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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 13, 2021 1:00am-1:30am +03

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witness presents after suit on i'm just that speechless show based. on. terror and blames israel for an incident of its main nuclear facility and vows to respond to what it's calling a terrorist attack. and i maryam namazie and and and you're watching al-jazeera also coming up on the program a state of emergency and curfew in minnesota after a black man is shot and killed by a police officer during a traffic stop the. latest shooting comes as the trial continues into the killing of george floyd the court hears emotional testimony from his brother. how to make people feel better. and mass gatherings on the banks of the ganges versus
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cities in lockdown complicated battle against rising coronavirus cases in india. welcome to the program israel's we've been in the middle east israel's prime minister says that iran is the greatest threat in the region but he won't allow the country to obtain nuclear capability is comments come after iran described the sabotaging of its main nuclear facility as an act of terrorism and vowed to respond the incident comes at a sensitive time in diplomacy with both iran and the united states trying to salvage to iran's 2050 nuclear deal with wild palace force or ports now from west jerusalem. iran says its main uranium enrichment facility was the victim on sunday of nuclear terrorism the perpetrator it says was israel the spokesperson for iran's
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nuclear agency was injured when he inspected the damage there will the incident happened in a place that is used for power distribution as it was a small explosion it caused part of the ceiling to collapse and to some elementary i'm scattered over the floor there was a hole there covered by these parts and it was about 7 to 8 meters deep i didn't say that and when i stepped on it i fell down citing unidentified intelligence sources the new york times reported an explosion took out the power supply setting the uranium enrichment program back but at least 9 months in my view without a doubt if this is definitely not a coincidence and one thing you need to remember while it is. israelis the usual suspect in these events over the last few years one must be mindful that there are many opponents in many different corners to the resumption of their joint comprehensive plan of action not the least of which is from within iran itself iran
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is now urging the international atomic energy agency to take action saying it reserves the right to punish the perpetrators there's been no official comment from the israeli government but the media here are widely reporting this as an israeli attack it comes as the u.s. and iran are preparing to resume power low talks in vienna aimed at resuscitating the 2015 nuclear deal a deal that the israeli prime minister persuaded president trump to withdraw from and which he still vehemently opposes. a tense backdrop then the benjamin netanyahu 1st face to face meeting with a senior member of the biden administration u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin and we both agree that iran must never possess nuclear weapons my policy as prime minister of israel is clear i will never allow iran to obtain the nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of eliminating israel earlier austin to an israeli air force base with defense
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minister benny gantz who unlike netanyahu talks of working with the americans to revive the iran nuclear deal on the incident at natanz austin didn't say much i'm aware of the reports i really don't have anything to add on. in terms of. you know our efforts to. engage iran in the policy on the jaish e p o a of those efforts will continue and i'm very upset obviously supportive of the president's efforts but those negotiations are now further complicated by the natanz incident the e.u. warning against any efforts to derail diplomacy it may also have undermined iran's leverage by setting back its efforts to accelerate uranium enrichment for its part iran is insisting the damage can be quickly repaired harri force at al-jazeera west jerusalem now white house correspondent kelly helka has more now on the reaction
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from the biden administration. as ron accuses israel of being behind the attacks on its nuclear facilities i asked the white house press secretary john psaki about whether the white house is concerned the alleged actions of a u.s. ally could derail the discussions to limit iran's nuclear program and bring the united states and iran into compliance under that agreement the white house press secretary fused to comment on whether israel was involved only to say that this was in her view a speculation on causes take a listen we've seen the reports we don't have anything more to speak to as it relates to the causes or who is responsible our focus of is of course on the diplomatic path forward we've not been given any indication that attendance at the discussions and that will proceed on wednesday has changed now the white house press secretary did confirm that the united states was not involved in the attack as for the impact the attack could have on the diplomatic discussions jen psaki
