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tv   Assad - Master of Chaos  Al Jazeera  March 6, 2022 9:00am-10:01am AST

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ah, how does your select gang? ah, i'm has i'm seeker and oh, how the top stories on al jazeera, ukrainian president vladimir zaleski, is urging people to take to the streets and continue to fight against russia's invasion. is pleaded with the west for more aid and is pushing for a no fly zone. nashville in the road, desirous we will not give our country to the invaders. ukrainian, people in every occupied place. go on attack counter attack. you have to struggle, you have to fight, like incur song for dance. you have to go out and chased them out. pretty clear this evil from our land. russian president vladimir putin is warning any country
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that tries to impose a no fly zone over ukraine would be taking part in a military conflict. co volker is a former us ambassador to nato. he says a no fly zone can be achieved over certain ukrainian cities. i think it is essential. i think it can be done in a way that does not risk a major escalation between russia and the west for variety of reasons. one, it's a humanitarian gesture, mandatory emission or protecting civilian populations. to we make it clear that we are not intending to attack russian ground forces or russian aircraft. only return fire is fired upon escort rushing aircraft out of the zone if they come in and only fire they refuse to leave. so we are deliberately trying to limit this 3. it is
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limited in scope. we're not doing this over the entirety of ukraine. only key ever worked in your grades. you create a secure space for the population. i think on those terms a no fly zone can be effective, can make a difference for saving lives and does not necessarily need to military exclusion who will never affirmatively accept you. oh, i think it applies. i'm just fine. that'll never happen. but good respects is for us. if we show that we are present and determined and clear about our rules, he and more importantly, his military. one understand that one of the things student definitely does not want is to draw the west into the war on the side of ukraine. he desperately wants to avoid that as jim lee. so i think this is something we can do to support saving a great lives without escalating the one visa and mastercard. say they are
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suspending all operations in russia effective immediately, a means transactions for credit cards issued within russia won't work outside the countries, cards issued elsewhere will no longer work in russia. the companies are the latest to isolate moscow from the international community. economist hammond hi de says the decision by visa mastercard will have a devastating effect on many sectors of society. however, you know, i mean this damage is not going to be only for the, for the clients or the, or the, the car carriers. there will be a damage for the company as well, for the visa and, and other credit card companies. if this is step is this is really in effect. now, let me know we are talking about the, the, the, some over 210000000 cardholders in, in russia. and they said they have statistics show that around $850000.00 card
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issued every month. if we're talking about the average of $800.00, so we're talking about the $126000000000.00 of bills will not be settled and who is going to be responsible for that. if you're talking about big sectors, for example, of course some of the sectors like energy sectors, like you guys like petrol, this are not involved. they included in the and the sanctions. so there will be a movement, there will be a damage, you know, for the financial institution or 4 or 4 companies will have like accounts for individual. definitely this will be there will be really the effects on on them. and it may triple a lot of businesses. those are the headlines we're back with more off the asset, master of calles me.
