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tv   Super 30 2018 Ep 1  Al Jazeera  August 19, 2020 8:32am-9:00am +03

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causing its highest number of krona virus infections since march close to 300 new cases were detected on wednesday taking the total number past 16000 new camps are in place on gatherings at least 450 infections have been linked to a church congregation latin america is one of the worst hit regions in the world by the coronavirus it turns recorded over 6000000 cases and more than 200000 deaths in the us democratic party has formally nominated joe biden as its 2020 presidential candidate it happened on the 2nd night of the national convention which is being held virtually because of the krona virus by the support of some big names with the former u.s. president bill clinton and former secretary of state john kerry addressing party supporters those were the headlines super 30 is next. history has called it the great war in the 2nd episode the declining onto an empire forges its alliance with germany and the central powers as the war gives birth to 3
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nationalist movements the will determine the future world war want our own bodies.
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the homes in northern india beautiful impoverished overwhelmingly rural. life expectancy is the newest in india only half the population can read and write. people who flee the hardship of the countryside for opportunity in the capital. but know a city of 3000000 is a magnet for those seeking to escape the limitations of that. is the story of this. to put. these young people are almost all backgrounds what they also share is
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a talent for mathematics today they're sitting the 1st round of an exam that could change the entire course of their lives. 4000 have made their way here from all over bihar only 200 will go through to the 2nd round they're competing to get into an elite class known as the super 30 its creator is. this record. has been a project worth disappeared because. he's a mathematician who set up the super 30 to help gifted children who come in from poor families in. boston. but. the heene had you can get past. all the award get bored but
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if their brains are there. those who get into soup with the t.v. will be coached for another more grueling ordeal the entrance exam for the indian institutes of technology or i mean it's india's most prestigious university. the applicants for soup with the know that if they do make it to iowa they'll be set up for life. this 7 i t's were intended to produce an elite of engineers and technologists today many of the computer science graduates end up as silicon valley software millionaires danny i.i. t's head of computer science. the people who. see yours of major corporations banking finance telecom the
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most important of the tick is the fact that they can handle stress what did you question stands for is essential really high quality instruction tremendous demands being made on stored and done so. back to or to product activity competition and deadlines days are extraordinary every year the. about $5000.00 students from all over india 50 or 60 candidates compete for each of the coveted places against this anon success rate is amazing in $2628.00 of his super 30 got into i.t. not many are go in bihar then education is still seen as less important than boys. and they are going with it because. those who guard. the war on women love. me i do. man.
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outside the school anxious relatives wait for the 3 hour exam to finish. auggie. at the end of the day 4000 exam papers are collected from marking most of the candidates will fail only one in 20 go through to the 2nd round. incredibly the super 30 exam scripts are taken away under god. 5 weeks later round 2 of the entrance exam the super 30 will be chosen from these 200 candidates. made it through.
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creating a paper of the caliber of congress ok but. the general who could that took now were . coming in 4th and 2nd couldn't the subject. especially how. to give a systematic review. of . the parts of. the stuff he's. successful at a lot of. the. brother is the manager of super. competition for the school is so intense that the candidates bring photo i.d.'s imposters have been known to sit the exam.
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for several months we're going to be working with people in here with a. good world of evil than. all of them wonder. if even number. they can do when no. finalist with. your income can be a problem here. to begin 1000000 in one year. thank you. when they do speak. i have been reading. these are
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you not the last one must believe i am cute i mean do i have feet deep that you cannot do anything for. a nun in the indian capital. some of last year's super and now at. all. that should be revealed a. lot of. all the ha. ha. if you don't know me i'm pretty dumb or google i know. the reality of.
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don't get me getting. back in what i like he has almost legendary status some coaching schools even advertise their students rankings in the entrance exams and everyone's cashing in except. because the students who make it into super 30 day nothing for their tuition. it's wholly subsidized by other project. school of mathematics. that. the. song. ever. even in. mathematics or how come i found. out that.
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the b. this is what i'm talking america here. though but. i'm getting it going to go all it's going to do it for mind after all why each demand is high and the clauses are huge $700.00 or more yet unknown so are nuns an unwelcome competitor for some of the other schools. of free of course hard. work. but the. fact that. it's clearly. clear that there were palm get out there. for. that or he m. gov had to up the harder it is score other our asses fall. is going to fall going to go scot buckboard i love the theatre.
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and none kumar has received so many death threats that these days he never goes anywhere without his bodyguards. such is the reality of life in bihar. the village of deal clearly 2 hours drive from but now. even today the house countryside is home to 9 tenths of its people of such thing has lived here all his life mark on how mattered in the discipline to his. part of the other side behavior. the gentleman. or him again later so. if. you. 5 bought
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out her son is immaterial. the family is divided such as here with his mother his wife lives mostly in her own village her family's better off. often struggles to survive but is gone beautiful they are the car you have but i have found the hard heart that i had i had a. party. the moment that i had. kind of been a maid had to. find out how to get here and i got out the boat out. but such endurance circumstances could soon improve his hopes are invested in his son. he's been studying. and has just been accepted for super 30.