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saying that she will focus on the diplomatic path forward at the terms of how she expects that these talks will proceed she says the united states expects them to be difficult and long. the mayor of minneapolis is declared a state of emergency amid protests over the death of unarmed black man dante wright who was shot by police nabbed by brooklyn center on sunday the city's police chief police chief is saying that the officer involved accidentally fired a gun mistaking it for a taser right was shot less than 20 kilometers away from where george floyd was killed on fischer a poet. it started as a routine traffic stop and ended in a fetal shooting of another black man by police 20 year old dante write killed on the streets of brooklyn center near minneapolis
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a tragic error says the police chief is my belief that the officer had the intention to deploy their taser but instead shot mr wright with a single bullet this appears to me from what i viewed in the officer's reaction in distress immediately after that this was an accidental discharge this all coming as a former police officer stands trial in minneapolis for the murder of another black man george floyd just a year ago the mere expressing his shock at such a twist we recognize that this is happening at a time when our community when all of america indeed all of the world is watching. our community from the white house president joe biden also made clear his frustration we will watch tonight as soon as i did the film which is truly the body cam which is fairly. truly graphic question is was in an accident or was it intentional every man is to be determined. by whom
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on investigation don't you right called his mother as it was all happening the call ended when she dialed his number again his girlfriend answered and said he was dead in the driver seat like a minute later i called in his girlfriend answered with the passenger in the car and that even started shooting acted like tender on an already volatile situation hundreds took to the streets to protest overnight but some of those protests turned violent it's been reported 20 local businesses were looted what's been described as a chemical attitude was used to disperse the crowd which was growing in numbers and frustration police here guarding the local station have had to face off against angry protesters they've brought in state troopers in the national guard to bolster the numbers have even brought in concrete blocks to secure the area the local police chief believes that if he's open and transparent that might defuse some of
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the younger but that might not be enough for african-american boys so every day as a father raising boys in america how do you think that makes me feel it's terrifying but it's not a shocking i mean it was a shock we this is what happened for over 400 years for us a state level investigation is now underway the local community wants answers especially to the question are things ever going to change alan fischer al-jazeera brooklyn center minnesota. also many apple is george floyd's brother phil and felonious as testified in the trial of derek show then the trial is now into its that week the 1st witness on monday was a cardiologist who said that george floyd's death was preventable and then in what's known as the spark of life testimony for lowness describe the role his brother had within the family and the community. he moved. over to the house to. make sure we close the school.
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we all were going to be to school on time. joyce could could hear make sure you have to get in the water. he was one of the people in the community. with a big church of. people with a church just because he was nobody to go to the see who. he is with like a person. everybody in the road community he he is knew how to make people feel better. on how john hendren is live outside in minneapolis and i think court has now concluded for the day and the defense will now begin its arguments. that's right dale evans has been gaveled to
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a close in the streets behind me should be a little more quiet in a little under 2 hours that's when a curfew begins that's because of that other shooting of another african-american man by police just about 16 kilometers from here a day ago never trial is ended the judge told jurors that he expects the defense after 2 weeks of prosecution witnesses to offer its 1st witnesses term morrow and he expects it to be a short case he expects everything to be wrapped up by friday so that closing arguments could begin as soon as monday morning. the final 2 witnesses who talked there one was a law enforcement expert and he spoke to the concert essentially argue that during the show even overstepped his grounds had no reason to put george floyd prone down on the ground he could have put him on their side many violated police policies the
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cardiologist made it clear he believes the cause of death was asphyxiated caused by derrick children's knee this is what he had to say. one of the 1st of course was to not subject him to that additional that initial prone restraint. positioning that he was subjected to i mean that is 1st and foremost so if that was not the case i don't think he would have died. the 2nd though was when he was in that. subdue and restraint positioning and he was stating repeatedly that he can't breathe. and he was getting a little weaker in his speech there was one moment in the video where i heard one of the officer saying. i think he's passing out. so that medical witness coming from the testimony of one after another in the