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ah, the civil war and syria has now been fold for more than a decade. around half a 1000000 series have died in conflict and more than 12000000 of being forced from their homes. tens of thousands held in government prisons within syria. but by shot on the sun is still press one in the sun, i down to see a side as the real cause of the problems in syria with us. not us hans determination
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to remain in power has had global consequences. neighboring countries have been overwhelmed by millions of refugees. other countries have been drawn in to the conflict and new geopolitical dynamics of developed because of russia support for us. but how did this all come about before the war, aside to developed a reputation over 10 years as a reformer. and this has made his government's actions since 2011. all the more shocking. the best analogy you see that different it can do my term. he'd be a good kind of a person. you would wanna have a dinner party going back. i did not see any evidence that the cheryl are sad. could become the premier war criminal of the 21st century. ah ah
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ah, ah. fringe tv filmed with us at a few months before government troops attack demonstrators in the street in march 2011. here he seemed driving to the opera in damascus with his wife asthma. ah, you have to put your seat belts on. otherwise, the police itself had studied medicine and damascus, and then ophthalmology in london. but when his elder brother basil was killed in a car accident, in 1994 basha returned to syria as heir apparent. actually we'd like to go very much and you called i night from fresh music, of course, and i was young. of course, the very, very, very old one. and nobody can say,
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but from the university many mateo and judah. well, i would have i go to my world to the fed up. i. i only drive myself, but it's very unsecure. no, no, no. it is very secure. but when it can open the window ticket and helping you with otherwise you'd be living in it like living in a cage. nobody wants to live in a cage. when i saw its father, huffines' died in 2000 marshal, inherited one of the most notorious and isolated dictatorships in the outer world. ah, ah, ah,
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in january 2011, the ceilings of uprisings known as the arab spring, began 1st the gymnasium president, xena al aberdeen. ben ali was toppled then egyptian president hosni mubarak stepped down. ah, around this time i said met the u. s. ambassador to syria. he was a very nice. i asked president nasa, are you worried that the winds of change will come here? and he said he was not worried, he said to syrian people strongly supported him, strongly supported his government. ah, just 2 weeks later there was a large demonstration in damascus. a, in a market called althea, it happened very, spontaneously very suddenly,
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wasn't planned. and it was immediately filmed by syrians with their cell phone. ah, and we sent a message to washington that night and said it's coming. the firewood is very dry and it's coming. 3 days later, on the 18th of march 2011 young people in the southern city of the rock wrote on their school wall. it's your turn. next doctor, they arrest and torture provoked a wave of protest which swept the country. syrian security forces attacked unarmed protesters who were colon for more freedom ah, at the beginning of the classes we met with the shop master does friendship, master those medical master. those i felt that m a m boss,
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a daughters in western ambassadors have a concept and that heads that this out, the fit in people and their prices that fit and people uncomfortable respond to the 3rd and people i had a meeting with both anisha ban with presidency and i said because of the internet because the satellite, tv eyed people will know the world will know what you do. and if you shoot a lot of people, if you kill a lot of people every and is going to know every one in syria and every one around the world and you will be condemned. you have to adjust your tactics. the us offer to help us out engage in talks with opposition leaders while they thought the was still time. what they would say is yes, we welcome that discussion. can you even help us organize it? we said we would try, but every time we got close to a discussion, ah,
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the syrian secret police would move in and break up meetings or arrest people. mm. internally, asana government was divided between those who favor taking a tough line on others who wanted to adult a more moderate approach. asada noticed he would make a speech on the 30th of march 2011. 0, you feel that this is speech really willing obese will bring solution because we are a fried from with herbs tuition. we go and in the 1st months, actually i went to the prison 2 times. i said it must be renew hey anna, can just minnesota, which is at min assess even a still bundle savvy on had it?
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no, i should be in nor akira. pick it up to laurie sally, what he said, he thought it was added fee and not been in hell to lawton. all lunesta bit will mad at it. that tommy gilly. hon. cooked money, not for shadow canal. muscle tug. salary will be late enough. he can know any more . i don't know enough. a libby like a shot. my thought will be a slot. who will be? i'm in a slot than dumbly cap of your fellow who about that? i don't believe said vieira's, glassy out of i ludo sawdust. you might be men's in an id. why? bill is jemma. i there are not, not, not let him shoot ya as hell any other than the head ashish. ah, a dot dot who they call the law. the thing is that now you be finding more american
