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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 10, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm +03

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say is what we want to use and if you don't say it we're not to let you speak it would be very hard for ordinary americans to know that they're being deceived the occupation of the american mind on al-jazeera. reports of a rare attack by a coalition of ethnic rebel groups targeting police. more arrests curity forces define international condemnation and crack down harder on protesters. hello i'm sammy's a than this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. tributes
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pouring in from around the world for prince philip britain's longest serving royal console more unrest in northern ireland design grows about frogs it issues. chinese regulators e-commerce giant valley bubble with a record fine. we begin in may and mar where there are reports at least 10 police officers in the eastern shan state of being killed by an alliance of ethnic rebel groups a police station in longmont was attacked early in the morning by fighters opposed to the military coup and the crackdown on protesters.
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are also getting reports of at least 60 people being killed in a raid that happened on friday. that's about 100 kilometers northeast of the commercial capital yangon gone hundreds of people have had to escape from the area the military is imposed a series of restrictions on the internet it makes it harder to confirm incidents of violence. and the humanitarian crisis is continuing to unfold in areas bordering mian mar untile and thousands of people have recently fled from their strikes in karen state on wednesday fighting was reported between the army and fighters from the qur'an national liberation army they are opposing the military let's go live now to tony chang he's monitoring developments in the from bangkok for so let's start 1st for with the situation in shan state is that attack ongoing what do we know about it. we understand what the
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limited facts we are we've heard that this combined forces 3 of the armed ethnic groups attacked this police station at about 5 o'clock in the morning the attack lasted. for about 2 hours until 7 am local time there are a split ports in the local media that between 10 and 14 policemen were killed those on confirmed yet it's very difficult trying to get any kind of verification of information out of myanmar at the moment with the rolling internet blogs seem to be going up and are now much longer than they were in past weeks nonetheless several local media reporting these casualty figures we understand that there are a number of injured as well in these police outposts which should generally situated on the edge of what the burmese security services regard as hostile
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territory the policeman generally lives with their families we understand there are a number of family members injured in the attack as well that said this has only just come to light in the last couple of hours more information is coming out but. at the moment we're trying to piece together a picture of what exactly happened. and tony how unusual is it for different ethnic groups all come together and you know launch this sort of attack on the central government well this is something that the ethnic groups have been talking about pretty much since the coup happened itself at the beginning of february but we've seen no evidence of it so far in the past they've often squabbled territory they have different levels of support different levels of armaments capabilities different levels of organization some of been there for very long and these are some of the oldest civil wars in the world particularly the
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decay and you down in the far south but it's very fluid the fact that these 3 groups have managed to combine together to launch this attack is very interesting will be very disturbing but what's also very interesting is that these 3 groups are known to work under the influence of the u.w.s. say that the united wa state army that is the most powerful of these ethnic organized armed organizations earlier in the week the burmese military posted pictures on social media of a delegation they had sent to the u.w.s. a which suggested that some kind of alliance had been forged that least that lines of communication had been but if in fact this attack has happened with the tacit approval of the w.s.j. that would be very disturbing the u.w.s. a controls a very large area of territory it's very it's known to be very well armed in the
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strongest of these ethnic groups and if they have decided to turn their backing towards the protesters in the n.t. movement it would be very problematic for the burmese military or thanks so much tony chang. on friday the u.n. security council heard plays from the people of myanmar faction to stop the crackdown at a north unofficial meeting of council members out there who i think at the james bays reports. that as the military continues its crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy protesters they're also now reneging on their own promises a spokesman for the jointer says although at the time of the coup they pledged to hold elections in a year they now won't take place for 2 more years at the u.n. in new york a meeting was held to give security council ambassadors a picture of the deteriorating situation now most people feel that they are left alone to face the brutal regime armed to its feet start from by the same
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international actors who preventing action the military nord are condemnations i'll sing a test for the security council with the council well the council are over language in yet another statement are we apt to save the lives of the people myanmar's u.n. ambassador who opposes the generals called for a no fly zone an arms embargo and targeted sanctions leave the the state action. this meeting was organized by the u.k. all security council members were invited but it wasn't a formal security council meeting both china and russia which object to an official open meeting only sent low level diplomats not surprisingly both countries seem opposed to any sanctions on the generals we share the same ones the main thrust of recent diplomacy has been in the region here earlier this week the indonesian
