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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2021 2:00am-2:30am +03

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on it has president joe biden kept his campaign promises we'll have special coverage and in-depth analysis of his 1st $100.00 days in the oval office april on al-jazeera. glad. jordan's former crown prince says he's under house arrest after what he calls a crowd down on critics of king abdullah. fully battle royal watching al-jazeera live from doha also ahead with the. don't lose hope the pope's easter message as millions of europeans face tougher
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coronavirus restorations dog areas prime minister seeks a 4th term in office despite its months of protests against corruption. the air and a spectacle fit for kings and queens egypt's moves its royal ancient mummies to a new resting place. thank you very much for joining us the former crown prince of jordan says he's under house arrest in amman in a video prince hamza accuse jordan's leaders of corruption incompetence and harris mintz. agenda heard or do you there is no outside agenda there is nothing on my part to affect the country or outside looking from behind the scenes listen to these accusations over and over again this is only in order to make a smokescreen over the retreat and retraction that we witnessed in the country
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every day in our beloved country we hope that the country moves forward and may god protect our dear george would know. the military denied prince hamza had been arrested bad say has been told to stop by actions targeting jordan security and stability the military says a former minister a member of the royal family and others were also detained as part of an ongoing investigation levanon egypt and the g.c.c. of all. express solidarity with jordan's king abdullah let's take a closer look at some of the people reportedly involved friends hamza bin hussein is a son of the late king hussein of jordan he was crown prince from 1909 but was stripped of the title by as half brother king abdullah in 2004 king abdullah was assigned as a rule of jordan in 1909 after the death of his father king hussein is known for maintaining financial stability and had driven an economic boom which continued until 2008 and finally by our diana who was one of those arrested he was
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a confidence to king abdullah and appointed head of the royal court in 2007 a role he left a year later he led economic reforms in this previous position as finance minister but was often met with resistance from high ranking officials let's speak to danya taffer a bottle this she's the director of the gulf international forum and is joining us via skype from washington d.c. danny thank you so much for being with us on al-jazeera jordan has been a bastion of stability over the years in this region is certainly very rare to hear about such arrests what do you think 1st might have triggered these arrests send what exactly was intended in your opinion. well i think as you may be aware that that has really wreaked havoc. across the middle east and jordan is no exception to that so resources are becoming scarse and
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there's a lot of concerns surrounding corruptions and tensions occurring internally and i think that probably. could have caused. more instability within jordan and. cause this supposed situation right the situation certainly is very fluid we don't exactly know what's going on there lots of moving parts here but regional leaders from the g.c.c. were very quick to express solidarity for king abdullah why do you think this is what what are the implications for the region. absolutely so if the hashemite monarchy were to fall or have instability that would really have reverberations across the region itself and especially for the g.c.c. states. it's notable to mention without getting into too much detail that all of
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the $66.00 states are monarchies and in fact during the arab spring period around 2011 there was even talks about jordan and morocco joining the g.c.c. to to ensure stability and longevity of these regimes so as i think more important than any underlying tensions there is stability is from monarchies in the middle east or the region right king abdullah is a close ally of the united states but relations with israel another u.s. ally on a low point right now with tensions over israel spans 2 and makes the west bank in parts of the jordan valley for washington of course i imagine this is a very difficult balancing act because he's a 2 important allies jordan and israel. yes
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indeed both jordan and israel are credibly important. i do i do think that you know the u.s. is obviously leans towards israel but jordan isn't for and. stakeholder in the region for stability and both israel and the us economic status and i think that there is also a you know tensions with particular individuals as well for example not netanyahu and that also is a driver to tension to tensions with jordan and especially after the truck era and the supposed at peace treaty that. that the trunk. administration an ounce caused even more tensions ok thank you for talking to us about this daniel taffer director of the gulf international forum joining us from washington thank you for your time thank you very much. in other news felice in somalia's capital
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mogadishu say 5 people including an attacker have been killed in a bombing on a tea shop no groups claimed responsibility this follows separate attacks early on saturday on 2 military bases outside of mogadishu the military says they successfully pushed back al-shabaab killing 76 fight is. the coronavirus fund demick 9 the number of call 1000 infections in latin america has passed 25000000 brazil is the hardest hit country in the region with the world's 2nd highest number of cases behind the us a widespread spike in infections has prompted both chile and believe year to close their borders ecuador and peru have also imposed new measures over the easter holidays to limit travel and public gatherings let's go live to alison that i'm kitty who is in colombia forus he's monitoring developments in south america so it seems that more and more countries are closing their borders in south america.