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am a policy law to huddle. walton, where the holy lot in on monica young. i know with an ambia when he finished 871. but when in my office it's as if we're with it is more of them for to build on . and it's only the silence and eyes that believe that the wasp will coming. we are going to the war. wow. for oneself, as i said, man, i thus giddy lad, asia hoodie. it with how we're le dictates or how quickly will that then but that e, deb hey, i don't understand totally the extent to learn azure. that's how a la must villa on the same matter. either web b, well let us hate for gonna lab. no. oh, his name is sandra, east london. we're more than if you any more nor had for corolla. i mean, the still luck will knock than it be in all. oh,
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had the shop. oh my be seeley swati. oh, assad's 1st move was to crack. don't the protestors? ah oh. but this simply spurred on his opponents who themselves began to take up arms. their ranks were bolstered by soldiers deserted the syrian army. soon they received international support. that's easy because they open their war all over the country. i mean, it's much easier to fight the war along yard border that whenever i saw the peasant, then a, let's say we're going to be here under the wrong to fight. and we are going to be looked old. yes, we will prevail, no problem. no, not that how painful it is, but at the end we will prevent
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ah, by the summer of 2011, the syrian government forces had lost control of half the country. media images circulated, showing the wide spread killing of any opposition the world watched. in shock on serious acids position, weakened and western governments turned against him very tough. mm. i have indicated repeatedly that present alice out as loss legitimacy that he needs to step down rather than drag his country in the civil war, he should move in the direction of the political transition. the view in the white house was asked, sad is essentially finished and he is finished near term. and our concern in the white house is that he may be finished
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before the president of the united states says he should be finished. therefore, we need to get the president up to make the statement to be on the right side of history before it happens. ah, this was quite a turnaround for a president who had previously managed to project a very positive image to western leaders. he speaks english. he's a handsome man, wedding suit under thigh, and therefore one was an official used to come to him before the war. they said to him, well, as you are western educated, he was didn't indicate that he's not in the left for 2 years. and then the west thinks that's why he is good. that's why his flexible,
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that's why he's enlightened because he is west tonight. means he has like us. you know, it means will give him the honor to describe him that he is one like us. but he is still in awe. the war caused a massive refugee exodus as hundreds of thousands and then millions of syrians flagged the fighting. this increasingly drew eastern european and other western countries into the whole crisis. france became one of the louder voices calling on our side to step down. now we shall not foresee, clue, policy, all good supercharger stuck in order from political book did what buffy of could have been thought of you. in june 2012, the un organize a conference in june, attended by the u. s. russia, china and britain. it agree to set up
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a transitional body in damascus, involving the government and the opposition. but when you are secretary of state, hillary clinton suggested that aside should 1st step done. russian foreign minister loved off showed concern. it was clear to us by 2012, he would only negotiate under pressure. we hoped we hoped that the russians would apply that pressure. what does he want on the let you know, like, don't, and vba to grow. what i got on traditional putting cheeks with was his show would be, well, that was the soft tea along with did it for him. she was, you know, big e, her live off. i need to know how to do. the inference was that russian president vladimir putin chose to protect aside as syrian leader,
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russia had a naval base there. and putin did not support the revolutions of the so called arab spring, or the idea that western countries were champions of human rights was there. oh, i see. well, you know, put on because of obama slash or so, but our us with need infection was special marked. oh, what will you didn't kritisha go right. do you have that one? no, sir, but missouri. we will also go to miss fortune a john and kindness the rest them this she lived with and she thought they actually knew that my lord level bread of diplomacy stalled. so western governments led by the us and france increased their support for the syrian opposition in exile and its armed wing, the free syrian army. what can we do to accelerate that process? the united states and other governments decided that they would try to coalesce, the opposition provide it support so that it was strong enough to at a minimum,
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negotiate a transition in syria, blah, blah. however, on the west port, hundreds of millions of heroes and dollars into weapons and training programs for the soviet position. with this level of support, the opposition succeeded in gaining ground until government forces shown here in red controlled only a 3rd of the country. by early 2013 asada was becoming increasingly isolated. he rarely left the
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presidential palace and several former allies defected. only the continued support of russia. iran and the armed lebanese group has bhalla, enabled the government to avoid defeat all men where time, when i felt that things are very, very difficult. and when i felt that it could be the last see it i live. and because we had only let them look washburn, what leopard, dan said, i would live and fight and die. and celia newman, ah, with this strategy began to pay dividends.
