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tv   Al Jazeera World Palestine 1920  Al Jazeera  February 3, 2022 4:00am-5:01am AST

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ah, we're leaving eco friendly solutions to come back dress to our planet on al jazeera ah 2. ready i'm fully back to boeing. doha, with the headlines on al jazeera, the u. s. his spending extra troops to eastern europe, 2000 soldiers, will had to poland and germany, while a 1000 more will be deployed in romania. the pentagon says the most sense, a strong signal to russia, which has been massing truce on ukraine's border. our white house correspondent, kimberly ha cat reports. after ramping up the possibility for weeks of a rush, an evasion of ukraine. the white house on wednesday, downgraded that threat from president vladimir putin saying an evasion is no longer
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imminent. i use that once, i think others have used that once, and then we stopped using it because i think it's sent and a message that we weren't intending to send, which was that we knew that president putin had made a decision. still, the united states is sending more troops to eastern europe, with some of the forces will be reposition to romania. others will be coming from the united states to poland and germany. it's a response to president putin who has position tens of thousands of troops inside russia near ukraine's border. it's important that we send a strong signal to mister putin and frankly, to the world that nato matters to the united states. it made it matters to our allies and we have iron clad oracle 5 commitments an attack on one is an attack on all the roughly $3000.00 troops will bulls through the nato presence in europe and are in addition to the $8500.00 us troops put on stand by last month, by
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u. s. president joe biden. the united states maintains diplomacy is the best path to resolving security disagreements. russia, what's assurances nato will halt expansion into former soviet republics like ukraine, but the west won't provide that guarantee. instead, biden's promised severe consequences is hooton's in vain. he has shown no signs of being interested or willing to deescalate the attentions. the u. s. forces will reinforce nato's eastern flag working with host countries. as nato has not yet activated its were spots force to counter what it refers to as russian aggression. i think there's an organic aspect to what they're doing, which is to put something on the table that can be taken away. a chip, if you will, in exchange for russian non aggression against you. great, despite no,
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no russian threat and no signs of an eminent invasion of ukraine. the pentagon says the movement of troops could begin soon, and there could be the possibility of even more true movements in the future. kimberly hell kit al jazeera washington. in other news, the united jabbers says it's destroyed 3 hostile drones that entered its s face on wednesday, the armed group are, we at want of hoc says it launched the drones targeting what it calls vital facilities. it follows a string of drone and miss on a tanks by huffy rebels in yemen, including one that killed 3 people last month. in a democratic republic of congo, more than 70 people have been killed in a raid on a camp for the internally displaced. the armed group known as codec, or a suspected to be behind the attack in the eastern province of a tory new zealand is easing strict. border controls imposed nearly 2 years ago in
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response to the current of iris pandemic, vaccinated citizens in australia will be allowed home without quarantined later this month, followed by others returning from the rest of the world. all restrictions will end in october. coroner viruses killing americans at a far higher rate than people in other wealthy countries. that's according to an analysis by the new york times. a daily number of covered related deaths in the u. s. is at its highest level in almost a year. data from johns hopkins university shows a 39 percent increase in the past 2 weeks. and transport workers in lebanon have blocked major roads in the capital at the side of a 3 days strike. boss, taxi and truck drivers are protesting against poor living conditions. the country's economic meltdown has pushed up fuel prices. those are the headlines. i'll have more news for you after al jazeera world stay with us. for
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ah aah! greater syria was a major region of the middle east at the turn of the 20th century. it
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became part of the ottoman empire in $1516.00, and remained ottoman until the end of the 1st world war in 1918 greater syria southern province. palestine was an active part of the ottoman world . trade boomed in its commercial centers which included jerusalem gaffa and heifer fillasy, coffee shop, gun fia shod lawsuit, filed one fish, mac get moved up. ah, but the 1st world war changed everything. in november 1918, the allied powers of britain, france, italy, and japan defeated the central powers of germany, austria, hungary, bulgaria, and importantly, the ottoman empire. britain on france,