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prosecution case all of them said that the defense's theory that george floyd died of something other than his fixation and would have died anyway was simply false they also countered the idea that he might have died of a drug overdose we are expected to hear the defense version of those theories in the coming few days and we're likely to seize him expert medical witnesses who testified of the opposite that in fact george floyd in the defense's view had heart trouble that he had drugs in his system and that those might have contributed to his death but whatever happens is expected to be short because we expect to hear closing arguments on monday thankyou very much following at those proceedings in minneapolis john hendren thank you john and watching out is there live from london still ahead on the program rescuers in china face a race against time to save $21.00 workers trapped by an underground flood and now
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the city that never sleeps plans to switch to a new bill and energy to keep it going. the tropical cyclones erosion made a landfall quite a long way south in western australia violent storms and caused significant damage to structures there as you may have seen on the news now is often to the by it's been incorporated you will see no more of it and whatever the fairly fine looking picture through most australia still some showers in the west no harry carry on wet and windy weather seems like if you tasmania coming up again from southern ocean but it's 19 degrees still in hobart and it's $21.00 in melbourne you won't complain really much more of course for the north but the onshore breeze keeps a little cooler and they'll be a few showers in tropical quizon beyond missing much the season's obviously showing
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itself now in china japan it's especially japan during tuesday with this significant rain in its way through but it is on its way through says one day of rain the back end of it is in china and this is of course the start of the spring rains in china for northern china still fun and quiet in beijing there is not moving equality is therefore not good the sun returns to japan having been then the korean peninsula throughout this the picture for wednesday and in india over most it is increasing monsoon heat and humidity for the south that involves increasing showers or even light rain. capturing a moment in time snapshots of other lives other stories providing a glimpse into someone else's well i am the voice we are the voice. on
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al-jazeera the castors a pledge to distribute the communist party since the 1959 revolution this power is 100 over to miguel diaz kind o. we look at the situation in the country today this is the end of the me but continuation of the legacy or the beginning of real change in cuba special coverage has rolled past 2 steps down on al-jazeera. recap of that lines now. israel's prime minister is saying that iran is the greatest threat in the region he won't allow the country to obtain nuclear capability this comes after iran describes sunday's sabotage attack on its main nuclear facility and tons as an act of terrorism george boyd's brother aloneness
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has testified in the murder trial of police officer derek chauvin in the united states describing the role is brother had within the family and the community meanwhile brooklyn centers at the brooklyn tent as police chief is saying that the officer who shot unarmed black man dante right during a traffic stop on sunday accidentally fired her gun rights shooting was less than 20 kilometers away from where george ford was killed. now the world health organization is warning that the krajina virus pandemic is growing exponentially with 4400000 new cases reported last week alone india right now is the country causing the crisis concern it's a past brazil is the place with the 2nd highest number of infections off to the united states it recorded nearly 170000 new cases and 900 deaths in the past 24 hours but despite the government blaming the 2nd wave on people not following covert guidelines large political and religious gatherings are still being held elizabeth purana reports now from new delhi. more than
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$2000000.00 hindu pilgrims gathered on the banks of the ganges river before immersing themselves in the water on monday the 3 month command a festival began and stays in january it's going ahead this year despite india seeing a record number of coated mind cases and deaths police say they're unable to enforce restrictions because of the sheer size of the crowds but. if we try to enforce social distancing an accident or stampede like situation can occur so we're trying to avoid that we're not able to implement social distancing at the banks despite wanting to do so. but elsewhere in the country restrictions such as curfews and we can knock downs are being imposed. the number of cases in india has risen from an average of around 10000 a day in early february to 130000 in the past week promised in that in the more d.