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i thought supporters rallied around him and he built a firm following among the middle class. and the allah, white and christian minority communities. at the same time, the west also began to lose patience with the syrian opposition. news. if your own avenue have an opposition strong enough to take on a standing army and i regime with security forces that's backed by russia and iran, then you needed to be powerful in united. and i think one of the challenges we faced was it turned out the opposition was neither strong nor united self. does it a more deeply poor shoot at your keys at the same proportion? you get down, judy c. c, a. if you any people, if you will, because she will, that bony, a somewhat amy, them all her sit to and i to push out, ah, within the opposition. however,
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certain armed groups began to gain more influence than others are getting stronger. they had money, they had ammunition, they had food, they could pay salaries to their fighters. a lot of young syrians are joining them . i recommended, and i know colleagues at the cia recommended that we helped those more moderate elements, who were on the one hand, competing with the al qaeda affiliate in series called the nist her front. and on the other hand, were fighting opposite the moderate opposition was therefore forced to fight on 2 fronts. and asada was present the west with a greater challenge and thoughtful thought. only monotony had that you'll level cut them
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a lot of on the 21st of august 2030 syrian government forces used chemical weapons against opposition held areas. hundreds of people were killed, including many children. i saw had visited troops nearby, 20 days before the time. oh. i do show with a lot in new york. mm. the u. s. had announced a year before the chemical weapons were a red line not to be crossed. any use they said will be met with an american response. france also said it will be prepared to support the us with
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a or power. ah. president obama has the military to prepare for quite a significant response. some of the senior syrian officials sent their families out of damascus because they were worried. ah, then you might get more fighting in damascus itself. it would have been physically devastating for ah, for physical assets of the syrian regime, the precision that i know it would have reduced to, to almost 0. the potential for non combat to be killed. a few hours before the plant strikes, obama called a white house crisis meeting. there was a long national security council meeting that was focused. it's fair to say more on
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how to go about military response than whether the turning point moment was when to president came to the conclusion that he changed his mind lawsuits with the whole say, look good, cuz obama actually good safety play or is almost no should if you see lou, lou for critical shoes and to top life than you know, we're gonna be pure. we don't want to participate opposed to the terminal to terminal. it don't cure. so if it's got sick too, if one way should em all. that bonaparte completed resume his major concern is that the day after and american strike goss,
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i would still be there and might even use chemical weapons again. so then we have to hit again and maybe this time a bit harder and take out some more air defense. and then again, the logic would be to escalate into a bigger strike. and i think the president's concern was he would not be in control of that decision. it would be awesome. mm. mm. to ships to democracies as to this, to corporations, control of the message is crucial. oil companies have become very good at recognizing ways to phrase what they want you to hear. we care about the environment you do to usually buy our oil cleared for public opinion or profit. once you make people afraid, you can use that to justify stripping away basic civil liberties. listening post examines the vested interest behind the content you consume on al jazeera,
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an app that the seas for the blind and a robotic arm for the disabled. a young australian engineer is inventing tools to help people gain independence with me or side of that will put to the ability to recognize objects on the firm so that people with a vision would be able to recognize everyday object. women make science robo goals, episode full on al jazeera. the u. s. is always of, in fact the people around the world, people pay attention to what we thought here. and i'll just, he was very good at bringing the news to the world from here. what did you for living? i work in the golf industry. what was your call like dash this is great. i'm. i spoke to a nah strength and helped me with my whole process explained the breakdown and from the next day i think it was changed over never till friday on see the green. how many percent? so how much do you saving with $600.00 a year? what did you say to all the other golf is you haven't tried vouchers yet. i know