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conspired to divide greater syria to their best advantage. but they could not agree on the future of palestine. so in 1920 the league of nations put it under interim british control or mandates. some christian and zion as jewish writers described palestine as quote, a land without a people. one is old lane walker walk sad while had a less like uni and messy, yet i any of your whole, dea, if data of public final you hold it down in the philistine link, the fear had shot out of the medals that are there for laughing layers at shop, when they with had that a layer that are what is that what they are but, and the leg you have cited for the scene as the heck was dick it had the sub for hot them. i won't admit other gonna, but this film looks at the region in the 20th century from
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a different perspective. here historians and personal testimony by contemporary witnesses argue that far from being an empty wilderness, palestine was a vibrant arab country with a developing commercial and community infrastructure. this is the other side of the palestinian story. ah ah, ah. so with a she yeah. ah
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. honestly in society, 1920 was society and then transition, or it was the period of globalization that her lead in the last quarter voice in century to out a degree of development. certainly. and in the cities, jennifer heifer and to some extent her jerusalem, ah jerusalem was becoming an important commercial center. as were the ports of garza and jasa, they combined to turn palestine into a trading hub with europe, north africa and the middle east. these old trading records in the jerusalem archives are evidence of its business activity. jerusalem exported soap to egypt,
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italy and greece through garza grain to egypt. roads under broadneck through alpha cotton to france, under smear and antiques on religious gifts, to his stumble, italy, portugal, and spain. garza and the offer also imported rice and fabrics from egypt, textiles, from stumble, glassware, china shawls from india and lead from france and the netherlands in europe through trades palestinian cities kept pace with development in the rest of the world. in the late 19th century. palestine also developed a transport infrastructure and built a railway network to connect jerusalem and other towns and cities with the ports on the mediterranean.
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ah, the opening of jerusalem's main train station was a landmark event in this part of the ottoman world. if there are mahatma, but if you look at that up to for this game, medina to port yes. and now dylan what are in the aircraft, i'll coordinate the sasha, the id, then elf with them and me it with nano to seen. ah, jonathan walker, rather than megan, said sir mental as if they're not yet in mister moon. what did you method and hope almost mania on the island, so it was allah. in other words, what can i not the man and the said live? what can i do then? jimmy asked if i don't want financing and what the was it in fee. i mean, he had to put when medina, b, i n u ha, in that the,
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her in bus all to such as she had quoted the module did. what i had done an ultima one set up in jamie, i can't. i'm with off her. i'm when nesbit and bizarre, that's the i was jimmy anthony. ah ah, with the ones that are from the scene. any thought an awful assertion upon bill medina been death in it, doesn't it? it will have the heart which i may be felicity. what the answer he has put out of my neck and also about the hon. swafer though is sassy from the schemes that up multiple ill,
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ill ask any of my sham i mean mm hm. in, in daniel academy that sasha ros money and we've got to lose that's middle flu shot, but that was a lot of both. yeah, we are one of the telephone fall asleep by dana knucklehead bad able to both the upper reaches. i'm in a do a lot of it. not even alien as they live now or was left fema about grandma. the 12 come on to get that. how did a sick good, how did going to be my gender? were how do you love the thought? yeah. but hyper beirut the marsh. yeah, that's they'll call him and i see the motherland gonna heaviest my vision. see the
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can easy. i love what it is. the aba johan, the deck c. o, o is hobbling that shot alhambra beta. ah, move, what do you see? you all, are you sure she said her through all this to see? yes, her good ben. it's in. i hear that a year to he had the head the do here on my dash, i'm on below. they had their candy, yet jacker with the main portal voted in palestine, but he was rapidly overtaken by heifer,
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which in 19 o 5 i was achieved a very important step forward with the arrival of a branch of the hedges railway that was from damascus to darrell. in southern syria and it was extended to heifers. so afterward, after that you could travel from, from, by railway to, from heifer to damascus and turn medina in the modern day, i saudi arabia and the significance of that was at link talked maritime boots at an age of in age of european colonial expansion and industrial expansion, the 2 overland groups, which em and that was later used to connect to places as far away as a kid coke in the northern iraq of which is obviously an oil, a producer to add to the white of one.
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0, how many and how that up sam field a trip to from the you know, so if you end up getting you call with the will. busy is iraq lou, my piano up a we you should then double to correct that i had the medina ophelia as yeah, whoa. loveland i'm not sure. did ali bab able to go for the them here? i'm ready. it's gone sheep. and how lucky that the jerry deathly and even a lot of method i'm in hold on. looking at the chocolate are done with the jar, a medina farber up there. how did it for jesse?