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brazil the epicenter of the pandemic really there just how dire is the situation in brazil. well follies hospitals across brazil literally been crippled by the current surge in infections just to give you an idea of how bad the situation is in the month of march just and did more than $66000.00 people have died kovi the 19 and brazil that's the deadliest month since the beginning of the pandemic and more than double the number of the previous record the situation is so bad that more than 600 cities now have warned in the past days that they fear their hospitals will run out of oxygen and that next week unless something is done 15 of brazil's $26.00 states are also saying that their hospitals are right now and
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90 percent or more at capacity of their i.c.u. so it's a very very dramatic situation compounded by a political crisis with president both scenarios that continues to rage against the new lockdowns the new rules being imposed by d.c. had to reshuffle the cabinet but a situation that will continue to be critical and how a vaccination efforts looking across the region alessandro chile has had an impressive rollout with the vaccines but the number is still going up. yes chile has been an outlier they've been extremely successful more than 35 percent of chileans have received at least one dose of a code with 19 vaccine yet they haven't been able to tame a big surge in infections that is essentially has been going on since made february
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. there believe it has to do with this variant was originally found in brazil and that is hitting harder younger people middle aged people that have not been vaccinated yet it's also proving deadly or in chile very complicated situation that's why chile is under a full lockdown they also closed their borders which will remain closed throughout the month of april and the rest of the region the situation is much worse when it comes to the vaccine roll out only a fraction of people have been vaccinated in the rest of latin america lots of delays lots of complications very difficult for most countries to find them by. vaccines the bottom line there as they rector of the pan american health organization has said last week there simply aren't enough vaccines in latin
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america so most countries will have to continue their vaccination campaigns way into 2000 and $22.00 if the rhythm remains the same so for the coming months especially as most countries are going through a 2nd and 3rd wave again social distancing the use of masks and probably new lockdowns will be the way forward and it's. time i think you. and the head of the roman catholic church has urged his followers not to lose hope during the pandemic but francis delivered the message during a scaled back easter vigil service in st peter's basilica about 200 people were allowed to attend and all had to wear masks the vatican dropped its traditional baptism ceremonies to cap the spread of coffee 19 thank you very for a minty robe you know see that even from the ruinous fragments of our humanity god prepares a new story he always goes before us in the cross of the suffering in the desolation
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of death as well as in the glory of a life that resurrects a story that changes hope that comes back to life and in these dark months of the pandemic let us listen to the risen lord as he invites us to begin a new and never lose hope as millions of people in europe get ready to mark easter sunday their concerns are still vaccine rollout and more contagious variants of call the 1000 will mark or make rather a 3rd wave difficult to contain the reports from london a weekend in rome and people out and about enjoying these to break reminders of the coverage in 1000 restrictions of never far away. but at the end up to do none of it would be more than a year now since the 1st restrictive measures were imposed in italy we were probably among the 1st countries to completely submerged in sea and people are tired with every word that protecting health is essential in these times. all regions are now classified as red zones people can leave home to exercise or to
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visit relatives once a day but police are checking nobody's travelling between regions for the abundant i'm glad they are doing checks it means something is working in this whole mess. over in leone in southeastern france this man was one of thousands getting a coronavirus job inside the city football stadium on saturday with intensive care units as full as they were last april the country speeding up its vaccination program over easter for newman point it doesn't get in the press volunteers and for the people that come here is these are quite stressful times by doing this hopefully we can get through it and quickly from saturday there's a nationwide curfew between 7 pm and 6 am president emanuel says authorities will take a relaxed view this weekend if people travel beyond the permitted 10 kilometers but from monday night they'll be checking such journeys are essential. in spain traditional easter possessions a cancelled but in barcelona some have been making the most of the weather spain
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still in the state of emergency in new cases have been rising a new national law says people have to wear a mask outdoors and gatherings of more than 6 people are banned in this region but here at least they're taking a measured approach in britain police forces have asked people not to travel long distances over the holiday while the prime minister's issued his own reminder you can reach up. to hospital 6 people outside with outside mostly. foreigners breaking the speed of the u.k.'s vaccination program means the government is on track with what it calls its cautious irreversible road map to freedom but it's still urging the public to be careful on monday boris johnson set to outline the next steps out of lock down the al-jazeera london. still ahead on al-jazeera why the u.s. state of georgia's most famous forcing event is in the rough with civil rights
