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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2022 10:00am-10:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] lose me. ah, ukraine's the tree says it thought back against flush is offensive in the 8th by boiling 7th time. ah. i'm sorry. say that this is al jazeera, alive from the hall, so coming up israel says it hit can't
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fuse by hamas off or wrong through this 5 in the hall. so just closed in a small presidential election with nobel laureates was remo, thought us the this, the likely front runner and the digital security won't show, warms electronic devices of top partition officials, may be on the threats of buy software. ukraine says it's repelled the number of russian attacks in the east of the country . it's part of oscars. new don bass offensive dumped the battle for its forces, trying to push through defences in easton ukraine. after failing to capture, if the government there is describing it as a 2nd phase of the war, not the reporting, the next group, the lines go, buffet in the region, some ukraine's defenders repels 7 enemy attacks destroyed 10 tangs 18 ahmad unit.
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an 8 week old, one out of the system and a model unit, ukraine's air force has hit $7.00 a day before one plane for you, and to close beside the 4 with someone with, as i said back in 2016. if they step on our land, let them come in, they'll stay here forever. there's enough land for everyone to be buried there. they'll get what they deserve. that's get more now from the source on the, in the ukrainian capital case. so how is that new phase looking? whilst it was a long and spirited offensive yesterday present lensky say that it appears that russia has initiated the 2nd phase of the war and started it's new offensive over the eastern regions of ukraine. over so far, we haven't heard an official statement from kremlin or any other russian, russian officials, but we know that in our key now the fierce fight is taking place. the city has been
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going to a bad days because it is being heavy shell by the by d miss i've also, yesterday in criminal, we have seen that several civilians had been killed while trying to escape the city in dawn by that light, the front line runs down bus the how you fight the are taking are taking place. so the need for all the all schools of the new pro or being shall, did, the village around the town are being shall by the russian miss miss as well. nicholas is another destination that has seemed to do the night that had been attacked by the russian forces and for it has been almost a week that civilians have no access to water or, or electricity. more useful is also another, the hot support of the fight. even though the russians see that they took control of the city, the officials here say that the of the fight is continuing there. some all these
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areas that are hosting tens of thousands of the civilians who are waiting to be recreated. and they are called in a, in a crossfire. so this did, as i said, it was a long and painted or fancy because russia has retreated, its forces own much to repeat around the kid around the regions around the key around give and they read directed, they all forces to the eastern region. so it was expected, the russia is going to start and a major offensive. and just ahead of these are offensive. russia started to particularly target the military factories that are producing the ammunition for the ukrainian army. iran, q a tank repeated, in fact that it just has been 2 days ago has been targeted by russian me sales and russia. he's using, by the way, the, the high precision long range me size to target. this is military facilities. also another nice i have producing and repairing factory in kia has been attacked 3 days
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ago. and yesterday, i am tired of repeating the fact that you live was hit by the russian. miss i of the official says that it was a ty, repeat. in fact, you to have a rush say that was being used as the, the weapons that were the weapons that were coming from the u. s. c. and other european nato nieto allies. so here, the expectation of from the ukrainian official is that in the coming days, the fight is going to significantly intensify in going by the region, particularly in eastern part of that part of them in the u. k. and they say, since may, the, is the victory, the in russia, russia wants to get the full control over the bus and also connect don't bus with crimea by building a land bridge. all right, thanks so much. just so sorry. when i saw was just saying there rushes bombarded
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several targets across the crane on monday, what appears to be an intensified bid to grind down its defenses. the events regional military administrator says russia has taken control of the town of from india, which has been flattened by our tillery. miss alt tags killed 7 civilians in the west and to the live. if too, while rockets were 5, that clear and hotter cave was also hit by more shelling. charles stratford has more on the fighting from the south of harbour case. specifically, an escalation in car cave, despite that city having been under such heavy bombardment over the last 7 weeks or so, we saw increasing fighting in the loo guns region as well. and officials in lieu guns warning, remaining civilians in that area to get out. and, and fighting in villages, that one of which, at least we understand,
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according to the ukrainian military, was taking control of by russian forces. will r drive from here to the ne pro today, of course, as you can imagine, we passed a military vehicles heading in both directions to be fair. but what we do know is that certainly in the eastern region, certainly around on etzky. and i suppose ganske as well, so we're told, and these are some of the most elite and well trained ukrainian units in the country. they of course, many of them have been there defending that those front lines for 8 years since this conflict started. oh, certainly the eternal conflict started well before this invasion, 8 years before this invasion. so we understand that preparations for some sort of defense there. i have been underway for a long time. the highly trained they have very well motivated, as we've seen in the last 7 weeks in their defense of give,
