could gotten cut ground government gandhi did teach at daniella one i one ace, contacted deputy prime minister pro it wong swan form
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a justice minister. pie boone come china, police lift, tenant general thorough check. hock pon and former national police commissioner jack tip jenda to respond to wayne's allegations. they all either declined or did not answer our inquiries. me, it's been more than 6 years since pauline's seen his family. he left in such a hurry. he didn't even have time to say good bye. when he arrived in australia, he spoke barely a word of english. marcia, my god, go home to me from the day. when a guy
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cup cool. cordell laughing. who's a no deo. god, one wing man. when can can pam? i got home and we never had pauline knows that he'll never work as a policeman again. money. he worked for a while in a plant nursery and now he's got a job in a factory on the outskirts of melbourne to own where from my a long time the guy can do you will one of thailand, most senior police officers and now you're doing manual labor in
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a factory. is it hard to adjust to that? yeah, well yeah go yeah. my name meantime lu. yeah. knew loud. don't you in you can go ahead i what do you think about when you're at work? wait i go who and make it in. cocoa, if you get time to time your time, miss newton will utilize law school and die. you belonged. so 6 years later, day after day, you're still replying the events of 2015 jerry cappella lives. in the meantime may be and she we don't torn down them jack now we belong and it still feels like unfinished business. ty
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cardinez my no mitchell. now the tom by him and gar. young a moon lit up for me. yeah, hidden corner my been time soon soon when been long he got up to vance. got the man from god. got me to bear the div um ball and who are they? not wanting to keep on the bus or louse. all song home, but they had tie the duncan too low nail, blew me to get his story out. pauline wants to start a debate in the highest hall of thailand government. so he sent a copy of the stature tree declaration to an influential opposition politician.
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next week will be in bangkok and the ty parliament, to witness the fall out when, when the story goes public. what impact will his explosive allegations have in thailand ah? with outside of the conflict and ukraine. how concerned should we be about this on to
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build up, we bring the stories in different months that are rapidly changing the world. we live in the want become russia, new dollars. it becoming russian new dog. counting the coast on al jazeera use from al jazeera on the go and me tonight out is there is only a mobile app. is that the you? this is where we dissects analyze. you have to find a step from algae. there is a mobile app available in your favorite app to get that for it and tap domain and you opt from out a 0 mean at you think of it full of struggles. my only job in my mind would not allow me to bother me all on all the time. won't eat up on them. full of pleasure. we go a little market on the getting worried about drama,
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but on an intimate look at life in cuba today, was it was the annual warner walker. i know, daniel advisable. mike cuba on al jazeera ah, russia's president declares his forces of liberated matter you poll, but ukraine says the biggest battle of the war is another, yet. a dream business in ruins resilient residents return to a borrow junker to get the full picture of destruction. my life the most important for all of us and you crave with.


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