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groups and fighting for the right to freedom of expression protests in the u.k. again that would crack down on demonstrations. hello the weather slushy fine and dry across much of north america now clear skies of the eastern seaboard we have got a little bit of a wet weather some wintry weather to come from one of 2 spots but nothing too much to speak of as eastern areas high pressure that's why it is fine and fiber further west we have got some wintry weather just rolling across the canadian rockies maybe into the pacific northwest for a time one or 2 showers that 2 into texas as we go through sunday look at the temperature in félix 78 celsius above the seasonal average here elevated fire risk as a result of that down towards the 4 corners states and some of the pictures we go on
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through monday maybe a little more slowly just coming in across the mountain states the prayer is the canadian prayer is the u.s. paris could see a little bit of wet weather but warming up some lovely spring sunshine along the east coast of the states temperatures d.c. getting up to 20 degrees celsius is far to draw all the way down into florida but ahead of that there's been this band of cloud and dry moving across the bahamas bring you some western weather across the great saran tillis all the way back into a hung jury squat amala see some heavy rain recently into billy's as well that will continue to make its way further east was growing grass the same dry weather coming into hispaniola but fine for the east not ends. but. it's a very bleak picture for a lot of americans out there white supremacy impacts all of our youth. if you're putting more money into the hands of someone 1st kick the money out of the hands of other workers that will goes to the king of he becomes a us versus them this is the deal about constraining your nuclear program the
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bottom line on the big questions on out is they are. investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe to see. the room. they're watching al-jazeera live from doha a reminder of our main stories this hour the former crown prince of jordan says he's under house arrest in amman the military denies prince hamza has been arrested by the country's official news agency has reported that 2 former senior officials and other suspects have been arrested for what they're calling security reasons the
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number of corona virus infections in latin america has passed 25000000 brazil remains the region's hardest hit country on a spike in new infections in bolivia and chile has prompted both countries to close their borders and knock downs have come into place across europe parts of europe to combat surging kovac $1000.00 numbers are schools and non-essential shops for 4 weeks while it's only is locking down for the easter holiday. now voters in bulk area will head to the polls in the coming hours for a general election prime minister boyko borisov is hoping to win a 4th term where the center right c g r b party no major body is likely to win an outright majority but as ben smith reports from the capital sofia bari soft looks set to cling on to power. well gary's prime minister hasn't given any interviews in this election campaign just photo opportunities where the only camera allowed is from his own team or go bars
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or governs an e.u. country where according to the u.s. state department there's little judicial independence there are arbitrary arrests and journalists are threatened with violence in sunday's election he could well retain his grip on this form a satellite of the soviet union it takes long for democratic i.q. to mature but on the other hand there are concrete. experiences of the bogey areas over the past 3 decades in the fact that they have none being been able to reap the benefits of a democratic system in theory should provide so they have become disenchanted the more of the fold gary is that steve 45 percent would prefer a model of strongman leadership last summer several months of anti corruption protests with the biggest challenge to power so they started after an opposition leader tried to set foot on a public beach that had been sealed off for use by want to bulgaria is most
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powerful but bristow ivan off says the e.u. ignores the corruption here because boris office party these are lined with the largest center right coalition in the european parliament is not an ideal he doesn't. sort of make any political promotion he is a tyrant practitioner of opponents not only them of corruption dubin people's party the elite in brussels and in berlin frankly we will need to understand they cannot afford in the longer to go the blind eye to all those who are putting in office any protests now a tiny in comparison that's part of covert part resignation. the former prime minister says the e.u. ignores out its peril what is happening here that didn't spare a few years of defiance has to be put on a new or will it cames debt. burdens financing from european union became a source but
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a good option not for the development of the european commission says corruption is a major obstacle to development in bulgaria the latest polls give the prime minister's party around a 28 percent of the vote the opposition socialists a trailing around 8 percent behind political experts here say that could be a government of national unity if that's the case then boyko boris off as head of the largest party will keep his job as prime minister but it's most al-jazeera saffir. mark has 11 years as dutch prime minister could be coming to an end after the vital coalition partner withdrew support ruta knightly survived a confidence vote on friday over his handling of coalition talks since last month's election now the leader of the christian unis party says it can no longer be part of his government the prime minister's v.v. party is a not just in parliament. they've been demonstrations in several u.k.