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foreign minister meeting her u.k. counterpart i'm told a meeting of the leaders of the 10 countries in the regional as the young group is likely in indonesia in the next 2 weeks but how do you persuade the generals to talk and to give ground the un special envoy christine seana bergen has had her permission to visit myanmar denied i'm told there are some countries that are contemplating the idea of appeasing the generals and giving them a future role in the governance of the country something that would a poor human rights activists and those protesting on the streets james al-jazeera at the united nations. prince philip is being honored with a $41.00 gun salute in many locations across the u.k. he died at the age of $99.00 on friday british naval ships around the world will also take part to honor his legacy as a combat veteran queen elizabeth his husband was at his side for more than 70 years
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has been praised for some more supporting the monarchy as it began reinventing itself in the 21st century paul brennan reports. that the official notice of prince philip's death was posted at the gates of buckingham palace the prince had died peacefully on friday morning at windsor castle it concluded the royal family joined with people around the world in mourning his loss the prime minister was among the 1st to pay tribute to prince philip the affection of generations here in the united kingdom across the commonwealth and around the world like the expert carriage driver that he was he helped to steer the royal family and the monarchy so that remains an institution indisputably vital to the balance and happiness of our national life. the duke of edinburgh witnessed 1st hand as britain's global empire was replaced in the 20th century by the current
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commonwealth of nations and now statements of condolence have come from across the continent he was not the guy. you know. whose life to observers you think you knew the cruel. visible everybody from small to india's narendra modi praised the princes distinguished career in the military and his many community service initiatives and the zimbabwean president innocent man and god sent his deepest condolences prince philip will be remembered as a champion for young people a decorated naval officer a dedicated philanthropist and a constant in the life of queen elizabeth the 2nd. after more than 70 years at the queen side prince philip was the longest serving broiled consulate in british history from the moment they got married he support the queen he was one step behind and this was a man who could have had an absolutely stellar career in the navy gave up that job and supported the queen for the next more than 70 years in the streets of the
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british capital the news of his death was greeted with genuine sadness and respect for the queen and been married for a bit 17 e.c.m. and he said mrs seagrave the sad my man you know we know he'd been the off the file long time any history to. the prince's body will lie in rest at the role residence windsor castle in the funeral service will also be healthy in st george's chapel in accordance with the prince's wishes it will not be a state funeral with a military perception but a much more private and intimate occasion a fitting ceremony for a man who spent so many years in a supporting role largely avoiding the limelight and attention of the british royals attract. al-jazeera. chinese regulators have find the alibaba group nearly $3000000000.00 for violating the rules the world's biggest e-commerce platform is being penalized. for reportedly abusing its dominant market position alibaba billionaire found jack ma has been on the screws me from chinese
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authorities also he criticized the country's regulatory system eliot zog when is the co-host of the podcast china 2nd vesta he says the future of any bother in china may lie in how much she can distance itself from its high profile sound the practices of you know ali baba are not that much different than the anti-competitive practices of say facebook or amazon but what's different is that usually in the west they'll just slap him with a fine and they'll move on in this situation we see it at ali baba and jack ma business empire in particular really seems to be in the not in the good graces of beijing and with this and that ends up happening often is that it leads to the sort of reputational damage where a lot of companies don't want to do business with companies or individuals that are not in good with aging and i think that's the big risk for ali baba going forward i
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think i'm a big question for ali baba's future is about how much they can separate themselves from jack ma another story that hasn't been as widely reported it as this fine is that over the past week jack ma executive business school had stopped taking on new enrollment by order of the government essentially what the government is saying in this situation is that they do not want jack ma to have influence or power in china under huge and that jack ma thought and she jinping thought are not in this and not compatible with one another and i think that the future for alibaba really lies in what they what can they do without jack ma they need to shed jackpot if they are to succeed. still ahead of al-jazeera a greek prime journalist gunned down in athens we'll tell you what police are saying about that attack and indonesia's film industry trying to make
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a pandemic comeback. how to more sunshine in showers across much of southeast asia as per usual limp like the showers there filtering their way into cambodia into thailand wanted to shout from the eastern side of vietnam and there's sunshine and shouts where the west sun shines and showers for the philippines but the shot was there nevertheless some lively downpours their cost more than parts of borneo and then ends in asia really cropping it as we go in through the next couple of days some very heavy rainfall coming through we have seen some very heavy rains 69 millimeters in the space of 24 hours across the eastern side of indonesia that's around the a 4 average and i'll be 24 hours and heavy downpours they do set to continue more showers that will cause further problems into java for example to make
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a way for the south well this is where we have a tropical system is coming through and in the case of tropical systems because cycling georgia we are now seeing some very heavy rain pushing towards that western side of australia that is the system that brought the flooding into indonesia just a few days ago is joining up with debts of the 2 systems come together we're looking at some very heavy rain odette looks like it gets sucked into the system actually 120 kilometers per hour on those winds and it will intensify and it will bring flash flooding for many pass. on counting the cost and r.n.a. all that is changing the world of vaccines not just because one thing big business in place that. off thousands of pixels millions of dollars and on the fungible token we demystify the world of crypto and helping to call on al-jazeera.