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undergrad. switched archer may say 2328 double thing. oh wait. 600. $60000.00 to switch and save today. ah, i'm hasn't seeking in doha. the headlines on argentina, ukrainian president bullard, demi zalinski, is urging his people to take to the streets and continue to fight against russia's invasion. he's pleaded with the west for more aid and pushing for a no fly zone. nashville in the road in these that us we will not give out country to the invaders. ukrainian, people in every occupied place. go on attack counter attack. you have to struggle, you have to fight my concur song for dance. you have to go out and chased them out . pretty clear this evil from our land. russian president vladimir putin,
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his warning, any country that tries to impose a no fly zone over ukraine would be taking part in a military conflict. for the team is zalinski has press u. s. president joe biden, for more support during a phone call. gabriel alexander has moved from washington. the 2 leaders talked about security for ukraine and continued security support on behalf of new us to to ukraine. i also talked about sanctions for continuing ramping up of sanctions that biden, apparently towards the sky. you said it would continue to go on and continue to be a point of that. the white house would continue to focus on what was not discussed, or at least what was not mentioned in the read out from the white house where 2 things, any sort of calls for biden, talking about transferring of military aircraft to ukraine. that's something that's been talked about a bit,
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but there was no discussion of that between the 2 leaders according to the read out and also the no fly zone. visa, mastercard, say they are suspending all operations in russia effective immediately. a means transactions for credit cards issued within russia won't work outside the country, cause issued elsewhere will no longer work in russia. ukrainians continue to attempt to escape the fighting. these were the scenes in boucher on the outskirts of the capital. keep many families placing signs on their vehicle, sang children, or evacuation. more than 1300000 people have fled ukraine. since russia's invasion began, the un has recorded 351 civilian deaths with more than 700 others wounded. but as for the real figures are much higher, those are the headlines now back to as said master of chaos.
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the on the 21st of august 2013. the syrian government forces used chemical weapons in opposition held areas, killing hundreds of people, including many children, usaa nasa you before the tamika weapons will lead lion. however, off to the attack, president obama decided not to intervene because it might lead to heavier u. s. involvement in syria. there were some people in the administration who worried that hasn't come at the end be top alden, extremists would take over. those of us who were following siri more closely, kept telling them, stop worrying about that. the extremists are no stronger than a lot of the modern elements, and they're not going to take over. it might just shift the fighting a little bit, but there will not be an sloniker state declared in damascus. this
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lack of a western response seemed to embolden assad. he realised that some western leaders were more concerned about the potential chaos that might result from opposition groups taking over than the were about his staying and power. asada was quite to exploit this. michelle said that if not, is up hooked, hustled lately, poet kill whole school me law. she had the unit stem yeap bill. i showed him how to persuade the challenge. littleton no setup below for correct. and she had yelled emotional dishes, ian. and she's at mann in mann enough. oh really? my food i got to be young to mom and have it daily shower well healthy, ah said had released many of these members of owned opposition groups from jail since the start of the uprising. some had joined
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iso, i'm assad, realised that this was the good that the west was more concerned about it perhaps than any other in 2014 i so took the tone of rocca, i moved quickly across syria, largely at the expense of other opposition groups. ah, news of on the market, and so almost every dose is more, we'll talk to you good you, who's a village. oh, should boose a bell? du du busha way saw repeated instances where the syrian government basically would not attack the sonic state in. sometimes we saw instances where the atlantic state might attack a free, searing army unit, and the syrian government would come in and bomb them by air and maybe an hour
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later, 2 hours later. and i, it looked like tactical co operation almost. and we saw many instances in that, especially in the area around a laptop, for example, a dash food tommy. so she'll see no sale. you don't, don't look with horror. but oh, it's hard to keep all blue to be on new york's will soon. akita vaughan due to the daughter. oh, boy bell, it was a 20 so in so so hobb. yes, you aiden, ye bellow, jim, i don't mean that they don't ever fight this long stick. sometimes they fight islamist state. sometimes they cooperate with hispanic state. one of the things that tom, as a professional, i can say, i admire about this here in government, is that it is able to do several different contradictory things all at once. and it, it's harder to understand them. they can confuse you very well that way.