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why did 37 i did. so can yet, and i've been so kind to the love the i did for them. when was the said so i can of if to for the also coffee, i wish to marry ottoman reforms encouraged me if you like the growth of european interest, certainly capital and, and trade and communications. and that, of course led to growth in jerusalem. jaffer in particular and are and heifer astronomic growth was very also driven and want to connect to her a list of mirage, missouri the what the, how to look at her admin. medina. medina, my lowest, murphy, beirut was either was or know, i don't is that morality are go. we're here for we have a has a
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lot of follows fears. the smart men got enough. will callian wilburn? well that the double door getting adequate, the jury is about them on very little bit. the heard neither. emily, if there's a feel at the the, i mean the cathedral should see what color the, the older how to get usually if it medina, math or, and me nephew with many you can will, should be debbie. it's mel. i let it full still. he was so do you will look in any you have to have the you were the lead to jesse, but the apostle left on my feet and many who had a lot of over moran from africa. what a part of the salvi, what it then you look up a war and higher and use them. are you why for coffee? ah, if they're over philistine big cabinet. you know, melinda credit,
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t g i live been a 30 should fill out. so she, she been at the kennedy heschel maddie b. f. mean him, we lived and shooting yet to mustard year. been in a jazz my love. trish couldn't look or move. i shut it off. no ma'am. oh, i mean, if you mean you wouldn't see a can philippines. good with it all to minute for you with anthem, not a but i'm mobile shockey already him free me. net mailing with this radio report, however, talks about the way the british mandate kept a tight grip on arab workers by regulating the influx of foreign labor. ah,
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nothing demonstrates the development of palestinian infrastructure at this time better than the efficiency of the new railway network. if the train was late by so much as a few minutes into haifa, it was big news to o'clock. i thought it be much kieffer la hobbs america, but i do much about it when didn't that begin at michigan? no, no. under edward zampini on them, i wide enough to lock up kinda it to fuck yet with the foam at the jury of the country did contra zod and i'm ready. i'm been took lumen the musk, ilya farmland, diesel tardy, oak medina, paper on politic tickets. had the end of it tell you within took leila medina if i let madness of a costly manual according to you. whether between the shock and i'm not going to nip this fellow field with his enemy. ah, palestinian cities became known for their manufacturing sectors. each developed
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its own specialties, nablus was associated with manufacturing a well known brand of so hebron with leather products and act down with construction and oil exploration through the l. cats. company via the commentary ticket that assess at a on the behalf schafer, that would be f surely. cutler a 2nd 2nd bill maya. and when does that? a sam la la la la la salt wiley, america back on a motel and were and may be of her. shitty can issue my shoe kit this 2nd bid for this the new year. year. my address it. oh my son now. we're good now and it
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died left here. the hon. this should get this shit, dentist. right. dentist. me it's then i'm better. yeah. that the oh good should he shouldn't, did jam and you had left my should better. julia still ship it. no, no, no, i shouldn't say ah, other palestinian companies were set up to import modern luxury products. 7 but as he was one of the best known, it had branches in several cities and imported electrical appliances, bicycles and a new musical device for playing music at home using disks or records as they were called them about the earth. la harold is grandma for not. danny
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did she has the smell august, 1 op be and t shirt i la mija tumor bill in p shot ferman took a gamble, told him, and i will cause illness though. what i do a method. hey, it is easy, but daily or the only, but the lab and wellness command, a cornfield and her an email let is they like at the store? not where be tell it as as a cherry cutler in toyota store? not well, michelle, any been no eligible hallmark, can you put it in? no, us walk medina for wash away? i get it less. i had thought really feel ellen hard to submit a swat and millennial motto will be in a lot of just a little muscle. you know, the magazine, a fee, molecularly built on hello. hello. alicia really kind of told you the by the cook noon.