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for example. but the fact is, is that they are hugely outgunned by russian forces. military analysts are expecting that the russians to use a lot more air power to, to hit positions and both on enemy lines and behind a ukrainian enemy lines. a lot of artillery. and then some people are talking about the use of heavy use of, of russian tanks and infantry. so we're the beginnings of an escalation today. and this announcement by, by president zalinski, very worrying indeed for as i said, potentially hundreds of thousands of ukrainian civilians in the east of this country sketches, breaking news coming in from us chemist on our reports are talking about 2 explosions outside schools in the west of the capital, cobble eye witnesses say they were caused by hand grenades being thrown. 5 people i
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said to have been wounded. israeli army says as strikes have hit camps used by hamas and guards are off to a rocket. was fired from the strip toward southern israel. no casualties have been reported in either attack. the rocket was intercepted by israel's defense system, had been wanting of retaliation for his actions at the last the most compound and occupied east jerusalem. on the way, i view with utmost severity, the remarks accusing israel of the violence directed against us. and they are those who are encouraging rock toying and the use of violence against the citizens of the state of israel. this is unacceptable to us. this is a reward for the fighters, especially hum us, which are trying to ignite violence and juice. lemme, we will not allow this to happen in the state of israel will continue to provide for and says, got the dignity of all of us to enable everyone to celebrate injury slums. and most of all our forces will continue to provide security for the citizens of the state of israel and a 17 year old palestinian girl,
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who was shocked by israeli forces during a right in the occupied west bank has died hun on hold of was injured on saturday, her mother says she was on our way to an english class in the city of janine. at least 21 people have been killed during israeli operations across the west bank over the past 3 weeks. israel says its actions are in response to palestinian attacks. can can last i left the model you the not there. we heard from people who were there. that is my for one of the buildings was waiting for a car of a wanted man. instead of hitting the car with a bullet, the car turned and the bullet made its way to my daughter. she wasn't intended person, but the bullet moved away and hit my daughter. she suddenly paid attention and said my abdomen her. it was one bullet, but it made 5 holes in her body. it hinted, threw her arm to her chest, and abdomen penetrating the liver in spleen. jordan's king abdullah has spoken with egyptian president of the for that has cc about the violence deluxe. the most
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compound since friday been a series of confrontations between palestinians and israeli police, jerusalem's. old city is considered to muslims, jews, and christians whose holidays of ramadan, passover and easter happened all the same time this year. both fleet is called for an end to what they say are provocative israeli actions. the us is calling for com . we are deeply concerned. we are deeply concerned by the recent violence in jerusalem on the hamas shay sharif temple mountain across the west bank. we as we did on friday. 2 continue to call on all sides to exercise restraint, to avoid provocative actions and rhetoric and preserve the historic status quo in the her. i'm sure you temple out we also continue to urge israeli and palestinian officials to work cooperatively to lower tensions and ensure the safety of everyone . paul's of closed in the final round of east timor, the presidential election,
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the regions newest nation as grappled with political instability in recent years. and the 2 ran off candidates blame each other. nobel laureate joseph ramos horta who received 46 percent of the votes and the 1st rounded march is up against incumbent francisco terrace. the next day to be sworn in on the 20th anniversary of east timor independence in may. jessica washington is following development from jakarta. so how did the round the voting go today? does it look like he's going to clinch it from a source of ice? well, some if, according to our sources on the ground, the voting went very smoothly today, and we do expect counting to begin at around 10, g m t. we could have an indication of the results much sooner than that, depending on when results come in from key districts. as you mentioned, ramos horta had a very strong showing in the 1st round of voting, getting very close to securing that 50 percent. if he had done that,
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we wouldn't be having this conversation today. he would have clinched the presidency right away. instead, he only secured 46 percent of the incumbent, secured around 22 percent. now obviously that sounds like quite a large gap, but you have to remember that in that 1st round of voting, there were more than a dozen candidates and the incumbent. francisco gall tennis faced a bit of a challenge in the sense that there was a bit of in fighting within his own party, which basically ended up splitting some of the supports that he could have otherwise anticipated. the key question is the voters who decided to throw their support behind some of those other candidates. what, what had they done today? will they choose to vote for the incumbent or for the challenges. jose ramos horta, that has been instability in the run up to these elections. how much concern is there for continuation or resumption of after the results or announce?