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the spread of iceland is increasing violence, preoccupied and shocked. much of the world aside to use this opportunity to launch a different kind of campaign aimed at the west a charm offensive that war in syria is about winning the heart of the people. but i felt made the, i was part of the war on syria. when we saw a did is an open and, you know, and that was and country it started to die to listen. we started to intensify our communication with the west until in by jen managed until talk to jam manage. the syrian president gave interviews to several major media outlets around the world and nobody showed he got
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a la carte. i'm me, daddy stammered gifted tom and my little media, let it be. it gives the time on my letter it army letter b or door acting on a sore on you. lila had a better but any to float mccartney and deliver it to la? michelle. i said, send anybody in all his interviews, he insisted, eats me on chaos. f invasion of terrorist coming from abroad and the government is doing. it's a job in fighting and defending it said it's country her saddle, thought it out of the the monica jani folder, equipment booklet and shuttle and also he alyssa dominy, i'm a fool alderman, thought he over here let that come. i kind of thought for that and phil and i'm a little be, be and not all the a thought a shabby long as long young man. charlotte, she took her to match the bush. auto said, did you a good day,
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contributed but dumpsters of to not meet is what's on there? monte approval. deborah, key for miss wood. young one, you know, you know, she will be them all the ship. i think for bashar elisa to present himself to the united states sent to europe as the, as the alternative. ah, to crazy sectarian people. i think this has been part of his strategy since day one, day one movie ah. by presenting himself as the alternative to what he called terrorists, i felt convinced many to overlook his government crimes like these camps, where 17000 people, including women and children, were tortured to death. lm, ah, ah,
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evening. they took me to the full and yeah, mr. to man, the 1st was shin, why you'd want like a shuttle as it should have slipped a new one silly. and this is usually a tools to collect on formation after that and the 5th time in 2012 at become the thought. sure. not a tools for collecting information. it's a goals tortured for torture, torture for destroyed the birth of the prisoner. meanwhile, our side presented himself as a protector of minorities, including christians, and as a buffer against violent on groups. some political leaders visited damascus and were warmly received
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with the west, prioritized it's fight against iso. in the autumn of 2015, they decided to launch their 1st air strikes in syria against eyesore rather than government forces. they also cut back on their support of opposition groups. this took the military pressure off the syrian army and gave acid precious breathing space. ah, a little more how in the skin of law will do but all around the middle of get an energy audit off of there. and i thought, oh you were a god was your of your audience only help god. i don't know, one of the other that are
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sad situation remained quite precarious. after 4 years of war, he left the country for the 1st time to visit vladimir putin. he calculated that russian military support would shift the balance of power and the war in his favor. this today than oh, do in the what could have known in what can be in june. if you're going to be her one of the, of the movie day of the month, we ask that our shuttle to come and help us with a air force. and that ocean did not ask for anything at from us. by the way, our relation would that ocean, as you know, is very historicity, who's in, wanted to stay a step ahead of the west and to revive russian influence in the middle east
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a while. and he thought that having survived so far, suggested that aside could be relied upon the trial and it had been now conformable other scottish oh what the nation is now most good on the withers, lieutenant. but the more spoken national there were social, but for most of them. okay. now recorded to still annoy army on me, all of earth would steven our food, even though in la city was not begun here yet. almost her. yes sir. when you were global, she and i dearly or personally at them was good in the way in the public though. won't come on lucian. in a move. the took the west by surprise. russia now intervened insignia in a big way. officially they were fighting ice all, but the fights suggested otherwise. ah,
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it clusters its loose city. does that up walk at wendy's. these got a c v? nope. we sure would you a be dis sir mark or bash did? did lou does have to like a through age 2016, russian military support enabled the serial army to regain large parts of the territory. it had previously lost the u. s. and europe did little to counteract this relentless offensive other than make token the protests they failed to react when government forces used chemical weapons again. ah.
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in september 2016 u. s. president obama reached an agreement with putin to divide syria into 2 operational zones. he no longer demanded assets to parcher. the u. s. was much more concerned with defeating iso ah. at the end of 2016 after weeks of bombing, syrian government forces retook a laptop. the country 2nd largest city, had been an opposition stronghold and a symbol. oh, you didn't want to look at the face other than a food a lot less of the food. what is the fema vallejo?