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and health officials say the rise is because of the severe decline in appropriate actions like wearing masks and social distancing but despite that modi and many other politicians have been holding large rallies in the 5 states where regional elections are under way that need to get me in but it's only going to get up not believe is a holding public rallies to garner support momma to ban a g m it shall and the random o.t. holding rallies at different places but no one's paying attention to the spread of coronavirus and the desk or by it. medical experts say such gatherings should not be allowed to take place during a battleship secondly. the going to do but. they are not equally bad they're extremely bad because my last line had just war games are where did i state. or be out there john but i want to bring to you 5
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banks a grandmother. as cases rise rapidly many states have also complained of vaccine shortages which the government denies the indian government is running at the heart to vaccinate $300000000.00 people in the 1st half of this year with the country clearly in the throes of a 2nd wave of the proportion of virus it's drugs that regulatory body is meeting on monday to consider emergency use approval of the russian made sputnik vaccine elizabeth cronon al-jazeera new delhi. elsewhere german chancellor angela merkel is one of the current 3rd wave of the pandemic could prove to be the toughest yet buckle said that the code in 1000 infection rates in germany was much too high and that testing will help isom time until the vaccinations start to take effect she also said that further developments of germany's economy would depend on whether the country can bring the infection rate under control stephanie decker has more
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from len. multiple warnings have been coming out over the last couple of weeks that germany urgently needs a strict lockdown to fight the increase in number of corona infections on the political front on tuesday we expect legislation to be put forward to the cabinet legislation that would see the central government gaining more powers to be able to implement lock downs in the states of course that's one of the issues here of a of an uniform approach to the lockdowns 16 states in germany are autonomous really when it comes to implementing their health policies at the same time you have a battle if you will for the next post of chancellor in terms of going into the elections in september this is the last year of angela merkel 16 years she has run this country it's now time for the city to see c.s.u. alliance to come up with a new name to put forward for elections while the city you has backed their leader of the party i mean lash it but certainly that doesn't mean that officially he's
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going to get the position because mark asserter he's the head of the c.s.u. remains a contender and certainly when you look at the opinion polls he is far ahead when it comes to the german public believing that he could be a better candidate for the role again all up in the air at the moment but people do expect perhaps and unser as to who will be the contender for the main parties a chance to a contender for the september's elections within the week moving to political developments in latin america in peru will hold a presidential runoff vote in june after no candidate that secured a majority following a fragmented 1st round of voting socialist and trade unionists had a deal with a surprising answer with 18 percent of the vote after a late surge in popularity as joe is likely to face conservative keiko which in warre the daughter of former president alberto fujimori who is in prison for human rights abuses she is carney also under investigation for corruption allegations also a surprise result in neighboring ecuador whether. when i get him
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a lasso is promising he will bring true change form a banker is planning to attract foreign investment to create jobs and boost the stagnant economy off to beating his leftwing rival on the raise eyebrows alas i received around 53 percent of the vote while i came in 2nd place of 47 percent arouse was backed by the former president rafael correa who is living in self-imposed exile in belgium to escape corruption charges in all the developments mexico honduras and guatemala have agreed to increase the number of troops on their border as a growing number of migrants try to make their way to the united states this is according to white house official a number of people seeking asylum in the u.s. has been steadily rising despite mexico deploying more troops to its border in march and honduras doing the same in january the u.s. is struggling to keep up with the surge of migrants in recent months including a major spike in the number of unaccompanied children from central america
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now 34 people including some children have died when their boat run by people smugglers capsized off the coast of djibouti the international guys ation for migration says around 60 passengers were on board the vessel which had departed from yemen every year thousands of migrants make dangerous boat journeys from the horn of africa to yemen with the aim of traveling to gulf countries in search of work. well now we go to china rescuers in the northern part of the country trying to reach $21.00 call minustah stuck hundreds of meters below ground for over 2 days they were trapped when the mine flooded during upgrading work on saturday victoria in the reports. and emergency crews prepares to go underground in an effort to help rescue a group of trapped mine is the 1st task will be to check the air quality and water level in the flooded mine engine jang province this is not a big worry if the level of hydrogen sulfide gas gets too high it's may pose a danger to the trapped miners the good news is currently the oxygen rates in the