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well, some it is very hard to say, but at this stage there is very little indication that they would be violent or conflict. once the results are out, both candidates have stressed that whatever the result they would support the results and that they would make it a priority to have dialogue with both parties. so instability off to the elections isn't necessarily the problem. the problem that team will stay or east timor faces is the instability that plagues its political system today to more last day is asia . the youngest nation is youngest democracy, but its political section has very much been held up by the old god men in the late sixties and seventies, who played a very key role in securing independence, 14 or less day, and a very reluctant to let go of any power that they might have in determining its future as well. so a political deadlock between decades law decades long rivalry between the 2 key
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parties has really held up potential progress of the country could be making. and there is hope analysts say that with the results of the election, that the huts, they may be one step closer to resolving some of that deadlock, whoever the, when there is they will be faced with that immense task. thanks so much. jessica washington now still had on al jazeera new measures to fight climate change. a week after devastating floods, south africa's present calls for a plan of action. and police on high alert as religious violence was over in india's capital. ah hello, the weather is licking a good deal more and settled across much of europe over the next couple of days
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cooler for most of us saddle. so turning it in with 3 in one or 2 spots would you believe got a fair amount of crowd over to was at eastern side of europe and more cloud and some weather systems i, which was northwest not causing too many problems here. where to whether there's that when she, whether that's going to come into central part, sliding down across the bulk as over the next few days. turns increase the unsettled to across or spain and portugal. as we go on through wednesday, some big down polls coming over here. for a western side of the mediterranean. not too much. sure. so sunny the forecast here over the next day or so. and noticed a little bit of snow over the high grounds. a cool enough, some. some of the white stuff cooler and some wet weather into the far north of morocco. march of northern africa will beach where i wanted to shout was in to west central parts. southern areas of egypt, penny a shower, was just around the gulf of guinea, southern parts of nigeria. seeing some heavy rain went by the 2 into a democratic republic of congo. those showers fly rod across the tropics. where to where the once again coming back into zimbabwe. i'm pleased to say we have now got
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some dry weather making its way into causing a towel or the west sunshine across a good part of south africa. but heading increasingly wet for mozambique. ah frank assessments, what are the political risks of banning russian oil? a gas for western leaders on russian energy exports, recession informed opinions, he's not abandoning to fight against terrorism in the area. you're going to be accepting problems and from chad critical debate. could china actually help in russia's invasion of ukraine in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera?