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that is on the dodie. probably the fee of about the 5th of $1.00 of the whole of them ended up while us had remained in power, obama's term ended in 2017, and donald trump became us president trump's relative inexperience and his perceived closeness to vladimir putin. may have encouraged asset to authorize further chemical attacks in april 2018. and we begin today with a horrific attack overseas and a forceful threat here at home. the pictures coming in a warning, they are difficult to look at. children being hosed off, treated after an alleged chemical attack. and duma president trump responding on twitter, vowing a big price will be paid, slamming syrian president bashar al assad, calling him, quote, an animal. i believe that the aside regime thought they could get away with it. i think i had seen a year more of donald trump. ah, a disorganized erotic
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a inattentive a president. the 1st 5 days i was at the white house, on the u. s. had to decide what the response would big. this telling us was homeless and bombed several military targets. they were backed by france under president emmanuel, michael presidio, the teacher president, mom to finance for may me honors of fishy sydney huck. remiss sash. josh or schoo sad c. it's similar, fuss me. you know, falling apple tomorrow, not the new quote, year rossi, damascus, or the trough delivered the suit, couldn't demos, has shown the fitness blow in everybody's, you know,
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then these political promises and we're going to end, we're going to get out a war going, and these wars you know, these are no good. it was a huge mistake. you know, if a sod fell, who was going to take over was going to be a very radicalized component. ah, the west did not make any further military interventions, opting instead to impose sanctions on syria. but sanctions had little impact on the government's military capability. as i saw it gradually took back control of more and more of the country. his critics claimed that he saw himself as his country's muggy or savior. he thinks he's the maddie, that's the one of the problems. and sometimes he act like al maddie,
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when he speaks with his surroundings and friends, this is what we heard from our deaf friends in damascus. the quin nathan nevada cliche for were death a little before the trailer hump well to thought aloud. ah, ah, what a 3rd of the country still remained beyond da sites control the curts alongside european and american special forces controlled the ne, turkey controlled the northwest to contain the carts and back the opposition and it label in the south. a large zone was controlled by us forces and israel carried out regular airstrikes against iranian positions in syria. to completely reclaim the rest of his country. aside would ultimately,
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after confront all of these conflicting forces. ah, i got it with the cell and had of within, within a few minutes, vladimir putin came to this is the russian base in syria. but the war was becoming expensive for him on the outcome was still uncertain. starting a war was one fe, ending, it was quite another he had a number that a follow up discussions with pohden. i believe that the russians were very much interested in reducing the russian true presence in syria. but to do that,
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to avoid losing their entire investment in the country, they had to have a more stable assad regime. in 5 years, the russians had not only kept the syrian government in power, but it also largely eliminated and marginalized. the moderate opposition articles criticising aside appeared in the russian media suggesting they might have preferred someone with a less checkered history in power. but when i saw last support from one on i, he always seemed to identify another to turn to for help. michelle said the de la, what a lucille ely, ethan danielle, hunt you either by the light. look, anita will be only a co selfless will. you caught a limb, he went to lee putting on an unsatisfactory look. what's what flora michelle said, said, what did he at any auto, albany, iran and norton. we should act out a b,
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b soria hub. yet if your house is elena, i have no doubt that they will put out feelers. they already have, we've ethan had some americans go over our side himself for very good at understanding how to try to gain leverage against opposition or other countries that are pressing them. and absolutely, i expect him to reach out. in fact, there were a couple of occasions when we tried to reach out to them and ordered a free american prisoners hostages, that the assad or his surrogates still hadn't in prison. and we had no success. with that, we believe that assad at that point was simply carrying out iranian orders, and that there is really no chance we could reach an accommodation with him. i had no desire to see a side remain in power, but i didn't see
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a sod as the real cause of the problems in syria. the central threat was iran, and it was the iranian prisons and syria that made the u. s. under trump, keep large numbers of troops in ne, syria, but us on has been left walking a tightrope. he has had to tread carefully to avoid provoking major powers, like the u. s. are exhausting the patients of his backers, russia and iran. he also faces serious domestic challenges. his country is in ruins. half of the pre long population of syria have been forced from their homes. most of those remaining are destitute with 80 percent of people living on less than 2 u. s. dollars per day. ah, the coven, brenda mc has made the situation even worse. even our sides own aloe white
