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tv   Viewfinder Latin America My Dancing Heart  Al Jazeera  November 10, 2020 12:30pm-1:01pm +03

12:30 pm
of his death we've had some reaction that i've seen from the israeli politicians if he livni saying that she sent out her condolences that he'd been someone who'd been working for so long towards a peaceful settlement sagarika as you say the chief negotiator of the palestinian the very latest on the gratian organization also the secretary general of that organization since 2015 and someone who really had come to personify certainly to an international audience and to so many here such a major figure in the palestinian movement someone who had long x a spouse and fought for and argued for a 2 state solution he was there at the madrid conference in the early 19 $190.00 s. and so for decades now he's been at the forefront of the palestinian movement he contract to the virus in early october. the situation for a few days at least seemed relatively stable but this was someone who'd had
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a lung transplant in the united states in 2017 and so was very much in not a high risk group and he was brought to the israeli hospital in mid october and then a couple of weeks ago there was news that he'd been put on a system which removes the blood from the body oxygenates it outside the body and then returns it oxygenated into the body to try to sustain life and keep his the options of his doctors going without such an invasive situation as a ventilator to try and protect those transplanted lungs that was both described as a last resort treatment but also as something that could potentially allow him to recover but that obviously is not what happened we just heard in the last few minutes that those efforts weren't able to sustain his life and that he has died from complications of his covert diagnosis. as you say harry. a major figure in the
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palestinian liberation movement chief negotiator for palestinians in their talks with the israelis. a time when these talks and negotiations are really. going nowhere. that's right i mean certainly since the election of donald trump in 2016 and the at the beginning of that period of course there was some optimism expressed by palestinian leaders about what this unorthodox president might do but that was very quickly scotched and for the last 3 plus years there has been no to go she ation either with the israelis or indeed any official negotiation with the u.s. and so. got to the scene with the situation still very much thank you more news and more reaction. the headlines in the midst of the let's start with some of the on the ground realities of. what's the lay of the land. the official line.
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on al-jazeera. around the globe.
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this is not easy. this. move should be imposed it. is bit on the. door not. just that i can just. simply because. i really couldn't they can't do it i. just. do that elected him well. enough for me and. he could not come in this story because you're in the party you have to learn to call him but he. will not call me. take it home but because to come back to me. between. people yes there's a. bit of this meant to me and he says must be an assault on.
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a lonely. technique you. know that with. one of the most the. things that we're going to put on the phone it up but he fit into. the sea yet there you go next year but looks a better he was. picked to be useful to folks. who doesn't look who's just. by your death you know when i'm done. with.
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more loving math read more song for my mate on song with the. very serene fall. you know nobody in quite good i want. to see you also. saying oh somebody has got to see sandy and. if you really mean is that you know when you go again you. can be a $50.00 that you think. we've made them.
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all. all. gone nice that was that they. simply. had the best but. no. equal and those same women se that. they live for no other. same would heal itself for you see
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miss in the. war man this is big. because she was the middle. of the land. i. guess the. seat. to get a look at the new year because at that other one the lucky ones you mean that i'm not something. to be good at yes he's got more business. but as i just said i.
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need i gotta let me be that talks he. did. something to have a puppet government all mad i'm ok to give up the look doesn't look to numbers. they look to me problem is jail for this and muddy the law for this to people never get to lefty's. and know that up until your. kidneys see closer together. if we so my man. told them that. one day you'll be gave. me. face demanding i put give you shit and if they get this they didn't even feel like that he said it. was your. song being here they'd be able to compare i'm going into the same thinking. that'll
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be color things which are left alone in gonzalez being able to school levels megajoules commute out on de france here. he announces have i not compasses chiquitos ever studied those that he saw just totally get the note for the end of 1000 which will be on the old track all is covered don't crumple you don't ask are you nothing to say your own will is important but we're all on the map a lot simply stand the market rules to get people not think what you want to say poignant going to point out what has gone. metric where they're. going to go see him today this is my least bit of me familiarly 2nd nor can my little p.c. about the best course i can read on the big wire the us. could have one day in the embassy you got it the middle nobody but then your kid will miss also the meanest most annoying to most power you don't know why leave and if you see men do this with our. drink there you are $21.00 the nearest person would you know
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you're looking at them you can now finally landed here. you mean me to hold up hold them in not that. you're going there to study to learn. get me a me cup of tea and just. don't have the commuter we had only one list. a month or a little with just some thoughts this was. a 1st come. out of my daughter. but. instead of us just better me the little ones have said god i mean we have obviously let. a. full scale civil settlement. for the. most romantic oyster. say.
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more. big bold. bold and old stuff to all. the. old. we don't buy that for mujahideen you're looking to get into the business of the internet and constant threats. against the government. which it's a sign you're. always a number of nuisance but. you must in fact he. told.
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me. this conflict within was the same with both of the subs. so. you can sort of. assume. you have done something. that is the total so there was a face. on the matter. little head of fair. imo. it's. good. most great get. not only get what is said in court that i was
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putting to be as soon as all day into the new study out of my math class just as a muslim and i must be in dozens there's going to come up in big. time we have today i am glad that you see it did not know. that brings. 11 that this past thursday asked see and obey it can do it. and does us all that most all kind of look at a problem up to. and does us our it can also do that for. sadness have a home. has had more koreans. have any. operating national see mikey gaddafi is an average not that i don't.