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ah alicia shandey tent and so you're not who's traditionally or out any but that the how to be national in the yeah. have because i didn't go in that go when it a one who was a thought, oh sure, but it's a more solo to better easy prediction, philistine, what time be the total caught my brain and wooden leafy? hello bro. to car, do you know the quote? i can quote, i have it done. who i bought it and cynicism when he sophocles biase yadda, who was still silla minute for the man in the front. i can imagine a moment full, full of feeling, not all through it had the part i know most of the flu. ah. ah
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yeah, come and more boiler that than moment. hi carla. my numb with the little philosophy, jeanie debit card, the more him injured done min will dos of eternal coordinate. the sasha live is a it will be shak alarm. you could done. cool. chuckling was to warrant for lasting for year. for martin. i'm the mother of danielle, natasha. i shot a theme. my dentist had you said you saw him in house money, which was armina. i don't wanna be the doctor. i didn't know i was caught in the ocean in nasty let it was you that could. i will double the fullest in talk about how well it and then bill me. hello, my bill, assess rejected dean or bob. they'll more thought of you. i'll put some your time on your auto body in canada, nurse, been julie schubert. olivia's udall caroll will get there. were befall osteen, hom seemed to me i our camera abraham style am which was almost all full osteen. i will our lamara. sally's name is marilyn c for the student physical met her
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dentist. them experiments with him can feed the alley and what on you can see my dad is what on here? yeah. yeah, i should be not fit is. i looked at alana and matthew the studio. i can either insure it, but that is what i did that, that really any. i'll be at a man that doesn't, was he felicity? and i then with that is as maybe it doesn't that them either to see it, but i did him. it has been a monument that littleton was good for him and that's what i did that kind of threw philistine likened to me is that philistine fallon, there was a lot more to be in cuba yet. asserted them on me. mean, michoud long if you couldn't, i had a lot of you had that feel island yanine. what your quote on chef my that is what i did in you can tell them when mr. dan let you know that that was how well hold on a quote on the line adobe logan couldn't. if you will put dement in that item. not him. he sent us some your address to the in into cuba and husband hammond. and then for
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seine moved the engine court in medina to put in a what is dom i'm ethan wolf, deaconate, the east missouri is la, jama. a time in was the medium again in were head webinar. dotala home. oh is that my can died in was? yeah. it didn't, and she almost wildly mama did. everybody said he had mahogany dear that's in are are there is m. yeah. and was an art in with or farrah. and with that i love was miss and i did freshman than i did a fair. i then at the bar what they did with the walk in at what barbara dido ah, is that a good summary of that athene? what can a her the harder than jani it? i can either mulatto b and m a and shortly then put up your shuttle for the problems that the you get home was to figure out if we random kenema in the in took one basi, the fia, and one with that, did that mean an electron was the thea will follow, but it does
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a suburb fear as in bravo of the old model. i hate him. can we as if one animal still offended and it will show to form a then bit half a net. ah palestinian society showed every sign of raising to the challenges of the 20th century. but always lurking beneath the surface was the promise that the british had made to the zionist movement, to support the founding of a homeland for the jewish people. and this would soon threaten not just the development, but the very existence of palestine itself. there was a time when the aka banga with the floods were enough to sustain life in the northern calahan deserts all year round. but that's changing. least one or 3 men in different parts of the alcove and go down soon as they faced drought,
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wild animal and man made threat in the constant fight for survival. risk in it all . but swan on al jazeera stories of life. and inspiration, a series of sure document trees from around the world that celebrate the human spirit against the arts with al jazeera, select change makers, bmw with
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blue, blue blue flag, and i'm fully battle with the headlines on al jazeera, the u. s. is sending extra troops to eastern europe, 2000 soldiers will had to poland and germany, while a 1000 more will be deployed in romania. the pentagon says the move sends a strong signal to russia, which has been massing troops on ukraine's border. we do not know if russia has made a final decision to further they'd ukraine, but it clearly has that capability. the department of defense will continue to support diplomatic efforts,
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led by the white house and the state department to press for resolution. we do not believe conflict is inevitable. united states in lockstep with our allies in partners has offered russia a path to deescalate. but we will take all prudent measures to assure our own security and that of our allies. the united arab emirates says it's destroyed a 3 hostile drones that entered its s face on wednesday. the armed who i'll, we at ward, i'll hock says it launched a drones targeting what it calls vital facilities. the booth says it will continue to target the u. e. until it stops interfering in yemen and iraq, in a democratic republic of congo. more than 70 people have been killed in a raid on a camp for the internally displaced. the armed globe, known as co deco is suspected to be behind the attack in the eastern province of a tory new zealand is easing strict water controls imposed nearly 2 years ago. in response to the crone of iris pandemic,