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ah ah, welcome back here watching now to hear a time tony capital headline. ukraine says its repelled a number of russian attacks in the east of the country. so positive and offensive by moscow dump the battle for dom comes off. russia failed to capture kid. he's right, the army says it's strong camp fused by hamas in gonzalez. a rocket was fired from the strip towards southern israel, threatening to retaliate against the actions that we are locked among the compound occupies through the halls of closed in east timor and the president. you run off both, it's being held in mid little instability and economic crisis, nobel laureate, because they are, i'm a source, i took the lead ahead of incumbent francisco. you could tell us in the 1st round
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the white house says it's disappointed with a court ruling that struck down a nationwide mask mandate from public transport. a federal judge in florida, the rule, the us census for disease control and prevention. it overstepped its authority. it comes as new cases arising, john hendern before from chicago, with new cases rising along with covered confusion mask mandates in the us or more muddle than ever. in florida, a federal judge appointed by been president, donald trump on monday, struck down a mask requirement on planes, trains and buses across the us saying the biden administration exceeded its authority. it doesn't matter to me what they do of florida. i'm still going to be, where am i some travelers say they're happy join mask. last medical. the white house is it's reviewing that decision. so this is obviously
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a disappointing decision. the cdc continues recommending wearing a mask and public transit. as you know, this just came out this afternoon, so right now the department of homeland security who would be implementing and the cdc are reviewing the decision. and of course the department of justice would make any determinations about litigation. the federal government last week extended the transportation mask mandate until may 3rd. the biden administration has not said whether it would appeal. most people are still wearing masks with the airport, but the biden administration says it will no longer enforce the transportation mask mandate. airlines are happy, they've been fighting against this rule, and now they want to return to pre pandemic business. as usual, the news comes is covered cases surge with a new sub varying called b a to reportedly 30 percent more contagious than previous variations following a 2 month long decline in cases. just feel like not mandates are coming down to my
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school are getting like every day that has philadelphia reinstating its indoor mask mandate at the university of connecticut. once again, masks or mandatory. oh, we all want to be healthy. we all know go back home. wow. and not get disturbed during the exams in new york. most broadway theaters are still requiring theatre goers to mask up even as much of the rest of the country goes mask lists. john henderson, al jazeera chicago protest is in canada, calling for justice for indigenous children abused and residential schools. many of the facilities run by the catholic church. hundreds of demonstrators march through central toronto to church, hung the names of the victims on a fence. they say an apology or the of this month from the head of the church. francis isn't enough. about $150000.00. indigenous children was separated from their families in 1831996. humans hosty rebels have
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agreed to end the use of child soldiers who fought during 7 years of civil war. the host, he signed a deal to stop the recruitment of children and armed conflict and to tax schools. and hospitals un says the hokies have committed to releasing the child soldiers within 6 months. south africa is declared a national disaster after the storm killed. hundreds of people, president sir, aroma, foes, the says, more needs to be spent shoring up. defenses against the effects of climate change up to 400 millimeters of rain fell in the province of wa sewland. that's how last week 24 hours got. phillip has already on reports for the heavy rains have stopped. but the crisis is still unfolding. south africa, the national defense for says 10000 troops will had took, was zillow, natal, province, to help clear out the devastation left by days of flooding. more than 440 people
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were killed. dozens are missing. this rescue team is looking for one of them. la before no more gun. we're out here helping looking for our neighbor. we're sure she was swift by the river because we found her son's body nearby, but she is still missing. families are left to wait and manage one painful struggle . after another is the most likely not pulling. this is all about the situation is bad. her son is already at the morgue. but since we haven't found his mother yet, we don't know where to lay his remains. landmark, the floods lift thousands of people homeless. the young soul knocked out power and water services. the president says, climate change fuel the disaster and new measures are needed to prepare for extreme weather. we needs to increase our investment in climate adaptation measures. to better save god communities again, the effects of climate change. the government has declared
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a state of disaster with nearly $70000000.00 allocated for relief efforts. with communities hit hard rescue team say it will take more than time and money to fully recover. hundreds of thousands of children are due back in school on tuesday after the easter holiday weekend. but authorities worn for many that wall yet be possible. cartier lo fissile the young al jazeera, our court in pakistan, a sentence 6 men to death for the lynch of a sri. lankan man, accused of blasphemy. 88 people were convicted in giving jail terms. 9 of them for life, the vigilante attack and called last year led to outrage. after pre on the 3rd year, why donna was beaten to death and his body sat on fire. factors were identified through mobile phone videos uploaded to social media. elise in india's capital is