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cities against a bill that would give police more powers to break up protests the bill was drafted after the so-called extension rebellion rallies in 2019 it would let police set time and noise limits on rallies activists say it's an attack on freedom of speech exists existing laws are under renewed scrutiny after police arrested several people at a recent vigil formated woman old brennan was what was at one of the demonstrations in the capital and has more on why the policing belly is so controversial. it's laws inspired by 29 scenes extinction rebellion a protest which power lies in central london for many many weeks and the police felt powerless to actually move people on and get the full refers of london the roads open and running again the criticism of all of this particular proposed legislation is that it goes too far the other way that it wouldn't allow the police on a much lower threshold. from the risk of serious disorder public nuisance grounds to
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. finish times and impose more destructions on protesters the government doesn't appear minded to back down on this they have a majority in parliament theoretically they could push it through if they wanted to there will be amendments no doubt submitted by opposition parties who are very angry about it and the biggest criticism really is that it's a mammoth bill which lumps lots of different things in together for example proposes longer sentences for serious crimes not on prison sentences for less serious crimes they're kind of things that many people here in the u.k. would agree with on the protest side of things but that's where it really gets sticky the idea of clamping down on what people regard as a human right to dissent is not a popular measure. u.s. president joe biden says he supports major league baseball's decision to strip the 1st sieges all star game is because of new voting laws in the state of georgia
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critics say the measure is signed off by georgia's republican governor and limit access to the ballot box and targets minority and for a vote while moving the baseball has put pressure on georgia's most famous sporting event the masters golf tournament battle gusta the 1st major of the season is due to start on 3 stage one civil rights school wants golf's governing body the p.g.a. to cancel the event and is calling on pay us to boycott it until the voting no is repealed as to patty kahane about this she is live in washington patty this is bigger than just the state of georgia isn't it. this is a nationwide issue and now this all goes back to what is been dubbed the big lie the claim that there was widespread voter fraud which is why donald trump is no longer president think it's important to point out it's not just the media that says there is no evidence of widespread widespread voter fraud more than 50 courts took up cases and found in each and every one that there was no credible evidence
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still we're seeing republican leadership in $47.00 states put forward about $361.00 bills that would restrict restrict voting rights in their states and so now what you're seeing is companies react we've saw dozens and dozens of company heads said in letters to georgia including the 2 major employers in georgia coca-cola and delta airlines saying this they disagree with this law they're trying to send the message to these big companies we're talking about dowd twitter and estee lauder and dozens and dozens of others sending the message to places where their headquarters where they're located saying look we don't want you to take these steps don't approve these voting restrictions but in georgia the governor is fine firing back as he did in a press conference earlier today we can let. you know outflank out political. you know or we can get in
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a fight with him and that's what we're doing i mean this is a call to everyone not only in georgia but all across the country to wake him to get in the fight and to help us in the fight because they are coming for you next. i mean would have been what. are they going after now would have been are they going to go after conviction and that's what he's worried about what sort of conventions what sort of sports because just lose in the all star game from the baseball's all star game officials say it looks like they'll lose $200000000.00 and tourist dollars and georgia don't forget relies heavily on hollywood they make a lot of their movies in georgia and obviously a lot of folks liberals in hollywood that they could start pulling productions that were scheduled to restart in georgia and so there's also conventions that's huge business in georgia if you start to see major corporations are already something is letters a b. hard for them to have any sort of large scale event in the state of georgia after
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this but the governor said in the message he's not backing down i want to point out he is going to be challenged about this in court because it does appear that many of these provisions in this now law are aimed at restricting minority voting patti thank you very much for that paco he live for say in washington and the last vessel stranded by the grounding of a container ship in the suez canal have passed some of the waterway more than 420 vessels were delayed when the ever given got stuck for nearly a week it docks one of the world's most vital waterways halting billions of dollars a day in trade the ship was freed on monday after days of. now royal ancient mummies have been transported through cairo to their new home in the national museum of egyptian civilization crowds gathered to witness a multi-million dollar spectacle of the 18 kings and 4 queens making the journey to their new resting place egypt hopes event will help raise erected struggling
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tourism industry imran khan has more. with all the fanfare the befits egypt's ancient kings and queens the highly anticipated meticulously planned fare is golden parade was the biggest cultural event cairo has seen in recent years travelling in individual vehicles bedecked an ancient egyptian style the mommy fight rules 22 of them in all were moved from caro's a gyptian museum in tahrir square they moved through the capital streets to a new location a state of the art facility called the national museum of ancient civilization. where they were greeted by a concert from the cairo film monic featuring famous singers and then received by the egyptian president. the pharaohs of the stuff of legend and include ho-tep the 1st ramsay's the 2nd ramsay's the 3rd and queen nefertari.
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without the well. prepared objects to travel around the well but then you got a spectacle to close on so the logistics behind it was very complex and you can imagine there being which that's what started. this spectacle but we also felt that everything goes to. the security operation was a mammoth undertaking streets were closed in cairo brought to a standstill the event which last around 2 hours was attended by various dignitaries including the director general of unesco the un's world heritage organization. once the mommies arrived at their new resting place they are to be put into restoration in a lab for 15 days and readied for display but they are a minority who not adultery about an ancient curse legend has it that cursed will
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be the ones that move the mummies they say the sioux is canal blockage disturbing global markets 2 trains colliding with each other a garment factory blaze and a residential building collapse all came after the announcement of the pharaoh's gold braid. the but the ancient curse hasn't stopped the pharaohs once again appearing on the streets of egypt. which is are. the headlines on al-jazeera the former crown prince of jordan says he's under house arrest in amman the military has denied prince hamza has been arrested but says he has been told to stop actions targeting jordan security and stability.


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