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tv   101 East The Gangs Of Papua New Guinea  Al Jazeera  April 30, 2021 12:30pm-1:01pm +03

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and environmental tribunals would it kill you have a to stop the farm. says it's papers are in order and it's appealing the decision many of kenya's 13000000 herders a poorer than those living in farming communities towns and cities. says if they lose the last rep asked is to lose everything malcolm webb al-jazeera kenya. again i'm fully back to go with the headlines on al-jazeera at least 44 people have been killed and more than 150 injured in a stampede at a religious festival in northern israel it happened in mount meron where up 220-0000 outer orthodox jews had gathered at foster has more from there. the prime minister's spokesman has been tweeting about it saying that it was the overcrowding that led to a stampede which in turn led to the partial collapse of
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a structure that people were standing on so that is the closest thing we've had to sort of an official proximate cause of what took place but of course there are much wider questions being asked about the nature of all this as well. the 1st shipment of emergency supplies from the u.s. has arrived in india to help it fattal's fight spiralling coronavirus infections and deaths the number of infections reached another record high in the last 24 hours with more than 386000 cases and 3500 deaths brazil is marking another bleak milestone in the corona virus pandemic after the number of deaths past 100008 core of the fatalities were recorded this month brazil is only the 2nd country after the us to reach that figure the country has reported 14500000 cases gunfire has been heard over night on the southern border between kyrgyzstan in tajikistan hours after the ceasefire agreement is how the authorities say 13
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people were killed in fighting since wednesday the violence along the disputed border is the heaviest in began over a water reservoir that both countries claim as their own. thousands of people on both sides of the thailand's myanma border are preparing to flee their homes as fighting between on definite groups and the military escalates karenne state has recently seen some of the worst fighting since the military coup in myanmar in february hundreds of already left the region in recent days and thousands more want to join them and 4 prominent hong kong pro-democracy activists including joshua wang have pleaded guilty to taking part in an illegal assembly last year to commemorate the $198910.00 men square massacre wang is already behind bars for going izing rallies during the $21000.00 mass on thai government protests those are the headlines coming up next on al-jazeera an east. well if we cannot have palestina my government was suddenly not allowed britain to control the french
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palestine would be an outrage but then we need to find another solution before we come to blows 100 years ago britain and france made a secret deal that would influence the shape of the middle east for centuries to come and so. now we can draw on the. psych speak of lines in the sand on al-jazeera. in public new guinea's police are waging a war against ruthless gangs pushed into the cell for a job well done a lot of. drug buries carjackings murders a assaults people. old and night in the street believe they're the capital port moresby is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the wool
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. voice coming. before going to use the big. one a one east investigates popping iggy's criminal underbelly. a land of volcanoes mountains and vast forests as far as the eye can see. but papa new guinea is also home to violent political gangs. is the police of finding a most in this campaign against the rescue hardened criminals from the slums. were in the capital port moresby with the local police when a cool comes out. but
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the tone of this hold up in a way into it all. we have to be quick the stations reporting to rove is him going into hiding in the area the police of familiar with the neighborhood are. looking at the building because of the way we look but it would seem to the same of its meaning less interesting to see it all look. no it's respectable. because usually the police stop they stood watch. cops. play street. tenet david checks the buildings one by one. look at rob. enjoy and after a few minutes his fellow officer finds a suspect there's no indication he's involved in the robbery yet the police arrest
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him of the trial you just prefer going to was. when we were near. there appears to be no basic rights for the suspect. the policeman holds him on the ground whereas a half proceedings are. they use a dog leash as handcuffs 30 june or you from here only as they came across and then it will show us the rest of the worst. but there are probably know. all of them because they're closer to. you know where they live and where they're taking their money. or not even in front of all cameras the police don't hesitate to hit the suspect tell your army was always here sometimes in most cases for yourselves listen to a few people. if if you was continuously running i would associate. who simply self-righteous out gun lobby will let every sunday finally got their medicine oh
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that's a good thing and so on to be. based on business tomorrow if you're about to. tell the police one to take the suspect to the victims to see if they can identify him. but when they arrive at the grocery store to many juries own god a tax on businesses by corrupt police offices are common here well maybe about mythical or divorced but they all know they would actually live. on less than i did for a more money. you. know eventually they persuade an employee to come out and see the suspect. in there's an awful yes but given that belief. a witness to the cloying his testimony is crucial but there's a heat indices channel channel on this. the employee
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certain the suspect is not the men who robed the store rybak the defendant. to be sure the police asked to see the video surveillance footage also me talking about it although i don't even know what else and i said but also god. says about doubtful exactly. why he. never got out. and you got used that you got rid of it why did such a 1000000 a lot of us are pressure cookers are much. the video confirms the employee's testimony. is for the man is released. is for the way the rest against syria. there's no apology or compensation. truck for your freedom under their