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on high alert as to violence between hindus and muslims. last week is the worst such incidents in delhi since 2020, when fighting killed, more than 50 people. and as elizabeth foreigner reports, pensions between communities been rising in recent months, police and paramilitary forces remain on the streets of john. good pooty, 2 days after hindu celebrating a religious festival fought with muslim residents. here, police are forcing people to stay indoors. and the predominantly muslim neighborhood in northwest deli was a man of unequal, never heard about muslims, can even move out of the homes. the police isn't acknowledging what the hinders did . wow, it hinders karen's wards in a religious procession. haines organizations can raise their slogans. we don't have a problem with that, but when we celebrate our festival, do we raise such slogans outside temples, phone videos appear to show him to his carrying swords as they held a procession through the neighbourhood on saturday. and another purportedly shows
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a muslim man firing at the procession. both sides accuse each other of starting the violence women, okay. the muslim stopped those and asked us to turn back. there is a mosque close by and when we got there they started fighting and tried to create chaos. more than 20 people have been arrested and connection to the violence, 16 of the muslim cctv ford edge. we're analyzing cctv footage and other additional evidence based on that, more people were identified, they will also be detained and interrogated ha, delhi police also said they'll take action against any one found guilty regardless of their religion, but not every one believes that. one lawyer has filed a petition with a supreme court asking it to oversee an independent investigation into the violence . it's the worst religious tension in the indian capital and 2 years in february 2020 fighting between muslims protesting against the citizenship amendment act or ca. and hindus, whose ported it,
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lead to the deaths of 53 people. most of the muslims believe or during the day has been under the head of money or they are all for the approach and failure on preventing ad. that's not the only petition surrounding recent tension. that's been submitted to india's top court, a muslim organization called jamal lama him has also supreme court to start regional governments from bulldozing the homes of muslim, suspected a violence that's alter $45.00, a bulldog from the state of mother last week, following violence between hindus and muslims that also occurred as him the leading procession through muslim neighborhoods. elizabeth brought him al jazeera new delhi . dozens of people have been arrested and injured during a 4th day of riots in sweden. it began over a far right groups, plans to burn copies of the co op, and most of the neighborhoods. police believe some of the protest is
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a link to criminal gangs. at least 20 police cars have been destroyed or damaged and the violence a did. so rights group is warning u. k. officials that electronic devices connected to the highest levels of government appeared to have been in fact with spy, software citizen lab says the spyware is known as pegasus. it's a products of these ready cyber alms de la n s o. group, the watchdog has linked the hacking of devices in the u. k. prime minister's office and the foreign office to n s l clients in the united arab emirates, jordan and india. none of those countries has commented, the u. k. government says it doesn't comment on security masses and denies the allegations. adam shapiro is the director of israel palestine advocacy at dawn. he says some intelligence agencies need to catch off with software being used by companies like
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n s o group. they should be said that citizen looking for before has a long track record of credibly proving its allegations with the evidence that are fine on the devices and what, what is significant about this in this case, although it really isn't surprising, is the extent to which even european governments are using the spyware against their own civil and again, political targets. we've seen that authoritarian governments are using the spyware against political or get. ready ready stylists malays. ready defenders, people like to know if the shogi founded on the person but what the government seems to be doing to and not using it to fight crime or human trafficking. ready other things that the government, the government and the company said the spyware is useful. i do think there's a bit of catch up by some of these intelligent agencies who believe that they have better system than the private sector. and especially in this case within so groups
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there will also promises made by the group years ago saying that the technology couldn't be used against us phones or israeli. ready phones or u k. ready phone, all of that has been proven to be bogus. argentina government is to help unemployed . the low income citizens cope with decades high inflation rates. president alberto fernandez, is announced in a program that will be financed by taxing large companies. the government says some firms have made unexpected profits from the war and ukraine, especially with grain exports. the me a thank you through some of the headlines here. now. you're trying says it's repelled the number of russian attacks in these to the country. it's part of an offensive bi. moscow dumped the battle for don bass. it comes after russia failed to capture key. if not that he thought he'd been squeezed the life school bus they


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