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mind them by the theme of their feet i found a new disk you need a moment those are things given at least the need for a good time when you can look into it this pope statement. was a limp bizkit others see it then it must be you do why list and you make a list but he made it easy knowledge tookie williams didn't. is dicom list boy couple more than your lives paid with in the oil don't flow she does but i wonder why less safe why would the bowl of kibble yes and. give take every student way up on a. corner of their own yes just much so that b.s. . to do that lets them. meet the students but for the kids and mostly for monday we speak. yes to lose more.
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so you. know it was. a. big. one but you got to keep that. data. at home but it. will make. these good time and they look good. but i. didn't. know any doctor that good audio says good. book. i'm.
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done. but i've got enough body but the season has got to. decide in the face. of all. of. that. is the best. he can see and yet it is what gets to. the. polls.
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it stood. there more than just money on the other side much gold more and more shit from it bolted down on the top of shifting which is also. already out there along with just closer to me up to the reaction pattern up or summarize maps. or service i was going to study i'm not going to go nor spot the. just done nothing. you know so. all those you go so. bad. as based on the wild kid that knows the number the most good it was on more.
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you could only make us admit that. it's an easy to. look at mask is here now most of them want your undies truth out of bed rock you got a nice enough and didn't know me or not move ahead and just tell you that. your kid will not be of there but not. to make you have them out of a good thing imo so nicely having a mixed signal if that is the focus on is that a good thing but my gut feel companion if it did as. i would be a whole no more than most normal crap and most men in saying this i cannot. say take it in don't i'm not call it. most have fantasies the most we have asked about us what part of if we most math that is your particular the most i list both folk.
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so now in the morning bonnie i. go there live but there really don't mean a lot that. last saw on the bus and said come with me put us in the middle. there and they. need to move on we'll believe. that that they sat guns in their lap let us into. and nice to have that there isn't that the set up out of that not to. see not to waste to no good. people has done a lot up to no good i'm not like no no i. see no kiddo is a mood one up but sauna. so that. all of them like that means everything else more than most base and they don't know.
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my various courses only they come on in scene here in the summer. but now they see that he says be heaped the minimum lead on their quota policy. and those. 2 and this is the that is good. then no others on the internet has made him a more morally bad no miss in that format he. just been so good. he may come to the missiles and. a lot of use it to put it on the head of the aesthetic of a sash but on the left these are quite realities. want to. look. at them although they've been such. a somebody come on. i've not.
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seen. a number. that. made a man. city just say. you know no no. no look take care.
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to see. that. they don't know all. or just. go. to. see. this in the basket. is what i did.
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i think. it's. engendered he said by not pantano specialist mia. i don't know yet is he getting at you know the one thing by definition the cod time or southwest back to the most being sent in the void connect just me mañana medicine might just was a season yeah i just don't know yet me but my love coming up on the dumbest thing. would be i'd be interested a look at dorset if your body is the way you walk enough to get also something else a city there be somebody who does what you can when it was you under me that is so let me get a. legal meaning they live for me money making sure we have. it also if you want to call you baby. baby you'll be just about to be a means to make the best of all that inside and also really mean. where last on.
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that is so corny boy feet you system you. get a woman's. mess is in there you know it's the muscle. you know i me. believe that it does yes if you don't think you don't need to get you to. lose interest payments cut the i'm going to keep going to d.d. being kicked out in the us could get i think you'd get the credit he needed for this i said are you going to be the. one to have anybody want to be employing you all. these through door and burlesque mr murray will come i still love with you don't marry. her just coming apart you see my point in the schools are closed he closed her last post has been the last.
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but it could only make the intensity of noise come up to get us both a stadium but the commode bedroom but the former new stud the party in general is to beat up opium. smoking or single going to people reading this stuff to see yes maybe they don't. i think it. has. to do with this t.v. . element what are you proposing probably about i mean. days of close to. this feel disgusted sandstones p.c. called in by. the good years have you to come with a bit of new york new start indeed don't know yet i mean when the sun when the moon is busy and making an excuse sounds good so you know the least on my yard. based on what they see and stuff. with you. so your.
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formal table than this i'll also say that just in the back and thanks i just saw it it's obvious that it's a longer cycle see all of us better and nothing almost. just the g.b. and the local little cubby hole in. the middle east. yeah without kids with no us a device. to keep them in a family anybody much. sees think i'm one of the must have a look for a man a must have item. this
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is life on the streets of l.a. . from early on the discovery of theatre is an opportunity to. become some amends for the tuition of a place and perhaps a life time. little princess part of the viewfinder latin american series on how does the u.s. . held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell denied the right to a fair trial no charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent murder saying this crime journalist. to demand more truth thinks and boy solidarity with all detained journalists sign the petition.
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to say. frank assessments if american public opinion pieces betrayed by social media platforms after november this would be this because cultures if you believe that there are corrosive to our democracy one obvious solution is to break the most informed opinion lucas has don't go anywhere the protesters aren't going anywhere either it's a bullet with a revolution people all call in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines who is it that's really out there on the street the inside story on al-jazeera my name is matthew cassel i grew up jewish in america and i support the palestinian struggle against occupation when politics came past my mom saw me at a protest card carrying a palestinian flag she told me i was no longer her son is it possible to be jewish and critical of zionism. i do palestinian solidarity or think it's the most jewish thing i can do what about the treatment towards the palestinians and the occupation
1:00 pm
about it. al jazeera correspondent. this is al jazeera. this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. celebrations in azerbaijan as a deal is sealed to end the conflict in nagorno-karabakh. but. protesters stormed parliament demanding the prime minister resign. sidebar cuts the man who goes.


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