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we understand the differences and the semantics of cultures across the land in ottawa to see if we can been using the kind of fans that matter to you. tube or hurt a lot. welcome back you're watching al-jazeera time to recap our headlines now there are reports from least 10 police officers in the eastern shan state have been killed while in the lines of ethnic rebel groups a police station in longmont was of tanks wife items hose the military coup also reports of more than 60 people being killed by security forces in me and friday they targeted demonstrators in the southern city of bar who said hundreds of people
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have fled the city prince philip is being honored with a 41 gun salute across the u.k. he died on friday at the age of 99 he was married to queen elizabeth for 73 years the royal family has entered an official period of mourning. several police officers have been injured in another night of street violence in northern ireland protesters in belfast through petrol bombs and random burning car into a police fear well despite calls for calm out of respect for prince philip young british loyalists have been rioting every night for more than a week angry about post brogues it issues. and simmons is in belfast joins me now live from there andrew it's a significant day and you're in a significant spot right probably very different from how perhaps many people for an hour verse 3 might have been marked
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a few years ago before graves the. world depending on who you were talking to on such an issue many had warned about the fragile peace in northern ireland big threatened arrangements over bricks it but 1st of all yes this is a symbol of the so-called troubles which was effectively. war which lasted 3 decades and the peace wall was built about halfway through that in order to separate interface point separates the nationalist republicans and the loyalists to a community is continually fighting with each other this has been the point the main point of some of the rioting over the past week and in fact wednesday thursday saw water cannons being used all over petrol bombs all over this district
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petrol bombs being thrown at police and again even as you said in the introduction the situation over north belfast again another interface we were amongst it and last night that's friday nights and yes it was difficult but coming back to the good friday agreement on this day it was signed 23 years ago and it is being the center point of those bricks of negotiations the end result walls to avoid a hard hard border to put it across the are a seat that cause chaos and trade for northern ireland it led to a whole area of dissent and then minorities were playing politics and threatening violence to continue the continue 8 continue a to continue with the ira small breakaway group had threatened violence if there was a hard border they had some influence it seems that minority grouping and loyalists here they pulled out of the good friday agreement some time ago before we had this
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outbreak of violence so this is orchestrated no doubt about it and it's into mingled with a whole range of other issues with republicans demonstrating quite clearly their strength during a funeral exactly well nearly just exactly a year ago bobbie story and i remember a veteran i remember had died and the please. took no action with the 2000 people amongst them shin fein leaders who broke it regulations apparently now the loyalists of the unionist politicians have said point blank the police should have taken action and we have amongst this or all of this with the police under pressure a call from the 1st minister arlene foster for the chief constable of northern ireland to resign which he refuses to do so you have that going on as an irritation to loyalists who are furious about that add to that the nature of the
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paramilitaries that loyalist paramilitaries being involved in organized crime some theories suggest that they are the cause of a lot of this file and they're actually organizing it and in fact calling for a low in all of the violence because of prince philip dying that was breached on friday night as we saw and now there is a worry that this could go or this is not going away by no means. all right thanks so much under simmons there belfast about 200 rebel fighters have been killed by security forces in central african republic that's according to the president's security advisor valerie zahar of witnesses tell government troops and russian forces surrounded the town of near and attacked rebel bases the rebels have been fighting the government of president fast in charge while there are since his reelection in december djibouti as president ismail ahmed
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a guy has been reelected for a 5th term is one nearly 99 percent of the vote. face just one challenger a little known businessman and political newcomer zachary my own fatah the main opposition parties boycotted friday's vote saying it wasn't fair. campaigning has ended in beni and ahead of sunday's presidential election president a 3 star along is facing a weakened opposition in a vote he's expected to win by a landslide most of his rivals have been silenced forced into exile in address reports from beneath commercial capital. in the final hours of campaigning president. is leaving nothing to charles he's back on the road again in a last ditch effort to go on approach recent opposition protests which are rain beneath concern for the governing party suggesting that the president's reelection