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community has shown signs of discontent. fresh protests had broken out in some cities reclaimed by the government. there was pressure on the syrian government to make peace with its remaining opponents and concentrate on reconstruction in the territory under its control. but it lacks the funds to rebuild the country and its backups. russia and iran are rather unable or unwilling to come to the rescue. assad has also approached the e. u. uncertain gulf states to help fund the reconstruction a will instead of the gulf states that give me the money in order dose of but it myself from iran and you would go to iran. he said that raise your hand,
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because otherwise i would be fallen anther on the russia. you would go thought i shot until then at the you need to help me more because i'm am falling into under a lawn. and he would go into your old telling them it's a you need to help me for that. he construction, i need your money. i will otherwise, there wouldn't be a new wave if refugees and you would go to you if you need to cooperate with me in the security matters because we have a lot of fires for all these therapist. and i says, this is how we play the game from my, from a lot. okay. and a
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ah, what keeps you awake at night? what? kissing awake at night many a reason that could effect any human life could because or not could be a work. your job could be jones, you could be personal like any on a human are china in the us leave walking their way to war in the struggle of ukraine? here is the test for president joe biden. really trying to do is rewrite the
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security architecture. personally, i'd say if you're, if you go to walk into gum at the same time, you're weekly pay on us politics and society. that's the bottom line with okay, attempts to start to rise as they should do with the season. so most of, of the raven peninsula and right up into iraq into the high twenty's even though, so he's occasionally, but still we've got one winter late wind to want to come out of europe the to do to come together. and you tend to get these stormy systems blowing every 3 or 4 days. it seems this latest one sunday will bring rain into syria and of a sudden flank strong winds, probably with sandstorms into, for example, northern egypt, and across into jordan, northern parts of sadie as well. otherwise, it's just a hazy atmosphere, useful rain and snow on its way out of afghanistan into the north of pakistan for
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the science. it looks fairly dr. are occasional show showing up evening. i says like rochester, the big picture in iran is by monday walls. further west has shown up the snow shares on the high ground with rain for the low ground. probably won't. it was rain stretch. it took minister on his way back in to afghanistan in africa. i'm afraid to say that the seasonal range going north have left zimbabwe rob a shorter of what it wanted during the summer. but we still got significant rang to the west, for example, angola and botswana. ah, the little is more distressing for a woman than a month 20 pregnancy going horribly wrong. aside from then being punished boy el salvador, straight to boston doors that seem women incarcerated. yes. some say they're only
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crime was the devastating still but an empowering story of one woman struggle that ignited miscarriage. of justice. a witness documentary on al jazeera, counter feet, blues cheap, and sometimes dangerous copies of the real thing have been found all over the world . i mean, even the most expensive premium products. it's a secretive and deadly multi $1000000000.00 business. we found one problem, but about one 3rd or stay in a and us, which was just an incredible finding. during raids on one of the most notorious mafia gangs in calabria, italian police found consignments of fay calling boil made from industrial lubricants that were being exported to the united states. the main thing that we do when we carry out criminal investigations is to reconstruct the money flow and the flow of goods and connect pieces together. it's office breach does profits that are
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easy to make and hard to ignore. perhaps it means that all of us should be a little more vigilant about what we put on our plates. ah, ukraine's president urges people to fight back and protect their country against the russian forces as a temporary cease fire failed. ah, hello, i'm emily anguish. this is al jazeera live from doha, also coming up president flooded me. zalinski makes a desperate play for more military equipment warplanes and financial support. visa and mastercard, suspend operations in russia, becoming the latest corporations to stop business in the country. and russia's
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president von sanctions could amount to a declaration of war and raises.


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