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vaccinated citizens in australia will be allowed home with our quarantine later this month, followed by others returning from the rest of the world. all restrictions will end in october. corona virus is killing americans at a far higher rate than people in other wealthy nations. that's according to an analysis by the new york times. the daily number of covered related deaths in the u . s. is at its highest level in almost a year. data from johns hopkins university shows a 39 percent increase in the past 2 weeks. at least 24 people are known to have died in a landslide in ecuador is capital quito on monday night. the cities mer says 6 others are still missing. rescue teams are searching homes and streets buried under the mud. the disaster was triggered by the heaviest rains for almost 20 years. and those are the headlines. al jazeera world continues next. here on our 0, stay with us. with
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a 100 years ago palestine was a very different place compared with to day it was under british control or mandate. and there were those who suggested it was just an empty land. but in fact, cities like jerusalem had an established commercial sector transport networks and then emerging cultural life they began to attract arab intellectuals, writers and artists. and interest grew and developing new media like cinema and film, making. people were also getting interested in sports and hosting international events and competitions, the municipality of yoga disgust of time to host them arab olympic event,
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while palestinian athletes one international championships, fema that on both on lot of them for the iraq, for the order. will malacca me, would that a, are that good than mean they live be, is more, they would thus open they would the suki had they are fairly or couple in neck b has i love will to let the shark full. mueller, coming bother and has them bothered sawyer will bought a live nanny will bought a little muscle. they feel like, i mean, i la shabbots animal hammond, i updated on la than mom that up on. but i, like i said, it's in a one honda accord model at a shop and it's a yearly due to cinema to stammer less. i'll talk out loud. deal of them. due to cinema, however ill america suckle free. be silvia c'mon. you might see a see a computer busier, viagra mom out of lamasta's visit if you come on old would most likely yet be a one measured duck. was if you come on out of buffalo ah,
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alongside commerce and culture and active political movement developed during the ottoman era, palestine had representatives in the chamber of deputies, the lower house of the ottoman parliament. but at the start of the british mandate, the palestinian national movement began to take shape in jerusalem. it called for the independence of palestine. the 1st arab, palestinian congress was organized by local muslim and christian groups in 1919. it's 30 attendees denounced the british mandates and called for their different groups to unify under one association. no hobble of to saw the just look at bill mina m bomb, le harakas, ccu,
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lincoln at mooresville, deborah philosophy, user government, our daughter, jodi lamar a her door. v as well as the clar lopez with defer will, as i will clarity where i lie, a little jose any. and he can. theodora computer should done the hubble mold door. it's linda. sassy. hi lucas, hold the usual. you'd. maria holland, thus elliptic my neck, dipping the a sheer up, bud big. the admin at the edge of the can. ah, yeah. and for some you were had within athene. zara he medina the what? the modern lim, years at this level, hockey of them will come in, are seen a lot come out. and islam was there a higher than what the mot accidentally meal from sienna, hold one minute how i lay couldn't out of our she absorb, she'd better than on a be in what's let me in for 9 am. then would that i should have a m,
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as the mother and the model here within the woods can feed these animal dod did. they can feel colorado. what i did min admit got out to see a see you an open and then what done, what had your half oh, we have some that inter dirt for now. yet the had the financial analysis given ox. the had the fell off a look at a stem of the dentist. i might have fallen c, v eliminated the duct the an awful that your home cannot exactly to local that off you nivia. you have to some of the numbers for both of you that can walk white under the fancy gainesville banana, was been a little bit of money into the indian efforts. one janet debt caught up what i did there while businessman ella, for the steam bazaar minima. in may, is the fava in shack zam at the measure that alpha it as of less mega fietta left than shakima batton. lulu ah that and what again at hotmail. delilah had these little mozilla live. i'll do that
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and i'll put up my neck. the wine had them, the model, had them hooked up as and it had the end. but any decisions taken by these congresses were increasingly overshadowed by a growing phenomenon in the 19 twenties and thirties, immigration, the zionist movement had grown up in europe in the late 19th century, lobbying for a homeland for the jewish people. the pressure it put on the british government led to a major announcement in november 1917. the balfour declaration was named after the british foreign secretary arthur balfour. it was a letter he sent to a leader of the british jewish community, which set that's his majesty's government to do with favor to the establishment and palestine of a national home for the jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement zone. the subject has been clearly understood that
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nothing shall be done. what shall prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non jewish communities in palestine? the eventual impact of the balfour declaration was to encourage you repeat san juice to emigrate to palestine. but that impetus had not really built up by 1920 helena northerner in missouri. the sultan is the amount of sla you and if you fall asleep few marolla confession, lily had that will are common law and am i'll put sammy or to saw basher shooting hurdle. master mushroom, fisher would daughter, a says will marcus, you will a shovel are i will fullest in. if you take a look to thought i, you know, little more durable are come. min, any user, kabir chemical mental mushroom, la yoni, banana officer, fi medina, t of or how will medina, tearfully,