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rule. just a bottle of water to rinse out these bloody mouth. as for the world is this still it launch. in this neighborhood on the sea were given the rare opportunity to meet some other no unarmed drop is. hunted will balto was once a small fishing village but with more people migrating from the countryside to the city in recent years it's grown to around $15000.00 inhabitants crime and violence and soon just it's a lawless zone the police haven't been able to patrol since 2015. this is jack spice he's won a popular guinea's most important crime both sides after several weeks of repeated contact he's finally agreed to meet his. is just
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a job lunesta sighing colon vehicle to execute. ok he will tell. us. try fine. and then bring the inside which is safe and then would change the plate number. pool all the results together like albums and all that and have a plan from here and go out executed come that. way to work jack seems open and friendly but he has a record as a career criminal. his 1st robbery was at the age of 16 and he's crimes multiplied from there. across the neighborhood stolen cars that jacket his men using robberies a left to rust in. today the gang leader has a job to attain to. one of the specialty
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stealing a luxury cars in china. still. clearly because our foreign little. owner she doesn't love the club. he goes up to the ship while you watch and slow down. when you come. in and while the wind. jacks already had a spare key my only needs now a false papers it's over the he is the gang leader has developed an efficient network of accomplices. you're going to see a man. of their. hour to get. the. place 30. i want to fish. used to. within a couple of the base or by
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a bush but this is the place prepared to let the i change all the paperwork and all that we have a matter. the trench or religion or profession that is all watching. and then turning on the real. and silly. old testament for that there's a there's 150000 just a 1000 of them because i was one. that was more. safe on the risks of been shot this 0. jacobin takes us to the poor district of cool gary on the outskirts of the city with his family says. that's my house you can afford to lose money. i miss my mom. one more not about a little but i want more kooker old man that's her daughter. this my sista my own
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to what is my. sister are you proud of feel so i'm proud of myself. why you believe why because i'm getting more when you. say here look last time we. had of a criminal gang jack is a primary bridge for his family and says everything he does is for the day. when you were kids what we're doing i try to be a lawyer because my given the chromed my eyes a criminal i focus on to go to school and get to live with us and become a lawyer and fight for justice give justice to. my people where there's so much of any justice. what i'm doing now is not for myself but how much will in future. jack found would look only of the side a little inclined to set up his operations the gang leader needs weapons and
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that these he has an even house supply. is we. need to be 1000 more governors by. these guys who. has been working exclusively for jack's guy for 28 e's. this is the 1st time the gangs allowed him to be filmed. coming. to the. 'd grocery. joe makes one gun a month on average his tools and techniques may be rudimentary but the finished products are effective.
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to be. sure. how he kind of bully. people these are my life as he's given me and i placed it in a 54. how long do you do to make one maybe one. that's to me is. every answer in request we will keep. going is only bloody country. we will keep. it's a risky business if jones arrested he could face 5 years in prison. and how much. this. one doesn't. and
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just like that another wishin is ready for the p. and g.'s gang lands. we travel to the heart of the country's mountains the forest cover nearly 3. it is in the territory and is home to unique wildlife and plants found nowhere else in the world. the famous mud on the outskirts of these breathtaking landscape. where in the village of. the leader of this community of a few 100 people. these days the mud masks are not so much a feature of a daily attack but i'm more mature it's. you can search atlantic and it's a responsible research peak. and
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taken me when very little. finnessey. is a tourist and you get money it doesn't to the tourists the mad men and you get money if you do that. then you don't get home and you have no money. but the pandemic has put tourism here on hold to supplement these meager income the mad men work the land in the villages we all respond sweet potatoes because one beer is 15 ok or santa can can you see there's a speakeasy to heave. for that. such. a profitable but not enough to allow parents to send their children to school all by every day necessities. to make ends meet the villages turn to an illegal industry making alcohol. takes us to a small hot with
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a home brew is made there's been enough already getting ready. for change. in charge of manufacturing it eric explains his method sometimes a little bit ownership. that what he told us that was what. it was water supply and rich return of the game. were novel. and what's not. eric's home brew is extremely potent between 60 and 79 percent alcohol sometimes people become of violence because of these years they can fight or want to fight you or you can go crazy if you would like to kill those wife we. can. do. to. be. nice
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to strong. so what about the strong. eric charges listen $5.00 a later. to supplement his income he's developed an even risky business growing cannabis and stop the hype and hoopla. and. but live. and act and then tourists hike. and go. 5 to 10 years from fox. but communities across the highlands are prepared to take the risk to try to earn extra income. inequality between the nations rich and poor has been the source of many scandals in the poverty stricken country. such as the 2018 apec summit
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a meeting for leaders from across the asia pacific region to transports 21 heads of state during the summit the government board dozens of luxury meds a reality cause with public funds the cost to the taxpayer nearly $4000000.00 but what happened to them since. after investigation they stored in these nearby sheds when we arrived the guard confirms the cars are behind these gates where. people see. gathering dust inside we find 40 brand new meza rashi's imported from each early with a $100000.00 each. the finance minister said the cars would be sold to the highest bidder after the summer and that he expected them to still like hotcakes. while critics called the cars a symbol of government waste in other places public spending is hard to see.