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coal mine is more than 20 percent however the water level is still rising now it's rising by half a centimeter every 30 minutes in the previous periods it is rising by up to 3 and a half centimeters the mine was flooded on saturday night cutting off power and communications to dozens of minus some have since been rescued but most remain trapped in 3 different areas it's not clear what medical condition they're in more than 1400 rescuers are working round the clock to free them and specialist pumps have been brought in to drain away the water but time is against them. our officers and soldiers have been working continuously transporting more than 1000 metres of cables and cooperating with technicians to install 52 pump pipes the work is progressing smoothly the next step is to carry out follow up rescue work after the drainage work is finished china is the world's largest consumer of coal and its
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mining industry has long been among the deadliest in the us it reported more than $100.00 coal mining accidents last year what went wrong this time is yet to be determined victoria gates and the al-jazeera. last if we have all cain on the caribbean island of st vincent has erupted again with its biggest explosions since volcanic activity began late last week experts say the eruption generated lava flows down the volcano south and southwest flanks roughly 16000 people who live in communities close to the volcano have been evacuated on the government orders but authorities are concerned about an unknown number of residents who refuse to leave i've been no reports of deaths or injuries but vulcanologists have compared this eruption to one in 1902 that killed over one and a half 1000 people. authorities in the u.s. state of new york are promising to have 70 percent of the electricity come from
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renewable sources by 28 it's one of the most ambitious clean energy plants in the country but some say the transition will cause fossil fuel emissions to rise in the short term christianson in the reports. in the heart of new york since the legendary big alice once the world's largest generator of electricity its owner rise lie in power now wants to make it the cleanest by building the largest battery facility in the country here a 316 megawatt storage facility for renewable energy what are the challenges that you face to meet this deadline in terms of c.e.o. clint plummer acknowledges it won't be easy our challenge is new york shows it is also the culture challenge of the world challenges how do we transition from a. city that's run primarily busy on fossil fuels. to work just today to one that's . now running on clean energy infrastructure that's making people more very dramatic because the batteries will replace their dirtiest carbon spewing oil and
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gas fired generators the ones they rely on to power new york city in high demand periods like a heat wave if the plan is to connect them to wind and solar farms proposed for construction outside the city new york is attempting to win it self off of fossil fuels at the same time it's taking another major source of carbon free electricity offline indian point nuclear power plant in 2019 this facility alone was responsible for 13 percent of the state's power unlike fossil fuels uclear our emits no carbon and no small on like knoebels like solar and wind it is not intermittent it's reliable pro nuclear power environmentalist say batteries aren't yet up to the task of replacing fossil fuels the group nuclear new york kalka. it will take a wind farm larger than new york city to replace the energy generated by indian point alone the amount of electricity that it will store the.
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30 minutes of new york city's energy needs so if you think about. the model of solar or wind bet you hypothetically feed to that battery to feed new york city. the like where are you going to put it. natural gas facilities are expected to make up the difference resulting in an increase in carbon emissions in the short term still others say the switch to renewables can wait i think we're going to be. difficult to imagine. but it's. really. and we're really on now the path may be uncertain but in new york the goal of eliminating carbon emissions at least is no longer up for debate kristen salumi al jazeera new york one other story to bring you it's exactly 60 years since russian cosmonaut yuri
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gagarin became became the 1st man in space garren successful mission in 1961 marked a historic achievement for the soviet union beating the united states in a tight race to send the 1st human into space the 27 year old was in orbit for 108 minutes before coming back to earth a soviet union also sent the 1st woman valentina tereshkova into space 2 years later i. want to recap on the top stories now israel's prime minister is saying that iran is the greatest threat in the region that he won't allow the country to obtain nuclear capability is comes after iran describes sunday's attack on its main nuclear facility in a tan's.


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