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and i cannot in my, the, another humphrey velocity or been, or did a here, or matter. my number home got cut out a strategic land on my store, confession will are gone, and i'll put them on mute in, in with the money had the am alpha to sammy, or to salt osh. either did he owe diddly mosher didn't feel medina here for shamela truck medina? yoga home on fin, available. yes sir. how come in wires jarine cannot to stop allah blood now or my cannot do that. it come. lyle manner with dr. scott jani. im now hello. home, while again, while i of the file for you, what kind of usually has rama has a lot of pharma, leah, our auto brain. i'm in mushroom slow, you know, mushroom fashion things began to change. however, as the victorious allied powers of britain, france leann, japan discussed how to divide up the old ottoman empire. britain
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was granted a mandate for palestine at a conference in the northwest, italian city of some remote in april 920. this was approved by the league of nations in july 1922, but there was a crucial contradiction within the mandates. members of the zionist movement, including the british politician, herbert samuel, attended the san remote conference. and the balfour declaration was incorporated into the british mandates. but the british also had a dual obligation to govern and conduct policy in palestine on behalf of both jews and arabs. in reality, however, the son re my conference to the balance significantly. one way that i hear jenny important landmark for design is by
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920. when this and reamer conference withheld. of course, that was also celebrated as an important victory on the basis of the bow for declaration promise. and also because design is working hard to ensure that the terms of about for declaration would be incorporated into the terms of the mandate itself. so that was a hugely important movement moment. and to be compared only with the un decision in 1947 to partition palestine into jewish darts bobbin matt, i'm in al young with leadership. how much it's i'm usually in but that lindsey debbie tony b shipment was me battalion a woman tube. sammy, but it's on the on the philosophy him while we're head,
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but it's on while we're we're yahoo! the saw union with hard to smile. many a for you any where the can i had more alyssa, helen, a 30 i miss lonia the order associate unfairly. ya. for safer allah of while martha, look for the of you fellows. herbert samuel was one of the scientist movement, delegates at the san really no conference. he was then appointed british high commissioner for palestine in july 1920. but before he took office, he visited the region. some of his meetings were minute heads and published in the press. the surviving records shed light on the tense relationship between samuel and palestinian leaders, as well as his attempt to persuade them to share land with jewish immigrants. i see a group of jews in your country who can help you construct your land and teach you the economics and a good, harmless away. our country has enough qualified and willing people to properly
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invest in our land and believe our safe affairs with health of the mission of the dupes. but if the jews came to your country, they build the on planted lands which are an excess to your people's needs. they're all known and planted lands and over country, except for some small areas that are offered for agricultural. we will definitely have to plant and invest in them in the future because a lot of people really produce big numbers. thank god, each one of us as an average of 7 children, we must repair lunch for them. we have here that you are one of the founding soonest leaders. i'm not one of the zionists. we know that you're one of the key zionist leaders. you organize your finances now that you've seen our situation and heard our wishes, you must have realized that our land doesn't fit other people. and we won't let the
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czar in the stead, as long as we live, till high level ought to be. she ended up on c, i then was he ended up, but he thought i had lunch at off while a lot and it won't be 2nd, right? by me it would be like in people to phoenix, telecom, old, all the under shobit policy and us about your product into what it is, a new product like o'neill, what is it, what, what a fellow are you gonna hold it off when i say look, we've got i didn't live in met is that i can't make any of them in the way you live in may the preferred you can make any of them. megan will know that black with the walk of luck in a have been my thoughts up the increasing tension between arabs and zine as jews boiled over when they clashed in jerusalem in august 1929 in what's known as to put off a price in the
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most powerful country on earth promised to create a national home for the jewish people. so whatever the progress that palestine has made under the ottomans under the british, it was over shuddered certainly by, by what was happening politically. so for example, jaffer, which was the most cousin, farmington city in palestine. it had arabs as well as jurors living there was well learned for it, sir, cinemas, for example, joe, in the mandatory period. ah, clearly there were, there was a strong local culture and so on and so forth. but everything was dominated by the politically challenging situation of the british have been conquered the country
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and promised it to promised turn it into a national home for another people. jewish immigration became the main plank of the purchase mandate. most east european jews wanted to go to america or to western europe. 925 more jews went to palestine than to america because of restrictions on jewish immigration. so for example, by 1935, which was the peak of jewish immigration during the mandate, the immigration reached 65000 in just one. yes.