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so i think you. are. right. and i. like most village children and look spent his entire life speaking hindi since moving to but he's had to study in english. in the ready . within the. last. long. going you know doc appears set up here to say no other scripts out here they are gonna. buy their cases.
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these days and only rarely goes home his road to the future leads away from the village. colleague of his other though because you can begin to think. of you look back the way he. manner through the. desire to be told. i didn't know him better which was a couple 100 a year make it look but i. could tell you that i had. to cover the. hindus in bihar still live in a hierarchy of costs many have the jobs traditionally associated with their caste
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like the doobies or washing men who do partners laundry there among the lowest groups known as the shed you would cast. i'm afraid that this image may at the heart that the commandment. though i didn't like. what he you need then years to devote penitently but birth is no longer destiny even in bihar education is often the key this family is still poor but they're on the way up. is the youngest of 3 sons like look he's taken on nuns classes and has been accepted for soup with the even so it's not easy madam but evidence is . as much about he was keeping them in coming with the atomic theory in the name. was but investment where there. was a command center
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a similar possible name was like there the family had to borrow money even to pay the low fees of the ram a new john school back turned out to get a year. out of the house. today these students are making their way to the ramanujan school those coming from remote villages may have to travel for days joe this is journey is only across patna but it will take him into a different world. than america 13 i think yasser but at the now out of that and then after a life. that i've been there in my career here you know. the rooms are basic but cost the boys nothing this is where jo tisha will spend much of
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the next 7 months. like the accommodation food is also free for the super 30. each has to tiffin boxes the typically indian containers in which they'll be given their meals. in iraq now part of. our regular art military. test. 'd in boston who writes the real. name for the. this. year. many provided by. the family.
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sushil a meanwhile has been waitlisted for super 30 she didn't do quite well enough in the 2nd example. to me the more depressed person. limit me here. he will if. she's taking on classes and still hopes to get it if she fails this may be the end of her education. love of god young of the proudest blood is continually. bihar's a deeply conservative society it isn't easy to change people's attitudes. the
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kumar brothers also want to help those coming from the shed you'll castes and will even discriminate in their favor. if. you look with. phone. as a boy and i was a mathematical protege he was accepted for a ph d. at cambridge but couldn't afford to study in england he set up the rama new john school and then super 30 to give other gifted children a better chance. up my career go mathematics may pursue.
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both the. original. human region. my. theory. is. that. there is no war to describe the mathematics it is filling. effect of knock you off roofs. where nasa lalbagh not though. i have. a buddy about them with. 'd
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just. today is republic day a major event in india's national calendar. she. is the 2nd most senior police officer in bihar he's on his way to the parade ground here in. every state. but in the last. of an important part of the country which includes when he's my. little girl was the larger the world the budget or the government it was the gutter mobile displays show off aspects of life in bihar and.
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today is also the festival of saraswati the hindu goddess of learning as a teacher ananth kumar has come to pay his respects. was. it's a public holiday so all india schools are closed except that i'm a new john school where it's a day like any other the parades now over and switched his role as well as his uniform because this top cop spends his free time teaching physics to the super . strengths have to be sustained weaknesses have to be identified and sting than. joined the school shortly after it was founded by an uncommon or a woman or going to school or. he
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did it. best that. he. was. but. there are. billions day job makes him responsible for 90000 policemen he comes from one of b. hawes best known upper cost families they have a long tradition of public service i wanted to give back. and that's the main thing and all my activities hover around back when. i worked so much.
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i have no problems about. not having had enough in life. i've had enough i'm sad to say. i could have given back only things which i have. this is the best that i had. a non background is very different he still lives in the rough part of town where he grew up he has a nice house but he's protected by gates a dog and his bodyguards with good reason given the power of the. kidnappings to take place. at times some are due to the seasons somewhat peculiar to this season. it does take place it does happen you get. security concerns cannot be ignored.
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bottles in cameroons rivers. on the street. plastic is everywhere. but if bottles can be fishing boats. i'm bubble gum wellington boots what more can be done with this plague of palomas. earthrise reimagining plastic. on al-jazeera. when the news breaks and the story that's i mean that says i'm going to tell a lie about this big explosion when people need to be how. we would like and the story needs to be talked out is iraq has teams on the ground a major challenge going out and giving it away for the control to bring you more rewards winning documentaries and lightning years. on air and online.
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a global pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me steve clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u.s. politics and society on al-jazeera. on the deserted streets of they've become from the of your figures careerism bicycles delivering food or medicine to lock down colombians most of them here are venezuelan migrants they might go missing mother of 4 says contagion is always on her mind none of them receive health insurance for their work and exposing themselves and very few seem to have it yet there may be a bright side people who look down on them as a skilled migrants now say they're essential to control the virus i receive
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messages on the out saying that we are you know so i was a nurse back home what i am doing. not all that different from actually helping others. your child is there with me so robyn in doha a reminder of our top news stories molly's president abraham has resigned after being detained by soldiers in a coup he said that he had no choice but to step down as he didn't want any bloodshed speaking on state television the coup leaders said that they would oversee a political transition leading to new elections. in my view people of mali we are not holding on to power but we are holding on to the stability of the country which will allow us to organize with.


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