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among a penitentiary the largest prison in the country lies just outside the capital where only one writer for procedures yorkers withdrawal or other members out of work remember a grocery. inside these rusty metal barracks rapists murderers and robbers. live together. here the administration only separates those awaiting trial like this man who's been behind bars for more than a year later amanda it's better. in the prison for unarmed gods are responsible for more than 600 inmates we live with maybe we are numb and we. talk to learn to stop bless them don't touch my lashes february's or shallow dish out on their well
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now we can continue. the group we used to get the support members were together i meant it was common reinforcement of governments of war that's in our future. but these gods are really cool for reinforcements once the most dangerous prison in the country it's improved in the last 5 years in order to ensure painless the new management asked the prisoners to take control of their own security in exchange they're given more freedom within the grounds to believe. he's one of. them each barracks has its own head of security in this 145 year old job is the boss i booked in prison. so i was told i can use it pretty. well and he served different sentences for different crimes. pay theft even murda so in
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25 years in prison joe will remain here until 2025 he spends his days in his dormitory hot dishware british. but i sniff here mostly. i don't have procured a one vase caught pregnancy short and this one fooled before. with climate change can we come see the light breeze we it's really what i come down that you don't listen. with prisoners here have no mattresses to sleep on no television and no phone but some like many to get one of. your hard on all yeah it's my michael mom i was presenting it's. look. science consequence. of their lives
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behind this on barea is solitary confinement in this very small space prisons can be held anywhere between a few weeks and a few months so i thought it evoked. flow of the poor that. these men are all here for the same reason they broke prison rules. by internet it was titled course wet dream scene i'll call it because i told well it was real you know how you managed to get. finished all this. that's a good question. because for that sort of. you know what i'm saying is true and what the prisoner is cautious as a god stands right behind us always agreed. after years of
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confinement the prison allows some inmates to work outside. this morning where port moresby central market under heavy surveillance prisoners will clean the area around the market. oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sure the future level but if you get the full bottle management closer to the. only prisoners who. meet certain conditions and are approaching the end of a sentence eligible. to if they are from doing pretty much let go to become more easily told if they were to escape if they were to get a lot of stuff you want to fly your fears free go i don't get to escape. this community service provides an opportunity for surprising where unions. come you can see them people at house we can see them and talk to. these detainees has
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not seen his door to us when i need is a good way to get me he didn't need to be honest did you let him think it was more than i live to play here he'd leave me to leave him alone my wife leaving him but it's an interesting. life and i'll give you the. plumbing he not i mean when you speak you. know his family have been trying times experience people to surrender to the fish groups who could get an advantage and you do good it's interesting because i knew my goodness we believe. we returned to the city center to find jack the head of the gang. he's meeting up with his associates from prying eyes secure place as safe as days where we can come and talk and discuss into the body of jack's longtime friend and partner in crime
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is months by use of violent confrontations short legs arms different times. sent out of the soul recall and while but at the. yeah that's all cleared 2nd time 16 win just seemed simplest again. but i still make. some more friends lyndon bitter over the rear by. a policeman shot me. and i shot 3 policeman jacks also being shot in short here. when i just tell him he will want to remove it risky in the open and they might cut and there was something on i'll probably lies or something so you can look at it. jack says he's working more and more with his former rivals to
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evade the police who. told him. he looks for gun or several guns middle of a come to a good place on ice and then one of time comes we will have come what are we get 50020000 or 30000 with him with his will split. between them these gang leaders have spent nearly 20 years behind bars. so what i do know is i see the small ones. coming out i tell them. you do this and. it will inflate if we do an operation successful and i will get into iran and. the polish investigation and they apprehend one of us you'll have to be silent if we open our mouth and give information and when you go up to present.
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papa new guinea's government came to power promising to fight systemic corruption but facing the country's leaders is known. crime remains rampant and the country's gangs grows stronger and bolder. they traveled down thousands of kilometers from morning to pick berries. to tie workers with exploitation in the forests of swain and when i went east investigates on al-jazeera. examining the impact of today's headlines where does your fight go from here the people of myanmar to do them all to die setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussion as every time i talk about raises them i will get a twist on the i'm being called a racist programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the while today we
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are about to feed tells once and thousands of hungry magots see the world from a different perspective on al-jazeera. her world. this is al-jazeera. alarms the whole robin you're watching the al-jazeera news online from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes at least 44 people are killed in a stampede at a religious festival in israel emergency rescue services describe it as a national catastrophe also. even when we had it but just the vaccines are not available that is.


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