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what's more, the british mandates allow jewish immigrants to become palestinian citizens. palestinians were never consulted about these things. and again, it's to do with the overall strategy, promoting the idea of a jewish national home in palestine. from 1920 onwards, i was formalized in the mandate, which came into force in 1923 and granted palestinian citizenship to jewish immigrants. absolutely. ah oh yeah. maria looked out, was in sienna, all possible philosophy, and again, his m. i saw hello in missouri must sultani leo, the lewis look better, auxiliary, uber, mana, and canada. so franklin mazin and why shouldn't be more car mortality on the circle of behalf of italy? the comerica, so you only you be dos is full of large as a bomb. well, but good. my mother, tom saw
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a jazzy mental l. more of in the old. so you won't even be still glue for a leader of the lead. but if on a year young fellow nor men her muscle, dea, norman mary, if you must book another english in why this is rob, i'm with them. of italy had arthur and kathy men, urgency yet, were leisure, was at the sofa. lillia hood dorna, a hock loam. phil hussle aaliyah 81 the lane. what that was that while had occur alert sonia messy. he or i any idea if that at cobbler finally hoard millard dar in the philistine lithia, had shut out there. my daughter and her valentin layers at sharp. when i heard of her about a layer, there are what is that what they are? but i know leger shape, if it was seen as the heck one thicket had the sub alcohol there. my wallet at that
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other gallop. in december 1947, the british announced that their mandate for palestine would end 5 months later this led to increased violence by armed zionist jewish groups. on the 14th of may 1948 the day before the mandate entered the head of the jewish agency. david ben gordian proclaimed the establishment of the state of israel. the new state incorporated, 78 per cent of mandatory palestine over $700000.00 and palestinians were forced from their homes and became refugees in neighboring countries. gasoline philosophy in mckayla's father medical m and assemble wherever philos think of your shop can finish up. mushy. it filed wanted more for get moved there.