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may not be as easy as they see after all. president want voters against hunting the country to an opposition he says have no plan to move the country forward promising to build on what he calls an era of power or development for bin. laden 5 years was not done in 50 years in the history of the country what we've done is just the best is yet to come. the supporters almost sutton about his reelection chances they had the money and the organization to reach voters his challenges couldn't the campaign promises it was able to. stand as the president as martin savage just. you know sat. there looking at him and the president is martin. brundle but he's about to say this
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right on the ticket it's because it's because there's a place in boston. the opposition is under immense pressure 2 days before the election one of the candidates is threatening to pull out due to violence and intimidation of his supporters by government. but ok now that the country is passing through a crisis of confidence and distrust look around everyone here is scared even local chiefs were sacrificed ourselves to save this country at the violence continues against the opposition will have no alternative than to pull out from the race attaining power isn't worth the blood of any citizen. the president and his supporters maybe just chose us but for ordinary citizens lives getting harder as unemployment is on the rise the economy has slowed from an impressive growth of 6 point one percent in 29000 to 2.3 percent last year mainly
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because of the cup at 19 and nigeria's closing of its borders for 18 months. hitting across the border trade significantly. many voters are still unsure if they will turn out to vote but also say they will want to ever win the election to widen the political sprigs create jobs and reunite of people set apart by politics with al-jazeera. a prominent greek journalist has been shot dead outside his home in athens your gross car was attacked by 2 gunmen on a motorbike he was one of the country's best known crime reporters on television and online police say the murder was a professional hit. the joint venture. tank has applied for emergency approval to use its coded 19 vaccine
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on 12 to 15 year olds in the us it says phase 3 trials for younger teenagers ineffective appliance to make similar requests around the world in the coming days for now the vaccine is being used on americans by of the age of 16 new coronavirus infections in india have hit a record high for the 4th day more than 145000 cases were reported on saturday colombia's capital is being put under a strict 3 day lockdown the city of 8000000 is facing complete restrictions on mobility and the ban on alcohol sales coronavirus cases are surging across the country with the number of new infections doubling during the last month i see user rapidly approaching capacity in a number of cities. haiti is yet to receive a single curve with 19 vaccine that's despite many countries across latin america and the caribbean receiving jabs on the kovacs 5 weeks ago haiti is
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supposed to be receiving 3 quarters of a 1000000 doses of the astra zeneca vaccine from the u.s. but that's been delayed after the country missed deadlines for essential paperwork and failed to apply for early pilot programs. indonesia's film industry like others around the world has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic is one of asia's biggest markets and with many of its cinemas closed demand for streaming services is surging or some filmmakers are hoping the trend will help shake up their industry so it can better compete with foreign titles jessica washington explains from jakarta. and it's a love story one of many popular recent films by indonesian filmmaking is from romantic comedies like beastie superhero and horror films lineages film industry makes around $120.00 films
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a year. before the pandemic domestic films were the fastest growing part of the creative economy sector at an annual rate of around 20 percent the pandemic disrupted years of steady growth. it's a big challenge for us from the very healthy and growing want exciting market the market to partly. think how to rebuilt our market the way it was before. but after anita says the indonesian industry is resilient whatever the challenges that they face it doesn't stop them from making movies anyway there are more than $400.00 cinemas across indonesia but around half of them are closed because of covert 19 this month a group of into the filmmakers wrote to the president requesting subsidies for the industry and assistance with encouraging indonesians to return to cinemas but many
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in the industry say they have aspirations beyond returning things to the way they were with many cinemas closed streaming services are experiencing a boom and films from south korea are often more popular than local titles. their government has actually invested quite a lot for more than 20 years and that's why now they're reaping what they sow right the pandemic hasn't stopped some corporations from investing in the industry construction on a new development called movie land is underway in west java the privately funded site is intended to be a hub for filming set design production and more to have. it is. i believe. the industry to grow but investing in infrastructure doesn't make up for the shortage of skilled work is. in the need still in need of good
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schools and training. and. in the indonesian government says it recognizes the importance of training. this new administration so things are going to refocus on how we could increase the employability as well as increase the skills of. work force with the sectors. some call the years before the pandemic indonesia's golden age of cinema and despite the temporary challenge at a time and to revive that success jessica washington al-jazeera jakarta. welcome back it's time to recap those headlines now there are reports from them all that at least 10 policemen shan state were killed by an alliance of ethnic home group.


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