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well darl bonia doctor you must behave her baby ever backup this off of the body. yet, beside the last bill said, i believe brumley bill could better a man in woodenville falsely good had the in was as that a little odd incentive for senior i suffer. good elo, moran, alicia, you know his and full as the me how to go. finally, i'm a december free. hell man, a bit. nothing. i'm a little popular. okay. what are this again? good, heavy hillman? chad? said the old buffet. either. allah, he wisely read almost all day in elio de la deal. also let the blood mccourt us gardonia and all the goddess i believe. if you aren't them anatomy to follow to bring them at a moment. i'm a little popular p minute wooden, and macedonia, mobile charlotte and but that colorful, as herb was so fun, we'll talk a lot minimal as you lean earlyhood men. most of us are dounia. but it will suit your philosophy when will, but other than,
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than thought in hopefully we ought. well, and my 2nd fullest, the me, you know, my going ahead and i saw the settlement cupboard you can get between as you heard this, i only saw about he had the you last hearted last man and why she didn't feel it. sit and talk to you know, sorry i do. my dad is gambling. my bernie, germany mos rudy. fuqua when we're done, we're done. we left admit in missouri, so you any ah, lisa become an yogurt, a been her cash in desert a bit of a new out of the did her cash in the so with them i knew it. we've been her cash ish. my act crazy or and her back it'd be sure to becky she'd leash met back in. shoot when a shoot. tick
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t to when you had a been in 2 said the in many of whom i then this year to latino, any with missouri. slowly, i did that. i had well, a little better. what us little by euro will, must one it will, will you will say euro will option acidly, believe you will ha, will, our was cinema. will my, sadie will, will know. good share, macabre to look what does that mean? massage or did connect good later? well, how well her duck, hook mo, slope up. but i somehow goodman, oh,
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what we did. oh, god, right in the edge of my neck when we're not going to buy them on the darla malott abbey. well nor len nastic. when i look on my la la la dablin, i don't, it couldn't have a clue what the plan medical surgical hopper chlamydia shot on it said in the cool man, ricka will be it play. so again, the band hall, you could beta of could, although you could, must huddle thy bow madame it were had. but bobby oliver, surely you behalf mental process behalf minute i am, and yet to very you will is rami you will. abby huck go and yet me enough. so when you are mccann ha ha ha ha, a battalion your own elevator and the alma slot when your dealer shaddick to face
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or alia? don't really believe g b. phil island ellipse took rod with him. not in your shower. hockey had to let equally horrible men. medina, he la are you was yeah, very oh. where the 50 met. fucker and i don't. loki limited. we're had, had look limited were the now taking the 3rd had is a fully corbin nozzle. that is, you know, cuz if well amaya roscoe lee, the minimum pleasure lamazzo or the ha concern and the address in santa mckinney. me. lemme yet i'm at, i'm allowed to have the only lab. hello, beauty. like a city cornelius, a full circle. yes sir. okay. so the call was out on it took on william. um i was funny. got was the was data fabric is matt with from sushi g i g flowers by? yeah, no. my chevy truck through bish lab is scheduled. i the i you
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said when it is leakage. who and jen, im ibp, she said i left word. dana us with 30 bit fuck frederick, who was that all in lebanon and he said, the buffalo, a 100 out of my house, fish, lube oil food. oh, do lets you said you had to move to the jewish lost her job in gen. thank. so live tv. yeah. because ah
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oh, need to different well, but creatively and philosophically aligned, al jazeera world explores the surprisingly between the egyptian islamic scholar mohammed abdul and russian novelist, leo tolstoy, and the french and egyptian surrealists all the way bread and jewels. and i need to really think is, and some realist on al jazeera, the latest news they are leaving extremely high. and for 10 years they was a victim of and i guess most people got to chatting with detail coverage warning that only on effective so in power life modified polygon gap here from around the world. one of those people, years of living on the street actually accelerates the aging, brought them ah,
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[000:00:00;00] with february is often the coldest months in both europe and in the u. s. a coldest bumper winter. coldest months of the year, this is the exception of these. tempted to daytime high temperatures throughout the u. s. right down to the gulf coast. we are significant below where we should be near orleans on thursday, hangs on to 23 in washington at 14. but that difference is so great that once again, it's significant winter events taking place with snow likely to fall in land. rain near the coast between the 2. a dangerous line. that for example,
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could give pittsburgh freezing range because you black ice on the ground are the white, significant amount of snow and rain ahead of it. and the freezing rate is the dangerous bit, stretching all the way down through a kentucky and tennessee, down towards arkansas. and then that code as going to keep going south for the 23. new orleans disappears in nashville. we're down to about 3 degrees fairly rapidly from 12 on the gulf coast. now we got $23.00 down to 9. by the time you get to friday, and that normally would. and it will hang around for a while as well. this is friday picture. that's it. all moving through this mall smell coming out to the pacific coast, particularly seattle and also vancouver. recently we've seen flooding in his spun euro, that's haiti, for example, only slowly improving. ah,
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ah alger 0 rate with oh, us cents true. so easton euro best he is grow, russia could invade ukraine. the kremlin, called the deployment, destructive ah flu. i'm 40 back to bill. you're watching al jazeera life from doha. also coming up, you see lens reopening its borders. easy. one of the whilst toughest covered 19


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